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TAG Strategy for this lesson: Metaphorical Expression

Unit Name

Lesson Name Time Needed (Hours/Days)

Evolution and Natural Selection 2 Days (160 minutes)

Grade Subject Course

7th Science Life Science

GA Standards of Excellence & TAG Standards

Please include both GSE & TAG Standards
S7L5. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information from multiple sources to explain the theory of evolution of living
organisms through inherited characteristics.

b. Construct an explanation based on evidence that describes how genetic variation and environmental factors influence the
probability of survival and reproduction of a species.
c. Analyze and interpret data for patterns in the fossil record that document the existence, diversity, and extinction of
organisms and their relationships to modern organisms. (Clarification statement: Evidence of evolution found in comparisons
of current/modern organisms such as homologous structures, DNA, and fetal development will be addressed in high school.)

TAG Standards
Advanced Communication Skills Standard: Gifted students will develop advanced communication skills that incorporate new
techniques, materials, and formats in the development of products that will be shared with real audiences.

1. The student uses written, spoken, and technological media to convey new learning or challenge existing ideas.
2. The student produces written and/or oral work that is complex, purposeful, and organized, includes relevant supporting
examples and manipulation of language.
4. The student uses a variety of multi-media and innovative technology to create illustrations, models, charts, tables, and graphs
as tools for communication.

Creative Thinking & Problem Solving Skills Standard: Gifted students will develop and practice creative thinking and creative
problem-solving skills with a variety of complex topics within an area of study in order to generate original ideas and products.

3. The student incorporates brainstorming and other idea-generating techniques (synectics, SCAMPER, etc.) to solve problems
or create new products

7. The student uses analogies, metaphors, and/or models to explain complex concepts.

Higher Order Critical Thinking Skills Standard: Gifted students will develop and practice higher order and critical thinking
skills in an area of study.

3. The student conducts comparisons using criteria.

6. The student extrapolates verbal-linguistic (e.g., analogies) and visual-spatial patterns (e.g., tessellations) to determine
7. The student examines an issue from more than one point of view.

Essential Question(s)
What should students know when lesson is completed?
How do physical characteristics of organisms demonstrate/support the theory of evolution?
Teacher Lesson Preparation
Print Analogies and post them on chart paper around the room
Distribute personal analogy lessons to Classwork (One Note)

Activating Strategy (for example: Hook/Mini-Lesson/Warm-Up/Connection to Prior Learning)

Hook Mental Stretching
Around the room
Students will rotate around the room, and write what comes to mind when they read each one
1. If you were an ice cream, what kind of toppings would best match your personality? Why
2. If individuality were a building, what would that look like? Draw/Describe your idea below.
3. What are some things that are both strong and weak?
4. How is school like an iPhone?
5. Generate as many ideas as you can for soothing excitement and understanding impatience.
6. How would you feel if you were a great movie that was never watched?

Instructional Sequence and Activities including use of technology

Activator/Hook: Mental Stretching

Work Period:
Student choice: Complete Direct Analogy or Compressed Conflict

Students complete the Peppered Moth Simulation

Students complete the personal analogy

Closing: Evolution Kahoot

Assessment Strategies
Completed analysis questions from peppered moth simulation
Completed metaphorical expressions

Scaffolds/ Interventions/Extensions/Enrichment
Students choose to complete the direct analogy or compressed conflict lesson

All students complete the personal analogy lesson

Materials/Links/Text References/Resources

Peppered Moth Simulation  (Web view)

Metaphorical Expression lessons

Evolution Metaphorical Expression  (Web view)

Personal Analogy of Peppered Moth  (Web view)
Metaphorical Expression
Direct Analogy Lesson

How is Evolution like the Water Cycle?

How are they not alike?

Metaphorical Expression
Compressed Conflict Lesson
Five words to describe Evolution Five opposite words to describe Evolution
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

From the pairs of words above, generate 3 compressed conflicts.





Create a new analogy. Give at least three reasons why evolution is like the item in your sentence.

Evolution is like _________________________________________________ . 




Metaphorical Expression
Personal Analogy Lesson

Pretend you are a peppered moth.

Where are you? What is it like to fly?

How do you feel and what are you doing How do you feel and what are you doing
during the winter? during the summer?

How do you stay healthy? When do you feel most comfortable?

Using the personal pronoun, I, write a paragraph, song, or poem about your life as a
peppered moth.

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