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2019-20 Core Professionalism: Amelia Monroe

Component Rubric Evidence Reflection

4a: The teacher makes a thoughtful and accurate 4a-1: Common Formative Assessment (CFA) 4a-1: During kindergarten professional learning community (PLC), we
assessment of a lesson’s effectiveness and the #3 Reflection reflected on a Common Formative Assessment (CFA). This CFA assessed
extent to which it achieved its instructional . students on sight words. Our reflection made me think back to how my
Reflecting on outcomes, citing many specific examples from the students were able or not able to correctly say sight words and what
Teaching/ lesson and weighing the relative strengths of each. teaching strategies I used to get them to that point. This reflection time
Practice Drawing on an extensive repertoire of skills, the also made me think about what else I could do to get all my students
teacher offers specific alternative actions, meeting the learning goal. CFA reflections are a good way for me to reflect
complete with the probable success of different on my teaching of a specific skill.
courses of action.
4a-2: 1/30/2020 Collaboration Log with 4a-2: This collaboration log was made with my academic coach Jan Ogi
academic coach after she observed me teaching during whole group reading instruction.
This collaboration made me reflect back on what went well or what needs
improvement during my instruction. Having someone else give me
feedback on my instruction is always valuable information for me because
they notice things that I do not always catch. I also like the discussions
around next steps because my coach always has new ideas for me to try
out to help me become an effective teacher. These collaboration meetings
with Jan help me reflect on my teaching and classroom management and
help me plan for the future.
4b: The teacher’s system for maintaining information 4b-1: Wonders Unit Test Gradebook 4b-1: I created this gradebook on Google Sheets so I could keep track of
on student completion of assignments, student my students’ scores on their Wonders unit tests. The colors are
progress in learning, and non-instructional records coordinated with the grading rubric I made for my SSP. Green is
Maintaining is fully effective. Students contribute information proficient/exceeds proficiency, yellow is developing proficiency, and red is
Accurate and participate in maintaining the records. well below proficiency. This gradebook was beneficial for me because it
Records kept everyone’s grades in one spot and because of the color key, it was
easy for me to quickly look to see how they were doing throughout the
year. It was cool to see the students that started red become yellow and
some even became green by Unit 7. I definitely will use this again next

4b-2: Sight Word Progress Monitoring 4b-2: I made this gradebook on Google Sheets as a way to keep track of
the weekly sight word check I gave my students. I made it so I could
quickly check words off as I tested students and so I could save on
printing the assessment every week for the whole class. This system was
nice because it was organized and easy to manage. I liked the cut down
on paper, but sometimes my laptop was connected to the projector, so I
could not progress monitor at times when I could have. I also wish I had
organized it so I could see the growth of each student, instead of having to
scroll up and down to figure that out. I want to create a more user-friendly
2019-20 Core Professionalism: Amelia Monroe
system for next year and make it so I can use iPad to check words off
instead of having to rely on my laptop.
4c: The teacher communicates frequently with families 4c-1: Class Dojo 4c-1: ClassDojo is an app that I use to communicate with parents. They
in a culturally sensitive manner, with students can either download the app on their phone or go to their website on the
contributing to the communication. The teacher computer. I love ClassDojo because you can post Class Story’s that
Communicating responds to family concerns with professional and everyone sees. This is a good way to get reminders directly to parents out
with Families/ cultural sensitivity. The teacher’s efforts to engage quickly and a way to send fun pictures home. I also like that you can
Communities families in the instructional program are frequent message parents one on one without having to give out my personal
and successful. phone number. I think that it is more convenient messaging on ClassDojo
versus talking on the phone. I plan on using ClassDojo again next year.

4c-2: Monthly Newsletters 4c-2: I write monthly newsletters to let parents know what is going on in
the class. Paper newsletters are good for my class because not all my
parents are connected to ClassDojo, so having hardcopy communication
is useful. These newsletters are a good way to get information that is
longer than a story or a post on ClassDojo. I will continue to send out
monthly newsletters next year to communicate with families.
4d: The teacher’s relationships with colleagues are 4d-1: 2/24/2020 Professional Learning 4d-1: Twice a week, I attend kindergarten professional learning community
characterized by mutual support and cooperation, Community (PLC) Minutes with the other two kindergarten teachers and our academic coaches.
with the teacher taking initiative in assuming During this time, we get to plan and evaluate our teaching practices and
Participating in leadership among the faculty. The teacher takes a look over our student’s progress. Each week we are assigned different
the Professional leadership role in promoting a culture of roles during our PLC time. We all share out ideas and work out problems
Community professional inquiry. The teacher volunteers to together. These meetings are a good way for me to learn new ideas to try
participate in school events and district projects, in my class so I can be a better teacher.
making a substantial contribution and assuming a
leadership role in at least one aspect of school or 4d-2: 2/21/2020 Committee Minutes 4d-2: I am a part of the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
district life. (PBIS) committee, where we talk about what positive behavior systems to
instill at our school. Like PLC’s, each time we meet we are assigned
different roles. Most of the people on the PBIS committee have had
experiences working at different schools and it is interesting to learn what
worked or did not work at their old schools and to see what we can try at
NES. Committee meetings are an opportunity for me to work with staff I
normally do not work with and be a part of making decisions that help our
school system.
2019-20 Core Professionalism: Amelia Monroe
4e: The teacher seeks out opportunities for 4e-1: Grace Dearborn Workshop Bright Ideas 4e-1: I attended the Grace Dearborn workshop on classroom
professional development and makes a systematic management. I learned a lot of little tricks to help manage my classroom
effort to conduct action research. The teacher better and make transitions go smoothly. This professional development
Growth and solicits feedback on practice from both supervisors provided a lot of strategies that I could try out and implement immediately.
Developing and colleagues. The teacher initiates important There were also opportunities to learn from other first year teachers from
Professionally activities to contribute to the profession. all grade levels and from different schools. Attending this workshop in the
beginning of the school year helped me start off the school year more

4e-2: Building Foundational Reading Skills 4e-2: I attended the four day Building Foundational Reading Skills (BFRS)
(BFRS) Professional Development workshop. This was one of the most valuable workshops I have ever been
to and I loved that I could use what I learned right away with my students.
After implementing the BFRS drills in my daily routine, I noticed more
engagement and growth. Looking back, I wish I had this professional
development at the beginning of the year, but I cannot wait to use BFRS
next year.
4f: The teacher can be counted on to hold the highest 4f-1: Email with counselor about Social 4f-1: My class this year had several active students that I was struggling
standards of honesty, integrity, and confidentiality Emotional Learning lessons with meeting their needs. I reached out to Mr. Matt for support and to work
and takes a leadership role with colleagues. The with my class on Social Emotional learning. He came once a week with
Showing teacher is highly proactive in serving students, several weeks. From his lessons, I noticed my class being more respectful
Professionalism seeking out resources when needed. The teacher towards each other and expressing how the feel appropriately. Next year, I
makes a concerted effort to challenge negative want Mr. Matt to work with my students again on social emotional learning
attitudes or practices to ensure that all students, because I think those skills are essential for life.
particularly those traditionally underserved, are
honored in the school. The teacher takes a 4f-2: Email with Vice Principal about teaching 4f-2: I helped with Saturday School this year for students that missed too
leadership role in team or departmental decision Saturday School many days of school. Being a part of this program helped me get to know
making and helps ensure that such decisions are the community, students, families, our school curriculum, and other staff
based on the highest professional standards. The better. I always believe in doing all I can for my student and even students
teacher complies fully with school and district that are not in my class. I hope to be a part of Saturday School again next
regulations, taking a leadership role with year.

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