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I think the main reason that scientific people discount religious creation stories is that

they understand the real science behind the creation of humans. They mostly believe in

evolution which is grounded in scientific fact and is something they understand. Even if

they are religious it’s hard to discount science as a scientist no matter what their beliefs

are. I think alternatively, the reason that religious people reject scientific accounts of

creation either because they don’t understand the science and therefore it isn’t something

that prevents them from believing, or simply because their belief in their God or deity is

so strong that they can’t believe another idea.

2. The sociological study of religion can’t discount or challenge someone’s faith because

they simply aren’t looking for the validity of it or how true their stories are. Sociologists

aren’t concerned with agreeing or disagreeing with the religious points of view because

their study is on the real-world applications of those beliefs and how they influence

human behavior. Specifically, they study how people interact within the religion and with

others who are non-religious. Their focus is purely human behavior and not the validity

of their beliefs.

3. I don’t agree with the idea that science is changing our way of life too fast at all. I am a

firm believer that all scientific discoveries are for the overall good of society and

advancing our view of the world is always a good thing. It can be argued that what some

people choose to do with this knowledge can be a problem, like with Elon Musks plan to

inhabitant Mars which I do not agree with, but I think overall this knowledge is important

to advancing society. Learning new things and makes discoveries is the only way to move

forward and for that, I believe science is so important.

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