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The ever enlarging Material Medica , which contains the vast symptoms was
available to practitioners in the form of several repertories , but which their own
philosophies and plans of constructions , the repertories were so voluminous and
complex that the practitioners found it difficult to put them in to day to practice .
So a few practitioners thought that if the rubric found in the repertories were
written on separate pieces of paper , one could quickly glance through them ,
thereby save time and energy.
They started preparing their own chits , diaries & different types of paper
cutting . These finally gave birth to card repertories .
Card repertories have several cards with rubric written on the top with a
group of medicine below for indicating the marks and grades of medicines
different sizes of punches have been used


1888 : William Jefferson Guernsey prepared Guernsey Boenninghausen in 1892.

later it was improved by Dr. H.C. Allen . The number of cards were 2500.
1912 : Dr. Margaret Tyler's Punched Card Repertory is based on Kent's work,
but Dr. Kent did not encourage her to do so. There were 1000 cards.
1913 : Welch and Houston - Loose Punched Card Repertory based on Kent's
Work. There were 134 cards.
1922 : Dr. Field prepared 6,800 cards based mainly on Kent's work. He included
Boger's work also. He could accommodate 360 Drugs, which was
maximum so far.
1928 : Dr. CM. Boger brought out the famous Boger's Card Index Repertory.
This contained a forward by late Dr. L.D. Dhawale.
1948 : Dr. Marcos Jaminez published a simplified repertory , which was
originally prepared by his father Dr. Enrique Jaminez Nunez in 1910,
based on Boenninghausen's work. It has 600 large size cards. He was first
to introduce the evaluation of drugs on the cards.
1950 : J.G. Weiss’s Card repertory
1950: pa Farley’s Spindle Card Repertory has 190 cards & 274 remedies
1950 : Dr. P. Shankaran Prepared & published a card repertory based on
Bogar’s repertory & synoptic key & M.M. & 392 cards & 292 remedies
1959 : Dr. jugal Kishor – Kishore’s card repertory containing 10,000 cards &
more than 600 remedies
1969 : Dr. Braussalian’s card repertory , based on kent containing 1861 cards &
640 medicines
1981 : Dr. B.S. Hatta’s card repertory was published with 602 cards
1984 : Dr. Shashi Mohan Sharma’s card repertory based on kent’s final
General repertory containing 3000 cards & 400 remedies


Name of Repertory Year of No. of cards No .of

Publication Remedies
Guerensy’a card repe. (Boeninghausen 1988 but 2500
slip ) Ist card rep. By Dr. W.J. available in Size 12 1/2”
Guerensy’s 1892 x 12 1/2”
Field card rep. By Dr. Field 1922 6800 360
Brousalian’s card rep. by Dr. 1948 1861 640
P. Shankaran’s card rep. by Dr. P. 1950 420 size 292
Shankaran 7.4 ”x 2.2 ”
Kishor’s card Rep. By Dr. Jugal Kishor 1959 9980 Size 648
9” x 3”
Sharma’s card rep. by Dr. Shashimohan 1984 8000 Size 400
Sharma 7.5 ”x 3.5”


Any card repertory comprises of two subjects: -
1)The Booklet
2)The Cards
The booklet comprises, List of rubrics with there serial numbers or code
numbers. It also contains some philosophical background, introductory topics
about that repertory, List of remedies with their code numbers. Process of working
with illustrations of some cases.
The card of any card repertory designed in following manner - on one
corner, code no. of rubric with their code name. Other side name of card repertory
with publishei names. Remaining portion of card is related with remedies printed
either horizontally or vertically.
Remedies are printed either in Abbreviations or c number form. Principle of
punching on card repertory is only those remedies are punched which are indicated
f01 rubric in respective repertory. In some of the card repel we observe grading of
remedies by different punching
Code no. of rubric / name of rubric
Name of card Repertory
Remedies are printed either in the form of abbreviations or code numbers
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Abise Abis Ac Bell Bry Cina Cha Drs Eph Fer

- Important Generals are used as rubric
- Cards are Employed to determine the likely group of remedies to generals
picture of case
- Numerical evaluation play a little part in this method
- It usually suitable to a chronic case which a prepared with changed but vivid


Using card repertory bases finding out similar remedy by using card
repertory, based on punch system. It is a system of visual sorting of data. It helps
physician by reducing the work °f repertorization. Card repertory is mainly useful
in cases where there are strong generals and weak particular symptoms. There are
card Repertories that are prepared only 3 work to acute cases. That cards repertory
contains only acute symptomatology.
After analysis and evaluation of symptoms according to repertory used
select few more characteristics, peculiar mPtoms of the patients. Convert
those in to rubrics according to card repertory used. Find out the code nurribp
rubrics and cards from 'Card Box.' Arrange the according to their grades
and method used for repertorisati Then match the punch and corners of the cards to
see the hoi to get Similimum against light.
From which hole light is clearly passing that will be remedial code no. And from
which hole light is partially passing that will be another group of remedies. If in a
case no any hole is clearly seen in such case note down the most transilluminant
code number of remedy and study Materia Medica to prescribe most suitable


 It is less time consuming method, one-can repertories with in few minutes
by handling cards.
 It gives nearly similar remedy in short time.
 It helps to know the other related remedies by exact matching.
 It is very easy to handle.
 It is less laborious than that of actual paper and ink repertorization.
 It reduces the eyestrain by reducing the work of repertorization.

 There are only few number of remedies are used on the cards so chances of
missing Similimum.
 There are many symptoms found in actual practice in cards repertory few
number of rubrics are present.
 Grades of medicines are not on the cards so if any body wants to grade he
should refer it in another repertory.
 If the selected numbers of rubrics are many there is problem of blockage so
that there is possibility of indicating the group of remedies.
 In some card repertories, grading of remedy is totally neglected.
 There are repertoires like Jugal Kishore card repertory, which is of very big
in size so difficult to carry at bedside

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