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Constitutional Law 1 (JD)

Tuesday (6:00PM – 9:00PM)

Atty. Madel P. Villaroman-Fiel

POLICE POWER tacit condition that it shall not be so

used as to injure the equal rights of
Meaning others or greatly impair the public rights
and interest of the community. (United
The power of promoting the public States vs. Luis Toribio, 1910)
welfare by restraining and regulating the
use of liberty and property. It would be quite impossible to
enumerate all the instances in which the
It the right of the State, or state police power is or may be exercised,
functionary, to prescribe regulations for because the various cases in which the
the good order, peace, health, exercise by one individual of his rights
protection, comfort, convenience and may conflict with a similar exercise by
morals of the community, which do not others, or may be detrimental to the
violate any of the provisions of the public order or safety, are infinite in
organic law. (Francis Churchill, et al. vs. number and in variety. And there are
James Rafferty, 1915) other cases where it becomes
necessary for the public authorities to
Characteristics and Foundation interfere with the control by individuals
of their property, and even to destroy it,
Salus Populi Est Suprema Lex where the owners themselves have fully
observed all their duties to their fellows
Police is the most essential, insistent and to the State, but where,
and the least limitable of powers, nevertheless, some controlling public
extending as it does "to all the great necessity demands the interference or
public needs. It is the inherent and destruction. A strong instance of this
plenary power of the State, which description is where it becomes
enables it to prohibit all that is hurtful to necessary to take, use, or destroy the
the comfort, safety, and welfare of private property of individuals to prevent
society. (Ermita-Malate Hotel and Motel the spreading of a fire, the ravages of a
Operators Association, Inc. et al. vs. pestilence, the advance of a hostile
The Honorable Mayor of Manila, 1967) army, or any other great public calamity.
Here the individual is in no degree in
Sic Utere Tuo Ut Alienum Non fault, but his interest must yield to that
Laedas ‘necessity’ which ‘knows no law’.
(Constitutional Limitations, J. Thomas
It is a just and legitimate exercise of the M. Cooley)
power of the legislature to regulate and
restrain such particular use of the Extent
property as would be inconsistent with
or injurious to the rights of the public. All The Supreme Court has said that police
property is acquired and held under the power is so far-reaching in scope that it

Constitutional Law 1 (JD)
Tuesday (6:00PM – 9:00PM)
Atty. Madel P. Villaroman-Fiel

has almost become impossible to limit does or owns. Its reach is virtually
its sweep. As it derives its existence limitless. It is a ubiquitous and often
from the very existence of the state unwelcome intrusion. Even so, as long
itself, it does not need to be expressed as the activity or the property has some
or defined in its scope. Being relevance to the public welfare, its
coextensive with self-preservation and regulation under the police power is not
survival itself, it is the most positive and only proper but necessary. (Ynot vs.
active of all governmental processes, Intermediate Appellate Court, 1987)
the most essential insistent and
illimitable. (City Government of Quezon Who may Exercise Police Power?
vs. Hon. Judge Ericta, 1983)
1. Essentially, the legislature;
The police power of the State is a power 2. Local governments through
co-extensive with self-protection, and is their respective lawmaking
not inaptly termed the "law of overruling bodies under the general
necessity." Carried onward by the welfare clause (Section 16,
current of legislation, the judiciary rarely R.A. No. 7160);
attempts to dam the onrushing power of 3. Limitedly, the President
legislative discretion, provided the subject to valid delegation of
purposes of the law do not go beyond legislative power; and
the great principles that mean security 4. Administrative agencies
for the public welfare or do not arbitrarily exercising quasi-legislative
interfere with the right of the individual. power.
(Lim vs. Pacquing, 1995)
Tests for Valid Exercise of Police Power
The police power is simply defined as
the power inherent in the State to As with the State, the local government
regulate liberty and property for the may be considered as having properly
promotion of the general welfare. By exercised its police power only if the
reason of its function, it extends to all following requisites are met: (1) the
the great public needs and is described interests of the public generally, as
as the most pervasive, the least distinguished from those of a particular
limitable and the most demanding of the class, require the interference of the
three inherent powers of the State, far State, and (2) the means employed are
outpacing taxation and eminent domain. reasonably necessary for the attainment
The individual, as a member of society, of the object sought to be accomplished
is hemmed in by the police power, and not unduly oppressive upon
which affects him even before he is individuals. Otherwise stated, there
born and follows him still after he is must be a concurrence of a lawful
dead — from the womb to beyond the subject and lawful method. (Lucena
tomb — in practically everything he Grand Central Terminal vs. JAC Liner,

Constitutional Law 1 (JD)
Tuesday (6:00PM – 9:00PM)
Atty. Madel P. Villaroman-Fiel

2005) The Court, in Balacuit vs. CFI of Agusan

Del Norte and City of Butuan (1988),
A. Lawful Subject further stated that there must be public
necessity which demands the adoption
The interests of the public in general, as of proper measures to secure the ends
distinguished from those of a particular sought to be attained by the enactment
class, require the exercise of police of the ordinance, and the large
power. This means that the activity or discretion is necessarily vested in the
property sought to be regulated affects legislative authority to determine not
the general welfare; if it does, then the only what the interests of the public
enjoyment of the rights flowing require, but what measures are
therefrom may have to yield to the necessary for the protection of such
interests of the greater number. interests. The methods or means used
to protect the public health, morals,
B. Lawful Means safety or welfare, must have some
relation to the end in view, for under the
The means employed must be guise of the police power, personal
reasonably necessary for the rights and those pertaining to private
accomplishment of the purpose, and not property will not be permitted to be
unduly oppressive on individuals. arbitrarily invaded by the legislative
In the case of Ynot vs. Intermediate
Appellate Court (1987), the Court Exercise of Police Power by Local
declared that the challenged measure is Governments
an invalid exercise of the police power
because the method employed to Basis
conserve the carabaos is not
reasonably necessary to the purpose of The General Welfare Clause, Section
the law and, worse, is unduly 16 of Republic Act No. 7160
oppressive. Due process is violated
because the owner of the property Every local government unit shall
confiscated is denied the right to be exercise the powers expressly granted,
heard in his defense and is immediately those necessarily implied therefrom, as
condemned and punished. The well as powers necessary, appropriate,
conferment on the administrative or incidental for its efficient and effective
authorities of the power to adjudge the governance, and those which are
guilt of the supposed offender is a clear essential to the promotion of the
encroachment on judicial functions and general welfare. Within their respective
militates against the doctrine of territorial jurisdictions, local government
separation of powers. units shall ensure and support, among
other things, the preservation and

Constitutional Law 1 (JD)
Tuesday (6:00PM – 9:00PM)
Atty. Madel P. Villaroman-Fiel

enrichment of culture, promote health those of the latter. It is a heresy to

and safety, enhance the right of the suggest that the local government units
people to a balanced ecology, can undo the acts of Congress, from
encourage and support the which they have derived their power in
development of appropriate and self- the first place, and negate by mere
reliant scientific and technological ordinance the mandate of the statute.
capabilities, improve public morals, (Magtajas vs. Pryce Properties
enhance economic prosperity and Corporation, Inc., 1994)
social justice, promote full employment
among their residents, maintain peace Distinctions between Police Power and
and order, and preserve the comfort the Power of Eminent
and convenience of their inhabitants.
In the case of City of Baguio vs.
The tests of a valid ordinance are well NAWASA, for example, where a law
established. A long line of decisions required the transfer of all municipal
has held that to be valid, an ordinance waterworks systems to the NAWASA in
must conform to the following exchange for its assets of equivalent
substantive requirements: value, the Court held that the power
being exercised was eminent domain
1. It must not contravene the because the property involved was
constitution or any statute. wholesome and intended for a public
2. It must not be unfair or use. Property condemned under the
oppressive. police power is noxious or intended for
3. It must not be partial or a noxious purpose, such as a building
discriminatory. on the verge of collapse, which should
4. It must not prohibit but may be demolished for the public safety, or
regulate trade. obscene materials, which should be
5. It must be general and destroyed in the interest of public
consistent with public policy. morals. The confiscation of such
6. It must not be unreasonable. property is not compensable, unlike the
taking of property under the power of
The rationale of the requirement that the expropriation, which requires the
ordinances should not contravene a payment of just compensation to the
statute is obvious. Municipal owner. (Association of Small
governments are only agents of the Landowners in the Philippines, Inc. vs.
national government. Local councils Secretary of Agrarian Reform, 1989)
exercise only delegated legislative
powers conferred on them by Congress
as the national lawmaking body. The
delegate cannot be superior to the
principal or exercise powers higher than

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