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1. How do you describe Ana in the selection?

2. Describe Ana’s relationships in school, at home, and in the neighborhood

3. What are Ana’s personal characteristics that made her lovable and popular? Explain each briefly.
4. What do you think are the benefits of developing and maintaining healthy personal relationships
with your peers, parents, and siblings? Explain each briefly.
5. What are some common characteristics of a healthy relationship and an unhealthy relationship?


1. Ana is a leader; she has a good leadership. She is an active person. Kind and approachable,
lovable. She is a role model. She is polite and sweet. She has a pleasant attitude.
2. Ana’s relationships in school, in the neighborhood and even at home is healthy and good. I could
say that people around her is supportive.
3. Awesome - Being Awesome isn't tied in with being the awesome about being well known or
cool. It's about your disposition and trust in yourself as well as other people.
Good Leader - An extraordinary pioneer groups a reasonable vision, is brave, has respectability,
trustworthiness, modesty and clear core interest.
Friendly - Being amicable feels sure and cheerful, with a good interpretation of others,
advancing toward the world as opposed to moving in an opposite direction from it.
Sweet - Continuously be well mannered. Some portion of being sweet implies that you are
respectful and have great habits, even towards those you despise.
Polite - Being pleasant methods monitoring and regarding the sensations of others. Amiability
can and will improve your associations with others, help to fabricate regard and affinity, support
your confidence and certainty, and improve your relational abilities.
4. Individuals who have sound connections are bound to feel more joyful and happy with their
lives. They are more averse to have physical and psychological wellness issues. Solid connections
can: increment your feeling of worth and having a place.
As friendly creatures, the ability to frame and keep up connections is crucial for us and how we
work inside society. It is a vital part to being intellectually solid, and having a positive feeling of
5. Healthy Relationship:
You have Respect
You know your limits
You are open-minded.
It’s positive
Negativity don’t linger

Unhealthy Relationship:
It’s toxic
It’s suffocating
Abuse lingers
The mind is contaminated.
1. What is your understanding about personal relationship? How does it develop?
2. What are some important characteristics of a healthy relationship from the selection?
3. How does healthy relationship create?


1. The idea of individual connections is expansive and changes starting with one individual then
onto the next. Personal Relationships allude to close associations between individuals, shaped
by enthusiastic bonds and interactions. Relationships are not static; they are ceaselessly
developing, and to completely appreciate and profit by them we need abilities, data, motivation,
practice, and social help.
2. It gets a few advantages from them where we need abilities, idea, motivation, practice and
social help. Some significant attributes of a solid relationship from the choice are agreeable,
conscious, and give openings
3. Individual connections are not perpetual. They are created and constantly change over the long

Personal Plan
To have a decent connection with your friends and family needs a decent correspondence. To improve
your own relationship with your family and companions, you ought to do casual banter with them more
Have a date with your grandparents often. Be pleasant to your folks and figure out how to show
restraint. Attempt to be on "the hood side" of your companions and be thoughtful to them and well-
disposed with them and concerning your kin or siblings simply be there for them.

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