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Assumed that Investments were purchased on 1.7.

10 9
1,40,000 𝑋 𝑋 = 10,500
100 12
Balance Sheet as on 31.03.2017
Liabilities (Rs.) Assets (Rs. )
O/s Electricity Charges 400 O/s Subscriptions 10,000
Tournament Fund 20,000 Sports Equipment 70,000
Capital Fund 79,600 Cash Balance 20,000
1,00,000 1,00,000

Income and Expenditure Account

Expenditure (Rs.) Income (Rs. )
To Dep. On Sports Equip. 13,000 By Subscriptions 2,08,000
To Salaries 4,400 + O/s CY 13,000
+ O/s Salary 400 4,800 + P/r PY ---
To Office Expenses 1,600 - P/r CY 11,000
To Communication Exp. 2,400 - O/s PY 7,000 2,03,000
To Elec. Charges 3,600 By Donations (1/4) 3,000
- O/s PY 400 3,200 By Govt. Grant 12,000
To Surplus 2,03,500 By Int. on Invsts. 10,000
+ O/s Int. 500 10,500
2,28,500 2,28,500

Balance Sheet as on 31.03.2018

Liabilities (Rs.) Assets (Rs. )
P/r Subscriptions 11,000 O/s Subscriptions PY 3,000
Capital Fund 79,600 O/s Subscriptions CY 13,000
+ Donations (3/4) 9,000 Sports Equipment 70,000
+ Surplus 2,03,500 2,92,100 + Purchased 1,20,000
Tournament Fund 20,000 1,90,000
+ Donations 30,000 - Dep. @ 10 % 13,000 1,77,000
- Tournament Exp. 1,200 48,800 10 % Investments 1,40,000
Salary O/s 400 O/s Int. on Invsts. 500
Cash Balance 18,800
3,52,300 3,52,300

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