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Spotlight of The Month

Kamala Harris:
The Daughter
of Immigrants
to the First
Woman Vice
President Elect
This month, our spotlight woman in power is Kamala Harris. She is an American politician and attorney who
is a United States Senator of California and the Vice-President elect of the United States. To learn about her
journey from daughter of immigrants to vice-president elect, these next 4 pages have all you need to know.

Early Life Along with her younger sister Maya, Harris was
raised in Berkeley, California. Throughout her
Kamala Harris was born in Oakland, California childhood, Harris visited her relatives in both
on October 20, 1964. Her mother, Shyamala India and Jamaica. She said she was strongly
Gopalan, a biologist, arrived in the U.S. from influced by her maternal grandfather, a retired
India in 1958 as a graduate student in nutrition Indian civil servant whose progressive views on
and endocrinology at the University of Califor- demogracy and women’s rights impressed her.
nia, Berkeley. Her father, Donald J. Harris, was a
Stanford University professor of economics who When Harris was seven, her parents divorced.
arrived in the U.S. from Jamaica in 1961 for a Her and her sister visited Palo Alto on the week-
graduate study at U.C. Berkeley. ends and often children in the neighborhood
were not allowed to play with them because
they were black.
When Harris was 12, she and her sister moved
to Montreal, Quebec, Canada with their mother
where she had accepted a research and teach-
Kamala as an
infant and her
ing position at McGill University.
mother Shyamala
While living in Canada, Harris attended a French
speaking elementary school, Notre-Dame-des-
Neiges, and then Westmount High School,
graduating in 1981. While in high school, one of
Harris’ friends confided in her that she had been
molested by her stepfather. Harris told her
Women in Power, Issue 110 1
homicide, burglary, robbery, and sexual assault change law, protected the Affordable Care Act,
Spotlight of The Month cases. In August 2000, Harris took a new job at helped win marriage equality for all Californians, Spotlight of The Month
San Francisco City Hall, working for city attorney and prosecuted transnational gangs in trafficked
mother who insisted the friend live with them Louise Renne. She ran the Family and Children’s guns, drugs, and human beings. second, she started falling in the polls and even-
until the end of high school. Harris considers Services Division representing child abuse and tually reaching the single digits. On December
this a big moment in forming her commitment neglect cases. U.S. Senate (2017-Present) 3, 2019, Harris withdrew from seeking the 2020
for protecting women and children as a prose- In 2017, Harris was sworn in as a United Democratic nomination, citing a shortage of
cutor. District Attorney of San Francisco funds. In March 2020, she endorsed Joe Biden
States Senator for California. She is the sec-
(2004-2011) ond African-American woman and first South for president.
In 1982, Harris attended Howard University,
a histortically black university in Washington In 2002, Harris prepared to run for District Attor- Asian-American senator in history.
D.C. While at Howard, she interned as a mail- ney of San Francisco against Terence Halliman She serves on the Homeland Security and Gov-
room clerk for California senator Alan Cranston, (the incumbent) and Bill Fazio. She was the least ernmental Affairs Committee, the Select Com-
chaired the economics society, led the debate known candidate but she was still able to ad- mittee on Intelligence, the Committee on the
team, and joined Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority. vance to the general election runoff with Halli- Judiciary, and the Committee on the Budget.
Harris graduated from Howard in 1986 with a nan. Harris ended up winning with 56 percent
degree in political science and economics. of the vote and became the first person of color
elected as district attorney of San Francisco. She
Harris then returned to California to attend law ran unopposed for a second term in 2007. Logo for Harris’s presidential campaign
school at the University of California, Hastings
College of the Law through its Legal Education Attorney General of California (2011-
Opportunity Program. While at UC Hastings, she
2020 Vice Presidential Campaign
served as president of its chapter of the Black 2017) In May 2019, senior members of the Congres-
Law Students Association. She graduated with Nearly two years before the 2010 California At- sional Black Caucus endorsed the idea of a
a Juris Doctor in 1989 and was admitted to the torney General Election, Harris announced that Biden-Harris ticket. In April 2020, Harris re-
California Bar in June 1990. she planned to run. She was endorsed by both sponded to media speculation and said she
of California’s senators, Dianne Feinstein and “would be honored” to be Biden’s running
Barbara Boxer, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, mate. In late May, in relation to the death of
Harris pictured on the Senate floor in 2017
United Farm Workers cofounder Dolores Huerta, George Floyd and ensuing protests and demon-
and mayor of Los Angeles Antonio Villaraigosa. In the Senate, Harris’ mission remained fighting strations, Biden faced renewed calls to select a
In the June 8, 2010 primary, she was nominated for the rights of all communities in California. black woman to be his running mate.
with 33.6 percent of the vote, defeating Alberto Since taking office, she has introduced and co- On August 11, 2020, Biden officially announced
Torrico and Chris Kelly. sponsored legislation to raise wages for working that he had chosen Harris. She is the first African
people, reform the broken criminal justice sys-
In the general election, she faced Republican American, the first Indian American, and the
tem, make healthcare a right for all Americans, third woman to be picked as the vice-presiden-
Los Angeles County district attorney Steve address the epidemic of substance abuse, sup-
Cooley, who led most of the race. The election tial nominee for a major party ticket.
port veterans and military families, and expand
was held on November 2 but after a prolonged access to childcare for working parents.
period of counting mail-in and provisional bal-
Harris, at her law school graduation in 1989 lots, Cooley conceded on November 25. Harris 2020 Presidential Campaign
pictured with her mom and first grade teacher was sworn in on January 3, 2011. She was the
first woman, the first African American, and the Harris had been considered a top contender
Early Career first South Asian American to hold the office of and frontrunner for the 2020 Democratic nom-
In 1990, Harris was hired as a deputy district attorney general in the state’s history. ination for president. On January 21, 2019,
attorney in Alameda County, California. In 1998, Harris officially announced her candidacy for
Over the course of her nearly two terms in president of the United States. Campaign logo for the Biden-Harris ticket
San Francisco district attorney Terence Hallinan office, Harris won a $25-billion settlement for
recruited Harras an as assistant district attor- California homeowners hit by the foreclosure Harris rose between six and nine points after
ney. While there, she became the chief of the Biden was projected by the Associated Press,
crisis, defended California’s landmark climate after the first presidential debate but after the
Career Criminal Division where she prosecuted Fox News, and others on November 7, 2020 as

2 Women in Power, Issue 110 Women in Power, Issue 110 3

Spotlight of The Month Harris’s Political Positions
Capital Punishment/Death Penalty
the winner of the 2020 United States presiden- Abolish it
tial election, with the highest vote of any candi-
date in U.S. history. Harris thus became the Vice Income Inequality
President-elect of the United States. Expand tax benefits for middle class and
low income Americans
Vice President-elect of the United States
Minimum Wage
Following the election of Joe Biden in the 2020 Raise the federal minimum wage to $15/
presidential election, Harris will assume office as hour
vice president of the United States on January
20, 2021.She will be the first female vice presi- Paid Leave
dent, as well as the first person of color to hold Support several months of broad paid leave
the post since 1933.
Cost of College
Students shouldn’t have to take on debt

Student Debt
Expand or fix existing debt-relief programs

Assault Weapons
Support a ban on assault weapons

Biden and Harris celebrating their victory Abortion

Few limits, if any
Personal Life & Other Accomplishments
Harris married attorney Douglas Emhoff on Au- Medicare For All
gust 22, 2014, in Santa Barbara, California. She Opposes Medicare for all, but would ex-
is a stepmother to Emhoff’s two children from pand coverage
his previous marriage. Emhoff is now the first
Jewish spouse of a vice president. Legalizing Marijuana
Legalize it
In 2006, Howard University awarded Harris its
Outstanding Alumni Award for “extraordinary Defense Spending
work in the fields of law and public service.” In Slash the defense budget
2010, California’s largest legal newspaper The
Daily Journal designated Harris as one of the Sources:
top 75 women litigators in the state and one of
the top 100 lawyers in the state. In 2013, Time
named Harris as one of the “100 Most Influential

People in the World.” In 2016, the 20/20 Bipar-

tisan Justice Center awared Harris the Bipartisan

Justice Award. In 2018, Harris was named the biden-running-mate-2020-393885

recipient of the ECOS Environmental Award for

her leadership in environmental protection.

4 Women in Power, Issue 110

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