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Penda Cable Industry Sdn Bhd, which in further of this report will be known as PCI was
founded in 1957. Their core business is manufacturing and distribution of a wide range of
power cables. Its vision was to be a global leader in cabling solutions and energy related
business by 2020 and be committed to excellence in their products and services by adopting
continuous improvement, quality work culture, expertise and technology. The cable and wire
industry was basically domestic market-oriented and mainly for power distribution. As
shown in figure 1 below, PCI had a two-tier organization structure consisting of its General
Managers and Chief Officers. The profit of the company for the year 2006 was 9.2 million
ringgit while in the year 2007, it was 32.6 million ringgit which shows that the profit of the
organization has increased by 41 million ringgit.

This case discusses issues on purchasing system in a manufacturing company, Penda

Cable Industries Berhad (PCI). The issue started on February 2008 when the Managing
Director of PCI Sdn Bhd, En Ghani reviewed 2007 Financial Report and found out there
were recent increases in costs of goods sold and inventories. The rate of increase in costs of
goods sold had been disproportionate with growth of sales. En Ghani was informed that one
of the reasons for the increase in cost was because of the current purchasing system that
contributes to redundant purchasing and high inventory holding costs.

Siti Aminah, the Chief of Financial Officer was asked to review the current purchasing
system and suggested the need to implement a new computerized purchasing system that
would help relieve some of its manual operations and at the same time would ensure it has
the proper controls in place. En Ghani requested a formal report on current purchasing
system and suggestion for a new system before the next management meeting which would
be in two weeks’ time. En Ghani assigned Siti Aminah on the special task instead of the
senior Chief Production Officer and she did not have any experience in system and
technology. The new system must be able to reduce costs, enhance control and provide easy
management of users and services in qualitative and quantitative ways.

The main characters involved in this case is firstly En Ghani as the new appointed
Managing Director of Penda Cable Industry Berhad, who reviewed past year Financial
Report and asked for formal report from Siti Aminah. Next is Siti Aminah the newly
appointed Chief of Financial Officer that is being asked to make formal report instead of
the Senior Chief of Financial Officer.

Figure 1: PCI Organization Structure

Encik Ghani
Managing Director

Encik Yusof Encik Azman Cik Siti Aminah

Chief Human Chief Production Officer Chief Financial Officer
Resources & Admin

Cik Lim
General Manager Material
Resource Planning
Encik Sam Cik Aliah
General Manager Finance Manager

Encik Min
Raw Material Storekeeper

Encik Razi Encik Fauzan

Assistant Purchasing Assistant Finance
Manager Manager

Encik Faris
Cik Anne Finance Clerk
Purchasing Clerk


1. To demonstrate how cultural norms and values can impact the development and evolution
of a nation’s or geographic region’s financial reporting system, accounting profession,
and independent audit function.
2. To provide students with a better understanding of the global accounting profession.
3. To introduce students to unique challenges faced by independent auditors around the



4.1 Definition and Explanation

The SWOT analysis helps organizations assess issues within and outside the
organization. The SWOT analysis, made up of an assessment of strengths,
weaknesses, external opportunities and threats from competition, provides an outline
for strategic decision-making. Small businesses, large corporations and individuals
can utilize the SWOT analysis process for evaluation. By adding a SWOT analysis in
their business plans, small businesses can better clarify their short- and long-range
strategies. The SWOT analysis, often found in marketing plans, becomes a useful tool
for planning and competitive analysis. Organizations often provide a SWOT analysis
in a chart format with each segment represented in a different quadrant. Although so,
in this case, I am just going to list each segment.

4.2 Strength

1. Continuous improvement
2. Quality work culture, expertise and technology
3. Revenue and profit growth (121m, 41m) - saving in administrative expenses (6m)
4. Accumulated losses reduced by 33m
5. Material for sheath will be selected for resistance to water, oil, sunlit,
underground conditions, chemical vapors, impact or high temperature
6. Cables have special requirements for ionizing radiation resistance for nuclear
industry application
7. Manufactures various types of pilot cables according to Tenaga National Berhad
(TNB) standard specification
8. Capable to manufacture Supplier Self Service (SUS) type and Slotted type of
Optical Ground Wire (OPGW)
9. Memorandum of understanding with Preformed Line Products (PLP) Australia,
supply all types of accessories of OPGW
10. Large capacities: 3600km of Power Cables and overhead aluminium conductors,
10000 metric ton of Aluminium Rods and 1400 km of OPGW conductors.

11. Two-tier structure create proper checks and balances to simplify governance

4.3 Weakness

1. Increases in costs of goods sold (85m) and inventories (18m) disproportionate

with growth of sales
2. Current purchasing system contributed to redundant purchasing and high
inventory holding costs
3. Siti Aminah (CFO) has no experience in system and technology
4. Internal control weaknesses:
a) The purchasing clerk, Cik Anne should not have received the invoice and DO.
b) There is no copy of PO being sent to vendor, Receiving Department and AP.
c) The Materials Resource Planning, Cik Lim should not update AP. The
liability should be recorded by another clerk from Finance Department.
d) The Finance Clerk, Encik Faris should not prepare cheque. Payments to
suppliers can only be authorized by AP. Voucher should be prepared by the
one who updated account payable. This is to ensure the payment of bills is
authorized by account payables not the finance clerk, who writes the checks.

4.4 Opportunity

1. E-procurement system: present e-procurement technology would help purchasing

departments order, track and manage supply purchases over the Internet
2. Strategic sourcing: reduced the total cost of purchases through a structured approach
that leveraged the combined purchasing power and practices of all business units in
the company.
3. Comprehensive review of supply chain process: forming cross-functional teams to
determine business needs and creating supply wish list that can be pursued in unison
with the suppliers

4.5 Threats

1. More than 135 competitors in Malaysia, major local cable manufacturers: Leader
Cable, Tenaga Cable, Power Cable and Supercomal.
2. Elektrisola: most advanced fine enamelled copper wire manufacturing plant in the
world; foreign-owned and export-oriented.
3. Have to establish and maintain profitable supplier relationship while pressuring
supplier keep their price low
4. Price of raw materials increase > suppliers pass on any increased cost in the form of
higher prices to the purchaser (PCI)
5. Have to ensure supply quality


5.1 Purchasing System Issue

Current purchasing system contributed to redundant purchasing and high inventory

holding costs and caused increases in costs of goods sold and inventories disproportionate
with growth of sales. A few issues in the company’s internal control contributed to this,
firstly, the purchasing clerk, Cik Anne should not have received the invoice and DO.
Next, there is no copy of PO being sent to vendor, Receiving Department and AP.
Thirdly, the Materials Resource Planning, Cik Lim should not update AP. The liability
should be recorded by another clerk from Finance Department. And finally, the Finance
Clerk, Encik Faris should not prepare cheque. Payments to suppliers can only be
authorized by AP. Voucher should be prepared by the one who updated account payable.
This is to ensure the payment of bills is authorized by account payables not the finance
clerk, who writes the checks. An additional issue is that the Purchasing System is done
Manually which could cause human error, high cost, load of paper work, takes a longer
process time and the employee being reluctant to change due to becoming too dependent
towards the manual system.

Due to this issue firstly, there will be a manipulation of accounts and misuse of
cash. Next, without a copy of PO, vendor, Receiving Department and AP cannot review
and make comparison. And finally, there will be unauthorized payment could be made to
vendor. If the issue is not rectified, if Cik Anne prepare the PO, she can order raw
material without authorization. This is because she is the one who ordering raw materials
and check the invoice. Besides that, the quantities received may not be the same as the
quantities ordered because there is no document for them to make verification.
Additionally, if Cik Lim updates the AP, she can manipulate the materials resources
figure because she is the one who approve the MRMS. Finally, if Encik Faris prepares
the voucher and cheque, unauthorized cheque could be made to vendor. Additionally, by
using the manual purchasing system, the possibility of error is high, it could consume
more time, there will be an increase in cost from time to time depending on number of

work task, low profit due to high cost, tracing and verification will become difficult to be
carried out and finally there will be lots of paper work that should be filed and stored.

Due to this issue, I would recommend, that the DO should be sent to Receiving
Department, then Receiving Department will issue SRN and send it to Purchasing
Department and AP Department; invoice should be sent to Account Payable Department
where the clerk in Account Payable Department is responsible to reconcile the
information. Three copies of PO should send to vendor, Receiving Department and AP.
This is to make sure there is independent verification. Next, a clerk from Finance
Department should be responsible to update AP. This is to make sure there won’t be any
misappropriation of cash or manipulation of accounts. The cheque and voucher should be
prepared by two different clerks from AP. This is because the payment to supplier should
be authorized by AP. Lastly, PCI Sdn Bhd is recommended to implement a new
computerized purchasing system. When inventories are reduced by sales to customers or
usage in production, the system determines if the affected items have fallen to their
reorder points. The computer program will then identifies inventory requirements and
prepares traditional PR. This is able to reduce unnecessary orders that lead to high
inventory holding costs. Before the implementation of a new system, the company should
train their employee to use new system and assign task to employees based on experience
and their capabilities as well.

5.2 Purchasing Procedure Issue

The difference between processes and procedures can be summed up as breadth and

depth. A process defines the big picture and highlights the main elements of your
business–breadth. A procedure captures those elements and adds more information for
functional responsibilities, objectives, and methods–depth.

Firstly, the issuance of Monthly Material Requirement (MMR) is not authorized

by the general manager. Instead, it was being sent directly to Encik Razi, the Assistant
Purchasing manager for the Monthly Raw Material Summary preparation. For this, I
would recommend that the authorization by General Manager must be obtained for

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Monthly Material Requirement (MMR) and endorsed by the planning section. This is to
avoid any fraud to happen from the planning section or En Razi itself.

Next issue is that the procedures for calling the vendor to submit the quotation is
not precise instead, the vendors are called by Encik Razi through facsimile, e-mail, or by
telephone without proper authorization by the general manager on the submitted
quotation. This will lead to the fraud or pravitism made by En Razi. To this issue, I would
recommend, the procedures on calling the available vendors should be made available
and have a proper authorization to avoid pravitism done by the assistant manager.

5.3 Asset and Record Safety Issue

The issue found here is that the Store Received Note (SRN), Monthly Material
Requirement (MMR) and Voucher Certificate Action Request (VCAR) are not pre-
numbered as for safety and archive purpose. Instead, it just been submitted to the person
or department that need the document and if it necessary. For this, I would recommend
that, documents such as SRN, Raw Material Received Report (RMRR), and VCAR
should be pre-numbered correctly for the safety of the documents and avoid from any
error in the future.

5.4 Segregation of Duties Issue

Segregation of Duties (SOD) is a basic building block of sustainable risk management
and internal controls for a business. The principle of SOD is based on shared
responsibilities of a key process that disperses the critical functions of that process to
more than one person or department. Without this separation in key processes, fraud and
error risks are far less manageable. Imagine what would happen if the keys, lock and
code for a nuclear weapons system were all in the hands of one person! Emotions,
coercion, blackmail, fraud, human error and disinformation could cause grave and
expensive one-sided actions that can’t be corrected.

In this case, the first problem would be when the calling for quotation, evaluating
the quotation and purchase order generation are solely done by the assistant purchase

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manager, Encik Razi. There is too much task that given to En Razi which can cause
depression and fraud since there is no one else who are doing the job. Thus in my
opinion, the task should be done by different people at the different level of staff. For an
example, calling for quotation should be done by other qualified staff and being
authorized by En Razi, the evaluating for the quotation can be done by En Razi and
purchase order generation can be done by other staffs under general manager supervision
just like Encik Sam.

Another issue is the received on material required and raw material store are
solely done by the storekeeper, En Min under the same department. To solve this issue,
the receiving department should be established and be separated from the raw material
store and also appoint another staff in the new receiving department. This is to avoid
from confusion and error on the material received since the En Min take the
responsibility on the material required as well as the store.

Besides that, the material stored at the store does not have any proper inventory
reconciliation that should be made by material department. Thus, the reconciliation
should be made at the end of each month before issuing the MMR by the planning
department in order to avoid material theft and also to make sure only necessary purchase
be made by the department.

Additionally, the cheque and voucher preparation done by the same account clerk,
Encik Faris. This problem can brings to fraud on the company’s money especially when
it did not been supervised by the manager. To resolve this, cheque and voucher should be
done or prepared by the different account clerk and be check first by the supervisor
before it being sent to the general manager and assistant finance will approved on the
amount in the cheque and voucher.

The final issue is, there is no committee being setup for the approval on the
purchase of materials in the purchasing department. Thus, a committee of quotation
approval should be set up by the company so that, the approval not only solely made by
the manager of his interest

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5.5 Supply Chain Issue

A supply chain is a network between a company and its suppliers to produce and
distribute a specific product, and the supply chain represents the steps it takes to get the
product or service to the customer. Supply chain management is a crucial process because
an optimized supply chain results in lower costs and a faster production cycle.

PCI Sdn Bhd have been having some issues as stated below:-

i. Have to establish and maintain profitable supplier relationship while pressuring

supplier keep their price low
ii. Price of raw materials increase whereby suppliers pass on any increased cost of raw
material in the form of higher prices to the purchaser (PCI)
iii. Have to ensure supply quality as it is hard to monitor it
iv. Company's dilemma in establishing & maintaining profitable supplier relationship
v. No centralized supplier selection

Due to the above listed issues, it has caused incurring high costs in maintaining good
relationship with supplier and also maintaining high raw material quality, the need to pass
on the increased costs to customers, they are unprotected against price fluctuation which
affects company's products price and quality, low customer satisfaction, bad image that
lowers company reputation and finally losses of stakeholders' confidence.

But if nothing is done to resolve the issue, then the company will be unable to obtain raw
materials at the best price and quality. May be end up paying more than the going market
rate if the supplier is not working with them and not operating in a competitive
environment. Inventories can gradually creep up, particularly the slow moving and
obsolescent items are not regularly reviewed. If supplier does not regularly communicate
with the people at the coalface, in situations where goods are ordered from a number of
locations by a large number of people it can be very difficult to ensure that they are in
compliance with procedures. Besides that, customer need to pay higher price, might

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switch to competitor’s product and the quality issue may reduce customer satisfaction and
affect customer loyalty.

To solve the issue, I would recommend the company to have a long term agreement with
the suppliers which can help save costs in production process or administration, attain
quality control procedures whereby they would do comprehensive review of supply chain
process, create a supply wish list and also do strategic sourcing. Additionally, the
company can also practice separate purchasing contracts for service parts. Besides that,
they could also form cross-functional teams and commodity teams to determine business

5.6 Documentation Issue

In computer hardware and software product development, documentation is the
information that describes the product to its users. It consists of the product technical
manuals and online information including online versions of the technical manuals and
help facility descriptions. The term is also sometimes used to mean
the source information about the product contained in design documents, detailed code
comments, white papers, and blackboard session notes.

The first issue found is that the purchasing clerk, Cik Anne did not attach the
purchase order together with the set of invoice, SRN, delivery order sent to the financing
department meant for payment preparation to the vendor. Thus, I would recommend, the
purchase order should be attached and sent to the finance department with the set of
invoice before arrangement for payment being made to the vendor or supplier. This is
done to make sure on the actual total of the delivery material and the actual payment that
should be made so that, there is no fraud happened if it been checked with the invoices.

Another issue is that the carbon copy for cheque sent to vendor was not being
filed by the finance clerk, En Faris. This could cause the problem to the company if the
vendors claimed for any unpaid materials and the finance department could not find any
evidence such as the copy of cheque to show they have already paid the materials
ordered. Due to this, I would recommend, the carbon copy should be kept and filed by

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serial number or pre-numbered by the finance department as for reference for the
company if needed.

5.7 Highly Competitive Industry Issue

This is an issue which is commonly faced by most companies in the world. In this case,
there are more than 135 companies were competing with PCI Sdn Bhd in producing
electrical components in Malaysia. Major local cable manufactures in Malaysia are
including Leader Cable, Tenaga Cable, Power Cable and Supercomal. Besides that,
Elektrisola owns an enamelled copper manufacturing plant in Bentong, which is the most
advanced in the world. By this, PCI Sdn Bhd lies in such high competitive environment
to compete with its competitors.

This can cause for there to be the present of many competitors which will
eventually cause them to lower down their price. In other words there would be a price
war which is a market situation in which, usually two, powerful competitors try to usurp
each other's market share by progressively reducing prices until one of them retreats, at
least temporarily where would eventually allow the companies to produce low quality of
products. Due to the high competition in the industry, PCI Sdn Bhd might have to lower
their price in order to compete with others and eventually lead to a price war in the
industry. This may lead to low quality of products being produced as company started to
look for cheaper raw materials with the hope of cutting down their production cost and
products can be selling at a cheaper price. Thus, the quality of product is being

Although so, if the issue is not resolved, there is no customer satisfaction and the
company will lose their target market. Living in such highly competitive industry, PCI
Sdn Bhd is mandatory to come out a better and useful strategy to tackle all the
competitors in order to survive and earns better profits. If PCI Sdn Bhd failed to come out
a better strategy to overcome the issue, PCI Sdn Bhd will lose its target market to the
competitors. As price war continues and low quality of products being produced,

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customers’ satisfaction might reduce and all the manufacturers may earn a lower profit.
Thus, they may fall into a lose situation. And it will eventually lead to the company
being unable to invest in the foreign market. Even PCI Sdn Bhd able to expand to the
foreign market, there might be high risk occur. Thus, there might be a huge losses incur
in PCI Sdn Bhd.

To solve the issue, I would firstly recommend a differentiation strategy whereby

PCI Sdn Bhd should have a well-planned strategy in order compete with their
competitors, such as differentiation strategy. By using the differentiation strategy, PCI
Sdn Bhd will be able to produce products which are different from its competitors in
terms of feature, design and quality. Competitive advantage over others manufacturer
might be achieved by implementing the differentiation strategy. It will help to attract and
retain customers, increase revenue and profitability. Besides that, PCI Sdn Bhd should
invest in research and development. Understand the competitors are important in order to
expand their market, especially those world class manufacturers, such as Elektrisola. The
company have to know what and how should they compete with others. Risk of
investment into the foreign market might be reduced if there is appropriate research and
development being done by the company.

5.8 Siti Aminah (CFO) – lack of experience in system & technology

As stated in the case, Siti Aminah is the newly assigned Chief Financial Officer but
unfortunately she is lacking of experience in system and technology. Due to this, she may
have difficulty in identifying the weaknesses in the current system. She doesn’t have the
ability to develop a new system to deal with the weaknesses in the current system and she
would be unable to solve the current issues and the increasing costs of goods sold and
inventories will result in continuing losses.

To resolve this, Siti could recruit consultants who are the expert in the field of
system and technology. Together with the consultants, Siti and explain the current issues
to them and develop a new purchasing system to solve the problem.

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6.1 Liquidity Ratio

Liquidity ratios are measurements used to examine the ability of an organization to
pay off its short-term obligations. Liquidity ratios are commonly used by prospective
creditors and lenders to decide whether to extend credit or debt, respectively, to
companies. These ratios compare various combinations of relatively liquid assets to
the amount of current liabilities stated on an organization's most recent balance
sheet. The higher the ratio, the better the ability of a firm of pay off its obligations in
a timely manner.

6.1.1 Current ratio

This ratio compares current assets to current liabilities. Its main flaw is
that it includes inventory as a current asset. Inventory may not be that
easy to convert into cash, and so may not be a good indicator of

Current Asset
Current Ratio =
Current Liability

In this case, there is an increase in the current ratio from 0.73 times in 2006 to
1.15 times in 2007 which indicates that, there is more current asset to cover
current liabilities in 2007 compared to in 2006. Therefore, PCI should taking
more discounts so that they are able to reduce their current liabilities and pay
their current liabilities on time.

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6.1.2 Quick ratio
This is the same as the current ratio, but excludes inventory.
Consequently, most remaining assets should be readily convertible into
cash within a short period of time.

Current Asset - Inventory

Quick Ratio =
Current Liability

From this case, the quick ratio has a less than 1 that indicates the company
will not be able to pay its immediate obligations and therefore should be
looked at with caution. Besides, as compared to the current ratio, quick
ratio of PCI Sdn Bhd is much lower that means that their current asset is
highly dependent on the inventory that will lead to the overstocking
problem. Even though quick ratio in 2007 is 0.5 which is higher than 0.27
in 2006, it still indicates that PCI Sdn Bhd has problems in settling their
obligations because it still possesses high asset. Thus, they should reduce
their inventory by conducting more promotion or advertisement on their

6.2 Profitability Ratio

Profitability ratios are financial metrics used by analysts and investors to measure and
evaluate the ability of a company to generate income (profit) relative to revenue, balance
sheet assets, operating costs, and shareholders’ equity during a specific period of time.
They show how well a company utilizes its assets to produce profit and value to

6.2.1 Gross Profit Margin

Gross Profit Margin compares gross profit to sales revenue. This shows how much a
business is earning, taking into account the needed costs to produce its goods and
services. A high gross profit margin ratio reflects a higher efficiency of core operations,

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meaning it can still cover operating expenses, fixed costs, dividends, and depreciation,
while also providing net earnings to the business. On the other hand, a low profit margin
indicates a high cost of goods sold, which can be attributed to adverse purchasing
policies, low selling prices, low sales, stiff market competition, or wrong sales promotion

Gross Profit Sales - Cost of Goods Sold

Margin Sales

While, for the PCI Sdn Bhd, their gross profit margin has much increase compared to the
last year which are from 6.83% on 2006 to 16.12% on the year 2007. This indicates that,
the company is making RM 0.60 gross profit for every RM1 sale being made. This can be
explained that, the more cents are earned per ringgit of revenue which is favorable
because more profit will be available to cover the non-production costs. However, since
the ideal percentage of positive gross profit margin is 20% to 40%, this indicates that the
gross profit margin of the company is still quite low. Therefore, in order to get a positive
gross profit margin, the company can make a few improvements such as changing their
supplier to lower cost of suppliers, reduce their labor costs, reduce their production
wastage as well as review their company’s pricing policy.

6.2.2 Net Profit Margin

Net profit margin is the ratio of net profits to revenues for a company or business
segment. Typically expressed as a percentage, net profit margins show how much
of each dollar collected by a company as revenue translates into profit.

Net Profit
Net Profit Margin =
The net profit margin for PCI Sdn bhd in 2007 is higher compared to 2006 which
are from -5% to 11%. The 11% or net profit margin means that the company has a
net income of RM0.11 for each ringgit of sales, which means that the company
made more money than it spent. While, the -5% net profit margin indicates that

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the company have a loss of RM0.05 for each ringgit of sales, which means that
the company spent more than it made.

6.2.3 Return on assets (ROA)

Return on assets (ROA), as the name suggests, shows the percentage of net
earnings relative to the company’s total assets. The ROA ratio specifically reveals
how much after-tax profit a company generates for every one dollar of assets it
holds. It also measures the asset intensity of a business. The lower the profit per
dollar of assets, the more asset-intensive a company is considered to be. Highly
asset-intensive companies require big investments to purchase machinery and
equipment in order to generate income. 

Net Income
Return on Assets (ROA) =
Total Assets

The ROA of the PCI’s company is increase from -8.71% in 2006 to 25.21% in
2007 that indicates that the company is earning RM0.25 from each dollar of assets
the company controls. Therefore, since the company has a huge increase in their
ROA compared to the previous year, this is saying that the company is earning
more money on its assets or has effectively turned its investments into profits in

6.2.4 Return on equity (ROE)

Return on equity (ROE) expresses the percentage of net income relative to

stockholders’ equity, or the rate of return on the money that equity
investors have put into the business. The ROE ratio is one that is
particularly watched by stock analysts and investors. A favorably high
ROE ratio is often cited as a reason to purchase a company’s stock.
Companies with a high return on equity are usually more capable of
generating cash internally, and therefore less dependent on debt financing.

20 | P a g e Net Income
Return on Equity (ROE) =
Shareholder's Equity
From the cased, the return on equity for the year 2007 is slightly lower
than 2006 which are from 78% to 73% in year 2007. The 73% means that
the company generated of RM0.73 of profit for every RM1 of
shareholders’ equity while the 78% means that the company generated of
RM0.78 of profit for every RM1 of shareholders’ equity in 2006.
Therefore, it indicates that, the company is slightly less profitable in 2007
compared to 2006. However, it is not a cause for concern since the
reduction in the return of equity is not below 15%. Therefore, the
company should have done any improvement ti maintain its return of
equity such as reducing their tax obligation, increasing their sales
turnover, increasing their profit margin as well as switching to cheaper
financing options.

6.3 Debt Ratio

The debt ratio quantifies how leveraged a company is, and a company's degree
of leverage is often a measure of risk. When the debt ratio is high, the company has
a lot of debt relative to its assets. It is thus carrying a bigger burden in the sense
that principal and interest payments take a significant amount of the company's cash
flows, and a hiccup in financial performance or a rise in interest rates could result
in default. When the debt ratio is low, principal and interest payments don't command
such a large portion of the company's cash flows, and the company is not as sensitive to
changes in business or interest rates from this perspective. However, a low debt ratio may
also indicate that the company has an opportunity to use leverage as a means of
responsibly growing the business that it is not taking advantage of.

Debt Ratio = Total Debt / Total Assets

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From PCI, it shows the decrease in the debt ratio from 88.83% in 2006 to 65.27% in the
year 2007. This shows that about 65% of PCI assets are financed by debt while the
remainder are financed using the shareholders’ equity. However, the percentage of 65%
can still be considered high unless the company can reduced their debt ratio to less than
50%. Therefore, in order to improve, PCI should review their dividend policy and try to
avoid taking any additional debt financing from the other company or investors.

6.4 Efficiency Ratio

Efficiency ratios measure the ability of a business to use its assets and liabilities to
generate sales. A highly efficient organization has minimized its net investment in
assets, and so requires less capital and debt in order to remain in operation. In the
case of assets, efficiency ratios compare an aggregated set of assets to sales or the
cost of goods sold. In the case of liabilities, the main efficiency ratio compares
payables to total purchases from suppliers. Efficiency ratios are used to judge the
management of a business. If an asset-related ratio is high, this implies that the
management team is effective in using the minimum amount of assets in relation to a
given amount of sales. Conversely, a low liability-related ratio implies management
effectiveness, since payables are being stretched.

6.4.1 Inventory Turnover

A high turnover rate can be achieved by minimizing inventory levels, using
a just-in-time production system, and using common parts for all products
manufactured, among other methods.

Cost of Goods Sold

Inventory Turnover =
Average Inventory

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PCI Sdn Bhd has lower inventory turnover in 2007 with 6.01 times compared to
the year 2006 with 5.49 times which could be cause by the reduction in sales and
also the slow moving inventory in 2007 due to the ineffective sales strategy,
inefficient handling the inventory and does not provide trade discounts to
encourage bulk purchase thus, lead to overstock in the company. Thus, PCI can
increase their inventory handling by introduce an effective stock control system or
change its present methods of ordering stocks as well as do a stock clearance

6.4.2 Fixed asset turnover

A high turnover ratio can be achieved by outsourcing the more asset-intensive

production to suppliers, maintaining high equipment utilization levels, and
avoiding investments in excessively expensive equipment.

Fixed Asset Turnover =
Average Fixed Asset

Fixed Asset Turnover for PCI in 2007 is 8.90 times which is higher than in 2006
that only 4.70 times. This indicates that, PCI is efficient in utilizing its fixed
assets in generating sales in 2007 compared to 2006.

6.4.3 Total Asset Turnover

This ratio tells how many dollars of revenue the company gets relative to the
amount invested in total assets, not just the fixed assets. This includes cash,
receivables, inventory, property, plant and equipment as well as other long-term

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Total Asset Turnover =
Total Assets

Total assets turnover in year of 2007 is1.67 times which is higher than 2006 that
is 2.30 times, that implies that PCI is generating a higher volume of sales with the
given amount of assets in 2007 compared to in 2006.

6.4.4 Average Collection Period

The average collection period is the approximate amount of time that it takes for a
business to receive payments owed in terms of accounts receivable.

Accounts Receivables
Average Collection Period =
Net Sales / 365

For PCI, there is a much shorter average collection period in the year of 2007 with
31.56 days compared to 2006 with 10.21 days. This shows that cash collection
from the debtors is faster in 2007 compared to in 2006.

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7.1 Just-In-Time System

Just-in-Time, or JIT, is a methodology that helps your business reduce waste in

production. It is geared toward making just what is needed, when it is needed, and only in
the amount needed. When applied to inventory or purchasing, JIT aims to reduce the
number of components or finished goods sitting in the warehouse. A JIT inventory
management system aims to only have parts in inventory that are needed to make enough
finished goods to meet immediate demand. Parts are ordered from the suppliers at the
time they are needed; in turn, they are delivered to the manufacturing floor only when the
process that uses the part needs it. The successful implementation of JIT depends, among
other things, on having reliable suppliers that can work with short lead times. It also
involves market research to support the development of forecasts to predict customer
demand. The company must be able to accurately forecast demand for goods and services
for the just-in-time method to be effective.

By using JIT purchasing system, PCI Sdn Bhd can purchase raw material from the
outside suppliers only as they are needed and they can also reduce the cost of holding
space since the company only order the material only when they need it and based on the
customer order which may improve the quality of product.

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7.2 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System

ERP is business process management software that allows an organization to use a

system of integrated applications to manage the business and automate many back
office functions related to technology, services and human resources. An ERP system
focuses on the management of business information, offering a macro view into a
company by integrating disparate systems across functional groups such as procurement,
finance, distribution, and inventory control. Each modules could share information stored
in another modules and could flow from one module to the other. Since modules are
connected, the organization could run a report on any aspects of the business to get a
complete view of activities.

PCI should implement this system in order to achieve efficiency in their overall
operation especially in the purchasing system. By using the ERP system, from the
Planning Area, they can just sent the monthly requirement to Purchasing Department by
using without just using manual system. Besides that, ERP system also can be used in
communication among suppliers and customer, whereby En Razi can just use the ERP
system to send quotation to the vendors which would save more time in making the
purchase orders. Therefore, ERP system is one of the efficient systems that can be used in
the PCI management system so that they can improve their operation especially in the
purchasing department.

7.3 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) System

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is the transfer of data from one computer system to
another by standardized message formatting, without the need for human intervention.
EDI permits multiple companies to exchange documents electronically. Data can be
exchanged through serial links and peer-to-peer networks, though most exchanges
currently rely on the Internet for connectivity. When sending an EDI document, both
parties and trading partners must adhere to the same set of rules. These standards define
where and how the information from the document will be found. Translation software
processes the information differently for sent and received messages and performs a

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complete audit of each step to ensure information is sent or received in EDI
format. When the translator on the receiving computer reads a document, it knows where
to find the buyer's company name, order number, purchase items and price, for example.
This information is then sent to the receiver's order entry system without necessitating
manual order entry. EDI applies to documents such as purchase orders, invoices, shipping
notices and commission sales reports, as well as other important or classified information.
For example, an insurance company can verify that an applicant has a driver's license
through an EDI exchange.

PCI is an example of a company that still uses the manual system in making a
purchase order which slows down the processing of the document process and also cause
human errors. Instead, EDI documents can flow straight through to the appropriate
application on the receiver’s computer and processing can begin immediately. The
benefit by using EDI system is that cost savings. All the expenses that associated with
paper, printing, reproduction, storage, filing, postage and document retrieval are all
reduced or eliminated when PCI’s company switch to EDI system, that can lowering their
transaction costs by at least 35%. Besides, an error due to illegible faxes, lost orders or
incorrectly taken phone orders are all eliminated that can save the company’s valuable
time from handling data disputes.

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As for conclusion, Siti Aminah can suggest only to maintain their old system instead of new
purchasing system. This is because, the current situation did not incurred too much damage to
the company, the company still can sustain even though they have to buy the raw materials in
higher price. It is not an easy task to implement new system & company stakeholders to accept it
but it is worth taking for to the company to save its cost and improve its performance.

PCI is not the only company that have problem in purchasing their raw materials but all the
purchasing departments across the industry experienced similar dilemma. Their main dilemma
included establishing and maintaining profitable supplier relationships, confronting the problem
of price increases and ensuring supply quantity. What they need actually do is to pressure
suppliers to keep prices low when the cost of raw materials decreases. They can better do this by
keeping their own tabs on the raw materials market.

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