Marketing Your Store With Facebook

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Marketing your Store

with Facebook
Marketing with
Facebook… how
do I do it, and why
should I do it?
Facebook is an excellent platform for finding new customers. A
personal Facebook profile is great for announcing your store to your
friends and family, who can help you to share it around - you never
know who will want to buy your images as prints! Alongside your
personal profile, you can also create a Facebook business page - an
extra platform for new customers to discover your photography. This
guide contains all you need to know about successfully marketing
your store on your personal and business profiles!
Three tips to success
Build. Before you start trying to make sales through social media, you
need to put some time into making your social media profiles look as
good as they can, by fully completing your profiles and posting some
engaging, beautiful content.

Grow. Once you’re set up and posting regularly, it’s time to start
growing. This step can take some time, but can also be a lot of fun
along the way. Post your best work, share interesting content you
create or find, engage with others, and take part in conversations.

Sell. As you continue to post and grow, the right people will start to
notice your business. At this point you can also start engaging with
people you see as potential customers. The more you grow, the easier
it will be to find buyers, and for buyers to find you.
First things first:
let your friends and
family know!
The first thing you should do after creating your Picfair store is share
it on your personal Facebook profile - let your existing network
of friends and family know that they can now buy your images as
downloads & prints! Make an announcement post that links to your
new store. Ask your friends and family to share it to reach even more
people! Make sure you keep them updated with any new images you
add, too.
Create a Business
A Business Page is different to your personal Facebook profile, and has
lots of features to help you promote your photography business. And
it’s free!

Make sure the username you choose for your Business Page is
consistent with all your other social media profiles (there’s more on
this in our Marketing your store with Social Media guide)

For instructions on how to create a Facebook Business Page, go to
First things first:
let your friends and
family know!
The first thing you should do after creating your Picfair store is share
it on your personal Facebook profile - let your existing network
of friends and family know that they can now buy your images as
downloads & prints! Make an announcement post that links to your
new store. Ask your friends and family to share it to reach even more
people! Make sure you keep them updated with any new images you
add, too.

Dean Bradshaw is a popular photographer on Facebook with an excellent, simple logo for his
profile picture and an eye-catching image for his cover photo. Great choices - https://www.
Link to your store!
The main focus of social media marketing is to get people to visit and
buy from your store, so make sure you link to it in the contact details
section of your Business Page.

Choose a call to
Facebook lets you choose a ‘Call to Action’ button that will be
displayed on your Business Page. We suggest choosing ‘Shop Now’ and
linking to your Picfair store. This makes it easy for potential buyers to
get to your store.
What to post
The obvious answer is to post your photography, and that’s right - you
should be showing off lots of your best work. That’s not all you should
post though. People who follow your page will get bored quickly if
you’re constantly giving a sales pitch.

Facebook is a great platform for sharing content - whether it’s

interesting articles related to your work, tips and tricks, videos,
opinions on new gear, etc. It’s also a great place to ask questions and
start conversations.

We suggest a 1:5 ratio of promoting your own store versus posting

about other things. This will ensure your followers don’t see you as
just a self promoter, and they’ll be more likely to listen when you do
promote your store.

Aim for 1-2 posts a day, and when you promote your own images, only
post your best stuff. First impressions really count on social media.
Customers are more likely to judge you on your worst image than your

Make sure to share everything you post on your business page on your
personal profile too, so that your friends and family can also see and
share it.
Invite people to like
your Business page
After you’ve made a few posts on your Business Page, you can use
Facebook’s invite function to invite your friends from your personal
profile to like your business page. Liking a Business Page is the same
as adding a friend - it means their content will start appearing in your
news feed.

Instructions on how to invite people to like your page are here: https://
Get reviews
Make sure to ask people who have purchased your images or prints
to review you on your Facebook business profile. A good selection of
5 star reviews can really encourage new potential buyers to work with

This wedding photographer has a fantastic selection of reviews, ensuring any new
customers will be confident working with him! -
Schedule posts Keep an event
Facebook lets you schedule posts ahead of time, meaning you don’t Make the most of annual events or big news stories to gain more
have to be constantly connected to keep a steady stream of content exposure for your posts. For example, Picfair prints make excellent
flowing. presents, so be sure to post about your best images for sale in the
run-up to Christmas, when people are likely to be looking for presents
You can find instructions on how to schedule posts here: https://www. for their friends and family!
National Day Calendar is a great website to keep track of upcoming
national days (from little known days such as National Pie Day, to big
holidays like Easter). You will often find these days trending on social
media, so it’s easy to take advantage and post any relevant images
you have and reach a wider audience than usual.
Cross-promote Reach out and offer
your services directly
Promote your Facebook Buisness Page on your Instagram and Twitter Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to potential customers. If you
and vice versa to encourage more people to follow you on each have a steady stream of good content, start searching for businesses
platform and local (or even national) publications that you think would be
interested in your photography. For example, if you have an amazing
collection of exercise photos, reach out to gyms with a polite
introductory Facebook message. Being proactive is the best way to
make sales!
Become an
active member of
There are innumerable Facebook groups you can join and follow -
from professional photography groups to groups for amateurs just
starting out! Using the search bar, search for subjects relevant to you
and your photography, and join any groups that pique your interest.
Get involved in conversations there - you’ll be introducing yourself
to a whole new audience, and hopefully you’ll also will pick up new
followers along the way. Most groups allow you to post on behalf of
your Business Page by toggling the Interacting as button when you
post, but if that isn’t permitted, you can still post in groups from your
personal account.
Become an
active member of
There are innumerable Facebook groups you can join and follow -
from professional photography groups to groups for amateurs just
starting out! Using the search bar, search for subjects relevant to you
and your photography, and join any groups that pique your interest.
Get involved in conversations there - you’ll be introducing yourself
to a whole new audience, and hopefully you’ll also will pick up new
followers along the way. Most groups allow you to post on behalf of
your Business Page by toggling the Interacting as button when you
post, but if that isn’t permitted, you can still post in groups from your
personal account.
Bonus: Social Media
Benefits with Picfair
As a Picfair Plus photographer, you get a couple of added social media

When you share individual images from your store to Facebook or

Twitter, it will use the image you’ve shared to generate a beautiful

As a Plus photographer, you also have the benefit of being able to

add links to your social media profiles as icons on every page on your
store, so that any customers can navigate directly from your store to
your social media pages!

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