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r Academy of Management Perspectives

2018, Vol. 32, No. 1, 125–140.

Pennsylvania State University

University of Alberta


IÉSEG School of Management

Extant literature draws attention to the importance of science-push, demand-pull, and

institutional-steering as mechanisms driving science-based innovations. We contribute
to this literature by highlighting exaptation, which refers to the cooptation of existing
traits for new functions. When applied to science-based innovations, exaptation refers to
the emergence of functionalities for scientific discoveries that were unanticipated ex
ante. We explore how exaptation can be induced through narrative properties (rela-
tionality, temporality, and performativity), and how serendipity arrangements such as
exaptive pools, exaptive events, and exaptive forums can be structured to maintain,
activate and contextualize scientific discoveries. We close the paper by discussing the
implications of exaptation for academia, industry, and policy.

Beyond their scientific value, many fundamental to commercialize scientific ideas (Levin, Klevorick,
discoveries have the potential to generate innova- Nelson, & Winter, 1987). In the United States, the
tions that can improve the lives of many. Accord- Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 offers an incentive for univer-
ingly, one approach to science-based innovations sities to commercialize their scientific discoveries,
is to “push” discoveries from the laboratory into even when publicly funded. A measure of the po-
the marketplace. However, this is not a straightfor- tency of the Bayh-Dole Act can be found in the pro-
ward task, as it requires bridging boundaries be- liferation of technology transfer offices (TTOs) at
tween scientists and non-scientists (Gieryn, 1983, U.S. universities (O’Kane, Mangematin, Geoghegan,
1999). Even when this challenge is met, given the & Fitzgerald, 2015; Siegel, Waldman, & Link, 2003).
openness and unpredictability of science and the Going beyond such institutional-steering and science-
need for co-specialized assets, sponsors of science- push mechanisms is demand-pull (see Figure 1). For
based innovations are not assured of generating instance, venture capitalists are interested in commer-
returns on their investments (Sauermann & Stephan, cializing underutilized scientific discoveries (Markman,
2012; Teece, 1987). Siegel, & Wright, 2008; Samila & Sorenson, 2010). To
Several institutional arrangements have emerged to link the ecologies of scientific discovery and use (see
address these challenges. For instance, intellectual Abbott, 2005, for the notion of linked ecologies), uni-
property protection offers organizations an incentive versities have opened science parks and incubators to
facilitate the transfer of scientific discoveries from the lab
We thank Mike Wright and anonymous reviewers for to the marketplace (Löfsten & Lindelöf, 2002; Phan,
their valuable comments on earlier drafts of this paper. Siegel, & Wright, 2005).
We thank Nandita Garud and researchers in the Creative Beyond their independent effects, science-push,
Networks Group, chaired by Jörg Sydow at the Free Uni- institutional-steering, and demand-pull constitute
versity Berlin, for their comments. dynamic innovation systems (Lundvall, 2007;
Copyright of the Academy of Management, all rights reserved. Contents may not be copied, emailed, posted to a listserv, or otherwise transmitted without the copyright holder’s express
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126 Academy of Management Perspectives February

Adaptive and Exaptive Pathways to Science-Based Innovations
Adaptive Pathway to Science-Based Innovations Exaptive Pathway to Science-Based Innovations

Institutional Emerging
Steering Institutional

Science Based
Based Innovation
Demand Science for New Users
Pull Push

These traditional mechanisms, predominantly based on attempts Exaptation, based on the emergence of functionalities
to realize functionalities conceptualized ex ante, provide an unanticipated ex ante, often require new institutional affordances
adaptive pathway to science-based innovations. and user preferences besides the validation of the scientific
discovery for new uses.

Nelson, 1993). For instance, interactions among turbine gears. All of this involved “translation”
these three mechanisms were readily evident in the (Callon, 1986) to reconfigure institutional, market,
development and deployment of wind turbines in and scientific activities.
Denmark (Garud & Karnøe, 2003). Danish wind To explain such processes, we examine the con-
turbine entrepreneurs received subsidies to the ex- cept of exaptation. Originating from evolutionary
tent that their designs received approvals from the biology, exaptation denotes the “cooptation” of fea-
Danish Test and Research Center (TRC), and TRC tures previously evolved for some other reason, or for
accumulated wind-turbine performance data from no reason at all (Gould, 2002; Gould & Vrba, 1982).
different real-world installations, which proved to Building on this insight, management scholars have
be very useful in generating collective learning documented the importance of exaptation in foster-
(Karnøe & Garud, 2012). In the United States, si- ing technological innovations (for reviews, see
multaneous efforts at developing and deploying Andriani & Cattani, 2016; Bonifati & Villani, 2013;
wind turbines were less successful, partly because Garud, Gehman, & Giuliani, 2016).
the degree of coupling among the three science- Exaptation is a promising but underexplored
based innovation mechanisms was not as strong as mechanism for those interested in science-based
in Denmark. innovations. It offers an alternative pathway for
In addition to demonstrating the importance of science-based innovations based on the emergence
interactions among the three mechanisms, the of functionalities unanticipated ex ante. By contrast,
wind turbine case also highlights the importance of science-push, demand-pull, and institutional-steering
redeploying technologies for purposes not origi- offer adaptive pathways to science-based innovations
nally envisioned. For instance, Danish manufac- often driven by a desire to realize functionalities
turers redeployed their expertise in fiberglass boat identified ex ante.
hulls to make turbine blades. Similarly, gears used Although exaptation may occur as a matter of
in heavy trucks were redeployed for use as wind course, foresight about the serendipitous emergence
2018 Garud, Gehman, and Giuliani 127

of unanticipated functionalities for scientific dis- aptus) as a consequence of (ex) their form” within
coveries can be exploited to induce exaptation. This some novel context (Gould, 2002, p. 1232). Together
can be accomplished by facilitating the emergence adaptation and exaptation constitute two different
of new institutional affordances and new user but partially overlapping pathways within the “tax-
preferences around scientific discoveries, which onomy of fitness” (Gould, 2002, Table 11-1; Gould
may need to be validated for new uses (see Figure 1). & Vrba, 1982, Table 1).
This is the core thesis we develop in the remainder In this paper, we are interested in exploring
of the article. exaptation, for which Gould delineated two sources:
We proceed as follows. After briefly discussing “franklins” and “miltons.” Franklins, inspired by the
the concept of exaptation, we introduce a distinc- bust of President Franklin D. Roosevelt on American
tive capacity that humans possess: foresight. Rele- dimes, refer to “inherent potentials” of existing
vant to exaptation, humans can have the foresight structures, as is the case with dimes being used in
that unanticipated functionality for existing dis- a supplementary way as screwdrivers. This supple-
coveries could be found serendipitously. We argue mentary use of dimes, which was not intended when
that foresight is generated in and through narra- they were designed, represents “a large and impor-
tives, and that meaning making is facilitated tant category of attributes within the exaptive pool”
through three narrative properties: relationality, (Gould, 2002, p. 1278). Miltons, inspired by a verse
temporality, and performativity. Having identified from John Milton, refer to “actual things, presently
these narrative properties, we then explore three without function, but holding within their inherent
different kinds of serendipity arrangements (exap- ‘goodness’ the rich seeds of potential future utility”
tive pools, exaptive events, and exaptive forums) to (Gould, 2002, p. 1279). Numerous examples have
facilitate the maintenance, activation, and con- been offered, from mammalian brain sutures to re-
textualization of science-based discoveries for petitive DNA (Gould, 1991; Gould & Vrba, 1982).
unanticipated uses. We conclude the paper by dis- These available but unused things “constitute the
cussing implications of exaptation for academia, in- radical counterpart to the conventiality of frank-
dustry, and policy. lins within the exaptive pool” (Gould, 2002, p.
Drawing inspiration from Archaeopteryx and
BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO EXAPTATION other such biological examples, organization
When they first appeared, feathers offered thermal scholars have documented similar processes within
insulation to a genus of bird-like dinosaurs called innovation (Andriani & Cattani, 2016; Bonifati &
Archaeopteryx. Subsequently, feathers were used for Villani, 2013; Dew, Sarasvathy, & Venkataraman,
catching insects, a process known as mantling; only 2004; Garud et al., 2016). According to economic
later did feathers enable flight (Ostrom, 1974). In historian Joel Mokyr, “One might venture that, in the
other words, feathers became valuable for flying in history of technology, exaptation is probably more
environments different from those for which feathers common than in natural history” (Mokyr, 2000, pp.
were originally selected. Consequently, the evolu- 57–58). For instance, Corning saw the possibility of
tion of feathers cannot possibly be explained as translating its existing technologies (franklins, in
an adaptation to these subsequent environments Gould’s terms) into the emerging domain of optical
(Gould & Vrba, 1982). Instead, speciation can occur fibers for long-distance telecommunication (Cattani,
because of exaptation, defined as when “a feature, 2005, 2006). At first, fiber optics was little more than
now useful to an organism, that did not arise as an a theoretical possibility. Nonetheless, Corning’s ef-
adaptation for its present role . . . was subsequently forts to translate its extant glass technologies into this
coopted for its current function” (Gould, 1991, p. 43; new frontier helped bring the world of fiber optics to
see also Gould, 2002).1 life.
Etymologically, Gould contrasted adaptations with More recently, scientists have attempted to exapt
exaptations. According to Gould, adaptations are existing FDA-approved drugs to block the Zika virus
structures fashioned (ad) for a use (aptus). Exapta- from infecting humans (White, 2016). From the
tions, by contrast, are structures that are “useful (or 700 FDA-approved drugs they tested (none of
which was created to treat Zika), scientists found
20 that held some promise. These lab findings
For readers interested in different pathways to speci- spurred further clinical trials of these drugs.
ation, please see Gould (2002). With such speciation processes (Levinthal, 1998),
128 Academy of Management Perspectives February

innovations cannot be predicted “a priori only by In other words, humans can anticipate (i.e., foresee)
invoking exploration of a prestatable, static, and the possibility of organizing for unexpected inno-
unchangeable fitness landscape through drift” (de vations based on prior scientific discoveries.2
Vladar, Santos, & Szathmáry, 2017, p. 7). This is where a second important concept comes
While scientific exaptations may be beneficial, into play: serendipity. Within the context of sci-
inducing them is not without challenges. For in- entific inquiry, Merton and Barber (2004) ob-
stance, actors may not even realize the existence of served: “The serendipitous pattern refers to the
scientific discoveries that could serve as solutions to fairly common experience of observing an un-
problems. Moreover, scientific discoveries that were anticipated, anomalous, and strategic datum,
tried and abandoned may have a stigma of failure which becomes the occasion for developing a new
attached to them. Such discoveries must be not only theory or for extending an existing theory” (p. 196).
rediscovered but recontextualized to remove at- They also noted, “Scientists cultivate serendipity
tached stigma. by being constantly alert for chance occurrences
As the discovery of new functionality for UK- that may lead to new explanations and discoveries”
92480 (a failed citrate salt) as a cure for erectile (Merton & Barber, 2004, p. 197). Extending these
dysfunction disorder suggests, exaptation can be observations to exaptation, we argue that seren-
highly profitable. Although UK-92480 fared poorly dipity covers not just scientific discoveries (Type
as a treatment for angina, patients refused to return I), but also the discovery of new uses for these sci-
the tablets because of unexpected side benefits entific discoveries (Type II). In other words,
(Katzenstein, 2001). But this was not the end of the humans can anticipate (with foresight) the possi-
story. Considerable additional scientific and de- bility of encountering unexpected new function-
velopmental work was required to eventually render alities for existing scientific discoveries (new
the product, renamed Viagra, safe for use to treat contexts for exaptation) for which they can prepare
erectile dysfunction disorder. Moreover, success in (sagacity).
repurposing is not always guaranteed. For instance, To make this argument, we begin with the work
efforts to create a “Viagra for women” have not been of organizational scholars who have explored ser-
successful to date. endipity. For instance, in decision making,
Denrell, Fang, and Winter (2003, p. 978) viewed
serendipity as “not just luck, but effort and luck
joined by alertness and flexibility.” In the strate-
gic management field, de Rond and Thietart
A review of these and other examples highlights (2007, p. 545) noted, “Chance coincidences can
a critical distinction between humans and other open up new avenues for future choices.” In entre-
species: foresight. In classical evolutionary biology, preneurship studies, Dew (2009, p. 735) conceptu-
the relationship between foresight and fitness is alized serendipity as “search leading to unintended
clear: Foresight is impossible as evolutionary pro- discovery . . . showing how it is related to the entre-
cesses are always blind. However, when it comes preneurship literature on prior knowledge and sys-
to humans, Cattani argued: tematic search.”
In most conceptualizations of serendipity, there
Prior research has investigated how firms can de-
is a presumption of sagacity as typified in Pasteur’s
liberately organize or prepare for serendipitous dis-
oft-repeated aphorism: “Fortune favors the pre-
coveries (Garud, Nayyar, & Shapira, 1997). Yet this
pared mind.” While agreeing with these senti-
does not imply that new technological developments
ments, we offer an additional facet of serendipity
and/or their applications are clearly foreseen. Rather,
it means that firms’ ability to capitalize on techno- that is particularly germane to exaptation. Specifi-
logical opportunities that arise from their past R&D cally, we suggest the possibility of scientists pos-
can be enhanced significantly via organizational de- sessing foresight that others could find new uses
sign and ad hoc routines and practices. Foresight in for the discoveries they make. That is, rather than
this case is embedded in the process by which new a scientist finding unexpected uses for her or his
technologies are created, more precisely the way the
process is actually organized and managed, not the 2
This is a point that resonates with the notion of “homo
final outcome (i.e., the particular technology being prospectus,” which was coined by Seligman, Railton,
developed), which very often was not initially antic- Baumeister, and Sripada (2016) to denote humans’ unique
ipated. (Cattani, 2008, p. 590; emphasis added) capacity to look into the future.
2018 Garud, Gehman, and Giuliani 129

scientific discovery (which is valuable in its own FIGURE 2

right), the enlarged notion of distributed serendip- Narrative Properties Facilitating Scientific
ity that we wish to articulate includes the possi- Exaptation
bility of someone else finding new uses for the
Scaling Up
How might this be accomplished? An answer lies
in the very attribute that makes scientific discov-
eries possible: the human brain, specifically the
human brain’s ability to cross the boundary be- Going Back Reaching Out
tween the domain of science and the domain of
use (Gieryn, 1983) through narratives (Garud,
Gehman, & Karunakaran, 2014). In proposing this
possibility, we were inspired by Bruner (1986,
1991), who argued that narratives are the primary
means for generating meaning. Building on Bruner’s
work, we propose that meaning making through
narratives is a way to induce exaptation, as narra-
tives allow for “trafficking in human possibilities
rather than in settled certainties” (Bruner, 1986,
p. 26).
To understand how, we evoke several narrative
properties: relationality, temporality, and per-
formativity. By relationality we mean humans’
capacity to forge connections between and across
Reaching In Going Forth
disparate social and material elements constitut-
ing our worlds. We label this ability as reaching
in and out relationally. By temporality we mean
a capacity for going back and forth in time,
thereby making it possible to remember scientific Scaling Down
discoveries from the past to service possible
imagined futures. By performativity we mean
a capacity for scaling up and down cultural and technical seminars (Nayak & Ketteringham, 1986,
material practices in ways that connect initiatives p. 60).4
with broader discourses and specific practices In other words, Silver started reaching out through
(see Figure 2). narratives. Because of these efforts, some began
An example will help concretize these ideas. reaching in and started experimenting with this
While conducting an experiment at 3M Corporation, strange glue. For instance, the glue was first applied
Spence Silver stumbled upon “glue that did not to boards on which paper was stuck semipermanently.
glue” (a Type I serendipitous event). So what did he Although this product was abandoned as it had lim-
do with this scientific discovery with no immediate ited utility, the idea of “a glue to hold something for
utility (a milton, in Gould’s terms)? Instead of aban- a while and not forever” was kept alive because of
doning it as an outcome of a failed experiment, Silver Silver’s persistence.
went about telling “anyone who would listen. When asked if he considered his experiment
Technical directors, other scientists, the tech group I a failure, Silver replied that his discovery was
was part of” (quoted in Lindahl, 1988, p. 14). Al- a “solution looking for a problem” (quoted in
though he was not sure of its utility, he would tell his Lindahl, 1988, p. 14). This intertemporal capacity
audiences that “it has to be good for something” to look for some future unknown utility for a past
(Nayak & Ketteringham, 1986, p. 50). To overcome discovery is an important facet of narratives, which
challenges in labeling this substance, he even sought we label as going back and forth. This is not
and was given time to show off his strange glue in
3M even had difficulties obtaining a patent for this
Such a shift from problem solving to solution seeking substance as “there was no commercial product readily
has been documented at NASA (Lifshitz-Assaf, 2017). apparent” (Nayak & Ketteringham, 1986, p. 60).
130 Academy of Management Perspectives February

meaning making about what has transpired, but to identify practical utility for the scientific dis-
instead possessing the foresight in collaboration covery (Nayak & Ketteringham, 1986). We label
with others to prospect the future for unanticipated such efforts as scaling down into local practices.
uses for scientific discoveries recollected from These efforts were undertaken within a larger
the past. system of meaning constituted in and through
In offering these observations, we were informed unfolding discourses at 3M. We label this facet of
by Ricoeur’s (1984, 1986, 1988) work on how performativity as scaling up. For instance, to carry
future anticipations are forged in the moment by out experiments, Silver and his colleagues “boot-
memories of the past, and the importance of the legged” 3M’s resources. Bootlegging is a cultural
reader/listener to any narrative construal. Indeed, practice that has gained currency at 3M through the
through ongoing experimentation, Art Fry, another accumulation of innovation narratives extolling the
3M employee, could imagine a new function for virtues of undertaking low-cost experimentation
this strange glue (a Type II serendipitous event).5 using the firm’s resources.
Fry was tired of losing his place in the choir hymnal Importantly, 3M maintained the “glue that did not
at church. His “mind began to wander during the glue” over time (along with other scientific discov-
sermon.” He recollected, “I thought about Spence’s eries), to be activated at an appropriate moment and
adhesive. If I could coat it on paper, that would be then contextualized to yield new functionality over
just the ticket for a better bookmark.” Additional time (see Garud & Nayyar, 1994, for the notion of
functionality for this innovation emerged later, as “transformative capacity” that underlies such an
noted by Fry: “When I used these ‘bookmarks’ to induced process). As Silver recounted, there was no
write messages to my boss, I came across the heart one moment of serendipity in the Post-it notes case,
of the idea. It wasn’t a bookmark at all, but a note.” but instead a series of moments, “a slow crescendo of
In other words, a piece of “scientific junk” was
things, which is typical of the discovery process.
narratively exapted for an unimagined function to
Things build up and you begin to see the options that
yield Post-it notes.
this discovery creates” (quoted in Lindahl, 1988, p.
In his act of insight (Usher, 1954) that led to Post-it
14). Echoing similar sentiments, Geoff Nicholson,
notes, Fry was able to traverse two different do-
yet another senior 3M employee involved with
mains (bisociation; Koestler, 1964) to link a prob-
Post-it notes, described the overall process as “a
lem he encountered (losing his place in the hymnal)
series of accidents” (Nayak & Ketteringham,
with a solution looking for a problem (the glue that
did not glue). Mechanisms for making such links 1986, p. 54).
include metaphors and creative imagination Seen from this perspective, exaptation possi-
(Cornelissen & Clarke, 2010; Cunha, Clegg, & bilities can be enhanced by maintaining, activat-
Mendonça, 2010), as well as other closely associ- ing, and contextualizing scientific discoveries.
ated approaches such as bricolage and improvisation And narratives serve as a way of doing so, allowing
(Baker & Nelson, 2005; Garud & Karnøe, 2003; Rao, communities to go back and forth temporally
Monin, & Durand, 2005). While acknowledging the (thereby maintaining assets), to reach in and out
importance of these mechanisms, in this article we relationally (thereby activating these assets at ap-
want to reflect on a broader issue: Serendipity oc- propriate moments), and to scale up and down
curs by considering a discovery in a new context, performatively (thereby contextualizing these as-
thereby triggering the interpretive flexibility of sets to yield new functionalities). It is no wonder
others who then envision new uses (Pinch & Bijker, that 3M Corporation is replete with narratives of
1987). The mechanism here is abduction (Peirce, innovations, many stressing the serendipity in-
1965)—that is, contextualized inferencing, which volved in the identification of new functionalities
can give rise to novel insights when phenomena are for existing scientific discoveries that themselves
recognized by others in their settings (Bartel & emerged serendipitously.
Garud, 2003). Like the air we breathe, narratives are part of the
Returning to Post-it notes, Silver’s and Fry’s ef- fabric of organizing. For instance, Boden (1994, p. 8)
forts also involved performativity, which was evi- noted: “Talk is the lifeblood of an organization. . . .
dent in the experiments that were carried out at 3M Through multiple layers of ordinary talk, people
in organizations actually discover, as a deeply col-
Unless noted, all quotations in this paragraph are from laborative and contingent matter, their shared
3M (2002). goals, many agendas, environmental uncertainties,
2018 Garud, Gehman, and Giuliani 131

potential coalitions, and areas of actual conflict.” taken a distributed ontology, we explore three dif-
Indeed, as reported in 3M’s account: ferent kinds of serendipity arrangements for exap-
tation. For instance, Allen (1970) demonstrated how
Innovation has thrived at 3M because people talk.
spatial arrangements affect narration possibilities,
They strike up lively conversations in hallways, caf-
which he further articulated in his book The Orga-
eterias and labs. They talk across departments and
divisions. They meet to share ideas in brainstorming nization and Architecture of Innovation (Allen &
sessions and forums. While more traditional organi- Henn, 2007). Going beyond this relational facet,
zations have kept researchers and engineers within Levine (2008) argued that geographical settings also
their own areas or divisions, where their loyalties implicate temporality. Callon (2008) introduced the
were strongest, 3M has instead fostered a strong sense notion of “agencement” to draw attention to the
of attachment to the company as a whole. (3M, 2002, performativity of agency in arrangements. Synthe-
p. 33) sizing across these and other such insights, we
explicate how different kinds of serendipity ar-
So what is new, one might ask? To us, it is in- rangements (implicating relationality, temporality,
teresting that a science-based company such as 3M and performativity in different ways) can play im-
uses narratives as a means for constituting its culture portant roles in the maintenance, activation, and
of innovation (Shaw, Brown, & Bromiley, 1998). But contextualization of scientific discoveries to induce
3M goes well beyond facilitating informal narrations exaptation.
around water coolers to induce science-based in-
novation (which is important enough). Realizing that
there are multiple approaches to structuring narra-
tives, 3M has instituted different kinds of arrange-
ments such as patent pools, technology forums In this section, we explore the three arrangements
(where people “share ideas at their earliest stages, we introduced above for inducing exaptation (see
before we have an idea of a product” [3M, 2002, Table 1). Scientific discoveries, which remain
p. 33]), and technology fairs. decoupled across time and space, must be main-
These observations raise the following question: tained in exaptive pools. These ideas become cou-
Is it possible to structure arrangements for the pled during staged exaptive events designed to
maintenance, activation, and contextualization of increase and harness complexity. The possibilities
scientific discoveries based on narrative properties that emerge from such events can be contextualized
(i.e., relationality, temporality, and performativity)? within exaptive forums where actors and discoveries
Inspired by the work of several scholars who have become entangled.

Serendipity Arrangements for Inducing Scientific Exaptation

Exaptive pool Exaptive events Exaptive forums

Exaptive function Maintenance of scientific Activation of scientific discoveries Contextualization of emergent

discoveries ideas to explore utility
Narrative properties
Relationality Inaction Interaction Intra-action
Temporality Decompression Compression Entanglement
Performativity Generative memory of scientific Discourses and demonstrations Prototyping of options to facilitate
discoveries maintained as inducing actors to think along, thinking through solutions and
options as actors think across thereby activating options value problems
time of scientific discoveries
Illustrative examples Dynamic categorization and Technology and science fairs, Incubators, accelerators, science
computation approaches to consensus development parks, multidisciplinary
exapt scientific discoveries workshops, demo slams institutes
maintained within technology
platforms and through narratives
132 Academy of Management Perspectives February

Exaptive Pools and communities must engage with these discoveries

to keep them alive until the time is right to activate
Irvine and Martin (1984) illustrated how multiple
and contextualize them.
scientific discoveries, some dormant for decades,
For instance, 3M Corporation has maintained
converged to yield the videocassette recorder (VCR).
discoveries within its many technology platforms.
In other words, scientific discoveries that occur in
Technological platforms at 3M are accumulations of
and through action may remain inactive, or may be
loosely coupled assets around intellectual domains.
used initially for purposes other than their future
Examples include adhesives, abrasives, light man-
exapted purposes. Evident in Irvine and Martin’s
agement, and microreplication. In terms of their po-
description of the emergence of the VCR is the
sitioning within the organization, platforms lie in
presence of asynchrony and diachrony. By asyn-
between top management teams and division busi-
chrony we mean the differential rates at which
ness units. These meso-level arrangements cut
complementary discoveries emerge to generate util-
across business units, ensuring that the assets are
ity for particular discoveries. By diachrony we mean
maintained and available for exaptation across
emergence of functionalities for discoveries over
multiple divisions. To increase the possibility of
exaptation, actors and assets from one platform in-
Recognition of asynchrony and diachrony raises
teract with assets and actors in others by circulating
questions as to how scientific discoveries might be
innovation narratives. The relational properties of
maintained and then rediscovered. The likelihood of
narratives allow for connections to be forged be-
franklins (those already in use) being maintained is
tween and across ecologies of scientific discovery
high, given their current utility. But what happens
and use. The intertemporal property of narratives
to the miltons (i.e., inactive discoveries)? Are there
makes it possible to visualize and try out new ideas
arrangements that can enhance the possibility of
for their future utility.
maintaining them so that they can be activated at the
Garud, Gehman, and Kumaraswamy (2011) de-
right time? Stated differently, how might organiza-
scribed in greater detail how these arrangements led
tions and institutions maintain these discoveries for
to several exaptations. For instance, the assets of the
their real options value?
microreplication technology platform were used to
Patenting is one such mechanism. Patenting an
come up with a film that could enhance the bright-
idea not only securitizes intellectual property but
ness of any product. At first, the discovery generated
also generates a memory of what was discovered.
a product that was sold to firms in Japan to brighten
This is because patenting requires disclosure of what
the display of products. Upon investigation of a spike
is being protected. In addition, categorization of
in demand, 3M scientists realized that the film could
patented discoveries, combined with bibliometric
also be used to direct light from a source to the retina.
analyses, allows people to search through patents to
In this way emerged one of the 10 most valuable in-
identify those that could be useful. While computa-
novations of laptops: the Brightness Enhancement
tional approaches are being used in bibliometric
Film for laptop screens, which improved not just
analyses to carry out intelligent search, researchers
visibility but also battery life.
are also using computational approaches to match
BEF emerged by carefully tracking usage patterns.
diseases with drugs to find new uses for existing
In a similar vein, other arrangements draw on the
drugs (Dudley, Deshpande, & Butte, 2011). Re-
wisdom of the crowd to induce exaptation. For in-
latedly, Andriani, Ali, and Mastrogiorgio (2017)
stance, Procter & Gamble has adopted a “connect and
found that about 42% of new functions derived
develop” approach wherein discoveries that originate
from existing drugs have an exaptive nature.
within the company are connected with ideas outside
What about discoveries that emerge in action but
the company to yield new functionality (Huston &
remain tacit? And what about discoveries that are
Sakkab, 2006). More generally, organizations are us-
complex or systemic? Maintaining such discoveries
ing open innovation and crowdsourcing models to
as options requires arrangements that go beyond the
connect and develop scientific ideas for exaptation.
articulation and categorization of discoveries (Garud
For instance, Chesbrough and Chen (2013) noted that
& Nayyar, 1994). In addition, individuals, collectives,
open innovation models allow for the identification of
unanticipated uses for drug molecules without im-
We borrow from de Saussure’s (1983) notion of di- mediate use, and pointed out that open innovation
achrony in linguistics, where the term was introduced to enlarges the cognitive resources available to the in-
highlight changes in the meaning of words over time. ventors, increasing the likelihood of finding utility.
2018 Garud, Gehman, and Giuliani 133

Exaptive Events applications received by ARPA-E could poten-

tially be used as a “bank” of ideas for future exap-
Actively maintaining a pool of resources is valu-
tations to the extent that applicants would like to
able given the asynchronies and diachronies asso-
ciated with the emergence of functionality for
scientific discoveries. How might we enhance their
exaptive potential? One approach is to stage events Exaptive Forums
that bring these different assets together within
So far, we have introduced two kinds of ar-
confined spaces for limited durations of time. The
rangements: exaptive pools and exaptive events.
compression of time and space increases the com-
These two differ on several dimensions, as sum-
plexity of interactions to produce emergent out-
marized in Table 1 above. For instance, many el-
comes. Rather than loose coupling, as in the case of ements of an exaptive pool emerge in action at any
exaptive pools, induced coupling between the dif- given point in time but could remain inactive over
ferent assets that are brought together at such staged time. By contrast, exaptive events bring these el-
events enhances complexity to yield new function- ements together by forging interactions to in-
ality for scientific discoveries. Given the limited time crease complexity. Ideas emerge as people think
and space involved, people “think along” with one along with one another, whereas in the mainte-
another as they establish swift and ephemeral ties nance of elements of a pool, actors think across
(Berends, Garud, Debackere, & Weggeman, 2011). time.
Thinking along is a process wherein people from Besides maintaining and activating these ele-
different vantage points interact with one another ments, yet another kind of arrangement contextual-
without having to co-create or fully understand the izes emergent outcomes. These are hybrid forums
others’ knowledge base. where actors with different perspectives become
Examples include technology and science fairs. entangled with one another (Callon et al., 2009;
For instance, the Advanced Research Projects Mulder, Ferrer, & van Lente, 2011). Hybridity im-
Agency-Energy’s (ARPA-E) Energy Innovation plies the confluence of experts and laypeople to-
Summit is an annual three-day event that brings gether with legislators and citizens subscribing to
together experts from different technical disci- different dimensions of worth (Boltanski &
plines and professional communities to translate Th évenot, 2006). Entanglement implies “associ-
energy technologies from the lab into the market. ations that last longer than the interactions that
Passive radiative sky cooling (in which a fraction of formed them” (Callon & Latour, 1981, p. 283). Rather
the heat from a surface facing the sky is radiated than interactions, entanglements result in intra-
into the cosmos), based on scientific ideas sitting actions (Barad, 2003). Intra-actions facilitate collec-
on the shelf for over decades, is one of the tech- tive sensemaking, imaginization, and enactment
nologies that ARPA-E funded (Gintoff, 2016). Ellen (Morgan, 1993; Weick, 1995) as participants “think
Williams, director of ARPA-E, explained that the through” issues aided by the prototypes they gen-
objective behind support of such science-based erate, which act as boundary objects (Tuertscher,
energy innovations is to shepherd them through Garud, & Kumaraswamy, 2014). Such intra-actions
the first “valley of death,” i.e., between scientific are essential for translating complex and culturally
ideas and prototypes, when the risk is high and embedded practices across contexts and commu-
time frames are long (Clemons, 2016). ARPA-E nities through dialogue (Sawyer, 2003; Tsoukas,
takes a portfolio approach to such projects, thereby 2009). In the process, novel uses for existing dis-
managing the overall risk it bears. Williams also coveries emerge.
explained that ARPA-E counsels the teams that it Consider 1871, a Chicago-based initiative founded
funds, not just on technological but also on com- in 2012. Named after the Great Chicago Fire of
mercial issues, including insights on how the 1871, the initiative took root in the Merchandise
teams might find and connect with commercial Mart, traditionally a venue where interior designers
partners. Aaswath Raman, CEO of SkyCool Systems came to browse hundreds of showrooms at once.
(a company funded by ARPA-E), noted that one After initially occupying 50,000 square feet of un-
of the key challenges in taking science-based used space in the building, by 2016, 1871 had ex-
technologies to market is “figuring out who cares panded to 120,000 square feet, housing 225 start-ups,
about the product and why they care” (Clemons, tech accelerators, angel investors, university groups,
2016). Williams acknowledged that the numerous individual entrepreneurs, and small teams. This
134 Academy of Management Perspectives February

led to more than 800 jobs, $12.7 million in revenue, IMPLICATIONS AND DIRECTIONS FOR
and $27.6 million in venture capital (Baverman, FUTURE RESEARCH
All three arrangements we have described (pools,
Today, while the lower floors of the 25-story
events, and forums) hold important implications
building are still filled with room after room of
for academia, policy, and industry. For illustrative
design ideas, technology has taken over several of
purposes, in this section we focus on a specific set of
the building’s upper floors. In other words, 1871
issues germane to each of the three domains. Within
embodies the “architecture of reuse” both literally
academia, for instance, we suggest translation rather
and figuratively (Beunza, 2007, p. 157). Not only
than transfer as a metaphor for exapting from the
has the space itself been exapted, it has been
pool of intellectual resources that may lie under-
transformed into a space for exaptation. According
exploited. For policy, we explore the utility of orga-
to 1871’s website: “[Y]ou can share ideas, make
nizing exaptive events, wherein people from
mistakes, work hard, build your business and, with
academia, industry, and regulation can interact and
a little luck, change the world.” Through its orga-
explore exaptive possibilities. Within industry, we
nization and architecture of innovation (Allen &
consider how technology-enabled forums that facil-
Henn, 2007), 1871 cultivates “positive accidents”
itate open and distributed innovation can foster
by fostering interactions and connections with
a multiplicity of actors and institutions making
up the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the city of
Academia: From Transfer to Translation
Accomplishing commercial success for the pool
We have discussed three serendipity arrange- of scientific discoveries that exists within acade-
ments to enhance exaptation possibilities. These mia is not a straightforward task. One reason is that
differ in their purposes and constitutive narrative a boundary exists between the logic of science and
structuring properties. Exaptive pools are ar- other logics (Gieryn, 1983; Jasanoff, 1987).
rangements for keeping discoveries alive through As others have shown, crossing this epistemic
representational mechanisms such as cataloging boundary is not easy (Gieryn, 1983; Knorr-Cetina,
and constitutive mechanisms such as computa- 1999). In their efforts to bridge this divide, many
tional coupling and narratives, the latter providing universities have set up technology transfer of-
a generative memory of inactive elements to ben- fices. The aim is to identify scientific discoveries
efit from their options value. These dormant ideas from one side of the boundary (i.e., academia) that
are activated through interaction during time- might have commercial utility to those on the other
compressed staged exaptive events, in which ac- side of the boundary (i.e., industry). These efforts
tors engage in discourses and demonstrations. The have led to licensing (Fini, Lacetera, & Shane,
specific uses of ideas are explored through intra- 2010; Jensen & Thursby, 2001) and spin-offs (Fini,
action within exaptive forums, where actors be- Grimaldi, Santoni, & Sobrero, 2011; Rasmussen &
come entangled with one another to prototype Borch, 2010) and more broadly academic engage-
solutions. ment (Perkmann et al., 2013). However, because
Recent work distinguishes between a process universities and their contexts vary, supporting
and a practice view on creativity (Fortwengel, spin-off creation and growth is not a one-size-fits-
Schüßler, & Sydow, 2017). The former embraces all endeavor (e.g., Rasmussen & Wright, 2015).
a “becoming” view, wherein creativity crystal- Although TTOs have aided commercialization,
lizes at moments across a constant flow of activi- the metaphor of transfer is limiting. Science and
ties. The latter takes a “practice” view, wherein technology studies scholars have argued that lay-
structures play the important role of both enabling people could possess contextualized knowledge not
and constraining individual agents in pursuing available to scientists (Wynne, 1989). Consequently,
collective creativity. In relation to this distinction, scientists and laypeople must develop interactional
the serendipity arrangements that we have in- expertise (Collins & Evans, 2002) to generate exap-
troduced in this paper are practices that can be put tation possibilities. Through such interactions, a com-
in place to spawn different kinds of processes to plex process of translation unfolds (Callon, 1986),
generate creativity. with existing features taking on new meanings as
2018 Garud, Gehman, and Giuliani 135

scientific (Murray, 2004) and social (Pinch & On April 6, 2016, in Brussels, the Science and
Bijker, 1987) networks comingle and change. 7 Technology Options Assessment (STOA) of the Eu-
For instance, Karnøe and Garud (2012) described ropean Parliament organized one such event around
the translation work that unfolded in gaining the quantum computing (Kuljanic & McCormack, 2016).
support of disinterested and hostile social groups for Quantum Technologies for Europe: Opportunities
wind turbines. Translation work was evident in the for Economy and Society attracted participants from
efforts by wind energy advocates to persuade elec- academia (e.g., Delft University of Technology), in-
trical utility companies to connect turbines to the dustry (e.g., Airbus), and government (e.g., minister,
grid and pay for wind power, and the government to EU commissioner).8 EU Commissioner for Digital
shift its energy emphasis from coal and nuclear Economy and Society Günther Oettinger opened the
power to include wind power. More broadly, trans- event, noting that its purpose was “turning scientific
lation work involves efforts to contextualize emer- work to society’s benefit.” Acknowledging that
gent activities such that institutional, market, and quantum science was “spooky” (Einstein, Born, &
corporate forces interactively generate value for Born, 1971) and still emerging, participants never-
science-based innovations. theless explored future potential applications rang-
These observations serve as the basis for identify- ing from cryptography to artificial intelligence. Leo
ing questions for future research. One important Kouwenhoven, a leading quantum physicist, noted
question has to do with bridging the boundaries that that quantum computing would consume less energy
exist between scientists and laypeople (Gieryn, than classic computers. Henk Kamp, the Dutch
1983, 1999; Jasanoff, 1987). We have offered narra- minister for economic affairs, acknowledged that
tives as a means for undertaking such work. But what “innovation is a dynamic process, and that it does
genre of narratives will best connect scientists and not unfold linearly,” and Cora van Nieuwenhuizen,
those who come from the world of possible uses in a Dutch member of the ALDE group, proposed: “We
the marketplace? Could science fiction serve as want to establish a chain of knowledge combining
a genre for translation (Garud et al., 2014; Lefsrud & academy, industry, and policy makers” to make
Meyer, 2012)? Future research could explore such quantum computing a reality. Participants left the
questions around the rhetorical processes involved event with a shared understanding of the challenges
in translating scientific discoveries (e.g., Cozzens & and opportunities associated with commercializing
Gieryn, 1990). scientific advances taking place in quantum physics.
Present at this event were actors with different
“matters of concern” (Latour, 2004, p. 22). Future
Policy: From Command and Control to
research could examine the pre- and post-work re-
Possibilistic Thinking
quired to ensure productive outcomes from such
We have already discussed how institutional events. For instance, what can policy makers do to
arrangements such as patent protection and the set the stage in terms of an event’s agenda, and what
Bayh-Dole Act can generate the incentive to find can they do to follow up on what transpired? One
commercial uses for scientific ideas. Similarly, fed- important question that was discussed at the STOA
eral funding from sources such as ARPA-E, the Na- event was how policy makers could orchestrate fu-
tional Institutes of Health (NIH), and the National ture expectations without generating hype cycles
Science Foundation (NSF) can seed science-based (see Borup, Brown, Konrad, & Lente, 2006)? This is
efforts, which can then lead to adaptive and exaptive a topic worthy of further research.
science-based innovations. Here we want to reflect
on one policy initiative that goes beyond these
Industry: From Located to Distributed Innovation
commonly discussed options: Policy makers can
organize and support exaptive events that bring to- The advent of forums for spawning distributed
gether different actors to identify new potentialities innovation represents a fundamental shift in the
for known ideas. locus of innovation (Chesbrough, 2003; Garud &
Karnøe, 2003; Lifshitz-Assaf, 2017; von Hippel,
2005). Distributed innovation broadly suggests that
Within academia, multidisciplinary institutes have
emerged as one recent approach for addressing such 8
These three forums represent the “triple helix” under-
challenges, though such institutes can be hard to sustain lying science and technology commercialization (Etzkowitz
(Mosey, Wright, & Clarysse, 2012). & Leydesdorff, 2000).
136 Academy of Management Perspectives February

novel ideas can come from anywhere within and utility. Whereas prior research has emphasized
outside the corporation. This movement has impor- science-push, demand-pull, and institutional-
tant implications for how exaptation can be induced steering, all of which depend on the realization of
for scientific discoveries made by corporations. For functionalities imagined in advance, we have em-
instance, we have already introduced two exapta- phasized the possibility that novel functionalities
tions that emerged within 3M Corporation through for these scientific discoveries emerge serendipi-
distributed processes: Post-it notes and Brightness tously when they are considered in new contexts.
Enhancement Film. This is the notion of scientific exaptation that we
These are just some examples of how distributed considered in this paper. To induce exaptation, we
innovation can generate science-based innovations. considered how narratives enable humans to reach
More generally, organizations are experimenting in and out relationally, go back and forth tempo-
with a whole host of initiatives that can generate rally, and scale up and down performatively. As
such exaptations. Swarovski, the crystal company, ways of fostering exaptation leading to science-
has opened a co-working space next to its based innovations, we proposed three sets of
manufacturing facilities in the Austrian Alps to dis- arrangements with different kinds of narrative
cover new functionalities for crystals that can be structuring possibilities: exaptive pools, exaptive
used in solar panels. This effort is consistent with events, and exaptive forums. Together, these ar-
research findings that a firm’s capabilities for in- rangements cultivate distributed serendipity to
troducing advanced innovations are enhanced when enhance the possibility of maintaining, activating,
the firm is linked to scientific networks (Kaufmann & and contextualizing scientific discoveries to gen-
Tödtling, 2001). For instance, InnoCentive offers an erate innovations.
innovation platform where companies pose prob-
lems to be solved by anyone around the world.
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