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dotherightthing ---- presents


Showcasing and celebrating the use of
the arts in social and health care

Assembly Rooms, Derby 11 October 2007

Coping Strategies - comedy film – (9.30-10.15)
Shahid hates the tag ‘learning-disabled’ that he leaves his doting mother for the
allure of love, life and freedom in an independent home. But the fast of Ramadan, his
anti-social/obsessive flat-mates conspire with the mysterious Paris Stilton to drive
Shahid to distraction and an ultimate showdown worthy of his Bollywood hero.
Moment By Moment Productions and Yarrow

Loud Minority: Investigating Freedom – film (10.15-11.00)
“Investigating Freedom” was made at the British Museum by a group of looked after
children from the London Borough of Islington. Working with video tutors from Loud
Minority, the young people explored the museum’s collections, looking especially at
issues to do with slavery, imperialism and their legacy in present day Africa. They
recorded their own reactions and views, and the resulting film is by turns amusing,
informative and moving.
Loud Minority is a video production and training company that specialises in work
addressing social issues. It has an excellent track record of working with statutory,
voluntary, community and arts organisations.

Dance and mental health: Absolute Salsa
A fun, complete beginner’s introduction to salsa session, which is expected to spice up
everybody’s day. Absolute Salsa guarantees you the best salsa fix!
Absolute Salsa was started 7 years ago by Lee Hunter, based in Derby. Absolute
Salsa teaches over 500 people a week throughout their network of classes in the east
midlands and Derbyshire.

To Drum For
This workshop will offer the opportunity to experience the therapeutic benefits of
drumming first hand. Participants will be encouraged to use their voices along with
percussion instruments and drums. No previous experience is necessary. Research
has indicated that drumming has significant benefits in numerous conditions including,
anxiety, stress, depression, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and migraine! It helps stabilise
blood pressure and strengthens the immune system.
The TDF is working at the leading edge of research, education and training in the field
of therapeutic drumming.

Graphic Facilitation
This workshop will introduce you to Graphic Facilitation and show you how using big
pictures can enhance communication and consultation with children and young people.
Participants will get to see examples of what works, understand why it works and have
a go for themselves.
Cara Holland (BSc, DIPSW) is a graphic facilitator and project manager with more than
10 years experience in the voluntary and statutory sectors.
Can You Hear Us? – Film (11.15-12.00)
A group of people with learning disabilities, supported by United Response, decided
they would like to make a video of their individual experiences of living with a learning
disability. With support, they were involved in pre-production, script writing, filming
and acting to produce Can You Hear Us?
United Response is a national charity organisation that works with adults with learning
disabilities or mental health needs – including some of the most vulnerable people in
our society.

Comedy: how comedy can raise awareness and improve confidence
Gareth Berliner is a comedian and a member of Abnormally Funny People Too. He also
has Chrohn’s disease and says laughter saved his life. Gareth will also be performing at
the Arts’n’Care comedy evening.

Dance: CandoCo
Delegates will spend time with dancers from CandoCo Dance Company exploring their
experiences as the leading contemporary dance company working with disabled and
non-disabled dancers.
CandoCo’s vision as a company is to seek to inspire audiences and support participants
to achieve their highest aspirations in line with the Company’s ethos that “dance is
accessible to everyone”.

The Power of BonkersPoetics! - Making sense of different realities
through art.
You are cordially invited to join the BonkersFest! Laureate and BonkersArtists for
tea, cake and sandwiches. At which we will celebrate madness, creativity and
individuality- together. Please note that BonkersEtiquette requires you to wear a hat.
Creative Routes is an award winning arts charity, run by the mad for the mad.
Creative Routes celebrates the unique creativity of mad people, and creatively
campaigns against discrimination and for the acceptance of individuality in society.

A new tomorrow - the emotional aspects of resettlement (11.15-12.00)
A new tomorrow is a resettlement resource pack aimed at residential workers and
those working with young people who are preparing to move into independent
accommodation. It contains a CD and a variety of activities for young people that help
them to consider the emotional side of moving on.
Penny Byrne is manager of Shelter’s Young Persons Team, based in the Good Practice
Unit. We work to identify and promote good practice that will reduce or prevent youth
homelessness and housing issues.

Drama Project for looked after young people (12.00-12.45)
How drama has made such a significant positive impact on the lives of some of the
Looked After children & young people of Rotherham.
Brian Sampson is the Activity Co-ordinator for looked after children & young people
in Rotherham.

9.20am Festival welcome

9.30-11.00am Coping Strategies (comedy film)

9.30 -10.15

Loud Minority (film)


11.15-12.45pm Can You Hear Us? (film)


Gareth Berliner

12.45 -1.30 Coping Strategies (comedy film)
lunch time


Channel One

Refreshments available upon arrival 8.45-9.30; morning break

Installation: Personal Profile Pilot – Project Art Works
This project has facilitated creative collaborations between artists and twelve
young people who have a learning disability, from Sussex and London, during their
transition from special school to adult social care settings. Artists have worked with
the young people and their families and carers, social workers and schools to create
highly individual and poetic ‘portraits’ using a variety of audio and visual media. This
installation is a showcase of the twelve ‘portraits’ that have now been completed.
Project Art Works is a unique visual art organisation that creates opportunities with
and for young people and adults who have complex needs to engage with the world
and express themselves through art.

Absolute Salsa To Drum For Graphic Facilitation

CandoCo Creative Routes Shelter (young people’s CD)


Drama and looked after young people


Islington Music Forum Sound Minds Storyteling for drama and therapy
(singing class)

Standing By Drawing and Writing Culture & Heritage

with John Hegley

11.00-11.15; lunchtime 12.45-1.30 (a buffet lunch is provided); afternoon break 3.00–3.15

Photography: Photography and the Elephant
Looking at how photographers have documented social change in London’s Elephant and Castle from postwar
(Bert Hardy) through to contemporary photographers.
Exhibited by Mark Drinkwater, a community worker in south London, who also works as a freelance photographer
and has exhibited work promoting mental health awareness at various galleries in London and in his native Wales.

The Proud Labyrinth

This experiential workshop invites participants to follow the journey of a group of women and young people
in their pathway to recovery from domestic abuse. Working with Clare Campbell, of Wild Woman fame, the
survivors produced a Labyrinth walk highlighting what makes them proud about their journey.
Vale Royal Women’s Aid is a charitable organisation which supports women and children who have experienced
domestic abuse. It offers refuge accommodation, a floating support service and a 24 hour advice line.
Gripping Yarns: Heartstrings
Performed by Jane Dickens
“Heartstrings” is a dramatic exploration of the impact of domestic violence on young
people. The storytelling follows the developing awareness of a teenage girl that her
father’s relationship with her mother is abusive, reflecting her feelings, attitudes and
understanding. The performance enforces an awareness that domestic abuse need
not be physical and can occur with people from all sections of society.
Jane Dickens is a Liverpool based actress performer and workshop leader. Jane has
worked with Gripping Yarns since 1999.

Music: Islington Music Forum
Tune-In tutors (Merit Stephanos and Joanne Cox) will provide an inclusive, creative
music workshop. Activities will include physical and musical warm-ups, singing, playing
instruments and improvising. Participants will explore being musically creative in a fun
and safe environment, without any pressure. The emphasis is on interaction, listening,
contributing your own ideas to the process and enjoyment.
Islington Music Forum (IMF) is a registered charity providing music and arts training
for the benefit of adult mental health service users and patients at all stages of mental
health recovery.

Singing Workshop: Sound Minds
Led by Channel One’s bass player and former professional opera singer James
Brathwaite, this is a chance to have fun with vocal and sing-along games and find the
voice you never thought you had! Beginners warmly welcomed!
Sound Minds is an emerging social enterprise using the arts to improve the lives of
people under the care of community mental health teams.

Storytelling: for drama and therapy
A series of games and exercises to help structure life events into coherent stories,
which can be used to create drama, songs, artwork or as a starting point for
group discussion.
Sarah V Chew is a director and teacher who has worked with vulnerable adults and
young people as well as directing productions in the West End.
Channel One: Sing-along reggae
London based Channel One have been playing together since 2002, and have
performed to wide ranging audiences across the UK from students in Cambridge to
psychiatrists in Edinburgh as well as numerous community and mental health events.
In 2004 they won the prestigious Community Care Award for Mental Health for their
series of innovative music and mental health workshops in secondary schools. The
band include ex members of ‘Merger’ and ‘The Investigators’.

Gripping Yarns: Standing By
Performed by Simon Firth
A live story on bullying, violence and collusion will be used as a springboard into a
workshop on how drama techniques can be used to explore complex personal, social
and health education themes.
Simon Firth is the artistic director of Gripping Yarns, a network of storytellers
performing work in schools, developed by Simon Firth in association with education
authorities and practitioners. Gripping Yarns was established in 1992, since when more
than ten thousand storytellings have been given in all sorts of schools.

Drawing and writing: John Hegley
This workshop will aim to generate some creativity in spite of what you might think
about your own abilities. No experience required!
A very special interactive workshop run by the quite brilliant comedy poet and
musician (and former mental health nurse) John Hegley (“Awesomely mundane” -The
Independent; “Scandalously talented” - Sunday Times, “Bleeding marvellous” – NME).

Using heritage and culture in social care
This workshop will look at ways in which you can engage with users and carers through
the use of heritage and culture. We will look at work done by projects funded by the
Heritage Lottery Fund, and others, successfully engaging with users of social care or
youth services.
Sally Anfilogoff has been a Committee Member of the Heritage Lottery Fund’s East
of England Committee since 2004. She works as a freelance health and social care
consultant generally specialising in carers issues.

therightthing ----

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