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FEEDBACK LOG for Formative Assessment

Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you encourage

Provide the day and content State the following: students to use the feedback?
1. Oral or written 1. 1- Name a Concrete Way to Remind
2. What you shared them of their feedback
2. 2-A Learning experience that would
build on their learning

Day 1 – ELA Whole class- I provided authentic 1- I will have a poster up in the front
verbal feedback to the students after of the class or on Zoom discussing
I asked them questions about the what comparing two things mean with
text and comparing the characters an example. This is provided due to
cultures in the story and to their the feedback that was given yesterday
own culture. I gave them positive about ensuring that students
reinforcement and feedback and let understand what comparing two
them know that they had good people or things means. I will also put
ideas. on the poser and remind students to
stay on task during the next lesson so
Student #1- This student typically that they can understand what is being
is off task and struggles to focus taught.
due to having ADHD. He often
needs reminded to remain on task. 2- A learning experience that would
During this lesson, he was having build on the students learning is
this problem a bit. However, he having a follow up lesson where
gave a good example of how the students have the opportunity to pick
two characters in the story compare a partner who they are not familiar
to one another and himself. I with and discuss their culture. The
ensured that I gave him positive two students were comparing their
praise and reinforcement. two cultures and find similarities
I told him you gave a great between the two.
example of how your culture
compared with Emily and Amy’s
culture. Thank you for staying on
task and answering! Remember to
remain on task so you can answer
with these great answers all the

Student #2: This student typically

understands more and responds
well with visuals due to being an
English Language Learner.
Therefore, I went back into the
story for him so that he can
physically see the comparison
between the two characters and
then he compared it to himself.
How about we go back into the
story so that we can refresh our
mind about the comparison of the
two characters cultures and then
compare it to our own!
Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you encourage
Provide the day and content State the following: students to use the feedback?
1. Oral or written 1. 1- Name a Concrete Way to Remind
2. What you shared them of their feedback
2. 2-A Learning experience that would
build on their learning

Day 1 - SS Whole class- I provided authentic 1- I will show cards to the students
verbal feedback and positive praise with the different basic human needs
to the students after the students with an example. For example, I will
provided examples of how their show a card with the word artistic
cultures affect their basic human expression on it with a picture of a
needs. music symbol. During this time, I will
remind students that artistic
Student #1- This student typically expression is expression your
struggles in Social Studies because creativity and who you are in a
it is not taught often during class creative and artistic way. I will go
time. I ensured that I elaborated on through each one of the basic human
certain aspects while teaching the needs with the students so they can
lesson and provided him with have it for the next lesson. I will also
examples that he can relate to provide a Google Slides with the
especially in the basic human need same information that the students can
area of artistic expression. I told pull up and be reminded of.
him, to think about artistic
expression as a way of showing
your creativity or who you are 2- A learning experience that would
through anything that deals with build on the students learning is
art. You can show your creativity having a follow up lesson where
or who you are through music or students were able to interview their
drawings. I know how much you family members and see what other
love music, that is an example of ways their culture has an impact on
artistic expression! Try to think of their basic human needs. Students can
another example. When he focus on what other foods they eat
provided me with another example, because of their culture, maybe they
I told him, yes, awesome! Dancing speak two languages, or maybe they
is another form of artistic have multiple ways in which they
expression! Very good! express themselves through art.

Student #2: This typically

struggles with getting distracted and
staying on task. Due to this, when
asked about an example of how his
culture affects one of his basic
human needs, he was not able to
answer correctly. He often needs
reminded of the regulations and
rules of being on Zoom. I told him,
remember to stay on task and
make smart choices about the
things around us! Maybe try
moving to a quieter area so you
can focus! Once he moved to a
quiet area he began to get on task
and pay attention. Therefore, I
asked him to provide me with an
Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you encourage
Provide the day and content State the following: students to use the feedback?
1. Oral or written 1. 1- Name a Concrete Way to Remind
2. What you shared them of their feedback
2. 2-A Learning experience that would
build on their learning

example now and which he did. I

told him, eating rice is a great
example of how your culture
affects the basic human need of
food! Thank you for giving me an
example and for making a smart
choice and moving to an area that
is quieter so you can focus. Keep it
Day 2 – Math Whole class- I provided authentic 1- Students and I will create a sheet
verbal feedback and praise to the that discussed the previous days
students after they partitioned the lesson and feedback that was provided
circle into halves and the rectangle to students. Students should keep this
into fourths by drawing a line on at their desk or easy access that will
the drawing on the screen feature help them in the next lesson. This
on Zoom. sheet will focus on the feedback that
was provided to them and key points
Student #1- This student is to keep in mind when partitioning
typically in a rush to complete circles in halves and rectangles in
assignments resulting in him not fourths.
getting the answer correct. In this
activity, he rushed to draw a 2 - A learning experience that would
random line on the screen that did build on the students learning is
not accurately partition a circle into having a follow up lesson where
halves and rectangle into fourths. students had the opportunity to work
Due to this, I ensured that I let him hands-on with cutting and partitioning
know to take his time. I told him, circles into halves and rectangles into
thank you for participating, but fourths. The students would have a
remember to take your time and piece of paper with circles and
focus on what is being asked of rectangles on it. Students would cut
you so that we are not just the circles and rectangles out.
guessing! Students would cut the circles into
halves and the rectangles into fourths.
Student #2- This student is Doing this will allow for students to
typically very strong in math and physically see how there are two
responds well whenever he is given equal halves (students can place the
positive feedback. Therefore, he cut-out pieces on top of each other for
was able to understand and be able this visual).
to partition a circle in halves and a
rectangle in fourths. I told him,
that you did a great job at drawing
the line to cut circle into halves
and the rectangle into fourths!
You seem to really understand this
math concept! Keep up the great
Day 3 – Science Whole class- I provided typed 1- I can have students pull up their
authentic feedback to the students rubric that I typed comments in and
Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you encourage
Provide the day and content State the following: students to use the feedback?
1. Oral or written 1. 1- Name a Concrete Way to Remind
2. What you shared them of their feedback
2. 2-A Learning experience that would
build on their learning

on their rubrics that they submitted display it on their screen while we are
onto Google Classroom. beginning our next lesson. Students
Student #1- This student typically who are in person can also have their
responds well to drawing their rubric taped to their desk or inside
answers instead of writing them. their folder for easy access to be
Therefore, he was able to give reminded of the feedback that was
accurate examples of water as a provided to them and what they
solid, liquid, and gas. I wrote, you should keep in mind during the next
drew a great example of water as a lesson.
liquid! We see rainwater out of a
faucet every day! Providing this 2- A learning experience that would
positive feedback and build on the students learning is
encouragement to this having a follow up lesson where
student motivates him more students participated in an
to work hard in school. experiment/activity where the
students change the physical
Student #2- This student struggled properties of water. Students will
understanding the difference have a glass of water and put it in the
between a gas and a liquid. freezer to make ice, have a glass of
Therefore, when he was drawing ice and put it out in room temperature
his examples, he mixed up the two. and let it melt to a liquid, and take a
However, this stupid typically does liquid and change it into a gas by
not respond well to people telling steaming water (accompanied by an
him that he did something wrong. adult or teacher).
Therefore, I ensured that I told him
one positive thing that he did and
something he needs to work on in a
respectful manner. I wrote, I can
see your thought process
of why you believe
melting an ice cube in a
pot is a gas, but
remember a gas is
matter that does not fit
the shape of the
container and they move
around freely! I also
loved how you drew your
picture and chose to
draw a lot of details!

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