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You’ve carried this baby for months, acquired

more tiny clothes than your baby could ever

wear, decorated the perfect baby room, and
picked out the perfect name. You’ve anticipated
the moment of meeting your child. Wondered
what your little one would look like. You have
.. imagined the moments you would share
together, what you would teach this new being.
Treatment and Management You’ve felt the love, fears, and excitement of
becoming a new parent. You’ve planned,
Signs and Symptoms Postpartum depression waited, and watched your belly grow, eager for
Postpartum depression is often treated with that important moment when you finally get to

Postpartum psychosis
counseling and medication prescribed by your Post Partum
meet your baby.
doctor. With appropriate treatment postpartum
 Paranoid or bizarre delusions usually goes away within a few months. Depression
 Severe mood swings
 Confused thinking
 Recognize Know the signs and seek
 Disorganized behavior that treatment from your doctor “
results in a dramatic change
 Help Don’t be afraid to ask family and
from previous functioning
friends for help. Needing help does not “Can this happen to me?”
 Is a danger to herself and her make you a bad mother. A new baby can
baby be very overwhelming.
 Counseling Through counseling, you can
Prevention /Risk Factors find better ways to cope with your feelings,
It is important for the mother and solve problems and set realistic goals.
families to be educated on signs and  Antidepressants Antidepressants are a
symptoms of postpartum depression proven treatment for postpartum
so it can be caught early and treated. depression. If you're breast-feeding, it's
important to know that any medication you
You have a greater risk of getting take will enter your breast milk. However,
postpartum depression if: some antidepressants can be used during
breast-feeding with little risk of side effects
 You've had depression or for your baby. Consult with your doctor to
postpartum depression find out if this is for you.
 You have poor support from Heidi Pye SPN
your partner, friends, or Arkansas State University
 You have a sick or colicky
 You have a lot of other stress
in your life. depression
Medical- Surgical Nursing Seventh Edition

Foundations of Nursing Third Edition

Signs and Symptoms
What is Postpartum Depression?
Postpartum depression (PPD) is a form of clinical
depression seen in mothers who have recently
Postpartum Blues
given birth. It is linked to chemical, social, and
psychological changes associated with having a  Crying for no known reason
baby. There is more than one type of PPD.  Fatigue, anxiety, restlessness
 Headache
 Sadness
Post partum blues or “baby blues” is not PPD and
is much more common. It typically affects women 3
Mild PPD
days after giving birth and goes away after about 2
weeks.  Cares lovingly for infant but
does not feel love.
Your baby is finally here and you have been
 Irritability, guilt , shame
overwhelmed with your love for your new baby. Postpartum depression is similar to “baby blues”
At the same time, you might find yourself  Unworthiness
but is more serious, intense, and persistent.
sitting on the couch in the middle of the Approximately 12% of new mothers experience  Sense of a loss of self
afternoon, still in your pajamas in desperate more severe symptoms. PPD is further classified into
need of a shower, but too exhausted to get up. mild, moderate, and severe PPD. Moderate PPD
You see dishes in the sink, dirty laundry piling  Spontaneous crying
high, and flies circling the offensive odor  Insomnia (inability to sleep)
Postpartum psychosis is the most dangerous form
coming from your overflowing trashcan. The  Hypersomnia (sleeping too
of depression in a new mother. It occurs in 1/1000
tears might start to flow as you wonder when much)
births usually within the first 2-4 weeks of delivery
you'll get more than an hour and a half of sleep but can happen in as early as 2-3 days of postpartum.  Fatigue
at a time. You are wondering when you are  Decreased concentration
going to have the time or energy to get out of  Food Cravings
the house. You stare at your flabby belly and
glare at your skinny jeans that your thighs may Severe PPD
never see again. You hear your baby cry and  Uncontrollable crying
continue to sit wishing you could just leave.  Violent outbursts often
Feelings of anger and resentment fill your directed toward significant
mind as you finally muster the energy to check others
on your baby. Why am I having these  Will not discuss negative
thoughts? A fear of being discovered to be a feelings toward infant
bad mother may be lurking in the back of your  Disinterest
mind. Is this baby blues or postpartum  Annoyance of care demands
depression?  Thoughts of harming infant
Depression is not a flaw or weakness. It is not
your fault. It is sometimes a complication of
giving birth. Knowing the signs and getting
treatment can help so that you can manage
your symptoms and enjoy your baby.

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