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Report Writing (Exercise) 750 words

Drivers Involved in Road Accidents and the Causes

Table 1 shows the number of drivers involved in road accidents from 2005 to 2007 and
Table 2 shows the causes of accidents in 2007. Generally, there is a variation in
accident numbers and accident causes between different categories of drivers.

According to the table shown on the above, a research on the number of drivers
involved in road accidents from 2005 and 2007 had been accomplished. The drivers
could divide into four types of categories which were professionals, non-professionals,
fresh graduates, and business owners. Different kind categories of drivers showed
different kind of attitude while they were driving on the road. Their attitude had decided
their fate on the road. Based on Table 1, the number of professionals involved in
accidents almost doubled from 3600 cases in 2005 to 7000 cases in 2007. The drastic
increase showed in the number of professionals involved in accidents was mainly
caused by the poor road conditions and fatigue situation of the drivers in 2007. From
this statement, we were taught that we were not allow to be arrogant on the road even
though we knew the circumstance of the road very well or we continued to drive on the
road no matter we had already burned out just because we though that we were
professionals. In 2007, the number of fresh graduates involved in accidents was the
highest compared to all other categories of drivers because of poor road conditions,
fatigue and faulty vehicles. We must control ourselves from being rude when we were
only rookies on the road. We did not have any experience on the road and so we were
not encouraged to drive in a high speed on the road that we did not even familiar with
before. We should not remain committed to drive when we were only fresh graduates on
the road as we had to pay more attention when we were driving.

Besides, non-professionals who involved in accidents surged from 5500 cases in 2005
to 14100 cases in 2006. Likewise, fatigue of the drivers still had become an influencing
factor in this case, followed by the attitude of drunk driving. Exactly, we were not
allowed to drink beverages which were high in alcohol contents as it would lead us
towards intoxication or drunkenness. This was completely against the law and would
distract our mind from being sober. Usually this was the only behavior that would be
done by the non-professionals and that was why there were a notable increase of the
non-professionals involved in accidents. So, from the table, still we were remarked that
business owners involved in the accidents from 2005 to 2007 were the lowest compared
to the other categories of drivers. The only factor which could lead the business owners
towards accidents was the faulty vehicle. In other words, we should always check the
condition of our cars before we drive and should include every common maintenance
service to our cars persistently regularly. To summarize, the total accidents happened in
2005 was the lowest at 24900 compared to 2006 and 2007 but experienced a
substantially rise in 2006 at 36000 and an insignificantly decline in 2007 at 30150. From
the summary, more than half of the total accidents happened over three years were
recorded by the fresh graduates. So, the rookies in driving should know what should
they do while they were driving or using the road to avert themselves from being the
‘most dangerous users’ on the road. Indisputably, as we knew, drunk driving, poor road
conditions, fatigue, and faulty vehicles were the four most powerful factors which
steered towards the happening of an accident. From the research, we were strongly
being emphasized that we should not regard ourselves as an infallible person. We were
encouraged to check the condition of our cars before starting a journey, follow the
limited speed trap, do not drink alcohol contented beverages, be smart, slow and steady
while driving on the road, do not be arrogant or ego on the road, have an enough
sleeping time or rest before moving on.

In conclusion, all categories of drivers except the professionals showed a higher

number of road accidents in 2006 than in 2005 and 2007. We should think before we
do. For our own safety and for the others, too, all in all, do follow the rules on the road
and do not try to against it as it is the only but most useful prevention to prevent us from
taking part in a tragedy accident on the road.

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