Learning Area Earth Science Learning Delivery Modality Modular Distance Modality

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Learning Area Earth Science

Learning Delivery Modality Modular Distance Modality

School Sabang National HS Grade Level Grade 12

Teacher Cherrina D. Aguila Learning Area Earth Science
Teaching Date ______________2020 Quarter First

EXEMPLAR Teaching Time 7:20 – 8:20 A.M. No. of Days

At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to
1. State the different theories explaining the formation of the solar
2. Make simple illustrations of the theories explaining the origin of the
solar system
3. Realize how the accepted theory on the origin of the Solar system
affect one’s learning

A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of …..

Standard The formation of the universe and the solar system.

B. Performance Make a concept map and use it to explain how the geosphere, hydrosphere,
Standard atmosphere, and biosphere are interconnected.

S11ES-Ia-2 - Compare the different hypotheses explaining the origin of the

C. Most Essential Learning
Solar System.
Competencies (MELC)

D. Enabling Competencies

II. Content Formation of the universe and the solar system

III. Learning References

A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages Teacher’s Guide Lesson 2 pp. 1 – 12
b. Learner’s Material Pages
c. Textbook Pages

1. https://www.slideshare.net
d. Additional Materials from
2. https://www.youtube.com/theoriesof theoriginof thesolar system
Learning Resources
3. Downloaded Earth Science Activity Sheets from DepEd’s lrmds

1. http://www.youtube.com
B. List of Learning Resources
2. Graphic organizer
for Development and
3. Teaching guide
Engagement Activities


A. Introduction What I need to know?

 Learners take a diagnostic test to check their prior knowledge
 The content of the lesson will be presented
 Learning objectives will also be introduced to guide the learners on the
learning targets founded on KSAV principles

What’s new?
The solar system is located in the Milky Way galaxy, a huge disc- and spiral-shaped
aggregation of about at least 100 billion stars and other bodies ;
a) Its spiral arms rotate around a globular cluster or bulge of many,
many stars, at the center of which lies a supermassive blackhole;
b) This galaxy is about 100 million light years across (1 light year =
9.4607 × 1012 km;
c)The solar system revolves around the galactic center once in about
240 million years;
d) The Milky Way is part of the so-called Local Group of galaxies, which
in turn is part of the Virgo supercluster of galaxies;
e) Based on the assumption that they are remnants of the materials
from which they were formed, radioactive dating of meteorites,
suggests that the Earth and solar system are 4.6 billion years old on
the assumption that they are remnants of the materials from which
they were formed.

Question: Do you wonder how the Solar system is formed?

TASK 1: Audio – Visual Presentation

(Note: Teacher may upload the learning material thru GC, or can be passed on via
Share it [using smartphone], Flash drive or CD.

a. Does each theory has a remarkable feature? Write at least one
b. Are there any similarities that you observe about the theories of the
origin of the solar system? What are they?

B. Development What I know?

TASK 2: Based on the previous activity answer the following questions.

1. Which of the following theories presented you think is more reliable in
explaining the origin of the Solar System. Why do you say so?
2. Describe briefly each theory on the origin of the Solar System based
on AVP.

What is it?

Read outline statements below showing the features of each theory:

o In this theory, a great comet collided with the sun and threw many great
streams of gas and debris.
o These largest streams of gas moving around the sun shrank into ball-shaped
bodies and became the planets.
o The smaller streams became the satellites.
o Other streams that failed to shrink and remained as comets.
o The surface of the sun was disturbed by the gravitational pull of a rapidly
moving star.
o The gravity of the passing star pulled long like a threadlike streams gas from
the sun and cooled and formed solid particles called planetesimals.
o The gravitational attraction and collision forming the planets and their
o This theory begins with a cigar-shaped filament of hot gases pulled from the
sun by the gravity of a larger passing star.
o The passing star had a powerful tidal effect of the sun.
o The filament fragmented to form the planets – the central portion gave rise
to the large planets while the ends provided the material for the smaller
o The satellites were formed from the tidal effect exerted by the sun on the
newly born planets.
o This theory assumed that that the sun and a “companion” star once formed a
double star.
o The removal of the companion star and the formation of the primitive planets
can be achieved by a collisional encounter with a third star.
o The theory suggested that that a slow rotating nebula, gradually pulled
together by its own gravitational force and flattened into a spinning disk and
formed the solar system.
o The universe was entirely filled with swirling matter in various states.
o The sun by its rotation caused the swirling matter to be concentrated in
vortices that carry the planets around the sun on their orbits.

TASK 3: Based on the description of each theory on the origin of the Solar system,
make a simple illustration of each showing how the Solar system was formed. Do this
in a standard sized (short) bond paper.
C. Engagement What’s more?

TASK 4: How does the formation of the Solar system affect you in your
daily activities?

What can I do?

TASK 5: Look and analyze at the figure below

Based on the previous activities, explain from the figure how the solar system was
formed. What theory is being explained on that figure? Why do you say so?

What other enrichment activities can I engage in?

TASK 6: Submit a brief report on these questions.

Is the Solar System unique or rare? What is the possibility of finding a similar system
within the Milky Way Galaxy? What about an Earth like planet?

What have I learned?

TASK 7: Write a short story about space travel within the solar system. The science
fiction must still contain a plot and characters that are scientifically plausible. Use the
elements of a short story.
Below is the Rubric for writing a short story.

D. Assimilation

What can I do?

The learners will answer the Assessment provided in the module.

The learners in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their personal insights
about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that _________________________________________________
I realize that ______________________________________________________
Prepared and Submitted by CHERRINA D. AGUILA
Principal I

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