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1. If there are 3 Resistors R1, R2 and R3 in series and V is total voltage and I is total current
then Voltage across R2 is?
2. For a parallel connected resistor R1, R2 and a voltage of V volts. Current across the first
resistor is given by?
3. R1 = 1Ω, R2 = 3Ω, R3 = 5Ω and R4 = 7Ω connected in series. Total voltage = 20V,
Current I?
4. R1 = 1Ω, R2 = 3Ω, R3 = 5Ω and R4 = 7Ω connected in parallel. Total Current = 23A. Then
5. A sine wave has a frequency of 50 Hz. Its angular frequency in radian/second is?
6. The apparent power drawn by an A.C. circuit is 10 kVA and active power is 8 kW. The
reactive power in the circuit is?
7.  The reactance offered by a capacitor to alternating current of frequency 50 Hz is 20 Q. If
frequency is increased to 100 Hz, reactance becomes?
8. If a sinusoidal wave has frequency of 50 Hz with 30 A r.m.s. current which of the
following equation represents this wave?
9.  The peak value of a sine wave is 200 V. Its average value is?
10. For a sine wave with peak value Imax the r.m.s. value is?
11. For a frequency of 200 Hz, the time period will be
12. The Q- factor of a coil is given by
13. Find the polar form of the impedance (4 - j3)Ω?
14. The resistance of a conductor of diameter d and length l is R Ω. If the diameter of the
conductor is halved and its length is doubled, the resistance will be
15. How many coulombs of charge flow through a circuit carrying a current of 10 A in 1
16. A capacitor carries a charge of 0.1 C at 5 V. Its capacitance is?
17. Four capacitors each of 40 µF are connected in parallel, the equivalent capacitance of the
system will be?
18. Five capacitors each of 5 µF are connected in series, the equivalent capacitance of the
system will be?
19. In a series R, L circuit, voltage across resistor and inductor are 3 V and 4 V respectively,
then what is the applied voltage?
20. In ac RC series circuit total voltage is 10V and voltage across resistor is 6V, then what is
voltage across capacitor?
21. In series RLC circuit, voltage across resistor, inductor and capacitor are 5V, 2V and 2V
respectively. Find total voltage?
22. In RLC parallel circuit current through resistor, inductor and capacitor are 10A, 5A and
5A respectively. What is the total current in the circuit?
23.  In parallel RC circuit total current is 5A and current through resistor is 3A. What is the
current through capacitor?
24. In a series resonance circuit if bandwidth is 1 MHz and inductance is 1 mH, then what is
the resistance value?
25.  In RL series circuit R=2Ω and L=10mH and applied voltage is 10V DC. Then find the
current in the network?
26. In RC series circuit R = 2Ω, C = 2μF and 10V dc is applied. Then what is the value of
27. In RL series circuit R=2Ω and L=2mH. What is the value of time constant?
28. The voltage across R and L in a series RL circuit are found to be 200 V and 150 V
respectively the rms value of the voltage across the series combination is ______ V.
29.  Three identical resistor are connected in star across a 3 phase 550 V supply dissipating a
total power of 300 W the line current is ____________ A.
30. A motor having a power factor of 0.8 absorbs in active power of 1200 W the reactive
power drawn from the supply is _________ VA.

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