DLL #7 ACCTNG. Maj. Accts. & Book of Accts

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Teaching Dates & Time: 09 - 12 Jan. 2017 / 12:30 - 1:30 pm
Learning Area: ABM - ACCOUNTING

9-Jan 10-Jan 11-Jan 12-Jan

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
1. The 5 Major Accounts: 2. The 2 Major Types of Book of Accounts -
Assets, Liabilities, Capital Journal & Ledger
Income & Expenses

B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to:

1. Define, identify & classify 2. Differentiate a Journal from a Ledger & identify the types
accounts according to the Journals & Ledgers
5 Major Types

C. Learning Competencies/ 1. Discuss the 5 Major Accts. 1. Identify the uses of the 2 3. Illustrate the format of a
Objectives ABM_FABM11-IIId-e-19 Books of Accounts General & Subsidiary
2. Cite examples of each ABM_FABM11-IIId-e-22 Ledger
type of account 2. Illustrate the format of a ABM_FABM11-IIId-e-24
ABM_FABM11-IIId-e-20 General & Special Journals
3. Prepare a Chart of Accounts ABM_FABM11-IIId-e-23

II. CONTENT Chapt 8: Types of Major Chapt.: Book of Accounts


III. LEARNING RESOURCES blackboard, chalk, copy of lecture handouts, powerpoint presentation (if available), Journal & Ledger Papers

IV. REFERENCES Simplified Accounting for Sole Proprietorship - Abeleda, pp.

pp. 144 - 156 pp. 164 - 171

IV. PROCEDURES Recall and discussion of the past lesson:

A. Review of the past lesson The class will individually The students will identify the
give examples of Assets, category of each sample given
Liabilities & Owner's Equity of Major Accounts
on the blackboard
B. Establishing a purpose for Classification is the main key All companies uses an accounting information system to
the lesson for the orderly operations of collect & process data and to communicate it to users of
the company. If it were not financial statements. It maintains books of accounts where
for proper handling - fixed where all its financial information are recorded and kept.
assets maintenance & strong
cash & receivables mngt.
all of the company's operations
would have fallen into a
complete mess.

C. Continuation of the Past Book of Accounts -

Lesson Journal & Ledger Application Exercises

D. Presentation of the new Using the powerpoint presen- The teacher will show copies
lesson tation, the teacher will show of actual Journal & Ledger
and explain the 5 Major ledgers and discuss their
Accounts functions/uses & differences,
including other special journals

D. Generalization/Summary The students will give their own insights/views of what & how they understand the lesson

E. Application Solving business transactions The students will practice how Solve Exercise - pp. 189-190 Problem Solving
involving the 5 Maj. Accts. to use/write in a Journal & pp. 190 - 194
using the Acctg. Equation Ledger

F. EVALUATION Quiz #6 Quiz #7

V. ASSIGNMENT Study the 2 Books of Accounts Study and analyze the transactions using Journal & Ledger

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