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** Game ID 7385277787 buyin:€20+2 Version:5 starting - 2019-11-29 19:21:22

** €6,000 Daily Mosh Pit(40590353):Table 1 [Multi Table Hold'em] (800|1,600 NL -

MTT seats:8 ) Real Money

- presidentdev sitting in seat 1 with 31890.80 at end 31730.80

- xoxIl sitting in seat 2 with 18455.40 at end 18295.40
- IzabellyTozzy sitting in seat 4 with 47287.64 at end 41197.64
- R.Baggio sitting in seat 5 with 34237.70 at end 34077.70 [Dealer]
- RipCheader sitting in seat 6 with 50080.00 at end 49120.00
- player158 sitting in seat 7 with 48442.00 at end 56132.00
- .HyperX- sitting in seat 8 with 24797.00 at end 24637.00

RipCheader posted ante - 160.00

player158 posted ante - 160.00
.HyperX- posted ante - 160.00
presidentdev posted ante - 160.00
xoxIl posted ante - 160.00
IzabellyTozzy posted ante - 160.00
R.Baggio posted ante - 160.00
RipCheader posted the small blind - 800.00
player158 posted the big blind - 1600.00
** Dealing card to IzabellyTozzy: A of c, 10 of c
.HyperX- folded
presidentdev folded
xoxIl folded
IzabellyTozzy raised - 3265.00
R.Baggio folded
RipCheader folded
player158 called - 1665.00
** Dealing the flop: 3 of d, K of s, 9 of d
player158 checked
IzabellyTozzy bet - 2665.00
player158 called - 2665.00
** Dealing the turn: 5 of c
player158 checked
IzabellyTozzy checked
** Dealing the river: 6 of d
player158 bet - 8000.00
IzabellyTozzy folded
player158 mucks:
player158 wins 21780.00 from the main pot

End of game 7385277787

** Game ID 7385266096 buyin:€20+2 Version:5 starting - 2019-11-29 19:06:53

** €6,000 Daily Mosh Pit(40590353):Table 10 [Multi Table Hold'em] (500|1,000 NL -
MTT seats:8 ) Real Money

- lIRagnarLothbeok sitting in seat 1 with 22775.00 at end 22675.00

- abcabc123 sitting in seat 3 with 31364.54 at end 29264.54
- IzabellyTozzy sitting in seat 4 with 20139.82 at end 43279.64 [Dealer]
- player158 sitting in seat 5 with 65402.00 at end 64802.00
- xSpike-Dx sitting in seat 6 with 38333.60 at end 18193.78
- FyslexicDuck sitting in seat 7 with 11816.00 at end 11716.00
- torso11 sitting in seat 8 with 14991.50 at end 14891.50

player158 posted ante - 100.00

xSpike-Dx posted ante - 100.00
FyslexicDuck posted ante - 100.00
torso11 posted ante - 100.00
lIRagnarLothbeok posted ante - 100.00
abcabc123 posted ante - 100.00
IzabellyTozzy posted ante - 100.00
player158 posted the small blind - 500.00
xSpike-Dx posted the big blind - 1000.00
** Dealing card to IzabellyTozzy: K of d, 10 of s
FyslexicDuck folded
torso11 folded
lIRagnarLothbeok folded
abcabc123 raised - 2000.00
IzabellyTozzy raised - 5150.00
player158 folded
xSpike-Dx called - 4150.00
abcabc123 folded
** Dealing the flop: 2 of d, 2 of c, 10 of d
xSpike-Dx went all-in - 33083.60
IzabellyTozzy went all-in - 14889.82
xSpike-Dx returned - 18193.78
IzabellyTozzy shows: K of d, 10 of s
xSpike-Dx shows: 9 of h, 9 of s
** Dealing the turn: A of s
** Dealing the river: 7 of s
IzabellyTozzy wins 43279.64 from the main pot

End of game 7385266096

** Game ID 7385231286 buyin:€10+1 Version:5 starting - 2019-11-29 18:24:32

** €4,000 Mosh Pit Lite(40590810):Table 2 [Multi Table Hold'em] (175|350 NL - MTT
seats:8 ) Real Money

- Gatuzo87 sitting in seat 1 with 10110.88 at end 9725.88

- Choko-pie sitting in seat 2 with 14797.48 at end 14762.48
- Wackoo90 sitting in seat 3 with 9810.00 at end 9075.00
- DanielBode sitting in seat 4 with 8250.00 at end 8215.00
- BeNiceWithMe sitting in seat 5 with 11306.06 at end 11271.06
- anskub sitting in seat 6 with 14365.00 at end 13630.00
- IzabellyTozzy sitting in seat 7 with 9945.00 at end 12115.00 [Dealer]
- Kazungula sitting in seat 8 with 20057.58 at end 19847.58

Kazungula posted ante - 35.00

Gatuzo87 posted ante - 35.00
Choko-pie posted ante - 35.00
Wackoo90 posted ante - 35.00
DanielBode posted ante - 35.00
BeNiceWithMe posted ante - 35.00
anskub posted ante - 35.00
IzabellyTozzy posted ante - 35.00
Kazungula posted the small blind - 175.00
Gatuzo87 posted the big blind - 350.00
** Dealing card to IzabellyTozzy: Q of d, K of c
Choko-pie folded
Wackoo90 raised - 700.00
DanielBode folded
BeNiceWithMe folded
anskub called - 700.00
IzabellyTozzy raised - 2250.00
Kazungula folded
Gatuzo87 folded
Wackoo90 folded
anskub folded
IzabellyTozzy mucks:
IzabellyTozzy wins 4455.00 from the main pot

End of game 7385231286

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