Student Name: Student ID:: Date: 8 /3/ 2021

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Student Name: Student ID:

Date: 8 /3/ 2021

The in-course final project is a summative assessment for both lecture and laboratory. This assessment is an
enrichment and application of the learned concepts and principles on the various topics using simulation.
Concept application will be in problem solving, ray diagramming/ray tracing method and in data presentation
which involve critical thinking, analysis, and interpretation. This course requirement will attain the following
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs): (C2) use advanced knowledge and understanding of the
fundamental principles of heat, waves, mirrors and lenses, and relativity; (C3) construct ray diagrams and other
mathematical representations to describe lenses; (C4) investigate the concepts in solving problems on heat,
waves, lenses and relativity; (C5) analyze the effects of heat, waves, lenses, and relativity; (C6) evaluate the
validity of results on the application of heat, waves, lenses and relativity; (C7) work functionally and effectively
as an individual or in a team to conduct virtual experiment using simulations, analyze and interpret data; and
(C8) demonstrate scientific literacy in writing, computing, and presenting reports. (Password: icpcphys3)

(1) Search for simulation(s) and/or combine with the same simulations used in class on the following topics:
a. Heat Transfer and Newton’s Law of Cooling
b. Waves and Their Properties
c. Thin Lenses (ray diagrams are required as basis for data)
d. The Postulates of Special Theory of Relativity
e. Electromagnetic Waves
f. Spherical Mirrors (ray diagrams are required as basis for data)
g. Consequences of Special Relativity
h. Velocity Addition
(2) Use the simulations, screenshot and save
(3) Create two (2) hypothetical problems from the simulated data
(4) Use calculus in all the analysis of the problems, rubric will be used in marking
(5) You may work individually, by pair, or a 3-member team; all members will submit in Moodle individually if worked
by pair or team
(6) Free style, hand-written or typed single space, font 12
(7) Use the Assessment Code: ICPC as file name for submission
(7) Submission in Moodle will be Week 10 – March 28 to April1
Source(s) of Data
10 – Match of data as basis for the problems from the chosen simulation(s); decreasing mark for every missing item
Problem Solving:
5- calculus based, logical solution (identified known and unknown variables, formula, substitution of values), and final answer; 4-
calculus based, solution (identified known and unknown variables, formula, substitution of values, and final answer; 3-
calculus based, solution (identified known and unknown variables, formula, substitution of values), and final answer); 2-
calculus based, formula and substitution of values with answer; 1- calculus based, any correct answer; 0- Incorrect
answer/No answer
Electromagnetic Waves


Some applications require radiation characteristics that may not be achieved by a single component. The
arrangement of the elements in space can be such that the elements add up to give maximum radiation in a
specific direction or minimum radiation in other directions. To study the dependence of field distribution on the
number and location of sources and field components E x1 , E y 1 , E z 1 , H x 1 , H y ∧H 2 Use FDTD for calculations.
In this study, we compared two models. The first model models the signals generated by three signal sources
placed in the same location, and the second model places the signal sources in three locations.

In electromagnetic problems, many methods can be used, such as the method of moments (MOM), the
transmission line matrix (TLM) method and the time difference finite field method. FDTD is a time-domain
numerical method that can be used to numerically solve differential equations. It is a computer simulation
technology that has become the most popular and powerful method for solving Maxwell's equations in the time
domain. FDTD was first proposed by K.S. Yee in 1966. The Yee unit shown in Figure 1 has the following
features: as shown in Figure 1, an electric field is defined on the edge of the cube, and a magnetic field is
defined on the surface of the cube. The problem space will be transformed into a regular grid of small Yee cells.
This method directly discretizes the low points of Ampere and Faraday into a system of differential equations
based on electric and magnetic fields. It aims to calculate instantaneous spatial discrete electric fields and
spatial discrete magnetic fields.

It is a direct realization of the time-dependent Maxwell equation. This method is used to solve Maxwell’s curl
equation, which can be written as:

In the magnetic field strength (t is time, x, y, z are space coordinates), μ0is the magnetic permeability, and ε 0 is
the permittivity of free space. Yee cell is used for FDTD technology, this method can also be used for very
complex non-uniform dielectric structure
Figure 1: A standard Cartesian Yee cell

(A) and the geometric relationship between the E and H fields in the cell: (E electric field edge center and H
magnetic field face the center)

(B). FDTD cubic grid has N x × N y × N z cube cells and N x × N y × N z corner nodes. A three dimensional space
lattice consists of a multiplicity of such Yee cells (C)

The nodal electric field is located exactly in the middle position between the magnetic field nodes, as shown in
Figure 1. You can use the surrounding magnetic field components to calculate the electric field, and you can
also calculate the magnetic field from the surrounding electric field components. The finite difference
approximation of the x component of equations (1) and (2) can be written as:

The y and z field components have similar expressions. These are called update equations,
show that the future rate of and rely on previous values and neighboring electric and magnetic fields. It can be
seen that the dividing line between the future value and the past value has moved forward one and a half time
steps. Therefore, half-battery and half-time steps are necessary.
This work uses the FDTD method based on Yee's cells and formulations. The purpose of this calculation is to
simulate the three-dimensional propagation of pulses in free space.

In addition, the work has focused on modeling the electromagnetic waves generated by the three emission
signal sources to evaluate the influence of adding more sources on the electromagnetic wave distribution.

The most important feature of the simulation is the ability to show how the generated field depends on the
location of the source. It can be assumed that the point source will act as a radiation field for a short dipole that
generates waves in free space. In this study, the excitation source is located in the center of the FDTD domain.

Results and Discussion:

Use Gaussian pulses to calculate 22 time steps on the same grid. You can add three excitation sources in the program
and assign them as E z , E yAnd E z In addition, the E and H fields are calculated pixel by pixel for each time step. The
calculation is represented by images in three planes (x-y, x-z and y-z).

The simulation shows that the signal is distributed everywhere in free space. It is observed that these fields behave as
small dipoles emitting signals in three dimensions. The simulations in Figures 3, 4, and 5 show that the distribution of the
magnetic field has been affected when excited at three locations. In addition, in the two simulations, the magnetic field
and electric field are simultaneously generated by three sources. As shown in the figure, these fields add to each other
and cancel each other out in some pixels. This is due to the removal of the signal when adding the images together and
from the combination of propagating waves.

The images below represent the fields point by point. The figure shows the fields of the six components In addition, the
components in the three slices that are close to each other are calculated and then can be compared.
Figure 3 Shows the 3D FDTD simulation: the space has been excited by the Gaussian source in the center of the
space: (slice = 1), identification of the electric (V/m) and magnetic fields (A/m) x-y, y-z and the excited x-z
plane. The three sources at the same location (A) are also the three sources at three locations (B).
Figure 4: Declare the 3D FDTD simulation: electrical (slice 2 )mapping (V/m) and magnetic fields (A/m) in the
x-y, y-z and x-z planes after excitation. Three sources situated in the such location (A) and as well placed in
three locations (B).
Figure 5: shows 3D FDTD simulation: slice 3 mapping of the electric (V/m) and magnetic fields (A/m) in the x-
y, y-z and x-z planes Three sources Found in the same Area (A) and also located in three locations (B).

In this study, the FDTD numerical method was used to calculate the electromagnetic field. This method can
solve models that are difficult or impossible to achieve using analytical methods. Therefore, an important
observation is the electric and magnetic fields generated by voxels in a small box. However, three existing
electromagnetic wave sources have been added, which are distributed everywhere in space. All interactions
between energy sources involve the transfer of energy to free space. It is worth noting that traveling waves will
interfere with each other. It is observed that when three sources are emitted from the same location,
electromagnetic waves have very good uniformity. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the simulation can
control the location of sources that may affect the distribution and uniformity of the field.

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