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Part 1 Here, Shiva embodies those perfect

physical qualities as he is frozen in the

UNDERSTANDING SHIVA’S moment of his dance within the cosmic
circle of fire that is the simultaneous
and continuous creation and
Is the statue below familiar to you? destruction of the universe. The ring of
fire that surrounds the figure is the
encapsulated cosmos of mass, time,
and space, whose endless cycle of
annihilation and regeneration moves in
tune to the beat of Shiva’s drum and
the rhythm of his steps.
The depiction of Shiva as Nataraja
(“Nataraja”—nata meaning dance or
performance, and raja meaning king or
lord=lord of dance/cosmic dancer), is
The statue is the representation of shown by the following gestures:
Shiva as Lord of the Dance, or also In his upper right hand, he holds the
called “Shiva Nataraja”. It is a popular damaru, or the hand drum which
representation of Shiva dancing to symbolizes the ancient vibrating sound
prepare the universe for its destruction of creation and the passage of time. It
and rebirth. looks like this:
The image represents religious
significance rooted in Indian
philosophy. Sculptures of Shiva dancing
survive from at least as early as the fifth
century. However, its popularity started
and evolved during the Chola dynasty
In his upper left hand he holds the agni,
a consuming fire of dynamic
REPORTER: Good day, everyone! We
destruction. The flame of destruction
are the gr 2. And we are here today to
that annihilates all that the sound of the
help you understand what are, and
damaru that has drummed into
what the Shiva’s gestures mean in the
existence. It looks like this:
dance within the cosmic circle of fire,
and give you some insights into the
world of Indian Arts.

A dance within the cosmic circle of

fire His lower right hand with his palm
raised and facing the viewer while lifted
shows the abhaya, the hand that
removes fear, gives protection, and
preservation. This says to the Prahamandala, the surrounding
supplicant, “Be not afraid, for those effulgence that encircles Shiva is a
who follow the path of righteousness flaming body halo that only establishes
will have my blessing. ” The gesture the visual limits of this complex and
looks like this: dynamic composition but also
symbolizes the boundaries of the
These gestures impart the lesson that
through belief in him, the soul can be
moved or elated from the bondage of
illusion and ignorance to salvation and
eternal serenity.
Shiva’s lower left hand stretches
diagonally across his chest with his palm
facing down towards his raised left foot,
Part 2
which signifies spiritual grace and (Indian arts)
fulfillment through meditation and
mastery over one’s baser appetites.

His raised left leg exhibits the gaja


while his right leg that is pointed to his

lifted leg, is to provide refuge for the
troubled soul. It stands upon the
huddled dwarf, the demon Apasmara,
the embodiment of ignorance.

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