Unit 5a - Vocabulary

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a Match the feelings and the situations. a Match the strong adjectives describing feelings with their
I J 'I'm very offended /a1fend1d/.'
2 'I feel a bit homesick /'h;:)ums1k/.' astonished /g'stomft/ bewildered /br'wlidgd/ de11.gb.ted /d1 'la1t1d/
3 'I'm a bit disappointed /d1s;'.)1p::nnt1d/.' desperate /'desp;;ir;;it/ devastated /'dev;;iste1t1d/ horrified / 1honfa 1d/
4 'I'm very lonely /'l~mn li/.' overwhelmed /guv;;i'welmd/ stunned /stAnd/ thrilled /8nld/

5 'I'm incredibly proud /praud/.' I "-'-'-'-"'-'"'-'-"-'-'-_ very surprised and unable to move or react
6 'I'm really nervous /'n3:vas/.' 2 _ _ _ _ extremely upset
7 'I'm very grateful /1gre1tfl/.' 3 _ _ _ _ incredibly pleased
8 'I'm shocked /Jokt/.' 4 _ _ __ very excited
9 'I'm so relieved /n'li:vd/.' 5 _ _ _ _ (amazed) /very surprised
10 'I feel a bit guilty /'grlti/.' 6 _ _ _ _ with little hope, and ready to do anything to improve
A You discover that you have a brother you the situation
had never known about. 7 _ ___ feeling such strong emotions that you don't know how
B You haven't visited your grandparents for a to react
long time. 8 _ _ _ _ extremely confused
C A stranger gives you a lot of help with a 9 _ _ _ _ extremely shocked or disgusted
D You are abroad and you think someone has p Modifiers with strong adjectives
stolen your passport, but then you find it. Remember you can't use a bit, quite, or very with these adjectives.
NOT f was very astonished. If you want to use an intensifier, use
E You don't get a job you were hoping to get. really I absolutely I totally I completely.
F You go to study abroad and you're missing
your family and friends. b 3 >)) Listen and check.
G You move to a new tow n and don't have any
H You are going to talk in public for the first 3 INFORMAL OR SLANG WORDS AND
I Someone in your family wins an important
prize. a Look at the hig lighted words and phrases and try to work out
their meaning.
J A friend doesn't invite you to his wedding.
1 B I was scarea stiff when I heard the bedroom door opening
p fed up and upset /skedd st1f/.
fed up= bored or frustrated and unhappy 2 You look a bit Clown. What's the problem?
(especially with a situation which has gone on
3 I'm absolutely shattered. I want to relax and put my feet up I
too long)
I'm really fed up with my job. I think I'm going 'Jretad/.
to quit. 4 I was completely gobsmacked when I heard that Tina was
upset = unhappy when something bad getting married /'gobsmrekt/!
5 I'm sick of hearing you complain about your job.
Kate was terribly upset when her dog
disappeared. 6 When he missed that penalty I was absolutely gutteCl / 9At1d/. 1

b Match the words and phrases to the feelings.

b 3 2 >)) Listen and check.
A sad or depressed D exhausted
B terrified E fed up or irritated
C very disappointed F astonished
c 3 4 >)) Listen and check.

~ p.45

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