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Dialogue writing

Submitted by: Divya(14077)

This dialogue conversation is between a terrorist and a girl named Malala fighting for the rights of
girls and their education but the terrorist is against that.

The scene is of a hotel’s reception area . All people are afraid and banded by the terrorists. There’s
only one door for entry and exit which is shut by the terrorists so that no one could escape from the
place. One man lying injured near the sofa. The condition of the place is terrible. All the furniture is
lying everywhere. All people are swarmed together by the terrorists. There’s a man at the centre of
the area holding a gun In his hand and Malala is standing at a distance from him having an injury on
her leg fighting with that terrorist for the rights of girl education.

Terrorist: You silly girl.. Why are you fighting with me for such a thing which is of no use in our
society. This is costing you your life can’t you see that. Education for girls is just a waste of time. Our
society will never accept it completely and in the end all they have to do is follow the orders of a

Malala: Girls are not the puppets of your hand. They also have their own life their own dreams that
they wanna fulfil for their family and for themselves. Everyone has a right to speak and to stand for
themselves. You are no one to take the decision of their freedom, their rights and their education.

Terrorist: Dreams…really …what dreams are you talking about? They are just born to serve the man
and they should only do that without having this stupid idea of education in their minds. How can
you even think of girls education? This society is only for man and only they can study, work and
dominate this world. Girls like you should always bow their heads in front of us , and that’s their
place in the society , but you are daring to talk to me like this...don’t forget you’ll have to pay for

Malala: We girls are already paying for this, for being a girl since our childhood. We too have feelings
, no one has the right to hurt them or to dominate them . Human rights are entitled to one and all in
the country , so who are you to question them for girls? I am not afraid to anything , I’m an educated
women who knows all her rights and will fight for them for sure for all the girls there who has a
desire to educate . Education will give them the confidence to stand in front of demons like you to
fight for their rights and their position in the society . And today I’ll speak not for myself but for all
the girls, I’m the one to take the stand. I’m not afraid of you and I’m not afraid of anything and that’s
what education taught me.

(Terrorist blows up)

Terrorist: Oh please…go to hell such education. You girls are just meant for doing household chores
and giving birth. You are not entitled to rights and freedom. There’s no need to study for doing
household chores.. and you can’t give birth with this education. So stop being great, and stop flying
the air with your idea of educating girls and land to the earth. This can’t never change .

Malala: How miserable your thoughts are. You know what a girl has a more callibre than any guy to
do anything whether doing the household chores or it be in studies. But you won’t understand this
because people like you never give a chance to live them for their own . You all bound them in
certain restricted area from where they can’t see the world all they could see is their miserable life
ahead. And education is the only key to free them from this boundations. Once every girl realises the
importance of education , then you’ll see , how they will take a stand for themselves together.

Terrorist: Oh, will take a stand… those who can’t even utter a word in front of man will take a stand
for themselves (laughs) no one is going to hear you little girl, so it’s better to come out of your stupid
dream and thank god that I’m allowing you to speak in front of me like this…Now just throw this out
of your mind and follow my orders if you love you life… otherwise…

Malala: Otherwise what? You’ll shoot me ? Then shoot. I’m not afraid of you and your gun. I’m not
afraid of anything. You can’t lower my voice by this . I’m proud of being educated and always will
be . It makes me confident and makes my head up . I’m not afraid of death . You can’t do anything .
Shooting me will shut me up but you can’t shut my thoughts which are flourishing in every girl’s
mind here and everywhere. And literally You can’t do anything…

Terrorist: You won’t understand without being shot. I warned you it’ll cost you your life. And now
it’s the time…

Malala: You can’t do anything , you are a coward , you can’t outdo my thoughts on a gun point your
bullet can’t silence us…

(And he shot her.Malala died . Everyone was looking her dying but in actual she didn’t died, she
survived in everyone’s mind , in everyone’s thoughts as a fighter. )

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