May 2013 HSB Past Paper

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test cops 01253020 FORM TP 2013085 ‘MAY/UNE 2013, CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL (CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE? EXAMINATION HUMAN AND SOCIAL BIOLOGY Paper 02 ~ General Proficiency 2hows READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1, This puper consists of SIX questions in TWO sections 2 Answer ALL questions 3. Wiite your answers in the spaces provided inthis booklet 4, Bach question is worth 15 marks. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2011 Caribbean Examinations Couneil All rights reserved. 1012530208 2013, 2. SECTION A ‘Anewer ALL. questions in this section. ‘Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. 1, Daring Carnival, Vishno got drunk and had unprotected sex with a female. One year later, be ‘starts losing weight apily, and is diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. © ” (©) What o the acronyms HIV" and ‘AIDS’ mean? HIV AIDS: ‘Gmara) (@__Stae TWO ways in which HIV can be spreed within a popuition, oer than by Ibeving unprotected soe. Cmaris) Gi) State TWO symptoms vf AIDS, other than weight ss. marks} ‘Asindy was cared out compare the incidence of HIV/AIDS within various age groups. Tulle | shows the number of AIDS-related death in 2010 in various age groups. ‘TABLE 1: AIDS-RELATED DEATHS IN VARIOUS AGE GROUPS, ‘Age Group | _Namber of Deaths 15-24 321 25-34 750) 3544 240) 45-56 a5 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01283020 2013 53 (@ Onthe grid provided below, construct ber graph ofthe data in Table 1. Gmaray G® Compare the number of deaths in the various age groups. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01253000F 2013, ‘Suggest THREE socio-economic effets that deths within the 25-44 age group ‘would have on «county. Gmaria) ‘Tosal 15 marks 2, (a), State TWO ways in which the sructure ofa plant cell differs ftom tht of an animal ell. maria) (@) _Figue shows a diagram of specialize cll. igure 1. Diagram of x speclalized cell © Wentfy be ype of cll shown ia Figure 1. Gmark) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012830207 2013 (Explain how the structure ofthe cell shown in Figure 1 makes it suitable for its function. Wmaria) (©) G) List THREE charctrists oftiving organisms, other than respiration and feeding. Pesting ‘Caray “otal 15 marks G0 ON 10 THE NEXT PAGE 012830207 2013, 3 Enzymes ae biological compounds which speed up the rate of chemical reactions © o © Give the names of TWO enzymes associated with digestion in humans, and state (ONP.fnetion of EACH enzyme named. Bnayme, Fonction Enzyme Function Cima) (The breakdown of fod takes place inthe mouth, stomacs and small intestine. [Name the type of digestion for which the teeth inthe mouth are responsible mark) (Gi) Humans hve four typos ofteth. State which type of tooth is MAINLY responsible ‘forthe digertion named in (XH) above. ‘mark ‘Both tempertire and pH affect the manner in which enzymes function. Figures 2 and 3 are graphs showing the rate of reaction of amylase over a ange of temperatures and pH. ate of ‘Temperature CO) pH Figure 2. Rate of reation of amylase Figure 3. Rate of reaction of amylase vera range of temperatures at diferent pH levels GO ON 10 THE NEXT PAGE 012530207F 20:3 ©) Atapproximately which temperature snd pH does amylase function the BEST? ‘Temperature oH Gmaris) (i) Suggest what effect temperatures GREATER than $5°C would have on enzymes. mark), (©) @Conmumgtion of excessive amounts of extbohydrates and fats may contribute to the development of diabetes mellitus. Explain the role ofthe pancres in the Aeylupusenl of this dioie. Gimarisy (Suggest TWO methods, other than the use of medication, which could be used 19 ‘manage diabetes mellitus, Camas) otal 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012530207 2013, 4. Mitosis and meiosis are two types of cell division which ake place in humans. (©) @ Which type of el division result in identical ofipring? ‘mark Stato the mumber of chromosomes that will be found inthe daughter cells ofthe ‘al division named in (a) shove. mark (Gi) In which type of ell docs mitoss tke place? mark) © meiosis, an event occur in which there isthe exchange of small parts of DNA Daring ‘between homologous chromosomes. © State the mime ofthis event. mark) 163) State the source ofthe homologous chromosomes andthe importance ofthe event ‘une ia (OX above. Source Tmportance Gmariay 0 ON TO THB NEXT PAGE 1012530200 2013 (©) Figured shows the menstval cycle ofa human female, highlighting changes which occur Jn hormonal levels, the ter ad the ovary. 12530207 2013, PEEP r ee ad iia ia fl i die a al Day 6-Day 14. mari) GO ON 70 THE NEXT PAGE (Describe the changes that ake place with progesterone levels AFTER ovulation, if pregnancy occurs, and if pregnancy does NOT occur. ‘After ovulation sn pregnancy occurs 1 prognaney doos nt osoar Gani) (© Outine how folicle-stimalating hormone (FSH) controls the production of eetrogen. ‘Total 1S marks (GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 1012530202013 Sane SECTION. ‘Answer ALL questions inthis section. ‘Write your answers in the space provided at the end ofeach question. 5. (@) Name the vector fr leptospirosis and the vector for gastroenteritis. @maris) (©) Youareaskod to educate your canmunity about BOTH leptospirosis and gastroenteritis, ‘Wirt the information that mus: be provided for EACH disese, sing the folowing headings: ~ Name of disease © Signs and symptoms ~ Ways to prevent pathogens fram entering the body ~ Prevention sod contol ofthe rectors (13 marta ‘otal 15 marks ‘Write your answer to Question $ here. (G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (012530200F 2013 Re ‘Write your answer to Question Shere. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘012530207 2013, -13- ‘Write your answer to Question 5 here. ‘G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1012530207" 2013, -4e 6 Citizens are advised to avoid contact with polluted waters after ahurrieene, (© @ _Define the term ‘poutant, and give an example ofa pollutant thet CANNOT be seen or touched. @marksy ‘Outline ONE way in which water canbe purified on small scale. (1 mark ) (Gi) Explain how water can become pollated after a hurricane (maria) (©) After drinking watrat school, some stents become i, Deseriboa et for determining fyour school's water supply i contaminated with bacteria, and explain how the results ofthe test are tobe interpreted. (marks) ‘otal 15 marks ‘Write your answer to Question G here. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 012330207 2013, -1s- ‘Write your answer to Question 6 here. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘01253020 2013 16 ENDOFTEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. (012830207 2013,

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