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1. Throughout Margret Thatcher’s

leadership role as Prime Minister. Her
economics policies revolve around
Thatcherism. Which was an attempt to
promote low inflation using Privatization
and constraints on the labour movement
to have more control over the money
supply. Privatization was a large reason
as to why she was so unpopular
because millions of people employed by
the government lost their jobs across
many industries such as :
Water Utilities
And Aerospace.
2. Here are graphs showing the time scale
of Margret Thatcher leadership and how
the use of trade increased and how
inflation rates changed.

3. Below are personal accounts of young

boys and teenagers’ experiences in the
time of the miner’s strike. Some found it
exciting and enjoyed the sense of
community however others were scared
and were threatened by strikers for
going into work, and one boy said that
he was certain that the small group of
officers wouldn’t be able to protect him.

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