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10th Ave., Grace Park West, Caloocan City

Grade 7 English
Table of Specification
First Quarter

Learning No. of No. of Knowledge Comprehension Performanc Item Percentage

Competencies days Items e Placement
EN7SS-I-h-1.2: 1 5 5 1 -5
Give the meaning of
given signs and
symbols (road signs,
prohibited signs,

EN7SS-I-a-1.5.2: 1 3 3 6-8
Scan for specific

EN7RC-I-c-7.1: 1 2 2 9-10
Read intensively to
find answers to
specific questions

Prepared by: Mylene L. Pastrana


I. Identify the meaning of the following road signs.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

II. Read the announcement and answer the questions that follow.


WHAT: Emergency Meeting

WHO: Grade 7 Class Presidents
WHEN: June 7, 2019, 1pm
WHERE: CHS Library (Bldg. D)
AGENDA: Election of over-all Grade 7 Officers

6. Who needs to attend in the emergency meeting?

7. What time will the meeting start?
8. What are they going to do in the meeting?

III. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

What Is a Desert?

A desert is a very dry place. It does not get much rain. The weather there is hot and windy.
The largest desert in the world is the Sahara. It is in Africa. There are other large deserts in Australia and America.
In fact, there are deserts all over the world.

1. Look at the word large in the text. What does large mean?
a. small
b. hot
c. fars
d. big
2. What is the text mainly about?
a. cities
b. deserts
c. people
d. animals

Prepared by: Mylene L. Pastrana

10th Ave., Grace Park West, Caloocan City

Grade 7 English
Table of Specification
Second Quarter

Learning No. of No. of Knowledge Comprehension Performanc Item Percentage

Competencies days Items e Placement
EN7SS-II-d- 1 5 5 1-5
1.3/1.4: Get
information from the
different parts of a
book and from
general references in
the library

EN7SS-II-g-2.1: 1 5 5 6-10
Gather current
information from
newspapers and
other print and non-
print media

Prepared by: Mylene L. Pastrana


I. PARTS OF THE BOOK. Match the parts of the book in Column A with the definition in Column B. Write
only the letter of the correct answer.


1. This part of the book consists the publisher and the date of A. Copyright page
publication B. Body
2. Part of the book where you can find the terms or words present C. Table of contents
in the body of the book and arranged in alphabetical order
D. Glossary
3. In this part, you can find the title of the book and the author
4. Topics and page number are found in this page E. Cover page
5. The most important part of the book, it has all the information F. Spine
and lessons or topics

II. Read the article form the newspaper and answer the questions that follow.

Prepared by: Mylene L. Pastrana

10th Ave., Grace Park West, Caloocan City

Grade 7 English
Table of Specification
Third Quarter

Learning No. of No. of Knowledge Comprehension Performanc Item Percentage

Competencies days Items e Placement
EN7RC-III-g-2.13: 1 5 5 1-5
Distinguish fact from

EN7RC-III-f-2.8: 1 5 5 6-10
Make predictions
about the text

Prepared by: Mylene L. Pastrana


I. Tell whether each sentence is a FACT or OPINION.

_____________ 1. Sunday is the best day of the week.

_____________ 2. We celebrate Independence Day every 12 th of June.
_____________ 3. Mr. Rodrigo Duterte is the current president of the Philippines.
_____________ 4. Spaghetti is the most delicious pasta.
_____________ 5. This year is the most memorable year for Filipinos.

II. Making Predictions. Read the passage and write five sentences of what will happen next. (5 points)

Juan and Jose were walking home from a Boy Scout meeting when Juan noticed something
brown and small on the ground. He picked it up. It was a wallet. Jose grabbed it and opened it.
Inside was P500. Jose and Juan looked at each other, then looked at the money. Juan thought
about a new top. Jose thought about fixing his broken bike. They stood for a while thinking.

What will happen next?


Prepared by: Mylene L. Pastrana

10th Ave., Grace Park West, Caloocan City

Grade 7 English
Table of Specification
Fourth Quarter

Learning No. of No. of Knowledge Comprehension Performanc Item Percentage

Competencies days Items e Placement
EN7RC-IV-f-10.3: 1 5 5 1-5
Sequence steps in a

EN7RC-IV-h- 1 5 5 6-10
2.15.1: Organize
information read into
an outline

Prepared by: Mylene L. Pastrana


I. Sequencing Events. Arrange the following in chronological order on making your bed in the morning.
Write A - E in the blank before the number.

______ 1. Cover the bed with blanket.

______ 2. Place the dolls on the pillow.

______ 3. Pull the sheet out and smooth it out.

______ 4. Lay the pillow at the head.

______ 5. Tuck the sheet under the mattress.

II. Outlining. Read the passage below and make an outline from the information given.

How Animals Become Extinct

Species of animals or organisms become extinct when there are no more of them alive. Animals
that are classified as endangered are at risk of becoming extinct. Animals become extinct for a number of
reasons. Some animals become extinct due to the influence of humans, some through natural forces, and
some through other factors.

Natural processes or forces may contribute to animal extinction. These include changes in the
climate, competition with other species, reduced food supplies, or combinations of these. Some natural
extinctions may happen over a long period of time, and some may happen quickly.

Another cause of animal extinction is human activities. Some of these activities include hunting.
Animals are hunted for specific body parts like fur, feathers or horns. Some animals are also hunted by
people for medicinal purposes.

Other factors for animal extinction are loss of habitat due to expansion of humans, pollution
that destroy the ecosystem, and the emergence of new species that may destroy important parts of the
food chain.

I. Reasons why animals become extinct

a. ___________________________
b. ___________________________
c. ___________________________
II. Human Activities that cause animal extinction
a. ___________________________________
b. ___________________________________

Prepared by: Mylene L. Pastrana

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