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JEE-– Math

Review Exercise Questions
Multiple Options may be Correct

Q1. Which of the following statements are correct?

(A) Every cyclic parallelogram is a rectangle.

(B) An isosceles trapezium is always cyclic.
(C) A cyclic trapezium is always isosceles.
(D) The quadrilateral formed by the angle bisectors of a cyclic quadrilateral is also cyclic.


Q2. A chord AB of a circle S1 cuts a concentric circle S2 at A ' and B' . Prove that AA '  B B'.

Q3. Two circles cut each other at A and B. PAQ and RBS are parallel straight lines which meet
the circles against at P, Q, R and S. Show that PQ = RS.

Q4. Two straight lines OAB and OCD are drawn from an external point O to cut a circle at
A, B, C and D. Can the intersection point of PAD and BC be the center of the circle?

Q5. Prove that a circle can be drawn through the vertices of any isosceles trapezium.

Q6. Each circle from a family of circles passes through a fixed point A and has its center on a
fixed line L. Prove that every circle of this family will also pass through another fixed point.

Q7. H is the orthocenter of ABC . AH meets BC at D and the triangle’s circumcircle at E.

Prove that HD = DE.

Q8. I is the incenter of ABC . AI meets the triangle’s circumcircle at D. Prove that DB = DC =

Q9. In a triangle ABC, the internal bisectors of A meets the circumcircle in D. DE and DF are
perpendiculars to AB and AC respectively from D. Prove that AE  .

Q10. Two circles intersect at A and B. A variable line through A meets the circle at P and Q.
What is the locus of the mid-point of PQ?

Q11. A, B and C are any three points on a circle. D and E are the mid-points of the minor arcs cut
off by AB and AC respectively. Show that DE is equally in inclined to AB and AC.

Q12. Two chords of a circle are bisected by a fixed chord AB. Prove that the greater of the two
chords will be the one which intersects AB at a point closer to its mid-point.
JEE-– Math

Q13. What is the locus of the mid-points of chords of a circle which pass
through a fixed point?

Q14. I and S are the incenter and the circumcenter respectively of ABC . Evaluate IAS in
terms of B and C.

Q15. S is the circumcenter of ABC and D is the mid-point of BC. Show that BSD = BAC

Q16. ABCD is parallelogram. Prove that the circumcenters of ABC and ADC are at the
same distance from AC.

Q17. Consider an isosceles triangle ABC with base BC. X is any point on BC, while P and Q are
the circumcenters of ABX and ACX . Prove that APXQ is a parallelogram.

Q18. The diagonals of a quadrilateral ABCD meet at the point O. Show that the circumcentres
of the four triangles OAB, OBC, OCD and ODA form a parallelogram.
JEE-– Math


Review Exercise Questions

Single Choice Correct Only

Q1. In a circle with center O, chords AB and CD intersect at E:

Which of the following is correct?

(A) AEC  BOD  AOC
(B) AEC  BOC  AOC  BOD
(C) AOC  BOD  2AEC
(D) None of these

Multiple Options may be Correct

Q2. Consider the following figure.
JEE-– Math

O is the center of the circle. Which of the following are correct?

b  90º  a
(A) A. 2
c  a
(B) B. 2
d  90º  a
(C) C. 2
(D) D. b  c  90º

Q3. I is the incenter of ABC. AI when produced meets the circum circle of ABC in D. If
BAC = 48º and ACB = 68º, which of the following are correct?
(A) DBC = 24º
(B) IBC = 32º
(C) ADB = 68º
(D) BID = 56º

Q4. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral such that AB is a diameter of the circumscribing circle, and
CD||AB. Also CAB = 30º. Which of the following are correct?
(A) ACB  80º
(B) ADC  120º
(C) DAC  20º
(D) ABC  60º

Q5. Consider the following figure:

(A) BCE = 60º

(B) DBE = 110º
(C) OEB = 40º
(D) BCD = 30º
JEE-– Math

Q6. Consider the following figure:

Which of the following are correct?

(A) COD = 90º

(B) CAD = 50º
(C) BOC = 40º
(D) ADC = 110º

Integer Answers

Q7. What is the value of x in the following figure?

Q8. What is the value of x in the following figure?
JEE-– Math

Q9. What is the value of x in the following figure?

Q10. What is the value of x in the following figure?

Q11. What is the value of x in the following figure?
JEE-– Math

Q12. What is the value of x in the following figure?

Q13. What is the value of x in the following figure?


Q14. Let P and Q be any two points on a circle S. Prove that the chord PQ lies entirely
within S.

Q15. Suppose that two circles of radii r1 and r2 respectively intersect each other at two points.
Let d be the distance between their centers. Prove that

r1  r2  d  r1  r2

Q16. When two circles cut each other, prove that the line joining their centers bisects their
common chord at right angles

Q17. (a) Under what condition will two chords of a circle bisect each other?
(b) PQRS is a parallelogram whose vertices lie on a circle. What can you say about its
diagonals PR and QS?
JEE-– Math

Q18. Q is the mid-point of an arc PQR of a circle. Show that Q is

equidistant from the radii through P and R.

Q19. Suppose that ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle such that AB = CD. Prove that AC
= BD.

Q20. The diagonals AC and BD of a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle are perpendicular. Show
that AB and CD subtend supplementary angles at the center.

Q21. S is a fixed circle A variable chord of constant length “slides around” S. P is a point on the
chord whose distance from the chord’s mid-point is fixed. What is the locus of P?

Q22. AB and CD are two diameters of a circle. CX is a chord parallel to AB. Show that B is the
mid-point of DBE

Q23. P and Q are the mid-points of two equal chords in a circle. The straight line joining P and Q
meets the circle at A and B. Show that AP = BQ.

Q24. O is the center of the circumcircle of an acute ABC . What is the relation between
OBC and BAC ?

Q25. Prove that this sum of the angles in the four segments exterior to a cyclic quadrilateral is
equal to 540º.

Q26. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. A circle through A and B meets AD and BC is E and F
respectively. Show that EF || DC.

Q27. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. The bisectors of angles A and C meet the circle at P and Q.
Show that PQ is a diameter of the circle.

Q28. Consider the following figure:

What is the measure of BCD?
JEE-– Math


Review Exercise Answers

Single Choice Correct Only

S1. (C). Since AOC= 2ABC and BOD = 2BCD, we have:

AOC  BOD  2  ABC  BCD ... i 

In BEC, using the exterior angle theorem, we have:

AEC  ABC  BCD ... ii 

Using (i) and (ii), we have

AOC  BOD  2AEC

Multiple Options may be Correct

S2. All the four options are correct. We note that

OAD  ODA  180º a 
 90º  a
 d   CBD  CAD  90º  a
1 1
 c   ACD   AOD   a
2 2
b  BAC  BDC  90º  c
 90º  a
JEE-– Math

S3. (A), (B), (C) and (D). Consider the following figure:

Using the angle sum property in ABC, we have:

ABC  180º   48º 68º 
 64º
Now, we make the following observations:
i.  DBC  DAC    BAC  24º
ii.  IBC    ABC  32º
iii. ADB  ACB  68º
iv. BID  BAI  ABI
1 1
 BAC  ABC
2 2
   48º 64º 
 56º
Thus, all the four options are correct.

S4. (B) and (D). Consider the following figure:
JEE-– Math

We make the following observations:

i. ACB = 90º, because the is an angle in a semi-circle
ii. ABC = 180º – (90º + 30º) = 60º
iii. Since ADC and ABC are opposite angles of a cyclic
quadrilateral, we have:
 AD C  180 º   A B C
 180 º  60 º  120º
iv. Since CD || AB, ADC and DAC are supplementary co-interior angles, and so
 D AB  180 º  A D C
 180 º  120º  60º
Thus, DAC  60º 30º  30º .

S5. (B), (C) and (D). We make the following observations:

i.  ABE  1  AOE  40º
  OEB   OBE  40º
ii.  BC E  1  BOE
 180º  80º   50º
iii. DBC  BCE  50º
iv. DCE  DBE  180º
  DCE  180º  DBE  70º
  DCB   DCE   BCE
=70º – 50º = 20º
Thus, (A) and (D) are incorrect.

S6. (B), (C) and (D). We make the following observations:

i. BOC = 2BAC = 40º
ii. DCA = CAB = 20º
iii. DOA = 2DCA = 40º
iv. COD = 180º – (DOA + BOC)

= 180º– ( 40º + 40º )

= 100º

We see that (A) is incorrect.

Integer Answers

S7. We note that ABC is right (angle in a semi-circle). Thus,

 ACB  180º   70º  90º 
 20º
Now, in BCD, we have (using the angle sum property):
x º  180º   90º  20º 
 70º
JEE-– Math

S8. We have:
xº  BDC   BOC
 180º 150º    30º
1 1
2 2
 15º

S9. Since OBA = OAB = 25º as well, we have:

x º  180º   25º  25º 
 130º

S10. Since OB = OC (radii), we have OCB = OBC = 50º. Thus, BDA = BCA = 50º.

S11. We note that CBD = CAD = 40º. Using the angle sum property in BCD, we have:
x º  180º   40º  60º 
 80º

S12. We note that BDC = BAC = xº, Now, we use the exterior angle theorem in CDE:
130º  30º xº
 xº  100º

S13. We have:
ABD   AOD  80º
  ABC  180º 80º  100º
  APC  reflex   2  ABC
 200º
 APC  360º APC  reflex 
 160º


S14. Your first response might be: the truth of this statement is so obvious. That’s true, but one
aspect of geometry is constructing proofs by logical deduction. Let’s see if we can do that
in this case.
JEE-– Math

We will make use of the following result, which we have already proved in our discussion on
triangles. Consider a ABC , and let X by any point on BC. Join AX:

Then, AX is smaller than at least one of AB or AC. If you have forgotten this, you are urged
to review the relevant material once again.

Now, coming back to our original problem, PQ is a chord of S. Let X be any point PQ, and
let O be the center of S:

Using our earlier result, OX must be less than at one of OP or OQ, In fact, since
OP = OQ, OX is less than both. Thus, the distance of X from O is less than the radius of S,
which means that X lies inside S.
JEE-– Math

S15. Consider the following figure:

Observe O1PO2 , the lengths of whose sides are r1,r2 and d. According to the triangle
 the sum of two sides of a triangle is greater than the third, so that r1  r2  d.
 the difference of two sides of a triangle is less than the third, so that r1  r2  d .

Combining these two results, we have:

r1  r2  d  r1  r2
S16. The following figure shows two circles intersecting at A and B, so that AB is the common

O1O2 intersects AB at X we have to prove that X is the mid-point of AB, and that
1 2  AB.

Compare O1AO2 with O1BO2 :

 O1A  O1B radii of S1 
 O2 A  O2 B  radii of S2 
 O1O2  O1O2  common 

Thus, O1AO2  O1BO2 by the SSS criterion. This means that AO1X = BO1X.
 O1A  O1B  radii of S1 
 AO1X  BO1X  proved above
 O 1X  O 1X
JEE-– Math

Clearly,  A O 1X   B O 1X by the SAS criterion. This means that AX

= BX and O1XA  O1XB  90º . Thus, OO
1 2 bisects AB at right angles.

S17. (a) Suppose that AB and CD are two chords or a circle which bisects each other at X. We
also suppose that X is a point different from the center O of the circle:

Now, since X is the mid-point of AB, OX must be perpendicular to AB. Similarly, since X is
also the mid-point of CD, OX must also be perpendicular to CD. Thus, OX is perpendicular
to both AB and CD, which means that AB must be parallel to CD.

However, that is clearly not the case, as AB and CD intersect at X. Hence, our original
assumption of taking X to be a point different from O must be incorrect. X itself is the
point O, that is, the center of the circle:

We conclude that two chords of a circle can bisect each other only if they are both
diameters of the circles.
(b) The following figure shows that the vertices of parallelogram PQRS lie on a circle:
JEE-– Math

Since PR and QS are diagonals of a parallelogram, they must bisect

each other at X. From part-(a), this means that PR and QS are diameters of this circle,
and X is its center. Note that PQRS must be a rectangle (can you see how?).

  QR,
S18. In the following figure, O is the center of the circle, and PQ  which means that
 POQ   Q O R . Also QX and QY are perpendiculars from Q onto OP and QR

Compare  OQX with  OQY :

* OQ  OQ
*  QOX   QOY
*  QXO   QY O  90º
Thus,  OBX   OQY by the ASA criterion, so that QX = QY. This means that Q is
equidistant from OP and OR.

S19. The fact that ABCD is inscribed in a circle is very significant, since every quadrilateral
cannot be inscribed in a circle. Consider the following figure:

Compare ABX with DCX :

* AB = DC (given)
* AXB  DXC (vertically opposite angles)
* ABX  DCX (angles subtended by the same chord AD on the circumference)
Thus,  ABX   D CX , so that:
 AX  DX and XB  XC
 AX  XC  DX  XB
 AC  BD
JEE-– Math

S20. Consider the following figure:

We need to show that

* AOB  21
* COD  22
AOB  COD  2  1  2
However, if you consider BXC, it is immediately evident that 1  2  90º. Thus,
AOB  COD  2  90º  180º

S21. Consider the following figure. AB slides around the circle but its lengths is always l. OA = r
is the fixe radius of the circle. M is the mid-point of AB, and PM = d is fixed:

Note using the Pythagoras theorem that:

* OM  OA 2  AM 2  r 2  is fixed
* OP  OM 2  PM2  r 2   d  is thus fixed.
We conclude that as the chord slides around the circle, the distance of P from O remains
fixed. The locus of P is a circle concentric with the original circle (that is, the center of this
circle is also O).
JEE-– Math

S22. Consider the following figure:

From the observations made in the figure, 1  2 , which means that B

 B  B
 X . Thus, B
is the mid-point of DBX .

S23. Two possibilities arise, as shown in the following figure:

However, in the cases, AP = BQ will hold true. Let us prove this for the first case. Let O be
the center of the circle. Let M be the mid-point of AB:

From the observations made in the figure,  OPM   OQM , and so, P = QM. Also, since
AM = BM, we have:
AM  PM  BM  QM
 AP  BQ
The proof for the other case is similar and is left to you as an exercise.
JEE-– Math

S24. Consider the following figure. The fact that ABC is acute angled
means that the circumcircle O will lie inside ABC (why?) . M is the mid-point of BC:

Using the observation made in the figure, we have:

OBC  90º BOM  90º BAC
  OBC   BAC  90º
Thus, the two angles are complementary.

S25. Consider the following figure. We need to show that the sum of W, X, Y, Z
is 540º. We have joined W to C and W to D.

We make the following observations:

1  3, and
S26. Consider the following figure:

Since ABFE is cyclic,

1 + 2 = 180º
This means that 2 = 3. Since these are equal corresponding angles, EF || DC.
JEE-– Math

S27. Observe the following figure. We show that PAQ = 90º:

We have:
 DAB  DCB
2  3 
 180º  50º
Also, 1 = 3, and so:
1 + 2 = 90º
Thus, PQ subtends a right angle at the circumference, which means that PQ is a
diameter of the circle.

S28. We have:

D = 180º – B = 72º

 DAQ = D = 72º

 BAD = 180º = 72º

= 180º – (DAQ + QAP)

= 80º

 BCD = 180º – BAD

= 100º
JEE-– Math

Review Exercise Answers
Level – 2
Multiple Options may be Correct

S1. (A), (B), (C) and (D). (A) is correct as follows for a cyclic parallelogram ABCD, A and C
will be equal as well as supplementary, which means that both are equal to 90º. Thus,
ABCD must be a rectangle. Proving the correctness of the other statements is left to you
as an exercise.


S2. Observe that a number of possibilities exist. The radius of S1 might be larger than S2, or
vice-versa. A' may be on the same or opposite side of A as B, etc. These possibilities are
shown below:

However, in each case, AA '  BB ' will hold true. We will prove this for the first
configuration, but the proofs for the other cases will be smaller.
Consider the following figure. O is the common center of S1 and S2, and OP  AB :

For S2 , OP is perpendicular to its chord A 'B', and so:

A 'P  B ' P
JEE-– Math

Similarly, for S1, OP is perpendicular to its chord AB, so that:

AP  A ' P  BP  B ' P
 AA '  BB'
S3. Consider the following figure:

Our effort will be directed towards proving that PQRS is a parallelogram, from which it will
follow that PQ = RS. Compare PRB with ARB :
* RB = RB (common)
* RPB = RAB (angles subtended by RB)
* RBR  ARB . This is because PBR  BPA (alternate angles), and
BPA  ARB because these are angles subtended by the same chord AB.
Thus, PRB  ARB by the ASA criterion. This mean. This means that
PR = AB, and PRB  ABR .
Similarly, we can prove that QS = AB and QSB  ABS . Also, since ABR + ABS =
180º , we have PRB + QSR =180º, from which we conclude that PR||QS.
It is now clear that PQRS is a parallelogram. Thus, PQ = RS.

S4. Consider the following figurer:

We have to determine whether P can be the center of the circle. If P is the center of the
circle, then AD and BC would be diameters of the circle bisecting each other at P, which
would further mean that ABDC would have been a parallelogram, with AB || CD.
However, that is clearly not true, because AB and CD (when extended) meet at O. Thus, P
cannot be the center of the circle.
JEE-– Math

S5. An isosceles trapezium is one in which the

non-parallel sides are equal. Suppose that ABCD is an isosceles trapezium with
AB || CD and AD = BC. Draw the circle passing through A, B and C. We will prove that it
also passes through D:

Compare ADB with ACB :

* AD = BC (the trapezium is isosceles)
* AB = AB (common)
* DAB  CBA . How? To prove that, drop perpendiculars DX and CY onto AB:

Since DX and CY are perpendiculars between the same parallels, they are equal. Thus,
DAX  CBY by the RHS criterion, which means that A  or DAB  is equal to
B  or CBA  .
Coming back, we see that ADB  ACB by the SAS criterion, so that ADB  ACB .
This means that the angle which AB subtends at D is the same as the angle which it
subtends at C. Clearly, D must also lie of the circle passing through A, B and C.
JEE-– Math

S6. This problem might seem difficult at first glance, but its solution is
extremely simply. In the following figure, A ' is the mirror reflection of A in the line L.
Note that since A and L are fixed, A ' is also fixed:

We have also shown segments of three different example circles, each of whose center
lies on L. Clearly, every such circle, because it passes through A, must also pass through
A ' . For example, since O1A  O1A ' (as L is the perpendicular bisector of AA ' ), A ' must
also lie on the circle whose center is O1 and which passes through A. This is true for every
circle of the family.
Thus, every circle of the family also passes through A ' .

S7. Consider the following figure:

Compare BED with BHD :

* 1  2 (from the observation in the figure)
* BD = BD (common)
* BDE  BDH  90º
Thus, BED  BHD by the ASA criterion, so that DE = HD.
JEE-– Math

S8. Recall that the incenter of a triangle is the point of concurrence of

its angle bisectors. Consider the following figure:

Note that since AD is the angle bisector of A , we have BAD  CAD, and thus,
  CD
BD  , which means that BD = CD or DB = DC. Now, we will prove that DI is also equal
to DB and DC. For that, we will calculate the magnitudes of DBI and  DIB in DBI .
* DBI  DBC  CBI
 DAC  B  how ? 
 A  B   A  B 
1 1 1
2 2 2
* DIB  DAB  IBA (exterior angle theorem)
   B
  A  B 
Clearly, DBI  DIB, which implies that DB = DI. Thus, DB = DC = DI.

S9. Consider the following figure:

Since AD is the angle bisector of A, BAD  CAD, which means that BD   CD  , and
thus BD = CD. Also, since D lies on the angle bisector of A , it must be equidistant from
AB and AC, i.e., DE = DF. Thus, BDE  CDF by the RHS criterion, so that BE = CF.
JEE-– Math

AB = AE – BE … (1)
AC = AF + CF … (2)
Also, AE = AF (why). Adding (1) and (2), AB + AC = AE + AF = 2AE
 AE 
S10. Observe the following figure carefully. The two circles intersect at A and B. Through A, a
number of lines have been drawn. The intersection of the lines with the circles are the
(variable) points P and Q. M (represented by the large dot) is the mid-point of PQ. Note
how the position of M changes as the inclination of PQ changes.

We have to determine the path traced out by M as the inclination of PQ changes.

In the following figure, we have drawn just one instance of PQ. X and Y are the mid-points
of AP and AQ respectively. Note that O1X  PAQ and O1Y  PAQ (O1 and O2 are the two
centers). Z is the mid-point of AM.

Note that MP = MQ, which means that

AP  AM  AQ  AM  AM 
Now, let us evaluate ZX and ZY:
ZX  AX  AZ  
2 2
AP  AP  AQ  AP  AQ
  
2  4  4
ZY  AY  AZ  
2 2
AQ  AP  AQ  AP  AQ
  
2  4  4
JEE-– Math

Thus, ZX = ZY, which means that Z is the mid-point of XY. Through Z, draw
RZ  PAQ meeting O1O 2 in R:

Observe that R must be the mid-point of O1O2 (why?), and hence R is fixed. Also, note that
since RZ is the perpendicular bisector of AM, ARM = RA. Thus, the distance of the variable
point M from the fixed point R is constant, equal to RA. This means that M traces out a
circle, whose center R is the mid-point of O1O2 , and whose radius is equal to RA (or RB).

S11. Observe the following figure, and note that D and E are mid-points (respectively) of minor
 and minor AC
AB  DOB  DOA .
 . Since D is the mid-point of AB,
Similarly, EOC  EOA :

 1  2  . Similarly, we can
We have shown that DE is inclined to AB at an angle of DXB 
 1  2  .
show that DE is inclined to AC at an angle of EYC 
Thus, DE is equal inclined to AB and AC.
JEE-– Math

S12. In the following figure, EF and GH are two chords which get bisected
by AB at X and Y respectively. M is the mid-point of AB, and MX < MY:

We conclude that since OX < OY, EF is near to O then GH, and thus EF must be greater
than GH.

S13. Consider the following figure. AB is a variable chord which passes through the (fixed) point
P. M is the (variable) mid-point

As AB varies (all the while passing through P), the position of M will vary. However, OM
will always remain perpendicular to AB, that is, the (fixed) segment OP will always subtend
and angle of 90º at M.
Thus, M will trace out a circle with OP as its diameter.
JEE-– Math

S14. Consider the following figure (in this particular scenario, we have
assumed B  C ):

We have:
BAS  BAI  IAS … (1)
CAS  CAI  IAS … (2)
By (1) – (2), we have:
2IAS  BAS  CAS  how ? 
 ABS  ACS  how ? 
   
  ABS  

SBD    ACS  
 
 SBD  SCD
 new term   new term 
 

 B  C

 B  C
 IAS 
In this case, we took B  C . If B was smaller, we would have obtained:

 C  B 
IAS 
Thus, IAS is equal to half of the difference between B and C . If B  C, IAS
will be zero.
JEE-– Math

S15. The circumcenter is the point of concurrence of the perpendicular

bisectors of the sides of the triangle, and is equidistant from each vertex. Consider the
following figure:

We have:
A  B  C  180º
  2  3   3  1   1  2   180º
 1  2  3  90º
 1  A  90º
 A  90º 1
Also, in BSD, we see that 4  90º 1 . Thus,
A  BAC  4  BSD

S16. Consider the following figure, which shows S1E = S2E. Note that E is the
mid-point of AC. We have joined AS1 and AS2:

Now, since ACB  ACD , the circumcircles of the two triangles will have the same radius.
Observe that AS1 is a rardius for the circumcircle of ACB , while AS2 is radius for the
circumcirle of ACD . Thus, AS1 = AS2. This means that AS1E  AS2 E by the RHS
criterion, so that S1E  S2 E .
JEE-– Math

S17. Consider the following figure:

We will make use of the following result. Consider a UVW with S as its circumcentre:

Then VST  U . We have encountered this result earlier, in [ref]. Coming back to our
original problem, we note that APM  C , and AQN  B . But B  C, so that
1 1
Also, since AM = AN = AB or AC , APM must be congruent to AQN by ASA
2 2
criterion. This means that AP = AQ.
Finally, we see that because of this, APR  AQR by the RHS criterion, so PR = QR.
We see that the diagonals of APXQ bisect each other, so it must be a parallelogram. In
fact, if is a rhombus, since the diagonals are perpendicular to each other.
JEE-– Math

S18. Consider the following figure:

P, Q, R and S are the four circumcenters. Note that X, P and S are collinear, because
XP  OA and XS  OA . Thus, we can say that PS  OA , or PS  AC .
Similarly, QR  AC. Since both PS and QR are perpendicular to the same line,
we conclude that PS || QR. In a similar manner, we can show that PQ || SR.
Hence, PQRS is a parallelogram.

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