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The Middle End

Node Perspective
Console Log & Process stdout
Console Error & Process stderr
Setting Up a Command Line Script
Command Line Arguments
Argument Handling
Reading Files with Path & FS Modules
Asynchronous readFile
Processing File Contents
Processing Input from stdin
Environment Variables
File Handling with Streams
Transform Stream
Outputting a Stream to a File
gzip Compress with zlib
gzip Uncompress with zlib
Determining End of Stream
Asynchronous Cancellation & Timeouts
Asynchronous Q&A
Database & Exercise Setup
Read & Write from Database
Insert into Database Exercise
Insert into Database Solution
Get Database Records
Creating a Web Server
Routing & Serving Static Files
Serving API Endpoint
Fetch Exercise
Fetch Solution
Express JS Routing
Serving Static Files with Express
Custom Routing Middleware
Child Processes
Exit Codes
Child Processes Exercise
Child Processes Solution
Child Processes Q&A
Debugging Node.js
Wrapping Up

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