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Proc report 

Proc mean va proc summary 

Proc transpose (can ask codes for different case)
How to fetch specific no of obs in a table
All the questions:  base SAS: merge, join, about your project, Date function.
Hsbc Interview questions
1 - explain project ( interviewer can raise question in between)
2 - nodup and dup ,other way to remove duplicacy(proc sql-distinct)
3 - merge and join (scenario based question)
4- coalese , coalesec ,intck,intnx,cat,catx
5- how many ways to create macro variable and name them
6 - difference between symput and symputx 
7- difference between evalf and sysevalf
8 - pdv concept and automatic variables 
9- missover and truncover
10-single trailing (@)
11 - how to import raw files
Answer- 1. Infile and dlm options
Proc import options

12- first dot and last dot(scenerio based question )

13- how bank makes profit ( basic banking question)
14 -how we can  generate last month report and last day of the month  ( intnx(month,y,-1)

They will ask you about your projects related questions more.

1. Merge, Concatenation and appending

2. Merge and Joins
3. Different ways to create macro variables
4. Symput
5. How to use all SAS functions in macros?
6. Difference between a function and a macro?
7. Left Join using Datastep Merge
8. Proc Report
9. How to generate reports automatically from a database which is refreshing on daily

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