The Colonization of Africa by European Powers Was Necessitated by Sever Factors Not Only Political or Economic But Also Social

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The colonization of Africa by European powers was necessitated by sever factors not only

political or economic but also social, religious, humanitarian and technological reasons. European

countries like Brittan, France, and Germany have witnessed an emergence of industrial revolution

which brought a rapid change in the socio-economic transformation and technology of the European

countries. This later led to an increase in production which made European imperialists push into

Africa. However the interest was not fueled by only economic objectives, but also social and political


Economically speaking, Europeans was in need for raw materials as it became increasingly hard or

difficult for the agriculture to satisfy the demand for raw materials required in the industries. British,

for example, went outside the country to look for additional raw materials. Another economic reason

was the need for market not only for the production of raw material, but for food to sustain the

increasing population. Socially, the feeling by Europeans that Africans were inferior led them to

colonize them. Africa was regarded as a dark continent and Europeans had to civilize them by

colonization. Moreover, Europe had become over populated and excess population was resettled in

Africa resulting in colonization. Among the political factors that led to the scramble for Africa was

nationalism, placing of one’s country above others. Colonies were a sign of state’s supremacy; for

instance, Germany and Italy on the hand acquired colonies to increase their political status and have a

chance to engage in international affairs. Another instance, Bismarck who summoned for the Berlin

conference in 1884 where effective colonization was agreed upon.

In a conclusion colonialism shaped both the economic and political structure of African colonies

to be in line with the metropolis. It ensured that African economic and political structures both in form

and content serve the interest of Europeans. Colonialism; therefore, in all intents and purposes was a

disservice Africa.

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