Welded Connection Numerical

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248 Limit State Design of Steel Structures

ivets are becoming obsolete due to their limitations. These are prefe
when a simple connection with a small moment-resistance is des
esired. ferred
t has been found economical to use bolts or welded
bolted connection in the field.
connections in
in the.
shop Normallyand

Solved Examples
Note 1230 22
ASSume grade of steel Fe 410, if not specified.
Example 6.1
Two plates of 16 mm and 14 mm thickness are to
by groove weld as shown in Fig. Ex. 6.1. The joint is
a joined
subjected to a factorad
tensile force of 430 kN. Due to some reasons the
effective length of the ored
that could be
provided was 175 mm only. Check the safety of the
joint if
(a) Single-V groove weld is
(b) Double-V groove weld is
Assume the plates to be
shop welded.
Solution For Fe 410 grade
steel, f, =
250 MPa.
(a) In case of single-V
groove weld, incomplete penetration of weld takes
therefore as per the place
Throat thickness, , - =g
x 14 = 8.75
For shop weld:
partial safety
Effective length of the weld, factor for material Ym= 1.25
, =
175 mm

Strength of the weld, Taw w e

175 250
x 8.75 x
Yw 1.25 X

which is inadequate. =
306.25 kN < 430 kN
(b) In the case of double-V groove weld,
complete penetration of the weld
takes place; therefore as 16
per the
specifications, throat thickness, mm
, =
thickness of thinner plate = 14

Strength of the weld, Td = 16 14

175 x 14 x 250 x 10 mm mn
1.25 =490 KN
> 430 kN
which is adequale and safe. Fig. Ex. 6.1
Example 6.2 A
groove weld is to
egch. Determine the design connect two
a moment of 13 k Nm. Also,bending strength plates 180 mni ^ m

detemine the of the joint, if it is subjected

force at the joint is 200
Assume the weldsadequacy of the
joint 1 theded

to be of
double-U shop we
Simple Welded Connection 249

Solution For Fe 410 stel; J = 410 MPa. f, = 250 MPa./ = 250 MPa
For shop weld: partial safety factor for matrial, 7 = 1.25
Partial safety factor against yielding, ym= 1.1

The section modulus of the groove weld, Z, = X 1 6 = 972 x 10 mm

Factored moment = 1 . X 13 x 10 = 19,500 kNmm

Effective throat thiCkness of weld, i, = 18 mm

Design bending strength, Fin = 1.2 Z, y =1.2 x 97.2 x 10 x x 103

Ymo 1.1

which is safe.
26,509.09 kNmm> 19,500 kNmm
Factored shear force = 1.5 x 200 300 kN

Design shear strength, Vdw=wle yw

300 x
10 =
x 18 x
x 1.25
144.33 mm < 180 mm
which is all right.

1. Groove welds subjected at shear or bending moment are treated as the parent
metal with the stresses not exceeding those permitted in the parent metal.
2. For the formulae used for the calculation of design strength of the weld in bending
and shear, reference may be nmade to Chapter 9.

Example 6.3 A tie member in a truss girder is

250 mm x 14 mm in size. It is welded to a 10-mm thick
gusset plate by a fillet weld. The overlap of the member is
S00 mm and the weld size is 6 mm. Determine the design
strength of the joint, if the welding is done as shown in
ig. Ex. 6.3. What is the increase in strength of the joint,
welding is done all around. Assume shop welding. Fig. Ex. 6.3

Solution For Fe 410 grade steel: f = 410 MPa and f, = 250 MPa
For shop weld: partial safety factor for material. Y =1.25
Eective length of the weld, , = 2 x 300 + 250 = 850 m
Effective throat thickness, t, = KS = 0.7 x 6 = 4.2 mm

Design strength of the weld, Pd =

3 Y
850x 4.2 x x 1 0 = 676.05 kAN
When the welding is done all around,
Elfective length of the weld. , = 2 x (300 + 250) = 1100 mm

Design strength
stre of the weld,Phu = Ju
Limit State Design of Steel Structures

1100 x 4.2 x x 10 =
874.89 kN
3 x 1.25
ncrease in the strength of the joint =
874.89 -

676.05 =
|98 s
84 kN
xample 6.4 A 75 mm x 8 mm tie member to
1s transmit
of 145 kN. Design fillet welds and
necessary overlaps for the
a faet
Fig. Ex. 6.4. The steel used is of Ca
12-mm thick. grade Fe 410. Assume gusset showw
Solution For Fe 410
grade steel: f= 410 MPa, f, 250 MPa =

For shop
welding: partial safety factor for material,
For ...
partial safety factor for material mw1.25
Design strength of the weld 2 factored load 145 Yw= 1.50h =
Minimum size of weld for 12 mm thick kN 145 x 103 N =

Maximum size of weld for 8 mm thick gusset plate 5 mm =

Let us section 8 - =

provide a weld size of 5 mm. 1.5 =6.5 mm

Effective throat thickness KS
0.70 x 5 = 3.5 mm
= =

Case (a):
Design strength of the weld, Pdn =
3 Ymw
145x 10 =x 3.5 410
1.25 3 x
218.77 mm 220 mm e
Length of weld each side on
Provide 5 mm size fillet weld =220/2 110 mm & 75 mm =

of length 110 mm
Fig. Ex. 6.4(a). Also
provide end returns of 10 mm (2 the
on two sides as
shown in
x 5
The overlap 10) as shown. =

The total required 110 = mm.

length of weld required 2 x (110 + 2 x 10)
Case (b): Total weld
length =
260 mm
The weld required as found above is 220
length accommodated on the transverse mm.
overlap can be found from the relation side =
75 The
220 2
overlap + 75
Overlap = 220-
72.5 mm 73
Provide an
overlap of 73 mm. mm
Provide a 5
size fillet weld
returns each of length 10 as
placed in Fig. Ex. 6.4
the weld required
mm (2 x
5) as shown in (b). Provide c
2x (73 + 10) + 75
the figure. The total
241 mm. leng =

Case (c): Design strength

of the weld, Pdu Ju
145 x
10=I, x
3.5 x 410
3 x 1.50
Now, 262.52 mm
262.52 2x
or, = overlap + 2 x 75
Provide an overlap of 57 mm. Overlap= 56.26 mm = 57 mm
Total weld length provided =
2 x (75 + 57) =
264 mm
Simple Welded Connection 251


Since the overlap proVIdea is smait the block shear strength of the section may be critical
and therefore requires a check (see Chapter 7).

75 mm
75 mm 75 mm

57 mm
110 mm 73 mm
(a) Shop welding (b) Shop welding (c) Site welding

Fig. Ex. 6.4

Example 6.5 A circular plate, 150 mm in diameter is welded to another

plate by means of 6 mm fillet weld as shown in Fig. Ex. 6.5. Calculate the
ultimate twisting moment that can be resisted by the weld use steel of grade Fe
410 and shop welding.

Solution For Fe 410 grade steel: f= 410 MPa

For shop welding: partial safety factor for material Yw = l.25
Size of weld: S= 6 mm
Effective throat thickness = KS = 0.7 x 6 =4.2 mm

Strength of weld per mm length = I x 1, x 410

Ix 4.2 x-
3Ymw 3x1.25
= 795.36 N/mm
Total length of the weld provided = Td = T x 150 = 471.24 mm

Greatest 150
twisting moment =
795.36 x 471.24 x 2
28110408.48 Nmm =28.1I KNm
150 mm-6 mm fillet

1 5 0


Fig. Ex. 6.5

Example 6.6 A circular penstock of muld steel, 1.2 m in diameter, is tab-

icated in workshop with 12 mm thick
plales. The plates are secured by 8 n
SZe fillet welds, provided on the inside and outside of the lapped ends as shown
Fig. Ex. 6.6. Determine the safe intemal pressure that can be allowed n the
252 Limit State Design of Steel Structures

o0uion For Fe 410 grade steel: f, = 410 MPa

For shop welding: partial safety factor for
material , 1.25 weld
Size of the weld: S = 8 mm
Effective throat thickness = KS = 0.7 x 8 = 5.6 mm

Internal force Pd
causing bursting of the penstock
where P= ultimate internal pressure
d diameter of the penstock = 1.2
=1200 mm Fig. Ex. 6.6
Resistance offered by the weld
per unit length = 2 X
Hence, P.d
2 21 3Ymw
3 Ymw
or 4 1,
P 4.0x 5.6 x 410
3 Ymw d1 3 x 1.25 x 1200
3.545 N/mm
Safe internal 545
pressure I5 2.36 N/mm
Example 6.7 A tie
(Fe 410 grade steel) is member consisting of an ISA 80
welds to welded to a 12 mm x 50 mm x 8
transmit load mm thick gusset mm
equal to the
design strength plate at site.
Solution of the
Refer to Fig. Ex. 6.7.
For Fe 410
Partial safety factor grade steel: f, =
410 MPa. f,
For site against yielding.
250 MPa
welding: partial safety ymo =
Handbook No. 1, the factor for
relevant material, Ym
x mm are, =
properties of ISA 80
A= 978 mm x 50
design strength of themmí, C
The =
27.3 mm
Jy governed by yielding
Ta=A mo = 978 x
gross _ection.
the weldwi
1.1 =222.27 kN
(See Chaper
by the designed
to be resisted to
weld at the transmit a force
P22.27 x(80 27.3 lower side of the equal to 222.27 kN

The force to be 80 angle.

resisted by the weld
= 146.42 kN

P2= 222.2780x273 at the
upper side of the
us assume the size of
75.849 kKN angle.
Effective throat thick weld,
S =
75.85 kN
the mm (> 3
The design strength of
weld, t, = KS mm)
the =0.7 x
weld. Pd = 6 = 4.2
4 mm

Piw P 146.42
10 I =
4.2 x
13 x 1.5
Simple Welded Connection 253

2 2 0 . 9 1 mm = 221 mm

Pdu2 = P2 = 75.85 x 10° = L? x 4.2 x 410

3 x 1.5
114.44 mm 115 mm


mm 27.3
6 mm
221 mm

Fig. Ex. 6.7

Example-6.8 Design the fillet weld for the angle section of Ex. 6.7, if the
weld is to be done on is three sides as shown in Fig. Ex. 6.8.

Solution For steel for grade Fe 410: S, = 410 MPa

For site weld: partial safety factor for material mw 1.5
w2+ 80
Total weld length =
, + mm mm

The strength of the weld required

= the design strength of the tie member
80 mm
222.27 kN

Design strength of the weld, T= fu

N3 Ymw 181 mm
of 6 0.7 x 6 4.2 mm)
ES1gn strength
eld per
mm (t, = =

Fig. Ex. 6.8

410 = 662.79 kN
= 1 x 4.2 x
3x 1.5
uating the strength of weld to the load,
=222.27 x 10*
+ 2 + 80) x 662.79
256 mm
w+2 =255.355 mm -

Now,*aking moment about top edge of angle section,

662.79 x 80 x +662.79 x x 80 =222.27 x 10' x (80 27.3)
180.91= 181 mm
Hence w2 256 - 181 = 75 mm

Xample 6.9 A tie member of a

double angle section, each
truss consists
X 8 mm welded on the opposite side of a 12 mm thick gusset
. x 80 mm
e as s the connection
the wn in Fig. Ex. 6.9. Design a fillet weld for making
is 300 kN.
AShop. The factored tensile force in the member
Limit State Design
of Steel Structures

57.3 mm
300 kN
22.7 mm

Fig. Ex. 6.9

Solution Refer to Fig. Ex. 6.9.

For Fe 410 grade steel: f, = 410 MPa
For shop weld partial safety factor for material, Y = l.25

Let the lengths of the welds at the top and bottom of the angle section be
and 2 respectively for each angle.
Total length of weld = 2 x (, +
Minimum size of weld = 5 mm (for 12 thick
Maximum size of weld =8 - 1.5 = 6.5 mm ( 4 x 8)
Let us provide mm weld size.
Effective throat thickness, , = KS = 0.7 x 5 = 3.5 mm

Design strength of weld,

Design strength of weld per mm length of weld

Ix 3.5 x3x1.25 -
662.79 N/mm
Equating the
design strength of the weld to the factored tensile force
662.79 x 2 (,+ 300 x 10* =

+ 2 = 226.31 mm
Taking moment about line xx,
662.79 x2 x 80 =
300 x 10 x 22.7
or, w 64.21 mm - 65 mm
w2 226.31 -64.21 =162.10 165 mm

Example 6.10 An ISLC 300

324.7 N/m (Fe 410 erade
carry factored
a tensile force of steel) s
of 900 kN. The channel
section is to be welueu
at the site to a gusset plate 12 mm thick.
limited to 350 mm.
Design a fillet weld,
if the overlap

Solution For Fe 410 grade of sleel: f, 410 MPa =

For site weld: partial

safety factor for material
y.= 1.5
From 1.S. Handbook NO. 1, the relevant
properties of ISLC 300 N/
are, 34
A 4211 mm'. t, 11.6 6./ mm
mm. =
Maximum size of
weld 6.7 1.5 5.2
Minimum size ol weld = 5 mm mm
(for 12 mm thick plate
Simple Welded Connection 255

size fillet weld.

ide 5 mm

throat thickness = KS 0.7x = 5 = 3.5 mm

strength of
weld. Pa. l, 1, f =

mm length =
I x3.5 x 552.33 N/mm
of weld per V3x 1.5
3 5 0 mm

25 mm

300 mm

25 mm

158 mmn

Fig. Ex. 6.10

900x T = 162946 mm = 1630 mm

Length of the weld required. =

of weld that can be
overlap the length
Because of the restriction of 350

rov ided in the usual way is

l630 mm
= 2x 350 300 = 1000 m m

shown in Fig. Ex.

ience, let us provide slot welds also as

25 mm
Provide width of slot

whichever is greater)
6.7 20.1 m m o r 25 m m
3 =
(3r = x

Us provide two slots and let the length of slot be .


16.30 2 x 350 + 300

157.5 = 158 mm
= as shown in Fig. Ex. 6.10.
slots. two in numbers
8 mm x 25 mm

400 mm-
Example 6.11 Design a suitable fillet
375 mm
connect web plate to flange plate 16 mm
ange plate c o v e r plate of
to flange 20mm
rder shown in Fig. Ex. 6.11. for
ollowing data.
plate: 1000 mm x 12 mm
plate: 400 mm x 20 mm 1000500 mm
nge cover plate: 375 mm x 16 mm
moment: 750 kNmm Centroidal

tm factored shear force: 1500 kN axis

e yld: shop
Fig. Ex. 6.11

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