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FCS Society Feb 17

This week’s FCS Society meeting was really interesting. It was one of the first or the first
meeting, so we got introduced to the leaders of the society and learn about the society. After
that we heard a talk from Claire Pollock. She talked about how when she first was part of the
BYUI FCS program all they had was FCS education, but she didn’t really want to be a teacher.
When she was a Junior, they added new clusters of FCS majors. She chooses to do a catering
and event planning and entrepreneurship major. While doing her schooling she worked at the
Atrium in Rexburg and helped planning weddings. After she graduated, she moved to Utah and
worked as a receptionist. One of the reasons they hired her is because of her major. They had
her help plan events for them, she had to plan a venue, food, gifts and much more for each
event. She then moved a few times and each time she had a Job that didn’t have to do with her
major, but they figured out what her major was and asked her to start planning events and
things like that instead of what she was doing. I found this really interesting because there are
so many unique combinations of things you can put together as a FCS degree and it can end up
being very helpful to people when they see your major. It doesn’t matter what major you do
but you can make such a unique combination that makes you unique and important to people.

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