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UNIT-I The Software Problem and Process Software development Process Models: Waterfall, Prototype,
Iterative Development, Rational Unified Process, Time boxing Model, Extreme Programming and Agile
Process, Unified Process Models, Software Management Process.

UNIT-II Software Requirement Analysis and Specification Value of good SRS, Requirements Specification,
and Functional specification with Use cases, other approaches for analysis, Data flow diagrams, Entity
relationship Diagrams, Validation.

UNIT-III Planning a Software Project Effort Estimation, Project Scheduling and Staffing, Quality Planning,
Risk Management Planning, Project Monitoring Plan, Detailed Scheduling.

UNIT-IV Design Design Concepts: Cohesion, Coupling, Functional oriented design: Structured chart,
Structured design methodologies, Examples, Object Oriented Design: OO concepts, UML, Design
Methodology, Examples, Detailed design: Logic/Algorithm Design, State Modeling of Classes,
Verification, Metrics: Metrics for Object Oriented Design, Metrics for Functional Oriented Design

UNIT-V Testing Testing Concepts, Testing Process, Black Box Testing, White Box Testing, Unit testing,
Code Insepection,Metrics.


UNIT-I Introductionand8051Architecture:Introductiontomicrocontrollers,comparing Microprocessors

and microcontrollers, 4,8,16 and 32 bit microcontrollers, Development systems for Microcontrollers,
Architecture;Architectureof8051, pin configuration of 8051microcontroller, hardware input pins, output
pins ports and external memory, counters and timers, serial data input/output and interrupts.

UNIT-II MovingDataandLogicalOperations:Introduction,Addressingmodes,External Data moves, Code

Memory Read-only Data Moves, PUSH and POPOp codes, Data Exchanges, Logical Operations;
Introduction, Byte-Level Logical Operations, Bit- Level Logical Operations, Rotate and Swap Operations

UNIT-III Arithmetic Operations, Jump and Call Opcodes: Introduction, Flags, Incrementing and
Decrementing, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Decimal Arithmetic, Jump and Callop
codes; introduction, The jump and call program range, Jumps, Calls and Subroutines, call and returns,
Interrupts and Returns

UNIT-IV 8051MicrocontrollerDesign:Introduction, Microcontroller specification, Microcontroller Design,

Testing the Design, Timing subroutines, Serial Data Transmission.

UNIT-V Applications and Serial Data Communication: Keboards, Displays, Pulse Measurement, D/A and
A/D Conversions, Multiple Interrupts, Serialdata Communication;
WEB PROGRAMMING UNIT - I: HTML: Common tags- List, Tables, images, forms, Frames, Cascading Style
sheets. Java Script: Introduction to Java Scripts, Objects in Java Script, Dynamic HTML with Java Script

UNIT - II: XML: Introduction to XML, Building Blocks in XML, Document type definition, XML Schemas,
Presenting XML. Java Beans: Introduction to Java Beans, Advantages of Java Beans, Java Beans API and
Features of Java Beans: Introspection, Bound properties, Constrained properties, Persistence,

UNIT - III: Servlets: Introduction, Lifecycle, Generic Servlet Package, Reading parameters, Reading
Initialization parameters, HTTP Servlet Package, Handling Http Request & Responses, Cookies, Session

UNIT - IV: JSP Application Development: The Problem with Servlet, The Anatomy of a JSP Page, JSP
Processing, JSP Components: Directives, Action Elements, Scripting Elements, Tag Libraries, Expression
Language, Java Bean Components, Deploying JAVA Beans in a JSP Page, Model View Controller, JSP
Application Design with MVC Setting Up, Error Handling, Scope of Implicit Objects.

UNIT -V: Database Access: Database Programming using JDBC, Studying javax.sql.* package, Steps to
access database, Working with Prepared Statements, Accessing a Database from a Java/Servlet/JSP,
Application – Specific Database Actions, Introduction to struts framework.


Unit I: Introduction to algorithms: Definition of an algorithm, properties of an Algorithm, performance

analysis--space complexity & time complexity, asymptotic notations: big oh notation, omega notation,
theta notation, little oh notation & little omega notation. . Review of Recurrence Relations and solution
Techniques, Probabilistic Analysis of Algorithms – Examples.

Unit II: Disjoint sets: disjoint set Representation, Operations, union and find algorithms. Divide and
Conquer Divide and conquer: General method, applications, binary search, merge sort, strassen’s matrix
multiplication. Randomization: General method, example: Randomized Quick Sort and its analysis

Unit-III: Dynamic Programming: General method, applications, matrix chain multiplication, optimal
binary search trees, 0/1 knapsack problem, All pairs shortest path problem, travelling salesperson
problem, reliability design, optimal rod-cutting-Top down approach and bottom up approach.

Unit-IV: Greedy method: General method, applications-- job sequencing with deadlines, 0/1 knapsack
problem, minimum cost spanning trees, single source shortest path problem, activity selection problem.
Backtracking: General method, applications, n-queen problem, sum of subsets problem, graph coloring,
Hamiltonian cycles.

Unit-V: Branch and Bound: General method, applications, travelling sales person problem, 0/1 knapsack
problem: LC branch and bound solution, FIFO branch and bound solution Complexity Classes: non
deterministic algorithms, deterministic algorithms, relationship between P, NP, NP-completeness,
circuit-satisfiability problem, 3-CNF satisfiability.

UNIT I: Introduction to AI: Introduction, Foundation of AI, History of Intelligent Agents, Agents and
environments, Concept of Rationality, Nature of environments & Structure of Agents, Problem solving
agents and formulation, Searching For Solutions and Strategies, Uninformed search strategies BFS, DFS,
Heuristic approach, Greedy best search, A* Search, Game Playing: Adversal search, Games, Min-Max
algorithm, Optimal decisions in multiplayer games, Alpha Beta pruning, Evaluation functions, cutting of

UNIT II: Knowledge Representation & Reasons: Logical agents, Knowledge based agents, The Wumpus
world, Resolution: Forward and Backward chaining, First order logic: Inference in First order logic,
Proportional vs first order inference, Unification & Lifting, forward chaining, Resolution, Practice

UNIT III: Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning: Uncertainty-Acting under uncertainty, Basic probability
notion, the axioms of probability, inference using full joint distribution, Independence, Bayes’ rule and
its rule, The Wumpus world revisited. Probabilistic Reasoning: Representing Knowledge in uncertain
domain, the semantics of Bayesian networks, efficient representations of conditional distributions, exact
inference in Bayesian networks, approximate inference in Bayesian networks, and extending probability
to first order representation.

UNIT IV: Probabilistic reasoning over time: Time and uncertainty, inference in temporal model, Hidden
Markov models. Learning: Learning from observations: Forms of learning, inductive learning, learning
decision trees, ensemble learning, why learning works.

UNIT V: Perception: Image formation, Early Image Processing operations- Edge detection, image
segmentation. Extracting three-dimensional information, Object recognition, using vision for
manipulation and navigation. Robotics: Introduction, Robot hardware, robotic perception, planning to
move, planning uncertain movements, moving, robotic software architectures, application domains.

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