Multimedia and Technological Changes

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Saad Saeed

Roll No. 46282


VIII lit

Department of English

Hazara University Mansehra

Multimedia and Technological changes

Multimedia is a the combination of text, animated graphics, video, and sound–presents

information in a way that is more interesting and easier to grasp than text alone. Technology and

the media are interwoven, and neither can be separated from society and nations. Media is a term

that refers to all print, digital, and electronic means of communication. From the time the

printing press was created (and even before), technology has influenced how and where

information is shared. Today, it is impossible to discuss media and the ways societies

communicate without addressing the fast-moving pace of technology change.

In early times we can see that different types of medium is used to share information, thoughts

ideas culture and literature, such as newspaper, radio, letters and textbooks. But with the time of

passage, technology took place and technological advancement brought new ways to share

literature and information. New media is often characterized as highly interactive digital

technology. New media is “very easily processed, stored, transformed, retrieved, hyper-linked,

and perhaps most radical of all, easily searched for and accessed,” Robert Logan writes in his

book, Understanding New Media. Conceptually, new media can be viewed as a cultural process

that reflects societal values and societal transformation. New media is changing the way people

across the world are entertained and consume information. There are some types of new media

which play important role in evolution of new media.

Blogs contain mixed media such as photos, video along with audio or text. There are some

political bloggers who cover political and foreign events, this content is posted and users can

navigate these post by a specific category, tag or search.. Its also a new emerging type of media.

Also other information about many other things are posted.


Videos made are made to share information about different cultures languages and literature

related to different people. There are some new Vlogers who makes informative videos visiting

different areas of a country and share knowledge of other people and their culture.

Social Media

Social media centers on creating, sharing and exchanging information, ideas and content in

online networks and communities. Highly interactive, social media is a form of new media that

relies heavily on the participation of users to provide value. The average online user spends 1.72

hours per day on social platforms, a survey of 170,000 internet users by GlobalWebIndex found.

Social networks consume about 28 percent of all online activity. In recent time there are some

examples of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and twitter etc.

Online Newspaper

Online newspapers are considered new media for many of the same reasons as

blogs. Users interact with online Newspaper by commenting features. Online newspapers along

with social media and other forms of new media are a major part of why traditional newspapers

are shifting to digital form.

Digital Games
Digital games are a part of everyday media culture and a unique type of new media. Digital

games are also noteworthy for how they build interaction and community. The video game

industry is producing a steady stream of games that continue to expand their nature and impact

they can be artistic, social, and collaborative, with many allowing massive numbers of people

from all over the world to participate simultaneously. This trend has led to a legitimate new sport

called “e-sports,” or video games as professional spectator sports, The Economist reports.

Websites and Google

There are some websites on internet and google where users can access information by searching

information about any thing they want. We can visit different websites to gain information.

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