Why GHRM Is Essential of Garments Industry?

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CSR is the main factor for introducing the green human resource management.

environmental management has now become a global social norm. As the largest developing sector in
Bangladesh is Garments industry and those sector is currently a major environmental polluter. The
GHRM helps to prevent that type of problem.

Why GHRM is Essential of Garments Industry?

The increasing rate of carbon causes by the industry revolution in the earth. So; our responsibilities were
to protect the universe. We are very careful about the people who related to the industry they have
minimize their environmental exaggerated activities and GHRM restrict those activities for betterment
organizational culture and structure. Which people only concern for earning profit they are liable.

Beneficial for Environment - The role of Green HRM is to protecting the environment, therefore, it is
recommended to take the necessary steps for establishing green HRM. Green HR plays some roles in the
garment industry to protect the environment those are following:

1. To avoid or reduce global warming.

2. To avoid or reduce natural disasters.
3. To avoid or reduce the cause of health diseases Pollution.
4. To ensure balance in life relationships and the environment.
5. To ensure the survival people and businesses Organization
6. To ensure dust free environment.
7. Develop or enhance waste management system to reduce atmospheric (air, water, soil)
8. Use more energy efficient equipment to reduce energy consumption as well as emission of
greenhouse gases.

Beneficial for Human Resource - Elton Mayo’s Hawthorne studies were focused on corporate strategy
with emphasis on the socio psychological aspects of human behavior in organization and GHRM majorly
influence that aspect which related to the human resource in Garments industry.

1. To increase efficiency of garments factory employee and worker.

2. Cost effective production

3. Better employee engagement and retention.

4. Help organizations to reduce employee carbon footprints by electronic filing, car sharing,
5. Reduction of paper use by the help of teleconferencing and virtual interviews
6. By the help of Green human resource management in Garments industry they bring
down costs without losing their talent.
7. GHRM helps to achieve higher job satisfaction and commitment which leads to higher
productivity and sustainability.

Waste Reduction - Green human resource management influence waste reduction efficiently and helps
to construct sustainable development framework.

 Reduce cost when cut cost in accordance with the function of GHRM.
 Reduce paper pen uses in any organizational work.
 Reduce business travel & Focus on teleconferencing to minimize the emission of carbon-di-oxide.
 Reduce plastic water bottle
 Highly care about uses of water & leakage of drainage system to ensure efficient use of water &to
reduce water pollution.

Recycle Garbage - Concentrate on recycling wherepossible, that will minimize the amount of wastage as
well as pollution. Consider alternative energy sources which are more environment friendly such as-
wind power, solar energy, etc. those resources will not be finished anymore so this energy use several
times and those energy are eco-friendly. The recycle product reduces the garbage of our society and
that reason soil water and weather get rid of a large number of rubbish and garbage wastage.

What are the barriers of GHRM in garments industry?

Barriers :

- There have some obligation to establish and maintain green human resource management in the
garments industry. Those barrier are given below -

1) Green human resource management is not familiar for our country so the implementing cost high.
2) As an over populated country Bangladesh has not proper support for following the green HRM.

3) Lack of skilled human resource we cannot organize the framework of a garments industry.
4) There is no alternative of GHRM either you follow it or not.
5) It is a rising concept so lack of information is common for Green HRM.
6) Bangladeshi people does not take any new concept in their working area as a result they avoided this
type of environmental management activities.
7) There are some owners of garments industry think that they just earn profit without any
concentration about our ecological system.

What 're the activities of green banking in Bangladesh?

The Activities of Green Banking in Bangladesh.
All the activities of green banking performed by Bangladeshi banking sector are described

Banks in-house green practices:

The in-house green practices performed by Bangladeshi banks are:

1.Instead of paper made statements banks are using E-statements for their clients.
2.Banks are using more day-lights and reduce the work at night to save electricity.
Maintaining communication through online in the best possible manner.
3.Use of solar energy and concentrate to establish renewable energy infrastructures.
4.Recruit and select employees through online communication and advertisement
instead of paper made documents.
5.Stores all the information related to the bank in computer memory to save the use
of papers.
6.Utilize electronic files, power point slides, E-mail, Voice mail to reduce the paper
7.Create awareness in the customer by providing healthy environment inside the
8.Increasing mobile e-commerce and ATM booths to reduce the pressures on check
books and other documents that have a negative effect on environment.

Impacts of Green HRM in Organizational Development.

The Impacts of Green HRM into an organization are:

I.Creates Healthy and safe environment inside and outside of the organization.
iiReduction of using harmful substance.
iii. Develop healthy and safe work routines.
iv.Helps to get government subsidies.
V.Helps to achieve Green goals as well as organizations goals.
. .. vi. Build strong brand image.

What are challenges of GHRM in banking sector?

Challenges of Green HRM in banking sectors of Bangladesh
The major challenges of implementing Green Human Resource Management in Bangladeshi
banking sectors are listed below:

Leadership development:
The first of the significant challenges for human resource management is leadership
development which requires a genuine strategic initiative. HR experts may face the lack of
basic structures, procedures, instruments, and perspectives of Green HRM to make the best
choice and build up the future GHRM pioneers of the bank.

Change in Management Process:

The majority of the private business banks of Bangladesh confront the incredible test at the
change of management. The World Federation of Personnel Management Associations
(WFPMA) finds this may also be the motivation behind why it is referred to as the superior
issue as HR keeps on attempts to enable organizations to push ahead. A focus on extensive
training might be expected to provide the extra capabilities to manage the change of
management. Efficient change of management is an important duty for human resource
managers due to numerous inner and outer force impacts to do or not to achieve the viable
change of the bank.

Adapting with HRIS:

The abbreviation of HRIS is Human Resource Information System. HRIS is one of the
current challenges for Bangladeshi private commercial banks. It is the way toward
empowering all human resource work like human resource planning, recruitment, and
selection, training and development, compensation, promotion, performance appraisal,
employee relation, and so on through the internet or computer software for helping the
managers for decision making. As per the reports of Bangladesh Bank, about 69% of the
challenges looked by the private commercial banks of Bangladesh are adjusting with this
computerized framework that implies the Traditional HRM to e-HRM.

Recruitment and Selection Problems:

Recruitment and Selections is the way toward filling the authoritative empty position(s). So
this procedure isn't a simple job for an HR Supervisor. Here, HRM considers numerous
interior and outside components for hiring another employee. A large portion of the
private commercial banks of Bangladesh recruits employee as Management Trainee Officer
(MTO) for entry level, who are commonly viewed as progressively skilled employees of the
banks. In every single other level with the exception of MTO, HR faces more challenges
(58%) for hiring individuals for the banks as those individuals could possibly have the
required skills and experience. The vast majority of them recruit (90%) by the employee
referral and on demand of various stakeholders and social influential groups. This is the
fundamental purpose behind including lower-skilled individuals in the banks and
implementing Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) proves a very costly and
troublesome process here.

Training and Development Problems:

Training and development is an important procedure for every single sort of association.
The world is changing every day and the skill, experience, and knowledge are additionally
changing every day with the changing of the world. Along these lines, the current employee
of a bank needs to reshape and update with Green HRM knowledge, skills, and experience.

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