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How to compare and/or contrast.

When it comes to forming your own opinion you probably first have done some research. You’ve
taken notice of different facts or opinions. In order to create your own view you will take elements
from each source.

But how?
That’s simple, you have to be able to contrast and/or compare the different sources.

Comparing is looking at two things (or more) and noticing the similarities between them (= notice
how they are the same).

• Like
• Likewise
• same as
• as well as
• also, too

Time, like money, is a limited resource. You can't buy everything you want, likewise, you don't have
enough time to do everything you want to do. Our time is the same as our money: it's
limited. Also, time is a resource when work needs to be done.

Contrasting is looking at two things (or more) and noticing what the differences are between them.

• unlike
• in contrast to
• as opposed to
• different from
• whereas

Unlike time or money, desire is an unlimited resource. Think about it: In contrast to money which can
run out, your desire for new experiences and ideas will never end. Whereas there is never enough time
to do everything you want, your desire will always come up with something new and exciting.

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