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Plan of Salvation:
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he
gave his only begotten Son, that whoso-
ever shall believe in him should not per-
ish, but have everlasting life.
Romans 10:9
That if thou shalt confess with thy
mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe
in thine heart that God hath raised him
from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

The Significance & Historical Facts of Easter

The biggest celebration with- • Guards were posted to ty and that there were post-
in Christianity may be keep watch over the tomb. crucifixion sightings of Jesus
Christmas, but the most im- because Jesus had physically
portant celebration is Easter.• On the third day, the risen from the dead. This,
The entire basis for the tomb was found to be empty. combined with the apparent
Christian faith is based on His body could not be found, fulfillment of centuries-old
the events that occurred on nor could the Roman or Jew- prophecies contained in the
the first Easter weekend. ish authorities explain what Jewish Scriptures, firmly es-
While Christmas is about had happened to it. tablished the belief that Jesus
how Jesus came to earth as a • Over the next forty days, was God in the flesh and that
baby, Easter is about the rea-his disciples plus hundreds of he had power and authority
son he came. Christians be- other people claimed to have over life and death.
lieve the whole reason he seen Jesus, spoken with him,
came was to die and to rise eaten with him, and listened This belief in the resurrec-
again. tion of Jesus spread rapidly
to his teachings.
throughout the Roman Em-
These disciples (and others) pire and it continues to
Most historians agree on went to their deaths—some spread today. For nearly
these facts, which are the through torture— 2000 years, Christians have
foundational events of Chris- maintaining that their claims placed their faith in this res-
tianity: of seeing a resurrected Jesus urrected Jesus, believing his
were true. promise that he will someday
• Jesus Christ was executed return to take his followers
by crucifixion on the Friday to be with him throughout
during the Jewish Passover. Those are the historical eternity.
• He was buried in a tomb facts. The significance is
owned by Joseph of Arima- found in the interpretation of
those facts. Christians main-
thea. tain that the tomb was emp-

How the date of Easter is determined

The day you cele- church in 325 AD as the in Hebrew and Pascha in
brate Easter is the result spring equinox. It isn't Greek. Most western lan-
of ancient calculations actually the same as the guages use a variation of
involving the spring equi- astronomical equinox, Pascha as the word for
nox, the full moon, and which can occur on differ- Easter, but English is an
the date of the Jewish ent days. exception.
Passover. What does Easter Because the Jewish
Easter always oc- have to do with the Passo- lunar calendar and the
curs the Sunday after the ver? Jesus instituted Christian solar calendar
first full moon after Christian communion at the don't coincide, Easter and
March 21. It always falls Jewish ritual meal, the Passover often occur at
between March 22 and April Seder. Celebrated by Jews about the same time, but
25. This year, the first for more than 3,400 years, rarely on the exact same
full moon in March 2021 the Seder is part of Pass- day. In 2021, Passover be-
was March 28, which means over, when Jews celebrate gan March 27.
the next Sunday is April the Biblical account of The date of Easter
4, the date of Easter in the Israelites' escape is currently calculated to
2021. from 400 years of slavery the year 2299. It won't be
What does March 21 in Egypt. Easter is in- on April 4 again until
have to do with it? That tended to be set in ac- 2083.
is the date set, for sim- cord, or even be part of
plicity's sake, by the Passover -- called Pesach
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31st Annual 'Just Pray NO!' to Drugs Worldwide What is Good Friday?
Weekend of Prayer and Fasting Good Friday is a holiday cele- sword through his side, the
brated by the Christian Romans allowed the body to
The weekend of April 10th While synthetic opioids, Church in commemoration of be taken down and down and
– 11th, 2021 has been des- such as illicit fentanyl, con- the day Jesus died on a buried in a tomb belonging to
ignated as the 31st Annual tinue to be the primary cross. Christians believe that Joseph of Arimathea. Guards
"Just Pray NO!" to drugs cause of these deaths,
Worldwide Weekend of there has also been an the death of Jesus as a will- were stationed to watch over
Prayer and Fasting for the alarming increase in the ing sacrifice paid the penalty the tomb to ensure that no
addicted and their families. number of deaths involving for the sinfulness of humani- one, especially the disciples,
illicit stimulants, particu- ty. As a result, we can re- tried to do anything to the
Since April 7th, 1991 "Just larly methamphetamine. ceive forgiveness today. body.
Pray NO!" has united Chris- Overdose deaths connected
tians around the world in to meth increased almost
intercessory prayer on be- 35 percent in 2020, ex- Christians around the world The Bible reveals that this
half of those bound by al- ceeding the number of co- consider Jesus to have been was all part of God’s plan
coholism, drug addiction caine-related deaths.
and life controlling compul-
God in the flesh—the second from the beginning. Several
sions. Addiction in America is an member of the Trinity. (The Old Testament prophecies
ever increasing national Trinity is the understanding written centuries earlier fore-
According to the University crisis! that God is one in essence told the crucifixion of Jesus in
of but exists with three centers detail—even before crucifix-
of personhood.) Seeing the ion became a common form
hopeless and sinful condition of execution.
of humanity, he chose to en-
ter into Creation in the form ofSo why was the death of Je-
the man, Jesus Christ. sus necessary? According to
Christian teaching, God is a
God of love as well as a God
of justice. His love desired to
Arriving as a baby born to a offer forgiveness to all of hu-
virgin named Mary, Jesus
grew up among us. At about manity
for its sinful rebellion
him. But his justice
the age of 30, Jesus began demanded that wrongs be
his public ministry of teach- punished, and the punish-
ing, healing, and proclaiming ment for rebellion against
the Kingdom of Heaven. God is death. So the solution
Three years later, the Jewish was for God to become a
religious leaders (who felt man and pay the penalty in
threatened by Jesus’ rising our place.
popularity) conspired against However, Christians also rec-
him. The Bible describes how ognize that Jesus’ death was
Michigan's Department of they paid people to give false only temporary. On the third
Psychiatry, COVID-19 relat- "Confess your trespasses
ed social isolation and to one another, and pray
accusations against Jesus, day-the day we know as
stress can increase suscep- for one another, that you implying that Jesus was re- Easter—his tomb was found
tibility to substance mis- may be healed. The effec- belling against the Roman empty. Over the next forty
use, addiction, and relapse. tive, fervent prayer of a authorities that were ruling days, hundreds of eyewit-
Substance abuse use can righteous man avails over Israel at the time. nesses reported seeing Je-
lead to immune system, much." –James 5:16
respiratory, and pulmonary Jesus was subsequently ar- sus alive. He had walked with
changes and may increase Not only is substance rested, put on trial, and sen- them, taught them, and eaten
susceptibility to COVID-19 abuse America's number tenced to execution by cruci- with them. Their conclusion:
as well as other complica- one health problem, the fixion. After verifying that he Jesus had risen from the
tions. devastation of alcoholism was dead by thrusting a dead.
and other drug addiction
According to recent data has impacted families and
released by the Centers for communities worldwide. and fervently pray in spirit als and groups which are
Disease Control and Pre- Substance abuse has been and in truth. We are seek- willing to commit to pray
vention, more than 81,000 directly linked to violence ing to enlist millions of weekly on behalf of the ad-
people in the United States and sexual immorality and prayer warriors from dicted and their families,
around the world to join us and then join with multi-
died of a drug overdose be- is a major source of income in battle! tudes of other committed
tween May 2019 and May for organized crime and Christians from around the
2020. The number of over- terrorist activities. "We are not only praying world in prayer and fasting
dose deaths accelerated for the release of those April 10th –11th, 2021."
significantly during the "For we do not wrestle bound by substance abuse
pandemic, resulting in the against flesh and blood, but but also for people to be If you believe that God is
largest monthly increases against principalities, delivered from pornogra- calling you to intercede for
documented since provi- against powers, against the phy, gambling, obesity and the addicted please contact
sional data calculations be- rulers of the darkness of smoking," said Steven us. To find help for addic-
Sherman, "Just Pray NO!" tion through prayer and
gan in 2015. this age, against spiritual founder. "We seek individu- Christian ministries log on
hosts of wickedness in the

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The women at the tomb:
Jesus has risen

Very early on Sunday morn-

ing, the women went to Jesus'
tomb, carrying the spices they
had prepared.

They found the stone rolled

away from the entrance to the
tomb, so they went in; but they
did not find the body of the
Lord Jesus.

They stood there puzzled

about this, when suddenly two
angels in bright shining clothes
stood by them. Full of fear, the
women bowed down to the ground
as the angels said to them, "Why
are you looking among the dead
for One who is alive? He is not
here; he has been raised. Remem-
ber what he said to you while he
was in Galilee: 'The Son of Man
must be handed over to sinful
men, be crucified, and three
days later rise to life.'"

The women remembered His

words, returned from the tomb,
and told all of these things to
the disciples and all the rest.

The women were Mary Magda-

lene, Joanna, and Mary, the
mother of James. They and the
other women told these things to
the apostles. But the apostles
thought that what they said was
nonsense and they did not be-
lieve them.

Peter got up and ran to the

tomb. He bent down and saw the
grave cloths, but nothing else.
Then he went back home, amazed
at what happened.

From the Good News Bible

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TBN Set to Air Full Slate of New Programming
A Biblical Perspective on the Border Crisis to Celebrate Easter Weekend

NEWS PROVIDED BY all nations of men for to dwell LOS ANGELES, March 29, hosted by Chris Tomlin and
Truth & Liberty Coalition on all the face of the earth, and 2021 /TBN, the world's largest Max Lucado at 8 p.m. ET. The
hath determined the times be- religious broadcaster, an- special will include a sermon
fore appointed, and the bounds nounced today a special Easter from beloved pastor and New
OPINION, -- The following is of their habitation" (Acts weekend lineup of fresh pro- York Times bestselling author,
submitted by Richard Harris, 17:26). Borders and walls are gramming. Stemming from the Max Lucado, worship led by
Executive Director of the Truth found throughout the Bible, success of last year's program- Grammy Award Winning,
& Liberty Coalition: from God setting them around ming to which 15 million peo- Chris Tomlin, along with re-
the Garden of Eden after the fall ple tuned in, the network is of- cording artists Pat Barrett, We
Illegal immigrants are streaming (Genesis 3:24), to the establish- fering more content than ever The Kingdom and a chart-
through our nation's southern ment of Israel (Exodus 23:31), before beginning Thursday, topping surprise guest.
border by the thousands. In the to the city of New Jerusalem April 1 through Easter Sunday,
two short months of the Biden- (Revelation 21:10-21). If there April 4. Concluding the weekend of
Harris Administration, illegal will be nations, walls and gov- programming on Easter Sun-
immigration has reached a 20- ernments in the new heaven and "I am excited TBN is able to day, April 4 includes Resurrec-
year high. Smugglers and hu- new earth (Revelation 21:23-
provide millions of Christians tion-themed messages from
man traffickers are pouncing on 24), how much more do we an opportunity to celebrate TBN teachers, as well as the
the opportunity. More than need them in this life! Easter again this year with new "Global Easter Celebration"
13,000 children are being de- programming all weekend hosted by Chris Tomlin and
tained in facilities after crossing Individual autonomy and self-
long," said Matt Crouch, Chair- Max Lucado at 8 p.m. ET. This
the border from Mexico to the defense are unalienable rights
man of TBN. "We saw great special will feature worship
United States. Some as young that go hand in hand. This is no
success last year and are thank- from Chris Tomlin, Pat Barrett
as six years old entered unac- less true for a nation than for an
ful to be able to provide more and We The Kingdom.
companied by a parent. individual. Every day we secure
new content to our viewers."
our private information with Additional Easter programming
This crisis is a direct result of passwords and unique Programming will begin on will air on the network
the Biden-Harris Administra- usernames. We lock our cars in
Thursday, April 1 at 8 p.m. ET throughout the weekend.
tion's dangerous and destructive the parking lot and our front with the network partnering
immigration agenda. doors at night. In fact, you
with the Museum of the Bible For more information and the
might even say responsible par-
to present "The History of East- promotional trailer, vis-
Although radical leftists would ents owe a duty to their children
er" narrated by Matthew West. it:
say the Bible has no relevance to secure the home. Likewise, Filmed in Israel, Italy and at weekend-on-tbn
to issues of national debate, the nations have the natural right
the Museum of the Bible, the
truth is it actually offers bal- and duty to protect the borders
program has a vast perspective
anced wisdom that can light the of the country. Leaving your on the history of Easter, pre- About Trinity Broadcasting
way forward, not just as indi- doors unlocked exposes you to
senting the origin of many of Network:
viduals, but as a country. theft and other crimes. Similar-
its traditions that have grown Trinity Broadcasting Network
ly, national policies that break
through the ages, ending with a is the world's largest and most
On the one hand, the Bible down boundaries and disrespect
presentation of the original watched faith-and-family
teaches that we must provide national sovereignty, put the
Easter week. broadcaster, reaching over 175
equal justice, protection and lives and property of the citi- nations across the earth with
compassion for all immigrants zens at risk. Such laws are a Following "The History of inspirational and entertaining
who have come to our nation breach of trust between the gov-
Easter" is "Because He Lives: programming 24 hours a day in
legally. Leviticus 19:33-34 ernment and its people. An Easter Celebration" in part- 14 languages and on 32 global
makes this clear: nership with Gospel Music As- networks. As the world's most
America can avoid this crazi-
sociation at 9 p.m. ET. Hosted influential non-profit religious
"And if a stranger sojourn with ness by following the simple by Danny Gokey and Blanca, broadcaster, TBN has led the
thee in your land, ye shall not wisdom of the Bible. Let's show
the one-hour program will in- way in expanding the impact of
vex him. But the stranger that compassion and equal justice to
clude a short spoken word seg- faith-based television across
dwelleth with you shall be unto all who immigrate here lawful- ment from Rabbi Jason Sobel the earth through the creation
you as one born among you, and ly, while consistently defendingand feature musical guests such of innovative content designed
thou shalt love him as thyself; our borders against those who
as Amy Grant, Anthony Brown to reach every viewer demo-
for ye were strangers in the land seek to come here unlawfully.& Group Therapy, CeCe graphic with the life-changing
of Egypt: I am the Lord your In the end, it's nothing more
Winans, Ellie Holcomb, message of hope and grace. To
God." than common sense. Jekalyn Carr, Karen Peck & find out more about the TBN
SOURCE Truth & Liberty Coa- New River, Natalie Grant & Networks, visit us at
On the other hand, the Bible lition Bernie Herms, Nicole C. and
recognizes our inherent power Zach Williams.
to defend our borders and exer- Related Links
cise our sovereignty. On Friday, April 2, TBN will present a one-hour special,
God, "hath made of one blood "Good Friday Worldwide"
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Myanmar Massacre: GFA World Calls for Pray-

er Amid Military Coup

'Nowhere in Myanmar is safe right now," he said.

safe,' Texas-based humani- "Every single night is spent
tarian agency says with fear, and dawn seems so
hard to reach. The people are
restless, and they're exhaust-
MYANMAR MASSACRE, ed physically and mentally.
GFA WORLD CALLS FOR Many businesses have been
PRAYER: Texas-based GFA burned down."
World -- one of the largest
humanitarian agencies in World leaders have con-
Asia -- is calling on Chris- demned the coup and the
tians to pray for Myanmar's military's violence against
suffering people in the throes the protesters. Hundreds
of the South Asia nation's have been arrested and de-
bloody military coup. tained, including members of
parliament, doctors, and gov-
NEWS PROVIDED BY ernment officials.
GFA World
"Myanmar's people need our
WILLS POINT, Texas, -- prayers and support more
One of Asia's largest human- now than ever," said Yohan-
itarian agencies is calling on nan, whose Texas-based or-
Christians to pray for Myan- ganization helps millions of
mar's suffering people in the children and families across
throes of the South Asia na- Asia through its child-
tion's bloody military coup. sponsorship program and
clean water "Jesus Wells."
In the past few days, at least
114 people -- including chil- GFA World is a leading
dren -- were killed across the faith-based global mission
country as protests continue agency, helping national
against the military takeover, workers bring vital assis-
according to CNN. It brings tance and spiritual hope to
the death toll so far to more millions across the world,
than 400 since the coup be- especially in Asia and Afri-
gan and the military seized ca, and sharing the love of
control Feb. 1. God. In GFA World's latest
yearly report, this included
"As with any crisis, it's the thousands of community de-
innocent that suffer the velopment projects that ben-
most," said K.P. Yohannan, efit downtrodden families
founder of GFA World. "At and their children, free med-
GFA World, we're asking ical camps conducted in
people everywhere to join us more than 1,200 villages and
in praying for peace, justice remote communities, over
and God's protection over 4,800 clean water wells
the people of Myanmar dur- drilled, over 12,000 water
ing the current turmoil." filters installed, income-
generating Christmas gifts
Yohannan also urged people for more than 260,000 needy
to pray for the release of the families, and teaching
leaders and protesters who've providing hope and encour-
been detained by the mili- agement available in 110
tary. languages in 14 nations
through radio ministry.
"Nowhere in Myanmar is
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God Gives us Hope in a Crisis Christian Leaders ask President Biden to
By Rev. John B. Sorensen Support Israel and Combat Anti-
Let’s face it. This past year
has been a difficult one. -- On Wednes-
While some of us may be day, March 3,
doing okay, others are 2021, Ameri-
struggling – financially, phys- can Christians
ically, and perhaps, even Leaders for Is-
rael (ACLI),
spiritually. As believers, we representing
know that our hope is in Je- Every person who has the hope hundreds of
sus. But how do we keep that of salvation through Jesus has Christian lead-
hope in the midst of troubled ers, sent a let-
also been called to a ministry – ter to Presi-
times? when we are tired and specifically the ministry of rec- dent Biden
ready to give up? onciliation (2 Corinthians 5:1) – proposing a
reconciling the world to God. number of
We are His ambassadors. Our guiding princi-
First of all, God has given us job is plead to the lost on ples that ACLI
hope through the gift of salva- sees as signifi-
Christ’s behalf…to share the cant for his ad-
tion. Jesus died on the cross and Good News to a world who
ministration regarding developed by IHRA in
rose from the grave to secure a needs to hear that there’s hope, the security of the the performance of
place in Heaven for us. We can to people who need that hope in United States, Israel, their duties.
know that whatever happens and the Jewish people.
here on earth, we can spend their personal crisis. About ACLI
eternity with our Creator. Paul The guiding principles American Christian Leaders
include: not re- for Israel (ACLI) was founded
writes in Philippians 1:21, “to We cannot have hope today entering the Iran nu-
live is Christ and to die is in 2015 to be a unified voice
without God’s mercy and salva- clear deal; requiring of truth to the American pub-
gain” (NIV). That is our eternal tion, and we can’t have God’s bilateral negotiations
lic in support of Israel and
hope. to resolve the Palestin-
mercy without His ministry. He ian-Israeli conflict; the Jewish people. Through a
has given us a task to do be- honoring the Abraham series of initiatives, ACLI
cause He’s merciful. As we min- Accords; adopting the leaders have shown a con-
The Bible also assures us that ister hope to others, we are International Holo- sistent, principled effort to
our trials are for a purpose. In strengthened. We are made caust Remembrance ensure that when making key
Paul’s second letter to the Co- whole. We find our meaning and Alliance (IHRA) defini- decisions on Israel, the lead-
rinthians, he writes that “our tion of anti-Semitism ers of this nation are in-
purpose. That keeps us going across all Executive
light and momentary troubles formed of the position held by
because it gives us hope. Branch agencies; and, the many American Chris-
are achieving an eternal glory committing to work to
that far outweighs them tians represented. ACLI is a
combat anti-Semitism
all” (4:17, NIV). This changes project of the US Branch of
You see, our hope has nothing at all governmental
levels here and aboard, the International Christian
our perspective. Whatever we to do with our present circum- Embassy Jerusalem.
are going through today is tem- in particular to oppose
stances – a virus, our finances, the boycott, divest-
porary. Our troubles will last or how we feel. Our hope ment and sanctions Mission: On behalf of the tens
only for a moment. They will doesn’t change when we’re in a movement (BDS). of millions of American
pass. And as we endure them, storm. Our hope is in God and Christians that we collective-
those troubles grow persever- Dr. Susan Michael, Di- ly represent, we the members
God alone. That hope is so criti- rector, ICEJ USA &
ance, character, and hope in us of ACLI seek to provide a
cal. With it, we can endure ACLI commented,
(see Romans 5:3-4). They can unified voice of truth to the
against all odds. It makes us "ACLI is deeply con- American public in support of
make us stronger in the end. brave to share that hope with cerned with the rising
Israel and the Jewish people.
others. Time is short, so let’s incidents of anti-
Semitism in the United Learn more
make today the day of reconcili- States and around the at
But what about the here and ation.
now? How do we endure when world. We want to en-
_____________ sure this administra-
we are in the midst of the trial? tion works to combat
When life gets hard and over- Rev. John B. Sorensen, D.D. is the this evil and also keep
whelming, it’s natural for us to President/CEO of Evangelism Ex- the United States' rela-
withdraw and want to hide. But plosion International, headquar- tionship with Israel
tered in Arden, N.C. EE has been a strong."
although this feels right, it’s ex-
leader in equipping Christians to
actly the opposite of what we share their faith for more than 55
need to do. Not only do our tri- years. For more free tips and re- Last month ACLI sent a
als have a purpose (in growing sources, visit evangelismexplo- letter to the full Senate
us), but we have a purpose in or follow John on Twitter encouraging Senators
the midst of those trials. We @JBSorensen. If you need to expe- to ask Biden nominees
rience hope during this crisis, we if they are familiar
have hope because we have a with, and will adhere
job to do. invite you to visit
to, the working defini- tion of anti-Semitism
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What is the Pretribulation Rapture?

by RR@admin2 Category:Pretribulation Rapture, Todd Strandberg
The rapture is an event that will cates that the Jews will have to playing out. After the marriage The People of the Millennium
take place sometime in the wait on the Lord 1,260 days, supper of Jewish tradition, the If Christ were to come back af-
near future. Jesus will come in starting when the Antichrist bride and groom are presented ter the tribulation, rapture all the
the air, catch up the Church stands in the Temple of God to the world as man and wife. saints, and slay all the ungodly,
from the earth, and then return and declares himself to be God This corresponds to the time who would be left to populate
to heaven with the Church. The (2 Thes 2:4). This event will when Jesus returns to earth the earth during the millenni-
Apostle Paul gave a clear de- take place at the mid-point of accompanied by an army um? Only the pre-trib viewpoint
scription of the rapture event in the seven-year tribulation (Dan
his letters to the Thessalonians 9:27). Note that some people
and Corinthians.”For the Lord only see a three-and-a-half-
himself shall descend from year tribulation. In a way, they
heaven with a shout, with the are correct because the first
voice of the archangel, and with half of the tribulation will be rel-
the trump of God: and the dead atively peaceful compared to
in Christ shall rise first: Then the second half. Nonetheless,
we which are alive and remain peaceful or not, there still re-
shall be caught up together with mains a seven-year period
them in the clouds, to meet the called the tribulation. When the
Lord in the air: and so shall we Jews flee into the wilderness,
ever be with the Lord. Where- they know that all they have to
fore comfort one another with do is wait out those 1,260 days
these words.” (1 Thess, 4:16- (Mat 24:16). There is no way to
18). apply the phrase “neither the
“Behold, I shew you a mystery; day nor the hour” to this situa-
We shall not all sleep, but we tion. The only way for these two
shall all be changed, In a mo- viewpoints to be true is to sepa-
ment, in the twinkling of an eye, rate the two distinct events
at the last trump: for the trum- transpiring here: 1) the rapture
pet shall sound, and the dead of the Church, which comes
shall be raised incorruptible, before the tribulation; and 2)
and we shall be changed. For the return of Jesus to the earth, “clothed in fine linen, white and can account for this post-trib
this corruptible must put on in- which takes place roughly sev- clean” (Rev 19:14). problem. The Church is rap-
corruption, and this mortal en years later. What They Didn’t Teach You tured before the tribulation, a
[must] put on immortality” (1 The Marriage Supper of the in History Class vast number of souls are saved
Cor. 15:51-53). Lamb Many groups try to discredit the during this seven-year time
The timing of the rapture is not In Luke 12:36, the Word states pre-trib rapture by saying most frame, and those who make it
known. From the Word of God that when Christ returns, He will of the end-time events in the through the tribulation go into
and from sound reasoning– be returning from a wedding. In Bible have already taken place. the millennium while the un-
something Jesus used quite Revelation 19:7-8, we read A group of people called preter- saved are cast into hell.
frequently–I hope to prove the about the marriage itself. The ists claims that the Book of The Saint U-Turn
reality of the pretribulation rap- marriage supper takes place Revelation was mostly fulfilled In the pre-trib scenario, after we
ture. before the marriage. According by 70 AD. If the events de- rise to meet the Lord in the air,
The word “rapture” comes from to Jewish custom, the marriage scribed in the Book of Revela- we will go to heaven and abide
Paul’s “caught up” remark in contract, which often includes a tion took place in the past, I’m there seven years. At the end
verse 17. The words “caught dowry, is drawn up first. The at a loss to explain some of the of that period, Christ will come
up” are translated from the contract parallels the act of faith current situations I see around down to earth, defeat the Anti-
Greek word harpazo, which we use when we trust Jesus to us: the rebirth of Israel, the reu- christ, and cleanse the temple.
means “to carry off,” “snatch be our Savior. The dowry is His nification of Europe, the num- In a post-trib rapture, we would
up,” or “grasp hastily.” The life, which was used to pur- ber of global wars that have rise in the air to meet the Lord,
translation from harpazo to chase us. When it’s time for the occurred, and the development then do a 180-degree U-turn
“rapture” involved two steps: wedding, the groom goes to the of nuclear weapons. During his- and come back down to earth.
first, harpazo became the Latin bride’s house unannounced. tory class, I must have slept Revelation 1:7 states that
word raptus; second, raptus She comes out to meet him, through the part where the Christ will appear out of the
became the English word and then he takes her to his teacher talked about the time clouds and come down to
“rapture.” father’s house. This precisely when a third of the trees were earth. Zechariah 14:4 says that
Scriptural Evidence for the correlates with the events ac- burned up, 100-pound hail- His feet will stand on the Mount
Pretribulation Rapture cording to the pre-trib scenario. stones fell from the sky, and the of Olives. If He’s already head-
The Unknown Hour Jesus, the Groom, comes down sea turned into blood (Rev 8:7- ed our way, why would we
When we search the Scriptures from heaven and calls up the 8, 16:21). I think several people need to be caught up to meet
and read the passages describ- Church, His Bride. After meet- would have to question their Him?
ing the Lord Jesus’ return, we ing in the air, He and His Bride opposition to the pre-trib rap- “Come Up Hither”
find verses that tell us we won’t return to His Father’s house, ture doctrine if they knew that Many pre-trib writers cite Reve-
know the day and hour of that heaven. The marriage supper the evidence provided to them lation 4:1, which says, “come
event. Matthew 25:13 says Je- itself will take place there, while was based on the understand- up hither,” as a prophetic refer-
sus will return at an unknown down here on earth the final ing that most tribulation prophe- ence to the rapture of the
time, while Revelation 12:6 indi- events of the tribulation will be cies have already occurred. Church, leaving Revelation
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Pretrib rapture cont’d chap- be coming for battle. For those who 144,000. The second one is that events, I cannot find any that sup-
ters 1 through 3 as a description of believe in a post-trib rapture, it all those who are sealed are from port the rapture theory. Some or-
the Church Age. After the shout to would be strange to meet your Lord the 12 tribes of Israel. For the ganizations, the Jehovah’s Wit-
“come up hither,” the Church is not and Savior just as He’s rushing into events in Revelation 7:3-8 to be nesses, for example, teach a false
mentioned in Scripture at all. The battle. The idea that war and rapture true in a post-trib interpretation, gospel and are heavily into Bible
attention of Scripture switches from could occur together is difficult to either the Church has turned prophecy. Why, then, don’t Jeho-
the Church to the Jews living in Isra- imagine, especially since they tran- against God or God has turned vah’s Witnesses teach a false
el. spire at the same moment. against the Church. A post-tribber doctrine that would be right up
Armies in Fine Linen The Five Foolish Virgins could write a thousand-word com- their alley? Could it be that the
When Jesus returns (Rev. 19:18), The wedding story that Jesus gave mentary about why the Church demonic forces that influence
an army follows Him. The army’s in Matthew 25:2-13, I believe, is a doesn’t need to be sealed. In- these groups know something that
members are riding on white horses, parable of the rapture of the Church. stead of trying to argue about why Christians opposed to the rapture
and they are clothed in fine linen It explains how some will not be the Church is not mentioned or don’t know? The list of propheti-
that is white and clean. In Revela- ready. Jesus clearly states that a sealed, a pre-trib proponent could cally minded cults that reject the
tion 19:8, we are told that the fine group of people will miss out on an just say, “We’re already in heav- idea of a rapture goes on and on.
linen is the righteousness of the event, and will cry out to God to let en.” Here are some more: the Mor-
saints. If the saints of God are re- them into the place where He re- mons, the Worldwide Church of
turning with Christ to wage war on sides, heaven. Although some try to Noah and Lot as Examples God and the Moonies, as well as
the Antichrist, then it is not possible put this parable in a post-trib con- The tribulation period is compared leaders like Jim Jones and David
to have a post-trib rapture without us text, it doesn’t fit very well. The ones to the times of Noah and Lot by Koresh.
running into ourselves as we are left behind in a post-trib rapture will Jesus in Luke 17:28. Most people
coming and going. not need to seek the Lord because argue over whether the time The Church Would Rebuke the
The Time of Jacob’s Trouble they’ll immediately be confronted by frame Jesus was talking about in Antichrist
In several passages, the Bible refers Him and His army of angels. that passage was pre-trib or post- If the Antichrist came to power
to the tribulation as a time of trouble God Hath Not Appointed Us to trib. In doing so, they miss an im- with the Church still here, I do not
for the Jews. The phrase “Jacob’s Wrath portant point. The two circum- see how he could operate. When
trouble” pertains to the descendants In 1 Thessalonians 5:9, Paul as- stances that the Noah and Lot Hitler was fighting to take over
of Jacob. Jeremiah 30:7 says that sures us that God has not appointed situations have in common are the England, a number of Christians
this time of trouble will come just His people to wrath. This wrath is removal of the righteous and the were praying for victory. Hitler
before the Lord returns to save His plainly God’s anger that will be judgment of the unbelievers. From made mistake after mistake, and
people. The final week of Daniel’s poured out during the tribulation. Pre these two accounts, we see that England outperformed its enemy
70th week is yet to take place. An -trib believers interpret this as mean- God prefers to remove His own at every stage of the conflict. It is
angel told Daniel that, “70 weeks are ing that Christians will be removed when danger is involved. difficult to measure the impact of
determined unto thy people” (Dan from the earth. Post-trib believers Common-Sense Reasons for intercessory prayer in physical
9:24). Scripture never mentions that tell a different story. They describe Believing in the Pretribulation warfare. Little is known of how
the tribulation is meant to be a time this as meaning that God will protect Rapture great a role praying saints played
of testing for Christians. However, Christians during the tribulation and in the defeat of Nazi Germany. If
some post-tribbers try to claim that pour this wrath out on the unbeliev- The World Test the Church were to reside on
they are the ones being tested dur- ers only. This idea runs against the One way to check the soundness earth during the tribulation, I am
ing the tribulation. To make this so, statement made in Revelation 13:7, of a doctrine is to see how the sure she would give the Antichrist
they need to spiritualize the 144,000 in which the Antichrist is given pow- world reacts to it. One company fits. In Revelation 11:3, the two
Jewish believers in Revelation 7:2-8 er to make war with the saints and put out a questionnaire that was witnesses alone give the Anti-
who receive God’s protective seal. to overcome them. A post-trib view used to screen prospective em- christ enough headaches. Millions
Placing the Church dispensation into would make God’s promise of pro- ployees. One of the questions of Christians who know their Bi-
the same time frame as the seven- tection from wrath into a lie. In years was, “Do you believe in the rap- bles well would recognize the man
year Jewish dispensation, as the past, it was possible to think of be- ture?” If you answered “yes,” your of sin and pray fire down on his
post-tribbers do, raises one good ing protected from the guns and chances of getting hired would not head. The post-trib view would
question: Can two dispensations swords of that day. Today, when be good. Some internet sites do have to plan on the Church just
transpire at the same time? In the any major war would involve nuclear not allow the topics of Rapture or rolling over and playing dead the
past, God has only dealt with one at and chemical weapons, it’s impossi- Second Coming. They do allow whole seven years.
a time. Having both present during ble to expect that same kind of pro- topics such as sex, gays, and We should all remember one
the tribulation would have to be an tection. When Nagasaki, Japan was drugs. The only time the news thing: Knowing the Antichrist’s
exception. bombed during World War II, the media mentions the rapture is mother’s maiden name isn’t the
“He” That is Taken Out of the bomb exploded over a Catholic when someone sets a date and is primary goal. Knowing Jesus
Way church. Everyone who was in the proven to be wrong. Christ as your personal Savior
Before the Antichrist can be re- center of the explosion died–both and having your name written in
vealed, Paul said a certain “He” Christians and non-Christians. The That Old-Time Religion the Lamb’s Book of Life should be
must be taken out of the way. Ac- only way to validly interpret God’s It used to be a rule of thumb that your number-one priority. The jail-
cording to 2 Thessalonians 2:7, the promise of protection from wrath is when one was visiting a church or er asked Paul, “What must I do to
“He” that must be removed is widely by viewing 1 Thessalonians 5:9 as listening to a preacher, one could be saved?” The answer was,
thought to be the Holy Spirit. It has the bodily removal of the Church assume the preacher believed in “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,
been promised that the Holy Spirit from this world. repentance, prayer, and the bap- and thou shalt be saved” (Acts
would never leave the Church, and The Salt of the Earth tism of the Holy Ghost if he taught 16:30-31).
without the working of the Holy Spirit Jesus said, “Ye are the salt of the the rapture doctrine. It was also — Todd Strandberg
remaining on earth, no one could be earth” (Matthew 5:13). When the true that the churches on fire for
saved during the tribulation. The believers are supenly removed, the God worshipped out of store-
removal of the Church, which is in- earth will be plunged into spiritual fronts. Today, many of those
dwelt by the Holy Ghost, would darkness. When this happens, the storefront churches have moved
seem the best explanation for this Antichrist will then be free to control into marble palaces and have
dilemma. The working of the Holy the world. strayed from their principal doc-
Spirit could go on during the tribula- God Takes an Inventory trines.
tion, but His influence would be di- In Revelation 7:3, an angel de-
minished because of the missing scends to earth and seals the serv- Birds of a Feather Flock To-
Church. ants of God. Two bits of information gether
War or Rapture about this sealing highly disclaim a Whenever I look at all the groups
(Rev 19:19-21) When Jesus returns post-trib viewpoint. The first item is that teach false doctrine and are
at the end of the tribulation, He will the number of people sealed: highly focused on end-time
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Remote work
has dramatic
Apple spent
$5 billion on its
spaceship campus in
Cupertino, but it
sat mostly empty in
2020 while work
continued from em-
ployee homes.
forecasters say re-
mote work is here
to stay, and the
consequences of this Companies have
realignment will shake yet to assess the im-
up cities, real estate pact of remote work on
prices, and life choic- company culture, per-
es. formance and effective-
Although consid- ness, according to
ered a slow-moving FirstbaseHQ. In addi-
trend of the future, tion, some employees
remote work accelerated may prefer to work in
during the 2020 pandem- an office, especially
ic. According to McKin- after the isolated
sey Global Institute, months in lockdown.
about 20 percent of the For cities, the
global workforce could trend is clear, for now
work remotely and still at least. Commercial
remain effective in leases are down, empty
their jobs. office space is abun-
According to a dant and sales of city
survey of 1,000 CEOs by housing like condomini-
FirstbaseHQ, companies ums are way down, while
are planning a 40 per- sales of suburban hous-
cent to 60 percent cut ing is up. What happens
in office space, with to the cities may de-
about 30 percent going pend on tax structures
entirely remote. changing and amenities
The impact of reopening, experts say.
this realignment from Meanwhile, remote work-
commercial office space ers are taking their
to home-based work has families out of oppres-
wide-ranging conse- sively expensive city
quences -- not just for apartments to buy homes
employees, but for the in middle American com-
makeup of cities, com- munities with lower
panies and neighbor- taxes and simpler life-
hoods across the coun- styles.
try. For Apple, Mi-
For companies, crosoft and Uber, who
the economics are easy. spent big on work space
It costs companies with elaborate benefits
about $20,000 per em- from food to child care
ployee per year to have and game spaces, offic-
them work in office es may remain a big
space, while remote draw, according to
work costs about $2,000 CNET.
per employee.
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Sen. Rick Brattin’s Capitol Report for the week of March 29: Saying “No” To Vaccine Passports
Missouri Senate
April 02, 2021, 06:36

You may have read about

or watched a report re-
cently about the state of
New York creating the
first-in-the-nation “vaccine
passport.” For those who
don’t know what this is,
it’s a written record or
electronic app that shows our nose, we need to fight it other form of public transpor- and whether they do or don’t
proof of vaccination against now. We need to fight proac- tation. I rose to speak on this is none of the government’s
COVID-19. Without such tively, before it is imposed on amendment and strongly en- business. We’ll beat this vi-
proof, someone could be us by big business and oth- couraged my colleagues to rus and we’ll come back
prevented from moving ers who think government is pass it. As I mentioned stronger than ever. It won’t
freely about or engaging in the answer to every problem. above, free
activities like getting on a We should heed President movement is an
plane, going into a movie Reagan’s advice that “the essential compo-
theater or eating dinner at a most terrifying words in the nent of a free so-
restaurant. New York isn’t English language are: I’m ciety and ensur-
alone in this. Hawaii is re- from the government and I’m ing our citizens
quiring COVID-19 tests be here to help.” can continue that
given to all travelers and is free movement is
considering using an app Beyond the concerns of gov- the first and argu-
that would display a person’s ernment asking us to “show ably most im-
vaccination status, and the your papers,” what does portant step to-
nation of Denmark has be- government intend to do with ward stopping
gun implementing a vaccine all the information they’ll col- these vaccine
passport as well. Before it’s lect from a vaccine data- passports. The
all said and done, other base? Will they sell it to busi- amendment was
countries and states in our nesses so they’ll know who added and the
country will likely follow suit.
to let in their doors or will it bill will soon be
go into a government data- voted out of the
Now, I don’t have a problem base that will be turned
Senate and will
— nor do most Missourians against the people like the
head to the
— with anyone getting the IRS did during the Obama House of Representatives. be because government de-
COVID-19 vaccine. That’s a administration? That’s a
This amendment is by no cides where you can go and
decision each person can scary thought and one that means the last or only step what you can do but be-
make for themselves in a all Missourians, regardless though. As more bills come cause we remember what
free and open society where of how they feel about the
before the Senate, I’ll be has made this country the
personal liberty and individu- vaccine, should be ready to
looking for any opportunity to greatest on Earth, our God-
al rights are the overriding fight back against. prevent these vaccine pass- given right to life and liberty.
and guiding force of our
ports, especially when it
laws. But, vaccine passports The Missouri Senate took a If you have any ideas, ques-
comes to doing things like
are the opposite of free and big first step in that fight this tions and concern, please
going freely in and out of
open. These passports pre- week. During debate on feel free to contact me at the
businesses such as restau-
vent people from moving a transportation bill, an State Capitol: (573) 751-
rants and sporting venues.
freely, from doing the things amendment was added that 2108, rick.brattin@senate.m
These vaccine passports
we have always been able to would prevent any Missouri- or by writing to Sen.
smack of totalitarianism and
do. In my opinion, these an from being required to Rick Brattin, Missouri State
run completely counter to the
passports are a violation of receive a vaccine or prove Capitol, Room 331, Jeffer-
Constitution upon which this
our rights and individual lib- they’ve received a vaccine son City, MO 65101.
country was founded. People
erties, and instead of taking before getting on a plane, God bless and thank you for
can decide for themselves if
the wait-and-see approach riding a bus or taking any the opportunity to work for
they should be vaccinated
only to have this done under you in the Missouri Senate.
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occasions when a person has to tial system built on an architec- use. The issues around passport
NEWS PROVIDED BY prove that they’ve been vaccinat- ture that is not good for transpar- design are separate from the
ACLU ed. But digital credentials present ency, privacy, or user control. question of where and when peo-
April 01, 2021, 01:59 GMT a number of new potential prob- That could lock us into a bad ple can be required to furnish
lems, and we would oppose a standard as other parties that proof of vaccinations, but if a
vaccination credential system need to issue credentials piggy- passport system makes it very
With COVID-19 vaccination rates that does not meet three crucial back upon it to offer everything easy to ask for and to provide
accelerating, governments criteria: from age verification to health proof of vaccination, it’s likely that
around the world have begun to records to hunting licenses to such requests will become over-
consider implementing a stand- 1. It is not exclusively digital. A shopping accounts, member- used as people get asked for cre-
ardized credential or “vaccine system that is exclusively digital, ships, and web site logins. dentials at every turn. While there
passport” that would let people whether by design or as a practi- are legitimate circumstances in
prove that they’ve been vaccinat- cal matter, would be a nonstarter 3. It does not allow for tracking which people can be asked for
ed. And the idea became more because it would increase ine- or the creation of new data- proof of vaccination, we don’t
real when the Washington quality. Many people don’t have bases. Unless a vaccine creden- want to turn into a checkpoint
Post reported on Sunday that the smartphones, including dispro- tial system is completely decen- society that outlasts the danger
Biden administration was working portionate numbers from some of tralized and user-centric, it cre- of COVID and that casually ex-
with companies to develop such our most vulnerable communi- ates the potential for amassing cludes people without credentials
a structure. ties, such as people who are low- new personal data. If some big from facilities where vaccine
Our nation’s primary push right income, have disabilities, or are company is getting notified any mandates are not highly justified.
now should be equitable vaccine homeless, as well as more than time someone reads one of your We were heartened to see that
distribution that gets as many 40 percent of people over age credentials, that would let them the Biden administration appears
people as possible vaccinated 65. As a result, any vaccine cre- track your movements and inter- to be aware of many of these
and reaching herd immunity. If dential system would need to in- ests — the stores, concerts, and concerns: White House corona-
we can do so, epidemiologists clude a paper-based version for transportation venues you visit, virus coordinator Jeff
say, we’ll reach a point where those who don’t have a and much more. In the absence Zients declared earlier this month
COVID no longer has enough smartphone or simply don’t want of airtight legal protections for that “any solutions in this area
vulnerable hosts to circulate with- to use one. The paper option privacy, any such information should be simple, free, open
in our communities. This means should not be a difficult or disad- could then be sold for commer- source, accessible to people both
that most people most of the time vantageous afterthought; a cial purposes or shared with law digitally and on paper, and de-
— even those who can’t get vac- standardized credential should enforcement. That would affect signed from the start to protect
cinated — won’t have to worry be primarily a paper-based sys- all of our freedoms, but will have people’s privacy.” The admin-
about the disease. tem with an optional digital com- a particular chilling effect on com- istration has also repeated-
When that happens and COVID ponent, not the other way munities of color, including immi- ly stated that vaccines must be
comes to resemble other danger- around. Our health care system grant communities, that are al- accessible to people regardless
ous diseases where there are is already ridden with inequities ready over-policed. Fear of track- of immigration status, and there-
occasional flareups but little from top to bottom; we don’t want ing could lead people to opt out fore any unintended deterrence
spread, such as measles, the to worsen that situation by clos- of participation, resulting in fur- must also be considered. Such
need for a COVID passport will ing off even more societal bene- ther marginalization as they are statements show a thoughtful
seem much less urgent. Nobody fits from those who can least af- denied access to certain public awareness of the landscape
is demanding we provide proof of ford it, or who have reason to spaces. Worse, without privacy here.
measles vaccination everywhere fear such a system — including protections strong enough to cre-
we go. And in the limited circum- immigrant communities and com- ate public confidence, it could We don’t oppose in principle the
stances where such proof is re- munities of color who are already even deter people from getting idea of a requiring proof of vac-
quired (school enrollment, some subject to over-policing and sur- vaccinated in the first place. cination in certain contexts. But
medical jobs, and some overseas veillance. Although those are the three given the enormous difficulty of
travel), it’s far from clear that the most significant issues we see creating a digital passport sys-
existing system of paper docu- 2. It is decentralized and open now, the devil is often in the de- tem, and the compromises and
ments is somehow deeply broken source. The quest for a digital tails, and any proposed system failures that are likely to happen
and in need of fixing. That’s es- identity and credentialing system will have to be examined closely. along the way, we are wary about
pecially true given that creating a has become an entire field unto Another issue is the handling of the side effects and long-term
passport system would be a her- itself. Numerous companies, people who can’t get vaccines consequences it could have. We
culean task. technologists, and academics because, for example, they have will be closely watching develop-
As privacy advocates and civil have already generated a variety certain medical conditions or ments in this area.
libertarians, there are several fac- of concepts, standards, and prod- simply don’t have access to the
tors to consider on vaccine pass- ucts that would let us use crypto- vaccine. Will the system distin-
ports. graphic files or “tokens” on our guish between such people and
phones to prove things about those who have simply decided
There is a difference between ourselves across our lives. The they won’t get vaccinated? If so,
a standardized system for pre- best of these schemes — and the how will people obtain a certifica-
senting proof of vaccination, and only ones that should be consid- tion that they are medically con-
a digital system for doing so. ered for any digital elements of a traindicated? One of the reasons
With more and more of our cre- vaccine credential system — take it’s important to reach herd im-
dentials being displayed through a decentralized and open source munity is precisely because there
apps on our phones — from air- approach that puts individuals in are some people who can’t get
line boarding passes to concert control of their credentials and vaccines that protect them per-
tickets to gym memberships — it identity data, which they would sonally. Those people shouldn’t
strikes many people as an obvi- hold in a digital wallet. But given get shut out of full participation in
ous and overdue step to create a the difficulty of creating a digital our society.
similar digital credential for those vaccine passport, we could see a We also worry that a vaccine
rush to impose a COVID creden- passport will encourage over-
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When will you ditch your PC for a QC?

How long will outer space -- about
it be before you run -400 centrigrade.
down to Walmart to The multiple cooling
pick up a new quan- systems required for
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Consider the
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On the other
Romans Road To Salvation
classic computer. In hand, QCs can do
1946, the first com- amazing things. As unto righteousness; and with
Romans 3:23 "For all have the mouth confession is made
puter (ENIAC) occu- Google recently
sinned, and come short of the unto salvation."
pied an 1,800 square demonstrated, in
glory of God."
foot room. In 1976, just 3.5 minutes, a
hobbyists could buy QC can solve a math Romans 10:13 "For whosoev-
Romans 6:23a "For the wages er shall call upon the name of
an Apple or Mi- problem that would
of sin is death, but the gift of the Lord shall be saved."
crosoft computer take a supercomputer
God is eternal life through Je-
that fit comfortably 10,000 years to
sus Christ our Lord." Pray this Prayer: if you want
on a desk. In 1987, solve, according to
Bill Gates became a Live Science. to be Saved: Lord Jesus, for-
Romans 5:8, "But God com- give me for all of my sins. I be-
31-year-old billion- It's tempting
mendeth his love toward us, lieve that you died on the
aire. to wonder why anyone
So let's say would want a comput-
in that, while we were yet sin- cross. And that you were bur-
from first computer er so powerful. May-
ners, Christ died for us." ied, and on the third day, God
to Bill Gates' bil- be it could run Star the father raised you from the
lion, we have rough- Trek-like holograms
Romans 10:9,10 "That if thou dead. And I ask that you come
ly 40 years. By that or artificial intel-
shalt confess with thy mouth into my heart and be me
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the Lord Jesus, and shalt be- Lord and Savior. Thank You
could have QCs in vast scientific
lieve in thine heart that God Jesus for Saving me. Amen.
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