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Broj 19, jun 2017 45

Vesna Vujačić
University of Montenegro, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management in Kotor
Greta Krešić, Saša Sušić
University of Rijeka, Faculty of tourism and hospitality management in Opatija
Marija Bodroža Solarov
University of Novi Sad, Institute of Food Technology in Novi Sad,
UDK 005.52:640.4



Abstract: Tourism is a dynamic category of its application in the tourism and hospi-
which is continuously evolving in the world. tality industry. The concept of HACCP is a
Specificities that have to be respected in the food safety management system through the
execution in relation to the food industry are analysis and control of biological, chemical
connected with the fact that the main differ- and physical hazards in the entire process,
ences which exist regarding the food serving from raw material production, procurement,
procedure in catering, numerous complex handling, to manufacturing, distribution and
recipes and production technologies, staff consumption of the finished product. The aim
fluctuation, old equipment. For an effective of this paper is to present the importance of
and permanent implementation, the HAC- the application of HACCP concept in tourism
CP concept is very important for building a and hotel management as a recognizable in-
serious base. In this case, the base is repre- ternational standard.
sented by the people handling the food. This
paper presents international ISO standards, Keywords: tourism and hotel manage-
the concept of HACCP and the importance ment, HACCP, food safety.

Introduction 1st of January, 2006 the HACCP concept be-

came mandatory in the EU (Vučić & Milan-
Montenegro, as a tourist destination, is ov, 2006).
a country rich in natural resources for food
production, and therefore, it has the oppor-
tunity to develop culinary tourism. One of Culinary Tourism and International
the conditions for successful tourism de- Standard of Food Safety Management ISO
velopment is providing high-quality and 22 000
healthy food. The hospitality business is spe-
cific in terms of ensuring healthy, safe food. Culinary tourism is a part of cultur-
One of the basic rights of every individual is al tourism, and can be defined as a unique
the availability of healthy, safe food. HACCP and unforgettable experience in the food
concept is present in the world since the 60s and drink consumption. National cuisine is
of the twentieth century. It was originally a part of the cultural hallmark of every na-
created for the U.S. Corporation for Nation- tion. Tourists are interested in becoming fa-
al Aeronautics and Space Administration miliar with these characteristics of a nation,
(NASA) to provide a safe product. From the especially since food consumption is one of
46 Turističko poslovanje

the primary needs of a man and also one of The Origin and Development of the
three favorite tourist activities. In addition HACCP Concept, the Importance of
to natural and cultural resources, Monte- Application and Benefits of Introduction
negro has distinctive local products and of the HACCP Concept
national cuisine, which can be attractive for
tourists, especially for gastronomy lovers, This concept is known as HACCP, and
gastro-tourists. Moreover, there are three it began to develop in 1959, when the USA
basic types of cuisine in Montenegro: Med- company Pillsbury in cooperation with
iterranean, Skadar Lake and northern Mon- NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Ad-
tenegro cuisine. Each type of cuisine has its ministration) received an order to produce
own distinctive specialties (coastal cuisine food for the purpose of space exploration
has famous seafood dishes made with olive intended for cosmonauts’ consumption
oil and the use of various herbs; in the area (Mortimore & Wallace, 1998). Food had
of Skadar Lake there are lake fish, wine and to be safe, not infected by viruses, bacteria
fruit; in the north of Montenegro there are or toxic substances, without chemical and
various dairy products and meat). Culinary physical hazards that could lead to some dis-
tourism in Montenegro is promoted through ease. History of HACCP starts in the 1970s
numerous events based on food as a single of the twentieth century. The HACCP con-
theme (promotion of smoked specialties in cept was introduced to the public in 1971
Njeguši, Fish and wine festival in Virpazar, in the public National Conference on Food
Honey Days in Podgorica, Olive Days in Bar. Protection USA. The HACCP concept was
Hotel Management, as a part of the hos- based on the engineering principle of error
pitality industry, has an obligation to com- analysis, modes and effects at any stage of
pletely adjust its services to internationally the process. When it was introduced to the
recognized standards, and a standard is public in 1971 as an approach to food safety,
the recognized reference and the answer to it gained great interest among food produc-
market assessment (Perović & Krivokapić, ers, and has been used as the basis for reg-
2007). It is important for tourism develop- ulations related to food safety. In addition,
ment in Montenegro that checking and as- the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
sessment come from the foreign guests, and started to use HACCP for research activities.
if the guests are satisfied with the quality of The main goal of the HACCP concept is
services, then it is a significant indication of to produce a safe product. The microorgan-
appropriate standard application. ISO (In- isms that cause various diseases, as well as
ternational Organization for Standardiza- a number of harmful chemicals, are exam-
tion) is the institution responsible for stand- ples of some of the dangers that the HACCP
ards. From the aspect of food safety, the most concept can reduce or eliminate completely
important standard is ISO 22 000, which (Stevenson, 1990).
defines the requirements for system man- HACCP system provides:
agement in food safety where the organiza- *Identification and assessment of any
tion of the food chain requires demonstrat- physical, chemical or biological risk, at all
ing the ability to control potential hazards stages of food production, including all
that threaten food safety in order to ensure mid-processes and distribution;
food safety at the time of consumption. It *Determination of necessary measures
is applied to all organizations regardless of for their prevention and control;
the size. ISO 22 000 relies on GMP (Good *Ensuring that these measures are suc-
Manufacturing Practice), HACCP concept cessfully and effectively implemented.
and directives in the field of hygiene GHP HACCP concept, as a preventive system,
(Good Hygienic Practice), and thus ensures ensures food safety in every step of the pro-
food safety system. duction process. It is developed specifically
Broj 19, jun 2017 47
for each product / product group or process it comes to tourism, it is known that food
and must be defined to fit the specific con- is a risky element of hotel services, because
ditions of production and distribution of at each stage it can spoil (a large number of
each product separately (Pecelj-Gec & Jorga, suppliers, different number of food-techno-
2009). This concept attempts to reduce the logical processes, ways of serving, changes
need for testing the final product. Before this in selection of dishes, etc.).
system was developed, many manufacturers Implementation of HACCP is ‘a detailed
could find out whether their product met technical evaluation of the product and the
certain standards only after testing the final process requires time, dedication, scientific
product. The testing of the final product can and technical expertise to implement hazard
be extremely time-consuming, and can lead analysis, control establishing and monitor-
to a loss of a portion of the product, since ing procedure.’ (Mayes & Mortimore, 1999.,
some forms of testing are extremely destruc- p.136). Implementation requires specific
tive (Bowman, 1990). knowledge, skills and abilities for successful
Since Montenegro has the potential for implementation of the concept. In addition
production and export of high quality and to these advantages, the implementation of
safe food, it is essential that the whole food the HACCP concept potentially reduces the
production switches to the application of cost of various analyses, both external and
the HACCP system as soon as possible, as internal (Varga et al 2006). One of the ma-
a comprehensive concept of ensuring food jor advantages is the early release of finished
safety. products on the market, and that decreas-
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control es inventories. The implementation of the
Points (HACCP) represents a systematic pre- HACCP system almost completely elimi-
ventive approach to food safety, which sees nates the financial expenses that occur in the
chemical, biological and other irregularities form of reduced sales, through court costs
that can occur in all processes of produc- and compensations, and the most over the
tion, preparation, packaging, distributing of loss of confidence among consumers (Figure
food and gives solutions to prevent them in 1). In other words, HACCP is very cost effec-
practice (Swanson & Anderson, 2000). The tive, because it prevents the formation of the
concept is, since 2011 in Montenegro, legal- costs of incidents and unnecessary waste. At
ly binding, and companies, including hotels, the same time, the HACCP concept protects
decided to implement the standard. When producers from negative publicity.
Figure 1: The importance of the Application of the HACCP Concept
48 Turističko poslovanje

In 1989, American National Advisory The third principle - Identifying criti-

Committee on Microbiological Criteria for cal limits: This principle dictates that when
Foods (NACMCF) has included four princi- the critical control points are identified, the
ples to the HACCP system (Sperber, 1991), critical limits for each CCP must be estab-
and seven principles that now form the lished. The critical limit is the maximum
HACCP plan are: or minimum value to which a specific pa-
Principle 1 : Hazard Analysis rameter must be controlled at each CCP. To
Principle 2: Determining critical control put it simply - critical limit separates what
points (CCP) is acceptable from the unacceptable and
Principle 3: Identifying the critical limits what is important is that these values must
for each CCP be measurable. The usual critical limits are
Principle 4: Establishing the monitoring measuring of temperature, time, percentage
system for each CCP of moisture and salt concentration.
Principle 5: Defining and implementing The fourth principle - Establishing the
the corrective measures monitoring system for each critical control
Principle 6: Establishing system verifica- point: The next principle is monitoring of
tion each CCP and critical limits. Monitoring of
Principle 7: Establishing a system for every critical limit is important because it
documentation and record keeping helps ensure that CCP are in compliance and
The first principle- Hazard Analysis im- that the critical limits are not exceeded. Crit-
plementation: The first principle relates to ical limits can be monitored continuously or
Hazard Analysis implementation and the periodically.
The fifth principle - Defining and imple-
HACCP team must identify all potential
menting corrective measures: this step de-
hazards in terms of threats to food safety.
fines and implements corrective measures in
Risks may occur at any stage of the process.
case if critical control points are not under
Hazards may include biological (bacteria,
control. It is important to find the causes,
viruses, mold, parasites, toxins, micro-or-
determine the level that would meet the cri-
ganisms), chemicals (natural plant and an- teria, record the corrective actions that have
imal toxins, artificial fertilizers, pesticides, been filed, archive them and repeat the as-
additives, chemical cleaning agents), physi- sessment of the HACCP plan.
cal (glass, stones, metals), and other hazards The sixth principle - Establishing system
(radiation, hazardous transport conditions, verification: this step includes validation
storage). and verification of the HACCP system. Val-
The second principle - Determining Crit- idation represents the process of testing the
ical Control Points: When hazard analysis system in terms of individual risk, and veri-
is complete, the HACCP team must decide fication procedures include HACCP system
which steps critical control points present review and records, deviations from regula-
(CCP). CCP is a point in the process where tions, as well as confirmation that the CCP
specific risk can be eliminated or reduced to are under control. These processes are not
an acceptable level. „ Critical control points performed by the members of the HACCP
(CCP) is a phase of the production process team of a catering facility to ensure complete
in which the undesirable risk can be pre- objectivity of the system verification.
vented, reduced or kept to a tolerable level” Seventh Principle - Establishing a system
(Počuča & Radovanović,, 2004). CCP can for documentation and records: this princi-
be located at any stage and in places where ple aims to establish processes, procedures
the occurrence of hazards has already been and records that confirm the effectiveness
placed under prevention, eliminated or re- of the HACCP concept in a catering facili-
duced to an acceptable level. ty. Without documentation, there is no evi-
Broj 19, jun 2017 49
dence that the process functions as planned Literature
by the HACCP plan in a catering facility.
The documents that are verified include: Bauman, H. (1990) HACCP–concept, devel-
the HACCP rules of procedure, the HACCP opment and application. Food technlo-
plan, procedures, instructions, etc. HACCP gies, pp.151-159.
rules of procedure contain all information
Mayes, T. Mortimore, S. (1999) Making the
about HACCP in a catering facility.
most of HACCP, Learning from other’s
experience. Cambridge : Woodhead pub-
Conclusion lishing Ltd.
Mortimore, S. Wallace, C. (1998) HACCP: A
Tourism and hospitality industry service Practical Approach. Gaithersburg, Mary-
quality is considered in terms of consumer or land: Aspen Publisher Inc.
his expectations. Satisfied consumers repre- Počuča, N. Radovanović, M. (2004) Hrana 2.
sent a long-term source of income for tourist Beograd: Admiral books.
companies to positive promotion to which
they belong, thus affecting new potential Pecelj-Gec, M. Jorga, J. (2009) Zdravstvena
consumers. The concept of quality in tour- ispravnost namirnica In:Kocijančić, R.
ism makes it possible to achieve long-term Higijena. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike,
company goals, as well as customer satisfac- str. 610.
tion through the delivery of value. Quality Perović, M. J. Krivokapić, Z. (2007) Me-
standards are a guarantee of total quality in nadžment kvaliteta usluga. Podgorica:
tourism. Hazard Analysis and Critical Con- Pobjeda.
trol Point concept is a system with which the Sperber, W.H. (1991) The modern HACCP
risks associated with food safety are iden- system. Food techniques, pp.67-75.
tified, assessed and controlled. This system Swanson, K.M.J. Anderson, J.E. (2000) In-
is based on the application of the proper, dustry perspectives on the use of micro-
controlled and monitored technological bial data for hazard analysis critical con-
processes. It can be applied to all processes trol point validation, J. Food, pp. 63-70
of production, preparation, distribution and
serving of food. In addition to the food in- Stevenson, K.E. (1990) Implementing HAC-
dustry, hotels and restaurants are included CP in the food industry. Food tehnolo-
in the program of mandatory implementa- gies, 171-180
tion of the HACCP concept. The HACCP Vučinić, Z. Ž. Milanov, R. (2006) Bezbednost
concept is a flexible system and it is based on hrane- HACCP i drugi sistemi u proizvod-
a preventive approach. In the hospitality in- nji hrane. Beograd: Draganić.
dustry, the guests’ food consuming safety is Varga, J. Đorđević, Lj. Đorđević, B. Karadžić,
particularly important. Hospitality business M. Bea, N. Darvas, O. Krivosik, S. Ulič-
is specific in terms of ensuring healthy food na, E. (2006) HACCP i zdravstvena bez-
(a large number of suppliers, different num- bednost hrane. Novi Sad: Adižes.
ber of food-technological processes, ways
of serving, changes in dish offer, etc.), and
a major goal of the HACCP concept is a safe
product-healthy, safe food.

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