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DDM: Taxonomy for a descriptive study of data

management techniques in cloud-based mobile health

information systems

Stage 3– Review based Projects


Background and Aim:

You need to write the background related to the specific problem you are working on it in your
project. You also need to write your project aim that needs to be linked with the specific problem you

In the research years, various healthcare related systems are proposed and implemented towards
monitoring and maintaining the healthcare data in the cloud environment. Data management
techniques have not been deployed adequately due to the issue of large data and data trafficking in the
healthcare environment. The focus is to implement robust data management techniques for
maintaining large healthcare related data in the cloud environment.


Write about the components of your proposed system, why do you need these components in your
proposed system, name your proposed system, and mention what does your proposed system do and

The detailed method comprises classification of numerous mobile cloud technologies and data
management techniques for managing healthcare related data. For that, Data acquisition, Data
management informatics, and Mobile health (DDM) taxonomy are proposed for managing healthcare
data in the mobile cloud environment. The components of DDM taxonomy helps to comprehend the
system accurately and introduced various major factors used in the data management techniques used
for manipulating the healthcare data in mobile clouds.


Compare the results of your proposed system with the state of art results (first current best).

The DDM taxonomy is deployed in healthcare for managing patient healthcare management. Its faces

the limitation of accuracy of manipulating the data in the context of healthcare but the proposed DDM
taxonomy with the state of art model determined the use of data management techniques through the
cloud technology.


You need to write about your contribution.

The influence of the research is to evaluate the literature available on the data management
techniques that are implemented by mobile cloud technology. Further, the importance of
understanding DDM taxonomy has also been emphasised.


You need to write keywords related to your project.

Mobile health application, Self-management, Data management, Usability, Telecare

1. Describe the uses of the technology (e.g., Mixed Reality), with the techniques (e.g., visualisation),
in your project domain (e.g., Medical domain). What is their purpose in that system (e.g., Image
Guided Surgery)? How they achieved their purpose (Describe the generic process steps of the
system that uses this technology, linking with the components of your system, to show the
importance of these components in your project). What is the importance of these components
into that technology?

In the research, data management techniques are introduced towards improving the accuracy and efficiency of
medical data management (Batalla et al., 2017). The mobile cloud technology is used for manipulating the
high amount of medical data in the medical sector (de Albuquerque et al., 2018). The focus of the system is to
identify which data is a need to settle in the mobile cloud environment. The medical data management is
aimed in the research which is done through the robust mobile cloud technology by using data management
techniques (Stamate et al., 2017). The major components of the system are Data acquisition, Data
management informatics, and Mobile health (DDM) (Nadareishvili, Mitra, McLarty, & Amundsen, 2016).
These are the major component of the research that is using data management techniques in the context of
mobile cloud technology that is used for manipulating the health care related data (Kueppers et al., 2017).

2. What is the technology that you are using in your project how this technology has used in your
generic domain, and then how has used in your sub-domain? What are the limitations of this latest
technology in your sub-domain, and link the limitation with your goal and the improvement you
Provide an introductory of the technology and the techniques that are used in your project, and
what are the different domains they used, and also what are their use related to your specific
Give the reasons that make these type of systems (The systems that include these technology with
the techniques) related to your projects haven't widely used. In this case, you are going to show
the motivation of working you on the components of your system (JUSTIFICATION).

In the way to determine the issues and problems of the research domain or the certain area of research, the
mobile cloud technology is used by the data management techniques of a large amount of healthcare data of
the patient or person (Olaronke & Oluwaseun, 2016). The detailed technology is used in the domain of
healthcare sector to analyse and evaluate healthcare related data that is going to be manipulated to the mobile
cloud for reducing the chances of data congestion (Sodhro, Li, & Shah, 2017). The limitation and issue of
mobile cloud technology are that the healthcare data has not maintained within mobile devices (Sun et al.,
2017). Hence, the detailed and introduced system is used for implementing the DDM taxonomy in the way to
deploy mobile cloud technology in the context of the healthcare sector (Chandwani, 2017). The healthcare

data can be accurately and feasibly manipulated by the mobile cloud environment. Further, the Data
acquisition, Data management informatics, and Mobile health components are underlined that are used for
proper management of healthcare-related data to the mobile cloud technology which has reduced the time
consumption and improve the accuracy of medical data management (Han, Chan, Alpcan, & Leckie, 2017).

3. What is the objective of your project, what is important of classifying you the components in your
project, what is the gap that you found in other previous solution and you are going to solve, and
the importance of your system output in your domain that you set?
What is the Objective/Goal of your work compared with current studies? Show the use of the
technology with Techniques in your specific domain. You need to show the link of this objective
with your system components (what do you propose, How your proposed system is going to
solve them). What is the purpose of this goal (The purpose of your system components)?

The focus of this research is to analyse and evaluate the latest and current literature and papers available on
the mobile technology and data management techniques that are used to evaluate the medical data that are to
be manipulated to the mobile cloud environment (Li et al., 2017). Moreover, the classification of components
is done that helps to analyse and evaluate the solution in the context of research issues. The detailed system is
more important in the medical and healthcare domain because it provides accuracy of managing the
healthcare data to the mobile cloud environment (Elhoseny et al., 2018). It has also been identified that the
introducer system is more accurate and reliable than the previous section (Cimperman, Brenčič, & Trkman,

4. How you have chosen your previous solutions to work on them. JUSTIFY why you have chosen
some papers out of all your collections to classify. What are the criteria that you used to verify
your system components (The criteria you used in your comparison)?

The limitation identified in the system was inaccurate data management due to data storage issues, but the
proposed taxonomy system has eliminated the issues from the current solution and improves the accuracy of
healthcare data management (Lu, Lee, Chen, & Hsiao, 2016). The implementation of DDM taxonomy assists
with the data manipulation for managing a large amount of healthcare data to the mobile cloud environment
(Mulwafu, Ensink, Kuper, & Fagan, 2017). Moreover, the data can be retrieved by the healthcare
professionals as well as by the patient with secure networking. It will improve the feasibility and reliability of
mobile health, as healthcare related data can be easily manipulated and managed (Bhavnani, Narula, &
Sengupta, 2016).

5. What are the steps that you are going to consider in organising your paper?

The work is divided into several sections in which Section 2 is describing the literature reviews
where all paper is defining the components that are used in the literature. In Section 3, best
solutions are described that is also called a state of the art solution, which is describing the system
components in next Section 4, which is defining the proposed model that is defining the techniques
and algorithms. In subsection, different components are described for the system. In Section 5,
validation and evaluation are described that is defining the research project. In Section 6,
verification is done for the techniques that are used in the research project. In Section 7, the project
is discussed, and Section 8, conclusions are done for the research.

6. Give a definition to the technology that you are using in your specific domain, and show how the
technique is work with it.

Term: DDM taxonomy

“DDM taxonomy” used in data management technique for the information system which is used in
the cloud-based systems. It is used for making the data efficient such as data mining, data
acquisition, data management, mobile health, and many more. The project is based on data
acquisition, data management, and mobile health in the information system. The primary
component of the system is data management, data collection, and data authentication.

Literature Review

1. Give an introductory about the GAP in previous studies to show the difference between your
work and another state of art solutions.

The GAP identified in the previous literature works was that the number of systems has used
limited data storage platform approaches for manipulating the healthcare data that leads to the high
amount of healthcare data congestion with low accuracy in data management. Thus, the majority of
journals found less accurate regarding healthcare data management.

2. Show how the state of art solutions classified their work?. List all your collections of your journal
papers you analysed in an organised way. Provide the details of each including input, output,
components, the technique process step of each system. Please be aware, that you need to
consider the components (factors /classes) you identified at the beginning of your project.

The research has been aimed at the proposition of techniques and algorithms that can be used for
improving the healthcare data management through mobile cloud technology and data management
techniques. Appropriate, tools, and techniques are used that can be used for improving the accuracy of
healthcare data management. The literature review section is sub-divided into three different sections
that are based on various methods and techniques such as data acquisition techniques, data
management informatics, and medical healthcare data manipulation techniques.

2.1 Data acquisition techniques

(Cheng, Lee, & Choi, 2018), Push-pull-mooring framework used to improve the performance of data
management system, and it has been noticed that the mobile personal cloud storage services are accurately
maintained. Also, the effect of a security risk (0.248) was much greater than that of privacy risk (0.178). The
limitation of cross-cultural investigations is not accurately performed in the system (Feng, Chang, & Ming,

Further, Kao et al. (2018), introduced Android-based self-management application for adequate and regular
services and improving the interface and information quality as well as the overall efficiency. Unified model
language (UML) approach is proposed for capturing and communicating requirements with the respective
service providers with the accuracy of 97.56% (Sodhro, Chen, Sekhari, Ouzrout, & Wu, 2018). The high cost
required for the establishment of the proposed system but the unified model language approach helps to
maintain the flow of data communication (Do, Sheng, Liu, & Zhang, 2017).

Moreover, (Mehmood et al., 2018), presented mHealthcare environment and DNA data hiding for improving the
access control and securing the data. Moreover, Machine learning algorithms proposed to understand the
machine language by this security has been improved (Zhang, Mao, Leng, He, & Zhang, 2017). Also, the

medical data can be manipulated and communicate within the secure gateway (Liu et al., 2016). Nonetheless,
the limitation found that the proposed system is less accurate and reliable due to limited medical applications,
but the improvement has been achieved through the proposed solution.

Pham, Mengistu, Do, & Sheng (2018), introduced Cloud-based Smart Home Environment (CoSHE) in the way
to improve the healthcare related services. As the output of the proposed solution, it has been noticed that
healthcare (Hussein, Burbano-Fernandez, Ramírez-González, Abdulhay, & De Albuquerque, 2018). This
process performed a bandpass filter (5– 15 Hz), but inaccurate data management and high energy consumption
remain limitation in the proposed solution (Ali, Shrestha, Soar, & Wamba, 2018).

(Faiola & Isola, 2018), mHealthy lifestyle management (MLM) model implemented towards enhancing the
empowerment of mHealth and improving sustainability in the healthcare environment. As the output of the
proposed solution, it has been noticed that the sustainable healthcare system has been achieved (Carvalho,
Rocha, Vasconcelos, & Abreu, 2018). Although, the high power consumption remains a major issue in the
current solution, mHealthy lifestyle management (MLM) model has improved the healthcare data management
(Elhoseny et al., 2018).

Varatharajan, Manogaran, & Priyan (2018), detailed Support Vector Machines (SVM) based Linear
Discriminant Analysis (LDA) for improving the healthcare data acquisition in the medical domain. Support
vector machine algorithm provides cross verification. Thus it enhanced the security (Darwish, Hassanien,
Elhoseny, Sangaiah, & Muhammad, 2017). This process focused on the development of SVM algorithms for big
data. The pattern recognition has been performed by the support vector machines (Kalid et al., 2018).
Nonetheless, frequency synchronisation found inaccurate in the system, but the proposed analysis method has
improved the ECG signal processing (Rodrigues et al., 2018).

Celesti et al. (2018), Open Archive Information System (OAIS) healthcare architecture is identified for
improving the efficiency of managing the clinical documents such as HL7 clinical document. The proposed data
management system has accurately managed HL7 (Sendra, Parra, Lloret, & Tomás, 2018). All the clinical data
within the medical environment the data has been accurately managed in within the doctor, but a large amount
of data has not been managed accurately in the proposed solution (Esposito, De Santis, Tortora, Chang, & Choo,
2017). Moreover, it is noticed that the risk rate has reduced by 13.8%.

Elhoseny et al. (2018), stated that Industry 4.0 (big data applications) used for enhancing the accuracy of health
service applications using the Industry 4.0 framework based on virtual machine selection. Genetic numerous
algorithms are used for building the Industry 4.0 model, but the proposed system is less accurate for managing
healthcare data (Sodhro et al., 2018). Moreover, mHealth architecture has aimed at managing healthcare
information using middleware (Faiola & Holden, 2017).

Lomotey & Deter (2018), the proposed middleware techniques have accurately managed healthcare. It provides
an interface between doctors and patients (Sodhro et al., 2018). The limitation of limited bandwidth has been
identified in the research that caused inaccurate healthcare data management (Kalid et al., 2018).
Synchronisation algorithm further implemented for managing the healthcare related data with high accuracy and
low latency (Moraes et al., 2018). Thus, results revealed that the latency in the system had been reduced (Hoque
& Sorwar, 2017). It is also aimed at mHealth architecture for managing healthcare information using


Tao et al. (2019), presented a light-weight field programmable gate array (FPGA) hardware-based cipher
algorithm and KATAN algorithm for improving the security of healthcare data. The proposed cipher algorithm
has been improved the security of healthcare data sensed through the smart sensors and various smart devices
(Habeeb et al., 2018). Improved security and provide security from cyber-attacks by the use of the internet of
use to healthcare data (Wang et al., 2017). Also, the results reveal that data security has been improved by
89.67% (Wang, Ma, Xhafa, Zhang, & Luo, 2017). The limitation of inaccurate data transmission has been
notified in the system, but the security of healthcare data acquisition is improved feasibly (Gong, Xu, & Zhao,

2.2 Data management informatics

García, Tomás, Parra, & Lloret (2018), Cerebral stroke detection solution is detailed in the way to manage the
high volume of healthcare data within the cloud-IoT health services. The big volume of health data is accurately
managed and voice recognition through Android Mobile Vision API and the Android API (Wen & Chang,
2017). Moreover, It is identified that the application of Android API 27 (v8.0 Oreo) SDK and CloudSim
package improved the performance, but the fitness functions are not calculated accurately (Wazid et al., 2018).
Also, the results reveal that the rate of execution has achieved 50%.

Kaur, Alam, Jameel, Mourya, & Chang (2018), detailed Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) that helps
to avoid the issue of limited bandwidth while communicating the healthcare data. The medical data is accurately
communicated and digital record managed through Electronic health record and Blockchain model
(Lakshmanaprabu et al., 2018). Further, limited bandwidth and inaccurate healthcare data communication have
been identified, but the updated data is determined through blockchain-based cloud system (Mohd, Hayajneh,
Yousef, Khalaf, & Bhuiyan, 2018). The results reveal that the latency has reduced with the rate of ~6.8% than
the previous solution.

Chen et al. (2018), the proposed solution has accurately reduced the latency in the 5G networks. Also, improve
the performance of data communication within the healthcare environment. The limitation identified latency is
not accurately (Chen, Qin, Hao, Li, & Song, 2018). The future work will be aimed at the analysis of data and
reliability on the services of the proposed network framework.

Ma, He, Khan, & Chen (2018), Certificateless public key encryption with keyword search (CLPEKS) scheme
is implemented towards providing safety and accuracy to the healthcare data management in the healthcare
domain. It has been identified that 82% of security improved after implementation of Public-key encryption
with keyword search (PEKS) (Yadava, Kumar, Saini, Roy, & Dogra, 2017). Nonetheless, it is notified that
privacy reduced due to insufficient data, and complex structures are identified (Luo et al., 2018). Moreover, it
has been identified that the error rate while transferring healthcare-related data.

Sharma, Chen, & Sheth (2018), further proposed that k-Health (a personalised digital healthcare information
system) for patient digital health monitoring. Outsource computation is for privacy protection from untrusted
cloud service providers and restrict users outsourcing in untrusted SPs (Esposito, Castiglione, Tudorica, & Pop,
2017). Further, ASP provides privacy model quality and efficiency to identify data assets but the limitation of

the proposed system is an inaccurate analysis of various healthcare symptoms and communication of data to the
healthcare provider, but the improvement in the system has gained through Cryptographic services (Sharma,
Powers, & Chen, 2016).

2.3 Medical healthcare data manipulation techniques

Hussain et al. (2018), Mobile health (mHealth) application introduced for improving the security of mHealth
application that contains health care related information. The security checks of remote servers are done, and
battery energy achieved accuracy of 89.7% through Misuse detection (Gomes et al., 2017). The limitation of the
proposed solution is that end-to-end security has not identified AppFence, nonetheless imposing privacy
controls and providing data shadowing mechanism (Khan et al., 2016).

Karaca, Moonis, Zhang, & Gezgez (2019), Artificial Neural Network (ANN) module focused on the way to
achieve high accuracy in healthcare data communication. Further, the output signals are calculated through
textile electrode that further helps to manipulate the healthcare data to the healthcare professionals (Yang, Chen,
& Xiang, 2018). Moreover, through the MLP algorithm, stroke diagnosis is provided with the accuracy rate of
85.3%, but inaccurate data identification remains an issue in the system.

Rahman, Khalil, & Yi (2018), introduced Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) sequence hiding method towards
improving the healthcare data authenticity. Further, in the DNA data hiding the authenticity of medical data is
providing with the accuracy of 67.7% with low error rate (~0%) (Sodhro, Luo, Sangaiah, & Baik, 2019).
Nonetheless, it is seen that the secret data packets or messages are not extracted accurately, but extraction of
secret message from stego sequences is performed feasibly (Chang, 2017).

Liu, Zhang, Ling, & Liu (2018), Fine-grained EHR access control scheme introduced to improve the security
of healthcare data through mobile cloud computing. Although attribute-based encryption provides fine-grained
access control to the healthcare data with an accuracy of 56.98%, the access of user remains a limitation in the
process (Li, Huang, Li, Yu, & Shu, 2019). Also, it has been identified that the authorised and unauthorised users
are accurately identified through the feasible encryption and decryption processes (Kim & Kim, 2018).

Sodhro, Malokani, Sodhro, Muzammal, & Zongwei (2019), detailed Adaptive QoS computation algorithm
(AQCA) in the context of the healthcare environment. The medical data transmission power noticed -15 dBm
with a delay of 100 ms through the proposed algorithm, but the limitation of inaccurate optimisation and low
system performance is achieved (Benhlima, 2018). Mobile data processing and intelligent healthcare
applications are accurately processed the medical data with a duty cycle of 10% (Ren, Shen, Zheng, Wang, &
Chao, 2016).

Chang & Oyama (2018), Mobile Digital Health (MDH) is detailed and defined in the context of healthcare
data management system and to provide secure and fast communication of data within the mobile cloud
environment. The service-oriented computing (SOC) helps to communicate the healthcare data more accurately
(Karambakhsh, Kamel, Sheng, LiYang, & Feng, 2018). It provides security to the network that improves the
security of healthcare data as well (Zhang et al., 2017). It has been identified that gaze and gestures are not
accurately monitored, but the medically related information is providing precision monitoring through

multimodal sensing.

Yousuf, Hussein, Swanepoel, Mahomed, & Biagio de Jager (2018), focused on the smartphone-based hearing
screening for providing feasible health services. The healthcare data is adequately communicated to the data
communication system, but it has been identified that the effects are not indicated accurately (Stamate et al.,
2018). Moreover, it is notified that the recorded noise quality index and screen the performance is achieved high
accuracy and worked under 0.5 kHz.

Kao et al. (2018), the research has been improved the performance of health data monitoring and
communication through the Home-box system. Also, the blood pressure gauge can monitor at the range of 80-
140 kPa with high accuracy. The limitations are identified High complexity while communicating the BP rate.

Firdaus et al. (2018), focused on the Blockchain-based medical data management (BMDM) to accurately
manipulate the healthcare-related data. The logit boost algorithm is used for the attributes are evaluated based on
malware detection (Mengistu, Pham, Do, & Sheng, 2016) and implemented to fit the additive logistic regression
model and calculated the probability estimates with accuracy.

Karlekar and Gomathi. (2017), stated that for improving the security of healthcare data and communicating the
data with accuracy Optimization-based support vector machine (OW-SVM) approach is aimed in the context of
smart health environment. Further, Kronecker product-based bat algorithm is proposed towards privacy
preservation of healthcare data (Sodhro, Pirbhulal, & Sangaiah, 2018). The limitation identified in the research
is that the complex features are not monitored accurately (Karlekar and Gomathi, 2017).

Sodhro et al. (2018), The proposed a solution for improving the communication process between patients and
caregivers and increase battery power by using the battery recovery algorithm. Further, Integration of IoMT
enhances the communication process and battery recovery and joint energy harvesting (Wilson, Tucci, Merson,
& O'Donoghue, 2017). The limitation is proper interoperability, and algorithms are not used properly. The
future work is to develop interoperability architecture for heterogeneous sensors.

As the view of Stamate et al. (2018), the proposed solution is useful in the detection of Parkinson’s disease. The
CloudUPDRS app provides care techniques to the patient with video or audios. The limitations of this app are
that this depends upon weight initialisation. The future work of this research is to improve medical treatment
technologies for Parkinson’s disease.

Benhlima et al. (2018), proposed a big data architecture technique for data storage of the health care system is
maintained carefully and effectively. It manages a large amount of data very easily. The limitation of big data
technique is that it is a cost-effective process, and it reduces the value of health workers (da Cruz, Rodrigues,
Al-Muhtadi, Korotaev, & de Albuquerque, 2018). The future work of this research will generate Expectation
maximisation algorithm to revise the missing data.

Li et al. (2019), the proposed solution has improved the security of healthcare data and its distribution to the
data collector. Further, the results reveal that increment in percentage revenue is achieved 117% at the time. The
limitation identifies it is boundary limitation (Zapata, Fernández-Alemán, Toval, & Idri, 2018). The future work
of the research shall be aimed at the prompt data transfer and data access in the real-time scenario.

In accordance with Espasito et al. (2017), electronic healthcare records are highly vulnerable to security threats.

Towards that, microscopic approach that improved the healthcare data access control with the improvement of
16%. The drawback of this work is limited data security (Xia, Sifah, Smahi, Amofa, & Zhang, 2017). The future
work of the research will be aimed at the improvement of the proposed solution in the real-time environment.

Middleware layer is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) framework, which is used as the message router for
accurate healthcare data management (Lin, Li, Huang, Chen, & Shen, 2018). The complexity in the system has
identified that leads to inaccurate data synchronisation, but the proposed middleware techniques have accurately
managed the healthcare (Moraes et al., 2017). It provides an interface between the doctors and patients with an
accuracy of 89.65%.

Figure 1: Infrastructure of data management techniques in cloud-based mobile health information

3. After presenting all your collections of journal papers you analysed, Then chose the first best
solution, and explain it in details. The best solution should be selected based on your project
objective and your proposed components.
Simulate the selected solution as a diagram and refer to it in your content. Describe this model as
a text as well. Consider in your presentation the components of it, and also show the example of
each component, and also explain it.

In the data management techniques of the healthcare data of person with various techniques are
described in the mentioned question. Moreover, out of all the 30 journals papers, research paper 3 of
week one found most accurate and relevant to the healthcare data management techniques that
provide detailed information about the data management techniques in the mobile cloud technology.
The detailed journal includes mHealth data management diagram towards managing healthcare
parameters in a mobile cloud environment. This emerging data management technology used in the
healthcare sector. Also, various components are used in the system, i.e., data management technique,
cloud data storage.

Figure 2: State of the art

4. What the previous state of art publications done, and what are their limitations (GAP), and what
you will do in your work, and why you design it in this way (JUSTIFY). (Show the differences
between the previous state of art publications and your proposed solution to show the motivation
of working you in these New components)

It has been identified that the previous publication found able to provide different data management
techniques used for managing the healthcare data, but these solutions do not contain the feasible
approach that can define the adequate information about the healthcare data management with high
accuracy. Moreover, the existing study introduced accurate results, and it is useful for managing
healthcare data with efficiency.

Figure 3: Proposed solution

System Components

1. Describe your proposed system, and what are the criteria that stand on it (The proposed system
based on what?).

The section is introducing Data acquisition, Data management informatics, and Mobile health
(DDM) taxonomy that developed based on mobile healthcare information management through
data management techniques. In the same way, the DDM taxonomy is conducted using Data
acquisition, Data management informatics, and Mobile health that help to manage the healthcare
data. At last, verification, validation, and classification of the system are to be undertaken.

2. What are the inclusion criteria you considered in collecting and analysing your literature?. How
many states of art publications you collected, How many excluded (rejected) and why. How many
you included and why.

While conducting the report, 120 types of research are reviewed and used for addressing the
issues from the current research. Moreover, it has been notified that only 30 literature were met
the requirements and standards of the research domain. In this research, the elaboration of various
data management techniques is done in the background of a mobile health information system
because it would assist the system in managing cloud-based healthcare data.

Furthermore, this report is introduced sophisticated data management techniques, i.e., data
acquisition techniques. It has been identified that among 120 researchers, only 30 papers have
met the research domain requirements where others found less accurate and relevant. Hence,
remaining researches were dropped because they found not related to the research domain. Also,
the selected researches are accurate and reliable in the background of mobile health data
management in the clouds.

3. What are the points you considered in proposing you the components of your model?. What is the
motivation (need) of classifying you each component in your proposed system?. Show how each
will help in your specific domain (JUSTIFY)?.

In the review based projects, detailed and thorough information and knowledge can be gathered
about mobile health data management, which helps improve the accuracy and efficiency of
mobile data management in a cloud environment. In the way, to prepare adequate research on the
health data management, following parameters or facts are to be considered –

The real-time data of the patients are collected by the cloud. The real-time data is the data
which belongs to different patients related to their health diagnosis. This data is further
helpful to provide proper treatments to the patients.

The data is managed in the form of records and fields and the persons who are authorized
should be enrolled in biometrics by providing them unique identities. The data is
presented in data sets and stored in the cloud.

The data is stored using the cloud technology and the data is protected using the
biometric authentication technology so that we can store a large amount of confidential
data with accuracy, security, reliability to reduce the data threats.

The mobile health information can be provided to the patients when they search about the
particular information in the cloud data servers the server then further start searching the
relevant information searched by the patient and the return the information to the patients.

Effective communication between patient and healthcare professionals is performed by

developing cloud-based mobile information systems. The patients just have to send a
message to the health specialist and after looking at the problem of the patient the expert
provide their prescription according to the problem.

Thus, the data management techniques based report is to be developed to provide secure and
effective data management of mobile health in the cloud environment. Also, major three
components of such as Data acquisition, Data management informatics, and Mobile health are to
be considered in the research.

4. What are the components (factors/classes) and sub-components of your proposed system?.
Classify these classes (components), and find their relationship with the subclasses (sub-
components). What is the motivation for bringing each component in your proposed system?
Show the LINK between these components. What are the attributes for each class and subclass?.
Give an example for each class and subclass.
Present the components and classes with their most inherent attributes and the values in a Table.
Present the components of your proposed model, their subclasses, and their relations as a
Figure. (Simulate your Proposed Framework).

The initial component in the proposed DDM taxonomy is Data acquisition, which analysed the
health-related vital data that are going to be stored in the cloud or stored. Moreover, the data

acquisitions used for sampling the signals that contain real world physical conditions and further
simplify them by converting the signals into digital numeric values. The simplified signals can be
further manipulated by the computer system. Also, Data management informatics is the second
component of the proposed DDM taxonomy. The second components help to manage the
healthcare data by using robust healthcare monitoring techniques. Vital healthcare parameters are
collected through data management or informatics. Finally, the last component of taxonomy is
Mobile health, where the health data is retrieved by the patient or healthcare provider to manage
the health or improve it by the required measurements. Also, through mobile health, various
healthcare parameters can be measured and communicated to the respected healthcare providers
to get the diagnosis or prescription.

Further, these feasible components of DDM taxonomy are provided in Error: Reference source not found
along with the respective sub-classes and instances or examples for the same class or sub-class.

Table 1: DDM Taxonomy Classification Table

Factor/Class Main Attributes Common Instances

Data acquisition Input Textile electrodes, ECG signals, sound

Wearable sensors Monitoring Acoustic sensors, throat microphones,
Electrocardiographic signals
Sensing Sensors Analyse, monitoring, tracking, signal
Data management Process Human-computer interaction, Block
informatics chain, push-pool mooring
Data management services Middleware Message routers, PaaS and SaaS,
healthcare data
Information system Cloud technologies Synchronisation algorithms, encryption,
open archive information system (OAIS)
Mobile health Healthcare information Vital healthcare parameters, regular
system health monitoring, sensors
Classification Data processing Support Vector Machine, Mean Square
Error, Linear Discriminant Analysis
Integrated Applications Self-management Telecare system, data integrity, cloud,
confidentiality, privacy
Healthcare surveillance Setting Hardware, software, wearable sensors,

mobile health

Figure 4: The above figure shows the three factors of data management taxonomy (i.e., Data
acquisition, Data management informatics, Mobile health)

Figure Analysis: In Figure 4, introduced components and sub-components of DDM taxonomy are
provided. The main components are data acquisition, data management informatics, mobile health.
Further, the DDM taxonomy stated the existing scenario between components and sub-components
along with its interconnection.

5. What are the steps that you are going to consider in organising the subsections of your proposed

The outstanding section of the research is aimed at the verification, classification, and evaluation of the
proposed DDM taxonomy that executes with its components and sub-components that delivers evaluation,
processing, and verification of the system. In Figure 4, detailed information about components and sub-
components is provided.

Subsections in your System Components section:

Each factor (class) in your classification should have a subsection in the proposed section,
and each of them should be presented as below:
PS: Working you on this part should be linked to the table of proposed system components

1. For each subsection, give introductory about that component (factor/class). Show the
subclasses for each. Show the link between this component with other components in your
proposed system, and present it in a diagram.

Data acquisition

In the data acquisition, two main sub-classes are fall that helps to accurately convert the
sampling signals that helps to monitor real-world physical conditions. These signals are
further converted into digital numeric values by using the data acquisition process.

The Wearable sensors work on monitoring various healthcare parameters. Moreover,

Acoustic sensors, throat microphones, Electrocardiographic signals are used as feasible
wearable sensing. Also, it provides a precise sensing rate of vital healthcare parameters.

Second-sub class of data acquisition is Sensing. Once the data sensed from the body, the
signals are processed to the readable digital numeric values. Also, Acoustic sensors, throat
microphones, Electrocardiographic signals are used for transferring the healthcare data in a
readable format.

Figure 5: Main attributes and instances of Data acquisition

Data management informatics

In the research, the second factor is data management informatics, which helps to manage
the data transferred from the data acquisition process. For data management, human-
computer interaction and Blockchain-based data management are processed.

It involves Data management services as the helping process for data informatics. It
includes Platform as a Service, Software as a Service, and message routers for feasible data


In the information system, all the gathered healthcare data is managed through the
Synchronisation algorithms, encryption, open archive information system (OAIS). The
healthcare data is synchronised and encrypted, which helps to manage healthcare data

Figure 6: Data management Informatics and its classes

Mobile health

In mobile health, the vital healthcare parameters are monitored and communicated towards
managing the health of the person living in the telecare environment. In this class, three sub-
classes are entertained.

Fist sub-class is classification where the data classification is done through the robust
support vector machine- based classifiers. The data is accurately classified in this section.

Further, integrated applications are used to manipulate the healthcare data, which is
managed in the cloud environment. The common instances include in the integrated
application are Telecare system, data integrity, cloud, confidentiality, privacy. These
instances are undertaken for healthcare data manipulation.

Third sub-classification of mobile health is healthcare surveillance. Here, healthcare is

provided to the respective user in the telecare domain. Various hardware and software are
used for providing healthcare surveillance to the patient.

Figure 7: Mobile health and its sub-classes

2. What is the purpose of using each component in your classification and link it with your
goal?. What is the motivation of considering the subcomponents (subclasses) in each of your
components (What is the problem that needs to be solved)?
Justify in details, why you use this factor in your classification. What was the problem? What
the need of this factor (class), … etc.

Data acquisition

The aim of considering the data acquisition as part of healthcare data management is to get
the data managed accurately through the wearable sensors and sensing. The sensors have
sensed the data and communicate the sensed data to the respective healthcare provider or

Data management informatics

Data management or informatics is the main aim of the research. This is because the mobile
health data found vulnerable to security threats and lack of data communication. Moreover,
the sub-classes associated with the data management informatics are data management
services and information system.

Mobile health

The mobile health is associated with the telehealth system where the healthcare of the person
is managed through the feasible data sensing and management to the clouds. The data can be
further manipulated accordingly. There are three major sub-classes of mobile health, i.e.,
classification of data, integrated applications, and health surveillance.

System Classification

1. What are the selection criteria that you used to classify your system?
You need to create a table to show the classification comparison for all previous work that you
collected. This table should compare all previous solution in term of factors you considered in
your work. Also, you need to show what is the domain of each solution they work on it, and what
was their input to the system.

Initially, 130 results have been reviewed, and out of which 30 results have been carried out
because these results were met the requirement of the research domain and found accurate and
effective in the context of the research domain. Further, in the way to achieving more precise,
validated, and established information about the research domain, the journals that are published
in the year of 2018 to 2019 were majorly considered. Moreover, for maintaining the quality of the
research, the quality criteria have been focused, i.e., Q1 and Q2. Subsequently, the journals that
were met the quality criteria of Q1 and Q2 were selected for review purpose. Once, the quality
and validation of journals have been done, the journals selected based on gesture and posture
recognition techniques that were worked on the smart sensor technology.

Overall, 30 publications have been finalised and reviewed. The selected papers are presented in
Table 2 with the help of the proposed taxonomy. The selected journals have been peer-reviewed
and presented in various tables in tabular format. These tables are providing verification, analysis,
and classification of various selected journals.

In Table 2, all 30 journals are evaluated and classified based on various parameters in the context of the research domain. The parameter used for evaluating
all the journals is data acquisition, data management informatics, mobile health. Further, sub-parameters are used for evaluating journals with more detail and

Table 2: Classification of Research work according to three factors of DDM management taxonomy


S. Author Data Level of

No Name management Journal Data acquisition Data management informatics Mobile health

. techniques
Wearable Sensing Data Information Classification Integrated Healthcare
Sensors management System Applications Surveillance

1 Cheng, Lee, Push-pull-mooring Q1 Acoustic Motion sensing Mobile personal Partial Least Voluntary Mobile Cloud Software
& Choi framework sensors cloud storage Squares (PLSs) switching
(2018) services intention

2 Kao et al. Android-based Q1 Acoustic Sound signal Mobile health Unified model Robust Domain Cloud-based Android OS
(2018) self-management sensors application language Analysis (DA) Tele-care
application (UML)

3 Mehmood et mHealthcare and Q1 Medical Signal Mobile cloud- Machine Comparative DNA Endoscopy
al. (2018) DNA data hiding sensors processing assisted paradigms learning analysis Steganography video analysis

4 Pham et al. Cloud-based Smart Q1 Throat Sound signal Pioneer P3-DX and Hokuyo URG- Support Vector Data mining Wearable
(2018) Home microphone Pan Tompkins 04LX-UG01 Machine and cloud sensors

Environment algorithm algorithm

5 Faiola & mHealthy lifestyle Q1 Electrocardiogr Signal Patient portal Cognitive Linear Mhealth and SEIPS 2.0
Isola (2018) management aphic signals processing technique systems Discriminant cloud
(MLM) engineering Analysis

6 Varatharajan, Big data Q2 Kernel sensor Signal Multimedia Image Two- Support Vector MapReduce Android OS
Manogaran, classification processing Pre-processing dimensional Machine and cloud
& Priyan approach filter computing

7 Celesti et al. Open Archive Q1 Acoustic Data analyses MySQL-Database Cloud based- Mean Square Telecare HL7 v3 SIP
(2018) Information sensors management Hospital Error system
System System Information

8 Elhoseny et Industry 4.0big Q1 Industry 4.0. Data analyses Industry 4.0 big data Particle swarm pbest and gbest Data integrity First come
al. (2018) data applications Sensors application optimiser (PSO) first served

9 Lomotey& Cloud-hosted Q1 Electrocardiogr Signal mHealth Middleware Timestamp and mhealth and Wireless
Deter (2018) middleware mobile aphic signals processing architecture and layer E-tag and hybrid cloud bandwidth
architecture Software-as-a- clock

10 Tao et al. Light-weight field Q1 IoT Networked Data sensing Hardware-based Lightweight KATAN cipher SecureData Slepian–Wolf
(2019) programmable gate Sensor cipher algorithm ciphers and Secret coding and
array (FPGA) cipher share Hardware

11 Garcia et al. Cerebral stroke Q1 Textile Data sensing Cerebral stroke Feature Cerebral strokes Android Android API

(2018) detecting mobile electrodes detection app detection detection Mobile Vision 27 (v8.0
application system API and Oreo)SDK
Android API and CloudSim

12 Kaur et al. Blockchain-based Q2 Acoustic Data analyses Concept of Blocks Blockchain- Cloud-based Mobile health
(2018) platform sensors cryptography connection based cloud Protocol
system management

13 Chen et al. SDN-based mobile Q1 IoT Networked Data sensing Software-defined Data cognitive Greedy caching Small-cell Software
(2018) network Sensor networking engines strategy cloud and a platform
architecture macrocell
cloud t

14 Tao et al. Certificateless Q2 Kernel sensor Signal Cloud computing Hardware-based Public-key Certificateless Software
(2019) public key processing based-mobile Secret ciphers encryption with public key platform
encryption with healthcare system keyword search encryption and
keyword search (MHS) (PEKS) cloud
(CLPEKS) scheme

15 Sharma, Toward practical Q2 Electrocardiogr Signal Cloud-Based Cryptographic Linear kHealth Mobile health
Chen, and privacy-preserving aphic signals processing Healthcare Systems service provider Discriminant
Sheth (2018) analytics system Analysis

16 Hussain et al. Mobile health Q1 IoT Networked Data sensing mHealth apps Near Field Support Vector SD Card Android
(2018) applications on Sensor Communication Machine Storage Platform
android platform (NFC) and

17 Karaca et al. Artificial Neural Q1 Textile Signal Random binary Multilayer Linear cloud system Virtual
(2019) Network (ANN) electrodes processing sequences Perceptron Discriminant Dedicated

module generation schemes (MLP) Analysis Server (VDS)

18 Rahman, Deoxyribonucleic Q1 Electrocardiogr Signal Lossless DNA data DNA sequence DNA Mobile cloud JAVA
Khalil, and Acid (DNA) aphic signals processing hiding authentication steganography Standard
Yi (2019) sequence hiding Edition (JSE)

19 Liu et al. Fine-grained EHR Q1 IoT Networked Data sensing Online/offline Cyphertext Hash sign Mobile cloud Mobile health
(2018) access control Sensor signature scheme policy switch paradigm
scheme and online and Attribute-based
offline cipher text encryption

20 Sodhro et al. Adaptive QoS Q1 Adaptive Data analyses Fog computing- QoS-QoE Support Vector Medium access Wearable
(2019) computation Sensor based adaptive correlation Machine control (MAC) sensors and
algorithm (AQCA) power control and mobile health
QoS management

21 Chang and Guest editorial: a Q1 IoT Networked Data sensing Mobile Digital Services Linear Data control Android
Oyama roadmap for Sensor Health (MDH) Oriented Discriminant gateway Platform
(2018) mobile and cloud Computing Analysis
services (SOC), SaaS
and PasS

22 Yousuf Smartphone-based Q1 Adaptive Data analyses HearScreenTMapplic mHealth Binomial Maximum SPSS v24 and
Hussein et al. hearing screening Sensor ation service-delivery logistic permissible Mobile health
(2018) scheme model regression ambient noise
analysis levels based

23 Kao et al. Mobile health Q1 Adaptive Data analyses Android Operating Real Home box and Mobile cloud Mobile
(2018) application Sensor System smartphone Information Telecare service software
System (IS) model

24 Firdaus et al. Blockchain-based Q2 Kernel sensor Signal Blockchain-based The root exploit Static analysis K-means Android
(2018) medical data processing medical data detection and machine clustering debug bridge
management management system (RODS) learning algorithm (ADB)
(BMDM) and Logitboost

25 Karlekar and Optimisation-based Q2 Adaptive Data analyses Kronecker product- Optimisation- Support Vector Meta-heuristic Android
Gomathi support vector Sensor based bat algorithm based support Machine and algorithm Platform
(2018) machine approach vector machine Mean Squared
(OW-SVM) Error

26 Sodhro et al. Internet of Medical Q1 IoT Networked Data sensing Product lifecycle Joint energy Duty cycle The Mobile health
(2018) Things (IoMT) or Sensor management harvesting and optimiser and heterogeneous
Medical Internet of duty-cycle Decision platform of 5G,
Things (MIoT) optimisation making strategy IoT, Cloud-

27 Stamate et al. Android Platform Q1 Adaptive Data analyses CloudUPDRS app Synchronisation Recurrent Mobile cloud Android
(2018) Sensor algorithms convolutional Platform and
neural network software

28 Benhlima Big data Q2 IoT Networked Data sensing The big data Stream Mean Squared mhealth and Mobile health
(2018) architecture Sensor management computing and Error cloud
technique framework batch

29 Li et al. EdgeCare: Q1 Kernel sensor Signal EdgeCare approach Stackelberg Optimisation Attribute-based Wearable
(2019) Leveraging Edge processing Game based algorithm encryption sensors and
Computing for optimisation mobile health
Collaboration Data algorithm

30 Espasito et al. Mobile-based Self- Q1 Adaptive Data analyses Telecare service Breach Telecare service Flexible access Android
(2017) management Sensor model notification model control software
Application process

In Table 3, the classification of research is made on the data management informatics and various components through numerous data management
techniques. The apparatus, usage, type of data, data processing, and operating language and program are evaluated in the blowing table. Also, the expected
beneficial outcomes are provided.

Table 3: Classification of Research on the Data management informatics Component through data management techniques

Author Method Used Apparatus Usage Type of Data Processing Operating Beneficial
Name Data Programmes and Outcomes

Data Data
collection analysis

Hussain et al. Mobile health  Android Improve the Medical data Medical Partial Least Linux operating system The conceptual

(2018) (mHealth)  Medical data security of the Imaging Data Squares (PLSs) (Ubuntu 14.04) framework has
application mHealth app been used and
security by

Karaca et al. Artificial Neural  Mobile Cloud Highly accurate Medical data Genetic Data Multilayer Cryptogenic stroke The stroke
Network (ANN) System while assisting perception diagnosis is
module  Virtual the stroke algorithm provided with an
Dedicated patients accuracy rate of

Rahman, Deoxyribonucleic  Mobile cloud Improving Patient data Genetic Data DNA data DNA Steganography The authenticity

Khalil, and Yi Acid (DNA)  Steganography healthcare data hiding and and JAVA Standard of medical data is

(2019) sequence hiding authenticity Steganography Edition providing with
method the accuracy of

Liu et al. Fine-grained EHR  Mobile cloud Improving the Digital medical Electronic Offline/Online Cyphertext policy It provides fine-
access control computing security of data Health Record encryption grained access
scheme  E-Healthcare healthcare (EHR) algorithm control to the
records records healthcare data
with an accuracy
of 56.98%.

Sodhro et al. Adaptive QoS  Network layers Efficient Patient data Medical QoS QoS-QoE correlation The transmission

(2019) computation  Sensors monitoring of Imaging Data computation power noticed

algorithm (AQCA) various mechanism -15 dBm with a
performance delay of 100 ms.

Chang and Mobile Digital  Mobile digital Secure and fast Digital medical Electronic Multi-channels Software as a Service It provided data
Health (MDH) health communication data Health Record and multimodal and Platform as a and control
Oyama (2018)
 Cloud of healthcare sensing Service gateway that
computing data managed the vital
data with an
accuracy of

Yousuf Maximum  Smartphone Accurately DigitalPatientl Healthcare data Binomial SPSS v24 Extracted the

Hussein et al. permissible  Mobile health identified the data Surveillance logistic cloud server
ambient noise app effects of noise regression based data to the
levels (MPANLs) on the ears of analysis excel sheet and
based application the elderly analysed with the

range of p < 0.05.

Kao et al. Mobile health  Mobile Improving the Medical data Unstructured Real Blood pressure gauge Feasible health
applications software telehealth care Data Information data
 Biomedical and sensing vital System (IS) communication
indicators signs has been
achieved with the
latency rate of

Firdaus et al. Blockchain-based  Practical swarm For malware Patient data Medical K-means Androidmanifest.xml The Logitboost
medical data optimisation free medical Imaging Data clustering achieved an
management data and Log File algorithm accuracy of 90%
(BMDM)  Android debug management

Karlekar and Optimisation-  Cloud Improving the Medical data Log File and Kronecker Ontology and whale The proposed
based support computing privacy of digital data product-based optimisation solution
(2018) vector machine  Ontology medical data in bat algorithm performed with
approach the cloud an accuracy of

Sodhro et al. Joint energy  Internet of Improve the Patient data Unstructured Product Ontology-based The Meta-
harvesting and medical things communication Data and Text Lifecycle programmes heuristic
duty-cycle  Mobile apps process and Data Management algorithm
optimisation transfer (PLM) based performance has
(JEDHO) information global approach improved the
algorithm from one person accuracy of
to another 88.1%,

Stamate et al. CloudUPDRS app  Nervous system It provides care Patient medical Unstructured Recurrent JAVA Standard Edition Achieved

(2018)  Controls techniques to the data Data convolutional Performance by
learning patient with neural network RNN Classifier
video or audios. such as accuracy
0.78, F1-score of
0.82, and AUC of

Benhlima Big data technique  Mobile apps For Medical data Log File and Big data Stream computing and The accuracy of

(2018)  Cloud improvement of digital data management batch computing handling data is
computing health care technique 90%.

Li et al. EdgeCare:  Internet of Improve the Patient medical Unstructured Optimisation Stackelberg Game The healthcare
Leveraging Edge Things security of data medical Data algorithm data is protected
Computing  Edge healthcare data with a rate of
computing 16% from the
current solution.

Espasito et al. Microservices  Clouds It reduces the Digital medical Electronic Cloud-based Breach notification A microscopic

(2017) approach  Flexible access chances of data Health Record data process approach that
control healthcare data management improved the
loss. healthcare data
access control
with the
improvement of

In Table 4, various parameters are evaluated and classified based on healthcare tools, various generic algorithm, and vulnerabilities of the system that can be
seen. Further, the table is making a classification of research based on various healthcare parameters and data management techniques.

Table 4: Classification of Research on the various healthcare parameters and data management

Author Health Specific Tools Domain Efficient Parameters Health Vulnerabilities Statistical
Name & application (Level Generic system analysis
year frameworks which algorithm Accuracy Falling attributes
will Precisions criteria
Cheng, Push-pull-  Mobile cloud Individual Partial least Voluntary The voltage Sustainability Cross-cultural The effect of
Lee, & mooring squares (PLS) switching regulator is and resilience investigations are habit (−0.139)
framework  Voluntary switching Algorithm intention required not accurately was slightly
Choi intention performed stronger than
that of
switching costs

Kao et al. Android-based  Mobile health Self- Unified model Chronic Care Time- Efficiency and A generalisation of The effect of a
(2018) self- application managemen language Model consuming quality data is difficult security risk
management t (UML) processes (0.248) was
 Smartphone
application approach much greater
than that of
privacy risk

Mehmood mHealthcare and  Mobile cloud Health-care Machine DNA Low accuracy Equity and High time Real-time
et al. DNA data organisation learning steganograph Accountabilit consumption healthcare data
hiding  Cloud computing algorithms y algorithm y management
has been
achieved an

accuracy of

Pham et al. Cloud-based  Internet of things Health Gradient Support High energy Sustainability Inaccurate data Support vector
(2018) Smart Home system Boosting vector consumption and resilience management machine
Environment  Acoustic sensors decision tree machine algorithm
algorithm algorithm achieved an
accuracy of

Faiola & mHealthy  Motivational Health Cognitive Patient portal Low-level Equity and High complexity in The patient
Isola lifestyle interviewing service systems technique performance of Accountabilit the system portal technique
(2018) management provider engineering the software y provides 94%
 Patient portal
(MLM) (CSE) accuracy.

Varatharaj Big data  Electrocardiographi Health Support Vector Linear Low resolution Sustainability Frequency The support
an, classification c (ECG) signals service Machine Discriminant and resilience synchronisation in vector
Manogaran approach provider (SVM) Analysis inaccurate machines
 Linear Discriminant algorithm (LDA) accuracy
, & Priyan Analysis (LDA) achieved at

Celesti et Open Archive  Cloud computing Health-care Cloud-based NoSQL Complexity in Sustainability The high data has The risk rate
al. (2018) Information organisation Open Archive column- data and resilience not been managed has reduced to
 MySQL clinical
System Information oriented Data management 13.8%.
documents System Base

Elhoseny Industry 4.0big  Big data Industry Health Particle swarm Parallel The sub- Efficiency and Less accurate for Particle swarm
et al. data applications 4.0 system optimiser Particle swarms are not quality managing healthcare optimiser
(2018) (PSO) swarm identified data provides
 Cloud computing algorithm optimisation accurately. 89.14%
(PPSO) accuracy.

Lomotey Cloud-hosted  Mobile devices Health-care Synchronisatio Middleware The Equity and Limited bandwidth Synchronisatio
& Deter middleware organisation n algorithm technique synchronisation Accountabilit n algorithm

(2018) mobile  Middleware of data is y achieved an
architecture required accuracy of

Tao et al. Light-weight  IoT network Health Hardware- Secret cipher Low data Equity and Inaccurate The results
(2019) field system based cipher share privacy Accountabilit identification of reveal that data
programmable  Sensors algorithm algorithm y cipher sizes security has
gate array been improved
(FPGA) by 89.67%.

García et Cerebral stroke  Cloud Health CloudSim and Android Limited Sustainability The fitness Accuracy of
al. (2018) detecting mobile service Cerebral stroke Mobile processors and resilience functions are not data
 Mobile application
application provider detection Vision API calculated management
accurately 71.59% has
been achieved.

Kaur et al. Blockchain-  Wi-fi Individual Concept of Knowledge Inaccurate data Efficiency and Limited bandwidth The risk rate
(2018) based platform cryptography Discovery in communication quality has reduced to
 mHealth Databases 14.5%.

Chen et al. SDN-based  5G networks Health Augmented Resource Inaccurate Efficiency and Limited hardware Accuracy of
(2018) mobile network system reality gaming cognitive server quality resources data privacy
 Communication
architecture engine allocation 98.7% has been
network achieved.

Tao et al. Certificateless  IoT network Health Certificateless Public-key Complex Sustainability The process is cost- The accuracy of
(2019) public key service public key encryption structure of and resilience effective handling data
encryption with  Mobile device provider encryption with keyword cloud platform management is
keyword search  IoT sensor system search 87.60%.
scheme schemes

Sharma Toward practical  Electronic health Health Cryptographic Public-cloud External Efficiency and Inefficient to It improved
Chen and privacy- records system service infrastructures hacking and quality analyse symptoms security by
preserving attacks are

Sheth analytics system  Internet of things provider activated 5.98%
(2018) Sensor

 Health readers

Table 5, Is presenting the classification of cloud-based mobile healthcare information system based on various journals that have been selected in the making
of this research. Moreover, parameters such as positive key attributes, justification criteria, and privacy assessment of healthcare data are aimed in the below-
described table.

Table 5: Classification of Research on the Cloud-based mobile health information systems


Author Cloud-based Research Aim Positive key Cloud Justification Criteria Privacy Effective Output
data attributes Platform Assessment
Dependent Independent

(Varatharaj, The big data Latency reduction  Linear Web services Two- Image feature  2D filter The use of MapReduce has improved
Manogaran, classification in distributed t Analysis dimensional extraction method  Support the SVMs
& Priyan, approach mobile network  Support filter Vector
2018) Vector
Machine Machine

(Celesti et Open Archive Group  Database Mobile cloud Virtualization SQL technologies  NoSQL The cloud storage is used as NoSQL.
al., 2018) Information collaboration and managemen PaaS approaches The risk rate has reduced to 13.8%.
System data t System  Cloud storage
synchronisation in  MySQL
mobile networks

(Elhoseny et Industry 4.0big Different mobile  Particle Web services Virtual Modified PSO  Industry 4.0 The acceleration parameters and
al., 2018) data applications data transmission optimiser machines algorithm apps random variables are measured.
(PSO) placement  Support
 Parallel
swarm Machine

(Lomotey & mHealth Managing  Middleware Mobile cloud Global time Middleware’s  Synchronisati The medical terms are accurately
on algorithm
Deter, 2018) architecture healthcare Layer clock managed through the two-space
 Software-as-
information using  Two-space Bernoulli models.
middleware. Bemouilli

(Tao et al., Light-weight Offline data  KATAN Google Slepian–Wolf Secret cipher  Secret cipher To prevent from cipher attacks and
2019) field accessibility algorithm cloud coding sharing algorithm algorithm secure data transmission by:
programmable  Fog  Hardware-
computing based cipher
gate array

(Garcia et Cerebral stroke Manage the high  Particle Mobile cloud Smile Cerebral strokes  Cerebral Big data is efficiently managed. The
al., 2018) solution volume of swarm Detection detection stroke results reveal that the rate of
healthcare data optimiser detecting execution has achieved 50%.

 Android mobile

API 27 application

 CloudSim

(Kaur et al., Blockchain- Mobile peer-to-  Electronic Web services Digital Peer-to-peer  Concept of The medical data is identified
2018) based peer health healthcare data networking cryptography through:
architecture, communication record auditable  Blocks
Electronic health  Mobile transaction connection
record computing model

(Chen et al., Resource Wireless  5G Google Content Augmented  Support The proposed solution has accurately
cognitive engine
2018) bandwidth networks cloud delivery reality gaming Vector reduced the latency in the 5G
management and  Cognitive Machine networks.
reducing the intelligence  Data
latency in the cognitive
system. engines

(Tao et al., Public-key Wireless  Certificatele Microsoft Light-weight KATAN ciphers  Hardware- Provides privacy sensitive data of
based secret
2019) encryption with bandwidth ss public Azure FPGA ciphers patients-
keyword search management key hardware
scheme encryption
 Public-key

(Sharma, the k-health Mobile data  K-health Mobile cloud Cryptographic Public-cloud  Cryptographi k-health digital health monitoring

Chen, and digital health security and Service infrastructures c service system based on cloud network to
 Analytical
monitoring trustworthiness provider provider for identifying disease in healthcare.
Sheth, 2018) models
system  Public-cloud
(Hussain et Mobile health Ensuring data  Misuse Google Rule-based Kirin security  Cloud-based The security checks of remote

al., 2018) (mHealth) consistency and detection cloud system detection servers are done, and battery energy
application conflict resolution  Android  AppFence achieved accuracy of 89.7%.

(Karaca et Multilayer Mobile data  Application Web services Fog computing Textile electrodes  Artificial The accuracy rate of 88.4% has been

al., 2019) perceptron security and of ANN neural achieved through the ANN
algorithm (MLP) trustworthiness module networks algorithm.

 Fog algorithm

computing  Multilayer
(Rahman, Deoxyribonuclei For improving the  2D matrix Mobile cloud DNA DNA sequence  DNA The authenticity of medical data is

Khalil, & c Acid (DNA) healthcare data representati steganography authentication steganograph providing with the accuracy of
sequence hiding authenticity on y 67.7%.
Yi, 2018)
method  Stego  DNA data
sequences hiding
(Liu et al., Fine-grained Improving the  Hash sign Web services Ciphertext data Encryption  Attribute- It provides fine-grained access

2018) EHR access security of switch mechanism based control to the healthcare data with an
control scheme healthcare paradigm encryption accuracy of 56.98%.
records.  Online/offli  Online/offline
ne encryption

(Sodhro et Adaptive QoS For efficient  Energy Google Radio resource QoE assessment  Support The QoS identified through the:

al., 2019) computation monitoring of saving cloud management Vector

algorithm various mechanism Machine
performance  Quality of  Quality of
indicators. Service Services
assessment assessment

2. Start with subsection again with each of the factors that you mentioned in your classification
table. The number and title of subsections here will be the same as in "Proposed Components"
section. The contents will be different as will present what state of art publications done in each
section/subsection. The explanation in each subsection will be linked to the classification table.
The last paragraph in each subsection should give a conclusion about the classification you
presented in table 2.

Data acquisition

In the research, various papers are aimed at the implementation of wearable sensors. On the other hand,
various researchers are focused on sensing in the context of data acquisition. The wearable sensors based
data found as the major type of data that is used in the research as is focused on the healthcare data
management techniques. In this way, Cheng, Lee, & Choi (2018) stated that Aucostic sensors are
important towards collection information about the elderly person in the smart home environment.
Mehmood et al. (2018), Medical sensors are also proposed for tracking and sensing various healthcare
parameters. Also, Garcia et al. (2018) introduced that the textile electrodes can be used for sensing vital
healthcare parameters. The textile electrodes help to identify useful information through the cloth mounted

Data management informatics

The management informatics is used for managing healthcare data and storing in the information system.
The data management informatics are sub-classified into two different sub-classes, i.e., data management
services, information system. Towards that, mobile health applications can be used for managing healthcare
data with accuracy and security. The healthcare data is first managed and then stored in the information
system Kao et al. (2018). Pioneer P3-DX and Pan Tompkins algorithm are used for providing feasible
healthcare information system. Further, mHealth service-delivery model and Cognitive systems engineering
are used for healthcare data management in the healthcare environment Faiola & Isola (2018) and Yousuf
Hussein et al. (2018).

Mobile health

After sensing and managing the healthcare information, mobile health systems are communication and
manage the healthcare data within the healthcare environment. Moreover, the mobile health component is
sub-classified into three different sub-components, i.e., classification, integrated applications, and
healthcare surveillance. Towards that, mobile operating systems are used for manipulating healthcare data
within the mobile to mobile Kao et al. (2018).

System Components Validation and Evaluation
1. Here you are going to validate (show the right system built and give that meet the goal you set),
and also evaluate (Show the value of your system and the usefulness of it) your proposed system.

This you did by relying you on the comparison in the classification table that you do in the
previous section. Justify why you evaluate and validate and evaluate your system components.
What are the validation and evaluation criteria you used in your proposed system? What are the
validation and evaluation methods used (qualitative and quantitative methods)?

While determining various factors that are related and relevant to the data mining techniques, the
various components are also evaluated and validated that helps to improve the system. It is
important to validate and evaluate the components if they are adding value to the system.
Moreover, the used publications in the research are using a different type of validation and
evaluating the model. In other words, various literature and papers are focused on the
management of healthcare related data in the context of the medical domain. Also, it has been
identified that data management is crucial and tough to manipulate due to data storage. Therefore,
adequate methods need to be used for data management in the mobile cloud environment.

Table 6: Validation and Evaluation of data management techniques

References Study Healthcar Component Validation and Results

Criteria e Context validated Evaluation Criteria
evaluated Input Output

Cheng, Lee, Mobile Mobile Performance Push-pull- Cloud storage The effect of a
& Choi health personal of data mooring services are security risk
(2018) informatio cloud storage management network accurately (0.248) was much
n services maintained greater than that
manageme of privacy risk
nt (0.178).

Kao et al. Mobile Android- Interface and Unified model Maintain the It has been noticed
(2018) healthcare based self- information language flow of data that the telecare
data management quality (UML) communicatio system has
manageme application approach n improved by 80%.

Mehmood et mHealthca DNA Medical DNA Deoxyribonucl The security of

al. (2018) re steganograph Quality of steganography eic acid used data has been
y Services algorithm to determine improved by
genetics and 75.8%.

Pham et al. Cloud- Cloud Accurate data The smart Performed a Achieved
(2018) based infrastructure processing and garment used band pass accuracy of

Smart data storage Pan Tompkins filter (5– 15 89.12% using 6-
Home algorithm Hz). fold cross-
Environme validation.

Faiola & mHealthy Sustainable Performance SEIPS 2.0 Improved the The patient portal
Isola (2018) lifestyle healthcare Sustainability sustainability technique
manageme of living provides 94%
nt accuracy.

Varatharaja Multimedi Electrocardio Principal Linear Improved the The improvement

n, a feature graphic Component Discriminant ECG signal of ECG signal
Manogaran, classificati (ECG) Analysis Analysis processing processing and
on signals (LDA) reducing
& Priyan

Celesti et al. Healthcare NoSQL Managing the Cloud-based Accurately The cloud storage
(2018) data column- HL7 clinical Open Archive managed the is used as NoSQL.
manageme oriented Data documents Information HL7 The risk rate has
nt Base System reduced to 13.8%.

Elhoseny et Healthcare Cloud Accuracy of Parallel Accurately The accuracy in

al. (2018) data environment health service Particle swarm managed a big big data health
manageme applications optimisation amount of data services is
nt (PPSO) identified.

Lomotey & Healthcare Electronic Managing the Timestamp Accurately The results
Deter (2018) Informatio health record healthcare and E-tag managed the revealed that the
n related data techniques healthcare data latency in the
Manageme system had been
nt reduced.

Tao et al. Healthcare IoT Secure data Secret cipher Enhance the The result reveals
(2019) data networked transmission share security of that data security
manageme layer algorithm healthcare data has been improved
nt by 89.67%.

Garcia et al. Healthcare Cerebral Patient real- Cerebral Big data is The results reveal
(2018) service stroke time condition stroke efficiently that the rate of
application detection detecting managed execution has
mobile achieved 50%.

Kaur et al. Medical Knowledge Accuracy of Concept of Medical data The results reveal
(2018) data Discovery in data cryptography is accurately that the latency
manageme Databases management managed has reduced.

Chen et al. Health data Resource Accuracy of 5G networks Communicatio It helps to utilised
(2018) communic cognitive physical, and SDN- n capacity is to reduce the
ation engine application based mobile improved latency
and control network effectively.

Tao et al. Mobile Hardware- Data safety in Public-key Improved The privacy
(2019) healthcare based secret health encryption efficiency in performance in
data ciphers monitoring with keyword data data storage and
search communicatio transmission and
n reduced errors by

Sharma, Cloud- Public-cloud Storage and K-health Identifying The technique

Chen, and based infrastructure computing monitoring disease helps in digital
Sheth healthcare s elasticity system monitoring of the
system patient with high

Hussain et Healthcare Mobile Security of Android Improved The security

al. (2018) security Health mHealth apps security model security by checks of remote
environment 6.98% servers are done,
and battery energy
achieved accuracy
of 89.7%

Karaca et al. Healthcare Real-time Signal quality Artificial The accuracy The accuracy rate
(2019) data healthcare optimisation Neural rate of 85.3% of 88.4% has been
manageme monitoring Network achieved through
nt algorithm the ANN

Rahman, Healthcare Mobile cloud The error rate Deoxyribonucl Lossless DNA The authenticity
Khalil, and data in the eic acid data hiding of medical data is
Yi (2019) authenticit healthcare steganography providing with the
y data accuracy of

Liu et al. Healthcare Online/offlin Security of Attribute- The error rate Fine-grained
(2018) record e encryption healthcare based is reduced access control to
security records encryption the healthcare data
with an accuracy
of 56.98%

Sodhro et al. Intelligent Medical data Monitoring of QoS Transmission The intelligent
(2019) healthcare processing performance computation power noticed healthcare
application indicators algorithm applications are
processed the
medical data with
a duty cycle of

Chang and Mobile Internet of Secure and Services Improved data The data and
Oyama digital Medical fast Oriented accuracy control gateway
(2018) health Things communicatio Computing that managed the
n vital data with an
accuracy of

Yousuf Healthcare Smartphone Noise levels HearScreenTM Recorded Extracted the

Hussein et data healthcare tester quality, applications noise quality cloud server based
al. (2018) application and quality index data to the excel
indices sheet and analysed

with the range of p
< 0.05.

Kao et al. Telecare Biomedical Integrated Telecare Feasible health The result reveals
(2018) system indicators database service model data that the range of
communicatio 80-140 kPa with
n high accuracy.

Firdaus et Medical Data Static analysis The root Calculated the The Logitboost
al. (2018) data information and exploit achieved an
manageme representatio Segregation detection accuracy of 90%.
estimates (xi) =
nt n system and

Karlekar Medical Cloud Privacy of Kronecker Improved the The proposed

and data environment medical data product-based performance solution
Gomathi classificati bat algorithm performed with an
on accuracy of

Sodhro et al. Medical Internet of Integration of Joint energy Reduce The Meta-
(2018) health care medical IoMT harvesting and communicatio heuristic
things duty-cycle n problems algorithm
optimisation performance has
improved the
accuracy of

Stamate et Healthcare CloudUPDR Investigations Recurrent Assesses the Achieved

al. (2018) data S app Observations convolutional PD patients Performance by
manageme neural network RNN Classifier
nt such as accuracy
0.78, F1-score of
0.82, and AUC of

Benhlima Health care Accuracy of Accuracy of Big data Accuracy of It improves the
(2018) system data storage handling data techniques handling data quality of health
is 90% care delivery

Li et al. Healthcare Medical data Accuracy of Stackelberg Protected with The results reveal
(2019) data storage and medical data Game based a rate of 16% that increment in
security processing security optimisation percentage
algorithm revenue is
achieved by 79%
at the time.

Espasito et Healthcare Cloud-based Privacy- Breach Healthcare Improved

al. (2017) data data preserving notification data stored at healthcare data
manageme management healthcare process cloud access control
nt data sharing with an
improvement of

Table 7: Evaluation Table of Data acquisition

S. Author Cloud-based infrastructure Data Model Access

No Name managemen efficiency control
. Signal strength Operating t System accurac
voltage range y

1 Cheng, Lee, & 15 Hz–12 000 Hz 2.1 V to 4.5 V Medical data Slightly 63.7%
Choi (2018) stronger

2 Kao et al. 10 Hz–14 000 Hz 3.0 V to 3.5 V Healthcare Slightly 76.2%

(2018) data robust

3 Mehmood et 12 Hz–16 000 Hz 2.3 V to 5.1 V Clinical data Slightly 80.1%

al. (2018) resilient

4 Pham et al. 20 Hz–16 000 Hz 4.0 V to 5.5 V Hospital Slightly 89.12%

(2018) Information stronger

5 Faiola & Isola 17 Hz–11 000 Hz 3.1 V to 5.5 V HL7 clinical Slightly 65.7%
(2018) resilient

6 Varatharajan, 11 Hz–13 000 Hz 2.2 V to 4.3 V Mobile Slightly 93.4%

Manogaran, & medical data robust
Priyan (2018)

7 Celesti et al. 20 Hz–15 000 Hz 3.2 V to 4.5 V Big Data Slightly 67.4%
(2018) stronger

8 Elhoseny et al. 14 Hz–16 000 Hz 2.1 V to 4.5 V Healthcare Slightly 74.7%

(2018) data resilient

9 Lomotey & 12 Hz–14 000 Hz 3.1 V to 4.2 V Healthcare Slightly 68.2%

Deter (2018) data stronger

10 Tao et al. 20 Hz–16 000 Hz 1.1 V to 4.1 V Clinical data Slightly 89.67%
(2019) robust

Table 8: Evaluation Table of Data management informatics

S. Author Data security e-healthcare records Algorithm used in Frequency

No. the process strength (%)

Accessibl Non-
High Low
e accessible

1. Garcia et al. Healthcare ✓ Particle swarm 86.7 -

(2018) application optimiser (PSO)

2. Kaur et al. Healthcare ✓ Knowledge Discovery - 59.1

(2018) data in Databases (KDD)

3. Chen et al. Transmitted ✓ Resource cognitive 91.3 -

(2018) data engine

4. Tao et al. mHealth ✓ Public-key encryption 89.7 -

(2019) applications with keyword search

5. Sharma, Healthcare ✓ K-health monitoring - 52.9

Chen, and application system
Sheth (2018)

6. Hussain et mHealth ✓ Dynamic taint 92.8 -

al. (2018) applications analysis

7. Karaca et al. Clinical ✓ Multilayer Perceptron - 61.9

(2019) Transmitted algorithm

8. Rahman, Healthcare ✓ DNA steganography - 62.3

Khalil, and data
Yi (2019)

9. Liu et al. Medical data ✓ Online/offline 87.4 -

(2018) encryption

10. Sodhro et al. Mobile cloud ✓ Adaptive QoS 93.6 -

(2019) computing computation algorithm

Table 9: Evaluation Table of Mobile health

S. Author Data storage type Healthcar Accuracy of Privacy of medical data

No Name e malware
Cloud Mobile High Medium Low
. indicators detection (in
storage %)

1. Chang & Applicable __ Biomedical Vital data with ✓

Oyama an accuracy of
(2018) 98.7%

2. Yousuf Applicable __ Universal Vital Sign with ✓

Hussein indicator an accuracy of
et al. 78.3%

3. Kao et al. __ Applicable Clinical Performed with ✓

(2018) Preventive the accuracy of
Services 53.1%

4. Firdaus et Applicable __ Access to Logitboost ✓

al. (2018) Health achieved an
Services accuracy of

5. Karlekar __ Applicable Environmen Performed with ✓

and tal Quality the accuracy of
Gomathi 73.21%

6. Sodhro et Applicable Universal Vital data with ✓

al. (2018) indicator an accuracy of

7. Stamate Applicable __ Biomedical Detection with ✓

et al. the accuracy of
(2018) 83.21%

8. Benhlima Applicable __ Environmen Accuracy of ✓

(2018) tal Quality handling data is

9. Li et al. __ Applicable Biomedical Vital data with ✓

(2019) an accuracy of

10. Espasito Applicable __ Access to Detection with ✓

et al. Health the accuracy of
(2017) Services 53.21%

2. What are the parameters that you are going to use in validating and evaluating your system?

In the table, various parameters are used for evaluating and validating the system. In other words, data
management techniques are evaluated on the basis of healthcare service applications that are stated in
(Mehmood et al., 2018), (Pham et al., 2018), (Varatharajan, Manogaran, & Priyan, 2018) , (Tao et al.,
2019), (Liu et al., 2018), (Chang & Oyama, 2018), (Yousuf Hussein et al., 2018), (Firdaus et al., 2018),
(Sodhro et al., 2018), (Benhlima, 2018), (Espasito et al., 2017). Moreover, data storage is also aimed in
(Kao et al., 2018) (Faiola & Isola, 2018) (Garcia et al., 2018) (Kaur et al., 2018) (Tao et al., 2019) (Sharma,
Chen, and Sheth, 2018) (Sodhro et al., 2019). Here, the data management of healthcare information is
aimed in the system. Thus, the major components of the research are data management and data storage.

3. Write about how state of the art publications have validated and evaluated their system.

Classify your presentation to 3 groups, list the previous works that evaluated and validated their
system, another group for previous work that only evaluated their system, and last group for only
the works that validated their system. Based on the Evaluation and Validation you do, write
Recommendations show what the best solutions are, and JUSTIFY why.

The certain literature used in this research model does not provide complete dataset because it
considered as a single dataset. Moreover, all these literature were not tested and verified for the
diverse and complex dataset. Also, the guaranteed performance has not been provided in the
single dataset validation because of that the abilities of data management techniques got lacked in
the performance basis. The lack of data management is identified due to the competences of the
system to maintain the healthcare data to the mobile cloud environment. Hence, the data
management and manipulation of healthcare data are quite crucial in the evaluation and validation
of the system.

The performance of mobile cloud technology based mobile device storage is one more important
component in the evaluation and validation of the system. Thus, the healthcare data management
need to be done on a regular period, and the healthcare data management need to be done in a
mannered way. Moreover, the data management technique should be performed up-to-the
anticipation and deliver results to the system.

In the research, various literature papers on which the evaluation of the system has not accurately
performed through the experiments and simulation. Also, it has identified that the concept of the
majority of the papers is demonstrated through the numerical analysis of the model with the
assistance of data management techniques. The literature that is used in the system did not detail
the data which is evaluated with the healthcare data management.

System Verification

1. What is the tool has used to evaluate the proposed model?

The task of analysing various major components of the proposed system is an important step to
be done. In the same way, quantitative and qualitative methods are implemented collectively in
the way of evaluating the proposed system components. Moreover, the numerical analysis
method was used for evaluating the system. In this, the issues of data storage and inaccurate
data management have been eliminated through the DDM taxonomy. Moreover, the qualitative
method has been used, and the components that are occurred can be associated with the detailed
taxonomy. The occurrence of the taxonomy is noticed in quantity.

2. Provide subsections for the tools used in evaluating the model. For each tool, provide the
Also, provide recommendations about the subcomponents that preferred for each component and
Justify why?

System identification

Towards evaluating the DDM taxonomy, initially, the test of overlay has been performed. In this
test, the occurrence of instances and terms in the quantity of analysed review has prepared.
Moreover, data management techniques have been observed that of what time the existence has
been noticed.


In the way, to ensure the completeness of the system, analysis of various components and sub-
components in the state-of-art-solution. In the way to this, 30 papers have been selected those
are Q1 and Q2 journal, and these journals found relevant to the research goal. Towards that, the
majority of papers were aimed at data management techniques and mobile cloud technology.

In Figure 8, protests of the components and sub-components are provided in the % with the
graphical formation.

Component occurrence
Convolutional neural network
Components and Sub-components

Recurrent neural network

3D sensors

Human voice recognition

Feature extraction

Wearable sensors

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percentages of components used

Figure 8: Occurrence of components and sub-components in the literature

3. What are the failing criteria for the proposed system?

Figure 8, presented the evaluation of numerous components and sub-components. Also, the
existing taxonomy can be reproached based on Support Vector Machine and message router.
Moreover, it has identified that the manifestation of these terms is least. This specified that these
components are least repeated. Thus, the DDM taxonomy can also be punished if the components
will not be implantable to the healthcare data management system.

Table 10: Frequency Table of 30 publishers

Term Frequency Term Frequency Term Frequency

Network Cloud
45 79 Ontology 55
externality Computing
Data collection Support Vector
108 65 Middleware Layer 38
65 Clinical record 72 Synchronization 79
Mobile health Hardware-based
115 Health services 89 84
application security
Internet of Mobile
Wearable unit 48 104 110
Things communication
Cloud Mobile Software defined
105 98 47
infrastructure computing networks

Healthcare data 117 82 Latency analysis 35
health record
Security Data Threat
56 45 46
assessment authenticity identification
Mobile digital
84 Adaptive Sensor 56 QoS computation 28

1. Give an introductory on what you are going to do in the Discussion section.

The discussion part contains components of the research that used least and discussed quite
infrequently. Towards introducing the importance of such components and sub-components,
feasible examples are provided from the literature that is linked to the components used in DDM
(Data acquisition, Data management informatics, and Mobile health) taxonomy with the
respective values. Furthermore, the value of evaluation of various taxonomy components is
underlined in the section.

Discussion of Selected 15 Literature with its advantages and imitations, respectively:

Discussion in the context of Data acquisition

(Kao et al., 2018), proposed well-defined methodology with the Android-based self-management
application for collecting and communicating healthcare related information within the cloud storage
environment. The limitations in the system are a generalisation of data difficult and time-consuming

According to Pham et al. (2018), proposed Cloud-based Smart Home Environment (CoSHE) can
effectively monitor and communicate the healthcare information within the cloud environment. Also, the
real-time data can be communicated with energy efficiency. The limitations in the system are inaccurate
data management and high energy consumption.

Varatharajan, Manogaran, & Priyan (2018), proposed Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) for reducing the
features from the input ECG signals. Also, the enhanced Support Vector Machines are used for accurate
pattern recognition in a medical environment. The limitations are frequency synchronisation in inaccurate.

In the words of Elhoseny et al. (2018), the proposed system has been accurately managed the healthcare
data using the proposed Industry 4.0 model. The Virtual machines selection (VMs) used PSO algorithm
helps to synchronise the fitness functions. But, the proposed system is less accurate for managing
healthcare data.

According to Sharma, Chen, & Sheth (2018), proposed k-health digital health monitoring system based on
cloud network to for identifying disease in healthcare. The main feature of this research to implemented
personalised digital healthcare monitoring for testing disease and health issues of patients. The limitations
identified the limitation of the research is that the Somewhat Harmonic encryption (SHE) and Additive
Harmonic encryption (AHE) includes ring learning with errors.

Discussion in the context of Data management informatics

(Cheng, Lee, & Choi, 2019), introduced a push-pull-mooring framework in the context of Mobile personal
cloud storage services (PCSSs) for effectively measuring the customer’s adoption of cloud data and
management of the same. Also, for managing the healthcare related information, the cloud storage related

information is accurately evaluated through the WJX. The limitations in current solution Cross-cultural
investigations are not accurately performed.

In the words of Karaca et al. (2018), the proposed algorithms are highly accurate while assisting stroke
patients. The proposed solution has been improved the healthcare management and diagnosis for the stroke
suffering persons in the mHealth applications. The limitations are limited sources and inaccurate

In the words of Rahman, Khalil, &Yi (2019), the DNA data authenticity can be implemented to improve
data authenticity. It would help to keep the healthcare data secure and authenticated. The limitations are
low authenticity and inaccurate data collection.

In the words of Chang & Oyama (2018), the proposed Mobile Digital Health (MDH) can communicate and
manage the vital healthcare data within a secure network. The research improved healthcare data
management through the services provided by the Internet of Medical Things. The limitation in the system
is limited to data storage.

According to Firdaus et al. (2018), the root exploits detection has been improved the elimination of new or
running malware from the Android-based health applications. Android debug bridge (ADB) helps to
command the malware detection processes and execute as well. The limitation in the system is inaccurate

Discussion in the context of Mobile health

In the words of Mehmood et al. (2018), mobile cloud assisted framework can help to improve the accuracy
and efficiency of controlling and manipulating the big data-based healthcare data. The limitation of the
research is high time consumption.

Faiola & Isola, (2018), the proposed sustainability healthcare system for improving the accuracy and
accountability of monitoring healthcare data. Also, it has been noticed that healthcare information can be
securely communicated in the proposed system. The limitations in the system high complexity.

In the words of Lomotey & Deter. (2018), middleware techniques can be used for managing the healthcare
related data with high accuracy and low latency. Also, the proposed solution has features such as mobile
devices with high storage capacity and processors. Limitation in the current research is limited bandwidth
and high cost.

In the words of Kaur et al. (2018), the healthcare data can be accurately managed and communicated, and
digital health record managed through the blockchain-based model. Also, the updated data is determined
through a blockchain-based cloud system. The limitations in the solution are limited bandwidth and
inaccurate data communication.

In the words of Hussain et al. (2018), mHealth based data are always vulnerable to security threats.
Moreover, the features are identified in the research are used for improving the security of mHealth data.
But, the limitations in the system are limited access and time limitation.

2. You are going to create subsections for each component in your proposed system. In each
subsection, and based on your two classification and validation tables, you are going to discuss
sub-factors that only considered by few the state of art publications and weren't clearly

Why do you think this sub-factor hasn't identified how they described. How should be described,
and JUSTIFY based on basic and theory, why do you think should be described differently.

Component one – Data acquisition

Sub-component – Sensing

In the research, it has been noticed that nearly every author has discussed the wearable sensors
along with the sensors that are used in the literature. Moreover, the monitoring and tracking of
healthcare data are also discussed thoroughly. Nevertheless, it is noticed that sensing devices are
not discussed in the research. The termsense using for providing sensed healthcare data and
monitor in the real-time environment. Moreover, sensing also helps to regular track the healthcare
of data, but the authors found least interested in focusing on sensing. Only two papers are
detailing about sensing in their researches.

Component two – Data management informatics

Sub-component – Information system

It has been identified that very few literature in the research contain information and data about
the healthcare information system. In the way to manage healthcare related data, various data
management techniques are used in the research so far. In this way, the implementation of a
healthcare information system can reduce the fatigue in maintaining the huge healthcare data
from the mobile devices to the mobile cloud system. Only one literature paper has been discussed
about the healthcare information system. Subsequently, towards obtaining the healthcare data
management, the application and discussion of the information system should be provided with
more detail.

Component three – Mobile health

Subclass – Healthcare surveillance

Nearly each journal used in the research contains information about mobile health data
management using various integrated applications and mobile cloud. Only one journals paper has
discussed healthcare surveillance, but there is a requirement of discussing healthcare surveillance
in the context of mobile health data management. In the way to achieve accuracy in healthcare
data management, healthcare surveillance needs to be aimed in the research.

3. For each sub-factor in each component, Discuss what the things that haven't considered or
mentioned are.

Component one – Data acquisition

Sub-component – Sensing

Towards maintaining healthcare data management, various sensing techniques can be used that
provides accurate detail about the sensed data. But it has been identified that the Analysis,
monitoring, tracking, signal processing of healthcare data. Hence, the transmission and sensing of
data will not affect the sensing process.

Even though, various evaluation and sensing methods are used for monitoring various healthcare
parameters that are discussed more thoroughly in the literature section.

Component two – Data management informatics

Sub-component – Information system

There are various information systems which have not been discussed so far in the literature
papers such as Synchronisation algorithms, encryption, and open archive information system
(OAIS) etcetera. Although, the use of these components hardly affects the literature due to its less
importance. Moreover, the healthcare data management found more discussed in the literature
section because it helps in getting accurate management of mobile healthcare data.

Component three – Mobile health

Subclass – Healthcare surveillance

Hardware, software, wearable sensors, mobile health is the type of healthcare surveillance which
has been least appeared in the literature section. Moreover, only one publication in the research
has discussed healthcare surveillance. Thus, the mentioned terms are least reliable and not latest
while providing mobile healthcare data management.

The result conclusion connected to the various processes and ways such as management of
mobile healthcare data to the mobile cloud environment through the smart sensing network. More
precisely, sensing done for accurate data acquisition, information system provides through the
feasible information system and mobile health is providing healthcare surveillance in the context
of mobile healthcare data management.

4. Continue describing the few publications that considered some factors, and how they did it.

Component one – Data acquisition

Sub-component – Sensing

The research reviewed overall 30 journal papers for providing healthcare data management. Towards that,
it has been identified that only two journal papers included information about sensing. Also, Kao et al.
(2018) introduced a mobile healthcare application that used smart sensors for collecting information about
vital healthcare sign of person and communication of the same data to the respective storage.

Moreover, Kaur et al. (2018) stated that blockchain-based architecture could be used for providing mobile
health environment that provides sensing and communication of data to the mobile storage.

Component two – Data management informatics

Sub-component – Information system

Overall, 30 journals were reviewed in the research out of which only one paper contains information about
the healthcare information system. In the same way, Celesti et al. (2018), proposed open archive
information system (OAIS) healthcare architecture that provides feasible management of healthcare data in
the mobile storage to the mobile cloud storage.

Component three – Mobile health

Subclass – Healthcare surveillance

Healthcare surveillance includes mobile health and software-defined healthcare. Further, it has been
identified that healthcare surveillance terms occurred in only one journal paper. Elhoseny et al. (2018),
introduced feasible big data application based healthcare data management. The virtual machines are
identified for achieving fine healthcare data management. Hence, the healthcare surveillance related
information gained through only one journal paper in the 30 journals reviewed in the research.

5. After discussion the sub-factors that only considered by few the state of art publications, give
your opinion by critical analysis, WHY do you think few publications have considered specific
factors in each component.

The lack of occurrence of components such as sensing, information system, and healthcare
surveillance found the least relevant to the research domain. Meanwhile, the implementation of
these components is somehow valuable for the research work for accurate mobile healthcare data

Component one – Data acquisition

Sub-component – Sensing

In the research, it has identified that the detailed system found resisted to produce a model
towards communicating and manipulating healthcare data management. So far, information about
the sensing system has aimed by several journals papers. Moreover, there are numerous ways to

manage mobile health data, i.e. signal processing. These types of sensing have not discussed for
far in the research.

Component two – Data management informatics

Sub-component – Information system

Very few literatures are considering the information in the research for healthcare data
management. The introduced model endeavors to provide a model that feasibly evaluates the
sensed medical data. Even though these components are valuable for medical mobile data
management, but the occurrence of these components found least.

Component three – Mobile health

Subclass – Healthcare surveillance

Various journals papers were selected in the research for aiming at mobile healthcare data
management, but healthcare surveillance has been least aimed by the researchers in research.
Meanwhile, numerous steps have been introduced for healthcare surveillance, but these sub-
components found least focused by the research publications.


The focus of research is to advance data management techniques in cloud-based mobile health
information systems. That introduced an appropriate system that can eliminate problems and issues
from the research domain through analysis the existing available papers and literature with the
solution provided in the research on the base of its accuracy and efficiency of manipulating mobile
health data using data management techniques to the mobile cloud environment.

The research further underling the findings that include a combination of data management techniques
and mobile cloud health environment along with various data manipulation with the special solution
provided in the basis its healthcare data management accuracy and healthcare information system

The limitations and issues of the system are inaccurate management of mobile healthcare data in real-
time practices. Also, the management of healthcare information has not done feasibly in the existing
solution. Also, the exclusive model has not tested and verified so far in the research. Thus, there are
the possibilities of future work of the research.

The future direction of the research shall be aimed at the application of the introducer system in the
real-time environment. This is to verify the system in the context of usability and applicability for the
research domain. Therefore, the system needs to find and deploy such tools that can accurately
manage the healthcare information in the mobile cloud environment.


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