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Republic of Irog,
Ministry of Educotion


2nd, Intefmediate Teacher's Book

by Terry Ot''Jeill and Peter Snow

Editorial and Adaptation Committee

Ministry of Education English Curriculum Committee
Malek Mohamed luda - Head of the English Curriculum
Muayyad Naji Ahmed - Curriculum Consultant
Eatool Faeq Abdulwahid - Senior Education Specialist

Published by
Carnet Publishing Ltd.
8 Southern Court, South Street,
Reading RCI 4Q5, UK

First edition, copyright O 2015 Garnet Publishing Ltd.

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The material in this book is copyright. However, the publisher grants permission for copies
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IRQl5 TB 2ndl

Terry O'Neill graduated in Dublin and first taught English there. Next he worked as Head
of English in Dar-es-Salaam and later in Bahrain. ln 1972 he studied at the University of
Essex for an MA in Applied Linguistics. After graduating, he ioined the BBC in London to
work on English by Radio ond Television.

Peter Snow studied modern languages at London University. After graduating, he taught
in schools and colleges in cermany and the Netherlands. Peter then moved to the BBC
where he worked on English by Rodio ond Television for several years. He devised, produced
and presented programmes for overseas learners of English'


Section A: About English for lraq, Intermediate stage

Mateials for tbe student . Student's Book 2"d Intermediate
. Activity Book 2'd Intermediate

Student's Book 2"d Intermediate contains a variety of text types ro presenr

vocabulary and new language and develop language skills. Lively colour
illustrations give meaning and context support and also stimulate
The unit and lesson numbers appear at the top of each page and AB
indicates that there are practice activities for the lesson in the Activity Book.
This symbol [Itl indicates pair work and $, indicates a group activity.
Grammar points are signalled by A and the main srructures are presented
in model exchanges throughout the Student's Book. They are summarized in
Round up pages at the end of each unir, except Units 4 and 8. Advice on
developing language skills appears in boxes headed, for example, Reading
tip 1, in both the Student's Book and the Activity Book.

Activity Book 2'd Intermediate contains exercises for the students to

practise and consolidate the language presented in the Student's Book and
also listening and writing activities. These activities are closely linked to the
Studentt Book and therefore both books must be used together when
specified in the teaching notes. Grammar boxes and Skill tip boxes are also
included in the Activity Book where appropriate ro the lesson and the
particular activity.

The exercise types include the following:

o task-listening exercises, usuallyrequiringnote-taking;
r various exercises to practise vocabulary-learning and spelling;
. punctuarionexercisesl
. questions on Student's Book reading texts;
o speaking exercises;
. exercises to practise sentence patterns and points of grammar;
. exercises to develop writing as a skill.

The Unit I7ord lists printed in alphabetical order at the end of the
Activity Book contain both the testable and non-testable vocabulary
presented in English for lraq, 2',d Intermediate.

Materials for the teacher The audio cD contains texts for task-listening. Texts used for introducing
new language are also recorded, in order to help the students with
pronunciation. In addition, there are recordings of the extensive reading
and Story time texts, which can be played as consolidation after the
students have read silently.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction

Teacher's Book 2"d Intermediate contents are listed at the beginning
of the
book. The unit teaching notes include the following:
. unit content summaries;
. transcripts where these are not in the Student's Book'

\Word list at the end of each unit. These include both the
There is a complete
testable and the non-testable vocabulary presented in English for
lraq' 2"d

Abbreviations used in the Teacher's Book:

SB5 Student's Book Page 5
AB7 ActivitY Book Page 7
513 Audio Section 3
TB Teacher's Book
TP L1 Teaching Procedure Listening 1

TP 51 Teaching Procedure Speaking 1

T Teacher
S Student
Ex(s) Exercise(s)
V VocabularY
R Reading

Individual lesson plans are laid out as follows. Each plan begins with a

at the top of the page, containing the following information:

Unit and lesson number Materials needed



Vocabulary: New vocabulary

" Non-testable vocabularY

This table is foilowed by the recommended teaching plan, divided into

numbered stages. The activity taking place at each stage is stated as a
heading. The materials to be used, if any) afe listed. The suggested

of teaching a particular stage is below.

Organization of 2,,dIntermediate is organized into eight units. The core English for lraq
English for lraq, teaching units are 1 to 3 and 5 to 7.
2"d Intennediate Unit 4 revises the first half of the book, and unit 8 revises the second half of
the book. There is material for T4lessons. The core units each have ten
lessons; revision Units 4 and 8 each have eight lessons'
The extra activities section at the end of each AB unit can be used
teachers to set as test material. Lesson 10 is for extensive reading for

enjoyment with Story time andto give teachers time to mark the
l test'

a English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction

Akey feature o! 2"d Interf.ne4iatg*rs !k.gi_gjS:t yg_r"d Tb_girlq of.thislslg-
I:lP -t':d'"!-'-I9!liT!9 !h'-lg*'"!-9.! :4qg1-q'-acazqd, similar to the one
described in Unit 1. Additionally, there are\hree project.;ilections in the
Srudenr's Book design.d to foc,rs arention h#A;5., of ruiout. school
magazine contents. These are positioned after Units._2, 5 and 7 and consist
of two pages resembling a magazine with rwo pages of guided writing
activities which lead to the production of texts capable of being presented
for inclusion into the school magazine.

Teachers should introduce the project at the beginning of the year so that
a routine is established from the outset. Students will then be prepared to
create material releyant to both the topic of the unit they are working on,
and the special project topics. These could be articles, reviews, blogs, etc,
that the students have written using the language they have learnt in the

The Teacher's Book notes will identify instances when class work and
homework relating to the project can be inserted into a lesson and the
teacher should allocate time for these activities as part of the lesson plan.
From Unit 5 onwards, a special lesson is set aside for the students to work
on the project and this is also made clear in the notes.
Teachers should follow the instructions in the notes which will identify
suitable places where class work and homework can be directed towards
these activities.

Content of English for Unit 1: A school magazine

Iraq, 2"d Intermediate This unit introduces the topic of the year's project. In Lesson 1., there is a
class magazine at a girls' school. In Lesson 2, and g 1, a group of boys at a
boys'school plan to start a school magazine. Later in the unit, there are
some examples of pages from both magazines - an interview, a problem
page and a short story page. There is time for the students to plan the
content of their own school magazine and to decide how to manage the
project. A serial story, Bob and Basim, to encourage reading for enjoyment,
features in Lesson 10 of each core unit.
Grammatical areas:
o Revision of Present simple, Past simple, Past continuous and Present
perfect tenses
. Introduction of for and since with the Present perfect
. Revision of gerund after like, enjoy, hate, loue, dislike
r Apostrophe before and after s
. Defining relative clause with wbo
FunctionalA{otionai areas :
. Asking for and making suggesrions
. Expressing personal preferences
. Asking for and giving opinions

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction


Unit 2: Healthy lifestyle

This unit has reading texts dealing with keeping fit, healthy eating, ordering
a meal in a restaurant and how to describe aches and pains. In Lesson 7, the
students make Get well cards. There is a narrative text for task reading and
another episode of the serial story. To teach better writing, there are two
paragraphs marked by a teacher. The students have to study and correct
Grammatical areas:
. Adverbial time phrases: once/twice/three times a day
o Quantifi ers: a little, a lot, a fetu, too much, too many
o Language pattern: Luctnt + noun/pronoun + /o + infinitive
. Revision of showld + infinitive
FunctionalAJotional areas:
. Giving advice with should
. Expressingquantities
. Enquiring about and describing state of health
. Expressing opinions

Unit 3: Sports
In this unit, the students talk about their sports preferences and practise
search-reading with short factual texts about sporting events. They study a
writing plan and learn about topic sentences.
Grammatical areas:
. What would yow like to (do)? I'd like to ...
t How good are you at (uolleyball)? I'm quite good./I'd like to learn how
to play it.
o Past habitual tense: used lo + infinitive
. Decimal numbers
FunctionalAJotional areas :
. Asking about and expressing preferences
. Describing changes
. NTriting and saying years

Unit 4: Reuietu
There are four lessons in the SB and a test offour lessons in the AB. The SB
iessons review the advice given previously on how to improve language
skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. There is no new
vocabulary. If a class has fallen behind, this unit can be omitted. The
students can read it themselves and do the short tasks, except for those that
have audio sections.

Unit 5: Getting and sending information

This unit has several short factual texts as well as an illustrated process, From
Cairo to Bagbdad, to present the Present passive. It also has tips on using a
dictionary and a study skills lesson on working out meaning of words from
context. One text gives advice on making telephone calls.


for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction

Grammatical areas:
o Present and Past simple passive
o Present passive with modal can
r Names of parts of speech
FunctionaiAJotional areas:
. Asking for and giving information
. Asking for and giving advice
. Describing a process

Unit 6: Jobs
This unit builds up from presentation of the names of lobs and the names of
school snbjects to short reading texts on Career plans.The game What's ruy
iob? is included and a day in the life of a fire-fighter is illustrated. The
students compare an English school timetable with their own.
Grammatical areas:
. Revision of Present simple tense statements and questions
o Revision of Past simple tense
o Future: going to + infinitive
r Sentence pattern: 'When + present tense, f am going to ...
r Article before names of jobs
FunctionalA{otional areas:
. Describing jobs and people
. Describing abilities and interests

Unit 7: Tbe uorld around us

Six newspaper headlines introduce the topics touched upon in this unit. The
unit is quite adult as it deals with world problems. However, they are
problems which most students wili know about from their other school
subjects and from their own reading and listening in Arabic. There are short
factual texts about endangered animals and texts on environmental issues of
particular concern to Iraq.
Grammatical areas:
. Revision of going ro + infinitive
. Modals must,may,might
r Revision of First conditional
o Revision of Past simple tense
FunctionalAJotional areas:
. Making offers with will + infinitive
. Talking about possibilities
r Describing a sequence of events
r Expressing agreement and disagreement
. Giving orders

Unit 8: Reuieru
This unit has the same number of lessons and the same type of content as
Unit 4. Again, if a class has fallen behind, this unit can be omitted. The
students can read it themselves and do the short tasks, except for those that */
have audio sections. *f*

English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction ./;5*-


Section B: Overview of main grammatical areas

Numbers in brackets refer to the unit in which the item first occurs. All others were introduced in earlier
grades of English for lraq.

Adjectives Unit Examples

- after be It's red.
- before nouns a linle brother
- possessive my, your, his, he6 its, ow4 their
- comparative I'm heauier than yow.
- superlative Tbis one is the biggest.

Adjective clauses
- defining (1) I like people who are polite.

-of frequency aluays, usually, often, sometimes, neuer
- of manner b eautifully, angrily, lowdly, qwickly, p olitely

Adverbial clauses
- of reason The owl can see uery well because it has big eyes.
Ittuas my birtbday, so I had a party.
-of time
when + past + past When we were in the water, a goat ate Daue's
when + past cont. + past We were eating dinner uhen we heard something.

Adverbial phrases
- of location on, in, wnder, next to, behind, beh.aeen, opposite,
in front of
- of time at eight, on Friday(s), euery Friday
in spring, in April, on the first of May, tomorrolu
afternoon, in the euening once upon a time
(2) I play football once/twice/three times a week.
- of place (go) to school/bed, frorn lraq, at the shop, at
bome, at Ali's house, on the second floor, in
Mosul/a flat/the liuing room, ouer tbere, to the
- of direction walked across the street
- of means by bus/bicycle/car


English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction

- linking similar items haue a suing and a slide.
- in lists haue a swing, a slide and a pool.

- meaning plus 10 and L are 1L.

as uell as There are birds and insects in the zoo as raell as
large animals.
but showing contrast It can't ualk, bwt it can swim.
- atter a negative She doesn't like eggs or coffee.

- as an oPtion Green or red?

so expressing deduction There are lots of books, so he likes reading.
because expressing reason It can see well because it has big eyes.
then Listen. Then read alowd.
,toxa Nola I only haue one shoe.
first First we need a carpet.
next Next it ate Peter's photographs.
after that After tltat, it knocked lohn down.
finally Finally, the article is read.

Indefinite articles a, an a book; an apple
(2) I'ue got a headache/an earache.
(6) She's a teacher. He's an architect.
Definite article the
- for specific reference It's under the table. (the only one in the picture)
- in names of some counrries the United States
No article
- with plural nouns I haue two dolls.I like apples.
- with uncountable nouns I like tea.
- in idiomatic phrases (go) bome/to bed, (come) to school, on holiday
some {or indefinite quantity
- with uncountable nouns Do yow tuant some milk?
- with plural countable nouns There are some books on the shelf .

- in negative statements Tbere isn't any bread. There aren't any eggs.
- in questions Is there any cheese in tbe fridge?
a feu (2) It's all right to eat a few sweets.
a lixle 12) A linle sugar is all rigbt.
a lot of (2) We sbould drink a lot of water.
too many (2) Too many sweets are bad for you.
too much (2\ Too much swgar is bad for yow.

Gerunds (-ing nouns)

- after verbs I like playing football. Keep going.
- after Hou about How about going to the take-away?

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction


Stand up, please.
-affirmative in instructions
- negative Don't run.
Corne to the sboP.
- in requests
Always keep kniues away from children.
- with always
Neuer let children plat with matches.
- wtth neuer

- after want I want to play football.
- after would like I'd like to go shoPPing.

be, do
- Present simple tense [All forms]
- Past simple tense [AIl forms]
haue for possession
- statement I haue a bike.
& short answer Do you haue a garden? Yes, I haue.
- question
- negative statement don't haue a garden.
haue to for obligation I baue to do some iobs in the bowse-

- in requests Can I haue a Pencil, Please?

- for ability I can/can't swim. Can you swim?

can I buy orange juice?
- for possibility
(2) Yow should get fit. Yow showldnt watch TV all
- for advice
tbe time.
- for necessity (7) You rnwst work harder. lf yow don't, you'll fail
your exam.
may, might
- for possibility (7) Nobody is certain, but it may be our faub.

singular countable a book, a car
regular plural countable tLUo cars, three kites

irregular plural countable feet, teetb

non-countable milk, utater

apostrophe s Hassan's howse
(3) men's /t u omen's / children's b ags

s apostrophe (1) Qween Elizabetb Girls' School

adjectives /ny, youli his, ber, its, theiri our


English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction

location next to, behind, between, in front of, opposite
at eight, on Friday(s), euery (Fri)day
- time
in spring, in April, on tbe first of May,
totnoryou afternoon, in the euening
(1) l'ue liued here for years/since I was a boy.
- direction/place (go) to scbool/bed, Across tbe street
'Where do they come
- at the end of questions from?

- personal (subject) l, you, it, he, she, ue, they
- personal (obiect) me, yott, him, her, it, us, them
- possessive mine, yours, bis, hers, owrs, theirs
- demonstrative this, that, these, tbose
- reflexive Yow'll cut yowrself.

- in contracted forms I'nt/You're, isn't
- for possession Hassan's howse
Capital letters
- names of people Rasbid
- beginning of sentence This is my howse.
- names of towns Kirkwk
- names of countries England
- months January
- important holidays Eid al-Fitr
- in a list I like apples, bdndnas and dates.
- before but I like milk, but I don't like tea.
Exclamation mark
- to mark emphasis Look!
- after an order Sit dotun!
- to show surprise Hey!
- to show happiness Fantastic!
Full stop
- at end of sentence
- in abbreviations e.8.
Question mark
- at the end of questions wbv?

YeslNo type Are you (Abmed)? Is this white? Can you
'What's your name?-What are you doing?
'Who's tbat?'Who are they?

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediate: Introduction


'Where's my pen? Where dre my books?

'When does Ali/do you get wP?
- Vben
- vbv Why are you crying?
- Hou many Hou many kites can you see?
- Hout much How much does he weigb?
- Hou tall Hou tall is he?
- Holu old How old are you?
- How far Hou far is Naiaf?
- Hou long Horu long will it tak"e?
- How o{ten (1) How often do you go camqing?

Present simple
- for habitual actions I go to school dt seuen.
- for description The long-eared owl eats small animals.

Present continuous
- for actions in progress They are watchingTV. I am reading.
- for future arrangements I'm playing football on Thursday.

Present perfect
- for recent actions I haue (iust) read. a ghost story.
- for experience I haue been to Spain.
- for how long present (1) I'ue liued here for years/since I was a boy.
situations have lasted

Past simple played football yesterday. Then we uent to the beach.

Past conti.nuous An old man wcts crossing the road.

Past habitual (3) I used to be shy, but now I'm confident.

- with will She'll be home at six o'clock.
- to forecast It uill be rainy tornorrow.
- with Present continuous I'm playing f ootball on Tbwrsday.
- wirh going to + infinitive (6) She is going to be a doctor.
Future continuous I will be uearing a T-shirt.

Type 1 If tbe boat sinks, tue uill swim.

Passive voice
Present simple (s) An article is uritten in London.
Past sinple (s) Radio u.,as inuented by Marconi.
'With modal can (s) Mobile phones can be used almost anywhere.

,f English for Ircg Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction
SimPle My name is Aisha. I didn't go away in the holiday.
ComPound I heard the school bus coming and I ran like this.
I like tea, but I don't like coffee.
You can go climbing, or you can go walking.
ComPlex (see under Aduerbial clauses and adiectiue clauses.)

Verb patterns
imperatives Neuer let children play uitb matches.
wa?xt + noun/Pronoun + to + inf. (2) Your father wants you to help him in tbe shop.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction


Section C: Advice to teachers

1 The classroom A good classroom atmosphere is very important in motivating learners. The
following can help in this respect:
1 The room itself should promote communication and be as attractive
and colourful as possible.
a\ The arrangement of furniture should allow for frequent pair work
and occasional group work.
b) Pictures on the walls of the room can be useful language prompts.
They also help to make the room attractive. Students usually enjoy
bringing pictures {rom magazines. They will last longer if they are
mounted on card. These display pictures are in addition to the
pictures the students may be asked to find for their project work.
c) Display area:It is useful to reserve an area of the wall for
displaying the students' work. Most students appreciate praise and
often try harder in order to have their work displayed in the
d) A book corner in a classroom is an excellent way of encouraging
the language-learning habit through reading' Students in 2''d
Intermediate should have opportunities to look at books and try to
read stories within the level of the course syllabus and even slightly
beyond. If your school does not supply extra English story books,
you can encourage the students to bring some of their own. You
can operate a lending library system on a small scale. Try to find
time to talk about the books and let the students talk about them'

2 Music: Some Intermediate teachers of English play English songs while

their students are doing written activities. This is an excellent idea, ensuring
maximum exposure to the language, in an enjoyable way, in the limited
classroom learning time available.

3 Extra materials: You will need white card to make extra word
flashcards in classes requiring remedial word recognition practice, dialogue
cues and also to make other visual aids such as a word card holder. Scissors,
coloured chalk, coloured pens, sticky tape and Poster adhesive are also
useful. You will certainly need to provide, or ask the students to provide,
cardboard or thick paper to make the Get well cards in Unit 2.

2 Pair and group work Pair and group activities have these advantages:
r they promote communication in the classrooml
r they allow for oral practice by all, rather than a few students;
. they place responsibility for learning on the student.
It is important that students understand these benefits. They are more likely
l to use the opportunities well if they do. Having permanent pairs of students
j is most efficient, but it may be necessary to change these from time to time.
j! Apart from the pair activities marked in the books, the students should
a be trained to discuss their answers and drafts of any writing task with their



g English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction

partners. As well as helping the students develop their ability to review and
improve their work, this is real communication.
Group activities are used sparingly in 2"d lntermediate because research
shows rhat not all students respond well to them. If you devise your own
group activities, remember that they must be well organized to be effective and
they need very careful advance planning. The students must be willing to
participate fully and they must understand exactly what is required of them.
The activities themselves must be suitable, in that they demand several
participants. Unless this is so, some students will remain silent. Demonstration
with one group is needed before the whole class carry out group activities.
Noise: If real oral communication is taking place, the classroom cannot be
silent. However, this does not mean thar it should be noisy. Provided the
students understand the purpose of pair and group interaction, and
provided you exercise the right degree of control, a whole room of students
talking simultaneously should nor be unreasonably noisy.

3 Mixed abilities Apart from promoting student-centred learning, pair and group work have
the additional advantage of releasing you to devote time to students who
need special attention. \7hen more able students are carrying out an activity
in pairs, you can work intensively with an individual or a small group.
Provided the students are working effectively, it is possible to caffy our this
teaching tactfully and quietly, so that the students are not embarrassed.

4 Lesson planning Good lesson planning results in efficient use of ciassroom time. Students
respond to a well-organized lesson where no time is wasted, and your job is
made less difficult.

Planning ahead
At the beginning of the year, read the whole of this Introduction in order to
understand the nature of the material and the learning and teaching
principles intended. Familiarize yourself with the language content in the
Overview on pages 6-10.
Before beginning to teach a unit, read the relevant section of the Course
Map at the beginning of the Student's Book, all the teaching material for the
unit, and the Unit Summary. Use the Unit Summary to see how many
lessons deal with the same language area. This will give you an overview of
the whole and enable you to ayoid over-teaching.

Planning each lesson

1 Read the lesson notes and the student materials, and listen to the audio
where relevant.

2 Think about the stated learning objectives and consider whether the
recommended procedure will achieve them. If necessary, amend the
procedure to suit the particular needs of your students.
3 Think about any difficulties your students may have and decide how
you can best present the materials in order to deal with these.

Ie( -.)

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction lt'

4 If the procedure advises asking questions and provides one or two
examples, decide on other suitable questions and write them
in your plan'

Estimate the time for each stage and try to avoid spending
too much
time on any activitY.

interaction. Make sure also that there is a variety of activities
in the lesson'
The general pattern of a lesson should be:

A: Short teacher-led introduction

B: Presentation
C: Practice
D: Short teacheiled conclusion
Note: Stages B and C may be repeated more than once during a
the lesson,
Be careful that you do not spend too much time introducing
especially through using extra material that you have prepared' It is
supplementary to
recommended that, in general, extra material should be

the course materials and used for further practice rather than
for the

presentation stage.

7 Prepare your teaching aids.

Remember! Lessons need to be enjoyable as well as efficient. Think


how to interest your class right from the start of the lesson. All texts should
to this. TIy to
be introduced and generally you are left to decide oqhow
relate the topic to your students' own experience'

During the lesson

Be prepared to be flexible and change your plan if necessary'
Make notes on
common language problems, so that you can prepare a controlled
note of anything you have
to remedy the problem in another lesson' Make a

not been able to cover in the lesson, so that you can do it later'

Your students can acqui rc a great deal of language without having

5 Classroom language .lrhen the
formally taught. you use English natuIally in the classroom,
and structures
students will acquire it. Do not be afraid to use Yocabulary
that have not been formally presented' Being in a natural language
environment that requires the students to listen and think will
help them
learn. However, always make sure that the students are able to follow what
you are saying. Encourage them from the beginning to say when they do
not understand, and to ask for clarification'

English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction

6 Using Arabic It is obviously important that English is used as much as possible during the
English lessons. For example, frequently repeated classroom instructions
should always be in English. However, there are occasions when it is
necessary and natural for both you and the students to use Arabic,
especially when eliciting comment and opinion. Sometimes explanations of
new activity types have to be given in Arabic, but always remember that
'demonstration'isttt'ftr than explanation. Grammatical explanations should
generally be avoided at this stage, but it is sometimes useful at the end of a
lesson to ask the students to explain to you in Arabic why particular forms
are used. tJ7here possible, avoid using Arabic to explain a word or phrase -
instead use mime, drawing or simple English explanations. Students are
more likely to remember if they have to make some effort to understand.
However, it is sometimes useful to check if they have understood by eliciting
the word or phrase in Arabic.

7 Assessment Ongoing assessment

Apart from the extra activities at the end of each AB unit, most of the tasks
are designed for learning purposes, not testing. However, ongoing
assessment of students' progress can be carried out by monitoring their
performance. \When oral pair practice is taking place, you can concentrate
on a few pairs each day and give them a mark or grade for speaking,
without the students knowing that they are being assessed. Reading and
listening can be assessed by checking students' performance in the Activity
Book tasks. You can also assesq reading ability by asking individual students
about the text they are reading while you are circulating and observing.
When the Activity Books are collected from time to time, marks can be
allocated for writing.

4 f?
I f-
English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction

Section D: Teaching techniques and procedures

General approach to Since real communication generaliy involves more than one skill,
language skills in Englisb for lraq adopts an integrated skills approach. The mz,terials and
English for lraq, methodology are essentially student-centred, aiming to promote learning
"2"d through meaningful individual and interactive tasks. The early levels of
English for Iraq, however, recognize that young learners need controlled
input and systematic mechanical practice of language before they can use it
to communicate. Lower levels of English for lraq therefore provide such
activities as choral repetition, picture to word, phrase or sentence matching,
and copying exercises.
By the time the students use 2'd lntermediate, the majority should be
reasonably competent in the mechanics of the language (decoding the script,
reading aloud and writing the script). They can therefore begin to make
progress in deveioping language skills. The students can also be expected to
take more responsibility for their own learning, for example by looking for
opportunities to practise English outside the classroom, by reading English
outside the course books and by doing more homework, such as
memorizing vocabulary and spelling at home. 2"d lntermediate therefore
puts greater emphasis on skill development and activities become more
varied and more task-based.

Listening objectiues English for lraq, 2"d Intermediate aims to develop the following types of
for gist, i.e. for general meaning of the whole;
. for specific information to be noted down in writing, i.e. for the details
specified in the task;
. for extra information not specified by the task. This allows the students
to record information which may be of individual interest. All listening
texts can be used for this purpose;
o for pronunciation, i.e. by imitating a recorded model;
Additionally, each episode of the serial story is recorded so that the students
can listen to it after they have read it.

TP L1 - General procedure for task-listening activities

1 Preparation for listening
Try to train the students to prepare themselves for listening activities. The
students need to learn what they can do to prepare themselves for any
listening activity. They should think about these questions: Do I know what
I am going to hear? Do I knoru anytbing abowt the people talking or what
they are talking about? If they think about these things, they can then make
some predictions about the content of the recorded text. Even guessing
some of the words they wiil hear will help them understand the text.
l Therefore, at the preparation stage, you can sometimes ask a class what
l words they expect to hear.
i 4*
l Lr
: for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction
i English
2 Check understanding of the task
Make sure that all the students understand the task. IThen the task is
listening for specific information, you may need to check recognition of
words, ask questions to check understanding or go through an example.
The amount of preparation will vary from class to class and from task to
task. Remember, however, that this is preparation only. The stydents must
still have a reason for listening and the task must not be done at this stage.

3 Play the audio/students do the task

As a general rule, play the audio as many times as necessary for the
majority of the class to be abie to do the task. At the same time, do not give
the impression to the students that you will always do this, or you will
reduce their concentration and the effectiveness of their listening. It should
not be necessary to use the pause button at this stage, as it is important for
the students to get used to hearing a complete text.
.I 4 Check answers
See teaching notes for this stage. Sometimes the class may be asked to check
their answers in pairs before you carry out a class check. Sometimes the
students have to read the text to check their own answers. If so, a class
check must take place later.

5 Consolidate and transfer

rX/hether or not a listening task is followed by or leads on ro anorher
always allow some discussion of what has just been done. Try ro allow the
students to comment on and ask questions about what they have heard.
Note: Listening texts can often be used again later. For example,
conversations can be used for focusing on functionai expressions and
Speaking objectiues English for lraq 2nd Intermediate aims:
. to provide opportunities for all the students to use the language in
situations that are as realistic as the classroom and the limits of the
language allow;
. to develop students'confidence, so that they can use the language
outside the classroom;
. to provide a solid foundation of essential language patterns and
vocabulary, so that the learner may develop an awareness of the
language system that he or she can build on at later levels of the course;
. to recycle structures previously introduced;
. to develop exponents of functions as required in the syllabus;
. to encourage the students to express their own opinions;
. to encourage the students to talk about what they know from their own
experience and learning, not just the information in the course books.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction
There are several different types of text for reading aloud as a means of
improving pronunciation, eg. conversations, limericks, tongue-fwisters,

There are guided activities where the focus is on accuracy. These are almost
always pair activities, eg. Ask and answer'

There are more opportunities for less guided speaking in English for lraq'
2"d Intermediate than in previous books' Here, the focus is on
communication, eg. role-plaSgames, using pictures to give an account,
expressing opinions/imparting information:

TP,SJ'- General procedure for presentation and controlled practice of exchanges

1 Present
Go through each item in the exchange, either presenting or checking its
meaning. Get the class to repeat in chorus and focus on correct

2 Practisewith whole class

Divide the class into two groups so that each half says one part of the
exchange in chorus, prompted by word or picture cues'

3 Pairs demonstrate
prompt pairs of students as in Stage 2 above. This is called 'open pair

4 Pairs practise
The whole class practise simultaneously in pairs. Circulate and observe.
This is called 'closed pair practice'. Make sure the students change roles
where relevant.

VOCABUIARY At this level there are many ways of dealing with vocabulary and
Objectiues you can choose from a variety of techniques to suit the situation. However,
the following two important points need to be remembered:
1) The students should already have acquired a wide active vocabulary by
this stage. They should be able to use these words productively, i'e'
understand and use them orally and in writing. If not, remedial vocabulary
activities will be needed.
2) The students need to learn:
r how to dealwith unfamiliar vocabulary. They should know that the
meaning of a whole text can be discovered without
necessarily understanding every word and that the meaning of words
can sometimes be worked out from the text (see below);
r how to use a word list and dictionary. Note that there is a lesson on
using a dictionary in Unit 5.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction

Since these ways of dealing with unfamiliar vocabulary have to be
developed, new vocabulary should not always be pre-taught. The teaching
notes will indicate whether new vocabulary can be worked out from the
context or has to be pre-taught.

,,k st ab I e u 9 c ab1t"lggt All of the new vocabulary is included in the Unit ITord lists printed in this
Teacher's Book and in the vocabulary boxes at the top of each lesson. Non-
testable items are marked with an asterisk.
dealing with new vocabulary in a lesson, tell the students to copy
the items into their own vocabulary notebooks at home and learn the
spelling. As the students have the lesson references, they can look at the
words in context. The references will also enable you to tell the students
which words you want them to revise for a spelling tesr or vocabulary quiz.
Help your students towards an awareness of word-building in English.
Don't restrict your own language or the language you present in the 2,,d
lntermediate materials. If you introduce vocabulary that is not printed in
the materials, write it on the board so that the students can copy it into
their vocabulary notebooks. '$7hen presenting new y-ocabulary, include
associated parts of speech whepe relevant. For example, if a verb first occurs
in its past tense form, present the infinitive and past participle also. If a
noun can be derived from it, present that too.

A procedure for revision and development of vocabulary

This technique allows you to find out what the students akeady know and--
what will have to be introduced. The stimulus may be a page title or a

1 Elicit
introducing a lesson or an activity, name the topic. Ask the class to
call out any words they associate with the topic and write these quickly on
the board.

)f, 2 Check
Point to individual words and elicit orally. Ask questions which check

ty 3 Teacher presents
Present new words necessary to an understanding of the text, unless these
have to be worked out from context. Use the most efficient method

out the meaning Note that there is a lesson on working out meaning from context in
of words from context Unit 5. You will have to give students a lot of help and guidance, especiaily
at the beginning. There are many ways a word can be understood from
context and it will help students if they know what to Iook for. Train them
to look for any of the following in the text:

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction

meaning as the target word'

Synonyms: Words that have almost the same
AntonYms: OPPosites'
can be understood because
Generic t..-,, Sometimes a generic term
specific examples of the ciass are given'
of a word from the context as a whole'
.Word will help students
formation: Understanding how words are formed
It is important that students
to work out the meaning of many new words'
belongs to'
are helped to recognize what class a word
of the world can often be
General knowledge: Students' own knowledge
of new words'
activated to help them work out the meaning

from context
TP V2 - A procedure for working out the meaning of words

1 Identify target words

List the words you want the students to work
out the meaning of, or tell
them to underline the words they don't know'

2 Look at word form

Ask the students what can be guessed from the
word itself' Is it a noun'
they know?
verb or adjective? Is it formed from any other word or words

3 Look at the context

to find out if the word is
Ask the students to 100k at the context. Tell them
repeated anywhere else in the text' Tell them
to look for words that mean
the same or the opposite, for explanations in
the text' and so on' (See
students at first by asking
above.) You will have to help and guide the
questions that show them what to look for'

4 Make a guess
They should indicate the
Ask the students to make a guess, however vague'
mime' drawing'
meaning in any way they can, for example, explanation'
translation, and so on.
meaning from context, let them work in pairs before
understanding as a class.

the opportunity
Aids to learning Unless students read English for enjoyment and have
to use English outside the classroom, they will find it difficult to remember
Apart from the exercises in the
the increasing number of words they need'
or ten-minute vocabulary activity into the lesson at
books, try to fit a five-
are more
least twice a week. If this is in the form of a quiz, the students
ft f)
lf likely to prepare for it.
English for Iroq Teocher's Bool< 2nd Intermediote:
A quiz can be oral or written. Tell the students which words, or at least
which category of words, the quiz will be based on, so that they can prepare
for it. The class can take part in teams or groups and you can award points.

Some suggestions for a uocabwlary quiz

Synonyms: Say a word; students have to say one which means the same.
Opposites (antonyms): Say a word; students have to say the opposite.
TS Equivalents: Say an Arabic word; students have to say the English
tS equivalent.
t Anagrams: Write a word with the letters in jumbled order; students have to
write the word correctly.
Definitions: Define something or someone; students have to say what or
who is being defined.
Hidden words: !(rite a long word such as dangerous on the board;
students have to make as many words as possible, of any length, from these
letters in a given time.
be Word sets: Ask students to list as many words as possible which are, for
example, names of jobs, forms of transport, kinds of sports.
Word-building: Give the root (infinitive) of a verb; students have to give the
past tense or past participle. Give a noun or verb; students have to give an
adjecrive derived from it.
Spelling quiz: Oral or written using the word lists printed in the Student's

Text types in English for Iraq Because of the school magazine theme of English for lraq 2'd Intermediate,
2"d Intermediate many of the texts are in the form of magazine articles. They include printed
interviews, notices, reports, personal letters, anecdotes, stories, timetables,
factual texts, conversations, pictures with captions, short descriptions (of
1S occupations, career plans and endangered animals) and two completed
application forms. \7hi1e most of the texts are designed for reading practice,
some present a new structure.
Additionally, some texts are models for writing. For example, the three
magazine spreads have guided writing activities aimed at reproducing one
of the models presented
The completed application forms on SB13 are models for the writing task
:he on AB10.
The letter on SB23 is a model for the writing task in the following lesson.
The paragraph on SB3B is a model for the writing task on AB42143.

Reading techniques Predicting the content of a text:'lfhen we read, we usually bring some kind
of background knowledge to a text, together with an expectation of what
we are going to find in it. This is because we normally read what we want
to read. In the classroom situation, it is difficult to let students choose what
)ef they want to read. It is therefore very important to try to motivate them and
le arouse their interest in the texts provided. Always get students to think
at about the topic and make guesses about the content of the text before they
start reading. This will activate their own knowledge of the subject and give
them a reason for reading. For ways of doing this, see TP R1 below.
English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction
Skimming is the technique we use when we want to get a general idea of
what a text is about without reading all the details. It is a way of dealing
with the large amount of printed material we meet every day but don't have
time to read in detail. It is very important for the students to realize that
they can grasp the gist of a text without reading and understanding every
word. Otherwise they wlll never have time to read extensively'

Search reading is a technique used when the reader wants to locate

information on more detailed topics. It is similar to skimming, but differs in
that the reader already knows what he/she is looking for. Once located, the
information is read more slowlY.

Scanning is the technique we use to achieve very specific reading objectives,

for example, finding a particular word or phrase in a text or looking up a
word in a dictionary. The reader can often use clues to help locate the
information they need. For example, it could be the name of a person or a
place, in which case the clue is a capital letter, or it could be someone's age,
in which case the reader must look for a number.

TP R1 - General procedure for reading

1 Introduce the text
This can be done in various ways. see TP V1 above for ways of dealing
with vocabulary. Other ways of preparing students for the reading include:
. discussing the topic before students open their books, in their interest;
o giving students key words from the text;
o telling students what the subject of the text is and encouraging them to
formulate their own questions about it;
. focusing on the title, picture, headings, and so on, so that students can
begin to make guesses about the content.

2 Introduce the task

English for Iraq 2"d Intermediate provides various reading tasks to practise
the different reading skills and techniques. Prepare for the task as for
listening, i.e. the students read the instruction and study the task itself.
Check that they understand what they have to do. If necessary, do an
example with the class.

3 Students read silently

It is a good idea for you to read and do the task while the students are
working. This encourages them to read themselves. However, be prepared
to help if necessary.

4 Class check
It is often a good idea to let the students check each other's work before
carrying out a class check. Take an interest in the answers the students have
written, not ,usr in whether they are correct. This will help encourage a
!t positive attitude to reading.
'g ..3

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction

5 Discuss the text
This is the stage when a link is made between what the students have read
and their own background knowledge. Although it is not always mentioned
in the lesson procedure, this stage should not be omitted, as it helps make
the task more purposeful.

TP R2 - A procedure for scanning

1 Identify the target
in Prepare the students to scan the text by getting them to decide what kind of
IC answer they will be looking for. For example, if the question asks for the
name of a person or place, they will need to look for initial capital letters. If
it asks for a date, they will need to look for figures. If it asks for a time,
)S, they will either look for figures or words, depending on the type of text.

2 Use the question

1 Tell the students to circle key words or phrases in the question which they
ie, can look for when scanning.

Note: Scanning is a fast activity. To encourage students to increase their

speed, you can make it into a competition to see who is the first to answer.

TP R3 - A procedure for skimming, scanning and intensive reading

e: Note: Not every reading task will require all of these steps.
1 Skim for gist
Students first read the text quickly to find out what it is about. With longer
texts, they need to think about what each paragraph is about.'S7here texts
have paragraph headings, these are usually very good clues to the topics.

2 Scan for specific information

If specific information of a very direct kind is needed, students scan the text
as described in TP R2 above.

3 Search-reading
If the information required is not as simple as a name or a number, the
students have to ask themselves'Where in the text will I find this answer?
They then skim to find the place, before reading in more detail to find the
information they are looking for.

4 Reading intensiYely
Information is not always directly stated in a text - it may be inferred. In
this case, the students have to read more slowly and carefully and think
about what can be deduced or inferred.

English for Irog Teocher's Bool< 2nd Intermediote: Introduction

i- --
I 'Ti..

TP R4 - A procedure f.or Story time texts

English for lraq 2'd Intermediate hassix episodes of a serial story for \
extensiye reading. These are designed to encourage reading for enjoyment;
it is important not to put the students under pressure to understand
everything they have read. The new vocabulary that appears in the texts is
l%lgg3!1.. The Activity Book task encourages the students to give their
reaction to the story, rather than testing comprehension.

1 Preparation for reading

Each story has a title and is preceded by questions. There are also pictures
that indicate what the story is about. Make use of all these to arouse the
interest of the students and get them thinking about the content.

2 Highlight new key vocabulary

Rather than presenting or revising vocabulary, let it arise naturally during
the preparation stage. This will help develop a more relaxed atmosphere for
reading and encourage the students to deal with new vocabulary on their

3 Students read
Give the students enough time to read, but encourage them to try to read

4 Discuss the story

Elicit answers to any printed questions. Discuss briefly as a class. The
discussion should focus on what interests the students and their own
interpretation of the story, rather than testing understanding. Following
this, let the students talk briefly about the story with their partner, in
English or Arabic. It is important that they have an opportunity to share
their views before writing feedback.

5 Students complete the feedback

Let the students complete the Story time feedback in any way they wish.
Give them time to think and write. Encourage them to write down useful
new words from the stories.

6 Listen for consolidation

Play the audio and let the students follow in their books. Then ask a few
questions about the story. Focus on interesting the students in what they
have read and heard, not on testing their understanding.

Note: Encourage your students to write 'reviews' of other stories they read
at home. They can copy the headings of the Story time chart into their
notebooks and use this format, or you may have an alternative to give
them. Try to allocate some class time each week for the students to talk
about stories they have read. This may encourage more students to read for
_ pleasure.

?4 English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction
activities in English for lraq, 2"d Intermediate aim:
o to reinforce work on sftuctures and vocabulary;
. to deyelop students' ability to write continuous text, by focusing on
1S topic sentences and paragraph organization.
Actiuities A variety of activities work towards the first aim. These inciude vocabulary
exercises, completing grammatical tables, spelling and punctuation
exercises, writing answers to questions and completing gapped exercises.
As a means of developing the students' ability to write continuous text,
English for lraq, 2"d Intermediatehas the following activities:
. expanding notes
o correcting paragraphs marked by a teacher
. planning the content of a paragraph
J The following symbols are used in the marked paragraphs and it is
for suggested that you use the same ones:
P. - Punctuation error
Gr. - Grammar error
Sp. - Spelling error
Join - Join two sentences

Encouraging good uiting Ask students who have written good paragraphs or stories to read them
aloud to the class. Try to display their work or use it in the school magazine.

TP W1 - General procedure for writing activities

L Oral preparation
Introduce and discuss the topic.

2 Notes
Either ask the students to think of ideas and write notes, or elicit ideas from
students and write notes on the board. Tell the students which pages in the
SB and/or AB to use for reference.

3 Plan
Referring to the notes already made, the students suggest the number of
paragraphs to be written and the topic of each one. This outline can be
written on the board. An example of an opening sentence can be
constructed by the class as a whole. A few examples of topic sentences
might also be constructed in this way.

4 First draft
rd Students write while you circulate and give guidance. Close attention should
be paid to connectors and reference pronouns, as well as grammatical
accuracy. You should indicate what needs amending without necessarily
telling a student exactly how to amend it. Consultation between partners
for can be encouraged at this stage. Students can also refer to dictionaries. This
draft might sometimes be done in pairs.
fi *t

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction

5 Final draft
There should be few, if any, mistakes remaining when students write a fair
copy. Circulate as before if this is done in class, although sometimes this
stage may be done as homework. If there are still too many mistakes, it may
be necessary for some students to write a further tair copy.

TP W2 - General procedure for Activity gook *.iti.rg exercises

1 Introduce/prepare for the task
Make sure the students understand what they have to do. If they have to
use information from a previous exercise, point this out. If there is a model
sentence, check that they can read it. The amount of preparation needed
will vary depending on the task and the ability of the students. You can:
. go through the exercises orally;
. elicit the answers, write them on the board, then rub them off;
o practise sentence building to focus on syntax (best done before the task
is introduced);
. write key words on the board in random order.

Remember that this is preparation only. You still want the students to
complete the exercise on their own. It should not be copied from the board.

2 Students write
IX/hile the students are writing, go round the class helping and encouraging.
If a student has spelled a word wrongly, point this out. If necessary, tell the
student to find the word in his or her book. If a student has forgotten to use
a capital letter or a full stop, point and ask'Wbat's wrong? or 'Wbat's

3 Check answers
You can do a class check by:
. asking individual students to read out a sentence each. The rest of the
class confirm or correct;
. writing gapped sentences or paragraphs on the board and getting the
students to fill the gaps.

The teaching notes will usually give

Note: The Activity Books should be collected regularly for marking. Be
constructive by writing encouraging comments on the students' work.

Dictation Dictation is useful for improving listening, spelling and punmuation. There
are no dictation exercises in English for lraq,2,d Intermediate but you can
use sentences and short paragraphs from the SB and AB texts for regular
dictation practice.

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?5 English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction

E-... _
TP D1 - A procedure for dictation
ir 1 Read whole text
Read the whole text once straight through while the students listen. Discuss
nay the context if necessary.

2 Read for dictation

Read the text slowly, pausing between sense groups. The students should
writeas you speak. Read the text again in the same way.

lel 3 Read whole text

Read the whole text at normal speed while the students follow what they
have written.

4 Students correct
sk Refer the students to the text of the dictation in the Student's Book or
Activity Book. Tell them to check their work and correct it.
Note; Corrections should never be delaved.

Langwage atuareness/ Students need a lot of help and encouragement to spell correctly. They
rd. spelling will not develop good spelling just through reading and writing activiries.
They need to develop an awareness of common letter combinations in
English and an awareness of letters that never combine. Activities that
ng. encourage students to look at words.carefully and focus on word structure
he should be carried out regularly. Some examples are as follows:
use Rhyming words: XTrite a word on the board and elicit other words that
sound the same, for example, ball/wall/fall/tall, brother/motber, walk/talk.
Ask the students which parts of the words are the same.
Words within words: Write a word on the board and ask studenrs to find
other words within it. For example, find pen in pencil, yes and day rn
yesterday, right and ten in frightened, police, man and an in policeman, and
so on.

Note: Many English words have no regular spelling pattern. These just have
to be memorized.

Punctuation The best way to encourage correcr puncruation at this level is to focus the
students' attention on it at every appropriate opportunity. For example:
. use any suitable Student's Book text that the students have read. Ask the
students How many sentences are there? How many qwestions are
)re there? Ask them how they know. Get them to circle the initial capital
ln letters, the full stops, question marks and commas;
. ask the students to scan for names of people or places. Point out that
the capital letter will help them find the words quickly. Focus on speech
marks by asking them to read aloud what differenr characters say in
stories. This can be done as a pre-reading task;

l-a J

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction

:.l i


. when preparing for or checking a writing activity on the board,

highlight the capitals, full stops or question marks in different coloured
chalk or pen. Elicit their purpose, i.e. to mark the beginning and end of
a sentence or question;
. while students are doing a writing exercise, go round checking
punctuation. If they have forgotten to use a punctuation mark, point
'V/bat's missing?
and ask

Language tuork The Round. up of Units 1-3 and 5-7 in the student's Book
pages at the end
each unit'
summarize the main structural and functional areas introduced in
Language models are provided in the SB and AB for use in class and
also as

a reference for the students at home. These are signalled by the

symbol A '

Sentence-building using flashcards can provide useful practice in focusing

on certain aspects of sentence structure. At the simplest level, substituting
single lexical items in object position helps to draw students' attention to
the subject-verb-obiect pattern in English. Getting students to substitute
words in subject position and make the necessary alteration to the verb
helps focus on subject/verb agreement. If students are having difficulty with
questions, flashcards can be used to demonstrate clearly how they are

Project uork Project work has several learning benefits. For example:
. it allows the students to work fairly independently - they can choose to
find information that really interests them, rather than always being
directed by the teacher;
. it gives both more able and less able students an opportunity to work at
their own level;
. it is likely to motiYate some, if not all, students;
o it can promote real communication and interaction;
r it can be an excellent way of developing language skills, especially
reading and writing.

use one of the following three strategies to organize the proiect work for
your class. Don,r be put off by the apparent difficulties as once the
principles are in place, it will be worth the effort. If the students are
encouraged to take responsibility for the school magazine, this in itself will
have broad educational benefits. It is also something that can be continued
in subsequent years.

1 Divide the class in groups of 6-8 students and give each group a name.
Each group is responsible for allocating the required roles and
producing material for the school magazir,e'
2 Treatthe whole class as a group capable of producing material. You
collect articles, etc, whenever it's appropriate and take on the
responsibility of selecting material for inclusion or display'

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d English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction

3 Create a committee of students from the class to act as an editorial
red board. The rest of the class act as contributors, ie, they all submit
lof material to the committee. The committee decides on what is suitable
for inclusion or display.

The teacher's notes on project work assume that Option 1 (groups of 5-8
students) is the adopted strategy as it's the most inclusive. Remember that
rather than productng a magazine format school magazine, it could be
rok equally produciive to display the material around the classroom. This has
rnit. an on-going motiyational benefit as well as being easier to manage.
)as It is suggested that you try to collect information and articles for the
/N project yourself. This will encourage the students, and the material may be
needed by those studenrs who are not able to find any for themselves. They
should not be encouraged to be lazy, but some students may not have access
Lg to any English newspapers, magazines or broadcasts. Articles in Arabic are
o useful too, but captions will have to be written in English. This can be a
very good translation task for the students.

vith Correction The amount of correcting you do depends on the activity.

L In controlled oral activities, you should correct all errors. In less
controlled oral activities, the emphasis must be on getting tbe message
across and on being understood. Correction should not hamper this.
However, you should note basic grammatical and syntactical errors and do
remedial work on them at another time.
2 Short writing tasks that are intended to practise structures should be
completely accurate. In pieces of continuous writing, the emphasis again
k?, should be on communicating what the writer wants to say. Therefore, final
writing tasks should not be covered in correction marks. This is likely to
discourage students. Only marks that are likely to help students to
understand their mistakes and be able to improve their writing skills should
be made. If the system of writing a draft first, followed by a final copy is
always used, the basic errors should be pointed out at the draft stage.



English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Introduction

]|l =

Book msp
Contents of a class magazine Proiect work: Planning to start a Clsking for ar(
Magazine job roles magazine' :Prelsing Pe
Adjectives describing personality Reading an episode of a story for
lr[;nn foi anr
Questions with how long? enioyment. isrenlng for c
Abreviations in notes Filling in an applicationform. ieading to rvr
Embarrassing stories Asking for and giving advice. equen-ce and
Hobbies Asking for and giving opinions. xpanding no
Vriting a shor

a Keeping fit
o Project work: Writing a limerick{o;1y;69 advice
s Healthy eating magazlne. nquiring abc
g 6 Making Cet wel/ cards ealth.
Common ailments
Understanding a menu s Reading an episode of a story forsking and ar
a Creetings enioyment. istening and
6 Medical advice
6 Role-play: Ordering a meal.
eading for g,
s € Writing Cet well messages. :orrecting tw
y'ritinq a Pers

Names of sports and games Project work: Collecting and writisking about

3 Words related to playing sports and games articles about sporting events for references at
Sports timetable magazlne. lstening for (
Olympic achievements Constructing tongue-twisters. :archingforir
Numbers and Years Role-play: Booking sports classes.tudying a wt
lnfer meaning from context. rpic sentencr

Review and practice of strategies for developing Iistening, speaking,

reading and writing in the Student's Book.

Words related to communicat;ons Project work: Collecting ancl wn[sking for an(
lnventions articles on lraq past and presentiiving advice
Newsprint the magazine. 4aking imPer
Reading an episode of a story folstening for
Telephones '
enjoyment. eading advic
Making telephone calls tudying how
te context.
eading short

€ jol
Occupations Proiect work: lnterviewing somerescribing
School subjects their job and writing ,n" 1n,.*;utescribing ab
srng plcture:
School timetable magazrne.
ompa(tnq at
Career choices, future Plans a flaying a gamet Whot's my iob?
4 neuairg u pourn for enloyment'ith
stening ior c
a Talking about school subjects.
ea'Jing for g
a Describing future plans.
ractising sea
6 Telling a story using pictures.
orrectinq a r
ianning ard
canning text

Litter and waste Project work: (1) writing a repoiiscussing
Endangered animals litter in own town. (2) collectidil'.
Pollution information and writing , ,"poJuking
Clobal warming aboutworldproblems. for (
Headlines Reading the iinal episode of a sftening
for enjoyment.
Making offers.
tir ng a ;;',r

Review and practice of strategies for developing listening, speaking,

reading and writing in the Student's Book.

.f tr1
a Revision of tenses
ling to start
3 Present perfect with for and since
a Cerund after like, enjoy, hate, etc.
e of a story
a Apostrophe before and after s
for gist and detail, taking
for a Defining relative clause with who
ation form. to work out meaning,
a Adiectives describing people
ing advice.
ing opinions.
u lhort uaaount of a Personal event'

with should' a Adverbial time phrases o Reading four-line conversations and

ing a limerick advice
i Quantifiers: o little, o lot, elc. limericks aloud
about and describing state of
o wont + noun/pronoun + to + infinitive
Revision of should + infinitive
Je of a story and answering questions.
and taking notes
G Countable/uncountable nouns
language' s Adverbs of frequency
rg a meal. iadinq for 9ist, detail and
1es5ages. orr..t,ng tvuo ParagraPhs marked bY a
iiiting a Personal letter'

Whot would you like to (do)? l'd like to ... Reading tongue-twisters aloud
lecting and writilking about and expressing sports
How good ore you ot (volleyboll)? l'm quite Reading conversations aloud
rrtinq events forreferences and abilities'
hening for detail and writing notes' good./l'd like to leam how to ploy it.
:arching for information in short factual texts'
Past habitual tense: used to + infinitive
-q Decimal numbers
soorts classes.:udying a writing plan and learning about
,-m context. rpic sentences before writing a
paragraph' Comparatives and superlatives

end-of-semester test in the Activity Book.

for and giving information. c Present and past simple passive t Stress and intonation
llecting and
advice. a Names of parts of speech o Practise telephone conversations
ast and
a Present passive with con
a lmperatives with do
a Forming the passive
re calls how to work out meaning from
short factual texts and captions.

jobs. a Revision of tenses 6 Syllable stress

abilities and interests. a Fulure: going to + infinitive I Reading an interview aloud
iting the
pictures to tell a story a When + present tense, I om going to
an English school timetable c Article before names of iobs
Whot's my job
r for enioymenL.!rn
subiects. )tc[rrrg
rrciol srrbiects.
hool stening for
lor glSr and oerall'
gist ano detail.
:ading for gist, detail and sequence and
e olans.
sinq pictures.':actising search-reading'
rrrecting a marked paragraph.
anning and writing a career plan.
:anning text for information.

a Revision of future: going to + infinitive o Syllable stress

a Modals musf, moy, might, should a lntonation
o Revision of first conditional
a Revision of past simple
a Agreement and disagreement

letter and an article.

lend-of-semester test in the Activity Book

A school msgozine
Activities Language
Lesson Materials Topic area
Read poster. Vocabulary
1 S84 A school magazine
!7rite headings in Apostrophe before
alphabetical order' and after s
![ork out meanings.
Discuss the topic.

Study dictionary entries. Vocabulary

SB5 A new Proiect 'Wby
Listen for gist and detail. don't we ...?
Disiuss setting uP own magazine' Let's...
will/sball for
making plans

Read text of an interview. like, enjoy, hate,
AB4 An interuiew
Answer questions to check. loue, dislike +
Read the interview aloud. gerund

Make sentences to Defining relative

SB7 Listen to an
practise structures. clauses with wbo
AB4/5 interview
a2 \7rite answers to

Do consolidation exercises: Apostrophe s,

AB5/6 AB exercises
punctuation, vocabulary singular and plural
grammar. Speech marks
Present perfect and
past simple with

Problems Read a personal problem and Imperatives
advice given for gist and (positive and
vocabulary. negative)
Discuss the advice and other
Expand notes and write
Read to order sentences and Past continuous
€a 314 Embarrassing
listen to check answers. Past simple
'!7rite Vocabulary
own story.
Read stories aloud and choose
best ones for the magazine.
Plan typing and reProduction.

Read an advertisement. Various

s8L211,3 The World Yowtb
ABlO CamP Read and comPare two
application forms'
Fill in an application form.

AB10-12 Round up Revise language from the unit. Revision

sB15/16 Bob and Basim Read for en;'oyment. Revision

o5 Extra activities Do revision and
481.3-1,7 consolidation exercises. Revision

Unit objectives
Listening: Show increased understanding of how to listen for pronunciation.
Develop listening for gist and detail. Recorded conversations are longer in
English for lraq,2"d Intermediate and have up to four speakers.

Speaking: Participate willingly in all class interaction and, specifically, (a) show
increased confidence when expressing opinions on texts, and (b) make plans
'e and decisions relating to setting up a class or school magazine.
Talk about activities and people one likes/dislikes following models with
reasonable accuracy and fluency.
Read a short story and a recorded interview aloud with good

Reading: Read to understand cohesion to put sentences in correct order.

Work out meanings in context and interpret idioms.
Develop silent reading through a variety of text types and begin to
recognize features of different types of text. The longest text is an interview,
which has approximately 260 words.

Writing: '$frite answers to questions with improved accuracy.

Study and expand notes.
Write an account of a real or an imaginary incident in one paragraph of
between 50 and 80 words.
Fill in an application form.

Project work: Planning a school magazine

Plan how to produce their own magazine (see options on p28). Unit 1
contains examples of articles from a school magazine and how some
students planned theirs. It is worth taking time to set up the project
properly in Unit 1. The aim is to produce a magazine that the students will
want to present to the headteacher and take home to their parents (or
display in the classroom). Most wili want to see their names in the
magazine, so it is a way of encouraging them to write in English. Of course,
it is also a genuine communicati.ze task, something that is quite difficult to
achieve in the classroom situation.


English for Irog Teocher's Bool< 2nd Intermediote: Unit 1

EffiJl L.rron t students to focus on them carefully. It should
help them to work out the meanings, especially
sB4 AB3 Gt if they say the words aloud as they write them.

Objectives: Read a poster introducing the B Carry out an oral class check.
unit and project topics.
Arrange items in alphabetical Answers
L 1.1 sections

Match words and definitions to

2 Cattoous, Interviews, Jokes, Letters, Poetry,
Problem page,Puzzles, School news, Sports
develop vocabulary.
reports, Stories, Town events
Longuoge: Apostrophe before and after s
Yocobulory: monthly, team, contribution"',
3 Reod definitions ond motch to
below, definition, description,
heodings sB4
event, interview (n), report (n),
cartoon, joke (z), poetry, in
A Tell the students to do question 3 in pairs. They
print"-, section (z), news, cafe
should follow the sequence from (a) to (g)
because there are clues in the definitions
1 Introduction to the topic
Carry out an oral class check.
Read the introductory text aloud. Present the
meaning of monthly, team and contribution (use the
a) cartoons b) jokes c) poetry d) interviews e)
picture to help present contribution). Present the
events f) reports g) news
word notice using the illustration in the SB. Ask
questions about the pictures like these:
Where do you tbink this notice is? (in the girls' school)
4 Discussion sB4
Who wrote lri (the team) ,
'V/hat's the box A Ask the students to use the words and
for? (the contributions) definitions in complete sentences like this:
on the side of the box? (the notice)
Cartoons are funny stories with small pictures.
Elicit the instructions on the notice (in large print) '
Jokes are short, funny stories.
and present section and in print.

B Ask questions to consolidate understanding o{

the new words. For example:
2 Write heodings in olphobeticol order Where can you find'cartoonsi (in comics,
sB4 newspapers and magazines and films)
Do you know any iokes/poetry?
A Read the first rubric to the c1ass. Tell the
Are there any interesting euents in our school
students to start with the first two questions.
tbis week?
Explain that they only need to use the first C Elicit answers to question 4. Begin by asking the
words to arrange the sections in alphabetical students to choose only. Then get them to give
order. They should write them in a list in their reasons for their choice.
copybooks. They may need to be reminded
about ordering words that begin with the same
letter - they should look at the next letter.
Note: The purpose of writing the words before
they work out the meanings is to get the


English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 1

5 Longuoge study

Tell the students to read the grammar box. Then write

EEI t.rrrn 2
sBs AB3l4 fd r
these sentences on the board for them to punctuate:
The three footballers story. Objectives: Study simplified dictionary
The only childs story. entries.
Listen for gist and detail.
Decide on roles for writing own
5 Do o vocobulory exercise magazine and its contents.
AB3 Longuoge: Suggestion and planning:.Why
don't we ..., Let's ...,'What shall
A Revise the vocabulary in the box by asking we do? I'll be X.
questions as follows: Vocobulory: project (n),article, cover (a), edit,
SB4 'V/hat
can you write? (articles, poetry, reports, editor, print (u), printer, reporr
They (z), reporter, photographer, verb
Wbat can you tell? (jokes)
(Gr.), noun (Gr.), decide, syllable
Wbat can yow draw? (cartoons)
What can you ioin? (a team)
\Ybat is another word for 'famous'?
1 Use dictionory entries to find
meonings sB5
B Tell the students to attempt to complete the
sentences with no further preparation. To
ie) check, elicit answers orally.
A Read the page title aloud and elicit the meaning
of proiect. Tell the students that they are going
Answers to listen to some children talking about a school
1 joke project. Explain that, first, they are going to
sB4 2 article find the meanings of new words to help them.
3 team
B Read question 1 aloud. If necessary, explain

4 well-known that the letters are short for full words. Then
give the class enough time to work out the
5 poetry
answer. Don't accept any answers.until most
Refer to the question 'Whicb sentence can yoLt students have their hands up. Elicit the answers
pwt tbese adfectiues into? Elicit suggestions. and write noun and uerb on the board.
gof C Ask the ciass to give you some exampies of
Answers nouns and verbs and write them under the tr,yo
interesting - best in sentence 2 headings.

funny - could go into sentences 1,2,5 or 6.

D Elicit the answers to questions 2 and 3. Then
xtl ask about the other words in the list: article,
couer, edit, editor, print.
ng the
2 Listen for gist sBs cd 1

A Ask a student to read the rubric aloud and then

the two questions. Present decide. Use the
pictures to prepare the class for the listening.
For example, elicit the name of the school and

English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 1

ask the students to guess the answers to the Mazin: Of course. You write very well. But I
questions. Don't confirm or correct any thought you didn't want ro ...
predictions at this stage. Elicit the meaning of Usama: Well ... you know ...
photograpb er and practise pronunciation. Mazin: Right. Ife have an editor and two
reporters. That's a good start. Now
B Play the introduction to fi 1. Make sure the - what sections shall we have?
students undersrand the task. Then play fi 1 up There's a list in the girls' magazine.
to where Layth says Exactly! Come on, Mazin. rX/e
don't want all these, do we?
Layth: No, no. There are too many.
o1 Usama: Let's have articles about the school.
Presenter.'I-isten to some boys.What are they Mazin: I agree, but can't we have some
talking about?What do they decide to do? articles about things outside the
Mazin: Hey, Usama! Look at this. school? Like rhe interview.
Usama: What is it? Usama: \7ho'11 take the photographs?
Mazin: A magazine. From the girls' school. Y/ho'll be the photographer? I don,t
It's really interesting. Why don't we have a camera. Do you?
start a magazine? Tariq: Hi, everybody. IX/hat are you talking
Usama: Mm. I don't know. It'Il be a lot of about?
hard work and ... Mazin: Hi, Tariq. Tariq! You have a camera,
Mazin: Well, if you're not interested, Layth don't you?
will be. Layth! Have you seen rhis Tariq: Yes. And I'm a good photographer.
magazine from the girls'school? \7hy
Layth: Yes, I have. Good, isn't it? \7hy
don't we start one? C Elicit the answers. Discuss with the srudents
Mazin: You see, Usama. I told you. what they feel about the idea.
Usama: Oh, but it'Il be too much work
and ... Answers
Layth: Oh, come on, Usama. It'll be fun. 1 They are talking about the girls' school
Usama: Oh, all right. Maybe. But who'll magazine.
decide what goes into the magazine? 2 They decide ro start their own school
Layth: \We'll need an editor. magazine.
Just a minute!
Mazin, you're good at English. Why
don't you be the editor?
Mazin: You're good at English too, Layth. 3 Listen for detoils
Layth: But I want to be a reporter. I think sBs AB3 Ex A 6d I
you'll be a good editor, Mazin. Don't
you, Usama? Elicit the names of the three boys - Mazin,
Usama and Layth - and r,vrite them on the
Usama: Yes, great! Fantastic! Mazio is really
board. Elicit whose idea it is to start the
good at English and het good at (
magaztne. Then see if they can remember who
telling people what to do.
Usama and Layth want to be the editor.
Layth: Exactly! Come on, Mazin. i
Mazin Oh, all right then. I'll be the editor. r
Introduce Exercise A. Give the students time to
And you want to be a reporter, read the;ix questions before playing the audio. c
Layth? They should already know the answer ro C

Layth: Yes. question 1 and have an idea about question 2. S

Usama: Can I be a reporter too? tl

q "-*? T

t6 English for Irog Teacher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 1

iut I Piay 6) 1. Tell the students to complete as much 6 - 8 students, but you are free to manage this
project component however you wish.
as they can using short answers. Piay C& 1 again
so that they can check and complete their Each group will then take responsibility for
o answers. Check answers orally as a ciass. generating material and you will need to establish
ow guidelines with your students on how best to do
Answers this. You will have your own ideas about allocating
ne. L Usama roles within each group and this internal structure
2 Mazin, because he's good at English can be adapted as the year progresses.
3 reporters
rol. 4 photographer If to conclude this now, more time is
your are unable
allocated to assigning roles in Lesson 7.

4 Listen for stress SB5 AB4 Ex B fd t

Ion't Introduce Exercise B and explain syllable.Play

IEffiffi Lessoo 3
the second half of f& 1. Start an1'where before
586 AB4
lking Mazin says Right. We haue an editor and two
'While Objectives: Read and understand the text of
reporters. the students are marking the
an interview.
mef a, stress, write the words on the board.
Read aloud.
Longuoge: Iike, love, dislike, enjoy + verb +
her. To check the answers, ask individuals to come
to the board and mark the stress on each word. -ing, detining relative who
Vocobulory: the following, group (n),local
(a di), sonalitY, well-known,
p er
run (a business), since (PreP),
magazine reperter interview review phelograph
spare time, dislike (u), gatden (n,
u),wife, imPolite, sfrout (z),
pasta*', Programme (a), centre

5 Tronsfer sB5 (n ), ring road

Invite a student to read the instruction under the

listening task on SB5 and the three topics to be
1 Preporotion for reoding 586
discussed. Draw their attention to the language box
Elicit the page title. Tell the students to find out
at the bottom of the page and elicit the language in
\ 6d1 it. Then tell the class to discuss the questions in
where this interview comes from. (The boys'
school magazine.)
Ask the students to look at the interview and
think about why there are two kinds of print.
5 Set up project sB5 Describe one as being dark and slanted and tell
them that this style of print is called bold and
Look back at p2B and decide the best strategy for italic. Ask What's in bold italic? Elicit the
rme to managing the school magazine project. Think answer The qwestions. Explaia that using bold
audio. carefully about your own teaching situation and italic means that the names of the speakers are
chose the route that has the greatest chance of not needed and that it makes it easier to read.
on2. success. Ideally, you will choose the option that is Point out that italic is conventionally used
the most inclusive for everyone in the class. This when referring to book and fiim titles, plays
Teacher's Book uses Option 1 as the default and and television programmes, etc, e-g. A Taste of
assumes you have organized the class into groups of theSea. -? y
English for Ircg Teocher's Bool< 2nd Interrnediote: Unit 1
2 Reod ond do vocobulorY
questions s85 Gil L.rron 4
sB6t7 AB4/s 6i Z
A Elicit the rubric. Then read the introduction to
the interview aloud and elicit a word that Objectives: Make sentencesorally.
means famous. Tell the students to work in
'$rrite answers to questions.
pairs and complete the rest of the activity. Tell Longuoge: Phrases after for and since
them to write the answers in their copybooks. Gerunds after lik"e, hate, enioy,
loue, dislike
Answers Adjectives and adjectival clauses
1 well-known with who
2 dislike Vocobulory: adjective, relative clause"'
3 impolite
4 ring road

I Reod oloud in poirs sB5/7
B the following words on the board:, wife,
shout, pasta. Ask the students to find these A Tell the students to follow the interview as they
words and guess their meaning, listen. Play C& 2.
6i 2 is the text of the interview on 586.

3 Reod ond write 586 AB4 Play the audio with pauses, so that the students
listen to the native-speaker model and try to
A Do the first two questions as a class. Use the imitate it. Choose pairs of students to read parts
opportunity to introduce for and since.Don't
of the interview aloud. Correct pronunciation
spend time on the grammar at this stage, just
as necessary.
indicate the meaning. Tell the students to write
the answers in their Activity Books.
C Tell the students to practise reading aloud in
pairs. Select several pairs to listen to.
Tell the students to read and answer the next
four questions. Then elicit all the answers Concentrate on weaker students.
1 for ten years
2 Longuoge study sB7
2 since he was born
3 cleaning up, washing-up and gardening
A Go through item 1 in the grammar box. Explain
briefly how each sentence is used:
4 because he always learns something
since + fixed time in the past (e.g. I was born,
5 because there are too many cars in the town
last week)
for + peiod of time (e.g. one week, ten years)
Elicit different examples:
I'ue liued bere for (L4 years)lsince (my family
moued from Kirkuk).
I'ue been in this school since (2001).
I'ue liued in our house for (fiue years).
My father has liued in (town) since (he came to
My family haue liued in our house for (many
i$8 {

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 1

E;i.r,., .*
Rule: B Tell the students to write short answers to each
question. Circulate and check their work. Point
/or + number of years/months/days, etcl and
out errors, but encourage them to correct
phrases, such as a long time, ages, years.
mistakes themselves.
since + clause (string of words with a verb), e'g'
I was a baby. Also + time words, e.g.
ar /last u eek.
C If there is time, invite students to read some of
J wly / Awgust/last y e
their answers to the class.

B The students should already be very familiar

with the language in item 2. Highlight the
different ways of expressing like and dislike:
I loue, I dislike, erc.
@L.rron 5
C For numbers 3 and 4, elicit the meaning of
adjectiue and explain relatiue clause. Point out Objectives: Consolidate language introduced
,8617 that the sentences with uho in number 4 on in the unit so far.
SB7 say the same as those in number 3: I lik'e Longuoge: Revision
they people who help others. I like belpful people' Vocobulory: Revision

3 Ask ond ons\rver questions to proctise 1 Do o punctuotion exercise AB5 Ex A

dents forlsince sB7
to Tell the students to punctuate the three
'lrrite the sentences on
I parts A Invite one student to ask the first question and sentences on their own.

rion elicit different answers. Do the same with the the board without punctuation while they do
other three questions. the exercise. Note: This exercise focuses
particularly on the position of apostrophe s

B Tell the students to ask and answer in pairs. with singular and plural nouns.

Invite individuals to write the correct

4 Ask ond onswer questions to Proctise punctuation of the sentences on the board in a
gerunds sB7 different colour.

sB7 Answers

Use the same procedure as for 2 above-

1 In our classroom the teacher's table is in
front of the board.
5 Ask ond onswer questions to proctise 2 Most teachers stay in the teachers' room in
odjectives ond relqtive clouses SB7 the break.
3 Yesterday four animals escaped from the
Use the same procedure as above. lions'cage in the zoo.
Note: Sentence 3 could be lion's, but it is
unlikely that there is only one lion in a zoo.
5 Write onswers to guestions AB4/5
A Elicit each question orally and ask for some
nrxe to individual answers. Refer to the interview on
586 to remind the students to give reasons,
any examples or explanations where relevant'
English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 1
2 Punctuote sentences with direct Answers
speech A85/6 Ex B 1 for
2 since

A Go through the explanation and examples with 3 since

the class. Draw attention to the position of the 4 for

commas. The answer to the question is because
there is a question mark.

B Follow the same procedure for checking the Lesson 6

exercise as in stage 1 above. sB8/9 A8617
Answers Objectives: Understand a description of a
'Are you coming to the beach?' my brother personal problem and the advice
asked. given. Discuss the advice. Read
'I can't,' I answered. 'I have to write an article.' short descriptions of personal
problems and suggest advice.
Expand notes to write short
3 Do o word-building exercise paragr:aphs giving advice.
A86 Ex D Longuoge: Imperative sentences
Form of notes
A Highlight the example farm/farmer. Elicit and Vocobulory: shy (adj), shyness, afraid, go red,
write the second one on the board, print/printer. stammer (u), smile (u, n), maY
skate and elicit skater. Discuss how it is (modal), confident, even (adu),
different (the first two add -er and this adds -r nervous, inside, probably,
only). Elicit which others are dlfferent: unpopular, piece (n), advice,
e dit / e dit or and swim / sw immer.
happiness, kindness, exam, share
(u), copy (a), paragraph
B Tell the students to complete the activiry on
their own and then check their work in pairs.
1 Preporotion for reoding sB8
farmer cleaner driver
A Ask the class to tell you what the page contains,
printer catcher swimmer
i.e. two letters, one from Jill, the other from
editor player speaker
Aunt Sally. Ask Why do you tbink Jill wrote to
reporter skater singer
Aunt Sally? Prompt them with the page title.
teacher footballer writer
B Make sure the students understand that this
page comes from a magazine. Aunt Sally works
4 Complete sentences \,vith for or since
on the magazine.
A86 Ex D

A Tell the students to attempt the exercise without

preparation. Let them discuss the answers with
2 Reod for gist ond PoroPhrose SBB

their partner.
A Ask the first question in the box. The students
should know the answer already. Tell the
B To check it, elicit each sentence orally'
students to read Jill's letter to find out what the

.e: C1
problem is and to explain it. Elicit possible

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediate: Unit 1

answers oraliy. Encourage the students to give before asking the class to give their opinions on it.
shortened versions of the text in the third Encourage them to give reasons for their answers.
person. Elicit the meaning of afraid (frightened) They can do this in Arabic, if necessary.
ar'd go red.

Possible answer 5 Reod problems ond think of odvice

Jill is very shy. She is afraid to speak to the s89
other students and cannot make new friends.
When the teacher asks her a question she goes A Introduce the two letters. Discuss the pictures
red and the other students laugh. and ask the students to predict what they are
Books closed. Ask What would you scty to Jill?
Encourage the students to offer different pieces
Elicit the instructions. Then discuss how Aunt
Sally could answer the first problem as a class.
of advice.

Tell the students to work in pairs and discuss

Point out that Jill's problem is shyness.Write
the other three problems. Elicit ideas orally.
the word on the board. Write happy on the
board and show how it can be changed into a
noun (bappiness) in the same way. Do the same
5 Work out feotures of notes s89
with kind, kindness.

Read the instructions and fwo questions to the

class. Tell the students to work in pairs and try to
3 Reod ond work out meonings

answer the questions. Then elicit and discuss
SB8 AB5/7 Exs AJB
answers as a class.

A Teil the students to write the answer to Exercrse

A and then read and do Exercise B. Check the
answers orally.
1 etc. = et cetera (and so on), h.w. = homework
2 Notes don't have full sentences. 'Words are
missing and there isn't correct punctuation.
sB8 1 stammer
2 confident
3 afraid
7 Expond notes AB7
)m 4 hello
ote to Elicit the first paragraph orally sentence by
tle. sentence, and write it on the board. Then tell
Ask if anyone in the class is shy and if they
the students to do the other paragraphs.
know anyone who is. Ask the same about
his Circulate and monitor the work.
confident. Elicit the meaning of smile and
works Note: Make sure that each student completes at
explain that it is both a noun and a verb. Give
Ieast one of the paragraphs in class time. They
examples. Present probably and may.
can finish the writing for homework.

Class check. Note that there is no definite

sB8 4 Discuss odvice given sB8
cofrect answer.

lents Read out the question at the bottom of the page

and present or elicit the meaning of piece and
Lat the advice. Go through each numbered piece of advice,
English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 1
ii I


Example answers B Tell the students that SB11 is from a magazine.

1 Work hard all semester. Don't work too It has four short stories about embarrassing
hard before exams. At exam time, try not to moments. Set the first task: tell the students to
worry. Before you go to bed, read a story or use the pictures to predict the content of the

Iisten to music. Go to bed early. Good luck! stories.

2 I agree. It is not right. Don't give your

homework to your friend. You are not
helping her. if she doesn't do her own work,
2 Reod ond order sentences SB10/11

she won't learn anything. She can't copy in

exams. Explain this to her. I hope she
A Introduce the Reading tip. Explain that it will
help them with the reading task. Teli the
students to read and discttss in pairs.

B Reorder the text of letter 1 as a class. Point out

I!ffiil t.rron 7 ya
the underlined and italic words. Encourage the
students to see how the relationship between
sB10/1r AB8/9 6d these words can help with the ordering.

Objectives: Read to work out the sequence of

C Tell the students to read the next story and
'Write write the letters in the correct sequence in their
events in short narratives. a
copybooks. Tell them that they will be able to
short story.
do this even though there are new words in the
Read aloud. Evaluate story
orally. Make plans orally.
Longuoge: Past simple and past continuous
tenses 3 Listen to check onsu/ers fdr
Vocobulory: moment, embarrassing,
embarrassed, pronoun ( Gr.), Tell the students to listen and check their answers.
repeat, gift, mug (n), pice (n), Play 6d 3.
spill (z), pick up, I nearly died
(idiom), mirror, towards, black t?J
eye (idiom), copy (n), opinion, Presenter.' Check your answers.
type (r.,), photocopier, language*- Story 1: 1a, 2f, 3e, 4b, 5d, 6c, 79
Story 2: la,2g,3b,4e, 5c, 6d,7f,8h

1 Introduction to topic s810/11

4 Work out meonings of words ond
A Read the page title, Embarrassing moments, idioms SB10/11 AB8 Ex A
and explain what it means: things that happen
which make you 'go red'. 'Wite embarrassing A Tell the students to read Exercise A and choose
and embarrassed on the board. Explain that the best meanings.
you feel embarrassed when something
embarrassing happens. Ask the students to look Answers
at the pictures on SB11 and to try to identify 1.b,2b,3b,4c
which person feels embarrassed.
B Read through the box at the bottom of SB10.
Then give the students time to think about the
two questions. Elicit possible answers from the

English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 1
1zine. Note: These are common English idioms - Suddenly I saw him and ran towards
1g phrases that don't mean exactly what the him. Bang! I ran into a big mirror. I
ts to individual words mean. still have a black eye. I feel
he I nearly died means'I was very embarrassed'. embarrassed every time I go out.
A black eye nteans'the area of the face around
rhe eye is bruised and black, not the eye itself'. Point out that when you are telling
You can get one by being hit or bitten by an embarrassing stories you use more varied
310/11 insect on that Part of the face. intonation. Play the first letter again: this time
ask the students to listen to the way the girls
wili 5 Write o PorogroPh AB8 Ex B
speak. Then invite different students to read one
story aloud. Correct pronunciation as necessary.
Go through the writing tip carefully. Focus on
Note: This is good pronunciation practice and it
this essential feature of paragraph writing:
will also help the students write their own stories.
:It OUt sentences don't begin on new lines but continue
le the along the lines. Focus also on punctuation.
Let the students choose one story to write as a
7 Write ond self-correct short story
paragraph. (If time is short, this could be done
AB9 Ex C
d for homework.)
their Note: This exercise will heip the students write A Ask the class to think of an embarrassing
le to their own story. moment. Give them time to think about this
in the and discuss in pairs. Then elicit some examples.
5 Check writing sBll 6& 4
B Introduce the writing topic. If some students
A Tell the students to listen and check the story can't think of an embarrassing moment that
Cds they wrote and to follow the other story on actually happened, ask them to try to imagine
SB11. Play fi4. one. You may need to give them some ideas. For
6)4 a) Yow tuere bored in a shop with yowr
Liz: One day last week, my mum and I parents; you got the car keys and went out
were out shopping in town.'We were to sit in the car; you couldn't open the car
looking for a present for my uncle, door and got angry with it; ct mdn ran to
so we went to a gift shop. Mum saw the car shouting; it was the urong car!
a really nice mug on the shelf. b) you were uery young, you were in the
'That's nice,' she said. 'Your uncle park with your parents; they were sitting on
will like that. He drinks lots of tea.' I the grass; you were on the swings; you
picked it up to look at the price and decided to plcly a trick on your father; you
ExA spilled hot coffee all over my dress. walked behind him uery quietly and put
It was the shop assistantb own mug! your hands ouer his eyes; you said'Guess
I was so embarrassed that I nearly wbo?' The man tttrned round; it wasn't
died! your father.
Wendy: Last week, my dad took my sister C Tell the students to write a draft in their
and me to the museum.'We were copybooks, then edit it and write it on AB9.
looking at an old car and I wanted Note: The next step in the Activity Book are
to ask Dad something. I turned important, so if time is short, leave them until
round, but he wasn't there. 'Dad! the next lesson.
rt the
Dad!' I shouted. I was worried.
m the
*.7 ;
English for Ircg Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 1

8 Reod stories otoud
qnd evoluote them
AB9 Ex D
Fffiil L"rron 8
sBI2n3 AB10
Tell the students you want them to read therr
for Objectives: Read an advertisement and
stories aloud in groups and choose the best
go comPleted aPPlication forms for
the school magazine. Before they begin,
detail. Fill in an application form'
through the language in the two boxes'
Longuoge: Expressing likes and dislikes and
giving reasons
If necessary, finalise the class arrangements for
Vocobulory: Arabic,youth, advertisement,
producing the material for the school magazine
that the adventure, fill in, aPPlication
r'rsir.g the directives on p28' Remember
form, in common"-, age \n),
stories don't have to be typed: they can be
address (n),language (Arabic -)'
handwritten. Encourage discussion within their
hobbY, ballooning, diving,
groups so they are clear who will be responsible
windsurfing, sleePing bag
for r,vhat. Elicit questions such as Who will do
this? Who has the best handwriting?

I Talk about other matters that need to be done

I Introduction to toPic
to get the school magazine started' For
Books shut, introduce the topic of camps for yor"rng
example, each group will need an editor' This
people. Ask if anyone or anyone in their family has
can be changed on a regular basis, but it is
ever been to one. Remind the students of the
important for each group to be responsible at
adjective youfig and present yowth' Present
any one time. Give the editor the task of
aduenture in the context of the topic'
reading the articles on embarrassing moments
and choosing the best. They should do this by
Lesson 10. Try to maintain a positive attirude
2 Reod on odvertisement sB12
the proiect.

Elicit the title on SB12.Then read the

D $7ith students in their proiect groups, tell them
instruction aloud and present aduertisement and
they can saYe the ones they choose for the
the two questions underneath' Ask the class to
magazine. Listen to each group as they discuss'
read the poster and think about whether they
joining in where appropriate' Use this as an
would like to go.
opportunity to encourage students to be
enthusiastic about the school magazine'
Give the class rwo minutes to read the poster'
Then let them discuss their answers in pairs'

Discuss answers as a class' Be sure to elicit

reasons for the answers. Encourage as many
students as possible to give you their answer'
Practise pronunciation of the questions' Ask the
students when the camp is taking place' Elicit
the meaning of fill in.

-! {n
L+ \-",

14 English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 1

D Referring to SB28/29, continue the discussion Different
on summer camps. Show the class that the camping
article describes a camp in Iraq and that the two coLmtry
pages should be seen as a model for the kind of languages
material you would like the students to produce reason for going to'WYC
for the school magazine. Tell them they will be
working towards this objective for the
immediate future and that they will be returning 4 Closs check s813
ro these Pages for homework.
Eli.i, orally. Note that the answers don't
haye to be expressed in exactly the same way as
3 Reod ond comPore two comPleted those below. Elicit full sentence answers. For
opplicqtion forms s812/13 example, They both like cooking outside.

A Go back to SB12. Read the next rubric and Answers

elicit the meaning of application form. The In common
students should be able to work it out by 1 Both like cooking.
looking at the forms on SB13. Ask a few 2 Borh like listening ro music.
questions to practise scanning and to elicit some 3 Both speak English.
'young of the new vocabulary. For example: Different
rily has Who has filled in the two forms? 1 Basim goes camping every weekend. Bob
do tbe two boys come from? goes camping in his summer holidays.
What word tells yor,r tuhere they come from? 2 Basim has never been to another country.
(address) Tom has been to France, Germany and the
How old is Basim? U.S.A.
Is Bob the same age? 3 Basim speaks Arabic. Bob doesn't.
S812 languages does Basim speak? 4 Bob speaks French. Basim doesn't.
Does Bob speak Arabic? 5 Basim wants to meet young people from
Wbat does'langwage' mean? other countries. Bob wants to see Australia
tent and and its animals.
lass to B Read out the task in the box and explain in 6 Basim wants to go horse-riding and
: they common. Write this heading on the board: windsurfing. Bob wants to go ballooning.
Things they haue in common 7 Basim is 16, Bob is 15.
Teli the students to work in pairs to search in B Basim is Iraqi, Bob is British.
oster. the application forms for three things the boys
airs. have in common and write them in their
copybooks. They can write notes. 5 Revision sB12/13
lany C Circulate while the students are doing this. If A Ask questions to revise the new vocabulary on
swer. they are having difficulty or taking too long, these pages. For example:
Ask the stop them and give them some clues. Don't word means ...
Elicit correct the answers at this stage. After a few . an exciting or dangerous activity?
minutes, tell them to search for five things they (aduenture)
don't have in common and write them. Tell . a notice in a newspaper or magazine giving
them to look for things they like, things they information about something?
do, or things they want to do that are different. (aduertisement)
'lfrite this heading and these clues on the board:
..E #-

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 1


something you have to fill in if you want to 7 Reod oloud ABlO

join a camp? (aPPlication form)
When the writing is finished, invite different
a a young person? (a youth)
a the house, street, town and country where : students to read their forms aloud. Tell the class to {

you live? (address) listen for things they have and don't have in /
a another word for Pastime? (hobbY) common with the sPeaker.
a how old you are? (age) lr
what Arabic and English are? (languages)
something you sleep in when you are
t./- sProiectreminde
Project reminder sB78l29
camping? (sleePing bag)
. a sport that takes You uP in the skY? Remind the students about the Iraq summer camp
(ballooning) articles onSB2BI29 that you referred to briefly ear-
. a sport that takes you under the water? Iier in the lesson. Ask them to read the main text for
(scuba diuing) homework. Suggest they pay particular attention to
. a sport that needs water and wind? the final paragraph about the last day at the camp
(windsurfing) because the ultimate aim will be to produce a diary
entry for the school magazine which describes this'
B Ask questions about the application forms to Point out that there are two example diary enfries
on SB29.
give practice in scanning. For example:
How often does Basim 8o carnPing?
Which languages does he sPeak?
What are his fauourite hobbies?
t w*'^ @L.rron 9
sB14 A10-t2
6 Complete on oPPlicotion form ABlO
Objectives: Revision
A Go through the application form orally as a
Longuoge: Revision
class, eliciting information from individual
Vocobulory: Revision
students. Point out that if any of them don't like
camping, they can write this with a reason'
Remind them of this language: S814
1 Round up
What's (Arabic word) in English, please?
How do you sPell ..., Please?
Elicit further examples of all the language in
numbers 1 to 5. For number 1, give the class a
B Tell the students to complete the information I situation in which they can make suggestions' For
about themselves. Point out that they can ask l
lmagine you are at home witb some friends.
spell them. Of course, they can usetheir \ Someone says: 'What shall we do?'
dictionaries if they have them. Tell them \ For number 5, give the class word cues to replace
can look back at SB13 if they need help. i
Zaid's story. F or examPle:
our football team, landmark' Palm Tree Island
C Go around the class while the students are
One student asks the question and others express

writing. Draw attention to errors, but try to get j

their opinions.
the students to correct themselves. J
Notes: Part of the purpose of the list on the Rownd
.* /-/
. r , o' up page (and of point 6 in particular) is to
'ur_{r> d ' ."5 r=- encourage students by showing them how much
they have achieved. ,' j'trr-.I
L'{- U

English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 1

ABlO /-fhe Lctiviry Book exercises should need little, if any, 5 Punctuote o porogroph ABII Ex D
/ I Jse a varietv
^.oncrqrion. Use
preparation. ways of exnloitins
variety of wevs exploiting
I P"Po""
exlmple, sludqnts dg them individualff,.ig Before the students do this exercise, tell them to
f them,-for
rlass to fttt o, in groups. Similarly, answers can be read the whole paragraph aloud with their partner.
corrected orally as a class, written on the board foi 1
This will help them work out the sense and
self-correction or corrected by a partner. therefore the necessary punctuation. Give them a
.). minute to do this. Then ask is line 4 moued in?
."1 I
Elicit or explain that it is indented because someone
2 Write synonyms AB10 Ex A i says these words.


r camp Answers Answer

:fly ear- 1 well-known Noora and Dana wrote stories for the class
1 text for 2 gift magazine. Both stories arc very good, but the editor
:ntion to 3 opinion says she can only print one. of the girls'
3 Camp 4 confident stories will the team choose?
:a diary 5 article 'I think Noora's is the best,' Sara said.
les this. 6 joke Everyone agreed, so Noora's story will be in the
entries magazine.
4. 3 Spell words ABt0 Ex B
i 6 Expond notes AB12 Ex E
lX/hen checking the answers, elicit the sounds of
rhese letter combinationsi ea, ew, iew, oo. Possible answers

1 Please go to the shop and get something for
Answers your lunch.
1 team 2 Your sister called. She is coming,home at7
2 poetry o'clock and wants fish and chips for dinner.
interyiews 7 Reod onswers, write questions
6 balloon
AB12 Ex F
4 Write sentences with relotive 1 How often do you go swimming?
Pronoun who AB11 Ex C 2 Which (other) countries have you been to?
rns. For 'SThich
3 languages do you speak?
There is no need to write these answers on the board. A-

t Answers I Project reminder sB28-31 6) ss
replace ,
I 1 I likeilove people who tell jokes.
2 Ihateldislike/don't like people who laugh at Refer students to the summer camp article which
me. they read for homework. Start a discussion on the
3 I dislike/don't like people who copy my subject and find out what they think and whether
homework. they would be interested in attending such a camp.
e Round 4 I love/like people who help other people. Go through any vocabulary they are unfamiliar with
5 I dislike/don't like people who tell lies. and prepare the class for listening to [audio]55. Play
/,/ the audio while they re-read the article.
English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 1

- L
O SS is the'summer camp'text on SB28' . 3 Listen for consolidotion SB15n6 O 5
Set the crossword exercise on SB30 as homework"r
This recycles the new vocabulary in the text' ,r' Tell the students to listen and follow the story in
their books. Tell them to pay particular
attention to the pronunciation of the direct

@L.rronlo ,
O S is the story on 5815/16.

sB15/15 AB13 6is iR Ask the students Why did the customs officer
and Basim look at Bob when he opened the
Objectives: Read a story for enjoyment. 'What
was in tbe suitcasel (the lady's
Longuoge: clothes). Then ask if there were things they
Vocobulory: It doesn't matter*', flight understood better through hearing the story.
attendant't, seat )'*, asleeP",
Ask for particular examples and why they were
PassPort'r-, aPPear*, fewero, easier to understand. Encourage them to think
customs officer*, AnYthing to
about tone of voice. For example, the flight
declare?",'Would You mind
aftendant's tone of voice indicated that she was
actually unhappy with Bob, even though she
said 'It doesn't matter.' Similarly, Bob's tone of
1 Introduction sB15/15
voice should indicate how worried he was
about losing his suitcase.
A Elicit the story title. Then ask who Bob and
Basim are (the boys who filled in the
C Encourage students to give their opinion of Bob
application forms on SB13). Find out what they and predict what will happen at the camp.
remember about Bob and Basim.
Clarify anything they don't understand.

B Ask the students to talk about the pictures.

^ ,l'
'What 'Wbat
can you see? do you think is
4 Write notes on the story
happening? Present these words as they arise sBIs/!5 AB13
through the pictures: flight attendant, pdssport,
customs officer, Anything to declare? fill in the summary chart on
Tell the students to
A813. ,\
2 Reod for enjoyment s815/t5

Elicit the three questions' Tell the students to read

the first paragraph to answer L and 2. Then tell
l|ffiil E*tro o.tiriti.,
them to skim-read the whole story to answer AB13-17 f$ C

question 3.
1 Bob. Answers
2 To the'World Youth Camp in Australia. 1 farmer It's the only one that doesn't
3 Two unlucky things happened to him. (a) have something to do with
He dropped his orange juice. (b) He picked newspapers or magazines.
up the wrong suitcase, one that belonged to 2 museum It's the only one that doesn't sell
an old lady. His was still on the baggage food.
English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 1
16 6)s wife Wife is a woman. The others are Nadia: OK. Good idea. Tanya - interview.
all men. 'V7hat's
story ln confident (The explanation will have to be Maysam: Um - the story. I7e don't have a
in Arabic.) It's a positive feeling; story yet.
ect the others are negative. Nadia: Don't we? Oh dear.'\)7e11, I'll write
magazloe The others all have something to the story. It'll be quicker if I do it.
do with camping. OK with you?
cut The others all have something to Maysam: Fine. But will you have time, Nadia?
do with speaking/the voice. Nadia: Sure. I'll do it. Nadia - story. Now
tbe .r.,"
'{ - who wrote about school news last
lady's time?
rey ExB Maysam: Just a minute. Um. School news -
iory. Rasha. But she doesn't want to do it
3y were Answer again. She rold me. She wants ro
r think photographer, pile, poetry, price, printer, write a review of a TV programme.
probably, programme 'Well,
ght Nadia: if she really wants to, I don't
ihe was mind. Rasha - TV review. But who'll
r She do the School news then?
:one of ExC Maysam: I think Mona wants to do the School
AS news this time. She asked me.
Answers Nadia: OK. Mona - School news. That
1 'Mum!'I shouted. 'Come here!' leaves just the Sports news. \fho's
r of Bob 2 ''What's the matter?' she asked. interested in sport?
lp. 3 'I've broken my brother's computer,' I Maysam: Abla. She loves sport.
answered. Nadia: Yes. But is she good at English?
4 'He won't be very happy about that,' she Maysam: Abla? Of course. She's fantastic at
said. English.
{' Nadia: Well, Abla it is, then. Abla - Sports
AB13 news. I think that's it.
' Ex D 6d6 Maysam: Right. Lett go and get something to
ton drink.

fle h
Presenter.'Nodio and Maysam have to decide Answers
who will write what for the school magazine. Maysam Problem page
Listen dnd draw lines. Tanya Interview
Eies Nadia: Right. The interview.'We need Nadia Story
somebody to do the interview. Rasha TV review
IX/ould you like to interview
Muna School news
somebody, Maysam? Abla Sports news
Maysam: Me? No. I can't do that, Nadia. I'm
doing the problem page.
4 I

Nadia: Oh, yes. Of course you are. Maysam ExE

- problem page. But we still need
rh somebody to do the interview. Example answers
;. Maysam: How about Tanya? She likes talking 1 At a high school.
sn't sell to people. And she writes well. 2 He dislikes doing paperwork and sitting at
home in the evenings.
:F' "..9
I ;,-

English for Irog Tescher's Book 2nd Intermediqte: Unit 1

He is learning French.
4 c) a place to put rubbish'
5 It is a programme about health.


was walking saw, was playing said, went,
shouted, fell, started, walked, has


Example answers
1 To stop stammering, try this: W'hy not
count to five before you speak? Think
about what you want to say. You can also
ask your teacher to helP- She will
2 new words in groups in your
vocabulary book, for example, names of
food, buildings or clothes. Ask your
brother or sister for help. Try to learn five
new words every day'

'ur{ d (
f 4 f Ei

50 English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 1

Materials Topic area Activities Language
SB17 Keep fit! Read for gist should/shouldn't
AB18-20 and detail + infinitive
Give advice orally and Adverbial phrases
in writing. of time
Use a questionnaire to ask
Use answers to wrire a
short paragraph.

SB18 Eat the right food Read for gist and detail. Quantifiers: a little,
AB20l21 Find target language in the a few, too mucb,
text and work out rule for too many, a lot
using it.

SB19 In a restaurant Use definitions and pictures a little, a few, too

AB22 to work out meanings. mwch, too many
6b7 Listen for language and Some polite
details. expressions.

SB2O Aches and Pains Develop vocabulary have/have got

LB22 Read four-line dialogues aloud My (head) aches.
6i 8/9 Comment on advice given and should + infinitive
suggest alternatives.
Read aloud, then role-p1ay.
Listen to doctor/patient
conversations and take notes.
Use notes to complete paragraPhs.

LB23-24 Follow-up to AB exercises

6) 10 Lesson 4

SB21 Bilal's story Read for gist and specific wdltt +

ABZ4.27 information. noun/pronoun +
Study two paragraphs with lo + infinitive
correction marks and correct New line and
them. indent for new
Correction marks

sB22/23 'Get well' cards Read and discuss some Get well Imperatives
Choose one for a friend.
Read instructions to make a
Match personal messages
with the 'messages' in the
Write an informal letter to
a sick friend.

) ttr

for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 2

SB24 Proiect lesson - Listen to two limericks, then Various
uldn't AB27l28 limericks perform them.
ct 11.11.2 Choose words to complete
rhrases two more limericks.

SB25 Round up Revise language from the unit. Rhyme and rhythm

sB26l27 Bob and Read for enjoyment.

AB31 the eggs
;: a little, o13
nuch, AB31-35 Extra activities Do revision and Revision
t lot o14 consolidation exercises.

'w, too
Unit obiectives
Listening: Show improved ability to concentrate on the sounds and intonation heard
in recorded texts.
Develop listening for language and detail and become more confident about
lot taking notes. Conversations have up to four speakers'
finitive Speaking: Participate with increased confidence and competence in all class interaction
and, specifically, express opinions on texts.
Read short recorded dialogues and limericks aloud with good
Role-play conversations in a restaurant and between friends (one of whom
has an ailment) with reasonable fluency and meaningful expression.
Analyse and comment on a partner's answers to questions about the
exercise he/she takes and give advice.

Reading: Read for gist - to find the topics of paragraphs and the main point of a
short story.
)un +
Develop silent reading for detail and make inferences. Texts are up to 200
rd words in this unit.
rew out meanings in context and interpret idioms.
'Writing: 'STrite
answers to questions with improved accuracy.
Develop understanding of how to self-correct and improve writing.
!7rite a letter of between 50 and 100 words to a sick friend, following a


Project work: Vriting a limerick for the school magazine.

Maintain enthusiasm for the school magazine project through regular
reference to SB28-31 in both class and homework activities. In addirion to
the three project sections after Units 2,5 ar,.d 7, the SB frequently makes
suggestions for school magazine ideas. Lesson 8 explores limericks and
throughout this unit there will also be opportunities to work towards
producing a diary entry.


English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 2

@ll..rron I C Elicit answers:
Paragraph 1 is about why fitness is important.
Paragraph 2 is about how to get fit.
Note: Answers to these two questions are given
in the Activity Book, but this is done so that the
Objectives: Read for gist and detail.
Interpret pictures and give advice students will have a record that they can look at
orally. later. The procedure above will help them learn

Ask and answer personal a strategy for reading for gist.

questions and write notes.
Use answers to write about
3 Reod for detoil sBtT AB18
Longuoge: should/sbowldn't + infinitive for
expressing advice A Introduce the Activity Book exercise. Explain to
Adverbial phrases of time the students that they have already done
keep fit, get fit, fit, fitness, unfit, question 1; they can now write the answers and
In fact"-, out of breath, regularlY, do the whole exercise.
take exercise, netball, cYcle (u),
form (n\, either", all the time, B Elicit the answers orallY.
once a week, twice a week
L Parugraph 1: why fitness is important'
1 Introduction to the toPic Paragraph 2: how You can get fit.
2 llnlit people can't enjoY life.
Introduce and explain the unit topic: Healthy 3 Get tired, out of breath.
lifestyle. Find out what the students know about 4 You can get fit'
health and fitness. Present any relevant words that 5 Football, basketball, netball, swimming,
arise. Make sure you include fit, fitness, health, cycling, walking.
healthy, exercise. 6 a) regularly b) fit c) unfit d) forms

2 Reod for gist SBtT 4 Discuss in Poirs AB18

Activity Books closed. Elicit the title on SB17, Focus on the last question on AB18. Let the
then the first instruction. Establish that there students discuss this in pairs for one minute before
are two paragraphs. Explain that the first eliciting answers. Give the English words for any
sentence tn a paragraph often gives you the new activities that arise. Revise and practise healthy
topic (what the paragraph is about). activities. Prompt the students to ask each other
Tell the students to read the first sentences in
each paragraph carefully, before reading the rest
of the paragraphs quickly. Tell them they have 5 Interpret Pictures sBl7
one minute to read the paragraph and not to
worry about unfamiliar words. A Elicit the question above the pictures on SB17.
Note: It is important to encourage the students Tell the students to work in pairs again and
to read quickly if they are to improve their discuss what the boys are saying' They can then

reading skills. decide on their answer to the question.

54 English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: unit 2

B Elicit answers from individual students. Let the C Books open, elicit the first two sentences in
-)ortant. class say if they agree or not' (Only Salam is Exercise C orally, and the transformation. Then
likelY to be fit.) tell the students to write the answers to L and 2
rre giYen and attempt the last two on their own. Elicit
) that the full sentences orally to check answers.
n look at 5 Give odvice orolly using should SB17
:m learn Answers Ex C
Elicit the examples of advice in the language box at 1 You shouldn't let children play with
the bottom of the page' Then ask the class to give

advice to the unfit boys in the pictures. Elicit as

2 You should use a zebra crossing when you
t7 AB18 many examples as the students can think of' For
cross the road.

example: 3 You shouldn't cycle on the wrong side of

xplain to Zaid, yow're wnfit. You should take some the road.
re exercise/go to a gYm.
4 You should keep medicine out of the reach
wers and Abrned, yow shouldn't watcb TV all tbe time. Yow of children.
should Play games and get fit.
Yassir, you shouldn't driue euerywhere. Yow sbould
walk and get fit. 9 Ask ond onswer AB19/20 Ex D

A Introduce the activity. Then go through the

7 Vocobulory revision phrases in the language box. Explain that once
means 'one time' and twicer'two times'. After
Spend a few minutes revising words and phrases that, we say tbree times, four times, etc.Use
from the lesson: fit, fitness, unfit, keep fit, get fit, Exercise D to practise questions with How
take exercise, out of breath, regularly, all tbe time. often as a whole class, before the pairwork
ming, activity. For example, set up a substitution drill
with the question How often do yow ... i, Try to
8 Complete sentences with elicit questions such as:

should/shouldn't SB17 AB19 Exs B/C How often do yow cycle?

How often do you walk uPstairs?
AB18 A Do as much oral preparation as you feel is How often do you eat frwit? etc.
necessary. Elicit the answers orally in complete
sentences. B Use several pairs of students to demonstrate the
:e before activity. Make sure the students understand that
or any Answers Ex B if the answer to question 1a) or question 2a) is
;e healthy 1 Ahmed, you shouldn't watch TV all the No, there is no point in asking the next three
other time. You should play games. questions. Highlight the final question, Do you
2 Zatd, you should take exercise regularly agree with yowr partner's answer? Encourage
and get fit. discussion.
3 Yassir, you shouldn't drive ever).where. You
sB17 should walk. C Tell the class to work in pairs. As they do this,
try to listen to those students who are likely to
,n SB17. B Books shut. Write matches, zebra crossing, cycle need help and encouragement.
r and and medicine on the board. Check meaning.
'can then Then try to elicit aduice.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 2 55

10 Discussion AB20 Ex D B Present heabby and unhealthy. Say:
lf we don't eat food tbat is good for us, LLte

Elicit what individual students think of their won't be heahhy.

partners, with reasons. Give each partner the If we only eat food that isn't good for us, we
opportunity to agree or disagree. For example: uill be wnbeabhy.
My pdrtner thinks she is fit, but I don't agree with Tell the students to work in pairs and write
her. three things that are good for them and three
She doesn't play any games and she neuer goes that are not so good in their copybooks. While
walking. they are doing this, write these two headings on
So she can't be fit. She needs aduice. the board:
or Good for you Not so good for yow
My pdrtner thinks he is fit and I agree with him.
He plays football twice a week and tennis once a C Elicit items individual pairs have written under
week. each heading. Get them to spell the words as
He doesn't need aduice. you write them on the board. Ask the students
IThere someone says his/her partner needs advice, to think of any other things to eat and drink
ask the student to give the advice now. Continue this that they think are good or not so good for us.
activity for as long as the students are engaged by it. them in the column suggested by the
Note: It is reasonable to think someone is unfit if class. Do not correct answers at this stage.
they only exercise by walking or playing a game When you elicit oll, present the noun fat and
once a week, sometimes or not very often. the adjective /ar. Revise thin from last year.

MELeson 2
2 Reod for specific SB18

sBtS AB20l21 A Elicit the instruction above the report. Before

they read, ask the students:
Objectives: Read and understand a report of wrote the rePort?
'What is tbe report about?
a talk about healthy eating.
Longuoge: Phrases expressing quantity: a Wbat does'nurse'mean?
little, a few, too much, too many,
a lot B Tell the students you will give them two minutes
Vocobulory: good for you, not so good for to read the report and find out if their ideas
you, crisps (a), nurse, fruit, about food were correct.
healthy, unhealthg fat (adi), tat.
(n),bar (of chocolate), a few, too C Ask these questions to check answers:
much, too many, a little did Nurse Faruzia say is good for us?
(fish, fruit and vegetables)
What did she say we showld be careful about?
1 Discussion s818 (anything with a lot of fat, salt or sugar, such as
fries, crisps and sweets)
A Elicit food items the students know and write Check the list on the board again to make sure
them on the board. Books open, get the that items are in the correct list. Recap on
students to check which of the food items on healthy food and revise the words fruit and
SB18 are on the board. Present crisps. Highlight uegetables.
any vegetables written on the board and elicit
the word. Do the same with fruit items and
present the new wotd fruit.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediotel Unit 2

3 Identify heolthy ond unheolthy foods B Read out the two gapped rules and ask what
we AB20 Ex A count and non-count nouns are. Then elicit the
answers orally before the students fill in the gaps.
ts, we Refer the students back to SBlB and the photos of
the different foods. Tell them they are going to Rules
crcate a diagram showing some foods which You use too many and a few before count nouns'
three very good for you and some which are not so good You use too much before non-count nouns.
;.'While for you. Tell the students to complete the spider
dings on diagram on AB20 using the words in the box. Tell the students to read the language box at the
bottom of the page. Ask Do we use 'a lot of'
Answers before cownt or non-count nourts? ('We use it
Very good for you: apple, cucumbe4 lettuce, before both.)
strawberries, water
n under Not so good for you: biscuits, burge4 coke, Ask the students to look at the language box on
rds as crisps, sugar
SBlB and hnd a little. Ask.Wbat kind of noun
do we use 'a little' in front o/i (Non-count.)
4 Reod for detoils SB18 AB21 Ex B
I for us.
Tell the students to read the report carefully and 5 Orol proctice
answer the questions in Exercise A. Encourage them
fi and 'When
to think carefully about question 4. you Give the class further practice using quantifiers. Tell
check answers oraliy, you may find that some them you will call oltt some nouns. You want them
students want to include biscuits, sweets, fries and to make phrases using /oo much, too many, a little,
crisps in answer 2. This is acceptable. a few or a lot of before them. For example:
T: cdrs.
Answers S: Too many cars.
Before 1 fish, fruit, vegetables and water T: tea.
2 meat and cheese S: Too little tea.
3 fat, salt and sugar Continue with money, eggs, sbops, milk, lessons,
4 a) Crisps have too much fat and salt. work and any other suitable words. Use the food
b) Chocolate bars have too much fat and
items on SBlB as visual prompts for the oral practice.
o minutes c) Cola has too much sugar.
5 Project reminder sB28-31
5 Reod for longuoge SB18 AB2t Ex C
Go through the crossword exercise on SB30 that the

, us?
A Introduce the task. Tell the students to scan for students completed for homework in Unit 1 Lesson
the particular words, then check which of the 9. Ensure eyeryone is clear with the correct solution.
phrases is used with them. Consolidate the vocabulary by asking students to
about? Note: This activity is designed to let the students create sentences of their own with the words.
r, such as
work out a grammatical rule for themselves.
ake sure Answers
on 1, too much meat or cheese 3 eyes
: and 2 too many brscuits, sweets, fries or crisps 5 picnic
3 a few biscuits, sweets, fries or crisps
7 outdoors
4 too much cola 8 fresh
5 too manyla few chocolate bars
6 too many/a few vegetables

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 2 57

DOV,/1\I 1 Work out meonings SBIg
1 tent
2 fire A Read the rubric to the class and the four new
4 fishing words. Tell the students to look at the menu,
6 cook read the definitions and work out the meaning
of each one.
Ask the students if they have had the chance to read
the two diary entries on SB29. Prepare €l 56157 and B Use the definition of beef to elicit the meaning
explain they will now be able to listen to these of cow. Check that the students understand the
while reading. Play the audio while they read. word curry. Elicit which letter is not heard in
Clarify any difficult language and teach the the word lamb.
narrative style - past tense, ordered sequence of
events, personal feelings, etc, are all typical of this C Elicit which items on the menu the students
genre. Remind students that they will be writing would like to eat.
their own diary entries and that the activities they
are doing now will lead to this.
2 Discussion sB19
€d 56/57 is the diary entries on SB29.
A Tell the students to discuss the items on the
Set Exercises 2 and 3 on SB32 as homework. This menu in pairs and decide which ones are good
involves putting eight sentences into the correct for you and which ones are not so good.
order and writing a paragraph.
B Have a class discussion. Encourage the students
to give their own opinions. Use this opportunity
to correct pronunciation if necessary.
Lesson 3
sB19 AB22 fdz 3 Predict longuoge ond Iisten to check
Objectives: Use definitions and pictures to
work out meanings.
Discuss food on a menu that is
A Tell the students to look at the picture. Ask:
Wbo can yow see?
good for you and not so good for
Where are they?
Listen for language, then for
Tell the students to work in pairs and answer
specific information and take
the two questions next to the picture. They need
to select what the waiter says from the four
options in box 1, and a reply from box 2. Leave
Longuoge: Polite expressions when in a
them for one minute, then clarify what they
restaurant: Good euening (sir).
have to do and check understanding of ready.
Are you ready to order, sir? No,
Get them to write notes in their copybooks.
sorry, we're not ready,
Vocobulory: beef (n),lamb, curry (n), fried
(adi), grllled (adj),baked (adj),
C Tell the students to listen and check their
answers. PIay O 7 Part 1.
fruit salad, cow, ready, heat (n)"

58 English for Irog Teocher's Bool< 2nd Intermediote: Unit 2

sB19 Meena: Oh, er, I forgot about a drink ... An
orange juice, please.
Presenter: fn o restourdnt. Listen. Part 1
new One orange juice. Thank you, miss.
Waiter: Good evening.
renu, Father: Now you,'Waleed.
Facher: Good evening. '!Taleed: 'Well,I am hungry. I'd like a large
3aning ITaiter: Are you ready to order, sir?
burger and fries, please. And ...
Father: Er, are you ready, Meena ... rWaleed? '!Taiter:
One burger and fries.
Children: Yes, Dad.
)aning Father: You should have some vegetables,
Father: Yes, thank you. Meena, give the 'Waleed.
rnd the waiter your order.
rd in Waiter: The burgers come with a small
salad, sir.

D Elicit the onswers: Father: Oh, fine.

Waleed: And for dessert, I'd like a large piece
of chocolate cake and a lot of ice-
The waiter says: Good euening. Are yow ready to
order, sir?
The father replies: Good euening.
Father: Not too much ice-cream.
'l7aiter: Chocolate cake and ice-cream
s819 Father says: Yes, thank you. - not
Elicit why \Yhat do yow uant? and the reply
'We're too much. And to drink?
the Can I have alarge cola, please?
not ready are not appropriate. Point out that they
: good
are not polite. Ask about the question Can I take
\Taiter: One large cola. Thank you. And
your order, siri Point out that there is nothing what would you like, sir?
wrong with it; it is perfectly polite, but it isn't what Father: I'd like some grilled fish and rice,
the waiter says.
please, with, let me see, ...
Elicit answers orally and write them on the
4 Listen for specific informotion board.
heck Answers
s819 A Introduce Exercise A. Then play f) 7 Part 2. 1 baked potato (butter), mixed salad, fruit
salad, ice-cream, orange juice
\sk: Presenter: Port 2 2 burger, fries, chocolate cake, ice-cream, cola

Meena: I'd like a baked potato, please.

Use the question at the end of Exercise A to
Waiter: A baked potato. And some meat, or
prompt a discussion. Ask the students to give
lswer reasons for their answers.
Meena: No, thank you. I'm not very hungry.
rey need
Father: How about a pizza?
Meena: No, thanks, Daddy. But I'd like a
2. Leave 5 Role-ploy SB19 AB22 Ex B
salad, please.
:hey 'Waiter:
A mixed salad?'!7ith tomatoes,
,ead!. Ask the students to role-play conversations in pairs.
lettuce and onions?
oks. Let the class hear €l 7 again if necessary. Try to
Meena: Oh, yes. That sounds lovely. And
listen briefly to each pair to be sure they are
can I have a little butter on the
r participating. If they need controlled practice, stop
baked potato, please?
the activity and do some choral repetition.
Waiter: Yes, of course, miss. And for dessert?
Note: This activity can be used again'
Meena: I'd like some fruit salad and a little
ice-cream, please.
Fruit salad and ice-cream. And what
would you like to drink?

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 2 59

EEE L"tton 4 3 Study longuoge sB20

sB2o AB22 Cc atg Tell the students to read the language box and find
another way of saying I'ue got a headache. Elicit rvhy
Objectives: Develop vocabulary related to ache has an 's' in the sentence My head aches
common ailrnents. (because it is a verb in the third person - it aches).
Practise reading dialogues aloud. Ask the students to change the sentences at the top of
Role-p1ay. the page so that acbeis a verb. (My stomach aches.
Longuoge: haue and haue got (a) + arlment My tooth aches. My head aches. My ear acbes.)
my (head) aches Note the following points:
Vocobulory: ache (u, n), pain (n ), tooth, British English speakers tend to use baue gor, while
toothache, stomach (z), American speakers prefer haue. They mean the same.
stomachache, headache, earache,
dentist, drop (n) The indefinite article a is essential in the sentences I
baue a headache and I haue a stomachacbe.With
earache and toothache, it is optional - I'ue got an
1 Listen for pronunciotion SB20 GE earache and I'ue got earache mean the same thing.

A Ask if anyone is sick. If so, elicit what is wrong

with them. See if the students know the words 4 Listen ond reod, then reod oloud
for any illnesses in English. in poirs SB20

B Read the page title aloud and focus on the A Introduce the conversations. Tell the class they
pronunciation and the spelling of ache. are all about people with aches and pains. Ask
Note: Aches and pains .isia common expression the students to read the conversations as they
u in English to describe feeling unwell, especiaily hear them. Play $ 9.
when one has a bad cold or flu.
6) 9 is the text of the four conversations on SB20.
C Tell the students to listen to $ 8 and look at the
pictures. Then use the audio with pauses for B Use pairs of students to read the conversations
pronunciation practice. aloud.

Ga C Ask the students what they think of the advice

given in each of the conversations. Elicit other
Presenter.' Aches and pains. Listen and look at
possible advice. For example:
the pictures.
Ansam: I've got toothache. Ansam: You eat too rnctny sLueets. They're
bad for your teeth.
Anas: I have a stomachache.
Yow drink too much cola. lt's bad
Jameel: I have an earache.
Noora: I've got a headache. for your teeth.
Anas: Yow should go home/go to bed.
Jameel: You showld go home.
2 Work out meonings sB20 Noora: You shouldn't watch too much

Ask the class to match the sentences to the pictures.

Then have them check in pairs like this:
3L: What is Ansam saying?
S2: I'ue got toothache.

60 English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 2

SB2O .; :. 5 Role-PloY sB20 Answers
1 earache
rnd find A Tell the students to work in pairs and prepare at 2 some drops
Elicit why Ieast one conversation. Encourage them to 3 twice
es prepare rwo if possible, so they can each talk 4 {ov
acbes). about one ailment. 5 go swimming
the top of
h aches. B Practise in open pairs. Then get the students to
bes.) work together and role-play in simultaneous
6) to
Presenter.' Listen ond answer the guestions.
rl, while
Write notes.Ihese girls ore sickfhey have
the same.
gone to see o doctor.
5 Complete sentences with longuoge Port I
:ntences 1 of odvice AB22
Doctor: Hello, Noora.
Noora: Hello, doctor.
' got an Tell the students to complete the conversations with
Doctor: Now, what's the matter?
re thing. the words in the box.
Noora: I have a pain in my ear. It really
Doctor: So you've got an earache. I'd better
Id all, right, toothache, sorry, dentist, matter, have,
have a look. Let me see. Mmmm!
sB20 headache, aches, pills, water
Yes, I see. I'11 put some drops in your
ear. It will be better soon.
ass they
ins. Ask
ls they llilJl L"rron s
Noora: X7ill it hurt?
Doctor: No, of course not. It will feel cold,
that's all. Just put your head on one
AB23t24 fd rO side, please. Thank you. One, two
drops. There. That didn't hurt, did it?
r SB20. Objectives: Make notes of the details in two Noora: No, it didn't.
recorded conversations between a Doctor: Right. Now take this bottle with you
rsations doctor and a patient. and put two more drops into your
Use notes to complete two ear before you go to bed tonight.
paragraphs. Noora: Two drops at night.
: advice Express feelings in different Doctor: That's right. Use the drops twice a
it other situations. day until your ear doesn't hurt any
Longuoge: more.
hey're Vocobulory: - Noora: How long will it hurt, doctor?
Doctor: Oh, only a few days. Don't worry.
s 9ad
I'm sure your ear will be fine. But
t Listen for detoil AB23 f0 ro don't go swimming until it's better.
Noora: All right, doctor. Thank you.
A Go through the first set of questions about
Doctor: Goodbye.
rch Noora. Then play C) 10 Part 1 for students to
write the answers. Play the audio a second time
B Tell the students to read the second set of
for the students to check and complete their
quesfions, this time about Rasha. Then play
answers. Tell the students to compare answers
Part 2 and follow the same procedure as before.
with their partner before checking as a class.

English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 2 61

lL _.
Answers Doctor: Thatt right. Have you gor your
t headache , glasses with you?
2 glasses Rasha: Yes, I have.
3 doesn't look nice Doctor: Good. Put them on now, please, and
4 wear glasses all the time don't take them off until you go to
5 12 pills (painkillers) bed.
6 3 times Rasha: AII right, doctor. And thank you.
Doctor: Goodbye,Rasha.
Rasha: Goodbye,doctor.
Presenter.'Part 2
Doctor: Hello, Rasha. SThat can I do for you?
Rasha: I've got a very bad headache, doctor. 2 Use onswers to complete two
It hurts all the time. PorogroPhs AB23 Ex B
Doctor: A headache. I see. Your eyes look a
bit red, too. Tell me, Rasha, do you A Introduce the task. Let the students attempt the
wear glasses? activity without preparation. Monitor their
Rasha: Yes, sometimes. work and give help as necessary.
Doctor: But you're not wearing them now
not? B Elicit complete sentences from individual
Rasha: I don't like wearing them, doctor. I students to check answers.
don't look nice with glasses.
Doctor: you should wear them all the Answers
time, Rasha. If you don't, you'll Noora had an earache, so she went to the
have headaches all day, every day - doctor. The doctor put some drops in Noora's
and night. And your eyes will get ear. Noora should do this rwice a day. Her ear
worse. You don't want that to will be better in a few days. Noora should not
happen, do you? go swimming.
Rasha: No, I don't, doctor. Do I have to
wear them when I'm watching Rasha had a very bad headache. It hurr all the
television? time. Rasha needs to wear glasses, but she doesn't
Doctor: Yes, of course. I said all the time. like wearing them. The doctor said Rasha shouid
Except when you're sleeping, of wear her glasses all the time. If she doesn't, she
course. will have headaches all the time and her eyes will
Rasha: All right, doctor. get worse. The doctor gave her twelve pills. She
Doctor: Good girl. I'11 give you some should take them three times a day.
painkillers to stop this headache, but
I don't want to hear that you ever
have a headache again. Do you 3 Express feelings in different situotions
understand? AB24 Ex C
Rasha: Yes, doctor.
Doctor: There are twelve pills in this box, A Ask a student to read the first sentence in
Rasha. Take two with water, three Exercise C. Then ask the class How do you
times a day - today and tomorrow. feel? Elicit answers and agree a suitable
Rasha: Two pills, three times a day - today adjective. Tell the students to write the answer.
and tomorrow. Then get them to complete the exercise on their

62 English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 2

B Ask individual students to read a sentence aloud
and get another to say how he/she feels.
l|ffiJl L"rron o
Possible answers sB21 ' AB24-21 6) to
3ase, and 1 tired.
ugoto Z I feelfrightened/afraid/nervous. Objectives: Read for gist, then detail.
3 I feel hrPPY. Write sentences to practise a

: you. 4 lfeelexcited. language pattern.

5 I feel worried/sad. Study two marked paragraphs
6 I feel fit. and correct and improve them.
Then compare answers with the
printed paragraphs in the SB.
4 Project reminder sB 28-31 Longuoge: want + noun/pronoun + ,o +
23ExB infinitive
Return the class to where they were at the end of Correction marks: Sp. = spelling;
empt the Lesson 3 at the summer camp. Go through the Gr. - grammar; P. - punctuation
their correct sequence of sentences required in SB31 Vocobulory: an hour or so, be a pain (idiom),
Exercise 2 and go around the class looking at their unusual, surprised (adl),
handwritten renditions of Exercise 3. appendix", save (z), fault (n),
ral draft (n), mark (a), exchange (z)
First, I collected some wood.
Then, I put the wood in a pile. 1 Reod for gist sB21
the After that, I lit a match.
)Joora's I set fire to the wood. A Elicit the heading. Then ask the students to find
H,er ear Then I put a pan of water onto the fire. out Jalal's full name. Explain that Jalal has
ruld not I waited for the water to boil. written a true story for the school magazine.
Then, I added tea and sugar. Tell the students to look at the pictures and try
I drank the tea. to guess what happened. Elicit predictions, but
all the don't confirm or correct them.
he doesn't Organize the class into the project groups and ask
ra should the students to spend the rest of the lesson B Read the instructions under the picture. Tell the
n't, she discussing Exercise 4. The activity makes students to read the story and choose from the
'eyes will suggestions for the content of the diary entry but three possible answers. Give two minutes.
,ills. She students are equally encouraged to provide their
own input and it is this that could be discussed in C Elicit that number 2 is the best answer, but let
their groups. Remind students they will be revisiting students who choose one of the others say why.
this in Lesson B.
Encourage class discussion'
2 Reod for detsil SB21 AB24l25 Exs AJB
) you A Tell the students to read questions L to 6 and
e try to answer them. Then tell them to refer to
) answef. the story again to check their answers' Elicit
e on their oral answers and discuss as a class.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 2 63

,:L -
Answers 6. Go through all the marks on Jalal's draft and elicit

1 (a) No, he doesn't. (b) I want him to play by some of the corrections and improvements orally.

Z la) (He said he felt sick) many times'
(b) Again and again. 5 Correct ond imProve the PqrogroPh
3 No, he didn't. AB25/27 Ex D
4 He didn't eat the crisPs.
5 (He had to go) to hosPital' A Tell the students to write the paragraph
6 No, he didn't. correctly in their copybooks. Let them discuss
the mistakes in pairs and suggest improvements,
B Have students re-read the story and work out but then write their own corrected draft. Make
meaning from context. sure they don't look at the Student's Book until
they finish.
rWhen they finish, tell them to look at SB21 to
an hour or so - (b) about an hour
(c) what someone does not usually do check their work.
unusual -
Note: Remind the students that they need card
swrprised - (c) He was shocked because
and colouring pencils in the next lesson.
something unexPected haPPened'
fawlt' (b) something bad that happened
because of me

Lesson 7
3 Work out on idiomotic sB22l23
exPression sB21
Objectives: Choose a Get uell card for
This is a yery common expression in spoken a friend.

English. It means Yow giue me a pain because yow Match the cards with the
are a nuisance. messages inside.
Read instructions and make
a card.
AB25 Ex C Read an informal letter.
4 Write sentences '!7rite
a Parallel letter'

Elicit possible sentences. Then get students to make Longuoge:

Vocobulory: cheer up, best wishes, front (n),
correct sentences. Point out that they should pay
card (= thick" PaPer), middle, fold
attention to meaning and grammar.
(u), suit (u), as soon as, coach (z)
Note 1: This can be set as homework if necessary'
(netball -), be able to, leave (u)
Note 2: Card or thick paper is needed in Lesson 9
to make Get well cards. Colouring pencils or pens
would also be useful.
I Reod cords snd discuss questions
in poirs SB22

5 Study o morked PorogroPh

A Tell the students to work in pairs reading the
AB25 Ex D
four questions and writing notes in their
Read the instruction and elicit or Present draft and
mark. Point out that mark is also a verb artd ask'Who Elicit answers orally. Clarify the meaning of Get
marked Jalal's draft? (his teacher) Explain that this is well.
the first draft of the story the students read in Lesson

64 English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: unit 2

rnd elicit
Answers B Elicit the number of paragraphs, and how we
-rally. 1 Get well soon. show the beginning of a new paragraph. Point
2 (Individual answers) out that the first and last paragraphs are much
3 I(hen theY are sick. shorter than the middle one. Focus on the
,roPh 4 (lndividual answers) greeting and'farewell and elicit different forms
lTExD of farewell. Remind them that you can end a
letter with Best wishes.
I 2 Motch cords ond messoges SB22
)vements, Invite individuals to read a message aloud. Elicit 5 Reod for gist sB23
t. Make or present the meaning ol laughter and cheer wp
rok until as they arise. Then tell the students to work in Ask a student to read the first paragraph aloud.
pairs, matching the messages and the Elicit the meaning of leaue. Explain that the first
illustrations on the cards' and last paragraphs in informal (friendly) letters
iB21 to Elicit answers orally. Discuss reasons for their usually don't have topics. The first paragraph is a
choice. For example, card 1 shows a group of friendly beginning and the last is a friendly endrng.
:ed card birds, so Fly back to Lts cts soon as you can
1. could match this one. Tell the students to read the second paragraph
quickly for gist. Give them half a minute to do
Answers this. Elicit that it is about the past week at school.
18,2c,3F,48, 5D, 6A Note: If anyone says it is about Nurse Fawzia's
report or a netball coach's visit, explain that
this is not what the whole paragraph is about.
3 Reod ond moke o cord sB23
Invite one student to read the final paragraph
Read the task instruction aloud. Then teIl the aloud.
students to read and follow the four individual

:.1 instructions on how to make the Get well card.

Encourage them to use the pictures to work out
the meanings of new words.
Draw a representation of the letter on the board
as follows. Elicit from the class what to write in
each box.

Elicit oral interpretations of the instructions and

clarify what the students are going to do. Then Fdd;-l
tell them to foliow the instructions and make
the cards. Go around the class and give any
help that is needed. Make a note of any
especially funny or clever messages so you can
ask those students to read them out at the end
of the activity.
ns Note: Some students may want to use words
sB22 that they don't know. They should ask What's main paragraph
... in English, please?
ing the
4 Revision of letter formot sB23

ing of Get A Introduce the letter on SB23. Explain that it is a

Get well letter. Focus on the position of the

sender's address, how to write it and the date.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 2 65

6 Plon ond droft o porollel letter !7rite these words on the board: Rye, tuinner,
Brazil, pie. Ask the students to find each one in
A Tell the students to write a letter following the the limericks and explain it briefly.
same plan as Sara's. Tell them to use their
copybooks and plan the main paragraph first. Tell the students to read the limericks as they
They can write about what has happened in hear them on the audio. Play $ 11.
school in the past week, or they can write about O 11 is the text of the two limericks on SB24.
something interesting they have done outside
school. Encourage them to modify Sara's
opening paragraph, or write a completely new 3 Reod ond work out rules SB24
one if they can think of a better opening.
Remind them to include their address and the Prompt students to guess the rules. Don't let this
date. activiry take too long.

B Monitor progress on the draft as the students Answer

write. Answer any questions or requests for help. A limerick is a short poem.
khas fiue lines.
C Collect the letters for marking. Use a similar The last words on lines 1,2 and 5 rhyme.
convention for marking as in AB28l29. The last words on lines 3 and 4 also rhyme.
A limerick is always fwnny.

IIffiDI L.rro, I Explain that limericks are not at all serious.

Note: The limerick is a common form of
humorous poem that has existed in Britain for
sB24 AB27l28 €b ttnz many years. They are popular as they can be
written about any subject. Note carefully the
Objectives: 'Write a limerick for the school
rhythm used on the audio; this is the way they
should always be read.
Longuoge: Rhyme and rhythm
Vocobulory: limericko, winner"-, pie"'
4 Reod oloud sB24 Q rr
1 Introduction to the topic sB24
Let the students practise saying the limericks for
pronunciation purposes. Emphasize the strong,
Explain that in the first part of the lesson, they are
regular and simple rhythm. Encourage the students
going to look at a special kind of poem called a
to enjoy making an attempt, and play the audio
limerick for the magazine.In the second part of the
again to help them as necessary. Don't insist they
lesson they are going to write limericks and a diary
get it right at this stage as there is plenty of time to
practise later.

2 Listen ond reod sB24 f0 rr

5 Complete limericks AB27t28 60 tZ
Books open. Elicit what is written on the
B Tell students to complete the limericks in the
poster. Emphasize the Try!Then talk about
Activity Book. !7hen they are complete, play
each of the pictures. Encourage the students
6) 12.
to use their imagination to interpret them.

66 English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 2

,inner, 2: Ask the class to talk about things the), do in
:h one in There was a young boy from their spare time and how often they do them.
lWho got to school every day late. 3: Elicit the example sentences. Then prompt
.s they When his teacher asked'Why?' transformations. For example:
He replied with a cry, S: A little salt is good for you.
r SB24. 'My clock always wakes me at T: What about too much salt?
eight.' S: Too much salt is bad for yotr.

sB24 Man: There was an old man from Jaipur, 4: Mime toothache. Then ask What's Lurong
Whose house had a green and blue uith me? and elicit You'ue got toothache. Invite
:t this door.
the students to mime other ailments and ask
I said, 'I like white.' other students What's wrong uith me? Get
them to continue this activity in pairs.
He said, 'That's all right.
But I think that white is a bore.'
Give out the corrected letters from Lesson 7.
E 5: Add when clauses to the two sentences. For
I sometimes feel frigbtened when I am in the
yme. house alorue.
Project reminder sB28-3t
I feel excited when my friends uisit me.
Ask the class to do the same with other
Encourage students to write their own limericks for
'ious. adjectives. Use the following: hungry, tired,
submission to the school magazine. They could do
of angry, bappy, exbausted, sad, neruous, sby.
this as homework in addition to Exercise 4 on
tain for
SB31. The students will have discussed this in
:ao be F Organize the students in pairs. Tell them to
Lesson 5 and will now work on
be in a position to
lly the discuss things their parents want them to do.
their diary entries. Ask them to work on this for
,ay they Elicit examples as a class.
homework and present their diaries to their group
editors at the end of Lesson 10.

2 Spell words AB28 Ex A

f$ tt
ks for
fJffiJl L.rron e A Make sure the students know what each word
is in Exercise A by eliciting the words as a class.
'on8, sB25 AB28-30 Then ask the students to work in pairs and do
students the spelling. Don't let them refer to their
rudio Objectives: Revise language from the unit. Student's Books at this stage.
st they Longuoge: Revision
f fime to Vocobulory: Revision Ask the students to check their own answers by
referring to the words in their Student's Books.
checking answers, elicit the sounds made
I Round up sB25 by these letters:
fd tz
ach in1. and2 \v,s\ tr
A 1: Prompt more examples of giving advice by utfr3 ^
'/ J

in the asking questions llke How do you keep fit? ghin4

e, play Elicit the silent letters in 5, 6, 8 and 10.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 2 67

(You shotildn't let
1 earache cbildren climb small trees is also possible.)
2 stomach 6 Ifyou have toothache, you should see a
3 fruit dentist.
4 laughter
5 surprised
6 biscuits 5 Join sentences AB29 Ex D
7 ught
B wrong Remind the students of why we join sentences - it
9 regularly makes the writing more interesting to read. Elicit
10 often the answers orally. Tell the students to complete the
l L minutes sentences for homework.
12 unhealthy
13 chocolate Answers
14 fried 1 Rafid fell off his bicycle and hurt his leg.
15 medicine or
Rafid hurt his leg when he fell off his
3 Evoluote eight octivities AB28 Ex B 2 Noora doesn't like beef, but she iikes lamb.
3 lX/hen I was washing up, the phone rang.
A Tell the students to do the activity on their own or
and then discuss answers with their partner' I was washing up when the phone rang.

B During feedback, ask the students to give

reasons for their answers. Swimming, running, 5 Punctuote sentences AB30 Ex E
netball and climbing are good forms of exercise,
but let the students try to justify choosing the Let the students discuss the punctuation in parrs
others if they wish. before writing in their books.

4 Reorder words to moke 1 '\7ould you like to go to a restaurant this
sentences AB29 Ex C evening?' she asked.
2 'I don't know what to do,' said Ali. 'I
Do the first two on the board. Use the agreed to meet Jamal, but I can't remember
demonstration to highlight the form of sentences' where.'
Point out that it is helpful to remember that
sentences begin with a capital letter.
7 Complete sentences AB30 Ex F
Tell the students to complete the other four
sentences and compare answers in pairs. Tell the students to complete the sentenQes using the
words in the box.
1 The doctor wants you to see him tomorrow. Suggested answers
2 Nadia has a pain in her ear. 1 frightened
3 A little sugar is all right, but too much is 2 excited
bad for you. 3 surprised, worried
4 Too many sweets are bad for your teeth' 4 happy, wonderful
-5 You shouldn't iet small children climb trees' 5 upset

68 English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: unit 2

ssible.) IIEE t.,ron to 3 Listen for consolidotion
sB26t27 6& rr
;ee a
s126t21 AB31 f} tS
Tell the students to listen and follow the story in
Objectives: Read a story for enjoyment. theii books. Ask them to pay particular attention to
Longuoge: the pronunciation of scrambled eggs, delicious and
!9ExD Vocobulory: Algeria", wake up"', whole", wallaby. Play O 13.
scrambled eBBS"', Pan (n)",
ces - lt perfect (adil", proud of", Pick 6) 13 is the story on,SB26/27.
Elicit up'', wallaby*-, race through",
plete the bushn', wiPe (z)", Plate (n)'"
4 Discussion sB25t27

I Introduction sB26l27 Ask the class if they understood anything better

is leg. through hearing the story. Elicit particular
Elicit the title and ask a few ideas of what the examples and why they were easier to
ris episode might be about. Then use the questions understand through Iistening.
at the top of the Page.
es lamb. Ask the following questions about paragraph 2:
) rang. Ask the students to talk about the pictures. Ask Wby did Bob need to borrow clothes?
What can you see? \Yhat do you think is trousers/shirt/sueater did be borrow?
rang. happening? Present any of the new words that Wby did Bob droP the eggs?
arise during this discussion. How did the other boys feel?

30ExE C Clarify anything the students don't understand.

2 Reod for enjoyment sB26l27
Elicit the four questions orally, then tell the 5 Write notes on the story
students to read the story and find the answers. sB25l27 AB31

rnt this Elicit answers. Then ask what the students Tell the students to fill in the summary chart on
think of Bob and what they have learned about AB31.
.. 'I him so far.
They are two boys going to the Y/orld Extro octivities
Youth Camp.
i30 Ex F Z They met on the plane in Baghdad.
AB31-3s o te
J They are in Australia (at the'lTorld Youth
Use the Extra activities as approprlate.
using the Camp).
. They can be completed in class or for
He lost his suitcase.
. The more able students can do the exercises
while you attend to weaker students.
. Ask the project group editors to collect the
diary entries from their group members. They
will need to evaluate the material as well as

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 2 69

make suggestions for improvement' They will Ex C - Listening
need to return the diary entries to their owners
at the start of Unit 3 Lesson 2, when there will
be a second chance to submit corrected and
6) tl
Presenter: Listen and answer the guestions.
improved versions.
Write short onswers.
Doctor: And your name is ... ?
Huda: Huda.
ExA Doctor: Hello, Huda. Now, what's the
Huda: I've got a stomachache.
1 cheer, up
2 coach,football
Doctor: A stomachache. How long have You
3 dentist, teeth had it?
4 doctor, ill Huda: Since yesterday morning.
5 editor, magazine Doctor: Yesterday morning! That's a long
6 exercise, take time.
didn't you come and see
7 food, fried me earlier?
8 mug, tea
I hoped it would go away.
9 out of breath, unfit
Doctor: I see.
did you eat the night
10 spare, time
before last?
Huda: Lamb and rice with a salad.
Doctor: That's all right then. Now, where
ExB exactly does it hurt? Ifhich Part of
your stomach?
Huda: It hurts all over.
Khalid was watching TV when the phone rang.
Doctor: Not in one particular place?
It was for his mother.
Huda: No. Allover.
'I'11 take it in the kitchen,' she said. 'Take care 'Well,
Doctor: it's not appendicitis then. I'll
of your littie brother.'
give you some medicine. Take it
'I will,'he answered.
three times a day.If the pain doesn't
Five minutes later, Khalid looked for his
go away, come and see me again
brother, but he wasn't there. Khalid ran into the
tomorrow and we'll do some tests.
garden and saw his brother up a tree.
All right?
'Stay there,' he shouted. 'Don't move.'
Huda: Yes, doctor. Thank You.
Just then, his brother fell. Khalid ran over. His
brother was lying on the ground. He was
crying, but he wasn't hurt. He was iust
1 Huda
2 a stomachache
3 yesterday morning/the morning before
4 a salad
5 all over
6 medicine
7 three times
8 see the doctor again

70 English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 2

Exs D/E - VocobulorY
Exercise D
1 unfit
2 alwaYs
3 unusual
4 alot
5 unhealthy
6 interesting

Exercise E
[ave you
1 lamb

a long
2 baked

and see
3 grilled
4 menu
5 dentist

Ex F - Grommor

Answers (Slightly different answers are

part of
1 You should wear your glasses every day.
If you don't, you will get headaches.
2 You should take exercise regularly.
If you don't, you will be unfit.
3 You should eat lots of fruit and vegetables
hen. I'll every day.
rke it
If you don't, you will be unhealthy.
.n doesn't
ne tests.
Ex G - Reoding
1 Salam
2 Jameel
3 in the sitting room
4 to get a cola
7 in one or two days
8 (b) is the best answer

Ex H - Writing
Students'own answers.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 2 71

Activities Language
Materials Topic area
Introduction to unit toPic. Vocabulary
SB32 The sPorts centre 'Wbat
Revise and develoP vocabularY sports would
Listen to an advertisement you like to Play/do?
for pronunciation. like to -..
Ask and answer questions
about a leaflet and about
sports ability.

Listen for specific information. Apostrophe before

SB33 The timetable
Ask and answer questions about s in irregular plural
a leaflet and about sports ability. no,Jls: men's
Cc 1611,7
How good are you

Booking classes Listen and read for information learn how to +

to fill in a timetable. infinitive
Do two exercises to consolidate Pronunciation
6i 18/19
Read conversations aloud.
Role-play conversations.

SB35 The basketball game Read and comPlete a conversation'
Perform the conversation. twelue Point fiue
€d 20121 Narrate and write a storY from seconds
picture and written cues. one point four five

London 2012 Scan for information to answe( Vocabulary

questions. Superlative of
\7rite three questions to ask adjectives
the class.

Study a plan for a parugtaPh. Past habitual

S838 Changes
Read the completed ParagraPh. used to + infinitive
'!7rite sentences with used to- Vocabulary

Writing Plan and write a ParagraPh. Various


Read and listen for enjoYment' Various

S839 Haue fwn with
AB43 uords!

Round uP Revise language from the unit. Revision

6) 13

Read for enioyment. Vocabulary

10 sB.41.142 Bob and Basim -
AB47 the ice-creams
6t 23

Extra activities Do revision and consolidation Revision


72 English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 3

ts would
nit obiectives
.P.lay/do? Develop listening for pronunciation, language and detail.

Participate with increased confidence and competence in all class interaction

and, specificallS express opinions on texts.
Read recorded dialogues and tongue-twisters aloud with good
e before pronunciation.
ar plural Perform a telephone conversation to book a sports class.
t. you Reading: Understand how to find information in texts quickly through practising
with a timetable and short texts.

to+ Write answers to questions with irnproved accuracy.

Develop understanding of planning and of paragraph organization as a
ribn means of improving one's writing.
sentences telling a story.
V/rite a paragraph of benveen 60 and 80 words about sport.

Project work: There are opportunities to revise the diary entries in Unit 3. It's important
students' *oit ir validated and even if their submissions are not acceptable
nt fiue
for the school magazine, they should be given the chance to display their
work, for example on the walls of the classroom. This unit is about sPort
four five
and you should make suggestions for presenting reviews of local events,
articles about their own sport or even photographs - all potential material
for inclusion.


English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 3 73

Lesson 1 o1s
Presenter.'Listen ond point to the pictures os
sB32 AB35 60 ts you hear the ndmes of the sports. Repeat the
Objectives: Talk about sport, the unit and Voice 1: Ashby Sports Centre. Come to the
proiect topic. sports centre and get fit!
Listen for pronunciation. You can choose from last year's old
Revise and develop vocabulary. favourites.
Ask and answer questions about Voice 2: Volleyball (Pause)
preferences related to sport. Voice 1: Swimming (Pause)
Longuoge: yow like to ...? I'd like to Voice 2: Sailing (Pause)
Voice 1: Riding (Pause)
Vocobulory: sports centre) karate, tennis, Voice 2: Football (Pause)
athIetics, gymnastics, Voice 1: Judo (Pause)
information, rule (n), etc.let. Voice 2: Basketball (Pause)
cetera"', net (volleyball -)", Voice 1: And, from the beginning of this year,
racket"- we can give you lessons in these
I Introduction to topic Voice 2: Karate (Pause)
Voice 1: Tennis (Pause)
\frite the word sport on the board and tell the class Voice 2: Athletics (Pause)
that this is the topic of the unit. Elicit the names of Voice 1: Gymnastics (Pause)
sports the students know and write them on the Voice 2: Call us on 95284L for more
board. Then find out what they think of the various information.
sports by asking questions. For example:
Do you like (football)? Check understanding of the four new sports.
How often do you play (uolleyball)? Then elicit the names of all the sports and check
Do you watch (basketball) on teleuision? pronunciation. If necessary, use 6d 15 again.
is your fauourite (tennis) player?

3 Longuoge study s832

2 Listen ond repeot nomes
of sports SB32 fd 15 A Use the grammar box. Explain the meaning of
etc. and rule. Give the students time to think
Read and explain the page title. Then tell the about the rule and discuss their opinions in
students to look at the picture on SB32 and pairs. Then elicit suggestions as a class. The
work out what it is. Try to elicit that it is a answer is as follows:
notice or an aduertisement giving information . play is used with sports that are
about a sports centre in a place called Ashby. competitive, like games.
Explain that you are going to play a radio . do is used for individual sports wheie you
advertisement for the sports centre on audio. practise alone for improvement or
Then play 6D 15. competition.
. go is used to indicate taking part in an
individual sport mainly for
enjoyment, often outdoors.
So you can do swimming (practise
competitively) or ga swimming (do it for

74 English for Irog Teocher's Bool< 2nd Intermediote: Unit 3

.' enjoyment), but you can'tplsyswimming' Lesson 2
,res os Note: The question uses do in all cases, for
lot the example, What sport wowld you like to do? s833 AB35 6& r0
Objectives: Listen for specific information.
to the B Elicit examples of each type from the class'
Ask and answer questions about
a sports timetable.
ar's old
sB32 Ask and answer questions about
4 Ask ond onswer questions
sports ability.
Demonstrate this activity with one student'
Longuoge: Apostrophe before s in irregular
plural nouns
Then choose two students to demonstrate. (See
TP 51 in the Introduction')
Hotu good are you ctt ...?
Vocobulory: timetable (z), beginners,
, advanced, team practice, leaflet,
B Tell the students to ask and answer questions in
good at something, quite, Practise
pairs. Try to listen to everyone.
this year,
5 Do o vocobulory exercise A836 Ex A I Project work
Ensure the group project editors return the
A Read the rubric and, before giving any
explanation, see if any of the students can work corrected diary entries to their owners. Briefly go
it out for themselves. If they can't, ask ln which around the class checking that the group editors
sport do you run, iump and throw things? Or have marked the entries in a sensible way and made
use number 2, as it is more obvious. Whicb realistic proposals for improving the texts. Students
sport do you pldy on the beach using a ball and should allocate time during their homework to
a net? Then tell the students to work in pairs making the suggested improvements and resubmit
and try to do the others. Tell them to move on if their diary entries to their groups for inclusion in
nd check
they can't do one of them. They can come back the school magazir.e.
to it later.

B Elicit answers. 2 Listen for specific informqtion ond

Answers Pronunciqtion sB33 fi 15

ning of 1 athletics
think 2 volleyball A Read the title and present timetable. Tell the
3 karate students to read the first line under the title on
rs in
4 sailing SB33 and find what the boy in the picture is
5 tennis doing. Then tell the students to listen to the
6 gymnastics telephone conversation and answer the question
7 football does Daue haue to leaue?

3re you
8 horse-riding Tell them to listen and follow the conversation.
Then play 6) 16. If you can't elicit the correct
answer - his name and address - play the audio

5 Answer guestions AB38 Ex B again.

Tell the students to write full sentence answers.

Check the answers in the class if there is time.

r it for

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 3 75

o16 4 Ask ond onswer guestions to Proctise
Presenter.' Dave phoned the sPorts centre and sconning SB33
heord d rnessdge. Listen to the messoge'What
does Dave have to leave? A Elicit the question and answer in speech bubbles
Voice: This is the Ashby Sports Centre' orally. Ask similar questions about the
Thank you for calling.'We hold timetable.Then invite a student to ask a
classes in many different sports from question. The student who answers correctly
'We can ask the next question.
tennis to horse-riding. have
separate classes for women and girls
and for men and boys. There are three B Continue the practice in simultaneous pairs'
kinds of classes: beginners, advanced
and team practice. Please leave your
name and address and we'll send You 5 Tolk obout sPorts Preferences SB33
a leaflet. Thank You for calling.
A Ask students to imagine they have gone along
Ask Why do they want Daue's name and to a sports centre. The man/woman at the desk
address? Elicit answers from different says'What sports do you Luant to doi Ask the
individuals before confirming the correct questions to different students and elicit short

answer, They uant to send him a leaflet. Play answers, for example, iudo, swimming, etc.
the audio againif necessary. Explain leaflet and Continue with the questions, but now add the
ask the students to find the word on SB33. extra question How good are you at (ittdo)?

B Tell the students to study the three speech

3 Yocobulqry proctice bubbles at the bottom of the page. Then ask as

s833 6& tz above:

T: 'What sports wowld You like to do?
A Tell the students to listen and repeat after the S: I'd like to do swimming.
audio. Play €b 1.7. T: How good dre you at swimming?
S: I'ue neuer done swimming. I'd like to learn
t7 how to do it.
Presenter:Listen and repeot these words. 'When
Voice: Beginners. (Pause) C the students understand what to do, let
Advanced. (Pause) them practise in simultaneous pairs. Don't
Team practice. (Pause) expect too much accuracy at this stage.

Make sure that the students don't pronounce letter

'n' twice in beginners. 5 Answer questions to consolidote
Yocobulory AB35
B Check the meaning of the three new words'
Tell the students to read the notice on SB33 and
answer the questions on AB36' Point out that they
will need to think. As they work, go around the
class checking that they understand that both Start
now! and Learn a new sportt indicate a beginners'


l€ English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: 3

,roctise Books shut. Tell the students they are going to
(1 volleyball, 2 tennis, hear two conversations of people booking
5 Ssginners' lessons
--.--- 1 basketball) classes, Liz and Dave. Teil them to listen and
2 gymnastics,
2 tennis) answer these questions:
bubbles 4idvanced lessons (2 gymnastics,
,r^^ practices (1 volleyball, 2 swimming, 1. What s7orts does Liz ask about?
3 +
2 .What
classes will sbe go to - beginners
1 basketball)
aduanced or tedm Practice?
3 What sPort does Daue ask about?
s833 4 What class tuill he go to?
box at the bottom of the page' Tell the students to write notes - the name of the
A Use the grammar
sports and just E, A or T for the classes. Play Parts
Remind the students that we put the apostrophe
S833 after s in plural nouns. (See the grammar
box 1 and 2. Give the students a few minutes to look at
on SB4.) However, there are some irregular
their notes, then let them hear the two parts again
re along plural nouns in English, for example, men, either to check or complete their answers'
the desk women, children andpeople. These already
show more than one, so, if we want to show f)18 Parts 1 and2 contain the text of the
Ask the
:it short possession, the apostrophe goes before the s' conversations on S834.

L etc. Elicit sentences with wome7l and cbildren and

add the write them on the board. C Elicit answers, but don't confirm or correct
indo)? them at this stage.
B Draw attention to the spelling of the verb
:eCh practise compared with the nounpractice in the
en ask as leaflet. 2 Reod to check onsu/ers sB34

) A Tell the students to look at SB34 and check

t to learn
I!ffiI L""on 3
sB34 AB37/38 f0 tg/19
their answers. Encourage them to scan quickly
to find the answers. Say:
Look at the first conuersation.
Who can be first to find the two sports Liz asks
Objectives: Listen and read for specific 'S7hen
r do, iet a hand is raised, elicit the answer and ask
ron't the student which line the sport is in. Use the
Do exercises practising
same procedure to elicit the answers to the
vocabulary, grammar and
other questions.
Make conversations.
te Longuoge: Revision Answers
AB36 Vocobulory: book (z) Liz - volleyball T (team Practice)
- riding B (beginners)
Dave - judo B (beginners)
3 and
:hat they 1 Listen for specific informotion f) ts
rd the B Ask Why is Liz going to team practice and not
oth Start A Remind the students of the sports centre and a class? (Because she's quite good at volleyball.)
:ginners' what you can do there. Explain that when you
have chosen what to do, you have /o book a
c/ass. Present the new word.
,#- \
English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 3 77
3 Listen for specific informotion Boy 1: Thursday at seven o'clock. Thank
AB37 Ex A Otq you.

Tell the students to look at AP37. Go through Part 3

Officer: Sports Centre. Can I help you?
the timetable, eliciting the meaning of the
abbreviations M 6 B and W dt G. Draw Boy 2: Yes. I want to learn how to ride, but

attention to the item filled in on'Wednesday at I've never been riding before.
five o'clock. Then tell them to use their notes Officer: Our beginners' iessons are on
about Liz and Dave to fill in tu/o more spaces in Saturdays at ten in the morning. Can
you come then?
the timetable. Go around checking that
everyone is doing this correctlY. Boy 2: Yes, I can. That's fine. Thank you.

Tell the students they are going to hear three C Copy the Activity Book timetable on to the
more people phoning the sports centre to ask board, so that you can write the answers in the
about classes. This time, you want them to correct places when you elicit them from the
listen and write the answers in the timetable. class.

Note: If you think they will find this difficult,

help them with the first conversation. Tell them
to listen to Part 1 without writing anything and 4 Reod for specific informotion
elicit the answers orally (gymnastics,
SB33 AB37 Ex B
7, B). Then tell them to listen again
and write the answers in the timetable. Tell the students to complete the rest of the
timetable by finding information about other
f) 19 days on 5833. Tell them that there will be three
Now listen ond fill in sorne more of the blank spaces.
Part I Elicit answers and complete the timetable.
Officer: Sports centre. Can I help you?
Girl: Yes. I'd like to join the gymnastics Answers
class. SVhen is it, please? The complete timetable (The sources are in
Officer: Are you good at gymnastics, or do brackets below for the benefit of the teacher.)
you want to learn? 5-7 Volleyball (B) (5833) Karate (B) (5833)
Volteyball (B) (5834) Tennis (B) (5833)
Girl: Oh, I want to learn. I've never done 7-9

gymnastics before. 5-7 Judo (B) (5834) Basketball (B) (5833)

-We11, ?o Gymnastics (B) (5833) Tennis (B) (5833)
Officer: the beginners'lesson for girls is
on'Wednesday at seven o'clock. 5-7 Horse-riding (B) (S834) Athletics (B) (5833)
?o Gymnastics (B) (5833)

Part 2 5-7 Karate (B) (5833) Athletics (B) (5833)

10 Swimming (T) (5833) Gymnastics (A) (5833)
Boy 1: Hello. Is that the sports centre?
Officer: Yes. Can I help you? 5-7 Tennis (A) (SB33) Gymnastics (A)
10 Swimming (T) (5833) (s833)
Boy 1: Yes. I want to go swimming. Can
you tell me when lessons are? 10-1,2 Tennis (A) (5833) Riding (B) \Audio i)
3-5 Basketball (T) (SB3-3)
Officer: How good are you at swimming?
Boy 1: I'm quite a good swimmer. I'd like to
try to join the team.
Officer: Right. Team practice is on Thursday
t 4t seven o'clock.

English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 3

5 ComPlete sentences with correct 7 Reod oloud sB34 6* 18
verb ond tense AB38 Ex C
A Tell the students to read the conversations on
Tell the students to read the six sentences
and SB34 as they hear them. Piay 6) 18 Part 1' So
u? decide which verb to use in each case'
Tell them that the whole class can practise pronunciation,
ide, but that at this stage they iust need to choose the divide students into two groups. One group
verb, not the tense. takes the part of Liz and the other group takes
n the part of the sports officer. Pause after each
,ing. Can Elicit answers from the class with reasons for line for the students to repeat exactly as on the
their choice. Then discuss as a class which tense audio.
k you. to use. Prompt the students so they find the
right answer for themselves. For example, Ask two students to begin reading the first
,the number 1 is clearly in the past because of the conversation aloud. Correct pronunciation as
rs in the word before. Ask Do ue know when? (No, necessary. Focus on the intonation in the
I the some time in the person's life.) Guide them to questions and statements. Make sure the
choose the Present perfect I hauen't played' students read the words in groups and don't
stop between each word. Focus also on syllable
C NThen you have been through each sentence stress. (See the two Speaking tips on SB45') Use
orally, ask the students to complete the 6i 18 Part 2 to practise the second conversation
37ExB sentences in writing. in the same way.

f the Answers
: other t have not played ,8 Role-ploy SB34 AB38 Ex E
be three 2 did
3 has gone/went A This activity will need to be demonstrated a few
4 am doing times before the students work in simultaneous
ble. 5 am going pairs. Take the part of the sports officer yourself
6 were playing first and choose one student to demonstrate'
Then use a few pairs of students to make up
re in conversations. Correct pronunciation as
,acher.) 5 Correct spellings AB38 Ex D necessary.

r (sB3,
)(s833) A Discuss each sentence as a class and agree B Tell the students to make conversations of their
which word is spelled wrongly and how it own.
il (B) (SBJ3)

,) I
should be written.
B Tell the students to complete the activity in

(B) (S833)
ics(A) (5833) I

ics (A) I
1 centre
\) (Audio 3)

2 beginners'
il (r) (sB3r) 3 athletics

4 practise
5 team

English for Iroq Tescher's Bool< 2nd Intermediote: Unit 3

FIfrffiF L.uron 4 3 Reod ond complete o conversotion
sB3s AB39t4o €b zotzt
Tell the students to read the conversation and work
Objectives: Read and complete a out what Samir said. Tell them to write the letters
conversation. next to the numbers.
Role-play a conversation.
Narrate orally and in writing a 4 Listen to check sB3s f0 zolzr
story about a sports competition.
Longuoge: Comparative of adjectives and A Tell the students to listen and check their
adyerbs answers. Play 6) 20.
Vocobulory: result, win/won, lose/lost (to),
beat/beat, awful, point (z), Let's $20
face it, at least, against, race (n), Presenter.' Check your answers.
high jump, competition, 1f,2c, 3a, 4d,5b, 6e
conversation, point (a) (=
decimal point) B Tell the students to listen to the complete
conversation. Play €b 21.

I Vocobulory work - opposites ond f& 21 is the text of the complete conversation on
synonynls SB35 S835.

Introduce the activity. Explain that the two

basketball teams have just played each other. The 5 Vocobulory focus sB3s
four sentences show the result using different words
- present result. Tell the students to read and guess A Use the context to elicit the new vocabulary in
the meaning of the four words in red. Then discuss the conversation. Most of it should be clear
as a class. from the conversation.

B Use the question in the box below the

2 Freporotion for reqding sB35 conversation. Encourage the students to think
and discuss the question, as there is room for
A Elicit the page heading and highlight the different opinions. For example, in the picture,
picture. Organize the students into pairs to the boys appear to be sad. At the beginning of
discuss what they think has just happened. the conversation, they get angry with each
other. Then at the end they seem to be friendly.
B Elicit as many suggestions as possible about the
picture, for example:
They look wnhappy. 5 Reod oloud sB3s 6& 2r
They baue probably just lost the matcb.
Perhaps they played badly. A Invite individual pairs to practise parts of the
conversation. Encourage them to imitate the
pronunciation and intonation used by the boys.

B Tell the students to practise the conversation in


English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit


tion t AB39 copybooks. Iff/hile the students write, circulate
7 Longroge studY
sB35 and monitor mistakes and difficulties. If you
grammar box on AB39 to explain how to see common mistakes, stop the class and
Use the
nd work numbers. Elicit other meanings of highlight the problem, showing the correction
say decimal
on the board.
: letters poifi. Prompt them if necessary to remember the
-'verb to point and the noun they learned previously
in this lesson, something
yott can score in a gd?txe' B Te1l the studentsto write a final version in their
zorzr Activity Books for homework.
Note: Make sLlte yoll say one
6& point four fiue and
not o/)e dot fortY-fiue'
)!r 10 Project reminder sB30-33

8 Tell o story from Picture cues Having reworked their diary entries, students can
AB39 Ex A no\,v present them one more time to their group
editor for consideration. Maintain an atmosphere of
Ask the class to describe the first picture. Elicit an fairness and ensure everyone is treated reasonably.
answer and let the class comment on it, Set a deadline for the group editors to give you what

correcting or improving it as they think necessary. they consider to be the best diary entry, for example
They should be able to remember the details of the end of Lesson 6. It wili then be your decision to
the competition from the previous lesson, but choose the best for the school magazine as lvell as
they can look back at SB35 if they need to' how to reward the efforts of the ciass in general.

Tell the students to work in pairs and discuss Return the class to a discussion about sport. Ask
the other pictr-rres in the same way. whether anyone has had a similar experience to
sB35 Hiial and Samir. If so, they could rvrite about it for
Elicit the whole story orally, sentence by the school magazine. Set this as a homework task.
ulary in sentence, and write it on the board. Use
clear snggestions from the class to improve and correct
as yoll write (see the example answer below).
Elicit punctuation and spelling as you write.
Lesson 5
sB36/37 AB40
o think Example answer
rm for First the girls ran 100 metres. Mary lost. She Objectives: Scan for information.
picture, rvas slower than Jane. Then they did the liigh \frite three similar qttestions to
Lning of jump. Mary beat Jane. She jumped higher than ask the class-
ach Jane. Next they went to the beach for the Use a set of sPorts verbs.
friendly. swimming race. Suddenly they saw a boy in the !7rite questions.
water. He was shouting'Help!' because he was Longuoge: Superlative of adjectives
drowning. The two girls jumped into the water (revision)
!s 6d 21 and swam towards/to the boy. They saved his Vocobulory: final (z), boxing", medal, score
life. Later Mary said to Jane, ''Well done, Jane! (n, u),world record,
of the You were fantastic.' performance, establish
te the
the boys.
9 Write the story AB40 Ex B
sation in
A Clean the story off the board. Then tell the
students to write a draft of the story in their

English for Irog Teocher's Bool< 2nd Intermediote: Unit 3

1 Find informotion quickly sB36/37 B Invite the students to ask the class their
questions. Encourage a competitive atmosphere
A Use the pictures as a pre-reading activity. Elicit in the rest of the class. (
the name of the sport shown in each picture.
Ask the students if they know who the sports
person is. Tell them to look at the text beside 3 Use o set of sports verbs SB37
the picture to see if there is a name of a person
or country. A Introduce the final activity on SB37. Elicit some
answers so that the students know what they
B Remind the students of how to answer have to do. Then tell them to think and write
comprehension questions. Tell them to work their answers in pairs.
their way through and answer these as fast as
they can. Make it into a competition. B Ask pairs to read their list to the class,
highlighting what each pair has in common.

1 Mexico Example answers

2 American r You hit the other person in boxing and you
3 Serena r{/illiams hit balls with a racket in tennis.
4 the 100 metres (Explain that this is a short r You throw a ball in baseball, netball and
way of saying the hundred/one hundred basketball. You also throw in judo and you
metre race.) throw the hammer and discus in athletics.
5 America r You kick a ball in football and you kick in
o You run races in athletics and you also run
2 Write three questions ond osk the in football and in basketball.
closs to onswer them sB36/37 c You jump in basketball and volleyball and
you jump in the high jump and long jump.
A Read the rubric aloud and explain what you
want the students to do. Elicit one or two
questions to get them started. If necessary, point 4 Answer questions AB4O
out that they can use the questions on SB37 as
models. For example: Tell the students to read the text on pages 36 and
V/hich country won tbe men's football gold 37 of their Student's Books again. They should then
medal at London 2012? answer the questions on AB40 by ticking the correct
can be changed to answers.
country tuon the women's tennis singles
at London 2012? (USA) Answers z
Other example questions are: 1c
Which Olympic medal did Usain Bob win? 2a
(gold) 3b
Wben did Mike Powell set his Olympic long 4c
jnmp record? (1991,)
Note: Make sure you are famlliar with how
years are said in English:
1991 = nineteen ninety-one
201-2 = twenty twelve or two thousand and
tr i !

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 3

3 Reod for detoil
Lesson 6 sB38

i., Sgfg AB41 A Tell the students to read Samir's article silently
and find out what he has added (things that are
Study a plan to write a paragraph. not in his notes). They can underline the extra
sB37 Read the completed paragraph. information or make notes of it in their
sentences to practise the copybooks.
t some past habitual tense.
:hey used to + infinitive B Elicit answers. The extra information is:
rrite change (u, n), weak, schoolwork, . started doing judo two years ago
health, confidence, train (u), . couldn't run fast, was often ill
used to . was lazy, now trains every day
. gets good marks all the time
cn. . was afraid of exams
t Resd notes s838
rd you 4 Vocobulory focus
A Read the introductory text at the top of the
page and explain that this page shows how
and Samir planned his paragraph. Elicit what he did Set the task. Point out that the students have
rd you first (he wrote some notes). Elicit what he did already covered most of these words.
next (he added to the notes and put them in
ick in order). Answers
1 personality
io run 2
B Ask individual students to read aloud the notes confidence
on the left. Elicit or present the meaning of 3 train
1 and
ueak and scbooltuork.
C Elicit the sentence at the top of the notes on rhe 5 Write onswers to questions
right. Explain that this is what the paragraph SB38 AB4t Ex A
AB4O will be about - how judo has changed Samir's
personality and his life. Tell the class that we A Introduce Exercise A. Teil the students they will
call such a sentence the topic sentence. Ask the not find the answer to question 5 in the text;
ld then
students to compare the two sets of notes and they will haye to think about it.
find out what Samir has added to the first one.
B Elicit and discuss the answers.

2 Longuoge presentstion sB38 Answers

1 Two years.
A Focus on the grammar box at the bottom of the 2 He was often ill.
page. Read out the two sentences from the text 3 Every day.
and explain that we use this new tense to talk 4 No. He says that he hates losing.
about something that happened in the past, but 5 Iraq.
doesn't happen now. Show how it is formed:
used to followed by the infinitive of a yerb.

B Check understanding by asking the students to

give some examples about themselves.
nt :

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 3

Write sentences with used to Tel1 the studentsto read the Writing tip and
AB41 Ex B answer the question. Then ask them to read the
two topics and choose one.
Introduce Exercise B. Elicit the first complete
sentence, then let the students complete the task on
Carefully go thror-rgh the instructions on how to
their own. write. Point out that if the students think
clearly, then it is much easier to write.
Example anslryers Note: The stlrdents generally find writing
1 He used to live in Maysan, bttl now he lives difficult, so try to encourage them to take an
in Baghdad. interest in the task.
2 He used to be shy, br,rt now he is confident.
3 He used to eat lots of ice-cream, but now he
eatsfruit. 2 Write notes AB42
4 He used to watch TV a lot, blrt now he does
sport. Circulate and monitor r,vhile the students are
Answers to the writing task will be individual. writing their notes. Encourage them to ask for help
if they need it. They will need help witl-r vocabulary
and the order in which they express their thoughts.
7 Project reminder

Coliect the diary entries from tire group editors. Te1l 3 Write first drsft AB43
the class you will make your own choice by the
conclusion of the unit, at which point the proiect lfhen you feel the students are ready, tell them to
focus will be on the second magazrne article about write their first draft. At this stage, the stlrdents will
dates afrer Unit 5. need help expressing themseives accurately and
making their work more interesting, for example
Remind students abor-rt the homework task you set with the use of link words.
in the previous lesson and tell students they have
until the end of Lesson 10 to submit their work to
their group editors. 4 eheck ared irnprove writing A843

Sfhen you see that the majority of the class have got

ffiL*uu*o z as far as they can, tell them to stop writing. Discuss

common errors as a class and encourage the
students to check their work. Make sure you give
them appropriate strategies, for example:
. checking spelling by referring to their Sttident's
Objectives: Write a paragraph.
Longucge: used to + infinitive
. checking grammar by referring to model texts
Vocobulory: topic sentence, reason (z),
and grammar boxes
Note: Some students may benefit from exchanging
their drafts with partners and getting them to look
l\842 for mistakes and ways of improving their writing.
! Preporotion for writlng
However, this should not be compulsory, as writing
is an individual and private activity, especially when
A E[cit what the students remember about
the topic is a personal one.
Samir's article. Tell them they are going to write
one of their own in this lesson.

84 English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 3

Eil:: "
finol coPY 2 Construct ond perform the tongue-
twisters SB39
you rhink the students have made sufficient
to improve their work, tell them to write a
A Go through the four steps for making up
,n hor,v to tongue-twisters. Let students suggest more
.i,'fr,,rl .opy. Collect final copies for assessment.
rk words beginnrng with &.

ng B Tell the students to work in pairs constructing

Lke an llilElII L"rron 8 tongue-twisters. Go around the class as they
work, giving help where necessary.
sB39 AB43 Cd ZZ
Note: This activity is intended for enioyment, so
it is not important if some students fail to make
AB42 Objectives: Read and practise tongue-twisters
a tongue-twister; however, encourage them all
for enjoyment.
to try.
Vocobulory: tongue-tr,vister", twist (u), peck
for help
(z), pickled (adi)", finally
C Have different students perform their own
cabulary tongue-twisters.

I Listen, then soY o tongue-twister tongue-twisters AB43

sB3e zz 3 Moke rnore
Encourage the stt-ldents to make up more tongue
A Read the page title. Find outif anyone
hem to twisters in class if there is time. If not, encourage
remembers the first tongue-twister from last
lents r,rrill them to think of more for the next lesson.
year. Remind the students of the meaning o{
sh o re.

B Tell the students to listen and read the first

tongue-twister, which practises the sounds of s
Lessom I
and sh . PIay 6b 22 Parr 1.. sB40 AB44-45

O 22 Part 1 is the first tongue-twister on 5839. Objectives: Revision.

; have got
Longuoge: Revision
,. Discr-rss
C Read the explanation. Then invite students to Yocobulory: Revision
try saying the tongue-twister. They should begin
tur give
slowly, then try saying it faster.
1 Round up sE40
D Explain the words in the nert tongue-twister.
Then follow the same procedure as above. It A 1: Elicit further examples of sports the students
el texts
gives good practice with the sound of p. might like to play.

6) 22 Part 2 is the second tongue-twister on SB39. B 2: Ask further questions about the timetable.
to look
C 3: Ask the students about different sports.
s writing
Encourage them to answer truthfully.
a1ly when

\) 7*

English for lrog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 3 -85

D 4: Get the students to write down different 3 Write verb forms AB44 Ex B
numbers in their copybooks' Then elicit and
write them on the board. Ask the students to Tell the students to discuss the table and complete it
check that what they have written matches in pairs.
what they said.
E 5: Tell the students to work in pairs and make Iose lost lost

further sentences. Then elicit as a class' win won won

Note: There won't be enough time for the beat beat beaten

students to complete all the Activity Book run ran run

exercises in this lesson. You can use them for hit hit hit
homework or for mixed-ability work during throw threw thrown
other lessons.

4 Write nouns AB45 Ex C

2Do c vocobulory ond grommor
exerclse AB44 Ex A Complete this activity orally as a class before
getting the students to write the answers' Check
Tell the students to match the correct verb to each spelling on the board.
sentence. Check answers, then elicit the correct
form of the verb as a class. Answers
Answers race
1 was plaYing confidence
2 went SCOTC

3 has done fit

4 used to go practice
6 does
7 used to do 5 Complete sentences AB45 Ex D
8 has played
This is a long exercise with many vocabulary items'
If necessary, remind the students that: It is therefore appropriate for students to work in
o play is used with sports that are competitive, groups to complete it.
like games.
. do is used for individual sports where you Answers
practise alone for improvement or competition' 1 beginners'
. go is used to indicate taking part in an 2 al,traits
individual sport mainly for enjoyment, ofren 3 for
outdoors. 4 information, leaflet
5 timetable

{**t i r"
i'" I

86 English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 3

14ExB times ond w"ii:$;5/45 3 Evening, cooked fish on fire
',5 So'l vesrs' 4 Night, put up tent and slept on beach
Ex E

mplete it
to work in pairs and practise
Tell the students AB45 Ex G
Go round monitoring as they work' 8 Punctuote sentences
Tell the students to complete this activity on their
(a) eighteen ninetY-six
(b) nineteen thirtY-six
(c) nineteen fortY-eight
1 'Look!' said Linda. 'The children's zoo is

oYer there.'
(d) nineteen eightY-eight
(e) two thousand
Z 'I'm sorry,' said the man at the sPorts
centre, ''We only have women's lessons
(f) two thousand and two
f5ExC (g) two thousand and four
(h) two thousand and ten / twenty ten
lheck Times EEIIAB47
L"'on 10
(a) ten point two seven seconds sB41t42 6d zs
(b) nineteen point three fwo seconds
(c) one minute, fifty-two point one one seconds
Objectives: Read a story for enioyment'
(d) three minutes, forty-three point one three
(e) one hour, fwenty-nine minutes, eighteen Vocobulory: break (a)", competition", court'r',
exhausted", ice-cream", melt"',
point zero eight seconds
queue (u)*-, sigh (z)", surPrise*',
(f) two hours, thirty-seven minutes, rwenty-
trip "
eight point five seven seconds

1 Introduction sB41l42
45ExD fifty-two kilograms
sixty-eight point zero five kilograms
lry rtems. one hundred and five kilograms A Tell the students to recall the previous episode
eighty-five kilograms of Bob and Basim (5826127) and discuss what
rork in
two point zero five kilograms happened in pairs. Then discuss as a class,
sixty point five four kilograms prompting as necessary.
B Elicit the title of this episode. Ask the students
to talk about the pictures and predict what
7 Put notes into order AB45 Ex F happens. Check understanding of ice-cream and
use the pictures to elicit or present the meaning
Tell the students to discuss the ordering in pairs. of any words that students are unsure of'
When you elicit the answers, point out that this is a

very common way of organizing events - in sequence

according to the time when they happened. 2 Reod for enjoYment sB41l42

Answers A Elicit the three questions orally and check

1 Morning, got up early * went swimming students understand them. Tell them to read the
2 Afternoon, sailed to island story and find the answers.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 3 ,-*ffi

B Elicit the answers, allowing students to ask any Gymnastics: Beginners Sat. 5 - 7
Gymnastics: Advanced Sun. 10 - 12
questions they have about the story'

Answers fe ze
1 SouthPort. Two sports officers are filling in d timetoble
2 Hewas tired/too hot, and he wanted to cool
for o special sports weekend olthe centre'
down. When ore these classes? Listen and drdw lines
3 Five- one for himself and one each for from the sports to the times.
Basim, Paul, Hans and Rod. Maie; Right - shall we trY and do the
timetable for the SPorts Weekend?
Female: I've done one. Do you want to have
3 Listen for consolidotion SB41/42 Cd 23
a look at it?
Male: Fantastic! Let me see. Now, on
Tell the students to listen and follow the story in SaturdaY we have onlY beginners'
their books. Play G 23. classes, and on SundaY onlY
advanced classes? Is that right?
6b 23 is the story on 5841142. Female: Yes. And we start with karate'
I(arate beginners - SaturdaY, from
ten o'clock to twelve o'clock'
4 Discussion sB41l42
Male: And the advanced class is - let me
see now - SundaY, from two o'ciock
As before, ask the class if they understood anything to four o'clock. Fine.
better through hearing the story. Elicit particular Female: Next, tennis. Advanced classes only'
examples and ask why they were easier to ' We have no beginners. SundaY
understand through listening. Ask the students if evening from five o'clock to seven
they want any further explanations, or if they have o'c1ock.
something to say about the storY. Male: Nobeginners at tennis?
Female: No. Everybody is advanced' But for
athletics, we onlY have a beginners'
5 Write notes on the story ciass. That's on SaturdaY from two
sB41l42 AB47 o'clock to four o'clock'
Male: That leaves iust two classes'
Tell the stLldents to fill in the summary chart on AB47 ' Female: That's right. And theY'il be
Male: No judo or swimming or horse-
Extro qctivities riding or ... ?
Female: No. There's no time' So, gymnastics
AB49-s3 fa za - beginners. SaturdaY from five
o'clock to seven o'clock. And
Ex A - Listening Male: Let me guess. Sunday morning from
ten o'clock to tweive o'clock.
Female: Correct' Sunday. Ten to twelve.
Karate: Beginners Sat. 10 - 12
Advanced gymnastics.
Karate: Advanced Sun.2-4
Male: So, let's check that. I(arate beginners
Tennis: Advanced Sun.5-7 Saturday ten to twelve. Karate
Sat.2 - 4
Athletics: Beginners


g.&-" English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 3

advanced - Sunday two to foLlr. Ex E - Writing
Tennis - advanced only - Sunday,
from five to seven. Athletics, Students' own answers.
beginners only - Saturday t.,vo
o'clock to four o'clock. And
gymnastics. beginners - Saturday Ex F - Crossword
evening, five to seven. And advanced
- Sunday from ten o'clock in the Answers
morning to twelve. Fine. 1 ADVANCED

r have
Ex B - YocobulorY 4 LOSE
Ansrvers 6 OLYMPIC
final, score, kicked, won) cup, beaten, scored, 7 BEAT
goals, lost 8 RACE
Ex C - Grommsr
The game is: VOLLEYBALL
1 took place

s only.
2 to compete Project work
3 used to do
4 used to be End the unit by revealing the best diary entry you
5 used to hate hive chosen for the school magazine. Have the
6 training students help you to display other worthy attempts
and ensure any other articles on sport are now in
iut for
the hands of the group editors.
l two
Ex D - Reoding
This is a good time to consider changing the roles
Answers within each project group in preparation for the
1 The 50 kilometre waik. next stage.
2 40 kilometres
3 i981
4 Every year.
5 Money/55,000 US dollars.
6 32,000
7 American
8 It was a new world record.
9 No. (It was a new women's record for the
; from
London Marathon.)



English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 3


---::: - --
Lesson Materials Topic area Activities
1 SB43 Listening Read Listening tips.
€t2s-27 Do exercises to practise points made in the tips.

S844 Reading Read and discuss Reading tips.

S845 Speaking Read Speaking tips.


S846 lil/riting Read and discuss Writing tips.

AB53-55 Tests A and B Read a text and write answers to questions.

a postcard of about B0 words.

6 A856-58 Test C Do listening) grammar, vocabulary questions.

6d 30

7 AB59t60 Test D Read texts and answer questions.

8 A862 Test E \7rite a paragraph of about 80 words.

Return tests, check results and
evaluate performance.
1 This unit reviews the things that have been taught to develop language skills. There is no new
testable vocabulary.
2 It you are able to carry out a speaking test, use any of the ideas suggested in previous units.

\" .:']

?0' English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 4


Lesson I have to work too. I don't have time

to sit here.
:s843 €b zs-zt Man No, I don't either. I came in here
with an earache. Now I have a
Review and practise ways of headache as weli. What about you?
improving listening. Man 2: Pain in my back. Sitting on chairs
like these doesn't help. \X/hat is the
doctor doing?
I Listen for clues S843 Gzs Man Is it worth waiting? He'llgive us
pilis and tell us to resr.
A Discuss the listening skiil. Find out something
about the students' attitude to the skiil and Conversation 2
rvhat problems they have. Books open highlight Man: It's nice here, isn't it?
rhe rext in rhe box. XToman: Yes, it's new. It's only been open a
B Ask a student to read Tip 1 aloud. Discuss the Man: rffhat's yours iike?
advice as a class. Focus on the two questions: XToman: Delicious. IThat did you order?
Where are the people in each conuersation? Man: The chicken with orange sauce.
What are they doing? !7oman: It looks interesting.
As there are no pictures to give the sttidents Man: It's all right. Nothing fantastic.
clues, they will have to think about the quesrion XToman: Do you want some more water?
and then find clues in the conversations Man: Yes, please.
themseives. From the qLresrion it is clear that \7oman: Waiter!
there will be clues in the conversarion about
location and what the people are doing. C Discuss how the studenrs felt about the activity
Before you start the audio, tell the students you and whether it helped to focus on parricular
want them to put up their hands as soon as they information, i.e. Iocation and kind of activity.
think they know the answer. NThen a stLrdent
does this, stop the audio and elicit the answer. If Answers
it is not correct, or not complete, start the audio Conversation 1: They are at a doctor's, or at a
again. If it is correct, ask the student what clues clinic, or at a hospital. They are waiting to see a
gave him/her the answer. play fd 25, which has doctor.
[our conyersacions. Conversation 2: They are in a new restaurant.
They are having a meal.
6) 2s
Listen to two conversotions. Where are the
p_eople in each of them?Whot, dre they doing? 2 Keep listening sB43 G Z0
Conversation I
Man 1: Can you pass me amagazine, A Ask a student to read Tip 2 aloud. Discuss why
please? this is important and whether the students
Man2: This one? usually follow the advice or nor. Read the
Man 1: Yeah. Thanks. rubric and set the task. Play €d 26.
Man 2: How long have you been here?
Man 1: Half an hour. I came in just five
minutes before you.
Man 2: Why do we always have to wair so
long? They should know that we
\"/ i,/
{*u /

4 ,l

English for Iroq Teacher's Bool< 2nd Intermediote: Unit --# I

€b 26 Cd27
Listen and checkyour answers.
What's the score in a football match between '$Taiter:
Iraq and Bohroin? Listen to the radio. Are you ready to order now, sir? R
Announcer: And now, sport. At the end of an Mr Andrews: Yes, we are. I'd like fried chicken
exciting game at the ner'v National with - er - rice, Please. D
'Waiter: Salad?
Stadium, the score was Iraq 3, a

Bahrain 3. Mr Andrews: Er - salad - do I want salad? Yes,

B If all the students are able to anslver, elicit what piease.

it is. If not, play Part 2 agaio. The answer is: 'J7aiter: Madam?
Iraq 3, Bahrain 3. Mrs Andrews: Er, grilled fish, please.'!7ith fries.
Note: You may want to tell the sttldents that And I'11 have salad too.
r,vhen both teams have the same score, it is Waiter: Griiled fish, fries and salad. And o

called a draw. dessert?
Mrs Andrews: Fruit saiad, Please.
C Ask the students if there were words they didn't Mr Andrews: And chocolate cake for me. E:

Nfaiter: One chocolate cake and one fruit ol

know in what they heard. Tell them to look at
the text in the speech bubble next to the radio salad. Anything to drink?
Mr Andrews: Apple iuice, for me. rh
and count the words they don't know. Remind
them of Tip 2 and point out that this exercise Mrs Andrews: And mineral water for me.
.$Taiter: juice rlr
shows that they don't need to know all the Apple and mineral water.
words they hear in order to get the information Thank you, madam, sir.
they want.
1 fried chicken - rice and salad - chocolate
3 Write notes sB43 6d ZZ cake - apple juice
2 grilled fish - fries and salad - fruit salad -
Ask a student to read Tip 3. Explain that there mineral water
are abbreviations for some words that are used
by lots of people, for example: Mon. Tue. OK.

EIffiFE t*tuo*
However, for most words, the students will
have to write their own short forms. Point out
2 in
that they need to write enough of the words to sB44 it<
be able to read them easily later.
Objectives; Review and practise ways of
Introduce the task. Explain that a student has improving reading'
listened to a conversation in a restaurant. They
shor-rld look at the student's notes and work out T
what Mr and Mrs Andrews ordered from the t Introduction
notes. Tell the students to work in pairs and
write the words in full. Talk about the reading skill. Ask if there are any
similarities with the listening skill. Discuss which one
Play G 27 for the students to check their the students find more difficult and why. Encourage
answers. a positive attitude to improving the skiil. Point out
that if the students can read well in English, all the
other aspects of learning become much easier.

ca {i

et English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 4

Before You reod s844 5 Leorning vocobulory SB44

ir? .Read and discuss Tip 1' Then ask what the students Go through the advice on learning vocabulary.
:en :rvould expect to find in an article with the title Point out that although the students do not need to
Danger in the desert For examPle: worry about words while they are reading, reading
r Some people went on a picnic; their car broke is much easier with a large vocabulary. This only
fes, down; they didn't have enough water; they comes with practice.
became ill. How did they get back? Did they get
helP? How?
res. . didn't have
Some people got lost; they a

compass. What did they do? Lesson 3

nd . Someone had an accident.
. Dangerous animals that live in the desert, etc.
sB4s €b zstzg

Objectives: Review and practise ways of

Explain that prediction is useful even when it turnq
improving speaking.
rult out to be wrong, because it still helps engage the
reader's interest. Regular practice will also improve
thestudents'ability to predict. The skili of
prediction is important for comprehension
1 Introduction
throughout the reading process - it helps the reader Read the comment in the box and ask whether the
make sense of the text. This happens when the
students agree. Ask them how they can practise
reader thinks about the meaning o{ new words and
their speaking. Point out that this is an opportunity
phrases in the context of his/her predictions.
to express their views, so they should make use of
it. Put them in pairs to exchange views. Then elicit
opinions from the class.
lad - 3 How to find different kinds of
informqtion SB44

Point out that the students should already know the

2 Reoding oloud sB4s 6d za
advice given in Tip 2. It is put here to highlight the
importance of reading in different ways, depending Go through Tip 1. Then move straight on to the
on the purpose of the reading. Go through each exercise, which is intended to practise reading
item and use the references words in groups, i.e. not par-rsing after each one.
to practise the different
methods. Read the first sentence aloud with pauses to
demonstrate how unnatural it is:
L. It's - uery - hot - today.
4 Working out meonings PIay 6d 28. Pause after each sentence and get the
students to repeat it. Make sure they imitate the
Go through Tip 3. Discuss why mosr srudenrs stress in each sentence correctly. Try to make the

want to know the meaning of each word when activity {un.

it is not useful to comprehension. Point out that
rich one
once they have got over their fear of new
words, reading becomes much easier.
rt out
1l the
Do the example activity. The sudents should
know the meaning of the coloured words, but
ask them which words in the two examples help
them work our rhe meanings.
,. *
English for Irog Teocher's Bool< 2nd Intermediote: Unit 4 -93*'
4 Discussion
6) 28
Listen, then read these sentences oloud'
Find ourt if and where the students have
Voice: 1. It's verY hot todaY'
opportunities to listen to English outside school'
2. It was verY hot and windY
fo, .*u*pl., they might have access to English-
YesterdaY' do if they find
speaking TV or radio. Ask those who
3' It was verY hot and windY when Give them this
ii.ury, or if they have problems'
we went to the beach last
advice: It's wortb perseuering Yow will
get better
and better if Yow do.

3 Asking questions sB4s 6* zq

A Go through Tip 2. Then move straight on

1' Then
to the E@I L.tton 4
exercise. Play 6d 2g,conversation sB45
choose two students to perform it' Encourage
the students to exaggerate the intonation Objectives: Review and practise ways of
they heard on the audio' If they struggle
pattern imProving writing'
with the pronunciation, divide the class into
two groups and get them to repeat after the
audio. I Introduction
way' Remind the students that they have discussed
B Use the second conversation in the same
listening, reading and speaking' Elicit which
Then tell the students to practise both
they think is the most difficult' Find out if they
conversations in Pairs'
think any of the advice has been useful' Point
{d29 that even if they have not found it useful' they

Listen to these conversotions'fhen read

them come to value it later.
aloud. Discuss the writing skill' Ask what particular
Girl 1: How are You? You look tired' problems the students face when writing'
Girl2: I feel awful and I have a headache'
Girl 1: Have You been to the doctor?
Girl2: No. I'l1go this afternoon' 2 Check Your writing sB46

Man: Can I helP You. Read and discuss Tip L' Point out that
this is not so
Boy: When do You have swimming difficult if each one is done separately' Explain
if the students do this consistently, they will
lessons? not
Man: Are you good at swimming? only improve their writing, but will also improve
Boy: No. I'm a beginner' their English in general'
Man: The beginners' class is at ten o'clock
on SaturdaY morning'
3 Point o Picture s846

Read and discuss Tip 2' Elicit examples

adjectives and adverbs' Point out that

students use their imagination, writing

can be murch

more fun.

Unit 4
English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote:
your writing interesting sB45 It took them a year (365 days) to remove 10
tons of rubbish from the streets.
'Read and discuss Tip 3' Point out that it is more 3 They had four vans by their third year.
4 Their work had created cleaner-iooking and
:hoo1. potivadng to have an audience in mind and to

better-smelling streets. Companies took part

glish- to write in a way that will be interesting and
they and gave money and materials. The
find. clear for that audience'
r this brothers appeared on radio talk shows and
on the on local and national TV.
better You could write this postcard message
board and get the students to suggest ways of
making it more inreresting:
are in London. It is cold and wet' I like it'
haue been on the London Eye. I haue been to
tuo Tnuseums. I will see you next week.

Objectives: Do a writing test.

-r:1 5 PIon Your writing s845
One suggestion for marking the continuous writing
Read and discuss Tip 4. Draw a diagram on the task is as follows:
board and ask the students to draw one in their L Impression mark: A portion of the total
copybooks and write notes about what they did mark should be for a general impression'
on a nice weekend. Tell them they can imagine This means the overall effect the piece of
it, if they can't remember a really nice weekend. writing has on the reader.
r Does it deal with the topic and any
:h one
Elicit one student's notes and write them in the points to be included in it?
-a diagram on the board. Then ask the student to o How well is it organized?
rint out
number them, if he/she has not done this . Is it long enough to be assessed?
:hey will .
:i already. Rub them out and elicit another How appropriate is the vocabulary?
studentt notes.
The impression mark should not take account of
Ask one student whose notes are on the board handwriting, spelling, grammatical or punctuation
to make sentences so that you can write the errors. However, if the piece is so full of errors and
draft on the board. This will allow you to get incorrect vocabulary that it cannot be understood,
the whole class to check and improve the text. the impression mark may have to be zero.

; is not so
2 Specific marks: These marks can be shared
rlain that
berween the following:
1l not
Test A accuracy of:
- grammar
- spelling
- punctuation
Objectives: Do a reading test.
variety of structure
s845 variety of vocabulary
Question B
e the L 'Green' is often used as a way to describe
r be much something good for the environment/nature.
The brothers and their helpers are helping to
improve the environment so they are 'green'.

English for Irog Teocher',s Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 4 ---9f

'Wendy: Yes.

0 ro
Teacher: Vhat about sPorts and games? Do
you swim or PlaY tennis?
No. I don't like swimming or tennis'
I How do You come to school?
I live about one kilometre awaY' MY
Objectives: Do a test of listening' grammar
and vocabularY' father brings me in his car'
leacner: But that's not far! You should
to school. And walk home' You have

Question A - Listening to take some exercise' If You do, I

think you'll find that your headaches
$30 will go awaY'
Wendy is talking to her teocher'
Listen ond
I7endy: All right' I'11try' Thank you'
onswer the flrst two guestions'
Teacher: Come in,'Wendy' Don't be shy'
Now listen ogdin ond answer the other
'WendY: Thank questions.
(The scriPt is rePeated')
Teacher: Now, what is it?
'Wendy: \7e11 I can't sleep at night and I get
headaches all the time'
Teacher: Are you worried about something?
School? Exams?
2 d1, aZ, c3,b4
'!(endy: No, no' Nothing like that' I'm doing 3a
I never 4c
verY well at school' And
worry about exams' It's iust that I
can't sleeP and then in the morning'
I have a headache' AlwaYs' EverY
Teacher: Mm' Have you been to a doctor? 10b
'Wendy: No' My parents won't take me' They
don't think I have a Problem'
Question B - Grammar
Teacher: Do you take anY Pills? Answers
No. When I take Pills, Iget' a 1 afew
Er -
2 too manY
Teacher: I see. You get a stomachache' 3 too much
what time do You eat in the evening?
4 a little
Wendy: We have dinner at about 7 '30 ar.d
then I have a glass of lemonade and
go to Question C - Grammar
a packet of crisps just before I
bed' At about 10 o'clock' 1 used to be, stopped/has stopped'
does not
Teacher: Ah. That's the Problem' You do
shouldn't have lemonade or anything 2 has been, has enjoYed
like that iust before You go to bed' 3 has worked, have got
Have a glass of milk or some water' 4 used to hate, likes
But no tea or coffee or lemonade'
And no crisPs' You'll sleeP better'
'Wendy: And the headaches?
Teacher: You say you're good at schoolwork'

Unit 4
96 English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote:
- Answers
1 ioke
i=t. /,
=:i= rePorter

Objectives: Do a writing
=.l 4l poetrY test.
ay.My i',t review
. 5 editor One suggestion for marking the continuous writing
. walk task is as follows:
tru have
Question E -YocobularY 1 Impression mark: A portion of the total
1o, I Answers mark shouid be for general impression. This
rdaches choir, stammer, embarrassed, died, confident means the overall effect the piece of writing
has on the reader.
. Does it deal with the topic and any

points to be included in it?
P . How.,vell is it organized?
. it long enough to be assessed?
AB59l50 . How appropriate is the vocabulary?
The impression mark should not take account
Objectives: Do a reading test.
of handwriting, spelling, grammatical or
punctuation errors. However, if the piece is so
full of errors and incorrect vocabulary that it
Question A
cannot be understood, the impression mark
may have to be zero.
Specific marks: These marks can be shared
Question B
between the following:
1 More food than you need makes you weigh
. accuracy of
too much.
o grammar
2 Cakes, chocolate, biscuits, jam and honey o spelling
3 Don't have sugar in your tea or coffee.
o punctuation
4 11 o'clock
5 A medal and a new computer for their c variety of structure
o varietl of vocabulary
6 Phone the number on the notice
. handwriting
7 At least once a day (or after every meal if
you can)
8 Three minutes
9 Every six months
10 a) contain b) overweight c) decay
d) cut down on e) prize
:s not

r-/ \

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 4

Activities Language
Materials Topic area
the wsed to +
SB47 Old ways of sending Read short texts introducing
unit topic; use Pictures and infinitive
AB64 information
context to work out meanings' Vocabulary
Use new words in sentences'

Read short texts about waYs of Vocabulary

S848 Accesstng
AB64 information accessing information and develop

Q31 vocabulary. Listen for sPecific

information and write notes'
Ask and answer questions'

'Working out Understand some of the features Parts of speech

of a dictionary entry. Practise Vocabulary
AB6s-67 meanings
alphabetical order. \(ork out
grammatical terms'
Choor. correct definitions' StudY
and practise a method for
working out meaning from context'

Read how a newspaper article Present passive

sB50/51 From Cairo to
AB68-70 Baghdad gets from Cairo to Baghdad'
Write about an illustrated

Scan texts for information' Past passive

S852 Great inuentions
AB71 Ask and answer quesrions
{b 32
about two parallel texts.

Read for gist. ComPlete a Modal can +

SB53 TelePhones
gapped text. present Passiue
\frite sentences with used to'

Read advice on how to make Imperatives with

SB54 Making
calls; then listen and evaluate do for emphasis
ABTZ telephone calls
6b 33
speaker. Listen for sPecific
information. Make Phone calls'

Discuss and correct reciPes' Imperatives

sB58-61 Proiect
Collaborate in grouPs to write
and illustrate a reciPe'

Revise language from the unit' Revision

SB55 Round uP

10 sB56l57 Bob and Basim - Read for enioYment.

AB74 the ants
f) 34
Do revision and consolidation Revision
AB75-79 Extra activities
6& 3s exercises.

uJ .tr1

-98 English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 5

Unit objectives
Listening: Develop listening for pronunciation, language and detair
and ability to take
Evaluate telephone conyersation and note mistakes.

Speaking: Participate with increased confidence and competence in ail

Be willing to atrempt the less-controlled speaking activities
in this unit.
Ask for and give advice on where to find information.
Hold semi-formal telephone conversations.

Understand some features of dictionary entries.

Learn a method of working out meanings from context.
Make inferences from information in piitures and captions.
use clues in questions to find specific information in iactual
rexrs very

Writing: I7rite answers to questions with improved accvracy.

Use words in own sentences.
Describe an illustrated process.
\frite one, two or three paragraphs about getting and sending information.

Project work: Unit 5 introduces the second project section, which is themed around
date palm' There is a reading texr abour the history of the
date prl.r, i.,
Iraq, which ties in with unit 5's focus on teaching i".,grrrg. for
the past with the presenr. Students subsequently ,rud nr.Iip.
madgooga, then write their own recipes for inciusion in the
magazine, first
using picture promprs and then using their own ideas i, gro,rprlThe
focuses on ways of communicating and accessing informitio.r,
,rd yo,
could expand the project work by asking, to do their
historical/cultural research on dates o. ,nothe. common foodstuff. you
could also incorporare writing tasks from the unit into the magazine.

English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 5 -,qg*

Lesson 1 V/hicb is connected to fire? (smoke)

Which word means what I am doing now? -
sB47 A864 indicate that you want a student to come to the
front (signal)
Objectives: Read short texts introducing the Wbich one is something that people hit Luith
unit topic. their hands? (drum)
Use pictures to work out
meanings. Ask questions to elicit these new words and
Talk about old and new ways of phrases: messenger seruice, lighthouse, flag.
sending information.
Longuoge: Past habitual tense: used to +
infinitive 3 Reod ond discuss SB47
Vocobulory: lighthouse, horse, messenger,
service (a), drum (n), flag (n), A Divide the class into six groups and allocate one
smoke (z), signal (z), pigeon, text per group. Tell each group to read and
Egypt*', Syria" discuss the meaning of their text, then practise
reading it aloud.

I Introduce the topic sB47 B Have one student from each group read their
text aloud to the class. When they finish, ask
A Books closed. !7rite the unit topic on the board: individuals in the group about the text in such a

Getting and sending information Explain that way as to clarify the text for the rest of the
the unit is mostly about modern ways of getting class.
and sending information, but you want to begin
by talking about the past. Ask how people sent
messages before there were telephones, or 4 Discussion
planes to carry letters. The students can answer
in Arabic if necessary. The questions at the bottom of the page should
arouse discussion. You may have to give the
B Tell the students to look at SB47 to see if any of students some clues, but try to get them to think for
the things they mentioned are on this page. themselves and offer suggestions.

2 Reod ond work out meonings 1 Night, because the light is clearer at night.
s847 2 The pigeons were only sent with messages
to their homes, so they could always find
A Read out the rubric and the words in the box at their way. Messenger pigeons are often
the top of the page. Tell the students to find called 'homing pigeons'. The messages were
each word and read the sentence or sentences tied to their legs.
around the word to try to work out the 3 There are no right or wrong answers, but
meaning. Tell them the pictures will also help get the students to give reasons for their
them. choices.
4 Elicit the telephone, email, text messages,
B Elicit the Arabic equivalents of the six words. letters by post, radio, television.
Then ask some questions to check
understanding in English. For example:
Wbich words are animals? (horse, pigeon)

100 English for Irog Teocher's Bool< 2nd Intermediote: Unit 5

5 Do o vocobulorY consolidotion l Worm up sB48
exercise AB55
r the A Elicit the page heading. Then tell the students
Tell to look at the three pictures in pairs and
Introduce the vocabulary consolidation activity.
:h the students to complete it. Do a class check. answer the question.

Answers Elicit the three locations on SB48, then what

1 drums information you can get in each place. Make
2 Damascus notes of the answers on the board. Don't
I Lighthouses confirm or correct at this stage, as the students
4 Pigeons will read to check their ideas. Note: Make sure
5 signals
the students understand that a library is not a
shop where you can buy books and stationery.
ie one The use of this name for shops in some
6 Introduce the Proiect work sB58
countries results from French influence.
Ask students to open their Student's Books at
page 58. Elicit the title of the article and see if
2 Reod ond check sB48
anyone can say what it means. Ask students to
identify the pictures, if they can. Check that
everyone understands dates - students should
A Ask How many paragrapbs are there? Then get
;uch a know this term - and ask for suggestions as to the students to skim for the answer. Ask:
l what the article might contain, discussing any Wbat's the first one about? (a reference section
ideas that arise. in a library)
Get students to read the first paragraph of the And the second paragraph? (intemet cafes)
article individually and see if any of their \Vhat's the third paragraph about? (an airport
SB47 predictions were correct. Clarify any questions information desk)
and ask students to read the rest of the article B Tell the students to read the three paragraphs
d on page 58 (excluding the graph) for and check the suggestions they made, which are
homework, noting anything they don't noted on the board. Don't give them more than
nk for understand or wish to ask a question about. three minutes to read.
C Check the answers. The text does not give an
exhaustive list of reasons, so any reasonable
suggestion on the board will be OK. An
ight. Lesson 2 information desk at an airport usually has only
aSes S848 local information.
Objectives: Read short texts about ways of
i were accessing information. 3 Yocobulory focus ond discussion
Listen for details and write
but notes. A Ask these questions and elicit or present the
:ir Ask for advice. meaning of the underlined words:
Longuoge: Name two reference boohs you can find in a
BCS, Vocobulory: librarS reference, internet, library? (encyclopedia and atlas)
almost, look (it) up, Berlin*', Are tbere any internet cafes in our town/area?
encyclopedia, traveller, tourist (Answers will vary.)
office, find out about,
newspaper, dictionarS sunset,
social networking site, blog (n)

,. English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 5 --AO{

Where can you get local informationi (A tourist Port 2
office or an airport information desk, tourism Maysam: Hi, Badria. I've got a problem.
website, etc.) Badria: \fhat is it? Maybe I can help.
Maysam: I have to write about a famous Iraqi
B Ask questions to check understanding and inventor for the magazine.
recycle vocabulary. For example, make sure the can I find some information?
students understand that although you can Badria: Use the internet.
borrow books from some libraries if you are a Maysam: I've tried, but I can't find anything.
member, you can never borrow reference books' Badria: Go to the reference section in the
These can only be used in the library. library then. You'Il probablY find
some information there.
C Ask the students what they can see in the next Maysam: I'll do that. Thanks.
three pictures. Elicit or present newspdper and
dictionary. Discuss what kinds of information Part 3
you can get from newspapers, dictionaries and Bilal: Hello, Bilal here.
radios. Khalid: Hi, Bilal. This is Khalid. Let's go to
the cinema tonight.
Bilal: Oh, fine, yes.'What's on?
4 Listen for detoils AB54 ci 3r Khalid: Oh, I don't know what's on. I
phoned the cinema, but there's no
A Introduce the Activity Book activity. Make sure rePlY.

all the students know what they have to do and Bilal: Have you got a newsPaPer?
what they will hear. Tell them there are three Khalid: A newspaPer? Yes.
separate conversations and that you will give Bilal: Ifell, use itl Look at the 'What's on'
them time after each to write their notes. PIay section. You'll find the cinema
Part L. listings there.
B Elicit answers orally to find out if the students Khalid: Oh, okay. I'll call You back.
need to hear the audio again. Then play the
other two parts. Answers
Saeed: weather tomorrow radio
Maysam: Iraqi inventor internet, Iibrary
6) 31 Khalid: tonight's film newspaPer
Three people need informdtion.Listen to their
conversotio ns and fill in the table.
Port I 5 Ask ond onswer questions SB48
lbrahim: Hi, Saeed.
Saeed: Hello, Ibrahim. I've got a problem. A Organize the students in pairs to discuss where
Ibrahim: the problem? to find the six pieces of information listed in the
Saeed: I want to go fishing tomorrow, but I box. The answers can vary and be a source of
don't know what the weather will be discussion. The important thing is that the
like. students understand and are able to use the new
Ibrahim: You should listen to the weather vocabulary.
forecast on the radio.
Saeed: Oh, yes. Good idea. Answers
how to grow plants - library, internet
a big world event - newspaper, internet
the population of India - atlas, internet, library
d a*
English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 5
, the time of sunset - local newspaper, internet
when the museum is open - internet, telephone,
filil[f Lesson 3
local newspaper, tourist office sB49 AB55-57
rs Iraqi the meaning of encyclopedia - dictionary
here Objectives: Understand some features of a
B Demonstrate the following: dictionary entry.
T: I need to know bow to grow plants. Practise alphabetical order and
thing. P; Go to the library.lUse the internet. finding the correct definition.
the T: I need to know the population of India. Understand different grammatical
find P: Use/Look it up in an atlas. terms.
Use the actiyity for speaking practice and to Study a method of working out
revise vocabulary. You can use this again meaning in context and practise
whenever you have time. it.
Longuoge: Names of and abbreviations for
parts of speech
igoto 6 Listen to project text Vocobulory: abbreviation, adverb (Gr.),
sBss-5o 6} se preposition (Gr. ), conjunction
(Gr.), entrS comb (n, u), part of
I A Ask students to turn to page 58 in the Student's speech'', chesterfield", devoured
's no Book. Ask them whether they enjoyed reading (z) x- , shatter ed (u)"' , depressed
the article about dates for homework. Discuss (adi)", galloped (z)", cautious",
what they found interesting, and ask whether possible, impossible
there was anything they found difficult. Clarify
at's on' anything students didn't understand in the
a article. I Put words in olphobeticol order SB49

B Ask students to listen and follow the text in A Find out what the students know about the
their books. Play O 58. contents of dictionaries and how to use them.
Find out if any students have an English
f) 58 is the article on SB58. dictionary, in class or at home. Ask when they
, library use them.
per C Ask students whether there was anything rhar
became clearer when they listened to the text. If Read the first part o{ Dictionary tips to the
you have time, tie the text into the lesson by class. Revise alphabet and alpbabetical order.
s848 discussing where the writer might have found Elicit the word which comes first alphabetically,
the information in this magazine article. Set then tell the students to write the list in their
rwhere activity 1, on page 60, for homework, and ask copybooks in alphabetical order.
:d in the students to complete it for Lesson 4.
rce of Answer
he bag, belt, better, bicycle, blue, book, boy, box,
the new bright, build, bus, but

f af
-"t-'{/ t-
English for Ircg Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 5

dictiono"Y'l!Z sB49
sB49 3 StudY o
2 Nome ond find Ports of sPeech
Present entry inthe phrase
dictionary entry - a
second exercise'
A Read tip 2 and introduce the printed in a dictionary'
out that it is easier word and explanation
Review abbreuiation' Point Ask questions about the dictionary
entry on
if you know the
to choose the correct meaning SB45. For examPle:
to attempt
kind of word it is' Tell the students 'What
is the entrY? (bank)
the exercise in Pairs' (six)
How manY meanings are there?
'\X/hat kind of word ls lt? (noun and verb)
B Elicit or explain what each abbreviation
for and what it means: Elicit each of the four sentences
and what kind
t n. isshort for noun'Nouns are the names Then tell the
Iraq' of word bank is in each one'
of people or things, e'g' girl' Kbalid' in pairs'
students to do the exercise
us about a
v. is short for uerb'Yerbs tell
' Khalid is 14' Tbe giil Answers
state or an action, e'g'
verb c) 2, noun d) 5' verb
a) 3, noun b) 6,
ad.i. is short for adiectiue' Adjectives
' nouns' e'g'
describing words' They describe AJB
Iraq is beautiful'
4 Identify Ports of sPeech A865 Exs
' short fot ad'uerb' Adverbs coniunctions in AB
A Ask the students to find five
verbs, e'g' The girl spoke quick'l'^t'
do the same with
that Exercise A. Then ask them to
e pron. is short fot pronoun' a word Make sure the
prepositions and pronouns'
,t".rd, in place of a noun' e'g' ! couldn't
wnderstand b-{.
,,oi.r,, have a thorough understanding of
parts of speech before going on
are these
t prep. is short fot preposition'There
o{ prepositiofl) e'g' to) at) on) Exercise B.
many kinds
in, by.They can indicate direction'
table' Answers Ex A
time, etc' Put yowr book' on the
t coni-
is short fot conjunction' lotnrrg coni. PreP' Pron'

word, e'g' and, so' but' uben' or across she

and under me

Elicit the analysis of the sentence

orally' Note but above him
that there is no example of a preposition in this so in them

when at you

. nouns - horse, race

. verbs - rdn, won
Let the students work in pairs
to complete
. adiective - black B
. adverbs - fast, easilY Exercise B'
. pronoun - lf
conjunction - so Answers Ex B
If anyone asks about the, explainthat
its usual a) v. 2Pron. 3 n' 4 PreP' 5 Pron' 6 n'

b) 1 pron. 2v. 3 adi' 4 con!' 5

pron' 6 v'
grammatical name rs article'
7 n. 8 adv.
c) 1n. }adi. 3 n' 4v' 5 adv'

J i-i
ui \--
Unit 5
1P4 English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: 3
5 Use o dictionorY entry A866 Ex C flilJl L.rron 4
A Pronounce comb. Elicit the silent letter in the sB50/s1 A868-70
word. Tell the students to read the first
definition in the entry to find out what it Objectives: Use pictures and captions to
means. Point out that this is only one of the understand a process.
meanings. verbs in the
present passive
to complete sentences.
B Focus on entry 3 and the example sentence. about an illustrated
Check understanding. Then tell the students to process,
do the same thing with entry 4 and entry 1. Longuoge: Present passive
Note: If time is short, this exercise can be set as Vocobulory: less than, printing press, arrive,
homework. early, active (Gr.), passive (Gr.),
participle (Gr.), land (n), factory,
Example sentences can (n)
1 Your hair is untidy. You should comb it.
2 Can you lend me a comb, please? I've lost
mine. 1 Introduce the text sB50/51

Note: The purpose of this text is to present the

5 Leorn how to work out meonings passive. Elicit the page heading and ask some
A866 Ex D general questions, for example:
How far is it from Cairo to Baghdad?
A Tell the students they don't need to know every Do yow knou how long it takes to trauel by plane?
word in a text. Go through the Reading tip. Where do you think pictures L and 2 are - Cairo or
B Go through the example (Exercise D) as a class. And pictnres 7 and 8?
Present possible and its opposite, impossible. lYhat is the man doing in picture B?
Point out that working out words is like doing a
puzzle and can be interesting.
2 Reod for gist sB50/51
1 a) possible, b) possible, c) possible Read the instruction aloud. Elicit what kind of
2 a) impossible, b) possible, c) possible words the students need to look for to answer the
3 a) impossible, b) impossible, c) correct question How long ... i (times or days). Tell the
students to quickly read the texts under each picture
to find the answer.
7 Apply the method AB57 Ex E Note: The answer is not exact. Accept abowt a day.

Elicit the first sentence orally and the answer. If

there is any difficulty, ask How do you feel if a 3 Longuoge study ond proctice SB50/51
friend is in hospital? Do you feel happy, sad or
excited? A Go through the grammar box, giving
explanations as necessary. For example, with
Pronunciation note: /drprest/, I galaptl, /b ^fa s/ the first pair of sentences, point out that we
don't need to write by a reporter in the second
Answers sentence, because we are saying what happened
1,b,2a, 3b to the article; the reporter's role is assumed.
English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 5
B Ask the students to find more passive and active 5 Revise verb forms
forms in the texts. As you elicit the forms, write
them on the board. Present the new words as A S7rite three headings on the board: infinitiue,
they arise. past tense and past pctrticiple. Elicit some
examples of each and write them under the
Answers appropriate heading.
Passiue forms: is written, is sent, is read, is
edited, (is) inserted, is sent, are printed, are sent, B Divide the class into two teams. Ask questions
are sold, is read as follows:
Actiue forms: picture 2 - takes, picture 3 - 'What's the infinitiue of 'sent'?

arrives, picture 4 - likes What's the past participle of 'take'?

the past of 'wash'?
Use the list of verbs in Activity Book Exercise B.
4 Write possive forms
SB50/51 AB58 Ex A Recycle the verbs by asking about them in
different forms. Give each team a point when
A Do Activity Book Exercise A in two parts. First, one of their members is able to answer correctly.
get the students to work out which verbs go
with the sentences. Tell them to write the
present tense of the word in pencil. Point out 5 Complete q toble A869 Ex B
that some verbs appear in more than one
sentence. Tell the students to complete the table in Exercise B.
they do this, draw the table on the board.
Tell the students to check the order on SB50/51. Check answers by eliciting and writing the verbs in
While they check, tell them to look carefully at the table.
the passive form, particularly the spelling of the
past participle. Answers
infinitive past tense
Student's Books shut. Teli the students to catch caught
complete the exercise with the passive forms. bring brought
Remind them that if they are using more than brry bought
one passive form for the same subject, they only take took
need to use the verb be once. Elicit each send sent
complete sentence orally as a class check. make made
write wrote
Answers wash washed
1 is written cook cooked
2 is sent put put
3 is read
4 is edited, inserted
5 is sent, are printed
6 are sent 7 Use pictures to tolk obout o process
7 are sold A869170 Ex C
8 is read
A Organize the students into pairs to discuss the
pictures. Encourage them to work out and
T ,A ?: describe how canned fish get from the sea to the
,t ,Lt&* shops.
1O'{ English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: unit 5

Elicit statements about each part of the process. the vertical axis by pointing to, e.g., 400 and saying
Present land, factory and can as they occur. four hundred tbousand tons, whlle writing 400,000
Prompt the students to use connecting words on the board. Point at more numbers and ask for
from picture 3 onwards. volunteers to read them in the same way. Practise
with long numbers that are more difficult to say,
Example text e.9.,431,286.
1 First, the fish are caught and put into boxes. Choose a number from the box in activity 2 on
2 Next, the boxes are brought to land. page 60 and write it on the board. Explain that this
3 Then the boxes are taken to a fish factory. is the number of tons of dates which was produced
4 At the factorS the fish are washed. in one of the years on the graph. Ask students to
5 Then they are cooked. read out the number or point to where they think it
6 Afrer that, the fish are put into cans. is on the graph. See if they can find the year w-hich
7 Finally, the cans are sent to the matches the number. Practise several times, if
shops/supermarket. necessary, then ask students to complete activities 2
and 3 on page 60 for homework.

8 Write o description of o process

AB59l70 Ex C
Lesson 5
ExB Tell the students to write the process in Exercise C.
Help and encourage them as they write, or set this
sB52 AB71
task as homework if you are short on time. Then
collect the books in for marking.
Objectives: Scan for information.
Ask and answer questions about
, the texts.

9 Check project homework sB50 Longuoge: Past passive

Vocobulory: alive, however, wire (n), distance
(z), moving (adi), ship (n), radio
Ask students to open their Student's Books on page
50. Students should have completed activity 1 as
waves (z), screen (a), develop

homework from Lesson 2. Elicit the answers orally, (u)", continue (z)*'
clarifying anything which students are unclear
about by referring back to the text on page 58.
1 Check project homework sB60
traditional Do a class check of the homework from the
Mesopotamia previous lesson. Elicit the answers orally and clarify
plantation anything students are unsure of by referring back to
famous the graph on SB58. checking the answers {or
activity 2, point out that the quantity of dates
produced increases each year, so it is possible to do
l0 Understqnd o groph sB58 the activity simply by putting the numbers in order
from lowest to highest.
Ask students to look at the graph on page 58. Elicit
what the figures on the axes mean. Demonstrate
reading off ayear from the horizontal axis by
pointing to it and saying, e.g. twenty-twelueltwo
thowsand and twelue. Then read off a number from -t-/
to the

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 5

4 Ask ond onswer questions sBs2
Activity 2
Year Tons of dates Organize the students into pairs. Explain that you
2007 430,861 want one student to ask his/her partner the four
2008 476,31.8 questions at the top of the page about the radio'

2009 507,002 Then students swap roles. Go round the class as

201.0 567,668 the students work, helping and encouraging'

201"1, 61.9,1.82
2012 655,450 Invite students to ask and answer the questions
201,3 676,L11, in open pairs.

Activity 3
1 shows 5 Finding definitions of words ABT!
2 increased
3 were produced A Tell the students where to find the words before
they begin:
1: text 1 (Baird)

2 Identify tYPe of text sB52 2: one of the questions in the box

3-5: text 2 (Marconi)
A Elicit the page heading. Tell the students to look 6: text 1 (Baird)
at the pictures and find out which inventions Let them work in pairs to make the task more
they are going to read about on this page' Elicit accessible.

what they know alreadY. 'When

B Elicit answers orally. you finish, drarv
attention to howeuer in the text' Explain that it
B Read the question in the first box' Elicit the
answer (a reference book). Then ask what kind is similar to but.
of reference book and ehcit an encyclopedia or
a boolz about inuenlors. Ask the students to Answers
give reasons for their answer' 1 first
2 invent
3 shiP

3 Proctise sconning s852 4 the following Year

5 distance

Ask the students what the dates next to the three

6 wires, waves

names mean. (The year when the person was born

and the year when he died') Tell them to scan the
5 Longuoge study s852
page to answer the four questions. Remind them to
use clues in the questions to find the information
quickly. Tell them to raise their hands as soon as Go through the grammar box. Point out that in
this case the name and nationality are
they have found the answers.
Note: The students don't need to know the new important. In other words, we could not iust
say: Radio was inueited.
vocabulary to do this activitY.

Tell the students to study the sentences in the

past passive and then explain how the past
1 John Baird
passive is formed. Elicit that it is formed as
2 1926
3 Scottish foilows:
J -ri 4 dead was/were + past participle of a verb

108 English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 5

,2 C Ask the students if there are any passive verbs C Elicit suggestions for advantages and
in the texts (there aren't any). Ask them to disadvantages of each type of phone. Ask
ou discuss in pairs why this is. Give them time to students to back up their answers when
t think about this before explaining that in this necessary, and allow any answer which you
case we are interested in the inventor and think can be fairly read into the text. Do not
S therefore talk about 'what he did' rather than expect students to have found all of the possible
'what was done'. answers. Make notes on the board and, when
students are out of ideas, compare the
advantages of mobile phones mentioned in the
text with the list the students came up with
EffiE L.rron 6 before reading.

sB53 AB71t72
3 Reod to work out meonings SB53
Objectives: Understand a text about different
kinds of phone.
A Ask the students to find and underline the
Reorder sentences.
following words in the text: landline, reliable,
Fill in gaps in a text.
phone mASt) access. Then get them to try to
Longuoge: Present passive with modal can
guess the meaning from context. Draw their
Vocobulory: access, send, receive, landline,
attention to the photographs. Let them discuss
advantage (z), disadvantage (n),
these words in pairs.
desert (a), reliable, phone mast,
useful, space (z), transmit, take
B Do class-level feedback. Elicit suggestions from
different pairs and praise students who made
intelligent guesses, even if they did not get the
correct meaning. Ask students if there ate any
I Answer o personol question s853
other words in the text they do not understand,
and, if there are any, elicit suggestions from the
A Focus on the pictures on SB53. Elicit the
class as to rheir meaning.
meaning of landline and mobile.

B Ask the students whether they have phones.

\What kinds of phone do they have, and where
4 Longuoge study s853
and when do they use them?
Go through the content of the grammar box and
if they can find more examples of
ask the students
the present passive with can in the text. Elicit these:
tsz 2 Reod for gist sB53
Landline phones ... can only be used in one place.
There are mobile phone masts in most places, so
A Present aduantages and disaduantages.Then
:in mobile phones can be used almost anywhere ...
briefly elicit advantages and disadvantages of
Many mobile phones can also be wsed to take
mobile phones. Write notes on the board.

B Tell the students to read and find the

advantages and disadvantages of each kind of
phone mentioned in the text, and to make notes
in their copybooks.

I E-e
English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 5 .-.10i"
\ te \-
'/h "-''l
f-y' F
o,; {}'{",'
\ i
{? ".::,, "l I ll I tlrl -
\\: :

.--'-/ t
ProJect reclPe
reciPe SB59
" 5 Reorder rlc trf o sontence
sentence '' 8 Reod Proiect
ports of ., - -" ,-:' ,

r\{ E
Agf I
.--. students to turn to page 59 in their Student's I
" f -, l

I Ask
1 '-'-^:^^^- L^-^.,, - \ Books' Ask of a text this is and elicit or )
what sort ot what,sort
If time is short, set this exercise as homework' "'', - -r^ ^--L-:Ir^ ,/
should be done in class.
u D'vuls
present propeTiy. or:1ln\!-9c1P*9:"I"!i:h
:'- "',ppgal! 1n !bgj']9uYl:,
'Lrls B
Exercise ---;;;'ipe
what generally involves' using L1 if
/if,t. i ttttt'sary' and elicit the meaning of ingredients'
i e

l, "' ,q'ip*ent, method and' traditional' Ask students
i *nu' they would expect to find in a recipe
-"i t I
t ' the vocabulary
vocaDulary in
,rr-'-'----'.' madgooga, and elicit or present
' 'Were
5 Complete o gopped text AB]172 k\? '4he lngre.dients and Equipment sections'

missing? Ask students to read the whole recipe
Do this exercise with the class as follows: they don't
. Tell students to read the text through homework, making a note of anything
' Explain that some of the words in the box
may be used more than once'
. Then tell them to read the first sentence and
raise their hands when they know the EffiL"rron 7

missing word. sBs4 AB72 f} rzlrr
Let them write the missing word'
o Move on to the next sentence' Objectives: Read about how to make a
Phone call'
Answers Listen and evaluate someone
message, did, bun was wearing, likes' very' making a call'
wants, buY, one j Listen for sPecific information
and write notes'
Make conversations'
7 Reod o text for specific informotion " sentences: positive
Longuoge: Imperative
AB72 Ex C
and negative with do for
Allow the students time to re-read the article on j Vocobulory: Speak up!, waste (z), clearly,
AB72 is
SB53. They then write if each statement on
(DS)' Part-time, ring uP
true (T), false (F) or if the article doesn't say

1 Introduction
2T Before the students open their books, tell them
3DS are going to learn some things about making
4T important phone calls. Explain that by 'important"
5T yo, *arn calls to someone you don't know, for
6F example a shop or an office where you are asking
for inlormation. Ask them to think of some of the
*; things they should and shouldn't do when making
t ..{- important phone calls' Elicit ideas and write notes
on the board.
CrE *
J/H i" 1
lUt .--'
English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 5
2 Reod for gist, then detoil sBs4 Receptionist: Excuse me, what are you talking
about? NThat hurts?
A Tell the students to read the text Speah up! on Anas: Er, my stomach. I have a bad
SB50 to see if it contains their ideas. Then elicit stomachache.
any points that match those on the board. Receptionist: Oh, OK. Are you registered at the
medical centre.
B Ask the class to think carefully about how I don't know. I need to see a doctor.
many pieces of advice are given in the article. Receptionist: is your family name? I can
Tell them to read again and think carefully. check to see if you are registered.
Prompt them to see that there are actually four Anas: Abdullah (muffled)
points: each of them is duplicated, so each Receptionist: I'm sorry. Could you repeat that
positive has an equivalent negative. Elicit the please?
four positive points and write them on the Abdullah. Anas Abdullah.
board as notes: Receptionist: Can you spell that, please?
1 say your name A-B-D-U-L-L.A.H.
2 say why you're calling Receptionist: OK. Yes, you are registered. How
3 know what you want to say long has your stomach been hurting?
4 speak slowly and clearly Anas: For days now. I can't remember.
Note: Explain that the word do is used for Since Tuesday? No, since Monday
emphasis in the sentences on SB54. Each after my dinner.
sentence would be correct without it; however, Receptionist: OK. So, for 3 days? Right, when can
it makes the statements stronger. you come to see the doctor?
Anas: I can come any time. Well actually, I
can't come until my mum gets home
3 Listen ond evoluote o conversotion so she can drive me.
sBs4 fi rz Receptionist: And what time is that?
Anas: 4 o'clock.
A Use the short text and advertisement next to the Receptionist: OK. I have an appointment at 4.30.
picture of the boy to introduce the listening. that be OK?
Ask one student to read the text and another to Anas: Yes, thank you. That would be great.
read the advertisement. Discuss what Bill Reception: OK. \We'll see you at 4.30.
should do when he rings the restaurant. Anas: Thanks, bye.

B Read the rubric and explain the task. Tell the C Use the points on the board to check what Anas
students that they should look at the four points did. Ask:
on the board as they listen. Play f) 32. Did he giue his name?
Did be say why be uas calling?
{r 32 Did he know what he wanted to say?
Listen to Anas on the telephone. What does he Did he speak slowly and clearly?
do wrong? Play part 1 of the audio again, pausing at
Receptionist: Al Mafraq Medical Centre. How can appropriate points in the conversation so the
I help you? students can analyse what Anas said.
Anas: Ahhh my stomach, my stomach!
Receptionist: Hold on. Hold on. \7ho's speaking
Anas: Oh. Yes. Um. Sorry. My name is
Anas. And, it really hurts.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 5

4 !-\
'i ii
I \ ,.i'i,
\f ::r

4 Listen ond write notes 6 Moke telePhone conversotions

C} TZ AB72 EX A AB72 Ex B

A Organize the students into pairs' Ask them to

Introduce Exercise A' Play O 32 and let the
choose a topic for their own conversation' Give
students do the exercise.
them time to prepare what they want to say' Go
round and help with the preparation'
1 Abdullah
Teli the students to perform their conversations
2 book an aPPointment B

3 He has a stomachache. in simultaneous pairs. As they work, go round

4 Three days lisrening and encouraging.
5 4.30pm

7 Listen to Proiect text SB59 C) 59

5 Listen to Anos moking this phone
coll ogoin sBso fd rr A Ask students to turn to page 59 in their
Student's Books and explain that they will now
Tell the students that this time Anas made his listen to the recipe being read' Ask them to
telephone call after reading Susan's advice' Play Q
33 think about things they found unclear when
and let students listen to the improved conversation' they read the recipe for homework' They should
listen carefully and see if these things become
6i 59 Now listen to the conversation after Anas
has clearer as they listen. Afterwards, discuss the
read Susan's advice. text and ask whether listening to it made it
easier to understand.
Receptionist: Al Mafraq Medical Centre' How can
I helP You? O 59 is the reciPe on SB59.
Anas: Hi. MY name's Anas Abdullah' I
need to book an aPPointment to see B Draw students' attention to the way the verbs
. adoctor. I have a stomachache' are positioned in the instructions in the recipe:
Receptionist: OK. Are you registered with us the verbs are in the infinitive and come at the
Anas? beginning of the sentence: 'Grind the sesame
Anas: Yes, I've been before? MY familY seeds', 'Take them out', etc' Explain that these
name is Abdullah' sentences tell people what to do, like the pieces

Receptionist: Could you spell that, please? of advice for talking on the phone; do is not
Anas: Yes, of course. A-B-D-U-L-L-A-H' needed for emphasis here, though, since the
Receptionist: Thanks. How long have you had instructions in the recipe do not contradict
Your stomachache? common mistakes.
Anas: Um, around 3 daYs now'
Receptionist: OK, you'd better come in today'
\7hen would You like an i ,,',
aPPointment? \'. ,)
Anas: AnY time after 4, Please?
Receptionist: I have an appointment at 4'30'
'Would that be OK?

Anas: Yes, thank You'

Receptionist: See You at 4'30'

=, €F:
English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: unit 5
llafl -4
t bo'

sB61 Tell the editors that they should look at the

8 Set Project homework
rB recipes for homework and submit to you their
their choices for inclusion in the magazine by the
Ask students to turn to Page 61. Draw
) to the list of ingredients and ask whether next lesson.
lve what this is a recipe for' Then ask
anyone can guess

confident student to read the rubric fot activity

Go 4'
Check that the task is understood: students
have to 2 Write o neu/ recipe sB61
write instructions to match each picture in the
'ysthod'section to produce a recipe for lentil soup
A Ask a confident student to read the rubric for
d and activity 5 on 5861. Check understanding of the
using the items shown in the 'Ingredients'
task. In their groups, students should decide on
'Equipment' sections. In class, discuss the first
a dish they would like to write a recipe for, for
picture, and see if anyone can suggest an
inclusion in the magazine. If you want to
appropriate imperative sentence to use, for
display the recipes on the wall, you could
59 example, Cook the lentils or Boil the lentils' Set the
rest of the task for homework. provide groups with large pieces of paper.

Remind students that they need to include lists

of ingredients and equipment, as well as a
method. Suggest that, once the dish has been
uld agreed on, groups could divide up, with
different teams working on each section. Some
students in each team could be responsible for
Objectives: Discuss and correct recipes. writing, with others responsible for
Collaborate in grouPs to write illustrations. Groups wiil need to work closely
and illustrate a recipe. together, however, to produce a coherent recipe.
Longuoge: Imperatives
Vocobulory: - Monitor groups as they work and support as
necessary. Your students may need some help
organizing themselves within their groups; if
1 Go over writing homework sB51 necessary you can be prescriptive and allocate
roles. If you think your students will struggle to
A Ask students to get out the recipe they wrote for come up with ideas, you could provide an idea
homework. Spend some time doing a class for a dish, along with a few prompts, for each
check of students'recipes. Go over each picture group.
in the'Method' section and elicit several
suggestions for sentences to accompany it, B At the end of the lesson, gather in the recipes
correcting any mistakes as you go; make clear, and explain that you will hand them back with
however, that there are many possible ways of suggestions for improvements in Unit 6 Lesson
expressing the recipe. As you go, write any 1. Remind the editors of their homework.
good example sentences on the board for Note: Unless you set it as homework for Unit 6
students to refer to. Lesson 1, there may not be time for students to
produce fair copies of their recipes and
B In light of the discussion, ask students to spend illustrations) so you will need to provide your
a few minutes correcting their sentences. comments in a form that will not spoil what
Monitor and support as necessary. Students students have produced - you could write a list
should submit their recipes to their groutp for each group, or mark suggestions in pencil.
editors for inclusion in the school magazine'
English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 5 )+{
IlilF L.rron e Answers
1 message 2 passive 3 possible 4 satellite

sB55 AB73t74 5 traveller 6 speech 7 screen B look

Objectives: Revise language from the unit.

Longuoge: Revision 3 Reod definitions, write words
Vocobulory: Revision AB73 Ex B

A Tell the students to discuss the definitions in

1 Round up s855 pairs. Then elicit suggestions orally and discuss.

A 1: Elicit the meaning of all the abbreviations B Tell the students to write the answers.
and ask for examples.
B 2: Use the examples to remind the students of 1 library 2bank 3 dictionary 4 newspaper
how to form the passive. Then write sentences
on the board to transform into the passive. For
example: 4 Write sentences AB73 Ex C
People in many parts of China grow rice.
Tonrists can see many famous bwildings in A Go over the example as a class. Then get the
India. students to choose one of the prompts and write
Show how to make the passive, beginning with their own sentence.
the underlined words.
Elicit and write the sentences on the board for
Example answers the students to copy.
Rice is grown in many parts of China.
Many famous buildings can be seen in India. Example answers
1 I used to walk to school, but I don't now
3: Books shut. See if the students can remember because I have a bicycle.
the rules for formal telephone conversations. 2 We used to buy food inlfrom a small shop,
Then study the phrases on SB51 and practise but we don't now because there is a
for repetition. supermarket.
3 I used to use a landline phone, but I don't
now because I have a mobile phone.
2 Spell words AB73 Ex A 4 i used to eat too much, but I don't now
because I want to get fit.

Note: There will be too many Activity Book

exercisesfor one lesson. The extra ones can be done
for remedial work or at home. 5 Order ports of o sentence AB74 Ex D

Tell the students to complete the spellings on their Point out that this exercise is like a puzzle students
own. Then get them to check with their partner have to find the clues to put the pieces together. Let
before having a class check.'!7hen you elicit the the students work in pairs to complete the exercise.
answers orally, ask the students whether they have
noticed anything the words all have in common. Answers
(They all have double letters.) 1,e,2cr 3a, 4d, 5b

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 5

EEL"rron ga
to 4 Discussion sB55/57

sBs6l57 AB74 Cd As before, ask the class if they understood anything

better through hearing the story. Ask for particular
Objectives: Read a story for enioyment. examples and why they were easier to understand
Longuoge: through listening. Ask the students if there is
Vocobutory: guide (z)", make yourselves anything they want explained or anything they
comfortable", yawn (z)", dusty", want to say about the storY.
stream (n)'' , rock (n)"', ant",
anthill", so did we"
5 Write notes on the story
sB55/57 AB74
Introduction sB55/57
Tell the students to fill in the summary chart on
Tell the students to discuss the previous episode 4874.
of Bob and Basim (5P.41,142) in pairs and try to
recall what happened. Then discuss as a class,
c prompting as necessary.
EffiFl E*tro o.ti.riti.,
Elicit the title of this episode. Ask the students
to talk about the pictures and predict what
A876-80 cd rs
happens. Then read the captions. Present any
Ex A - Listening fd ss
new words that arise during this discussion. 6) 3s
Read the sentences. Listento Nooro and
Zeena and writeT for true and F for false.
Reod for eqjoyment sBs5/57 Noora: Hi,Zeenat
Zeena: Oh, hello, Noora.-!7here are you
A Elicit the three questions orally, then tell the going?
students to read the story and find the answers. Noora: To the internet cafe.
Zeena: But you have a computer at home,
B Elicit answers and any other information the don't you?
students have picked up through their reading. Noora: Yes, but it's broken. And I want to
send an email today.
Answers Zeena; \Who are you sending an email to?
1 They were going for a walk in the Noora: My friend, Helga - she lives in
mountains. Germany. It's a great way of keeping
2 Because he yawned. in touch.
3 He sat on an anthill (although he thought it 'Sfhy

I Zeena; don't you phone or send a text?

was a rock). Noora: That would be quite expensive! It's
much cheaper to send an email.
Zeena: Oh, I see'
lt 3 Listen for consolidqtion 5856157 6& Sn Noora: I want to tell Helga that we're going
to Europe in the holidaY, so I will be
Tell the students to listen and follow the story in able to see her.
their books. Play 60 34. Zeena; Have you seen her before?

$ 34 is the story on 5856/57.

i vq
6i-di= #

English for Iroq Teocher's Bool< 2nd Intermediote: Unit 5 -I*{

Noora: No, but we have been penfriends for students can write just one or rwo paragraphs,
a year. So now we'll meet at last. I'm if you wish. Make it clear that the topic
really excited. Zeena,I have to go. sentences are provided and the students only
See you later. have to write one or two sentences with
Zeena; Oh, right. Enjoy the internet cafe - examples, and perhaps their own opinions, in
and your holiday! each paragraph.

Answers B Write a draft: Tell the students that they can

lF,2F,3R 4T,5T, 6F look back at pages 47 to 53 of the Student's
Book for ideas and to check words, but that
they shouid not copy sentences or paragraphs.
Ex B - Grommqr Monitor this stage, giving help and guidance
where necessary, especially with the
Answers organization of ideas.
1 Somebody is hit by a car every day.
2 Newspapers are stiil bought by people every C Correct and improve draft: During this stage,
d^y. keep checking progress and pointing to errors.
3 Pigeons are not used to send messages Try to get the students to correct their errors
today. themselves. Some students may benefit from
4 These carpets were made by people in Iran. exchanging their drafts with partners and
getting them to look for mistakes and ways of
improving their writing. However, this should
Ex C - Reoding not be compulsory, as writing is primarily an
individual and private activity.
1 to send emails and use social networking D Write final copy: Students can do this in class or
sites at home. Collect the books in for marking
2 an hour afterwards.
3 it didn't work
4 not pleased
5no Ex E - Reod ond decode
6 ' ... another new computer or give me my
money back.' Remind students that sometimes for speed we write
7 a new computer words using note form/abbreviations. Explain that
often text messages are written in this way. Let
students read the example and use it to help them
Ex D - Writing write the second text message in short note form.

A Preparation: Go through the outline. Explain Answer

that the introduction is a short paragraph on its Hi! R u going2 judo 18er 2day? Does it start
own and that the students should copy it. Elicit @6 or 84? tc, Mum
ideas for the examples to follow the topic
sentences in each paragraph. Try to interest the
students in the topic and how to write about it.
Note: Three paragraphs may seem rather a lot
for'many students to write, so emphasize that
each one can be quite short. Of course, some

English for Iroq Teocher's Bool< 2nd Intermediote: Unit 5


English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 5

Materials Topic area Activities Language
'V/hat Read short texts and develoP Article before names
SB62 do they do?
AB78 vocabulary for names of jobs. of jobs:
6) 35
He's/Sbe's a/an ...

SB63 Two jobs \7ork out meanings. Vocabulary

AB79t80 Read for detail and write notes. Question formation
€t 37 Form and ask questions.
Read and complete an interview.
Listen to check.

SB64 A day in the life Use pictures to tell a storY. Vocabulary

ABBl/82 of a firefighter Reorder sentences to tell a
ca 38 story.
Listen to check answers.
Work out meanings.

SB65 \Yhat's my job? Read for detail. Present simple

AB82 Listen for gist, then detail. statements and
6) 39 Play language games. questions

SB66 A school timetable Study a timetable and Past passive

AB83-85 develop vocabulary.
6) 40 Listen for detail.
Identify syllable stress.
Identify some differences
between Iraqi and English
school timetables.
'$7rite about school subjects.
Make a timetable.

'What are they Use pictures to predict going to future

AB85/86 going to be? answers to questions. Vocabulary
Scan a text to check
Read for detail.
Practise vocabulary.

sB68/69 Career plans Practise scanning. going to future

ABB6-88 Discuss career plans. Vocabulary
to JJ out meanings.
Correct a paragraph.
Plan, write and read out
a paragraph.

SBB4-86 Pro ject Read and listen to an article on Vocabulary

fi 60 recycling.
Identify paragraph toPics'
Match new words to definitions.
Discuss opinions about recycling'



s, English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 6

E= E
F== -

SBTO Round up Revise language from the unit. Revision


SB71 Bob and Basim - Read for enjoyment.

AB9O the basketball

AB9L-94 Extra activities Do revision and consolidation Revision

€t 42 exercises.

Unit obiectives
Listening: Develop listening for pronunciation, language and detail and ability to take

Speaking: participate with increased confidence and competence in all class

Use pictures to give an account of a firefighter's day.
Play a guessing game.
Perform an interview and read own work aloud with good pronunciation.

Reading: Show improved ability to use reading strategies.

Read to understand cohesion in order to put sentences in correct order.
Use clues in questions to find specific information in factual texts very

Writing: Write questions with reasonable accuracy.

'!flrite answers to comprehension and personal questions with reasonable
Write a well-organized career plan.

The second section of project work is completed at the beginning of Unit 6:

students edit and improve their recipes and submit them for inclusion in the
magaztne. Later in this unit, the third section of project work, entitle d Trash
or lr"asrre? is introduced. Here, students read an article about the probiems
caused by landfills, and the possibility of improving our environment
through recycling and reusing waste materials. They learn new vocabulary
,.l"t.d to the topic, and are invited to share their experiences and opinions.
This section of project work will culminate in Unit 7, where students will
produce pieces of writing about ideas for reusing plastic bottles. In this unit,
ho*.r.r, you have the opportunity to ask your students to produce a piece
of writing for the magazine about a 'day in the life' of someone in a
particular job.

Engiish for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit

@L.rronI Answers
lD,2P.,3G,44, 5C,6F,7E
sB62 AB78 O se

Objectives: Introduction to the unit topic - 3 Reod ond understond definitions 5862
Read short texts and work out A Divide the class into three groups. Allocate
names of jobs. three texts to each group. Tell the students to
Longuoge: Indefinite article before job read the texts individually and try to
Vocobulory: businesswoman, pilot (n), understand the explanation of the jobs. Tell
architect, plan (u), design (z), them you will have a competition to see how
mechanic, workshop, garage) well they have understood the explanations.
repair (z), sure, visitor, engineer,
shop assistant, owner, customer, B Choose one job and ask the group who has read
firefighter, uniform (z), special, about it to give you information. Give them a

put out (a fire) mark for every piece of information. For

T Group 2. Tell me abowt a Pilot.
1 Listen for pronunciotion sB52 6d r0 P1,:He or she wears a wniform.
P2: He or she flies a Plane.
A Books closed. Explain that the topic of this unit P3: He or she takes people to different
is /o&s. Ask the students what names of jobs countries.
they know in English. Elicit the spellings and
write the job namess on the board. C Check understanding of the new words.

B Tell the students to listen and read the texts on

5862. Piay fd 36. 4 Proctise soying new nqme
ofjobs SB62
O 36 is the text on 5862.
Ask a student to read the rubric and finish the text
C Practise saying the seven jobs, first chorally, in the speech bubble: Nwmber f. is a mechanic.
then with individual repetition. Then tell the students to work in pairs, taking turns
to do the same with all the pictures.

2 Motch texts ond pictures SB62

5 Write nomes AB78 Ex A
Tell the students to match the jobs to the
pictures. Explain that if they are not sure about Tell the students to do this exercise without
a particular job, they can use the text to help. looking at the Student's Book. They can work
Ask them to write the answers in their in pairs. Tell them to say the beginning of each
copybooks. word aloud. This will help them find the correct
Check the answers orally as follows:
T: What's number L? Check the answers orally. Elicit the spelling of
P: He's a mechanic. each word.


:11 ,
English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 6

1 businesswoman IIttIf l"sson 2
2 engineer sB63 AB79/80 cd rZ
3 architect
4 pilot Objectives: I(ork out meanings of new
5 mechanic words.
6 dentist Read texts about two people's
7 firefighter jobs and make notes.
B teacher Ask and answer questions.
9 manager
Complete a printed interview by
10 doctor writing questions.
Check work by listening.
Longuoge: Question formation
5 Ask ond onswer guestions obout jobs Vocobulory: Dr (= Doctor), take care of,
AB78 Ex B hard-working, hours a day
(= euery day), clever, subject (z)
Ask a student to read one of the speech bubbles.
(school -), university, study (u),
Tell the students to put up their hands if they
can answer. Let the student nominate who
he/she wants to answer. The student who asked
the question should respond to the answer with
Yes, tbat's right or No, that's wrong. Continue
1 Introduction sB53
in the same way with other students.
Elicit the title. Ask the students to look ar the rwo
pictures and guess which two jobs the people do.
Organize the students to ask and answer the
Elicit a description of the two jobs similar to the
questions in pairs.
ones on SB-54.
Note: This exercise revises known names of
jobs as well as some of the new ones.

Example answers 2 Find words ond work out their

1 office manager, businesswoman, architect meoning SB53
2 reporter
3 pilot A Explain that you want the students to find the
4 editor meanings of the words at rhe top of the page for
5 doctor, nurse themselves. First, model the words for the
6 dentist students to repeat.
7 mechanic
B shopkeeper, shop assisrant B Tell the students to find and underline the
9 waiter words in the texts. Then ask them to work out
their meanings and match them to the phrases
in the green box.
7 Hond bock project recipes
Ask the students to check their answers in pairs.
Give back your suggestions to each group for the Then elicit the answers and discuss as a class.
recipes they produced in Unit 5 Lesson 8. Allow
them as much time as possible to implement your Answers
suggestions and improve their recipes, then collect 1.c,2b, 3d, 4a, 5e
them in at the end of the lesson for inclusion in the

English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 6 )2r*

3 Reod ond write 5863 AB79 Ex A Answers

the doctor the office manager

Elicit what the students already know about
Dr in an office
where she in a hospital
Salwa. Then introduce the reading task' works
what she does takes care of answers phone calls,
Let the students do the reading task on their sends and receives
sick people
own. Go round while they work, helping and emails, goes to
and makes
encouraging. other countries
them better
how long she eight hours from 8 to 2
usually works a day o'clock/six hours a
4 Ask ond onswer 5863 AB79 Ex B
A Explain and demonstrate the task' Read the where she unrversltY

instruction and the example' Then ask the class studied

to make a question with each of the other notes' how long she slx Years four years
'What does she do?
what she does had to study

how long she usuallY How long does she

works usually work?

5 Discussion s863
where she studied Where did she studY?
how long she had to How long did she
Ask about Dr Salwa and Hanan, do tbey
study haue to studY? enioy their iobs? Tell the students to find the
answers at the end of the nvo texts' Discuss what
the students think of the reasons they have given'
Tell the students to check their answers in parrs
by asking the questions they have made' Go
Ask the students what they think of the two
round the class as they work, listening and
jobs, for example, the hours of work and the
joining in where aPProPriate.
time needed to study for them' Encourage as
many students as possible to express their
Check answers by asking and answering in
points of view.
open pairs. \fhen a student answers, make sure
the rest of the class agrees.

6 Preporotion for writing AB79/80 Ex C

Students often have difficulty with question forms,

so go through this task orally first' Highlight on

board how to make the different question types'

W/r questions, identify the part of the answer
that gives the real information' For example, in
question 1, from the phrase at the Red Crescent
Hospital students can choose the appropriate
question word Wbere. \7ith Yes/No questions,
make sure the students understand which part of
the answer they use in the question' For example'
question 3:

| |
; ..' ,,

for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit

L 6
E )r{ English
I like my iob aay+*rcb. = Do you like Voice: How many people do you see every
your job? day?
Note: Because the answers have to provide enough Nurse: Every day? Oh, I usually see about
information for the students to write the questions, forty or fifty people every day.
some of them are a little unnatural. This is
discussed in Stage 98 below.
9 Reod oloud AB79/80 Ex C

7 Write guestions AB79/80 Ex C A Ask two students to begin reading the interview
aloud. Correct their pronunciation, using the
Tell the students to work on their own and write audio if necessary. Choose two more pairs of
the questions. Check samples of the students' work students to finish the interview.
as they are doing the exercise, but don't correct
everything at this stage. B Explain to the students that some of the
answers are not really what the person would
say, and explain why. To demonstrate what you
8 Listen ond check AB80 Ex D fd gZ mean, choose individual students to ask the
following four questions. Use these replies:
Tell the students to listen and check their answers. 2 Do you have to wear a uniform at work?
Play 6d 37. Yes, I do.
3 Do you like your job?
toJ/ Yes, I like it uery mucb.

Listen and check your answers. 6 How long did you have to study?
Voice: Where do you work? Six years.

Nurse: I work at the Red Crescent Hospital. 7 Do you want to be a doctor?

Voice: Do you have to wear a uniform at No,I don't.I loue my job.
Nurse: I have to wear a uniform at
\)7rite the answers on the board and explain that in

work. real conversation, we don't usually repeat the words

Voice: Do you like your job? the other person has used. Elicit which words have
disappeared and why.
Nurse: Yes. I like my job very much.
Voice: How long do you have to work?
Nurse: Oh, I usually have to work ten hours C Invite rwo students to read the interview with the
new answers. Point to the board to cue the new
a day.
answers when they arise. Then tell the students
Voice: Is it hard work?
to practise the interview in pairs. Ask them to
Nurse: Yes. It's very hard work, but I like
use the shorter answers you have demonstrated.
taking care of sick people.
Voice: How long did you have to study?
Nurse: I had to study for six years.
Voice: Do you want to be a doctor?
Nurse: No, I don't want to be a doctor. I
Iove my job.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 6

IEEG L""on 3 2 Use pictures to tell o story sB54

sB64 ABst/82 C) rs A Student's Books open. Tell the students to read

everything up to and including the caption for
Objectives: Use pictures to work out an picture 1. Elicit what Mazin said as a complete
account of a firefighter's daY. sentence. Check understanding o{ equipment.
Predict the ending,
Number sentences in the correct B Tell the students to work in pairs and use the
order to tell the story and listen to pictures to tell the rest of the story. Give them
check. three minutes to do this.
out meanings of new words.
Longuoge: C Elicit the story from the class, picture by
Yocobulory: fire station, equipment, heat (n), picture. If students do not agree with each
trapped (z), hose (n), on fte, other, ask each student to give his/her version.
upside-down, side (z) Don't confirm or correct at this stage. Accept
any answer as long as what the student says is a
sensible description of the picture. Elicit or
1 Introduction present any new vocabulary that arises at this
on the board A day in the life of a
firefighter. Ask the students to think of the kind
of things that might happen. Give them time to 3 Predict ending s854
discuss this in pairs. Then elicit suggestions and
write them on the board in note form, for Ask the class What do you think happened next?
example: Ask questions about the pictures on 5864 to get
goes to a fire them thinking. Elicit as many suggestions as
cleans fire engine possible.
Use the discussion to present some of the new
4 Reqd ond order sentences correctly
Tell the students they are going to read about a AB81 Ex A
day in the life of Mazin, a firefighter.
Student's Books still closed, read aloud to them A Read the rubric aloud, and the first two
what Mazin says in the speech bubble. Then ask sentences of the story. Elicit the next sentence,
the students to finish the sentence in any way which is sentence (g): We were told there was a
they can. For example: fire in a swpermarket in the middle of town. TeIl
... 1 read the newspaper. the students to write number 1 in the box for
... I bad d cup of tea. (g). Then tell them to read and number
... I cleaned the fire engine. sentences (a)-(f) only (the other sefltences
'S7hen (h)-(") come later in the story).
you have elicited some suggestions, get
the students to say them again as complete
sentences. B Tell the students they will now find out what
happened at the end of the story. Tell them to
number the sentences (h)-(n) in sequence with
the previous sentences, starting with number B.

f _r:.

Vi English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 6 1

5 Listen to check onswers understand that you value all the predictions.
ABS2Exe o3S Draw attention to what the firefighter says
about how he felt at the end of the day. Explain
A Ask the students to listen and check their that this paragraph has been added to make it a
answers. Play O 38. Pause between sentences in better story. Remind students that they are often
the recording, if necessary, and make sure that told to write about their own feeiings in stories;
all students know what the answers are. this is an example. Play the recording a second
time without pauses and invite students to look
at the pictures on 5864 as they listen.
Listen to the story and check Your dnswers. Note: Suggest that some of the students might
Firefighter: When I arrived at the fire station like to write out the complete story. Tell them to
yesterday morning, I checked my write four paragraphs - the short first and last
equipment as usual. We had our first ones which are complete in the Activity Book,

call at ten o'clock.

were told there and the rwo longer ones where the sentences in
was a fire in a supermarket in the the Activity Book are jumbled.
middle of town. \X/e drove through
the streets as fast as possible.
we got there, the fire was burning 5 Work out meonings of words
strongly. The heat was terrible and AB82 Ex C
some people were trapped inside.
'We Check the answers as a class.
had to get them out quickly. got
out our hoses and pointed them at
the building. Twenty minutes lateq Answers
the fire was out and we were able to 1a,2c,3b
go into the building.'We saved all the
people, but some had to go to
hospital. At two o'clock, we were 7 Project homework
called to an accident on the ring road,
The police helped us get there very If you wish, you can tell your pupils that for
fast. One car was on fire and another homework they should write an account of a day in
was upside-down on the road. the life of someone with a pafticular job, following
Fortunately, the driver of the burning the model in the lesson. You could suggest a list of
car was standing by the side of the possible jobs for students to choose from, or ask
road. However, the driver of the students to choose the iob they want to do when
other car was trapped. We put the they are older. Explain that you will collect the
fire out quickly and got the second articles in the next lesson and select some for
driver out. He was badly injured. At inclusion in the school magazine or display them.
the end of the day, I was tired and You might wish to hand out paper for students to
upset about the accident. But it's all complete their work on and ask them to include
in a day's work for a firefighter. We illustrations.
do our best.

L9, 2d, 3a, 4f, 5e, 6b, 7c, 8j,9k, 10m, 1,1,i, 1,2h,
B Discuss the answers. Find out if any of the
students guessed the ending, but make sure they r,' i.! .,i
i'.. I

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 6 125

@l AB82L.rron 4 o39
Listen to two gcrmes.
sB6s fi rq Part 1
Teacher: Good morning, class'
Objectives: Read and listen to work out how Class: Good morning, Miss Hadeel'
to play language games. Teacher: Today you're going to play a game'
Play a game. Class: (Slight cheer)
.!fhat's my
Longuoge: Present simple statements and Teacher: The name of this game is
questions lob?' and this is what I want You to
do. You'Il work in Pairs. One of You,
Vocobulory: -
Student 1, thinks of a job, but
doesn't tell his partner. OK?
Class: Yes, Miss Hadeel.

1 Collect project homework Teacher: Student 2 has to try to find out what
the job is. Student 2 can ask five
If you set the homework at the end of Lesson 3, ask questions onlY five, no more' I{
students to get it out now. Ask one or two students you can find out the job with five
to show the class their work and read it - you could questions or fewer, You get a Point.
ask for volunteers or ask confident students' As a If not - nothing. Right. You can
class, discuss the articles which are read' You could begin. I'll listen.
get the class to ask the readers questions about their Student 2: Have you thought of a job?
work. Collect in all the work and explain that you Student 1: Yes.
will choose some pieces for display or inclusion in Student 2: Um - do you work inside?
the magazine. Student 1: Sometimes.
Student 2: Do you work in an office?
Student 1: No.
2 Reod ond exPloin instructions 5865 Student 2: Do you make food for PeoPle?
Student 1: No.
A Tell the students to read the instructions for Student 2: Do you help people?
Game A silently and then explain the game to Student L: Yes.
you. The explanation can be done in Arabic as Student 2: You're a doctor.
a translation exercise. Make sure they explain Student 1: Wrong. I'm a policewoman.
the game without translating the instructions
word for word' Part 2
Teacher: Good morning, class.
B Use the same procedure with the instructions CIass: Good morning, Mr Kareem.
for the other two games. Teacher: Right, everybody. TodaY I want You
to play a game.
Class: (Sligbt cheer)
3 Listen for gist sB6s 6i rq Teacher: The name of this game is 'What's mY
job?' and this is what I want You to
A Read the listening rubric aloud. Then ask the do. You'll work in Pairs. One of You.
students to read the first question silently. Student 1, thinks of a iob, but
Check they know what to do, then ask them to doesn't tell his partner. All right?
Iisten and answer the question. Play O 39. Class: Yes, Mr Kareem.

126 English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 5

Teacher: Student 2 has to guess what the job B Tell the students to listen and answer the
is. Student 1 says five things about questions. Tell them to put a small tick above
the job, and after each sentence the job names they hear and to try to write
Student 2 makes a guess. Remember down or remember jobs they hear which aren't
only five things, no more. If
- in the box. Play 6) 39.
Student 2 can guess the job after
hearing just five sentences or fewer, C Elicit answers.
she gets a point. If not - nothing. Answers
Right. You can begin now I'll listen. In the box: doctor, policewoman, farmer, bus
Student 1: Right - I've thought of a job. driver, pilot
Student 2: Go on. Not in the box: ambulance driver, taxi driver
Student 1: I don't work in an office.
Student 2: You're a farmer.
Student 1: No. Next thing: I wear a uniform. 5 Ploy guessing gomes sB55
Student 2: You're an ambulance driver.
Student 1: No. Third sentence. I take people to A Play Game A as a class. Ask one student to
other places. choose a job and note it down on a piece of
Student 2: You're a - er - you're a bus driver. paper. Tell the class they can ask five questions
Student 1: No. I have to speak English. to try to find out what the job is. Keep count of
Student 2: You're a taxi driver! the questions. Then play Game C as a class in
Student 1: Wrong. Last sentence. I work at the the same way. This time, it may be better if you
airport. choose the job and five things you can say
Student 2: You're a pilot! Of course! about it. Finally, play Game B as a class.
Student 1: Correct.'Well done. Now it's your
turn. B If there is time, tell the students to play any of
the games in pairs. If there isn't enough time in
Ask students which of the three games (A, B this lesson, the games can be fitted in whenever
and C) they heard being played in 6) 39. (The there are five minutes to spare.
games played are A in Part 1 and C in Part 2.)

4 Listen for specific informotion 5 Motch descriptions to jobs AB82

sB5s 6d rg
Tell students to read the descriptions and match
A Ask the students to read questions 2 and 3 them to the jobs.
silently. Check understanding of what to do,
then elicit each job in the list from individual Answers
students. Focus on good pronunciation. 1,a 2c 3b 4a

/.{.\ f,
English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 6 .727 ffi
l!ffi[I L.rron s 2 Present vocobulory

Tell the students you will give them clues about six
sB6d AB83-8s O no of the new subjects (see vocabulary listing in lesson
summary box) by writing on the board something
Objectives: Listen to identify days on a
they involve (present the word inuolue). Write on
the board the following:
Compare an English timetable
with own school timetable. computers
a school timetable in
other cowntries
Develop vocabulary for names of
school subjects.
Ask and answer questions.
'Write about ability in different Tell the students to see if they can match the clues
to any of the subjects. Elicit or present the rwo
school subjects.
other new subjects from the timetable, religious
Longuoge: Present simple
education ard science. Clarify the meaning of all
Vocobulory: secondary", home economics,
the words and practise pronunciation.
geographS information
technology (lT), mathematics
(maths), religious education (RE),
3 Listen for detoils sB56 6)40
science, art, physical education
(PE), in common
A Introduce the listening. Tell the students to
listen and work out what days the seven
students are talking about. There is a pause
t Introduction sB55
after each student speaks to give the students
time to look at the timetable. Piay 6) 40.
A Elicit the heading. Then get the students to
guess or work out what kind of school has this
timetable, and where the school might be. (It is 'Wednesday
a secondary school timetable from a school in
2 Thursday
3 Monday
4 Tuesday
B Ask the question at the top of the timetable.
5 Friday
Give the students time to study the table. Then
6 Friday
elicit anything that is different, for example, the
7 Monday
starting and finishing times and the breaks.

6) 40
C Ask a few questions to help the students
Lookat the timetable.Which doys ore these
become familiar with the timetable. For
students tolking about?
Hotu many school days are there?
Boy 1: Now, what do I have after the
What are tbey?
break? Science, information
How many lessons are there euery day? technology - double lesson. Oh no!
How long are the lessons? Aha! Sport in the afternoon! That's
subiects in the timetable do you know?
better! (Pause)
. 11

128 English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 6 i

5 Write new words AB83 Ex A
Girl 1: Ifhat's this afternoon? Home
economics! Oh dear! I've forgotten The students should be able to do this without
to bring any flour! (Pawse) preparation. \7hen they finish, tell them that except
for history, these words are difficult to spell, so rhey
Boy 2: PE today? After geography will need to memorize them.
and before RE. (Pause)
Four. Answers
Gi|2: \7hat's the last lesson today? 1 physical educarion
Geography. Oh dear! I haven't done 2 history
my homework. (Pause) 3 geography
Five. 4 home economics
Boy 3: Let's see. First lesson - history, then 5 science
mathematics. And RE and science in 6 informationtechnology
the afternoon. That'li be tiring. 7 marhematics
Girl3: When's French today? Ah! Just 6Identify sylloble stress AB84 Ex B
before lunch. That's good. (Pause)
Seven. A Let the studenrs do this activity in pairs.
Boy 4: Right - what's next? Arr. And then Encourage them to listen to each other saying
home! the words before deciding where the stress is.

B Tell the students to try to pronounce the subjects B Say the words and let rhe students change their
in the same way as they heard them on the answers. Then write the words on the board
recording. Elicit the words and practise chorally. and get students to come out and underline the
appropriate part of each one.

4 Ask ond onswer sB66 Answers

Choose pairs of students to read the questions and geqgraphy
answers in the speech bubbles. Then ask the class history
to think of another question like the first one. techno.logy
I7hen a hand is raised, let that student ask the mathematics
question. The first student who is ready to answer education
cin do so. For example: science
P1": How many maths lessons do they haue?
P2: Fiue.
Pl: Tbat's right.
Elicit examples of the other rwo kinds of question in
the same way. Then tell the studenrs to ask and
answer questions about the timetable in simultaneous
pairs. Make sure that everyone participates.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 6 ,w
7 Compore English
"'oJ#;xxii'=,.. EEll L"'on 6
sB57 AB85/85
A Present the new phrase in common, r'vhich
Objectives: Use pictures to predict answers to
means the same. Then prepare for the Exercise
C by asking questions about the timetable on
Scan a text to check Predictions'
5866. For examPle:
'lThich subjects do you have in common? Read for detail'
Practise vocabularY'
Which subiects do You not have?
'$7hich subjects do you have that they don't Longuoge: going to future
Vocobulory: patient ln, adi), peacock,
zoologist, examination, take (an
exam), Pass (an exam), fail (an
B Introduce Exercise C. Point out that the
exam), certain (fo' -), biologn
students have answered most of the questions
chemistrY, PhYsics
orally, so they should be able to attempt them
all. Tell them to concentrate on spelling the
subjects correctlY.

I Predict onswers to questions sB67

Answers will vary from class to class'
is probably the Read the page title and elicit what it means, I'e'
Question 5: The main diffetence
hours each daY.
What iobs will they do? Elicit the rubric and the
two questions orally. Draw attention to the
reminder about using pictures' Tell the students to
use the pictures to guess the answers' Don't
8 Answer questions obout your success
AB84 Ex D or correct at this stage.

Tell the students to write full sentence answers' As

2 Scon to check Predictions SB67
they work, go round the class discussing what they
have written about themselves. Try to be
A Ask the students how they can find the answers
encouraging as you discuss their strengths and
to the two questions very quickly' Elicit or
remind them that they should look for clues ir-r
the questions and then search for key words in
the text.
9 Write your timetoble in English
AB85 Ex E Discuss what key words they will look for to
answer question 1. I{ they say spare time
prompt them to think of an alternative by
This activity revises days, times, the names of
asking On which days of the week will Firas
school subiects already presented, and the names of
and Halla baue spare time? Elicit Thursdays
subjects which the students study, but which have
and Fridays. Tell the students that they can look
not been presented. Give the students any help they
need as they comPlete this task.
for any of these words and phrases in the texts'
Ask what kind of words they need to look for
to answer question 2 and elicit names of iobs'

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 6

Ask the students to scan the texts to check their Answers
predictions. Elicit answers. Then get the Exercise A
students to read out the sentences where the 1 History.
answers are located. They are: 2 Taking photographs of birds and animals.
! Euery Friday he goes to the zoo. He takes 3 He is very patient.
photographs of birds and animals. 4 A zoologist.
Sometimes, she uisits a hosPital.
2 He Luctnts to be a zoologist. Exercise B
she leaues school, she is going to be a 1 Biology, chemistry, English and physics.
doctor. 2 Helping people.
Elicit or present the meaning of zoologist. 3 She is verykind and friendly.
Include the subject zoology. 4 The patients who have no visitors.
5 A doctor.

3 Vocobulory study s867

5 Complete sentences SB57 A886 Ex C
A Ask'What animal is Firas tahing a photo of?
Elicit peacocA and practise pronunciation. Draw students' attention to question 2 in the'Work
uith words section on 5867. Tell them to locate the
B Use the vocabulary task on the page, Work with three words in the text, and ask students to
words. Pronounce pcttient and tell the students volunteer suggestions for what they mean. Establish
to read the two meanings and answer question the meanings and ask students to complete the three
1. (The answer is that the first meaning is in the gapped sentences in Exercise C. Check answers
second text and the second meaning is in the orally as a class.
first text.) Ask the students who answer to read
the relevant sentences aloud. Answers
1 take
2 fall
4 Longuoge study sB57 3 pass

Go through the grammar box and explain for

certain. Ask the students to find examples of this
constrliction in the texts. filHIl L"rron 7
s858/59 AB86-88
5 Write short onswers to questions Objectives: Practise scanning.
SB57 AB85 Exs AJB
Work out meanings.
Taik about own career plans.
Tell the students to read both texts carefully and
Correct a paragraph.
answer the questions. Check the answers oraily. 'V7rite
and read out a patagraph.
Longuoge: wben + present tense + going to
Yocobuloryl. cateer (z), translator, vet (n),
carpenter, woodwork, astronaut,
future (Gr.)

d 7
-* _r f
English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 5
1 Introduction 5868/59 3 Scon for words cnd motch meonings
5868/59 AB85 Ex A
A Read the page title and present ctreer. Elicit the
names of the four students on 5868/69. Tell the students to scan the texts for the four words
in Exercise A and work out their meanings. Let the
B Briefly discuss what careers the students would students discuss their answers in pairs before
like to have. checking orally.
Note: zef is short for ueterinary surgeon, but it isn't
necessary for students to learn this yet, as the short
2 Scon to onswer questions 5868/59 form is the one most commonly used by native
English speakers.
A Read the rubric and do question 1a with the
class, asking the students to scan each text for Answers
the word friendly- Remind students that when 1d,2a,3b, 4c
they read in this way they should move their
eyes as quickly as possible over the words.
IThen students find an answer, they should put 4 Longuoge study sB59
their hands up immediately. They should then
continue scanning to see if any of the other A Go through the grammar box. Then elicit
stlrdents think they are friendly. Do class-level similar questions and write them on the board.
feedback. Do questions 1b and 1c in the same
way, as a class. B Use the questions on the board to ask and
answer in open pairs.
1a) Sara and Khalid
b) Adel, Sara and Dana 5 Discuss coreer plons S869
c) Adel
A Ask the students to think about what they want
Tell the students to do the other questions on to do when they leave school. Then elicit ideas
their own and write the answers in their from different students. Ask whether they have
copybooks. a better idea of what they might like to do now
they have read about other students.
Check the answers by eliciting information
about the different characters in whole Tell the students to discuss career plans with a
sentences, For example: partner. They should ask as many questions and
P1: Adel and Dania are good (fi science. in as much detail as they can, and respond to
P2: Khalid is good at mathematics. 'Write
what their partner says. prompt questions
on the board to help. For example:
Answers 'V/hat
subjects ctre you good at?
2a) Adel and Dania What do you like doing in your spare time?
b) Khalid Are you hard-working?
c) Sara Are you going to go to uniuersity?
d) Dania 'What
are yow going to stwdy?
3a) Adel and Khalid
b) Sara and Dania C Discuss the information the students have found
out as a class.
I 7a t'"
for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit
132 English 6 :

5 Correct o PorogroPh AB87 Ex B 8 Reod o porogroPh oloud AB88 Ex D

This stage is intended to encourage the students to

Go through the marked paragraph with the class,
focus on improving their own work so that it is
eliciting corrections and improvements' If possible,
the paragtaphwritten on the board and select good enough for others to hear. Ask the students to
work in groups. Students should take turns to read
students to come up and correct it' There are
out their paragraphs in their grouPs. The members
different possibilities for the extra phrases; possible
additions are underlined in the example answer' of the group should listen and suggest ways of
Because can be replaced by and as a connector'
making each paragraPh better.

Example aflswer
9 Introduce Proiect work sB84/85
I am very kind and friendiy. My favourite
subject at school is English, but I also like
geography. I fail some exams, but I pass exams Ask students to open their Student's Books at page
in most things. At the weekend, i go walking in 84. Elicit the title of the article, making sure
the hills. I like being outside because I like pronunciation of trash and treaswre is correct, and
looking at animals.
'!ilhen I leave school, I am check the meanings of the words. You could list
going to be a businessman. Before that, I am various objects and ask students to classify them as
going to go to college to study IT. trash or tredsure. Then ask students to look at the
pictures in the article and guess what it is about'
Discuss any ideas that arise with the class' Tell
7 Write o porogroPh AB88 Ex C students to read the article for homework, making a

note of any vocabulary they don't understand'

Note: If you do not have enough time in class,
Exercise C can be set as homework. If you decide to
do this, make sure students understand the different
stages they should go through to produce their
f!#Ill L.rron I
paragraph (outlined below). Exercise D can be done sB84/8s 6) eo
at the beginning of the following lesson, if you wish'

Objectives: Read an article and identify

A Elicit the questions orally. Tell the students to paragraPh toPics'
think about their answers and write a draft Match new words to definitions'
paragraph. Give the students enough time to Express oPinions about an article
complete the writing. Go round helping and and discuss as a class.
encouraging as they work. If you notice any Longuoge:
common difficulties, stop the students and go Vocobulory: landfill", plant"', polluted",
oYer the points on the board. poPulation'*, recYcling*, reduce'",
rubbish", trash*', treasure*
B they finish, tell the students to read their
draft and mark any mistakes they can see' They
should also mark sentences that can be joined 1 Discuss orticle ond clorifY
and places where they should add in{ormation' vocobulorY sB84/85
Draw attention to Exercise D, pointing out that
you want them to read something clear and Ask students whether they enioyed reading the
interesting to their group. Continue to help and Trash or treasure? article for homework' Get
encourage as they write. students to volunteer their initial opinions, wit hout

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 6

entering into a discussion. Ask them to list any 4 Discuss the orticle sB84/85
words they didn't understand, and see if other
students can give the meanings before clarifying Round off the lesson by asking students their
them yourself. opinion of the article. Did they find it interesting?
How are their lives affected by rubbish or landfills?
Can they think of any other ways of reducing the
2 Listen to the orticle ond identify amount of rubbish at home or at school, or of
structure SB84/85 f0 eO recycling waste materials? Discuss any ideas that
arise as a class.
A Tell students they should listen to the article and
follow it in their books. Tell them that they
should try to identify the topic of each
paragraph as they listen, and that you will ask
for suggestions once the audio has finished.
EffiIl L"rron e
sB70 AB88/89
6D 60 is the article on SB84/85.
Objectives: Revise language from the unit.
Longuoge: Revision
B Ask students to suggest the topic or main idea
Vocobulory: Revision
in each paragraph. Discuss the paragraphs as a
class, one at a time. There are various possible
ways of identifying the topics, so do not
1 Round up sB70
discount any reasonable suggestions.

Possible answers
A 1: Ask the students to give examples using
people they know. For example, ask Wbat does
Paragraph 1: The problems caused by
your (father) do?
Paragraph 2: Recycling - the way to reduce the
2: Ask the students to talk about their favourite
amount of rubbish
sub;'ects and the things they are good and bad at.
Paragraph 3: Example of recycling - a way of
turning rubbish into traffic signs
3: Ask the students to say what they are going
Paragraph 4: The future: what you can do to
to do when they leave school.
reduce the amount of rubbish

2 Write opposites AB88 Ex A

3 Do o \Mordseorch ond identify
meonings SB86
Tell the students that number 1 was introduced in
Unit 3 and number 2 in Unit 5. All the other words
A Elicit the rubric for activity 1 and check the
were introduced in Unit 6. Let the students work in
activity is understood. Give students a few
pairs to complete the exercise.
minutes to find the words, then check as a class.

B Elicit the rubric for activiry 2. Ask students to
write the words next to the definitions. Check
1 beat

answers by reading out one of the words, and

2 hard-working

asking a volunteer to read the correct definition.

3 impolite/rude
4 fall
5 repair

English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 6

3 Spell words AB88 Ex B 5 Write questions AB89 Ex E

Tell the students to complete the words from A Ask one of the questions which students have to
memory, then check their spelling in the Student's identify in the exercise. Elicit an appropriate
Book. answer. Continue with other questions,
recycling each one at least twice.
1 mechanic B Tell the students to write the questions in their
2 bus driver books.
3 architect
4 astronaut Answers
5 translator 1 What are you going to be when you leave
6 carpentgl school?
2 are you going to study at university?
3 are you going to work?
4 Ask ond onswer obout jobs AB89 Ex C

Tell the students to ask and answer the questions in

they have done this, they should write Lesson 10
short answers in their books.
sB71 AB90 6$ lr
Objectives: Read a story for enjoyment.
1 a bus driver
2 a mechanic
Vocobulory: ciinic", entomologist':', insect'r,
3 a translator
public courts'!, trainers'!
4 an architect
5 an astronaut
6 a carpenter
1 Introduction sB71

5 Associote words with subjects A Tell the students to recall the previous episode
of Bob and Basim (5856/57) in pairs and
AB89 Ex D
discuss what happened. Then discuss as a class,
prompting as necessary.
Tell the students to do the exercise individually and
then check their answers with their partner.
B Elicit the title of this episode. Ask the students
to talk about the picture and predict what
happens. Use the picture to present basketball
1 Islam
and court.
2 weather and population
3 a long time ago
4 numbers and shapes
2 Reod for eqioyment sB71
5 cooking
6 computers
A Elicit the three questions orally and check
students understand them. Tell them to read the
story and {ind the answers.

isl t
l""r /
English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediste: Unit 6
B Elicit the answers, allowing students to ask any
questions they have about the story. Ask
flffifl E*t ro o.t irriti",
students if they can remember what else took AB91-94 Cc nz
place in Southport (the tennis tournament)'

Ex A - Listening Qqz
1 Southport. Answers
2 His trainers. 1cr 2a, 3c, 4c,5b, 6a
3 Basim's joke is that Bob wants to be an
entomologist (a person who studies
insects). This is funny because Bob has been
ct 42
bitten by ants and doesn't want anyone to
Listen to these boys ond girls talking about
even mention insects.
whatthey ore going to be. Circle thejob eoch
person is going to do.
3 Listen for consolidotion SB71 f& 4t
Boy 1:
I leave school, I'm going to
work in mY father's restaurant for a
Tell the students to listen and follow the story in year' I reallY like working in the
their books. PIay 6)41. kitchen making delicious food for
people. Then I'm going to go to
6) +r ir the story on SB71. college to train. Perhaps one day I'li
have mY own restaurant'
4 Discussion sB71
Girl 1: At school, my best subjects are
English and Arabic. I'm also learning
Ask the class if they understood anything better
French. I'm going to try to get a iob
through hearing the story. Elicit particular examples in a newsPaPer office. TheY alwaYs
and ask why they were easier to understand through need helP with rePorts from other
listening. Ask the students if they want any further countries.
expianations, or if they have something to say about
the story. Did they enjoy it and find it funny?
Boy 2: My best school subject is
mathematics, but I also like
geography. I really want to visit
5 Write notes on the story SB71 AB90
other countries. In the evenings, I
often go to the airport and watch the
Teli the students to fill in the summary chart on planes. As I watch them, I think,
'One day I'm going to flY one of
Girl2: After school, I'm going to go to
training college. My favourite
subject is history - I just love it and I
want to tell other students about it
later. I'm very patient, so I won't get
angry if my students aren't interested
in it at first. I'll just have to make
4-7,: my lessons more interesring.
* ) o.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 6


Five. 4 He worked as a (volunteer) teacher.

Boy 3: My favourite subject at school is 5 Five years.
science. And I'll need it in the job 6 He didn't like living in Ramadi/a big city.
I'm going to do. I've always liked 7 tT.
animals and I don't like seeing an 8 1a,2a
animal sick or in pain. I want to help
make it better. First I have to go to
university, though. Ex E - Grommor

Girl 3: At school, I'm quite good at Arabic Answers

and IT - you know, working with 1. am going to work
computers. After school, I'm going 2 leaves, is going to get/will get
to go to college and then get a job in 3 get, am going to phone/will phone
an office - writing letters, answering 4 see, is going to be/will be
the phone, talking to visitors - all
those things.
Ex F - Writing

Ex B - Vocobulory Note: The order the notes go in may vary. Provided

the order is logical, it should be accepted. Collect in
Answers the paragraphs to mark.
1 repair
2 study Example answer
3 take 1 v. patient & hard-working
4 fal| 2 best subl'ect: English
5 patient 3 French classes in the evening
6 for certain 4 go to college
/ career 5 learn how to translate
8 uniform 6 translator
7 work in another country

Ex C - Vocobulory
Ex G - Vocobulory
1 mathematics Answers
2 geography 1 reporter (or editor)
3 religious education (RE) 2 {irefighter
4 history 3 architect
4 o{fice manager
5 teacher
Ex D - Reoding 6 pilot
7 mechanic
Answers 8 dentist
1 He was (quite) lazy.
2 Mathematics.
3 The other students were hard-working.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 6 1t7
Ex H - Vocobulory
1 teach
2 mechanic
3 green
4 office
5 equipment
6 driving

Ex I- Speoking l


If the activities are being done in the classroom, I

students should try to explain their answers to each
other in pairs. Go round helping and encouraging.

Ex J - Vocobulory
1 Doctor
2 information technology
3 mathematics
4 examination
5 physical education

4€ lt
l, > {-f
lJ8 English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 6
The world oround us
Lesson Materials Topic area Activities Language
7 SB72 World problems Discuss the topic. Form of headlines
AB95 Match headlines to pictures. Vocabulary
Study form of headlines.

SB73 How can we help? Read an extract from a Modals: must,

AB95-97 chariry appeal. should, will
{r44s Read and listen to a will in offers
conYersation for specific Vocabulary
Identify syllable stress.
Complete sentences with
must and should.
Make conversations.
a short letter.

sB74/7 s Animals in danger Read short texts to find I agree/disagree.

AB97 out why animals are in I think you're
danger. right/wrong.
Develop vocabulary. Vocabulary
Practise agreeing and

SB76 Please keep the Read for gist and detail. Vocabulary
AB97 riuers clean Work out meanings.

SB77 A warmer u.,orld Interpret a diagram. Modals: may, might

AB98 Read an interview for gist It's possible that ...
and detail; make inferences
from the text.
Discuss questions about
global warming.

SB7B179 Tbrowing things Use pictures to tell a story; Past tense in

AB99 4uay predict ending. narrative
€b4648 Read sentences and number Modals: should
them in the correct order. Imperatives
Predict content of conversations
about waste, then listen and
write notes.
Do a short questionnaire.
Give orders to people
dropping litter.

SBSO The mouing Read to identify topics

ABlOO desert of paragraphs.
Practise search-reading,
then read for detail and to
work out meanings.

etr ':i

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 7


SB87 Project Invent a new way of reusing

plastic bottles.
Write a methodand draw pictures.
Present work in groups.

SB81 Round up Revise language from the unit. Revision


SBB2/83 Bob and Basim Read for enjoyment.

AB1O3 - the medals

A8103-108 Extra activities Do revision and consolidation Various

Oso exercises.

Unit obiectives
Listening: Develop listening for pronunciation, language and detail and ability to take

Speaking: Participate with increased confidence and competence in all class

Use pictures to give an account of a cat's journey.
Be willing to attempt the less-controlled speaking activities in this unit.
These include: expressing own opinions on ropics presented in the unit,
making up conversations, guessing what people in pictures are saying and
giving orders to people who drop litter.

Reading: Show improved ability to read silently at a reasonable speed and with
adequate understanding.
Read to understand cohesion in order to put sentences in correct order.
Read quickly for gist, to identify topics of paragraphs.
Show improved competence in scanning tasks.
Be able to make inferences from information in texts.

Writing: Do written exercises with reasonable accuracy.

Be willing to check and try to improve and correct own writing.
Be willing to do the less-controlled writing tasks in the unit.

Proiect work: In Unit 7, students complete the Trash or treasure? project work. They read
and then write for the magazine about ways of reusing plastic bottles to
make various objects, and work in groups to invent a new way of making
an object out of bottles. There is an opportunity in Lesson B for students to
present their work. The Extra activities section also contains opportunities
for composing written pieces for the magazine on environmental topics.



i{ I
* .Ei

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 7 )4+*

EEL"rron I 3 Study form of heodlines sB72

sB72 AB95 A Use the grammar box at the bottom of the page.
Elicit one common factor in each headline that
Objectives: Read newspaper headlines; match shows they are nor normal senrences (they do
with pictures. not have full stops at the end). \7rite the first
Study headlines. headline on the board and elicit the missing
Discuss world problems. words.'Write the full sentence and underline the
Longuoge: Headlines: missing verbs, articles extra words.
Vocobulory: headline (z), scientist, air (n), 1 World getting warmer, scientists say
pollute, pollution, litter (z), waste The world is getting u)Armer, scientists say.
(z), supply (n) (water -), UK (= The other complete sentences are:
United Kingdom) 2 Sixteen elephants were found dead.
3 Air pollution is a danger to young and old
(pcppld, a doctor warns.
1 Worm up 4 Litter drowns a (/the) town!
5 Oil kills thousands of sea birds and pollutes
Books closed. Tell the students that the topic of this the beaches.
unit is Tbe world around '!7rite 'World
zzs. problems 6 Waste from a factory pollutes a (/thg)
on the board and ask the class what this means to town's water supply.
them. They can use Arabic, but if they mention
anything that is contained in the unit, write the key B Ask the students to look at the board and tell
words in English on the board. you what kinds of words are missing from the
headlines. The answer is:
articles: a/an and the
2 Reod heodlines ond motch to parts of the verb be
pictures SB72 Note: people canbe added in headline 3, but
this is not always necessary: narive English
A Present headline. Read each headline aloud and speakers informally use the phrase young and
briefly discuss what it means. present or elicit old without the noun.
the new words.

Tell the students to match the headlines to the 4 Group discussion sB72
pictures by writing the numbers and the letters
in their copybooks. A Organize the students in groups. Give one
student in each group the role of'secretary'.
Check the answers orally. Discuss the pictures Draw students' attention to the 'Taik about
and how they match the headlines during this these questions'rubric and the questions below
stage. it. Tell the groups to discuss each problem in
turn while the secretaries make notes. Ask them
Answers to talk about what they know and not to worry
1D,2B,3E,44,5R 6C if they can't think of reasons for some of the
problems. Leave the students to work on their
own, but let them know they can ask you for
help with ideas or any words they need.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 7

B Ask the secretary for each group to report back 2 Reod for gist sB73
to the class.
A Elicit the heading on SB73 and read the rubric
aloud. Tell the students to read the article
5 Write sentences os heodlines AB93 quickly and find out why Sara was upset.

Introduce Exercise A. Tell the students to use what B Elicit individual answers, showing interest in
they have learned about the forms of headlines in what the students have to say. The best answer is:
the lesson to re-write the sentences as headlines. She was upset to find out that people in Africa
don't euen haue 1"00 dollars to send tbeir
Answers children to school for a year.
Moving desert swallowing Iraq
Green Team cleaning Iraq's streets C Check the meaning of education and ]ink with
leopards in sharp decline pbysical education from Unit 6. Draw the
ITater poliution a huge danger to local students' attention to haue ro in the first
population and wildlife sentence and ask them to identify another word
in the text that means the same thing; elicit
must. Draw attention to futttre as a noun
because the students have only seen it in its
Lesson 2 grammatical use previously.

sB73 AB95-97 (0 ar-as

3 Reod ond listen to o conversotion
Objectives: Read a short text for detail.
sB73 6d 43
Identify syllable stress.
Complete sentences with must and
A Elicit the names of the girls in the conversarion
and ask the students what they think the girls
Listen and read for specific
are talking about. Tell them to read the
conversation while they listen. Play fd 43.
Make conversations.
Write a short letter.
6) 43 is the conversation on 5873.
Longuoge: Modals: must, should, will
uill in offers
B Ask some questions to elicit new words. For
Vocobulory: must (modal), dollar, sell/sold,
bring-and-buy sale, playground, 'What
does Layla swggest they should do?
bake, headmistress, future (a)
What's a bring-and-buy sale?
What does (Sara) offer to bring?
are they going to hold the sale?
1 Introduction Whom do they haue to ask first?

Books closed. Discuss briefly the topic of poverty,

C Use the grammar box at the bottom of the page
especially in Africa, as a world problem. Ask the
and elicit examples of must.
students what they know about poor people in
some African countries. They should know that in
some areas of Africa there are many people who
don't have enough food to eat and are dying of
sickness and lack of food.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 7

4 Reod oloud sB73 6}ar
1 must / should
A Choose four students to read the conversation
2 should
aloud to practise pronunciation. Use the audio
3 should

with pauses for the whole class to repeat any

4 must (if you don't, the flight attendant wiil
do it for you)
phrases and sentences which cause problems.
Make sure they copy the stress and intonation
5 must (if you don't, you are not allowed to
drive a car)
used on the recording. It is especially important
that they properly produce the weak forms of
words llke a, to, can, in, and, the. Remind them
of the need to read words in groups, not
7 Listen for specific informotion
A896 exs C/D 6i 45

Introduce Exercise C. Explain that three other girls

B Tell the students to practise the conversation in
are discussing with Sara what they can bring to the
groups of four. As you go round the class,
sale. Tell the students to listen to the three
concentrate on the weaker groups.
conversations and write down what each girl offers
to bring, and the time of the sale. Play 6i 45.
Afterwards, elicit answers.
5 Identify sylloble stress
AB95 Ex A 6l nq

A Introduce Exercise A. Tell the students to say

1 Suhad-acamera
'lfisal some books
each word aloud to themselves quietly and -
Widad - a doll
underline the strong syllable.
2 4 o'clock on Monday
B Tell them to listen to the audio and check their
6B 4s
answers. Play {b 44.

What ore the three girls going to bring to the

{b 44
bring-and-buy sale? Listen ond write notes.
Voice: something
Port 1
Suhad: Hello, Sara. I hear there's going to
be a bring-and-buy sale.
Sara: Yes. That's right.
Suhad: Well, I'll bring a camera.
Sara: A camera? Isn't that a bit ...
Suhad: It',s all right. I',ve just got a new one,
5 Complete sentences with
but the old one still works.
must/should AB95 Ex B
Sara: That's great! Thank you, Suhad.

Explain that it is sometimes difficult to say which of

Suhad: '*/hen's the sale?
Sara: On Monday at four o'clock.
these modals is correct because it depends on the
Suhad: Fine. See you then.
attitude of the speaker. The first sentence is like this,
so do it as a class. Point out that the others are all
clearly one or the other. Tell the students to
complete the sentences on their own.

I -2 -t-t

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 7


Part 2 B Tell the students to make conversations in pairs.

Wisal: Hi,Sara. I heard about the bring- Listen to as many pairs as you can in the time
and-buy sale. I think it's a great idea. available, but spend more time with those who
Sara: Thank you,'!7isal. need guidance.
$7isal: I'd like to help. I've got lots of Note: If several pairs have particuiar problems,
books. I'11 bring the ones I've read. you could form these into a group and invite
Sara: That's wonderful. People always buy them to practise the conversation in turn with
books. your assistance.
Wisal: When do you want them?
Sara: Oh, just before the sale, please.
'Wisal: '!7hen 9 Write o short letter AB97 Ex E
is it?
Sara: On Monday at four o'clock.
'W'isal: if there is time, but in
All right. I'11 bring them at quarter Pian this writing task in class
to four. any case ask the students to complete it as
Sara: Fine. Thanks very much. homework. If you do have time to plan it in class,
elicit different suggestions for each item in the list in
Part 3 Exercise E. Remind the students about writing notes
\X/idad: Hello, Sara. I hear you need some first, numbering them in order, writing a draft,
things for the bring-and-buy sale. correcting it and producing a final copy. Collect the
Sara: Yes, we do, \X/idad. letters for marking in the next lesson.
Well, I think I can help.
Sara: Oh, good!
Widad: I have a lovely doll, but I don't play

with it any more.
A doll will be lovely. There's sure to
@EL.son 3
be a child who'll want ir.
sB74t75 AB97
!7idad: That's what I thought. Shall I take it
Objectives: Read to find out why animals
to your house?
are in danger and develop
Sara: No, thanks. Just bring it to the
playground, please. At about quarter
Match animals to habitats.
to four.
'!fidad: All right. Bye for now. Practise expressing agreement
and disagreement.
Sara: Bye,'!7idad.
Longuoge: I agree/disagree.
I think you're right/wrong.
Vocobulory: blue whale, tiger, ibex*-, golden
I Moke conversotions AB95 Ex D
toad"-, snow leopard, in the wild,
horns, hunt (u), disappear,
A Choose two students to read the conversation
protect, fur, skin (n ), forest, coat
aloud as a demonstration. Tell them to complete
(z), reddish", greyish"', biggish",
the sentence I'll bring ... with anything they
male, female, bright, spot (z),
would like, and to choose one of the options in
exactly'!, drain (r,)*', adult,
each set of boxes. Encourage correct
wetlands'i, disagree
pronunciation. Then get the whole class to
repeat in chorus.

English for Irog Teocher's Bool< 2nd Intermediote: Unit 7

1 Introduction sB74l7s elicitThey will disappear or They *ilt di, (;.
Encourage a variety of responses, but don,t
A Elicit the names of the animals on SB74, then confirm what the reasons are.
practise the pronunciation.
Tell the students to underline the texts lightly in
B Briefly find out what the students know abotit pencil as they find relevanr pieces of information.
each of the animals and why they are in danger.. Give them four minutes to complete the task.
Try to elicit what in danger means here (the
number of these animals will probably become Elicit the answers:
smaller and smaller until there are none left). 1 They are losing their homes. (golden toad)
Ask the students what they think about this. 2 People are hunting and killing them. (all
They can express their views in English or other animals)
Arabic. Ask Why is the snow leopard hunted? (For its
fur.) Ask simiiar questions about the other
animals (except the toad).
2 Vocobulory \ /ork sB74

Introduce some of the key vocabr-rlary by giving 4 Discussion SB75

these definitions, questions and opposites. Ask the
students to find the words in the texts: A Ask a student to read the two questions at the
1 \Yhich animal has horns? (the ibex) top of 5875. Organize the students in pairs to
2 The hair on a tiger's body. (fur) find the three objects and discuss what they
3 The part of the body under the fur. (skin) think about killing the animals to obtain them.
4 Another uord in tbe text about the ibex Draw attention to the language in the grammar
meaning fur. (coat) box at the bottom of the page before they
5 Colours meaning nearly red and nearly grey. begin. The three animals are: a snow leopard
(reddish, greyish) (for the coat), an ibex (for the head on the wall)
6 The opposite of appear. (disappear) and a tiger (for the rug).
7 TLuo words in the golden toad text, one
meaning (in people) man ol boy and the otber B Discuss opinions as a class. Let students express
meaning woman or girl. (male/female) their views freely and encourage discussion of
8 The leopard has these black marks. (spots) any agreement or disagreement that arises.
Write bunt on the board and ask the students to
find it. It appears in several texts. Either elicit or
present its meaning. Be sure students understand 5 Motch onimols to hobitots with
that hunting an animal includes killing it. reosons sB74l75

A Present the six habitats by saying the words and

3 R.eod for specific informotion SB74 eliciting which pictures they relate to. Discuss
briefly any associated vocabula ry, for example,
A Ask a student to read the instn-iction at the top mountains, trees, etc.
of SB74 aloud. Check they understand that
there are only two reasons given on the whole B Tell the students ro match the animals to the
page for animals being in danger. Elicit what the habitats by searching for clues in the texts on
studenrs think the reasons might be before they SB74 and in the pictures. Point out that none of
begin reading, and ask what might happen to the animals live in one of the habitats. See if the
animals if they remain in danger - try to students can tell you which it is (the desert).
4 ,rhe-
L; l=,{l
ir ,,,
ii./ 14"9 English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 7
They should work in pairs and discuss each Cd 61 is the text for activity 3 on SB87.
animal and its habitat. lfhen students have had
time to discuss their answers, elicit suggestions B Draw students' attention to the picture at the
from the whole class by asking questions such bottom of SB87. Ask'What bas the plastic
as Which animal do you tbink liues in the sea? bottle been used to make? and elicit the answer
Encourage the students to use the language in (a bird feeder). Set activity 4 for homervork,
the speech bubbles in their replies. explaining that the best pieces of writing will be
included in the magazine. Tell students they can
Possible answers use the instructions for making the pencil case
I think ... as a model: they should include a list of items
o the snow leopard liues in high, cold places needed and number the stages in the method.
because there is snow there.
o the tiger liues in the forest because it says it
is not easily seen in the forest.
the ibex liues in the mountain forest because
it is called a'mountain goat'.
FffiIl t.rron 4
the blue whale liues in the sea because it is sB76 AB97
so big and needs a lot of water.
the golden toad liues in wetlands because it Objectives: Read for gist and detail.
liues in places where the water can be nflork out meanings of new
drained. words.
Vocobulory: riveq sewage, rubbish, industrial
6 Vocobulory revision AB95 waste"', ton, destroy, natural,
habitat, damage (u),litter (u),
Tell the students to complete the conversations effort (n) , volunteer (n) , power
using the words in the box. station, wildlife, stream, clean-
up, solution
1 disagree, sea
2 you're wrong, wetlands 1 Reod to identify porqgroph topics
3 agree, right sB76

A Tell the students to read the rubric at rhe rop of

7 Project work the page. Check understanding of what to do.
- follow o method
SB87 G51 Elicit that there are two tasks involved. The first
is to match the appropriate heading with the
A Remind students of the Trash or treasure? correct paragraph. The second is to identify
article they read in Unit 6. Expiain that they are particular words with their definitions. Rernind
going to do some project work for the magazine them that for the first task, they will need to
about reusing rubbish to make other things. look for topic sentences and not worry at this
Ask whether anyone has ever reused a piece of point if they come across unknown words.
rubbish to make something. Elicit the rubric for
actiyity 3 on SB87 and tell students to look at Go through the four paragraph headings and
the pictures and follow the text as they listen. then get the students to read the main text,
Play 6d 6L. Atterwards, clarify anything noting the topic of each paragraph. If they are
students didn't understand. finding it difficult, give them some help. In the

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 7 1+7
first paragraph, for example, there are just two Note: The students can answer the questions
sentences. Ask them to identify the topic without knowing the meaning of the remaining new
sentence (Sentence 1) and elicit a word that vocabulary.
sums it up (water). Once this is established, it
should be straightforward to conclude that Answers
'\fater in Iraq' is the paragraph heading for 1 Two
Paragraph 1. 2 It destroys wildlife habitats, damages the
rivers and damages health.
Get the students to work individually on the Stop littering and force government to stop
next three paragraphs. Give them a few minutes sewage and waste from factories, etc.
before going through the answers. Any two from: fishing, swimming and
Answers 5 Factories, hospitals and power stations.
Paragraph 1 Water in Iraq
Paragraph 2 \7ater pollution in rivers
Paragraph 3 1X/hat needs to be done 4 Feed bock on project homework
Paragraph 4 The solurion
Ask students to get out their homework from
Lesson 3 (writing a set of instructions to make a
2 Reod to work out meonings 5876 bird feeder). Go through the whole process as a
class, eliciting suggestions from students for each
A Tell the studenrs to read the rubric below the stage and writing down ideas on rhe board. Give
text and do the task. They should write their students some time at the end of the lesson to
answers down. improve their work in light of the class discussion.
Then collect in the pieces of writing and tell
When you check the answers, ask the students students you will hand them back with suggested
which words or phrases helped them to work improvements in Lesson 7.
out the meanings.

a person who does a job without pay volunteer Lesson 5
to add harmful things to water, etc. pollute
to drop rubbish litter
sB77 AB98
places where animals live habitats
Objectives: Read a short interview about
global warming.
\7rite and talk about possible
3 Reod for detoil sB75 AB97 future events.
Express opinions in discussion.
Tell the students that the answers come from all Longuoge: Expressing possibility with may,
four paragraphs on 5876. Do the first question with might and lt's possible tbat ...
the class. Then tell the students to read and answer Vocobulory: Earth, fuel (n), coal, ice cap*-, sea
the other four questions. Give them about five level, rise (u), might (u),
minutes before stopping them. Don,t check the atmosphere, farmland
answers at this stage.

q , ,.-1
, ir r,r
+ "-i /L.

)48 English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 7

t Introduction SB77 3 Reod ond onswer questions
SB77 AB98 Ex A
A Tell the students to study the diagram at the top
of SB77 and answer the question. Elicit Introduce Exercise A. Tell the students that they
individual answers and find out what the will not find all the answers stated explicitly in
students know about the topic. You may want the interview. They will therefore have to think
to use the phrase global warming. Ask if they carefully about each one. Monitor progress as
know what is generally believed to be the cause. they work. If the students have difficulty with a
question, tell them to move on to the next one.
B !7rite these words on the board: fuel, coal and Elicit and discuss the answers.
ice cap. Elicit or present the words in the
context of the discussion. Answers
1 Yes.
2 They produce gases which trap heat in the
2 Reod for specific informotion SB77 atmosphere.
a 'Water.
A Tell the students to read and find as many 4 The ice caps will melt, so there will be more
results of a warmer world as they can. Give the water.
students time to read, think and make notes. 5 Coal, gas and oil.
6 (Individual answer: YesA{o.)
B During feedback, elicit the meaning of. sea leuel 7 Some farmland might become desert. (There
and rise. may be different answers, however.)
Any of the following:
r The ice caps will melt.
4 Discussion sB77
. The sea level will rise
o Some land will disappear/be underwater.
. A Draw the students' attention to the questions in
The weather may change.
the box below the interview and elicit the
. 'We
might have hotter summers and wetter
questions, making sure all students understand
them. Then organize the students to do the pair
. There may be less rain in hot countries.
. Some farmland might become desert.

Go through the text in the grammar box. Ask

B Have the class feed back to you. Encourage the
students to give their opinions and to respond
the students to find examples of may and might
to what others have said.
in the interview.

5 Complete sentences AB98 Ex B

Set Exercise B as homework. Students can complete

the sentences in any way they wish, as long as they
vse may or might. Collect the Activity Books in the
next lesson for marking.


l)e €
_L'* I :/

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote:Unit 7 -Y{


2 Predict ending SB78
Lesson 6
sB78l79 AB99 Cd ne-aa Ask the class to answer the question What do yow
think happened next? Elicit as many suggestions as
Objectives: Guess stories using picture cues. the students want to make. Prompt ideas as you feel
Read and sequence a jumbled necessafy.
account of a story.
Listen to check answers.
Listen and write notes. Reod ond order sentences correctly
Ask and answer personal SB78 AB99 Ex A
Give advice to people dropping Introduce Exercise A. Point out that the students
litter. did a similar exercise in Unit 6 - the story of a
Longuoge: Advising and ordering firefighter's day (5864). Elicit the first two sentences
Vocobulory: workman, truck, rubbish (z), of the story, which are given below the rubric. Then
rubbish tip, empty (adi, u), ask the students to find the next sentence (sentence
miaow"', puss*', wasteful, switch f). Tell the students to write the number 1 in the
off, plate (a), 'waste not, want box, then read and number the other sentences.
not"t, honest"-

4 Listen to check onswers

t [-Ise pictures to tell o story SB78 AB99 ex A fd 46
A Ask a student to read the page title and the Tell the students to listen and check their answers.
introductory text at the top of the page. Present Play f0 46. Afterwards, make sure there is no
the three labelled words in the pictures. Then confusion about what the answers are; play the
tell the class to work in pairs and use the audio once more if necessa.ry. Don't spend too long
pictures to tell the story. Give them three discussing the answers, however; there is a chance
minutes to do this. to discuss the whole story in the next stage, after
listening to it read out in its entirety.
B Elicit the story from the class, picture by
picture. Don't confirm or correct it at this stage.
6d 46
Encourage participation by asking the class if
Listen and check your dnswers.
they agree with what a student has said. If
Voice: 1f,2c, 3i, 4a,5k, 6e, 7g, 8b, 9d, 1,01,
anyone does not agree, ask that student to give
his/her version. Again, don't confirm or correct
as long as the student is making sense. Elicit or
present any new vocabulary that arises at this
5 Listen to the whole story SB78 fe nZ
Note: The account ends at Picture 8, but the
story itself doesn't end there.
A Tell the students to follow the pictures on SBTB
as they listen to the story. Play €b 47.

. ?" i j i
'l I ;

150 English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 7

ct 47
A careful person might saY:
Now listen to the story. I'll only take what I need/a little bit.
Voice: The Carter family bought a new TV. or That's uery wasteful! You could giue it to
They put the empty box outside to someone else.
be collected. Later, the Carters' cat Accept all reasonable suggestions. Then tell the
wanted to come inside because it students to work on the other pictures in pairs'
was raining. NobodY oPened the
window for the cat, so it went into C Elicit answers from the class, but don't confirm
the box. or correct them.
When some men came to collect the
rubbish next morning, theY Put the
box into their truck. They drove the 7 Listen ond write notes
truck to the rubbish tip and emptied ABggExg fd48
it. A man who was working at the
rubbish tip heard a sound: 'Miaow! Introduce Exercise B. Tell the students that they
Miaow!' should now listen to find out what was actually said.
'Puss! \7here are you) Puss?'he They shouid write down the reasons each person
called. He found the box, oPened it, gives for being wasteful, and the advice they receive.

and the cat jumped out. It raced The answers should just be written in note form.
away. Like all cats, it was able to Pause after the first conversation and write note

find its way home. It reached the answers to questions 1. and 2 on the board, to make

house and sat outside. 'Miaow! sure students understand the task. You could pause
Miaowl' Somebody oPened the door after each conversation and ask what was said, and
and the cat ran inside. whether anyone had any different predictions.

B Find out if any of the students guessed the Answers

ending - that the cat found its way home and 1 took too much food
arrived safely. Reassure those who guessed a 2 think of hungry PeoPle
different ending that you value their 3 brushing teeth/plentY of water
contribution. 4 turn tap off
Note: As in Unit 6, you could suggest that the 5 lights look lovelY
students, or some of them, write out the 6 switch lights off
complete story as homework.
6) 48
Listen to three conyerscrtions.
5 Guess whot people ore soying SB79 Picture one.
Tamara! You haven't finished!
A Present waste. Tell the students that waste is a Tamara: Yes, I have, Dad.
verb as well as a noun, and present the adjective Father: No, you haven't. Just look at all that
wasteful. food on your plate.
Tamara: I can't eat it. I took too much.
B Ask a student to read out the text in the box at Father: That's so wasteful, Tamara' PeoPle
the top of the page. Elicit suggestions for around the world are hungry. Think
answers to the questions from picture l,' For
of them next time.
example, the girl might be saying:
I'm fwll. I took too much food.
rj :l i

English for Irog Teocher's Bool< 2nd Intermediqte: Unit 7

Picture two,
Mother: James, you're wasting water.
IfffiF L"rron 7
James: No, I'm not. I'm brushing my teeth. sB80 A8100/101
Mother: But you don't need to keep the water
running all the time. It's very Objectives: Read a newspaper article for
wasteful. detail.
James: But we have plenty of water. Discuss the topic in groups.
Mother: Yes, we have now, but we may not Longuoge:
always have plenty. Turn the tap off. Vocobulory: challenge (z), dunam{',
economic*', economy,
Picture three. environment, expand, fertile,
Nasser: Oh, welcome, Kamal. Come in. green belto, marsh, oil well,
Kamal: Nasser, I thought your house was on political'', rainfall, sand dune,
fire! social"', suffer, zone"'
Nasser: On fire! \X/hy?
Kamal: There are lights blazing everywhere!
Nasser: Yes, isn't it lovely? 1 Introduction
Kamal: No, I don't think it is. I think it's
terrible to waste electricity like this. \Vrite the word desert on the board. Teli the students
You should switch most of them off, to discuss in pairs the different kinds of desert they
not, want not, remember? know about and how these affect the world.

8 Answer o short questionnoire SB79 2 Reod for gist SBSO

A Read out and explain the well-known saying in A Read the title of the article on SBB0. Present
the box on SB79 Quaste not, want not). Ask any vocabulary from the list above that could
the students if they remember who said it on cause problems.
the audio.
Tell the students to read the article and find the
B Introduce the questionnaire. Present honest.Tell answers to the two questions at the top of the page.
individuals to read one of the questions aloud
and ask another student to answer it. If there is C Elicit answers orally.
time, tell the students to ask and answer in
pairs. Answers
1 Sand storms, low rainfall, tree cutting,
burning oil wells
9 Give odvice o!" orders sB79 2 Water is beginning to flow back into the
marshes and the wildlife is returning.
Present litter.P.ead out the speech bubble and elicit
what type of litter people drop in the srreet. Tell the
students to work in pairs and think what else they 3 Reod to work out meonings
could say to the person in the first picture. Elicit SB80 AB100 Ex A
suggestions as a class. Tell the students to use the
prompts at the bottom of the page to make A Introduce Exercise A. Tell the students that they
sentences to say to the people in the other pictures. have already discussed most of these words, so
Elicit some examples. they should be able to do the exercise quickly.
b{+ h
English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermddiot": Unit 7
B Check the answers orally.
ffffiF L.rron 8
Answers SB87
1 desert
2 wildlife Objectives: Work in groups to think of a new
3 environment way of reusing plastic bottles.
4 drained !7rite a method and draw
5 challenge pictures.
6 fertile Longuoge:
7 society Vocobulory: -
8 dunam

1 Collect homework
4 Reod for detoil SB80 AB100 Ex B
Collect in students' final versions of their written
A Introduce Exercise B. Go through each question work. Explain that you will select some for
orally and elicit possible answers with Student's inclusion in the magazine.
Books shut. Then tell the students to read for
the correct information.
2 Invent o new woy of reusing plostic
B Check the answers orally. bottles sB87

Answers Elicit the rubric for activity 5. In groups, students

1 Sand storms, low rainfall, tree cutting and should come up with an idea for something to make
burning oil wells. out of plastic bottles. Give them paper (large pieces,
2 It makes the land less fertile. if you have a classroom display of project work) on
3'Greenbelt'projects. which to write down a method and draw pictures of
4 In the 1990s.
the items needed, the stages involved and the
5 No.
finished product. If your students lack confidence,
pool ideas as a class first.

5 Discussion
3 Present work os o grouP
Draw students' attention to the box below the
article. Elicit the questions and clarify their meaning
Give groups a few minutes to prepare a very brief
if necessary. Tell the students to discuss the questions presentation of their work, with each student saying
in groups first and then report back to the class.
a sentence or two. Encourage students to distribute
roles evenly, or appoint roles yourself. Encourage
the class to ask questions. Afterwards, collect in the
5 Hond bock project work work for inclusion in the magazine or presentation
in a class display. If you think they will be able to,
Hand back the written work about making a bird
you could encourage your students to make their
feeder which you collected from students in Lesson
inventions at home.
4. Ask them to look at your comments, make some
improvements for homework and bring back final
copies in the next lesson to submit them for
inclusion in the magazine.
I tt
:r'L^@ {

English for Irog Teocher's Bool< 2nd Intermediote: Unit 7

IfffiF I .rron e 6
sB81 A8100-102 B Earth

Objectives: Revise language from the unit.

Longuoge: Revision 3 Write opposites A8101 Ex B
Vocobulory: Revision
Activity Books closed. Do an opposites speaking
exercise as a class. Say words and ask students to
1 Round up sB81 volunteer the opposites. Include the words from
Exercise B, as well as other known opposites such
A 1: Ask the students to tell you the differences as bot/cold, big/small, etc. Then ask students to
between the headlines and their corresponding write the answers on their own.
whole sentences. The bold words in the
sentences will help them. Remind them that full Answers
stops are missing from the headlines, if they fail 1 disagree
to mention this. 2 disappear
3 female
2: Ask students to form their own sentences 4 child
using s h oul d/ s h ouldn't and mwst/mustn' t.

3: Organize the students in groups. Tell them to 4 Cornplete sentences A810tr Ex e

imagine they are organizing a party. Each
person should offer to bring something. Tell the students to do as much as they can on their
own and then check their answers with their
4: Make statements related to matters in the partner.
unit to which the students can respond with the Answers
target language. 1 education
2 melt, rise
5: Eiicit other examples of things that might 3 hunted
happen in the future. 4 Litter
5 wasteful
6 Nets
2 Spell words A8100 Ex A 7 desert

Tell the students to work with a partner to complete

the words. Draw attention to the sound of tion at 5 Group work A8101-102 Exs D/E
the end of words and the different sounds oa makes
within words. Organize the students into groups of four to
complete Exercises D and E.
1 pollution Answers Ex D
2 education 1 'It was not my fault,' the driver said.
3 disappear 2 The race was stopped by bad weather.
4 coat 3 Two people were killed in a hotel fire.
5 coast
:=! u" :'
I l'L ''"

English for Irog Teocher's Bool< 2nd Intermediote: Unit 7


Answers Ex E 2 Reod for er{oyment sB82/83

1 must
2 should A Elicit the three questions oraily, then tell the
3 should students to read the story and find the answers.
4 must
B Elicit answers and any other information the
students have picked up through their reading.
5 Comment on points of view
A8102 Ex F Answers
1 Jim Cooper
Encourage the students to say more than I agree or 2 Basim
Idisagree in response to each statement. They could 3 Rod Border
add a reason or a preference, for example:
1: I disagree, because wild animals are uery
interesting to see. 3 Listen for consolidotion SB82l83 G +g
3: I disagree. I think tennis is the best game in the
world. Tell the students to listen and follow the story in
5: I agree. We shoild use paper bags. their books. Play ft49.

fd 49 is the story on SB82/83.

Ilffi l.sson 10
sB82/83 0"torF 4 Discussion sB82/83

As before, ask the class if they understood anything

Objectives: Read a srory for enjoyment.
better through hearing the story. Ask for particular
Longuoge: Revision
examples and encourage the students to explain
Vocobulory: gul", slip" (u), serious,t, stretcher
why they were easier to understand through
(z)", cheer (z),', pin*' (z), press,.
listening. Ask the students if they want any further
explanations, or if they have something to say
about the story.

1 Introduction sB82/83

A Tell the students to discuss the previous episode

5 Write notes on the story
of Bob and Basim in pairs and try to recall what
s882/83 A8103
happened. Then discuss as a class, prompting as
Teli the students to fill in the summary chart on
B Elicit the title of this episode. Then ask the
students to talk about the pictures and predict
what happens. Present any of the new words
that arise during ihis discussion.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 7 1g

Extro qctivities Jamal: I thought you were thirsty, Yassir.
about that drink you wanted?
ABro3-toB fi so Yassir: I'11 have it later. I'll be even thirstier
after picking up this lot.
Jamal: Well, I'm having some water now
Ex A - Listening and when I've finished.
Yassir: (Lawghing) Okay, Jamal! Have some
Answers water and cheer up! Don't be so
1 at the beach grumpy. You'll feel fantastic when
2 litter you've finished!
3 pick it up Jamal: Hm, maybe. But I came to the beach
4 plastic bags to enjoy myself, not to work.
6 cheer up
Ex B - Vocobulory
6d s0
Listen to sorne boys and dnswer the guestions. Answers
Write notes. 1 oil well
Yassir: Phew! I'm hot. That was a long 2 (oil) tanker
wa1k. Let's sit down and have 3 factory
something to drink. 4 playground
Jamal: Good idea! Do you want a bottle of 5 headmistress
water or a can of cola? (Pawse) 6 forest
Yassir! You aren't listening.'What's
Yassir: Just look at that, Jamal! Ex C - Writing
Jamal: What?
Yassir: All that rubbish iying around on rhe Note: All the answers will be different. These are
beach. just examples.
Jamal: Hm, yes. Some people must have
been littering on the beach. Example answers
Yassir: Itt horrible. I7e must do something. 1 She may be asleep.
Jamal: Do something? \X/hat can we do? 2 He may be unfit.
Yassir: Pick it up. 3 They might be shopping.
Jamal: You're joking! \Vhy should we pick
it up? '!7e didn't put it there.
Yassir: I know, but if we don't do Ex D - Reoding
something, who will? Come on,
Jamal. You know we've all been Answers
asked to try to keep our country Headline B is the best headline.
clean. Here's your chance. 1 in their spare time.
Jamal: Oh!Well! All right! 2 In streets in the town and in a park.
Yassir: Good! You collect bottles and cans. 3 in picnic places.
collect paper.
I'11 4 They're very dangerous.
Jamal: What do I collect them in? 5 Litter/rubbish (old cans, bottles, plastic
Yassir: There are plenty of plastic bags lying bags, food).

t^ /'<-;7
around. Use some of them.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit


6 (Answers will vary. Example answer:

Children might cut themselves with old cans
and bottles.)
The '\7ord chains' game was introduced in English
7 Muna.
for Iraq Grade 7 . The students may have to justify
8 (Answers will vary. Example answer: I agree some of the words they say. Let the class decide
with him. I think he's right.)
whether or not a word does go with the previous

Ex E - Writing
Ex H - Vocobulory
A Preparation: Explain to the students that they
have to use rheir imagination for this writing
Students should play this game in pairs. Go through
task. Go through the notes and ask the
the instructions with the class and demonstrate the
students if they want to ask anything before
game with a confident student. Ask the student to
they begin. Remind them about making nores of
think of an animal, and take the role of Student 2
their ideas, numbering them in order, then
writing a dra{t.

Write a draft: Be ready to help during this stage.

As usual, poinr out some representative
mistakes, but try to get the students to correct
the errors themselves.
1 leopard
2 desert
Correct and improve draft: Students can work
3 ice
in pairs during this stage if they prefer, with
4 mechanic
each student suggesring improvements to their
5 uniform
partner's draft. Final, corrected copies should
6 carpenter
then be written.
7 litter
B coach
Read aloud: Ask some of the students to read 9 dentist
their articles aloud. Let groups choose the best The job is architect.
one(s) for the magazine.

Ex F - Writing
Get students to follow the procedure used in
Exercise E. This writing task could be set for


.a*/\,t -t !

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 7

Materials Topic area Activities
SBBS Listening Use pictures and text to predict situations.
6i 51 Listen to check.
Discuss different ways of listening.

SB89 Speaking Practise reading aloud.

6& s2-s3
Play a memorization game.
Make telephone conversations.

SB9O Reading Scanto find parugraPh toPics.

Read to work out meanings of new words'

SB91 Y/riting Read and practise advice on improving writing'

AB109/110 Test A Do listening, grammar and vocabulary questions'


A8111.11.1.2 Test B Read a text and write answers to questions'

'$7rite a paragraph of about 80 words on

A8112-11,4 Test C
The best day of rny life.

AB114 Return tests Return tests, check results and evaluate performance'

the year' There is no new
1 This unit reyiews and tesrs the language skills which have been taught during
is part of the task'
vocabulary, except in those reading texts where rn'orking out meaning
Ifyouare able to carry out a speaking test, use any of the ideas suggested in previous units'

L -' ,,1v

English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: unit 8

Lesson 1 Susan wrote down the wrong telephone

sB88 fd st number.
Jalal wrote down the wrong address.
Objectives: Use pictures and text to predict Jane wrote down the wrong date.
Listen to check. \7hen you elicit each correct answer, ask What do
Discuss different waYs of you think will happen now? You want the students
listening. to understand that each person's mistake has
important resuits. Ask questions that will guide
them towards this. For examPle:
1 Introduction sB88 will happen if Susan doesn't know Liz or
haue ber phone number? (She may never be able to
Books closed. Read the inffoductory text on talk to her.)
'\Yhat will happen if
SB76 to the class. Discuss briefly what kinds of Jalal doesn't know anyone in
problem people might have if they don't listen England/be hasn't got a lot of rnoney? (He won't

carefully. have anywhere to stay./He won't be able to go to a

Books open. Tell the students to read the rubric. will happen if Jane can't get another
Then ask these questions about picture 1: interuiew? (She will have to look for another job.)
What is Susan doing?
'V/hat 6D s1
is she saying?
What do you think the other wonxan is saying?
Listen to these conYersotions.
Elicit suggestions as to what information Susan Part I
got wrong. It could be the phone number or the
What did Suson get wrong?
Susan: Hello, this is Susan. Can I speak to
Liz, please?
'Woman: Liz! There's nobody here called Liz.
Susan: \flhat? She must be there. She gave
2 Reod ond moke Predictions SB88
me her number and told me to
phone at six o'clock. It's verY
Tell the students to work in pairs. Ask them to
imPortant. I have to ...
talk about pictures 2 and 3 and try to work out
'Woman: Hold on, hold on! I've told You,
what Jalal and Jane did wrong. Give them
there's nobodY ...
enough time to discuss this thoroughly.
Susan: But she gave me this number -
4321.47 - and I wrote it down.
Elicit ideas, but don't confirm any that match 'Woman: Well, I'm afraid you wrote down the
the text. You may want to write all the ideas on
wrong number. 4321.47 is mY
the board.
number and I'm notLiz.I can't helP
you. Goodbye.
sB88 cd sl Susan: But ... Oh, dear! Now what can I
3 Listen ond check

A Tell the students to listen and check their ideas.

Stop after each part and elicit the answers'

'f f p

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 8

Port 2 Receptionist: I'm afraid you're wrong. Look at my
What did Jalal get wrong? diary. I phoned you and told you the
Jalal: There's nobody at home. W'hat can I day and the time. You said it was ali
do? right.
Taxi driver: Ring the bell again. Jane: Oh, dear! I must have written it
Jalal: I rang it and rang it. The house is down on the wrong day!
completely dark.
Taxi driver: There must be somebody there.
You've come to stay with them for a 4 Discussion sB88
holiday, you told me.
Jalal: Yes, I have. Use the question at the bottom of SB88 for
Taxi driver: Are you sure this is the correct discussion. Elicit that it is important to know what
address * 24 West Street? to listen for at any particular time and how to
Jalal: Of course it is. My friend Dave listen. Suggest that we can listen for different things:
phoned me and I wrote it down on . a general idea about something
this piece of paper. . a complete set of information
Taxi driver: Perhaps it's the wrong number. Or . certain specific details
perhaps its S7est Road - or Drive, or

Jalal can I do?
else in England!
I don't know anyone
IIffiJ,l L"rron 2
Taxi driver: Well, let's see. You can ...
sB89 fi SZSr
Port 3
Objectives: Review and practise reading
What did Jane Smith get wrong?
Receptionist: Can I help you?
Play a memorization game.
Jane: Oh, yes. My name's Jane Smith. I
Make telephone conYersations.
have an interview at four o'clock.
Miss Brown.
Receptionist: I don't think so, Miss Smith.
'S7hat I Introduction SB89
Jane: do you mean?
Receptionist: I don't think you have an interview
Go through the advice headed Remember!Remind
with Miss Brown at four o'clock.
the students that they have already been given this
Jane: But I have! It's about a job as a
advice in Unit 4. Ask whether any of them have
followed the advice and if it has been helpful.
Receptionist: Yes, Miss Brown was looking for a
new secretary. And she's found one,
I'm pleased to say.
Jane: She can't do that!
about my
2 Listen ond reod oloud SB89 6& SZ
interview? I want that job. I'm a
really good secretary. I'm ...
A Tell the students to silently read the text in the
two large speech bubbles.'!7hen they finish, ask
Receptionist: Miss Smith. Please calm down. It's
How does the first speaker feel? Elicit.
true, you did have an interview. But
suggestions such as angry, unbappy. Ask the
it was yesterday. You didn't come for
same question about the second speaker and
elicit suggestions such as pleased, happy.
Jane: It wasn't yesterday. It's today.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 8


B Tell the students to read the text in the speech Qs3

bubble on the left as they listen to Part 1 of A game: Going on holiday. Listen dnd read.
O 52. Then invite different students to read the Person A: I'm going to take rwo pairs of shoes.
first sentence aloud in the same way as the Person B: I'm going to take two pairs of shoes
speaker. If necessary, play the first sentence and and three shirts.
get the class to repeat it in chorus. Deal with the Person C: I'rn going to take two pairs of shoes,
whole text in this way. three shirts and a camera.
Person D: I'm going to take two pairs of shoes,
C Tell the students to imagine they are the woman three shirts, a camera and a book.
who went to the restaurant and are telling a Person E: I'm going to take two pairs of shoes,
friend about it. Point out, before they begin, three shirts, a camera and a bar of
that they wiil only be able to read with good chocolate.
intonation if they follow the advice discussed at Person F: You forgot book, so we have to start
the beginning of the lesson. Set the students to again.
read the text to each other in simultaneous
pairs. they have finished, ask individuals B Elicit the answer: each person repeats exactly
to read the complete text to the class. what the last person said and adds one new
item. Everyone has to listen carefully in order to
D Use the same procedure with the second speech remember each new thing that is said.
bubble lPart 2 of the recording). someone forgets an item, that game ends and
the next person starts a new game. In the
os2 example on the page, Person E foryot book.
Listen and read.
Port I C Focus on pronunciation. PIay 6) 53 with pauses
Female: I went to a new restaurant last night, for the students to repeat each sentence.
but it was awful. The food was bad Note: You may need to get students to repeat
and the waiters were very slow. the phrase going to take oo its own so that /o is
'Worst of all, they weren't even weak and the whoie phrase sounds almost like
polite. one word.

Part 2 D Practise the game on the page several times with

Male: I went to a new restaurant last night groups of six students, before going on to a new
and it was fantastic! The food was game of Going on holidaY.
delicious and the waiters were really
good. They were helpful and
friendly. 4 Moke phone colls sB54/89

A Find out how much students remember of the

3 Ploy o gome sBse 6) sr advice on making telephone calls in Unit 5. Tell
them to look back at SB54 if necessary. Then
A Elicit the name of the game. Tell the students to organize them to work in pairs to look at one of
listen and read and work out how the game is the advertisements at the bottom of SB89 and
played. Play C) 53. to prepare the call.

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Un

B Ask as many pairs as possible to perform their Answers
telephone calis. Tell the rest of the class to iisten (Answers do not have to be given in exactly
and evaluate them. these words.)
Paragraph 1: IThy Muhammad has always
wanted to be a pilot
Paragraph 2: Muhammad at school
FffiJil L.rron 3 Paragraph 3: Muhammad at college

2 Reod to work out meonings SB90
Objectives: Scan to find paragraph topics.
Read to work out meanings of A Tell the students to read the rubric below the
new words. text and do the task. They should write their
answers down. If they don't know the English,
Note: The aim here is to work out the general they can use Arabic to give the meaning of a
meaning of words in context. Therefore, students word.
do not need to memorize new words in this lesson.
you check the answers, ask the students
which words in each sentence helped them
1 Reod for gist sB90 work out the meanings.

A Tell the students to read the rubric at the top of Answers

the page. Check understanding of what to do by especially: more than any other
asking: language of tbe air: the language used by pilots,
How do yow haue to read to do this? (quickly) and by air traffic controllers when they speak to
do you not doi (stop when you come pilots, throughout the world: the English lan-
across unknown words) guage
What do yow look for? (topic sentences) extrdi more (in this context, more work than
If they don't remember these points, tell them to Muhammad had to do for his course)
look back at the first bullet point in Tip 2 on auiation college: a college where you can iearn
5840. Remind them to use the title and the to be a pilot
picture to think about what they are going to so/o: alone
read before they begin. pilot's certificate: a piece of paper saying she
could fly a plane
B Tell the students to read and note down the
topic of each paragraph. Give them no more
than five minutes to do this. sB90
3 Discussion
C Elicit and discuss answers. Highlight the topic
Point out that the students have done two tasks
sentence in each paragraph and emphasize that
related to the text. Ask how well they feel they now
this gives a clue to what the paragraph is about.
understand the text, and ask these two questions:
For example, in the first paragraph, the topic
How does it help to identify the topic sentence of
sentence rs Mubammad has altuays wanted to be
each paragraph?
a pilot; the rest of the paragraph gives examples
How does it help your ouerall understanding to
of his behaviour to show that this is true.
work owt the meaning of words yow don't know?

-s /.ni-
rla lJ
i "/ .L/

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 8

Lesson 4 about history? Your mark is very bad.'
As two sentences: 'You've done well in maths,
sB91 English and Arabic,' my mother said. 'But what
about history? Your mark is very bad.'
Objectives: Review ways of improving
4 Review tenses sB91

t Discussion sB91 Go through Tip 3 and invite questions or

explanations from the students. Then elicit the
Read the questions in the box at the top of the missing verbs in the exercise and write the complete
page, headed Better writing. Give the students time text on the board as you go.
to think about their answers and discuss them in
pairs before having a class discussion. Tell the Answers
students that if they do have problems, they should live, lives, moved, like, went, were climbing,
use the tips on this page to prepare for the end-of- went, fell, saved, will be
year writing test. They can also use the tips during
the holidays.
5 Mqke your writing interesting SB91

2 Leorning to spell sB9r A Books shut. Ask the students to think about
how to make their writing more interesting.
Read through Tip 1. Stress the fact that learning to Elicit ideas from individual students and discuss
spell is something the students have to do for as a class.
themselues, and that it doesn't happen without hard
work. Ask the students if any of them use the Go through Tip 4. Then do the exercise, either
method in the tip or have another way of in pairs or as a class.
memorizing words. Point out that reading a lot is
also an effective way of learning to spell, because it Answers
will reinforce knowledge of how words look. 1 Ameen was very sad when/because his
grandfather died.
2 Hanan enjoys her job because she meets a
3 Proctise punctuotion sB91 lot of different people.
3 Marwa is very good at English, but she isn't
Give the students time to read and think about the good at maths.
questions in Tip 2. Elicit answers. Then write the
unpunctuated text on the board and elicit the Go through Tip 5. Tell the students to do the
punctuation marks. \7rite them in coloured pen next two exercises in pairs. They should write
or chalk. phrases, for example , interesting book, louely
place, sbowt lowdly, cry sadly.
Note: There are two ways of construing this D Elicit orally all the examples the students have
sentence correctly: as one sentence and as two written. This will allow them to note down ones
sentences. Accept both yersions and make sure they didn't think of themselves.
students are aware that both are legitimate.
As one sentence: 'You've done well in maths,
English and Arabic,' my mother said, 'but what qr"a
English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit 8
fJilllt"'t R them. Break it down, quickly, please,
please!''If you go through that door,,
AB109/110 f$ sr I shouted, 'you'll die. The heat and
smoke will kill you. W.e have special
Objectives: Do a test on listening, grammar equipment. You must leave now and
and vocabularv. let us get on with our 1'ob.'
Newsreader: The firefighters were able to get Mrs
Brown our quire quickly. And they
Ex A - Listening found the two girls, not in their
bedroom, but in the bathroom. That
probably saved their lives.
f) 54
Listen to the news on the radio ond answer
the guestions.
Newsreader: And nolv for some local news. A
house in Castle Street was ruined by
2 three
fire last night. Today, we are trying
3 sleeping
to find out how it started. Mrs Sarah
4 working
Brown and her two children, Ann,
5 a neighbour/Sam IThite
five, and Kate, three, were asleep
6 jump
upstairs. Mr Brown works at night,
7 to save her children
so he was not in the house when the
8 leave
fire broke out. Our reporter spoke to
9 in the bathroom
one of the Browns' neighbours, Mr
Sam lX/hite.
Sam: I was coming home late. As soon as I
Ex B - Vocobulory
got out of iny car, I smelled smoke.
Then I saw it was coming from the
1 desert
Browns' house. I ran towards the
2 llbrary
house. Oh, and I used my mobile
phone to call the firefighters. I
3 carpenter
4 mechanic
couldn't open the front door, so I
5 uniform
started shouting:'Fire! Fire!' Then
6 architect
Mrs Brown appeared at an upstairs
7 history
window. She was shouting, 'Help!
8 university, college
Help! I can't ger to my girls.' I told
her to ;'ump, but she shouted: 'No,
no! Not without the girls!'The
firefighters arrived at that momenr.
Ex C - Grommor
Newsreader: One of the firefighters spoke to our
Firefighter: Ife got up to Mrs Brown from
1 seen

outside the house, but of course she

2 am going to work/will work, want

didn't want to leave her children.

3 saw, was
4 take, don't have
'They're in their bedroom at rhe back
of the house,' she said, 'but I can't
5 was, was playing

open my bedroom door to get to

,a {1
English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit I

Ex D - Grommor Ilffilll r"tt c

Answers ABll2-114
1 must
2 should Objectives: Do a writing test.
3 should
4 must
Our suggestion for marking the continuous writing
task is as follows:
1 Impression mark: A portion of the total mark
Ex E - Grommqr should be for a general impression. This means the
overall effect the piece of writing has on the reader.
Answers o Does it deal with the topic and any points to be
1 Lots of cars are made in Japan. included in it?
2 Drums are still used to send messages today. r How well-organized is it?
3 Most messages are sent by email today. o Is it long enough to be assessed?
o How appropriate is the vocabulary?

The impression mark should not take account of

Test B handwriting, spelling, grammatical or punctuation
errors. However, if the piece is so full of errors and
48111t112 incorrect vocabulary that it cannot be understood,
the impression mark may have to be low
Objectives: Do a reading test.
2 Specific marks: These marks can be shared
between the following:
ExA o accuracy of:
. grammar
Answers . spelling
1 Paragraph 1: 'S7hen his hobby started r punctuation
Paragraph 2: His favourite fish a variefy of structure
2 a) goldfish, great white shark, koi carp a variety of vocabulary
b) aquarium, sea, fish pond a handwriting


flffilll R"tr.,, t.rt,
2 a glass bowl Objectives: Return tests and evaluate
3 stones, plants, water and goldfish performance.
4 they were black
5 the great white shark The students need to learn something from their
6 Australia performance in the end-of-semester tests. Get them
7 1b,2a,3c to study their test papers and ask questions if they
don't understand certain things they got wrong, or
could improve on. Ask them to fill in the
questionnaire on AB1 14. 1{fr
English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote: Unit
Word list
(n) = noun (zr) = verb (adj) = adjective (adu) = adverb (pop) = preposition
(Gr.) = grammatical term (modal) = modal verb (idiom) = idiomatic expression

Unit 1 syllable exam

Lesson 1 verb (Gr.) go red

below happiness

caftoon Lesson 3 inside

contribution* cafe may (rnodal)
definition centre (n) paragraph
description dislike (z) prece (n)

event garden (n, ,) share (z)

in print* impolite shy (adj)

interview (z) Iocal, (ad) shyness

joke (n) pasta* smile (r, r)

monthly personaliry stammer (z)
news programme (z)
poetry ring road Lesson 7
report (z) run (a business) black eye (idiom)
section (z) shout (er) embarrassed

team since (pop) embarrassing

sPare time fruit*
Lesson 2 the following gift
article (written -) well-known I nearly died (idiorn)
cover (n) wife language* (= structures)
decide mirror (n)
edit Lesson 4 moment
editor adjective mug (n)
nature relative clause* pick up
noun (Gr) price (n)
photographer Lesson 6 pronoun (Gr)
print (z) advice repeat
printer afraid spill (z)
project (n) confident towards
report (z) copy (u)
rePorter even (adu)

English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote:Word list


Lesson 8 get fit Lesson 4

address (z) In fact* ache (n, u)
adventure keep fit dentist
advertisement netball drop (n)
age (n) out of breath earache
application form regularly headache
Arabic take exercise pain
ballooning unfit stomachache
fill in tooth
hobby Lesson 2 toothache
in common* a few
sleeping bag a little Lesson 6
windsurfing bar (of chocolate) an hour or so

youth crisps (z) appendix*

fat (adj) be a pain (idiom)
Lesson 10 fat (n) fault (n)
Anything to declare?* fruit save (z)
appear* good for you stomach (z)
asleep* healthy surprised (ad)
customs officer* not so good for you unusual
fewer* nurse (z)
flight attendant* too many Lesson 7
It doesnt matter* too much as soon as
passportt unhealthy be able to
seat (z)* best wishes
\7ould you mind. .. ? Lesson 3 card (= thick paper)
baked (ad) Cheer up!
beef (n) coach (netball -)
Unit 2 cow fold (z)
Lesson 1 curry (n) ftont (n)
all the time fied (ad) Leave (u)

cycle (u) fruit salad middle

either* grilled (ad) suit (2.,)
fit (ad) heat (n)"
fitness Iamb Lesson 8
form (n) (= kind) ready limerickx
English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote:Word list yr
pi.* karate establish
winner* net (volleyball -)* finil (n)
rule (n) kick (z)
Lesson l0 sPorts centre medal
Algeria* tennis performance
bush* point (r) (= decimal
pan (n)* Lesson 2 point)
perfect (nd)* advanced score (r, ,)
pick up* beginners \7orld Cup
plate (r)* good at something world record
proud ofx leaflet
race through* practise Lesson 6
scrambled eggs* quite change (n, r)
wake up* team Practice confidence
wallaby* timetable (z) health
whole* schoolwork
wipe (a')x Lesson 3 train (u)
book (classes) (z) used to
Project 1 Lesson 4
award against Lesson 7
camp (r, r) at least diagram
canoe awful reason (z)
election beat topic sentence
province comPeririon
reflect conversation Lesson 8
stream goal finally*
tent high jump peck (z)*
Lett face it pickled (od)*
loseilost (to) por (n)*
Unit 3 race (n) tongue-twister*
Lesson 1 result twist (z)x
athletics win/won
etc. (et cetera)x Lesson 10
gymnastics Lesson 5 break (n)
information boxing competition
&"L' H
English for Iroq Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote:Word list
court social networking site develop*
exhausted sunset distance (z)
ice-cream tourist office however
melt traveller moving (ad)
queue (z) radio waves
sigh (z) Lesson 3 screen (z)
surprise abbreviation ship (z)
trip adverb (Gr.) speech
chesterfield* Lesson 6
Unit 5 comb (r, r) advantage (n)
Lesson I conjunction (Gr.) disadvantage (n)
drum (z) depressed (odj)* landline
Egyp,* devour (z)* phone mast
fl^g entry properly*
horse galiop (z)* receive
light (z) impossible reliable
lighthouse part of speech* send
messenger possible take (photographs)
pigeon preposition (Gr.) useful
service (z) shatter(z)*
signal (z) Lesson 7
smoke (z) Lesson 4 clearly
Syriao active (Gr.) Speak up!
arrive waste (z)
Lesson 2 can (n)
almost early Lesson 10
Berlin* factory ant*
blog (n) land (n) anthill*
dictionary less than dusty*
encyclopedia parctciple (Gr.) guide (z)*
find out about passive (Gr.) make yourselves comfort-
internet printing press able*
library rcck (n)*
look (it) up Lesson 5 stream (z)*
newsPaPer alive yawn (u)*
reference continue*
English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote:Word list
Project 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 6
date clever biology
grind (z) college certain (fot -)
palm Dr (= Doctor) chemistry
plantation hard-rn orking exam (examination)
recipe hours a day (= every day) fail (an exam)
office manager pass (an exam)
study (er) patient (n, adj)
Unit 6 subject (a) (school -) peacock
Lesson 1 take care of physics
architect university take (an exam)
build (u) zoo
businesswoman Lesson 3 zoologist
customer equipment
design (z) fire station Lesson 7
engineer heat (n) astronaut
firefighter hose (z) career (n)
gafage on fire carpenter
mechanic side (z) future (Gr)
office trapped (a) translator
owner upside-down vet (n)
pilot (n) vocational school
plan (u) Lesson 5 woodwork
put out (a fire) art
repair (z) geography Lesson 10
secretary history clinic*
shop home economics entomologist*
shop assistant in common insect*
special information technolo gy public courtsx
sure (IT) trainers*
uniform (z) mathematics (maths)
visitor physical education (PE)
workshop religious education (RE) Unit 7
science Lesson I
secondary* air (n)
sport danger
1,4-/ !t-

+a Lf
170 English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote:Word list

headline (z) horns fuel (n)

litter (n) hunt (a) ice cap*
pollute ibex* might (z)
pollution in the wild rise (a')

scientist male sea level

supply (n) (water -) Protect
UK (= United Kingdom) reddish* Lesson 6
waste (z) skin (a) emprF @dj, u)
snow leopard honest*
Lesson 2 spot (z) miaow*
bake tiger plate (n)
dollar wetlandsx puss*
future (z) rubbish tip
headmistress Lesson 4 switch off
must (modal) clean-up truck
playground damage (u) waste not, want notx
sale (bring-and-buy -) destroy wasteful
sell/sold effort (n) workman
should (modal) habitat
industrial waste* Lesson 7
Lesson 3 litter (v) challenge (n)
agfee natural dunam*
biggish* POWer Station economic*
blue whale river economy
bright rubbish environment
coat (n) sewage expand
desert solution fertile
disagree stream green belt*
disappear ton marsh
drain (a)* volunteer (n) oil well
exacdy* wildlife political*
female rainfall
forest Lesson 5 sand dune
fur atmosphere social*
golden toad* coal suffer
greyish* Earth zone*

English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote:Word list

Lesson 10
cheer (z)*
pin (a)*
press (z)*
slip (z)*

Proiect 3
reqrcling (n)

172 English for Irog Teocher's Book 2nd Intermediote:Word list

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