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Lesson 4: Community Vitality

Purpose and Objectives

90 minutes
Grade Level One Subject Social Studies Duration
(3 30 minute periods)
Date Monday March 1, 2021
The focus of this lesson is for students to become familiar with the words
Lesson Focus “vitality” and “citizen”, and their meanings through formulating and creating
From the Alberta Program of Studies for Social Studies:
 GLO: Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of
how identity and self-esteem are enhanced by their sense of
belonging in their world and how active members in a community
contribute to the well-being, growth, and vitality of their groups and
 SLO: (1.1.4) Students will determine what makes their communities
thrive by exploring and reflecting upon the following question for
o In what ways do people help one another at home, at school
and in groups to ensure the vitality of their community?
Students will review vocabulary words – peace and cooperate.
Students will investigate new vocabulary words – vitality and citizen.
Learning Objectives
Students will discuss their thoughts and feelings about community vitality.
Students will participate in shared reading with the teacher.

Assessment Evidence
Formative assessment for this lesson will take place through teacher
observation of student participation throughout the lesson – the teacher
Formative Assessment
will be specifically observing during discussion periods and through the
completion of the anchor chart.
Summative Assessment No summative assessment is directly linked to this lesson.

Lesson Resources
 SmartBoard  Whiteboard and
 Digital copy of the whiteboard markers
shared reading  Vocabulary posters
passage booklets  Jessie poster
 Digital copy of  Student booklets
Technology Materials
student booklets  Student reading booklets
 What Can a Citizen Do
(Dave Eggers)
 Pencils and erasers
 Colouring materials

Learning Experience
Timing Content/Description Differentiations
7 minutes Student Pack-Up
5 minutes Vocabulary Review
 Teacher will ask students to recall the new words
that were introduced in the previous lessons
(peace and cooperate)
5 minutes New Vocabulary Words
 Teacher will introduce the new words (vitality
and citizen)
5 minutes Initial Discussion
 Teacher will ask the question “In what ways do
people help one another at home, at school and
in groups to ensure the vitality of their
 Students will participate in a think-pair-share
discussion about this question
15 minutes Shared Reading
 Teacher will remind students of their unit
character, Jessie
 Teacher will read the shared reading passage
‘Jessie is Helpful’
 After reading, the teacher will lead students
through a discussion using the two provided
15 minutes Anchor Chart
 Teacher will guide students through the
completion of the anchor chart for this outcome
5 minutes Movement Break
 Teacher will put on a GoNoodle movement video
for students
20 minutes Citizen Story
 Teacher will read ‘What Can a Citizen Do’ by Dave
 Teacher will ask students for examples from the
story to extend learning
15 minutes Colouring
 Students will be given time to colour in their
student booklets to wrap up the day
8 minutes Closure and Clean-Up
 Teacher will ask students if they have any
 Students will tidy up their workspaces and
prepare for the end of the day

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