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Introduction to Algorithms February 11, 2018

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.006 Fall 2018

Instructors: Jason Ku, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, and Virginia Williams Entrance Exam

Entrance Exam

• Do not open this quiz booklet until directed to do so. Read all the instructions on this page.

• When the quiz begins, write your name on the top of every page of this quiz booklet.

• You have 60 minutes to take this exam. Do not spend too much time on any one problem.
Read through all problems first, then solve them in an order that allows you to make the
most progress.

• No calculators, cell phones, or other programmable or communication devices are permitted.

• Write your solutions in the space provided. Pages will be scanned and separated for grad-
ing. If you need more space, write “Continued on S1” and continue your solution on the
referenced scratch page at the end of the exam.


School Email:
2 6.006 Entrance Exam Name

Problem 1. Let A = {i2 | i ∈ {2, 3, 4, 5}} and B = {2i | i ∈ N and 0 < i < 10}. Evaluate:

(a) |A ∩ B|

(b) |A ∪ B|

(c) A − B

Problem 2. Let X be the random variable representing the outcome of rolling one fair 6-sided
die. Let Y be the random variable representing how many chosen numbers are even, after choosing
exactly two numbers uniformly at random without replacement from set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. Evaluate:

(a) E [X]

(b) E [Y ]

(c) E [X + Y ]

Problem 3. Let A = 600 × 6 and B = (60 × 4) + 2. Are the following statements True or False?

(a) A ≡ B mod 2

(b) A ≡ B mod 3

(c) A ≡ B mod 4

n+1 n n!
Problem 4. Prove by induction that i= 2
for any positive integer n. Note k
= k!(n−k)!
6.006 Entrance Exam Name 3

Problem 5. Prove by induction that the number of edges in any connected acyclic undirected
graph G = (V, E) is exactly one less than the number of vertices in the graph, i.e., |E| = |V | − 1.
You may use the fact that every connected acyclic undirected graph having more than one vertex
contains a vertex with degree one.
4 6.006 Entrance Exam Name


You can use this paper to write a longer solution if you run out of space, but be sure to write
“Continued on S1” on the problem statement’s page.

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