FanPro10664 - Shadowrun - State of The Art 2063

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PNA Vs hal INTRODUCTION a Signs of the Times 40 Matrix Security 90 CRASH COURSE 5 Duels Arcane a Magical Security 90 GENETECH 6 Fltering, 43 Personnel Services 1 ‘Modern Genetics 6 Geomancy a Integration 1 DNA and the Gene 6 Divination 45, Putting It All Together 91 Manipulating OurDNA 8 Game Information 47 Tricks of the Trade 93 Tabula Rasa: Our Genome 9 ‘Sympathetic Magic a7 Game Information 95 Genetics of the Sixth World 9 ‘Signs of the Times 51 CULTURE SHOCK 105 Gengineer Roll Call B ‘Geomancy 53 Crites's Cholce: Top Ten The Mean Gene Machines {3 SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE 34 ‘Albums of 2062 106 Pro Dabblers 14 Guns For Hire 56 ‘Bandwidth: Enhanced Discussion Forum 16 Mission Essentials, 56 Performance 108 Applications of Genetics 18 The Art of War oo Top Ten Trids and Sims Processes, 1B Situation Reports 63 from 2062 109 Substances 2 Mere Hangouts 63 Virtual Light and Magle = 111 Game Information 2 Brothers in Arms 6 ‘Sweet Spots: 2062's Top Genetic Modification Battlefields or Ten Scenes 112 Before Birth 25 Tools of the Trade 68 The “Trx-ster Report 115, Genetic Moxlification ancl The Great Outdoors 68 ‘The Race for the Olympics 116 Ritual Samples 25 Hell on Wheels 70 ‘Sport News: The 2062 Recap 117 Genetic Modification andi Fre in the Hole n ‘Travel Hot Spots 119 Cyberware 26 Game Information n (Christmas among the Genetic Processes 26 Running a Mercenary Stars: Shibanokujl Substances. 29 ‘Campaign n Freefall Resort 119 (CHARMED LIFE: NEW METAMAGIC3 New Equipment n A Night in Athens 124 ‘Magle Theory 101, 32 New Vehicies| 5 Carnavall 123 ‘Sympathetic Magle 34 KEEPING THE RABBLE OUT 9 Game Information, 123 Symbolically Speaking 34 ‘Corporate Security 9 Coffin Clubs: 124 Severing Ritual Links 36 Physical Security 80 Sim-Vironment 124 Turning the Tables 37 Technical Security 3 Sculpts and Cracking 124 Psychometry 30 CSS Infrastructure 3 Getting In and Out 125 | State of the Art: 2063 ‘STATE OF THE ART: 2063 CREDITS WRITING Genetech Eleanor Holmes (Charmed Life: New Metamagie Ellssa Carey Keeping the Rabble Out Peter Millholland Soldiers of Fortune Jon Szeto (Culture Shock ‘Michelle Lyons Additional Writing Rob Boyle, Drew Curtis, Eleanor Holmes, Jamie Houston, Robyn King-Nitschke PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Rob Boyle ‘SHADOWRUN LINE DEVELOPER Rob Boyle EDITING Rob Boyle Elissa Carey Michelle Lyons ‘Art Direction Rob Boyle Cover Art ‘Marc Sasso Cover Design John Bridegroom Layout Jason Vargas Iustration ‘Steve Prescott “Marko Djurdjevie, Klaus Scherwinski PLAYTESTERS Geoff Ball, Michael S. Bobroff, Darryl Cook, Greg Davidson, Robert Ennew, Patrick Goodman, Dan Grendell, Ben Hayes, J. Keith Henry, jon Hollar, James Lane, Damion Milliken, Luke Montoe, Ken Peters, Marvin Pringer, Jon Rela, Cais Shaffer, Rich Tomaso, Malik ‘Toms, James Vaughan, Sebastien Wier, Jakko Westerbeke, james Zeally Shadowrun, State of the Art: 2063 and the WK Games logo are trademarks and/or registered traclemarks of WizKids LLC in the United States and/or other countries. Copyright© 2002 by Wizkids LLC. All Rights Reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, stored In a retrieval sys- tem, or transmitted In any form or by any means, without the prior permis sion in waiting of the Copyright Owner, nor be otherwise circulated In any form ‘other than that in which It is published. Published by: FanPro LLC * 1608 N. Milwaukee * Suite 1008 « Chicago, IL 60647 Printed in the USA. Exclusive booktrade distbution by Osseum Entertainment ( and regional clstibutos ind us online: (Shadowrun questions) itp: /wrww (official Shadowrun website) itp: (FanPro website) hitpi/wwow (Wizkids website) hitp// (online orders and distribution) “State of the Art: 2063 | = State of the Art: 2063 is a new style of Shaciowrun sourcebook that takes a look at the latest nova-hot developments on the ‘cutting edge. The Sixth World is always changing and the shad- ‘ows need to change and adapt to innovative technologies, Unfamiliar magics and original ideas of they'll be swept into the dustbin as relies who couldn't keep up with the double-time march of progress. This book covers new advances in five areas Of particular interest to shadowrunners: genetics, metamagic, ‘mercenary ops, corporate security and mainstream culture. State of the Art: 2063 i presented as a serles of electron- Jc documents posted by Captain Chaos, sysop of the vast Shadowland archive—the number one data haven for shad ‘owmunners to find out what’s going on In the world of ‘Shadowrun, The documents come from a variety of sources, both underground and mainstream, but are directed towards ‘an audience of shadowrunners. These sources are each unique in outlook and perspective, influenced by their own particular prejudices and interests. Each article Is marked up with a run- ring commentary by shadow denizens who add to, revise and. contradict the original post. These inserted comments add Innuendo, allegations, opinions, rumors, misconceptions, mis- information, lies and sometimes even the truth to the informa- tion presented. It is left up to the gamemaster to decide what information is correct and which is just filing, as appropriate to his or her game. The first section, Genetech, delves into the manipulation of ‘metahuman DNA. A range of genetic therapies, processes and _M__ | State of the Art: 2063 substances are detailed, from environmental microadaptation {0 ebola plus. This section updates gengineering material pre- viously presented in the out-oF print sourcebook Shadowtech. The second section, Charmed Life: New Metamagic, cov- fers a wide variety of new metamagical techniques. These Include symbolic links for ritual sorcery, psychometry, arcane duels, geomancy and more. ‘Soldiers of Fortune is the thitd section, providing an overview of how moder mercenaties operate and the jobs they take, as well as some mercenary outfits and hot spots. This Is an update and expansion of material previously pre- sented in Fields of Fire. This section also includes new military gear and vehicles. Following this Is the fourth section, Keeping the Rabble (Out, which explores all of the security methods that corpora- tions use to keep uninvited guests out. This section updates and expands on material previously presented in the out-of- pptint sourcebook Corporate Security Handbook and also Includes some new nanotech and Biometric security systems. The final section, Culture Shock, provides an overview of the latest developments in the music aft, entertainment and sports Industries. It also desesibes several top nightclubs and travel locations and includes @ wealth of plot hooks. Gamemasters can use this Section & fll out the world of Shadowrun in their

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