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<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><span class="amp-wp-

inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>Why IGBT is very popular nowadays?
<ol class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><li>Lower hate
<li>Lower switching losses</li>
<li>Smaller snubber circuit requirements</li>
</ol><p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><span class="amp-wp-
inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What are the different methods to
turn on the thyristor?</strong></span></p>
<ol class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><li>Forward voltage
<li>Gate triggering</li>
<li>dv/dt triggering</li>
<li>Temperature triggering</li>
<li>Light triggering</li>
</ol><p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><span class="amp-wp-
inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What is the difference between
power diode and signal diode?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><amp-img
class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-10896 amp-wp-enforced-sizes i-amphtml-element
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ls.com_difference-between-power-diode-and-signal-diode.png" alt="difference-
between-power-diode-and-signal-diode" width="879" height="261" sizes="(min-width:
879px) 879px, 100vw" i-amphtml-layout="responsive" style="width: 100vw;" i-amphtml-
auto-lightbox-visited="" lightbox="i-amphtml-auto-lightbox-0"><i-amphtml-sizer
slot="i-amphtml-svc" style="padding-top: 29.6928%;"></i-amphtml-sizer><img
decoding="async" alt="difference-between-power-diode-and-signal-diode"
ls.com_difference-between-power-diode-and-signal-diode.png" class="i-amphtml-fill-
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<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><span class="amp-wp-

inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>IGBT is a voltage controlled
device. Why?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">Because the controlling
parameter is gate-emitter voltage</p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><span class="amp-wp-
inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>Power MOSFET&nbsp; is a voltage
controlled device. Why?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">Because the output
(drain) current can be controlled&nbsp; by gate source voltage</p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><span class="amp-wp-
inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>Power BJT&nbsp; is a current
controlled device. Why?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">Because the output
(collector) current can be controlled by base current.</p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><span class="amp-wp-
inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What is the relation between α and
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><amp-img
class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-10897 amp-wp-enforced-sizes i-amphtml-element
i-amphtml-layout-responsive i-amphtml-layout-size-defined i-amphtml-built i-
ls.com_what-is-the-relation-between--and-.png" alt="relation between α and β"
width="312" height="77" sizes="(min-width: 312px) 312px, 100vw" i-amphtml-
layout="responsive" style="width: 312px;" i-amphtml-auto-lightbox-visited=""><i-
amphtml-sizer slot="i-amphtml-svc" style="padding-top: 24.6795%;"></i-amphtml-
sizer><img decoding="async" alt="relation between α and β"
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<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><span class="amp-wp-
inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What are the different types of
power MOSFET?</strong></span></p>
<ol class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><li>N-channel
<li>P-channel MOSFET</li>
</ol><p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><span class="amp-wp-
inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>How can a thyristor turned
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">A thyristor can be turned
off by making the current flowing through it to zero.</p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><span class="amp-wp-
inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>Define latching
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">The latching current is
defined as the minimum value of anode current which it must attain during turn on
process to maintain conduction when gate signal is removed.</p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><span class="amp-wp-
inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>Define holding
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">The holding current is
defined as the minimum value of anode current below which it must fall to for
turning off the thyristor.</p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><span class="amp-wp-
inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What is a snubber
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">It consists of a series
combination of a resistor and a capacitor in parallel with the thyristors. It is
mainly used for dv / dt protection.</p>
<h5 class="amp-wp-inline-2f0158eb062d1ac553a7edcb8a744628"><strong>Take Power
Electronic Tests :&nbsp;</strong><a href="
electronics-objective-questions/amp" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Top
1000 Power Electronics Online Tests</strong></a></h5>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What losses
occur in a thyristor during working conditions?</strong></span></p>
<ol class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><li>Forward conduction
<li>Loss due to leakage current during forward and reverse blocking.</li>
<li>Switching losses at turn-on and turn-off.</li>
<li>Gate triggering loss.</li>
</ol><p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><span class="amp-wp-
inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>Define hard-driving or over-
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">When gate current is
several times higher than the minimum gate current required, a thyristor is said to
be hard-fired or over-driven. Hard-firing of a thyristor reduces its turn-on time
and enhances its di/dt capability.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>Define
circuit turn off time.</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">It is defined as the time
during which a reverse voltage is applied across the thyristor during its
commutation process.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>Why circuit
turn off time should be greater than the thyristor turn-off
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">Circuit turn off time
should be greater than the thyristor turn-off time for reliable turn-off, otherwise
the device may turn-on at an undesired instant, a process called commutation
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What is the
turn-off time for converter grade SCRs and inverter grade SCRs?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">Turn-off time for
converter grade SCRs is 50 – 100 ms turn-off time for converter grade SCRs and
inverter grade SCRs and for inverter grade SCRs is 3 – 50 ms.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What are
the advantages of GTO over SCR?</strong></span></p>
<ol class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><li>Elimination of
commutation of commutating components in forced commutation, resulting in reduction
in cost, weight and volume.</li>
<li>Reduction in acoustic noise and electromagnetic noise due to elimination of
commutation chokes.</li>
<li>Faster turn-off, permitting high switching frequencies.</li>
<li>Improved efficiency of the converters.</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is meant by phase controlled rectifier?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">It converts fixed ac
voltage into variable dc voltage.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>Mention
some of the applications of controlled rectifier.</strong></span></p>
<ol class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><li>Steel rolling mills,
printing press, textile mills and paper mills employing dc motor drives.</li>
<li>DC traction</li>
<li>Electro chemical and electro-metallurgical process</li>
<li>Portable hand tool drives</li>
<li>Magnet power supplies</li>
<li>HVDC transmission system</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is the function of freewheeling diodes in controlled rectifier? It serves two
<ol class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><li>It prevents the
output voltage from becoming negative.</li>
<li>The load current is transferred from the main thyristors to the freewheeling
diode, thereby allowing all of its thyristors to regain their blocking states.</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
are the advantages of freewheeling diodes in a controlled in a controlled
<ol><li>Input power factor is improved.</li>
<li>Load current waveform is improved and thus the load performance is better.</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is meant by delay angle?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">The delay angle is
defined as the angle between the zero crossing of the input voltage and the instant
the thyristor is fired.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What are
the advantages of single phase bridge converter over single phase mid-point
<ol class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><li>SCRs are subjected
to a peak-inverse voltage of 2Vm in a fully controlled bridge rectifier. Hence for
same voltage and currnt ratings of SCrs, power handled by mid-point configuration
is about</li>
<li>In mid-point converter, each secondary winding should be able to supply the
load power. As such, the transformer rating in mid-point converter is double the
load rating.</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is commutation angle or overlap angle?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">The commutation period
when outgoing and incoming thyristors are conducting is known as overlap period.
The angular period, when both devices share conduction is known as the commutation
angle or overlap angle.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What are
the different methods of firing circuits for line commutated
<ol><li>UJT firing circuit.</li>
<li>The cosine wave crossing pulse timing control.</li>
<li>Digital firing schemes.</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>Give
an expression for average voltage of single phase
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">Average output voltage
V<sub>dc</sub> = (V<sub>m</sub> / π) (1 + cos α ).</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What is
meant by input power factor in controlled rectifier?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">The input power factor is
defined as the ratio of the total mean input power to the total RMS input volt-
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">PF = ( V<sub>1</sub>
I<sub>1</sub> cos φ<sub>1</sub> ) / ( V<sub>rms</sub> I<sub>rms</sub>) where
V<sub>1</sub> = phase voltage, I<sub>1</sub> = fundamental component of the supply
current, φ<sub>1</sub> = input displacement angle, I<sub>rms</sub> = supply rms
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What are
the advantages of six pulse converter?</strong></span></p>
<ol><li>Commutation is made simple.</li>
<li>Distortion on the ac side is reduced due to the reduction in lower order
<li>Inductance reduced in series is considerably reduced.</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is meant by commutation?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">It is the process of
changing the direction of current flow in a particular path of the circuit. This
process is used in thyristors for turning it off.</p>
<p><strong><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44">What are
the types of commutation?</span></strong></p>
<ol class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><li>Natural
<li>Forced commutation</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is meant by natural commutation?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">Here the current flowing
through the thyristor goes through a natural zero and enable the thyristor to turn
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What is
meant by forced commutation?</strong> </span></p>
<p>In this commutation, the current flowing through the thyristor is forced to
become zero by external circuitry.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What is
meant by dc chopper?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">A dc chopper is a high
speed static switch used to obtain variable dc voltage from a constant dc
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What are
the applications of dc chopper?</strong></span></p>
<ol><li>Battery operated vehicles</li>
<li>Traction motor control in electric traction</li>
<li>Trolly cars</li>
<li>Marine hoists</li>
<li>Mine haulers</li>
<li>Electric braking.</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
are the applications of dc chopper?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><strong>Chopper
<ol class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><li>High efficiency</li>
<li>Smooth acceleration</li>
<li>Fast dynamic response</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is meant by step-up and step-down chopper?</strong></span></p>
<p>In a step- down chopper or Buck converter, the average output voltage is less
than&nbsp;the input voltage. In a step- up chopper or Boost converter, the average
output voltage is&nbsp;more than the input voltage.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>Write down
the expression for average output voltage for step down
<p>Average output voltage for step down chopper V<sub>0</sub> = α V<sub>s</sub>, α
is the duty cycle</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>Write down
the expression for average output voltage for step up chopper</strong></span></p>
<p>Average output voltage for step down chopper V<sub>0</sub> =&nbsp; V<sub>s/(1-
α</sub>) &nbsp;here α is the duty cycle</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What is
meant by duty-cycle?</strong></span></p>
<p>Duty cycle is defined as the ratio of the on time of the chopper to the total
time&nbsp;period of the chopper. It is denoted by α.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What are
the two types of control strategies?</strong></span></p>
<ol class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><li>Time Ratio Control
<li>Current Limit Control method (CLC)</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is meant by TRC?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">In TRC, the value of
T<sub>on</sub> / T is varied in order to change the average output voltage.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What are
the two types of TRC?</strong></span></p>
<ol><li>Constant frequency control</li>
<li>Variable frequency control</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is meant by FM control in a dc chopper?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">In frequency modulation
control, the chopping frequency f (or the chopping period T) is varied. Here two
controls are possible.</p>
<ol class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><li>On-time
T<sub>on</sub> is kept constant</li>
<li>Off period T<sub>off</sub> is kept constant.</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is meant by PWM control in dc chopper?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">In this control method,
the on time Ton is varied but chopping frequency is kept constant. The width of the
pulse is varied and hence this type of control is known as Pulse Width Modulation
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>Write down
the expression for the average output voltage for step down and step up
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">Average output voltage
for step down chopper is V<sub>O</sub> = α V<sub>S</sub>. Average output voltage
for step up chopper is &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
&nbsp;V<sub>O</sub> = α V<sub>S</sub> x [1/ ( 1- α )].</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What are
the different types of chopper with respect to commutation
<ol><li>Voltage commutated chopper.</li>
<li>Current commutated chopper.</li>
<li>Load commutated chopper.</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is meant by voltage commutation?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">In this process, a
charged capacitor momentarily reverse biases the conducting thyristor and turn it
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What is
meant by current commutation?</strong></span></p>
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<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">In this process, a

current pulse is made to flow in the reverse direction through the conducting
thyristor and when the net thyristor current becomes zero, it is turned off.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What is
meant by load commutation?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">In this process, the load
current flowing through the thyristor either becomes zero or is transferred to
another device from the conducting thyristor.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What are
the advantages of current commutated chopper?</strong></span></p>
<ol><li>The capacitor always remains charged with the correct polarity.</li>
<li>Commutation is reliable as load current is less than the peak commutation
current I<sub>CP</sub>.</li>
<li>The auxiliary thyristor T<sub>A</sub> is naturally commutated as its current
passes through zero value.</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
are the advantages of load commutated chopper?</strong></span></p>
<ol><li>Commutating inductor is not required.</li>
<li>It is capable of commutating any amount of load current.</li>
<li>It can work at high frequencies in the order of kHz.</li>
<li>Filtering requirements are minimal.</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
are the disadvantages of load commutated chopper?</strong></span></p>
<ol class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><li>For high power
applications, efficiency becomes very low because of high switching losses at high
operating frequencies.</li>
<li>Freewheeling diode is subjected to twice the supply voltage.</li>
<li>Peak load voltage is equal to twice the supply voltage.</li>
<li>The commutating capacitor has to carry full load current at a frequency of half
chopping frequency.</li>
<li>One thyristor pair should be turned-on only when the other pair is commutated.
This can be realized by sensing the capacitor current that is alternating.</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is meant by inverter?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">A device that converts dc
power into ac power at desired output voltage and frequency is called an
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What are
the applications of an inverter?</strong></span></p>
<ol><li>Adjustable speed drives</li>
<li>Induction heating</li>
<li>Stand-by aircraft power supplies</li>
<li>HVDC transmission</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
are the main classification of inverter?</strong></span></p>
<ol><li>Voltage Source Inverter</li>
<li>Current Source Inverter</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>Why
thyristors are not preferred for inverters?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">Thyristors require extra
commutation circuits for turn off which results in uncreased complexity of the
circuit. For these reasons thyristors are not preferred for inverters.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>How output
frequency is varied in case of a thyristor?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">The output frequency is
varied by varying the turn off time of the thyristors in the inverter circuit, i.e.
the delay angle of the thyristors is varied.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>Give two
advantages of CSI.</strong></span></p>
<ol><li>CSI does not require any feedback diodes.</li>
<li>Commutation circuit is simple as it involves only thyristors.</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is the main drawback of a single phase half bridge inverter?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">It require a 3-wire dc
<p><strong><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44">Why diodes
should be connected in antiparallel with thethyristors in inverter circuits?
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-67be225e6a65c56b5bf5028142235c8c">For RL loads, load
current will not be in phase with load voltage and the diodes&nbsp;</span>connected
in antiparallel will allow the current to flow when the main thyristors are turned
off. These diodes are called feedback diodes.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What types
of inverters require feedback diodes? </strong></span></p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-67be225e6a65c56b5bf5028142235c8c">VSI with RL
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What is
meant a series inverter?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">An inverter in which the
commutating elements are connected in series with the load is called a series
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What is the
condition to be satisfied in the selection of L and C in a series inverter?
<p>R<sup>2</sup> &lt; 4LC</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What is
meant a parallel inverter?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">An inverter in which the
commutating elements are connected in parallel with the load is called a parallel
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What are
the applications of a series inverter?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">The thyristorised series
inverter produces an approximately sinusoidal waveform at a high output frequency,
ranging from 200 Hz to 100kHz. It is commonly used for fixed output applications
such as</p>
<ol class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><li>Ultrasonic
<li>Induction heating.</li>
<li>Sonar Transmitter</li>
<li>Fluorescent lighting.</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>How is
the inverter circuit classified based on commutation circuitry?</strong></span></p>
<ol><li>Line commutated inverters.</li>
<li>Load commutated inverters.</li>
<li>Self commutated inverters.</li>
<li>Forced commutated inverters.</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is meant by McMurray inverter?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">It is an impulse
commutated inverter which relies on LC circuit and an auxiliary thyristor for
commutation in the load circuit.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What are
the applications of a CSI?</strong></span></p>
<ol><li>Induction heating</li>
<li>Lagging VAR compensation</li>
<li>Speed control of ac motors</li>
<li>Synchronous motor starting.</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is meant by PWM control?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">In this method, a fixed
dc input voltage is given to the inverter and a controlled ac output voltage is
obtained by adjusting the on and off periods of the inverter components. This is
the most popular method of controlling the output voltage and this method is termed
as PWM control.</p>
<p><strong><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44">What are
the advantages of PWM control?</span></strong></p>
<ol><li>The output voltage can be obtained without any additional components.</li>
<li>Lower order harmonics can be eliminated or minimized along with its output
voltage control. As the higher order harmonics can be filtered easily, the
filtering requirements are minimized.</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
are the disadvantages of the harmonics present in the inverter
<ol class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><li>Harmonic currents
will lead to excessive heating in the induction motors. This will reduce the load
carrying capacity of the motor.</li>
<li>If the control and the regulating circuits are not properly shielded, harmonics
from power ride can affect their operation and malfunctioning can result.</li>
<li>Harmonic currents cause losses in the ac system and can even some time produce
resonance in the system. Under resonant conditions, the instrumentation and
metering can be affected.</li>
<li>On critical loads, torque pulsation produced by the harmonic current can be
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
are the methods of reduction of harmonic content?</strong></span></p>
<ol><li>Transformer connections</li>
<li>Sinusoidal PWM</li>
<li>Multiple commutation in each cycle</li>
<li>Stepped wave inverters</li>
</ol><p><strong><span class="amp-wp-inline-
f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44">Compare CSI and VSI.</span></strong></p>
<p><amp-img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-10898 amp-wp-enforced-sizes i-
amphtml-element i-amphtml-layout-responsive i-amphtml-layout-size-defined i-
ls.com_compare-csi-and-vsi.png" alt="Compare CSI and VSI" width="807" height="412"
sizes="(min-width: 807px) 807px, 100vw" i-amphtml-layout="responsive" style="width:
100vw;" i-amphtml-auto-lightbox-visited=""><i-amphtml-sizer slot="i-amphtml-svc"
style="padding-top: 51.0533%;"></i-amphtml-sizer></amp-img></p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What are
the disadvantages of PWM control?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">SCRs are expensive as
they must possess low turn-on and turn-off times.</p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><span class="amp-wp-
inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What does ac voltage controller
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">It is device which
converts fixed alternating voltage into a variable voltage without change in
<p><strong><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44">What are
the applications of ac voltage controllers?</span></strong></p>
<ol class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><li>Domestic and
industrial heating</li>
<li>Lighting control</li>
<li>Speed control of single phase and three phase ac motors</li>
<li>Transformer tap changing</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
are the advantages of ac voltage controllers?</strong></span></p>
<ol><li>High efficiency</li>
<li>Flexibility in control</li>
<li>Less maintenance</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
are the disadvantages of ac voltage controllers?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">The main draw back is the
introduction of harmonics in the supply current and the load voltage waveforms
particularly at low output voltages.</p>
<p><strong><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44">What are
the two methods of control in ac voltage controllers?</span></strong></p>
<ol><li>ON-OFF control</li>
<li>Phase control</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is the difference between ON-OFF control and phase control?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">ON-OFF control: In this
method, the thyristors are employed as switches to connect the load circuit to the
source for a few cycles of the load voltage and disconnect it for another few
cycles. Phase control: In this method, thyristor switches connect the load to the
ac source for a portion of each half cycle of input voltage.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What is the
advantage of ON-OFF control?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">Due to zero-voltage and
zero current switching of thyristors, the harmonics generated by the switching
action are reduced.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What is the
disadvantage of ON-OFF control?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">This type of control is
applicable in systems that have high mechanical inertia and high thermal time
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What is the
duty cycle in ON-OFF control method?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">Duty cycle K = n/ (n +
m), where n = no. of ON cycles, m = no. of OFF cycles. 85. What is meant by
unidirectional or half-wave ac voltage controller?</p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">Here the power flow is
controlled only during the positive half-cycle of the input voltage.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What are
the disadvantages of unidirectional or half-wave ac voltage
<p>Due to the presence of diode on the circuit, the control range is limited and
the effective RMS output voltage can be varied between 70.7% and 100%.</p>
<ol class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><li>The input current
and output voltage are asymmetrical and contain a dc component.If there is an input
transformer, sdaturation problem will occur</li>
<li>It is only used for low power resistive load.</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is meant by bidirectional or half-wave ac voltage controller?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">Here the power flow is
controlled during both cycles of the input voltage. 88. What is the control range
of firing angle inac voltage controller with RL load?</p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">The control range is Φ
&lt; α &lt;180°, where Φ = load power factor angle.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What type
of gating signal is used in single phase ac voltage controller with RL
load?</strong> </span></p>
<p>High frequency carrier gating signal is used for single phase ac voltage
controller&nbsp;with RL load.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What are
the disadvantages of continuous gating signal?</strong></span></p>
<ol><li>More heating of the SCR gate.</li>
<li>Increases the size of pulse transformer.</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is meant by high frequency carrier gating?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">Thyristor is turned on by
using a train of pulses from α to π. This type of signal is called as high
frequency carrier gating.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What is
meant by sequence control of ac voltage regulators?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">It means that the stages
of voltage controllers in parallel triggered in a proper sequence one after the
other so as to obtain a variable output with low harmonic content.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What are
the advantages of sequence control of ac voltage regulators?</strong></span></p>
<ol><li>System power factor is improved.</li>
<li>Harmonics are reduced in the source current and the load voltage.</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is meant by cyclo-converter?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">It converts input power
at one frequency to output power at another frequency with one-stage conversion.
Cycloconverter is also known as frequency changer.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What are
the two types of cyclo-converters?</strong></span></p>
<ol><li>Step-up cyclo-converters</li>
<li>Step-down cyclo-converters</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is meant by step-up cyclo-converters?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">In these converters, the
output frequency is less than the supply frequency.</p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><span class="amp-wp-
inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What is meant by step-down cyclo-
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">In these converters, the
output frequency is more than the supply frequency.</p>
<p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What are
the applications of cyclo-converter?</strong></span></p>
<ol><li>Induction heating</li>
<li>Speed control of high power ac drives</li>
<li>Static VAR generation</li>
<li>Power supply in aircraft or ship boards</li>
</ol><p><span class="amp-wp-inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What
is meant by positive converter group in a cycloconverter?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">The part of the
cycloconverter circuit that permits the flow of current during positive half cycle
of output current is called positive converter group.</p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d"><span class="amp-wp-
inline-f146f9bb819d875bbe5cf83e36368b44"><strong>What is meant by negative
converter group in a cycloconverter?</strong></span></p>
<p class="amp-wp-inline-9ebb7490943b27acf21bc3342b5bd50d">The part of the
cycloconverter circuit that permits the flow of current during negative half cycle
of output current is called negative converter group.</p>
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amp-lightbox-gallery .i-amphtml-slide-item > * { height: auto; }

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play-state: running, running; animation-name: frame-position-first-spin, frame-
position-infinite-spin; animation-delay: calc(2.8s - var(--loader-delay-
offset)),calc(3.4s - var(--loader-delay-offset)); }

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scale(0.54545); stroke-width: 2.75px; }

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delay: calc(1.4s - var(--loader-delay-offset)),calc(2s - var(--loader-delay-
offset)); }

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100% { opacity: 0; }

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50% { transform: scale(1); }
100% { opacity: 1; }

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100% { transform: translateX(0px); }

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100% { transform: translateX(100%); }

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255); background-repeat: no-repeat; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px -1px 1px
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important; }

amp-ad[sticky="bottom"] { background: rgb(255, 255, 255); bottom: 0px; width:

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200px; position: absolute; display: block; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 10px;
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8px; left: 30px; width: 0px; height: 0px; border-left: 8px solid transparent;
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222); }

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absolute; width: 25px; height: 25px; top: 5px; left: 3px; background: rgb(255, 255,
255); }

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weight: 600; line-height: 18px; margin: 0px auto; max-width: 200px; padding: 11px
16px; text-decoration: none; width: 50%; transition: background-color 0.2s ease 0s;

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left: auto; line-height: 38px; padding: 0px 15px; font-weight: bold; }

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title-box { margin-top: 20px; border-top: 1px solid rgb(222, 222, 222); }

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{ border-top: none; }

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100%; }

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sans-serif; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1.33; text-align:
left; color: rgb(17, 17, 17); }

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left: 18px; font-family: Raleway, sans-serif; font-weight: 500; transition: all
0.3s ease 0s; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 1; display: inline-block;
text-align: center; }

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inline-block; margin: 0px 0px 13px; width: 100%; font-size: 18px; font-weight:
bold; line-height: 1.67; color: rgb(17, 17, 17); }

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136, 136); padding: 0px; margin-left: 7px; letter-spacing: 0px; transition: all
0.3s ease 0s; font-weight: 500; position: absolute; right: 0px; }

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serif; font-weight: normal; }

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form-url, .wpcf7, .wpcf7, .wpcf7 p.subject { width: 33.3333%;
padding: 0px 10px; float: left; display: inline-block; margin: 0px; }

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10px; }

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form.wpcf7-form > div, form.wpcf7-form > p, form.wpcf7-form > input, form.wpcf7-
form > textarea, form.wpcf7-form > label, form.wpcf7-form > span, form#commentform
> p, form#commentform > div, form#commentform > input, form#commentform > textarea,
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form#commentform > input[type="checkbox"] { margin-left: 14px; margin-right:

14px; }

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label#captcha_code_label { display: inline-block; }

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author, .woocommerce div.product .woocommerce-tabs .panel #respond p.comment-form-
email { padding: 0px; }

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block; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: 1px; margin-
bottom: 8px; }

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100%; border: 1px solid rgb(222, 222, 222); margin-bottom: 19px; width: 100%; max-
height: 40px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.3; color: rgb(136, 136, 136); }

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margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 0px; }

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19px 11px; margin-top: 10px; }

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222, 222); width: 100%; min-height: 120px; margin-bottom: 19px; outline: none;
vertical-align: top; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.3; color: rgb(49, 49, 49);
background: transparent; }

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all 0.3s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; width: auto; min-width: 91px; margin: 0px;
border: none; line-height: 1; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255,
255, 255); }

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300px; width: 100%; padding: 10px 15px; }

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inline-block; transition: all 0.3s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; width: auto; min-
width: 91px; margin: 0px; border: none; line-height: 1; font-size: 14px; font-
weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); padding: 12px 19px 11px; max-width: 500px;

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19); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }
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M74.9356816,6.68564363 C73.8754046,6.68564363 72.7735816,7.15232488
72.3171445,8.19097522 L73.6204373,8.73676464 C73.8987387,8.19097522
74.4183484,8.01511607 74.9624304,8.01511607 C75.721072,8.01511607
76.4945108,8.46870748 76.5081698,9.2814158 L76.5081698,9.38101241
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C72.139578,12.53168 73.2914839,13.3819504 74.5845325,13.3819504
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L77.9252873,9.40548472 C77.9252873,7.66055214 76.6219945,6.68564363
74.9356816,6.68564363 Z M69.8630841,13.1941397 L71.3314227,13.1941397
L71.3314227,3.35570217 L69.8630841,3.35570217 L69.8630841,13.1941397 Z
M65.8615769,8.09934634 L63.774032,8.09934634 L63.774032,4.72501326
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67.5826063,6.41018787 C67.5826063,7.17281332 66.9594161,8.09934634
65.8615769,8.09934634 Z M65.8234457,3.35570217 L62.3045552,3.35570217
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69.0520832,6.41018787 C69.0520832,4.53378777 67.4511388,3.35570217
65.8234457,3.35570217 Z M50.7319985,13.1941397 L52.2031826,13.1941397
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56.1187522,7.99519675 C56.7043802,7.99519675 57.1961029,8.28943358
57.3605796,8.70546284 L54.3704048,9.94842852 Z M58.9359134,8.83351563
C58.6541972,8.0862565 57.8067724,6.70100996 56.0686693,6.70100996
C54.343656,6.70100996 52.9111723,8.0595077 52.9111723,10.0514399
C52.9111723,11.9255635 54.3334118,13.3961785 56.2342842,13.3961785
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L57.8818967,11.1532629 C57.5017222,11.7110039 56.9821125,12.0792268
56.2342842,12.0792268 C55.486456,12.0792268 54.9526182,11.7377527
54.6111441,11.0639105 L59.0878693,9.21312099 L58.9359134,8.83351563 Z
M23.2752055,7.73169258 L23.2752055,9.14994828 L26.6734418,9.14994828
C26.5721378,9.94842852 26.3063571,10.5306418 25.900003,10.9398416
C25.4054347,11.4321334 24.6314267,11.9767846 23.2752055,11.9767846
C21.184815,11.9767846 19.5474467,10.29161 19.5474467,8.19837383
C19.5474467,6.10570681 21.184815,4.4205322 23.2752055,4.4205322
C24.4032082,4.4205322 25.2290064,4.86615588 25.8373994,5.43527935
L26.8373493,4.43476028 C25.9899245,3.62205196 24.8602144,3 23.2752055,3
C20.4096688,3 18,5.33169888 18,8.19837383 C18,11.0639105 20.4096688,13.3961785
23.2752055,13.3961785 C24.8220831,13.3961785 25.9899245,12.8902278
26.9022294,11.9392224 C27.8395758,11.0007378 28.1321052,9.6837861
28.1321052,8.61667958 C28.1321052,8.28943358 28.1064947,7.98381428
28.0575501,7.73169258 L23.2752055,7.73169258 Z M31.9953154,12.0792268
C30.9805682,12.0792268 30.1058255,11.2420462 30.1058255,10.0514399
C30.1058255,8.84660547 30.9805682,8.0208073 31.9953154,8.0208073
C33.0083552,8.0208073 33.8859436,8.84660547 33.8859436,10.0514399
C33.8859436,11.2420462 33.0083552,12.0792268 31.9953154,12.0792268 Z
M31.9953154,6.70100996 C30.1416802,6.70100996 28.6352104,8.11072881
28.6352104,10.0514399 C28.6352104,11.9767846 30.1416802,13.3961785
31.9953154,13.3961785 C33.8455358,13.3961785 35.353713,11.9767846
35.353713,10.0514399 C35.353713,8.11072881 33.8455358,6.70100996
31.9953154,6.70100996 Z M46.6343094,12.0792268 C45.6224079,12.0792268
44.7721374,11.2289563 44.7721374,10.0650988 C44.7721374,8.88530586
45.6224079,8.0208073 46.6343094,8.0208073 C47.6365359,8.0208073
48.4236336,8.88530586 48.4236336,10.0650988 C48.4236336,11.2289563
47.6365359,12.0792268 46.6343094,12.0792268 Z M48.3223297,7.45168383
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43.3003841,10.0650988 C43.3003841,11.9392224 44.8341719,13.3961785
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48.2711086,12.6358296 L48.3223297,12.6358296 L48.3223297,13.1195845
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8.35L18.95 8.35Q18.88 7.84 18.54 7.58L18.54 7.58L18.54 7.58Q18.19 7.33 17.58
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9.49Q19.66 9.69 19.94 10.03L19.94 10.03L19.94 10.03Q20.21 10.38 20.21 11.00L20.21
11.00L20.21 11.00Q20.21 11.84 19.53 12.40L19.53 12.40L19.53 12.40Q18.85 12.97 17.71
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11.97 15.05 10.97L15.05 10.97L16.10 10.81L16.10 10.81Q16.18 11.46 16.58 11.78L16.58
11.78L16.58 11.78Q16.98 12.11 17.70 12.11L17.70 12.11L17.70 12.11Q18.39 12.11 18.76
11.82L18.76 11.82L18.76 11.82Q19.13 11.53 19.13 11.11L19.13 11.11L19.13 11.11Q19.13
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9.33L15.64 9.33Q15.22 8.88 15.22 8.26L15.22 8.26L15.22 8.26Q15.22 7.48 15.84
6.97L15.84 6.97L15.84 6.97Q16.46 6.47 17.51 6.47L17.51 6.47L17.51 6.47Q18.62 6.47
19.24 6.91L19.24 6.91L19.24 6.91Q19.86 7.34 19.98 8.21L19.98 8.21ZM25.87 7.31L25.90
7.31L25.90 7.31Q26.48 6.47 27.57 6.47L27.57 6.47L27.57 6.47Q28.78 6.47 29.50
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12.97Q26.43 12.97 25.82 12.05L25.82 12.05L25.80 12.05L25.80 12.83L24.81 12.83L24.81
4.24L25.87 4.24L25.87 7.31ZM27.45 12.11L27.45 12.11L27.45 12.11Q28.18 12.11 28.66
11.48L28.66 11.48L28.66 11.48Q29.13 10.85 29.13 9.71L29.13 9.71L29.13 9.71Q29.13
8.61 28.69 7.97L28.69 7.97L28.69 7.97Q28.25 7.33 27.48 7.33L27.48 7.33L27.48
7.33Q26.72 7.33 26.25 7.99L26.25 7.99L26.25 7.99Q25.79 8.65 25.79 9.67L25.79
9.67L25.79 9.67Q25.79 10.66 25.98 11.08L25.98 11.08L25.98 11.08Q26.17 11.50 26.56
11.80L26.56 11.80L26.56 11.80Q26.95 12.11 27.45 12.11ZM35.52 6.61L36.59 6.61L34.21
12.93L34.21 12.93Q34.21 12.94 34.20 12.97L34.20 12.97L34.20 12.97Q33.86 14.03 33.41
14.69L33.41 14.69L33.41 14.69Q32.95 15.35 32.12 15.35L32.12 15.35L32.12 15.35Q31.83
15.35 31.43 15.23L31.43 15.23L31.32 14.23L31.32 14.23Q31.63 14.33 31.92 14.33L31.92
14.33L31.92 14.33Q32.51 14.33 32.73 14.00L32.73 14.00L32.73 14.00Q32.96 13.68 33.24
12.84L33.24 12.84L30.88 6.61L32.02 6.61L33.48 10.68L33.48 10.68Q33.61 11.06 33.76
11.65L33.76 11.65L33.78 11.65L33.78 11.65Q33.93 10.97 34.15 10.35L34.15 10.35L35.52
6.61ZM48.59 8.44L48.59 11.63L48.59 11.63Q46.96 12.97 45.04 12.97L45.04 12.97L45.04
12.97Q43.06 12.97 41.85 11.77L41.85 11.77L41.85 11.77Q40.64 10.56 40.64 8.57L40.64
8.57L40.64 8.57Q40.64 7.35 41.14 6.30L41.14 6.30L41.14 6.30Q41.63 5.24 42.59
4.67L42.59 4.67L42.59 4.67Q43.56 4.09 44.95 4.09L44.95 4.09L44.95 4.09Q46.40 4.09
47.28 4.73L47.28 4.73L47.28 4.73Q48.15 5.36 48.46 6.63L48.46 6.63L47.44 6.92L47.44
6.92Q47.20 5.99 46.58 5.53L46.58 5.53L46.58 5.53Q45.96 5.06 44.95 5.06L44.95
5.06L44.95 5.06Q43.40 5.06 42.61 6.01L42.61 6.01L42.61 6.01Q41.82 6.96 41.82
8.50L41.82 8.50L41.82 8.50Q41.82 9.64 42.20 10.41L42.20 10.41L42.20 10.41Q42.59
11.17 43.34 11.56L43.34 11.56L43.34 11.56Q44.09 11.95 44.98 11.95L44.98 11.95L44.98
11.95Q46.32 11.95 47.48 11.06L47.48 11.06L47.48 9.47L44.95 9.47L44.95 8.44L48.59
8.44ZM52.69 6.47L52.69 6.47L52.69 6.47Q53.95 6.47 54.78 7.29L54.78 7.29L54.78
7.29Q55.61 8.11 55.61 9.62L55.61 9.62L55.61 9.62Q55.61 11.46 54.71 12.21L54.71
12.21L54.71 12.21Q53.81 12.97 52.69 12.97L52.69 12.97L52.69 12.97Q51.51 12.97 50.64
12.19L50.64 12.19L50.64 12.19Q49.78 11.41 49.78 9.72L49.78 9.72L49.78 9.72Q49.78
8.08 50.61 7.27L50.61 7.27L50.61 7.27Q51.45 6.47 52.69 6.47ZM52.69 12.11L52.69
12.11L52.69 12.11Q53.59 12.11 54.06 11.44L54.06 11.44L54.06 11.44Q54.53 10.77 54.53
9.68L54.53 9.68L54.53 9.68Q54.53 8.51 54.00 7.92L54.00 7.92L54.00 7.92Q53.47 7.33
52.69 7.33L52.69 7.33L52.69 7.33Q51.88 7.33 51.37 7.93L51.37 7.93L51.37 7.93Q50.85
8.53 50.85 9.72L50.85 9.72L50.85 9.72Q50.85 10.90 51.38 11.50L51.38 11.50L51.38
11.50Q51.90 12.11 52.69 12.11ZM59.36 6.47L59.36 6.47L59.36 6.47Q60.62 6.47 61.45
7.29L61.45 7.29L61.45 7.29Q62.28 8.11 62.28 9.62L62.28 9.62L62.28 9.62Q62.28 11.46
61.38 12.21L61.38 12.21L61.38 12.21Q60.49 12.97 59.36 12.97L59.36 12.97L59.36
12.97Q58.18 12.97 57.32 12.19L57.32 12.19L57.32 12.19Q56.45 11.41 56.45 9.72L56.45
9.72L56.45 9.72Q56.45 8.08 57.29 7.27L57.29 7.27L57.29 7.27Q58.13 6.47 59.36
6.47ZM59.36 12.11L59.36 12.11L59.36 12.11Q60.26 12.11 60.73 11.44L60.73 11.44L60.73
11.44Q61.20 10.77 61.20 9.68L61.20 9.68L61.20 9.68Q61.20 8.51 60.67 7.92L60.67
7.92L60.67 7.92Q60.14 7.33 59.36 7.33L59.36 7.33L59.36 7.33Q58.56 7.33 58.04
7.93L58.04 7.93L58.04 7.93Q57.53 8.53 57.53 9.72L57.53 9.72L57.53 9.72Q57.53 10.90
58.05 11.50L58.05 11.50L58.05 11.50Q58.58 12.11 59.36 12.11ZM68.60 6.61L68.60
11.99L68.60 11.99Q68.60 13.31 68.33 13.97L68.33 13.97L68.33 13.97Q68.07 14.62 67.39
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