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Most large companies do not know how to make the best use of clever.

Employees who criticize the old ways of doing

things and want to try out new ideas are dislike both by their collegues and by their bosses. Comments like ‘They
wouldn’t listen to me’ or ‘I kept presenting new product ideas, only to hear nothing’ are typical of many a manage
who become an entrepeneur. All of this causes frustation, which can quickly lead to boredom. Often, middle manager
start to think: ‘Only another 30 more years of working my way retirement.’ At thi spoint, they want to find a way out.
They need to get away from a job that is no longer attractive. So they decide to set up on their own. But they need
something else, too: the challenge of taking risks. They are like people who clim a mountain by the most dangerous
route. Enterpreneurial types need to try out new things without knowing wheter they will succed or fail. They also
want to prove that they can make it without big sompany support. As well as motivaton, most successful enterpreneurs
have a number of personal characteristics in common. The first is self-confidence, the feeling of certainty that you
have got the skills, knowledge and energy to build up your own business. There is also stubbornnes, the
determination to prove to the boss who rejected your ideas that they were good ideas which can be made to work.
Possesing this quality means that you won’t give up: you have to make your ideas work.

1. The main information of the text is about…..
A. why a manager prefers to set up his own business
B. how large companies threat their managers
C. when a manager wants to retire from the company
D. What kind of new ideas a manager gives to his copany
E. Why a manager thinks it is important to criticize the Company

2. Many managers like to become an enterpreneur because…

A. They will no longer obey the company rules
B. they get frustrated of being criticized
C. their new idea are rejected by their superiors
D. they have been manage for thirty years
E. they dislike theit collegues and bosses

3. We may conclude that a manager who becomes an enterpreneur is a person who….

A. wants to have a large income
B. like to clim high mountains
C. does not need any support from others
D. dares to take the risk of failure
E. always makes changes to the environment

4. An entrepreneur is expected to be all of the following, EXCEPT….

A. Motivated
B. Confident
C. determined
D. ambitious
E. excused

5. ‘only to hear nothing’ in line 3 means to be….

A. silenced
B. ignored
C. isolated
D. distributed
1. Wacana melontarkan tajuk alasan mengapa seorang
manager lebih suka membangun usahanya sendiri (why
a manager prefers to set up his oen business) seperti
tergambar pemicunya pada paragraf pertama, hasrat
dan keamauannya pada paragraf kedua dan prasyarat
pendukung yang harus dimilikinya pada paragraf ketiga.
Untuk mencari informasi utama wacana, bacalah
kalimat pertama dari setiap paragraf, kemudian
gabungkan gagasannya.
Jawaban: A
2. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan sebab akibat, carilah
pernyataan di wacana yang sama dengan kalimat soal.
Kemudian perhatikan kalimat sebelum dan atau
sesudah pernyataan tadi; di sanalah terletak jawaban
dari soal.
Jawaban: C
3. Dalam menjawab pertanyaan melengkapi gagasan,
lihatlah di wacana pernyataan yang sama dengan
potongan kalimat soal dan lihat kelanjutan kalimat
tersebut; itulah jawabannya.
Jawaban: D

4. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan benar-salah (true or not

true), baca setiap opsi, kemudian carilah kalimat di
wacana yang menyatakan kesamaan informasi dengan
Jawaban: E
5. Yang dimaksud dengan ‘only to hear nothing’, hanya
untuk mendengar kebungkaman, pad abaris ketiga
adalah bahwa gagasan-gagasan sang manager tidak
Jawaban: B

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