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CHAVES: Good morning, Ms Sthefany.

STHEFANY: Good morning, Mr Chaves, pleased to meet you. Please, take a seat.

CHAVES: Pleased to meet you too, and thank you for seeing me.

STHEFANY: Mr Chaves, what can you tell me about yourself?

CHAVES: Well, first of all, I’m a teacher and a translator. I’ve been teaching Spanish as a foreign
language for two years, and I have recently finished my translation training course.

STHEFANY: I see… and what are your short term aims professionally speaking?

CHAVES: I would like to move away from teaching and work as a full-time translator. My first
experiences as a translator have been very rewarding.

STHEFANY: Could you please tell me more about these experiences?

CHAVES: Of course. During the training course, we worked with several types of documents,
including contracts, newspaper articles, fiction and advertisements. Professionally, I have had the
chance to take on several translation jobs, mostly related to marketing.

STHEFANY: Why do you think you would be a good match for this position?

CHAVES: I am thorough and meticulous, and I like working on my own. Also, as a teacher, I am
used to criticism and I take it very well. My first professional experiences in translation have been
very successful.

LEONARDO: What are your greatest strengths?

CHAVES: I am independent and creative, and I work very well under pressure. My years in different
language schools have prepared me for many different situations.

LEONARDO: What about your weaknesses?

CHAVES: Well, I can be a bit too much of a perfectionist, but I’m working on it and adapting to
tight deadlines.

LEONARDO: Thank you very much. We Will call you in a near future for the next step.

CHAVES: thanks to you for calling me,see you.

ESTEBAN: ok next Will be Ms Camila

CAMILA: good morning, mr Esteban.

ESTEBAN: good morning Ms Camila. Please, take a seat.

Camila: yes. Thank you.

ESTEBAN: let’s start, first tell me a Little about yourself.

CAMILA: well, i’m 25 years old, i’m from Villavicencio and i graduated at the Anthony A. Phipps
High School in the year 2014. Since then i started working as a Service employee in TempoAseo

ESTEBAN: very well, i’ve read your resume, i see that you have a lot of experience and you have
the proper skills for this position. But tell me a Little bit about your previous company.

CAMILA: of course, as you can see I’ve always working in TempoAseo Company and i was doing all
kinds cleanness, from washing floors, bathrooms, clothes, kitchens, among others.

ESTEBAN: ok, and why did you leave your job?

CAMILA: Well, I had been working in that company for years but because of the pandemic I was
laid off, you know, financial problems.

LEONARDO: why do you want to work for us?

CAMILA: because i believe i could fit quite well in the cleaning process of this company, and i like
your company policy, i would feel quite comfortable working here.

LEONARDO: why should we hire you?

CAMILA: when i read your job offering, i saw you were looking for a person with experience in
cleanness, and I’ve working since I finished my studies so i could be working at full capacity from
day one.

LEONARDO: ok thank you for coming and we Will call you.

CAMILA: thank you for your time, i really appreciate this opportunity.

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