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1) Write short notes on (Minimum 100 words each)

a. Importance of Lean Six Sigma and its applications

Sigma is a Greek symbol which is used to show variation in something. In management terms
‘Six Sigma’ is a measure of quality. In short it shows how to do business which can help improve
quality and productivity. It helps the firm to stay competitive and also helps to reduce costs of
the firm.

The following are the importance of six sigma:

Six sigma helps to reduce the costs of the firm by helping firm concentrating on its costs
structure. Six sigma can also help the firm to reduce its time wastage and improve the
efficiency. Since it is a business tool it also helps to improve accuracy of the human labour. Six
Sigma also helps to improve the overall customer satisfaction. All the benefits mentioned above
result in the fifth importance of Six Sigma and that is increase in cash flows. And the sixth
benefit is the firm becomes more compliant.

b. Supply Chain disruptions in India during covid-19 pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic that hit the world in the year 2020 affected all the businesses and more
importantly the supply chains across all the sectors in India.

c. Industry 4.0 applications in warehouse automation

Industry 4.0 is a term used to define the new generation of ware housing technology that will
bring more efficiency in the ware housing space. The term has its roots in Germany and is use
to define the use of smartphones, sensors, AI etc for the ware housing. The use of data and
how its generated and used is the essential part of industry 4.0 concept, since a lot has changed
in the last many decades.

Take the example of an e-commerce company, it doesn’t have a physical store but has an
online store but most of its operations happen in ware houses that store the products. Smart
storing, packing and then sending those products to customer is a real time example of Industry
4.0 application.

d. Bullwhip Effect with example

The Bullwhip effect is a management term used to describe how a small variation in some part
of supply chain can have a bigger effect on the entire supply management change. Lets take an
example of an FMCG company which sells bread. Now bread is a product that has steady
demand. But one day a shopkeeper might sell 100 more than his usual day and this might lead
him to believe that demand for bread has gone up, so he might order 120 more for his next day
and the distributor might think the same order will repeat and might order 200 more from the
manufacturer. The manufacturer might think the same thing and manufacture more bread
which might result in excess manufacturing and loss. Bullwhip effect thus explains these
2) What is Supply Chain Management ? Explain in detail the entire supply chain of any one
company or product of your choice. (Minimum 200 words)

3. Explain in detail the various Key performance indicators in Operations and their
importance. (Minimum 150 words)

4. What is the green supply chain? Why is it important? What are its advantages and
limitations? Give an example of any one company which has implemented the same?
(Minimum 150 words)

5. What is GAP Analysis and how is it done? Elaborate on any 1 tool used in GAP Analysis.
(Minimum 200 words)

6. The ventilator equipment company estimates its carrying cost at 15% and its ordering cost
at Rs 12 per order. The estimated annual requirement is 58,000 units at a price of Rs 5 per

The number of working days in one year to be taken as 300.

Calculate :

1. The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)

2. Number of orders to be placed in a year

3. The Frequency of orders to be placed

7. As shown in the figure a system of three machines with respective time for processing is
given. Identify the Bottleneck and justify the reason. Calculate the capacity and the
throughput time.

8. A department works on 8 hours shift 250 days a year and has the usage data of a machine
as shown below. Determine the annual capacity in hours, the production time and the
number of machines required.

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