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ulate Styling Extra Credit Solution 02

Break Time
Form Basics
Using refs Extra Credit Solution 01
Validate lower-case Extra Credit Solution 02
Control the Input Value Extra Credit Solution 03
Rendering Arrays
Render Arrays Solution
Focus demo Extra Credit Solution 01
React Fundamentals Outro
React Hooks Welcome
useState: greeting
Set State in React Solution
Set Initial Values Through Props Extra Credit Solution
useEffect: persistent state
localStorage useEffect Solution
Lazy State Initialization Extra Credit Solution 1
Effect Dependencies Extra Credit Solution 2
Custom Hook Extra Credit Solution 3
Flexible localStorage Hook Extra Credit Solution 4
Hooks Flow
Lifting state
Lift State Solution
Colocate State Extra Credit Solution
useState: tic tac toe
Managed and Derived State Solution
Preserve State in localStorage Extra Credit Solution 1
useLocalStorageState Custom Hook Extra Credit Solution 2
Add Game History Feature Extra Credit Solution 3
Class Refactor
useRef and useEffect: DOM interaction
Class Refactor
Break Time
useEffect: HTTP requests
Fetch Data
Handle Errors Extra Credit Solution 1
Use a status Extra Credit Solution 2
Store the State in an Object Extra Credit Solution 3
ErrorBoundary Component Extra Credit Solution 4
Re-mount the ErrorBoundary Extra Credit Solution 5
Use react-error-boundary Extra Credit Solution 6
Reset the ErrorBoundary Extra Credit Solution 7
use resetKeys Extra Credit Solution 8
React Hooks Outro
Advanced React Hooks Welcome
useReducer: simple Counter
Simple Counter Solution
Accept Step as Action Extra Credit Solution 1
setState with Object Extra Credit Solution 2
Object or Function Extra Credit Solution 3
Traditional Dispatch Object Extra Credit Solution 4
useCallback: custom hooks
Extract Logic into Hook Solution
useCallback for Memoization Extra Credit Solution 1
Return Memoized run Function Extra Credit Solution 2
Make safeDispatch Extra Credit Solution 3
useContext: simple Counter
CountProvider Solution
Create a Consumer Hook Extra Credit Solution 1
Caching in Context Provider Extra Credit Solution 2
useLayoutEffect: auto-growing textarea
useLayoutEffect Solution
useImperativeHandle: scroll to top/bottom
Scroll to Top/Bottom Solution
useDebugValue: useMedia
Label useDebugValue Solution
Use the Format Function Extra Credit Solution 1
Advanced React Hooks Outro
Advanced React Patterns Welcome
Context Module Functions
Extract Helper Function Solution
Compound Components
Refactor Toggle Solution
Support DOM Component Children Extra Credit Solution 1
Flexible Compound Components
Extract State into Context Solution
Custom Hook Validation Extra Credit Solution 1
Prop Collections and Getters
Object of Props Solution
Prop Getters Extra Credit Solution 1
State Reducer
Inversion of Control Solution
Default State Reducer Extra Credit Solution 1
State Reducer Action Types Extra Credit Solution 2
Control Props
Control State with on and onChange Solution
Add Read Only Warning Extra Credit Solution 1
Add a Controlled State Warning Extra Credit Solution 2
Extract Warnings to a Custom Hook Extra Credit Solution 3
Don't Warn in Production Extra Credit Solution 4
Advanced React Patterns Outro
React Performance Welcome
Code Splitting
Code Split Solution
Eager Loading Extra Credit Solution 1
Webpack Magic Comments Extra Credit Solution 2
Suspense Position
Coverage Tool
useMemo for Expensive Calculations
Wrap a Function in useMemo Solution
Production Mode Extra Credit Solution 1
getItems Web Worker Extra Credit Solution 2
React.memo for Reducing re-renders
Memoize Components Solution
Custom Comparator Extra Credit Solution 1
Primitive Values Extra Credit Solution 2
Window Large Lists with react-virtual
Render Large Lists Solution
Optimize Context Value
Memoize Context Value Solution
Separate the Contexts Extra Credit Solution 1
Fix Perf Death by a Thousand Cuts
Colocate State Solution
Separate Contexts Extra Credit Solution 1
Consuming Components Extra Credit Solution 2
Slice of App State Extra Credit Solution 3
Use recoil Extra Credit Solution 4
Production Performance Monitoring
Add Performance Monitoring Solution
Use Trace API Extra Credit Solution 1
React Performance Outro
Testing React Apps Welcome
Simple Test with ReactDOM
Render Counter Component Solution 1
Test Counter Component Solution 2
Increment and Decrement Buttons Solution 3
Cleaning up Test Environments Solution 4
Add use dispatchEvent Extra Credit Solution 1
Simple Test with React Testing Library
Rendering Solution 1
Firing Events Solution 2
Accretions Extra Credit Solution 1
Avoid Implementation Details
Screen Utility Solution
Browser Interactions Extra Credit Solution 1
Form Testing
Exposes a Debug Method to Test Elements Solution 1
Jest Mock Solution 2
Abstract Variables Extra Credit Solution 1
Jest Mock Functions Extra Credit Solution 2
Generate Test Data Extra Credit Solution 3
Allow for Overrides Extra Credit Solution 4
Mocking HTTP Requests
Mock Service Worker Solution 1
Mocked Responses Solution 2
Reuse Server Request Handlers Extra Credit Solution 1
Unhappy Path Extra Credit Solution 2
Use Inline Snapshots Extra Credit Solution 3
Use One-off Server Handlers Extra Credit Solution 4
Mocking Browser APIs and Modules
Mock Geolocation Solution 1
Act Function Solution 2
Mock the module Extra Credit Solution 1
Context and Custom Render Method
Wrapper Component Solution
Dark Theme Extra Credit Solution 1
Render Method Extra Credit Solution 2
App Test Utils Extra Credit Solution 3
Testing Custom Hooks
Test Functionality of Custom Hook Solution
Fake Component Extra Credit Solution 1
Setup Function Extra Credit Solution 2
Using React-Hooks Testing Library Extra Credit Solution 3
Testing React Apps Outro
React Suspense Welcome
Concurrent Mode
Simple Data-Fetching
React.Suspense Solution
Handle Error with Error Boundary Extra Credit Solution 1
Make More Generic createResource Extra Credit Solution 2
Use utils Extra Credit Solution 3
Render as You Fetch
Refactor PokemonInfo Solution
Error Boundary Positioning Extra Credit Solution 1
startTranistion and isPending Solution
Use CSS Transitions Extra Credit Solution 1
Avoid Flash of Loading Content Extra Credit Solution 2
Cache Resources
Cache an Object Solution
Put Cache in Context Extra Credit Solution 1
Create a Context Provider Extra Credit Solution 2
Add Cache Timeout Extra Credit Solution 3
Suspense Image
Suspend an Image Component Solution
Avoid Waterfall Extra Credit Solution 1
Render as You Fetch Extra Credit Solution 2
Suspense with a Custom Hook
Create a Custom Suspense Hook Solution
Reuse Pre-Built Hook Extra Credit Solution 1
Coordinate Suspending Components with SuspenseList
Load States Solution
React Suspense Outro
Build an Epic React App Welcome
Walkthrough of Project Setup
Render a React App
Render Logo and Title Solution
Use @reach/dialog Extra Credit Solution 01
Create a LoginForm Component Extra Credit Solution 02
Add Styles
Style a Button with Variants Solution 01
Style Input and Formgroup Solution 02
Style with Emotion CSS Prop Solution 03
Use the Emotion Macro Extra Credit Solution 01
Use Colors and Media Queries File Extra Credit Solution 02
Make a Loading Spinner Component Extra Credit Solution 03
Make HTTP Requests
Query Data with useEffect Solution 01
Query Data with useEffect Solution 02
Handle Failed Requests Extra Credit Solution 01
Use the useAsync Hook Extra Credit Solution 02
Wire up Authentication Solution
User Data on Page Load Extra Credit Solution 01
Use useAsync Extra Credit Solution 02
Automatically Logout on 401 Extra Credit Solution 03
Support Posting Data Extra Credit Solution 04
Handle Routing Solution
Handle URL Redirects Extra Credit Solution-01
Add useMatch to Highlight the Active Nav Item Extra Credit Solution-02
Cache Management
Create listItems with React Query useMutation Solution 01
View listItems with React Query useQuery Solution 02
Remove listItems with useMutation Solution 03
Update listItems with useMutations Solution 04
View listItem Data in BookRow with useQuery Solution 05
Update a Book Rating with useMutation Solution 06
Refactor useAsync to useQuery Solution 07
Load and Persist Book Data with useQuery Solution 08
Query with useQuery for listItems in ListItemList Solution 09
Clear queryCache on User Logout Solution 10
Create useBookSearch Custom Hook Extra Credit Solution 01-01
Create a useBook Custom Hook Extra Credit Solution 01-02
Create useListItem(s) Custom Hook Extra Credit Solution 01-03
Reuse Mutation Logic in a Custom Extra Credit Solution 01-04
Reuse Custom Hooks to Reduce Code Extra Credit Solution 01-05
Create and Remove Custom Hook Extra Credit Solution 01-06
useMatch: highlight active nav item Extra Credit Solution 02
Show Error When Request Fails Extra Credit Solution 03-01
React Query Custom Error Handling Extra Credit Solution 03-02
Add a Loading Spinner for the Notes Extra Credit Solution 04
Prefetch the Book Search Query Extra Credit Solution 05
Add Books to the Query Cache Extra Credit Solution 06
Add Optimistic Updates and Recovery Extra Credit Solution 07
Create and Provide an AuthContext Solution 01
Grab a Value from Context in a Hook Solution 02
Use Context Value in ListItem Hooks and AuthenticatedApp Solution 03
Expose User Context Value to refetchBookSearchQuery Solution 04
Create a useAuth Hook Extra Credit Solution 01
Create an AuthProvider Component Extra Credit Solution 02
Colocate Global Providers Extra Credit Solution 03
Create a useClient Hook Extra Credit Solution 04
Compound Components
Create Compound Components for a Flexible Modal Solution
Add callAll Extra Credit Solution 01
Create ModalContentsBase Extra Credit Solution 02
Improve the Time to First Meaningful Paint Solution
Prefetch the Authenticated App Extra Credit Solution 01
Memoize Context Extra Credit Solution 02
Custom React.Profiler to Moninitor App Extra Credit Solution 03-01
Add Metadata and Profile Book Screen Extra Credit Solution 03-02
List Item List and Discover Sceen List Extra Credit Solution 03-03
Add Profiling to Production Builds Extra Credit Solution 03-04
Add Interaction Tracing Extra Credit Solution 04-01
Profile All Updates in an Interaction Extra Credit Solution 04-02
Render as You Fetch
Fetch User before AuthProvider Mounts Solution
Preload All Initial Data Extra Credit Solution 01
Unit Testing
Test formatDate Solution 01
Set up a Server to Test Requests Solution 02
Test if a Request has an Auth Header Solution 03
Client Request Config Overrides Solution 04
POST by Default when Body Present and Stringified Solution 05
Automatic Log Out on 401 Error Extra Credit Solution 01-01
Ensure Promise Rejects on Error Extra Credit Solution 01-02
Use setupTests.js Extra Credit Solution 02
Testing Hooks and Components
Modal Compound Components Solution 01
Set up useAsync Test with renderHook Solution 02
State Solution 07
Can Set the Data Solution 08
No State Updates if Unmounted Solution 09
Call run without Promise Errors Solution 10
AHA Testing Extra Credit Solution 01
Integration Testing
Render the Application with AppProviders Solution 01
Wait for Loading Element to Be Removed Solution 02
Reverse-engineer AuthProvider and Log In Solution 03
Render a Book Page in a Test Solution 04
Test What UI Elements are Present Solution 05
Isolate Tests by Cleaning up State and Cache Solution 06
Create Mock msw Server Extra Credit Solution 01
Write Second Integration Test Extra Credit Solution 02
Abstract Functionality Extra Credit Solution 03-01

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