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Bank Alfalah Limited

Bank Afalah UmiEd - Islamic Banking is pleased to declare tlle orrent Welghtjrges for ,,larrh 2O2l and two prGvious periods which are applicable on iE Savings

/ Term depo6its AcEDunts. These Welghtages are used to calculaE ts|e distsibutiofl of profit as per the requirements of Shariah on the basis of Modarabah model,

The profit sharing ratio betv'reen bank and investor before dedrJcuon of Tax would be as follows:

50 5Oo/. 509o of Rabbll rlaal Sttotb 50% soor'o

r::raiir:i lllt,lln6ra,a''::::a:i
:i.riaa.+.irtusralai:ir,.rai:al .:il!!b-Ir!a9,:, ta!,eEiEr'q;]: ri.lfli!9l9sQ:i
Savinq Mu$aikah - 0 To 9.99 K Ilonthlv 0.5211 0.5197 0.5273
Saving Musharikah - 10 K To 99.99 K Monthly 0.5241 0.5227 0.5303
Savino Musharikah - 1@ K To 499.99 K Flonthly 0.5270 0.5257 0.5333
Monthlv o.5270 0.5257 0.5333
Savinq Musharikah - 1 M To 4.99 lY Monthlv 0.s300 0.5286 0.5363
Savinq Musharlkah -5 MTo 9.99 N4 Monthlv 0.5330 0.5316 0.5393
SavirE Mushankah - 10 M To 24.99 M Monthly 0.5330 0.s316 0.5393
SavirE Musharikah - 25 M To 49.99 M Monurly 0.5360 0.5346 0.5423
Savinq Musharikah - 50 M To 99.99 M Monthly 0.5509 0.s494 0.5574
Savinq Musharikah - 100 M To 49.99 M Monthly 0.s6s8 0.5643 0.s72s
Savinq Musharikah - 500 M & Above Monthly 0.s806 0.5791 0.5875
Falah Mahana -1 Monthly 0.5211 0.5197'r3
Falah Mahana &ndanl - 500 K To 24.99 M Monthly 1.3399 1.3364 1.3558
Six Monthly 0.5211 0.5197 0.5273
h Monthlv 0.0089 0.0089 0.0090
Alfalah Idamic Asaan Savinqs Account Six Monthly 0.5211 o.5197 0.5273
h Idamlc Collection Savinqs Accourt Monthly L.5246 1.5205 L.5426
Alfalah lCamlc RecllrIino Value DeDosit Monthly 1.,1888 1.4849 1.506s
Tarqet SaMnqs Depo6it Monthly 1.4888 1.48/9 1,5065
Alfalah Asaan Remitbnce savlno account Monthly 0.5211 0.5197 0.5273
Islamlc HRA Monthly 0.5211 0.5197 0.s273
Savhg Islamic Account 0 to 9,999.99 Monthly 0.5211 0.5r97 0.5273
Afa Saving Islamic Account i0,0OO & Above Monthly 1.5037 r.,1849 1.5065
DiqltEl SEvinq Account llonthly 1.5246 1.5m5 r.5426
b 999 Iqonthlv 1.39S5 1.3958 1.4161
Falah Senior Citizens 500 & !lonthly i:319_ 1.5205 1.5426
Account - I To 999.99 K Monthly
-lsti- 0.5197 0.5273
FalahBuslness Aqbunt - 1 M To 4.99 M Monthly 0.6104 0.60a8 0.6r76
FalahBusiness Account - 5 M To 9.99 M Monthly o,6402 0.6385 o, 1g
FalahBrsineEs Account - 10 M To 24.99
M Monthly 0.6700 0.6682 0.6779
FalahBusiness Accourt - 25 M To 49.99 M Monthly 0.5997 0.6979 0.7080
Business Accourt - 50 M To M Monthly o,7295 0.7276 0.7382
Ealah Business Acrount - 100 M To i49.99 M Monthly 0.7593 0.7s73 0.7683
Falah Bushess Accourt - 150 M To i09.99 ia Monthlv 0.8040 0.8018 0.813s
Falah - 200 M To ,+9{,.99 M Monthlv 1.1484 t.5443 0.8587
Falah Business Account - 500 M & 999.99M Monthlv 1.5484 1.5443 t.5426
Falah BJsiness Account - 1 Bn To 1.998n Monthlv L5444 1.5443 0.9641
Falah B$lness Account - 2 8n & Above Monthly 1.5484 1,5443 1.0395

t!!E{i!!Ec!ril i@Giit:i i;r!6!i.iaii.ia

Eq!a! ttargin AccDunts Monthly 0.0050 0.0059 0.0060

lt'lwittillilaEe .i
- 100K To At Maturity 0,7742 o.n21 0.7a34
Falah One Month Term Deoo6it : 500 K To 999.99 K At Maturitv 0.7891 0.7a70 0.7984
Falah One Month Term DepGit - 1 M To 4.99 M At Mahrriw 0.8{x0 0.80r8 0.8135
Falah One t,tontfi Term Deposit - 5 l"l To 9.99 M At MatJritv 0.8189 0.8167 0.8286
Falah One l'ionth Jerm Deposit - 10 M To 24.99 tY At Matuiiw 0.8337 0.$r5 0.8436
Falah One Month T t - 25 M To 49.99 !1 At Maturitv 0.8665 0.8@2 0.8768
Falah Month Term Deoosit - 50 M To 74.99 M At Maturitv 0.8814 0.8791 0.89r8
One Month Term -75M At Maturiw 0.8844 0.8820 0.8948
Falah OrE Monb Term Deoosit - 100 M To 149.99 M At Maturity 0.9082 0.9058 0.9189
Falah orE Month Term Derpsit - !.50 M To 199.99 M At Matudtv 0.9231 0.9206 0.9340
Falah One Monu| Term DeDodt - m0 M To 499.99 M At lYaturlty 0.997s 0.9949 1.0093
Falah One Month Ttrm tlepoSt - 5OO l.,l to 999.99 M At lt4ahrrity 1.2506 1.2473 1.2654
Falah one - 1 Bn To 1.99 Bn At Maturiw t.2536 L.2fi3 t.2@4
Falah orE Month Term -2Bn& At Mahrrity 1.2566 L.2532 t.2715
K To 499.99 K At Maturity
TDR 3 Months lier-Wise - 5m K To 999.99 K \,\ ,/ lrl At Mahrritv
TDR 3 Months lie.-Wise - 1 I'LTo 4.99 M At Maturity 0.8337 0.8315 0.8436
TDR 3 Months ner-Wse - ,1l1 io 9.99 M At MaUrity 0.8486 0.846d*- l).8587-*.
Bank Alfalah Limited

Bank Afalah UmiEd - Idamic Eanklng ls pleas€d to dedare the @rrent Welghtages fbr lrlardr 2021 .nd two prrvlous p.dodr whlch are apdlcable on lts Savings

/ Term deposlB Accpunts. These Welghtages are used to calculats Ele dlsbtbuton of pront as per the requlrements of Sharlah on the bags of Modarabah model.
The proltt shadrE rato betvieen bank and lnvestor befulc deducton ofTax i oiJld be as tullor'/s
lrrta 2:l-F.F2l
*:,;i;=:i;3 &utrfl?t,i.i:
SIII! or rard.rlb 50,rt 50 50

SlE.o,ru!!tl rlDl 50qt

TDR 3 i,lonths Tler-Wise - 10 M To 24,99 M At Maturiw 0.8635 0.86r2 0.87J7

M To 49, M At Matrrltv 0.8E73 0.8850 0.8979
3 - 50 M To 74.99 M At Mabirlt^,/ 0.9022 0.8998 0.9129
At MaEiritv 0.9141 0.9117 0.9250
3 !,loiths l'ier- MT At Matu.ltv 0.9290 0.9266 0.94m
3 l,lonttls Tler-Wse - 1$ M To 1 lil At MaErdtv 0.9439 0.9414 0.95s1
M To 49,99 At Mahr.W 1.0184 1.0157 1.0304
.99 M At Matlrltv 1.286 1.2503 r.2684
at Mahriw L2fi 1.2532 1.2715
Trer-lvie-2&l&Abo/e at Mabriw 1.2595 1.252 L,2745
6 i'lqlurs Trer-Wse - lm K To 4E). K At Mabdty 0.8337 0.8315 0.8436
6 Trer-Wise - 500 KTo 999.99 K At MatJdtv 0.8486 o-4464 0.8587
Trer-Wise - I ia To 4.99 M At Mabjritv 0.8635 0.8612 o.8737
M At MatJritY 0.8744 0.876r 0.8888
TDR 6 HdltlE Tler-Wise - 10 1.1To 24.9 l.l At Mabjrltv 0.8933 0.8909 0.9039
TDR 6 qluE Trer-Wise - 25 H To ,i9.$ M At Maturitv 0.9082 0.9058 0.9189
TDR 6 l,lmttE Trer-Wie - 50 H To 74.9 l.l At Mabiritv 0.9231 0.9206 0.9340
6 Ho.ltE M M At Mat ritv 0.9380 0.9355 0.9491
6 At Mabiritv 0.9439 0.9414 0.9551
6 Tr€.-Wse - 150 To 1
14 M At Maturity 0.9588 0.9563 0.9702
TDR 6 li,lonfls - 200 M To 499.99 M At Maturlw 1,0332 1.0305 1.0{55
M At Maturity 1.0,181 1.0454 1.ffiO5
T At Mabrrlty 1.0630 r.0602 1.0756
6MonttsTrer-Urlse-2Bo At MatJrity 1.07r9 1.0751 1.0907
TmlYearTIer-Wle-1i o 99K At Mahrrity 0.853s 0.8512 0.4737
K At MaUirity 0.9r12 0,9(m 0.9220
lYea.Tlcr-Wise-1MT 4. M At Maurttv 0.925t 0.9236 0.9370
TDR 1 Year Ir€r.WEe - 5 M To 9.9q M At Matrritv 0.909 0.93Es 0.9521
IDR 1 Year Tkr-Wse - 10 M To 24.99 M At Mabritv 0.9ss8 0.9a3 0.9671
Thr-Wse-5MTo49.99M At Mabrritv o.9m7 0.%8r 0.9822
-$MTo74.99M At MatJdty 0.9856 0.9831) 0.9973
99.99 M At MaEdtY 0,9916 0.988!) 1.0033
I At MabJrity 1,0184 1,0157 1.03(X
TDR 1 YeaT At MabJriw 1.0213 1.0186 1.0334
I Year TEr-Wse - 200 lil To M At Mabrritv r.0630 1.0602 1.07s6
IDR 1YearTrer-Wise - gx) To 999.99 M At Mafrrritv 1.O7r9 1.0751 1.0907
- 1 Bn To 1.99 Bn At Maturlw 1.0928 1.08E) 1.1057
-2Bn&Above At MatJdtv 1.1077 1.1048 1.1208
2 Year Trer-Wi- - 100 K At Mat .itv 0.8933 0.8909 0.9039
TDR 2 Year Tler-Wise - g)0 X l( At Mahrrttv 0.9141 0.9117 0.9250
2 Year'l ier{ryise - I M To 4.E) M At MatJrltv 0.9290 0.9266 0.r00
M To 9.99 M At Mabdtv 0.9439 0.9.114 0,9551
TDR2Year]ier-Wse-1 At MabJrity 0.9s58 0.983 0.967r
2 Year At Mahrriw 0.9737 0.97r1 0.9852
TDR 2 Year Tler-Wse - 50 M To 74.99 M At Mabrrltv 0.9886 0.9860 1.0m3
2 Year Tler-Wse - M M At Mabrritv 0.9945 0.99r9 r.0063
TDR 2 Year Trer-Wse - 100 M To 149.99 M At Maturiw r,02r3 1.0186 r.0334
- 150 M To 199.99
M At Maturttv r.0243 1.0216 1.0364
2 M To 499.99 M At MahJrlW r.0530 1.0502 1,0756
2 Year TIer-Wse - 500 &A At MaErdW 1,0809 1.0780 1.0937
499.99 K At Maturlv 0.923r 0.9206 0.9340
3 Year KT At Maturiw 0.9380 0.9355 0.9491
-1MTo4.99M At Maturltv 0.9529 0.9503 0.9641
3 Yea. At Maturlty 0.9677 0.96s2 0.9792
3 Year Ti.r-Wse - 10 M At MaEdtv 0.9826 0.9800 0.9943
-5MTo49,99M At FiahJritv 0.9975 0.999 1.0093
TDR 3 Year Tler-WsE - g LLTo 74.99 M At Mahrdw 1.0124 1.0097 t.0244
TDR f At Mabrrtty 1.0273 1,0246 r.039s
TDR 3 Year Tler-Wse - 100 M To 1{9.99 M At Mabrrftv 1.0422 r,0394 1,0545
3 Year'lier-Wse - 150 M M At Mabrltv 1.0s71 1.0543 1.0696
- m0 M To 499.99 M At MahJrltv 1.0720 1.0691 1,0847
3 f M& At Maurity 1.0839 1.0810 1.0967
- 3 Years Monthly r.l0l7 1.098€ 1.1148
5 Tler-Wse-100KTo At Maturlw 0.9s2s 0.9503 0.9641
To 999. At Maturlty 0.9677 0.9552 0.9792
2 At Maturiv 0.9826 0.980Oo.. h€BglSie
Bank Alfalah Limited

Bank Afalah UmiH ^ lslamic gankng b phased to declare the curent Weightag€s fur€h 2021 and two p]rylou3 p.dodr whlch are appllcable on its Savings

/ Ttrm deotts Ac.ounts, These welghtages are used to calo.rlate tie distribidon of profrt as per the requlrements of Sharlah on the basis of Modarabah model.
The profit sharing rauo betyveen bank and in\estor befure deducEon of Tax would be as follows:
oata 2il-r.!21


50 ao9b iio/o

9rr. oa lrDbol Xaal 50 5ll9t lto

5 Year -5 M To 9,99 M At Mabrdtv 0.997s 0.Ex9 1.0m3
To 24.99 M At MabJrity 1,0L24 1.0097 1.0244

5 Year MT
At Mebrdtv tI l.ort
l r.0246 1.0395
At tlabJrttv 1.0394 1.0545
5 Year Tier-Wse - 75 M To M At Mat ritv I 1-0s71 1.0543 1.0695
5 Year Trer-Wise - 100 M To 1,19. M At I'laturltv I 1.0720 1.0691 1.0847
5 Year ]-Er-WEe - 1g) ti{ To M At M.tuftv I 1-0868 1.0840 r.0997
- z)0l..| To 49.99 l.l At Matuitv I 1.lol7 1.{Xm 1.1148
5 Year ,laturlty T--i:iEr-"] 1.101E 1.1178
- IierYrbe lm K To ,199.9 K Mo.rt ilv I 0.8486 o.w 0.8587
K I 0.8tf,3 0.8939 0.9069
Falah lY 0.9112 0.9@8 o.9220
Faldl lY Mahana urEh - HT 0.E26r 0.9236 0.9370
lY i{ahana HurEfa - M ,,lonthlv 0.940s I 0.938s 0.952r
- liemtse 25 M To M Monthlv 0.955A I 0.9$3 0.9671
50 M To 74.99 M Monthlv 0.9m7 I 0.9681 0.9822
75 M To 99.99 M 0.9767 ) 0.9741 0.9882
ll To 149.99 M Monthlv 1.003s I 1.0(m 1.0154
Falah lY To 199.99 M Monthly -T0064 - 'l 1.0038 1.0184 _
Falah 1Y
'I M l,lonthly f rJ481 1.0454 r.060s
TDR Falah lY tlahana Munatu tlonthly r.o720 I l.069l 1.0847
Falah 1Y i'lahana l'lunafd - l'l 1 Bar I'tontslv r.07,rq I t.inl 1.0877
Falah 2Y tlahana
- liervrise 2 Bo & Monthlv L.o-F- 1.0751 1.0907
K 0.gfiA 0.8751 0.8888
HurEfa - Monthlv 0.8993 0.8969 0.9099
lM To 4.99 M Moothlv 0.9141 0.9r17 0.9250
5MTo9. M Monthlv 0.9290
x M To 24.99 M
,t9.99 M
Moothlv 0.94{X)
Fahh 2Y HonthlY 0.9s88 0.9563 0,9702
Falah 2Y Mahana 0.9737 0.9711 0.9852
Mahana fi,tu.Ef. - tlonthlv 0.9796 0.9n1 0.9913
Munafa - M l,lonthlv 1.006{ 1.0038 1.0184
Munafa - llerwise 1S0 l.l 1 Ittonthlv 1.fiXt4 1.006E t.02t4
- IierY{be 200 M To M Mond$v 1.M81 1.0454 1.0605
Falah 2Y - Iterrbe 500 lil & Abo€ Moot y r3638 1.ffiz 1.3799
tlahana Munafa - 0.8337 0.831s 0.8436
500 K To Montilv 0.9022 0.8998 0.9129
{Y - Tlerwise llrl To 4.99 M Monthlv 0.9171 0.9147 0.9280
TDR {Y To 9.99 M Monthlv 0.9320 0.9295 0,9{30
Tm FaHr 4Y lGhana 99M Monthlv 0.9439 0.9414 0.9551
4Y i,lahana 0.9618 0.9s92 o.9732
Munafa - Tierwise MT 0.9767 0.974t 0.9882
- Tietwlse 75 M T Monthlv 0.9826 0.9800 0.9943
4Y - lleflvise IOO M To 149 M Monthlv 1,0154 1.0r27 1.O274
Falah 4Y To 199,9 M Monthlv 1.0184 1.0157 1.0304
Falah 4Y MatEna Munafa 'Tlerwlse 200 M To 99M Monthly 1.0541 1.0513 1.0666
4Y Mahana Munafa - ]ierwls€ Monthly 1.0720 1.0691 t.0&17
Falah 5Y Maha M 499.99 K Monthlv 1.2555 1.2622 1.280s
Falah 5Y Mahana M K 1.2953 1.29r9 1.3106
Munafa - 1M 1.3251 1.3215 1.3408
-llerwise5MT M Monthlv 1.3548 1.3513 1,3709
Falah To 2{.99 M Monthlv 1.3845 1.3809 1,4010
Munafa - Tlerwise 1,4144 1.4106 1,43r1
Falah M To 74.9 M M, 1.4442 1.4403 1,46r1
TDR Falah 5Y Mahana 99M Monthly 1.5037 L.4997 1.521s
Falah 5Y MalEna 99M Monthly 1.5155 1.5116 1.5336
MurEfa - 1.5185 1.5146 1.5366
TDR - Tlerwlse M 1.5216 1,5175 1.5396
5Y MurEFd - t.52$ 1.5205 1.5426
AlFalah Islamlc One - 5MTo24.g At MabJdA 1.3$5 1.3958 1.4161
tlonth Premium 99M At MabrltY 1,3995 1.3958 1.4161
h Premlum Term At atuntv 1.4025 1.3988 1.4191
AlFalah Islamic One Month Prenlum Term Depos[:Eo t"t to 299.99 tt At Maturltv 1.4055 1.4017 t.4221
AlFalah lCamtc One Month Premtum Ten! Depostt - 300 M To {99.99 M At Maturltv L4044 1.4047 1.4251
AlElah Islamic One
Islamlc One
Monfi Prernlum Term Depo6tt - 500 M To 999,09 M
t'lonth PEx!fumffi
7- t At Mahrrlv 1.4114 1.4077 1.4281
At Maturltv L.4L44 1.41{16* ,-JA3J.[^-,
Bank Alfalah Limited

Eank Atfdlah Umlted - Islamic Banking ls p{€ased to dedare the curent Welghbges fur March 2021 .nd turo prwlour p!.lodr wfilch are appllcable on Savings
/ Term deposlts AccounB. These Wei9h69es are used to calculate the dl$nbdon of proft as per the requlrements of Shanah on the bas6 of Modarabah model,
The prcft sharlng ratio bet\ een bank and invesbr befure deducuon ofTax wgutd be as foltows:

D.t 23-F6b-21

', PROFTT s*Antr{o RAriO

ffiry a

50qt l,lt96 50

50qt 5lt

Ldamic Three -5MTo24. M At Matrrttv 1.4025 1.398E 1.4191

Thrce i'lontr T 99.99 M At Mabrtty 1..t025 1.3988 1.419r
i,lonb PrcmftJm 199.99 M At Maturity 1.,O55 1.4017 t.4221
I.lqdr Premlum Team M At MAfu tY 1.{84 1.4047 1,4251
Prernlum Team 99M At MahrdtY 1,41t4 1.4077 t,428.t
AlFalah Ldamk Th,ee i,lfit r Prernlum Term DeFslt - 500 M To 999.99 M At MatudW 1.414 1.4105 1.4311
-1Bn&Abo/e At MabJrw 1.1171 1.4136 1.4?42
Idamlc -5M At Mat rltv 1.,O55 1.,O17 1.4221
lgamlc Sb( - 25 l.l To 99.99 M At MaEdtv 1.4017 t.422t
Idamic 9x tloofr - 100 M To 199. M At Maturltv t.M4 1.4047 1.4251
Sn Mor{tl T LM To 289.99 M At Matudtv 1.4114 L40n 1.{281
PrE nlum T I M To {99.99 M At llatlrtty t.4144 1.4106 t.{311
Term M At MaUrriW 1.4t74 1.4136 1.4342
tlodrr m -1 Above At MAIJTtty t.1zo3 1.4166 1.4372
Idamic 1 Year M To 24.9 M At Mahrrltv 1.5126 1,s086 1.5306
1 Yeaa Premium Te.m To 9.99 M At MabJntv 1.5057 1.s216
mk 1 Y@r Prerniun Term To 199.99 M At MabJrN r,5126 r.5085 1.5306
Year Premium Term 99M At Maurlitv 1.5r56 1.51r6 1.5336
Term M At Maurity 1.5186 1.51.16 1.5366
Tem At Matuiw 1.5216 L.5176 1.5396
1 Year Prernium At Mabdty 1.5246 1.5205 1.5426
Idamh 1 Hf|-5M tlonthly 1.5186 1.5145 1.5366
Idamic I Year fterni -25MTo99. M Monthlv 1.5216 1.5176 1.5396
Year Prernlun P M To 199.99 M Monthlv 1.5205 1.5,.26
un Tem 299.99 M Mont v 1.S156 1.5116 1.5336
un Tem ,t99.99 M MooB v 1.5186 1.51,16 1.5355
Term 9M lrlonthlv 1.5215 1.5176 1.5396
ICamk 1 Mth-1Bn Monthlv 1.5246 1.5m5 L.5426
,llfa Tenn Depadt ICamic I
- $0& Monthlv 1.s747 0.5732 0.5815
Alfd Term Deo€t - ICamk tcY I gD & Above-Ihree lrlonti6-M&.rritv (tub1e.t b Laundr) Monthlv o.m7 0.t61 0,5845
Term &Abo€-$( b liu t4onthly 0.5&r 0.5791 0.587s
Tem to Laurdr l,,lonu y 0.5436 0.5821 0.5905
Laundl Mono v 0.5856 0.5850 0.5935
- Ida Yea Monthly 0.5$6 0.5880 0.5966
- Islamic arnch' Monthlv 0.5926 0.5910 0.59
Arfd Term DepqCt - ldamlc I Ll'Y 500 & Abo\€-Fve Y to MonthlY 0.5955 0.590 0.6026
- Islamlc Monthlv 0.5n7 0.5761 0.5845
T 500 & Monthlv r,5806 0.5791 0.5875
[c'r 500 & Monur MonthlY 0.5821 0.590s
500 & MonB v 0.5866 0.5850 0.593s
Term AboveTwo to Monthtv 0.5896 0.5880 0.5955
b Launch Monf y 0.5925 0.5910 0.5996
- Islamic Years-Month Monthly 0.5955 0.5940 0.6026
Alfd Term DeDdlt - Idamlc I 500 & to La Monthlv 0.5985 0.6056
- lMonb - Monthly r.5335 1.5294 1.5517
Falah Senlo( t4onthlv 1.555 1.5324 1.55,7
Falah Senlo. Monthly ..s39r 1.5354 t,5577
Senlor At Matrrity 1.s603 1.5562 1.S788
Senlor TDR-1 Monthly r.5484 1.5443 1.5667
SBP ILTFf - Todile S€dor - : ilaE Monthlv ).9826 0.9800 0.9943
- Terule SedDr - Monthly 0.6682 0.5930
- Texule Sedor - Monthly 0.5360
. 0.53{6 0.5423
SBP ILTTF Monthlv 0.9826 0.9800 0.9943
ILTTF - Non Is Monthlv ).6700 0.6682 0.6930
TLTFF - Non TerUIe Monthlv 0.5360 0.5346 0.5423
Rercwable Monthlv 0.8189 0.8157 0.8436
Monthlv ).s360 0,5346 0.s423
UI Monthly 0.8337 0.831s 0.8436
lc Fad riculbrre Monthly 1.0394 1.0545
Fad lbr 5 Monthly 0.9577 0.9652 0.9792
uce over 7 Monthly 0.7444 0.7424 0.7532
of 10 ls lvlonthlv 0.5955 0.5940 0.6026
Islamlc Modemlzauon 1 Monthly 0.s955 0,5940 0.6026
Economtc Refr Monthly 0.2531 0.2524 0.3013
fur 9 Monthly 0.0030 0,0030 0.0030
Bank Alfalah Limited

Bank Afalah Umited - Islamlc Banking is pleased to dedare dle cunert Weighbges for l.lardr 2021 and tyro prwbus periods whial are applicable on its Savings

/ Term dep6its AccounB. nles€ Weighbges are us€d to calcliate the disdhJtbar of prcfit as per UE requiEments of Shariah ofl the basb of Moda6bah modet.

The proft iEdr€ ratio behrveen bank and lft€stoa beftre dedudion of Tax would be as follolrs:

B*:=eg ffiituai-:"
,:..:lPAr )EII:S-mRI!IG.R TtO
Sh&! ot lluLrtD 5orrt 5(l 50c,4,

Slult ot nrhhul ilaal 50rt/. 50 59o/r

Wages & to
con@rns-ffr ax! Monthlv 0.23,l.2 0.2376 0.2410
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Monthlv 0.5360 0.s346 0.5423
&dness @ncer&tuB . Monthly 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030

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