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"Current state of ICT Technologies"

ICT encompasses all technical equipment and facilities that convert, process, save and transfer various
type of information in digital form. Also, it is a term used to encompass all converging computer,
software, networking, telecommunications, internet, programming and information system technologies.
In discussing its current state, it includes the web browser, social and mobile media, assistive media and
convergent technologies.

Web browser is about the Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. Web 1.0 is the first stage of World Wide Web
that has few web creators. It is characterized by static webpages or the "read only web" wherein the only
feedback mechanism is through private emails. Web 2.0 is the "internet for everyone" and is more
interactive. It is characterized by the explosion of information and social media wherein users interact,
contribute, and create their own internet space and contents. Web 3.0, on the other hand, is a semantic
web or data driven web content and response. It is described as "read-write-execute web".

Social media allows users to interact, communicate and share information in a virtual community and
network. Additionally, social media are websites, application or even online channels that enable user to
create, co-create, discuss, modify and exchange user-generated content which includes Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and Snapchat. Mobile media refers to handheld devices that are used as personal, interactive,
internet-enabled, and user-controlled portable platforms allowing the exchange of personal. And non-
personal information among interconnected users. On the other hand, assistive media is the first internet-
based reading services for people with visual and reading impairments. It is a non-profit service that uses
audio recording.

Lastly, the convergent technologies. It is the synergy of technological advancements. It is mainly for
working on a similar goal or a task. In other words, it the use of several technologies in accomplishing a
task conveniently.

"Online System Functions and Platform"

Before knowing what, the online system functions and platforms are, let us first define what online
system is. Online system, basically, is a system that is connected to the internet. Furthermore, it is an
online version of information system which is the "process and tools for storing, managing, using, and
gathering data and communications in an organization".

Online functions include the different things such as the following. First, the email notifications from the
server. It does not include emails using other servers. Second, online system functions include updating of
web blacklists. It also includes updating of list of file-sharing programs as well as free program updates.
Lastly, it includes remote access to child control through internet.

Online platforms are online marketplace that places one party in touch with another. It is any hardware or
software used to host an application or service. Basically, it allows easier ways for users to interact,
collect and use data for own needs. These platforms can be categorized as search engines, social media,
communication services, payment systems, advertising platform, and creative content outlets. Other
categories used are collaboration platform and education platform where one can send and receive
messages and learn online or through distance learning, respectively.

Search engine platform is a software system designed to search for information in world wide web.
Examples of this platforms are Google, Bing, and Creative content outlets include Prezi,
Tumblr, Waze, and WordPress. Payment systems are used to settle financial transactions though transfer
of monetary value while advertising platforms allow users to create and manage campaigns, generate
reports, and retrieve information about the ads. Lastly, communication services are outsourced enterprise
communications solutions that includes Communication Service Provider in telecom, internet and cable

"Latest Trend in Technology"


It is a revolutionary decentralized technology with the function of storing and for the exchange of data for
cryptocurrencies. It is a new trend that forms a distributed database with a digital register of transactions
and contracts. Additionally, it stores an ever-growing list of blocks which are ordered records that contain
a timestamp and a link to the previous block. Blockchain has impressive prospects in the field of digital
transactions which will open new business opportunities in 2018.

This is a trend in technology in terms of digital transactions that comes with different reasons. It uncovers
many new possibilities with various applications which, its relevance comes from the social responsibility
and security growth on the internet. It brings strengthened credibility because using it makes forging
digital transactions impossible.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) immerses the user in an environment which the Augment Reality enhances.
Although VR has been used primarily for gaming, it was also used for training like the Virtual Ship.
VirtualShip is a simulation software used to train U.S Navy, Army, Coast Guard captains. In case of AR,
one good example is the Pokemon Go. Moreover, both can be used for gaming but for variety of usage
because both have enormous potential also in education, marketing, and even rehabilitation from an injury.

Enhanced Edge Computing

Edge computing is a trend that relates most specifically to the Internet of Things and consists in placing
intermediate points between connected objects. Intermediate points are where data can be processed,
where facilitating tasks can be done closer where the data has been received which in turn to latency and
traffic reduction. Additionally, rather than having the data being sent to a centralized server in cloud or
creating a new architecture, cloud and edge computing will be developed as complementary models with
solutions in cloud with processing of data being kept closer to its endpoint.

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